Just International

Syria News on April 19th, 2012

Al-Moallem and his Chinese Counterpart: Supporting Annan’s Mission and continuing coordination between the two Countries

BEIJING, (SANA)- Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi stressed that the visit of Syrian Foreign and Expatriates  Minister Walid al-Moallem to China is of  “great importance”.

Xinhua, the Chinese News Agency quoted Yang as saying at the beginning of his meeting with al-Moallem on Wednesday that “Today we can exchange opinions on the latest developments of the situation in Syria in a board and intensive way,” expressing the hope to exchange views with al-Moallem  on a number of main regional and international issues.

“I believe that your visit will have positive results,” Yang said.

Ministers  al-Moallem and Yang held important talks in the framework of the high-level consultations Syria is intensively conducting with China about  the crisis in Syria and China’s role at the UN Security Council in supporting Syria’s sovereignty and stability.

Al-Moallem : China’s principled and firm stance in supporting Syria at the international circles restored hope and balance to international policy

Following the talks,Foreign Minister al-Moallem expressed Syria’s leadership and people’s appreciation to China’s principled and firm stance in supporting Syria at the international circles, pointing out that this stance has restored hope and balance to the international policy .

Al-Moallem and Yang discussed the developments of the current situation in the Syrian arena, as al-Moallem presented a review about the recent events in Syria and the efforts exerted by the Syrian Government to make the reform program launched by President Bashar al-Assad a success.

He pointed out to the escalation of the violence acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups including the breaching of  their commitments to the plan of the UN Envoy to Syria, Kofi Anna.

For his part, the Chinese Foreign Minister expressed China’s keenness on the necessity of respecting Syria’s sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.

Al-Moallem and Yang expressed support to Annan’s plan and care on its success, particularly halting the violence acts  and kicking off the process of the political dialogue.

The two sides also  discussed the standing distinguished bilateral relations and means of enhancing them in all fields.

They also stressed keenness on developing the economic cooperation and trade exchange.

In this regard, the Chinese side expressed rejection of the unilateral sanctions imposed by some countries on Syria.

The two sides agreed on the need of continuing coordination and contacts between the two friendly countries.

Earlier, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin said, in a regular press briefing, that invitation of al-Moallem to visit China is a part of China’s efforts to tackle the crisis in Syria.

He expressed China’s readiness to play a pivotal and structural role in finding solution to this crisis in a just, peaceful and appropriate way, pointing out that the leaders of the Syrian opposition would visit China in the near future.

Al-Moallem at Press conference: Syrian Government has committed to cease-fire

Xinhua News Agency quoted al-Moallem as saying at a press conference that he held fruitful and constructive talks with his Chinese counterpart on bilateral relations and the latest developments in Syria as well as Annan’s mission.

“Viewpoints between the two sides were very close.. Syria, as leadership and people, appreciate China’s stances at international circles which stem from the UN principles and rejecting foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs,” al-Moallem said.

He hailed China and Russia stances at the UNSC regarding the crisis in Syria which “restored balance for working at the international circles and preventing the foreign intervention in Syrian affairs.”

Al-Moallem said that he briefed his Chinese counterpart on the interference currently taking place by countries that openly announced determination to fund terrorist, explaining to him the scale of violations carried out by terrorist groups since Syria announced its commitment to ceasing military conflicts.

He noted that Syria is also facing unilateral economic sanctions and an attack through funding terrorists who attack civilians and government forces and vandalize the country’s infrastructure.

He also underlined that Syria has a genuine interest in the arrival of the observers because “our aim is to achieve security and stability for the Syrian people, saying that the observer mission must work within the framework of Syrian sovereignty and in coordination with the Syrian government, adding that Syria welcomed the participation of observers from neutral countries such as Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa.

“The Syrian government has committed to the cease-fire,  released a number of prisoners, handed over the aids to the affected regions.. and we will continue cooperation with the UN Envoy to make his mission a success,” al-Moallem added, indicating to the violations of the armed groups which reached to 70 violations in one day, saying that the government will continue commitment in spite of what is happening and hope so by all sides.

“This commitment never cancels the right of self-defense and respond in a suitable way to the aggressions of the armed terrorist groups on the infrastructure, the civilians, private and public properties,” al-Moallem said.

On the remarks of the UN envoy that 250 observers is not enough and there is a need to use planes and helicopters, Foreign Minister said “we believe that 250 observers is a reasonable number, but we don’t know why they want to use planes… nevertheless, if there is a need for this purpose, Syria will be ready to put its air force at the UN disposal because  helicopters are used to evacuate the wounded… we have equipment at the air force capable to assume this mission.”

Regarding the Syrian refugees, Minister al-Moallem considered it a fabricated problem intended to materializing the ”humanitarian corridors” and ”buffer zones” announced by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that paves the way to a military intervention in the Syrian affairs.

”Some families were forced to leave their homes by terrorist groups after Turkey set up camps few months earlier, ” said al-Moallem, indicating that the Syrian government issued a statement last week calling upon the Syrian refugees to return to their homes, and voicing readiness to support them in getting back to their normal life.

He noted that the damage done to Syrian economy due to the acts of terrorist and the unilateral sanctions imposed by the US, the EU and some Arab countries is significant, and that the Syrian government is now giving priority to rebuilding the houses that were damaged and to returning people to their homes from which they were forced to flee, affirming that the government will start implementing the 5-year plan once the crisis ends.

“If those who gathered in Doha had been actually keen on the Syrian people and really support Annan’s plan, then some of them – who are well known  and announced their position openly – should stop supporting terrorist groups with funds and weapons,” al-Moallem said.

He noted that any movement made by the Syrian government towards the cessation of violence is met by increased funding and arming of terrorists, which shows that the aforementioned countries don’t want a solution and are lying when they claim to support Annan’s plan, and it also shows that they’re not keen on the Syrian people’s interests, otherwise they wouldn’t have imposed economic sanctions on them.

Al-Moallem also pointed out that Syria was the first to seek an Arab solution and received the Arab observers, but the aforementioned countries withdrew them and trashed their report, concluding “so I don’t observe nor care about what came out of their meeting in Doha.”

Answering a question on the possibility of continuing violations of Annan’s plan and a possible outbreak of war, Minister al-Moallem said: ”There is a US-led, phased scheme targeting Syria, but the acts of the armed groups necessitate response …If the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is considering moving to the final stage of this scheme, I think that the international community has to oppose the military intervention she is considering.”

He added that the violations are aimed at thwarting Annan’s plan and holding the Syrian government responsible for the failure to pave the way for military action.

Al-Moallem wondered in the NATO presented reports on the victims claimed by its military intervention in Libya, saying that there are reports of over 100,000 casualties and hundreds of thousands of those who were wounded and disfigured by NATO raids, asking if this is what the Arabs want for Syria.

Minister al-Moallem criticized the media coverage of the events in Syria, adding “There is no objective coverage of the events…More than 70 international and Arab channels are distorting facts, and this biased media is part of the conspiracy against Syria.”

Syrian Ambassador in Beijing: Meeting of al-Moallem and Jiechi Stresses Support to Annan’s Plan

In a phone call with the Syrian TV, Syria’s Ambassador to China, Dr. Imad Mustafa, said the meeting between al-Moallem and Jiechi reflects the two countries’ desire for joint cooperation and serious consultation on the crisis in Syria.

Dr. Mustafa added that the important point stressed in the meeting was Syria’s and China’s common stance on supporting Annan’s plan and their keenness on the success of the international observers’ mission.

The Syrian Ambassador continued that Damascus and Beijing expressed in the meeting their awareness that the armed terrorist groups are sparing no efforts to foil Annan’s initiative and that there are several parties which do not want the political solution to proceed or Syria to restore stability and security.

Dr. Mustafa said Minister al-Moallem welcomed the participation of China in the UN observers team as Damascus considers that China, along with Russia, South Africa, India and Brazil, are neutral countries that can play an objective and logical role away from tendentious goals or agendas affiliated to the US and its policies.

President al-Assad Stresses Importance of Transparency in Fighting Corruption

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ President Bashar al-Assad presided on Wednesday over the Higher Council of Local Administration which was established under the Local Administration Law issued in August 2011.

President al-Assad underlined the importance of the Council since the most important development steps take place through local administration, being the link between citizens and the state, noting that this relation was weak for various reasons but communication has become a reality through legislations and must be put into practice.

He said that the majority of issues and suggestions now go through local administration which must have an active role in them, pointing out that the Higher Council’s importance lies in finding coordination mechanisms which are currently weak, devising mechanisms for exchanging expertise among governorates or municipalities, and the participation of citizens who might feel that the government is distant from them.

“Ambitions must be linked to reality, and solutions must be based on specific priorities beginning from the moiré pressing issues which are specified by citizens,” the President said.

President al-Assad underscored the role of the Council and the local administration in qualifying cadres and moving to the administrative decentralization, which should reduce government burdens and transfer some of them to local administration.

He stressed that success in decentralization and thus ensuring the success of local administration requires resolving preexisting hindrances, adding that there is confusion between what is central and what is local, but the Council will establish committees to coordinate between ministries and governors.

President al-Assad underlined the role of local administration in urban and regional planning, environment preservation and addressing random houses in practical and studied ways, with emphasis on coordination and giving more authority to municipalities in terms of regional planning.

“Studies for any project must not begin before guaranteeing its funding, because studies are costly,” he said, noting that the issue of the halting of projects for bureaucratic reasons must also be dealt with.

President al-Assad said that the issue of random housing is strategic in all aspects and must be resolved through a vision, even if it’s a long-term one.

The President pointed out that providing income is the biggest problem for local administration, stressing the need to take a developmental direction and seek resources, saying that nothing prevents local administration from being flexible and free in taking economic decision like the private sector, which would create resources and job opportunities.

President al-Assad requested that transparency be adopted through propagating the plans of the local administration and municipalities to fight corruption and engage the citizens, allowing them to pose their opinions and suggestions.

President al-Assad underlined necessity of enhancing connections between the state and society through increasing the citizens’ participation and finding practical solutions to problems, calling upon the officials to get a closer look at the issues of interest to the citizens.

The president also called for according enough care to the countryside development and avoiding neglecting it to focus on cities, in addition to establishing balance between areas in single cities and justice in the distribution of services among richer and poorer areas.

“At this stage, we must focus more on areas that are poor and deprived of services such as infrastructure, water, electricity, roads, gardens and more,” he said.

President al-Assad reviewed the importance of the service centers as to save the citizens’ efforts, reduce expenses, and combat corruption and bribery, said that what6 was applied in these centers can be copied in other establishments affiliated to ministries.

President al-Assad stressed the significance of industrial cities and marketing them properly, market their products.

President al-Assad considered that one of the Council ‘s important missions is to find a mechanism for coordination among state institutions and benefitting from the successful experiences of some institutions and municipalities, as well as the experiences of other countries in local administration.

8 Law Enforcement Members Martyred in Idleb, Daraa and Damascus Countryside, Terrorists Murder Entire Family in Hama

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Six law enforcement members, including a first lieutenant, were martyred on Wednesday and 11 others were injured in an explosive device blast in the town of al-Mastoumeh in the countryside of Idleb province.

The martyrs include First Lieutenant Tammam Hassoun and Privates Anas Idris Juani, Hassan Ahmad Arnous, and Faraj Mustafa Ismael.

The explosive device was planted on al-Mastoumeh-Idleb road and detonated by an armed terrorist group targeting the law enforcement personnel.

Policeman Martyred in Daraa

Meanwhile in Daraa province, the policeman Youssef Qasqas was martyred by the gunfire of a sniper in front of the Customs’ old building in the city of Daraa.

Lieutenant Colonel Martyred in Damascus Countryside

In Damascus Countryside, an armed terrorist group opened fire on members of law enforcement forces in teh city of Douma killing a lieutenant colonel and injuring a chief warrant officer.

SANA reporter quoted a source in the province as saying that an armed terrorist group driving a white Mazda car opened fire on law enforcement personnel near al-Baz gas station.

The source added that the shooting resulted in the martyrdom of Lt. Col. Wael Hassan, while a chief warrant officer was seriously wounded.

Terrorists Murder Entire Family in Hama

An armed terrorist group broke into the home of citizen Zakariya Khalif in Janoub al-Mala’ab neighborhood in Hama, murdering him along with his wife and three daughters.

Armed groups attack 3 microbuses transporting law-enforcement forces, abducting a number of them

Armed terrorist groups today attacked three microbuses that transport law-enforcement forces on their way back home, abducting a number of them.

The armed groups at Khanaser, Kanater and Khan al-Asal areas in Aleppo attacked the microbuses , kidnapping several members and taking them to unknown place.

226 Wanted Men from Hama and Its Countryside Turn Themselves In

226 wanted men from Hama and its countryside on Tuesday turned themselves in and surrendered their weapons to the authorities.

A source in the governorate said that those who turned themselves in and surrendered their weapons were released after verifying that they didn’t commit any acts of violence or murder against citizens.

The wanted men said that they now intend to return to their daily lives and rejoin society, pledging not to bear arms again and resort to vandalism or anything that may undermine the country’s security and safety.

Fourteen Army, Law-Enforcement, Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Fourteen army, law-enforcement and civilian martyrs were escorted on Wednesday from Tishreen, Zahi Azraq and Aleppo Military Hospitals in Damascus, Lattakia and Aleppo and Daraa  National Hospital to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Idleb, Homs, Damascus Countryside, Daraa and Aleppo.

The martyrs are:

-Captain Majd Said Mahfud, from Hama.

-Chief Warrant Officer Ghazi Mousa al-Saeed, from Daraa.

-Sergeant Major Adham Saleh Suleiman, from Hama.

-Conscript Mustafa Abdul-Salam Ahmad, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Basel Monawar Saud, from Daraa.

-Conscript Mohammad Najib Jamal al-Shawa, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Ismael Ibrahim al-Jarouf, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript Basel Ali Barazi, from Hama.

-Conscript Ayman Bashar Sweidan, from Damascus.

-Policeman Mazloum Hussein Khalil, from Hasaka.

-Policeman Bayer Ali al-Hammoud, from Damascus Countryside .

-Policeman Mohammad Samir Rayyani, from Hama.

-Policeman Raghib Yousef Qasas, from Daraa.

-Civilian Youssef Ali Kobawar, from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families stressed that the systematic terrorism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups won’t persuade  the Syrians from adhering to their national and pan-Arab stances.

They called for confronting the terrorist criminals who are carrying out  foreign agendas that aim at undermining Syria’s national unity and stability.

They also condemned the criminal acts committed by the armed terrorist groups against the Syrian people.

Indian Delegation Starts Visit to Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_An Indian delegation comprised of researchers, academics and pressmen started a visit to Syria on Wednesday to inspect the situation on the ground.

”I came to Syria to get a close look at the situation on the ground, since there is an abundance of news at a time when a lot of media outlets are not free as they tend to broadcast news that serve their agendas,” said Rajendra Abhyankar, head of Kunzru Centre for Studies and Research.

The members of the delegation said that what is happening in Syria is in service to foreign agendas, and it is hard to judge according to what media airs.

The delegation, which is comprised of 18 personalities, is due to meet officials and religious figures, and will also visit a number of archeological and religious sites in Damascus and the governorates.

Press Delegation from Denmark , Austria and Turkey Visits Daraa

A press delegation from Denmark , Austria and Turkey visited on Wednesday the city of Daraa and inspected the situation there, especially in relation to implementing the plan of the UN envoy Kofi Annan.

Head of Daraa Police Command, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Adeeb al-Assa’ad, said that the armed terrorist groups have gone ahead with their aggressions against citizens and law-enforcement members and violation of Annan’ plan, indicating that the armed groups escalated their criminal acts since Thursday morning.

The delegation visited Daraa National Hospital where they saw the bodies of martyrs killed by the armed groups, in violation of Annan’s plan.

They also visited the Justice Palace which was burned down in March last year, and toured the streets of the city.

The members of the delegation said they have not seen tanks or heavy weapons in the city, affirming that the protests demanding legitimate demands were hijacked by gunmen.

Lavrov: Syrian armed opposition exercises provocative acts to foil Annan’s plan

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday said that the Syrian armed opposition exercises provocative acts to bring back violence and foil Annan’s plan.

In a press conference with the Moroccan Foreign Affairs Minister, Saad Eddin Ottoman in Moscow, Lavrov said “We condemn pre-assessments to Annan’s plan and call upon all powers which have influence on the Syrian opposition, particularly the armed one, to practice its role in order to stop violence.”

He pointed out to reports published by Turkish media that fighters of the so-called ‘Free Army’ are exploiting the camps of the refugees in Turkey to prepare attacks on the Syrian forces from the Turkish lands.

Lavrov added that Moscow calls to solve all issues in peaceful methods through dialogue without foreign interference in accordance to the international law and within respecting the countries’ sovereignty and independence.

Russia’s Foreign Minister expressed Moscow’s concerns over the attempts of some groups which call themselves ‘Friends of Syria’ at evaluating Annan’s plan, adding that “I personally noticed that some of our partners lost the ability to focus after they knew that the Syrian government had accepted Annan’s plan.”

Lavrov stressed that Annan’s plan was adopted by the UN Security Council, adding that the Council is the only side with the powers to assess the plan on the basis of the information submitted by the UN monitoring mission.

Russia: International Human rights Committee has to be objective and unbiased

Russia today underlined the importance of the International Independent Committee , formed by the UN Human Rights Council to investigate the human right issues in Syria, to be committed to objectivity and unbiased.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov met today with President of the International Committee Paulo Pinheiro, discussing with him a number of issues related to the work of the committee on human rights in Syria to be debated at the 21st session of the Human Rights Council.

During the meeting, the Russian side said it relies on the objectivity and fairness of the Committee’s work whether in regards to the human situation in Syria or when formulating its recommendations which should be directed to contributing to “a national comprehensive dialogue and a peaceful settlement to the crisis In Syria.”

On his Twitter website, Gatilov said that Pinheiro admitted that the Syrian opposition is perpetrating serious violations of human rights.

Bogdanov: Other Group of Syrian Opposition to Visit Moscow Soon

Russian President’s Special Representative for Middle East Affairs, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, said that another group of the Syrian opposition is set to visit Russia soon.

In a statement released Wednesday, Bogdanov added that this group will visit Moscow within the next few days, adding that the group is headed by a figure of the ‘Front for Change and Liberation’, which also represents the Syrian internal opposition.

Bogdanov Stresses to Ambassador Haddad Need for Annan’s Plan to Be Implemented Strictly and Firmly by All Sides

Later, Bogdanov discussed with Syrian Ambassador in Moscow Riyad Haddad the developments of the situation in Syria.

The Russian side stressed the need to preserve the ceasefire and the importance of having the Syrian government and all other sides committed to implementing Annan’s plan strictly and firmly, in addition to the importance of expediting the implementation of UN monitoring.

In turn, Haddad affirmed the Syrian authorities’ strict determination to adhering to its obligations in this regard, relaying facts regarding the repeated attempts of armed terrorist groups to undermine Annan’s plans.

He also hoped that the UN observers will manage to put an end to provocations and violations by terrorist groups.

Gatilov Stresses Need to Coordinate Operation of Observer Mission with Syrian Government

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov stressed the need for coordination between the Syrian government and the UN observer mission, saying that the mission’s success depends on this.

In a statement, Gatilov said that UN regulations stipulate for establishing understanding with missions’ host countries in addition to strict adherence to sovereignty and independence of the country in question.

He said that the UN General Secretariat must provide preliminary information to the Security Council on the indicators of the observer mission’s work in Syria, and that the Council should issue a resolution on delegation the observer mission.

Gatilov said that Russia may expand its participation in this delegation, noting that a Russian officer was part of the first group of observers to arrive in Syria, adding that there’s a possibility of altering the initial estimation of observer numbers to 250 according to developments, and that any change should be done in coordination with the Syrian government.

International Observer Team Visit Zamalka and Irbeen in Damascus Countryside

DAMASCUS COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA)- A team of the international observers mandated by the UN to monitor the ceasefire in Syria on Wednesday visited the towns of Zamalka and Irbeen in Damascus Countryside.

The team members listened to a number of citizens in the towns.

Head of the team, Colonel Ahmad Hmeish called on all sides to cooperate with the observers in order to fulfill their mission.

“We try to accomplish our mission which was assigned to us by the UN in light of resolution 2048 completely in connection with the Syrian security forces and other sides,” Hmeish said in a statement.

He added “to make this mission a success, we need confidence, sufficient time and assistance by all sides.”

WFDY and WPC Stress Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria under any Pretext

ATHENS, (SANA)- The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) and the World Peace Council (WPC) stressed their rejection of foreign interference in Syria under any pretext, considering that the Syrian people alone have the right to determine their homeland’s future.

The two bodies expressed in a joint statement published by the Greek Rizospastis newspaper on Wednesday deep concern over the strong imperialist attack on the Middle East region and the new threats and plots of the US, the NATO and the EU and their regional allies against Syria.

The newspaper noted that the WFDY and the WPC will organize sending an international solidarity mission to express support to the Syrian people between April 21 and 26.

The mission will include representatives from the WPC-affiliated peace movements in Cyprus, Turkey, India, Nepal, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Belgium, South Africa, Italy and Venezuela, in addition to a number of members of the WFDY.

The statement clarified that the aim of this mission is to meet the representatives of the youth, student and unionist organizations and the peace movements in Syria and express condemnation of the interference in its internal affairs as well as the imperialist threats and the media fabrications directed against Syria.

The mission also aims at expressing support to the Syrian people in their struggle against the imperialist threats facing their country.

Authorities Seize a Number of Archeological Pieces While Being Smuggled into Lebanon

HOMS, (SANA)- The authorities seized a number of archeological pieces, pottery and statues while they are being smuggled in a vehicle coming from Idleb into Lebanon through al-Dabousiya border crossing in Homs province.

SANA reported quoted an informed source in the province as saying that the seized archeological pieces were hidden within house furniture.

The source noted that the vehicle’s driver was arrested while another person managed to flee.

A committee of the General Directorate of Archeology and Museums was formed to discuss the seized pieces to determine the places from which they were stolen.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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