Just International

Syrian News on April 2nd & 3rd, 2012

Two Laws on Establishing Real Estate Financing Companies, Regional Center for Early Childhood Development

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ President Bashar al-Assad on Monday issued Law No. 15 for the year 2012 that allows establishing public and private financing and refinancing real estate companies as Joint-stock company.

The purpose of establishing such companies is to fund operations of real estate investment and deals.

Law on Establishing Regional Center for Early Childhood Development

President Bashar al-Assad also issued Law No. 17 for the year 2012 on establishing the Regional Center for Early Childhood Development based in Damascus, linked to the Minister of Education.

The Center is aimed at building national and regional capacities in early childhood care and education, as well as contributing to achieving the UN millennium goals in providing education for all.

Annan Informs Security Council of his mission in Syria… al-Jaafari: Countries that call for Arming opposition seek to make the Mission a failure

NEW YORK, (SANA)-Syria’s permanent Envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said that the countries which arm the terrorists in Syria, fund and supply them with communication sets seek to make the mission of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan a failure.

“Those countries are violating the Syrian sovereignty and declaring the war on it… those countries are involved in complicating the crisis… they have to assume responsibilities and commit to Annan’s mission,” al-Jaafar said at a press conference held in the New York-based the UN.

“The Saudi Foreign Minister didn’t hide his personal intervention in the Syrian domestic affairs as he openly called for arming the opposition, moreover; he considered that a duty,” al-Jaafari added.

He said that those statements and others indicate to a duality in language that contradicts the harmonious way adopted by the Security Council, those statements represent a call for foiling Anna’s mission, so there are sides who want to confuse his voice through finding parallel tracks as the case in the meeting of Syria’s Enemies in Istanbul.

“The Turkish current government’s policy is hostile towards Syria… it hosted a meeting on its land which undermines sovereignty of a neighboring country as to be considered declaring war on it,” al-Jaafari added.

He made clear that commitment to Annan’s mission must be applied on all, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and all who seek to pass the Syrian sovereignty, create parallel tracks for the security Council which are not recognized internationally.

“All now acknowledge the existence of armed terrorist groups in Syria… the Syrian government didn’t accept what it rejected in the past… Syria deals with a matter that is proven now and it was asking all, including al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya TV channels to acknowledge the existence of the armed groups,” al-Jaafari underlined.

He said that Syria is doing its best to make Annan’s mission a success, adding “we expect that Mr. Annan and members of the UNSC have as much as Syria commitment to make the plan a success… in diplomacy, there is no obligation to impose preconditions, what is important is preserving the Syrian sovereignty, and talking about observers is too early.

“We expect Mr. Annan will contact the other sides, particularly those who are involved in arming the terrorist groups to end acts of violence,” Dr. al-Jaafari added.

At a close session, Mr. Annan informed members of the UNSC of his mission in Syria, saying that Syria has agreed his plan, but it awaits a commitment by the opposition to halt violence and withdraw the armed terrorist groups.

Lavrov: Annan’s Plan Evaluated by Security Council Only, Moscow Against Putting any Deadline or Ultimatum in It

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday said that the plan of UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan is evaluated by the Security Council, not the “Friends of Syria” meeting, adding that Moscow is against putting any deadline or ultimatum in this plan.

He also said that Russia is the friend of the entire Syrian people, not the friend of a part of it like the west.

In a statement made at the Armenian capital of Yerevan, Lavrov warned against the danger of the stances of the so-called “Friends of Syria” meeting in terms of recognizing some of the Syrian opposition groups as representatives of the Syrian people, saying that this is a grave matter that contradicts with Annan’s efforts.

He added that Russia intends to receive two delegations representing various spectrums of the opposition at a later time.

Minister Lavrov voiced the hope that western colleges would send a clear signal to the armed groups which commit violence acts in Syria to stop violence as to secure the work for the full implementation of Annan’s six-point plan.

At a lecture in Yerevan public University, Lavrov underlined that it is not possible to ignore the reforms carried out by the Syrian government, adding “all sides must engage in dialogue.”

“We see that Syria is facing a complicated crisis,” Lavrov said, adding that the compromise between the Syrian government and the opposition to settle the crisis is very possible.

Russian Foreign Ministry: “Friends of Syria” Meeting Contradicts Peaceful Solution Efforts

The Russian Foreign Ministry criticized the so-called “Friends of Syria” meeting, describing its decisions as unilateral and contradict the efforts of reaching a peaceful solution for the crisis in Syria.

The ministry added in a statement that the most important matter currently is implementing cessation of fire and violence regardless of the source and starting a comprehensive dialogue among all Syrians, not igniting sedition and provocation in Syria.

The ministry stressed that the intentions and promises made in Istanbul regarding military and logistic support for the armed opposition in Syria are totally inconsistent with the mission of the UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan to reach a peaceful solution for the crisis in Syria.

Authorities Foil Terrorist Group Infiltration Attempt from Turkey, 103 persons give themselves up to Authorities

IDLEB, DAMASCUS COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA)- Authorities on Monday foiled an infiltration attempt by an armed terrorist group from the Turkish territories into Syria near Khirbet al-Jouz border village in Idleb countryside.

One of the terrorists was killed in the clash while the others escaped.

SANA Reporter quoted a source at Idleb Province as saying that the authorities found different kinds of weapons left by the terrorists including 1500 electric detonators used to detonate explosive charges.

Terrorists Caught , Weapons Seized in Damascus Countryside

The competent authorities aided by the locals arrested 4 terrorists on a farm in al- Ma’addamieh in Damascus countryside.

An official source told SANA correspondent that amounts of weapons were seized. The competent authorities also raided a farm used by armed groups to manufacture explosives for targeting law-enforcement members and citizens in Ashrafiyet Sahnaya.

103 persons give themselves up to authorities in Madaya, Damascus Countryside

103 persons in Madaya, Damascus countryside gave themselves up along with their weapons to the authorities today.

The persons underlined that they were subjected to a lot of deception, but the reality became clear, underlining that the authorities released them immediately to return to normal life.

They pledged not to carry any weapon in future or participate in any acts of sabotage.

Prime Minister: Current Stage Necessitates all Efforts to Overcome Foreign Conspiracy

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The current stage necessitates gathering all efforts as to overcome the situation which is fed by foreign sides conspiring against Syria and to restore normal life and achieve security and stability in the homeland, Prime Minister, Adel Safar, said on Monday.

Opening the Heads of Provincial Councils Meeting in Damascus, Safar added that the Government is ready to offer all forms of assistance to the provincial councils as to carry out their duties and development plans.

For his part, Minister of Local Administration Omar Ibrahim Ghalawenji stressed the importance of provincial councils in tackling all development and service issues which concern all citizens.

Ten Army and Law Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS / ALEPPO, (SANA) – Ten army and law enforcement martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen and Aleppo Military Hospitals in Damascus and Aleppo to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus Countryside, Homs, Idleb, Deir Ezzor, Daraa, Hama and Aleppo.

The Martyrs are:

­           Colonel Malik Ahmad Saleh, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Seif Mohammed, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Major Weaam Fayad, from Hama.

­           Sergeant Major Bashar Mohammed Deeb Qurabi, from Aleppo.

­           Sergeant Major Ekrima Salem Haji Suleiman, from Idleb.

­           Sergeant Ahmad Abdullah al-Ali, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Walid Miskin Mahmoud, from Hasaka.

­           Conscript Hussein Hamzeh al-Hardan, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Abdul-Karim al-Nasseri, from Aleppo.

­           Civilian Haitham Agha, from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families stressed that the systematic terrorism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups will not persuade the Syrian people from adhering to their national and pan-Arab stances.

They called for confronting the terrorists in order to restore Syria’s security and stability, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through adhering to national unity.

They expressed rejection of the foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs , asserting the Syrian people ability to resolve their problems by themselves.

Turkish Media: Failure of Istanbul Meeting, Ankara Hostile Towards Syrian Protester against Meeting

ANKARA, (SANA) – The majority of the Turkish media highlighted the failure of the so-called “Friends of Syria” meeting in Istanbul despite the attempts of pro-government media to show the opposite.

Writers specialized in the international affairs underlined that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu failed to persuade the participants in the meeting to issue concrete decisions against Syria.

Turkish TV channels and newspapers talked about the aggressive and provocative stance of the Turkish security forces against the Syrian pro-government protesters in Istanbul who condemned the meeting.

The renown Turkish journalist Asli Aydintash from Milliyet Newspaper asked ” what democratic message could Ankara send to President Bashar al-Assad through the democracy of burner pepper gas, which couldn’t stand the shouting of only thirty people.”

Cumhuriyet newspaper revealed that foreign ministers of western countries, including the USA, Britain and Germany refused a Turkish proposal on granting the UN special envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, two weeks only for his mission, as they also rejected another Turkish proposal on arming the opposition and the militia of the so called “Free Army” and granting monetary aid. The participants of the Meeting also ruled out discussing the idea of establishing a buffer zone on the Turkish-Syrian border.

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemn  Istanbul Conference and Decisions

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Syrian Human Rights Network condemned Istanbul Conference and its false decisions, considering that they only represent the opinion of the defeated and fragmented opposition and traitors of the Arabs.

The Network said in a statement Monday that the Conference and its decisions are rejected by the Syrian people of all backgrounds, considering that those who put their hands with Israel do not have the right to talk on behalf of the Syrian people who consider the Palestinian Cause as his their central issue and offer thousands of martyrs to destabilize the situation in the country.

The statement added that some Arab countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia in addition to Turkey are supplying the terrorist armed groups with weapons and money to sow sedition among the Syrians and support terrorism which violates the Statue of Rome and Resolution no. 1373 on combating terrorism.

Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights: Istanbul Conference Endorses Killing and Bloodshed in Syria

The Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights stressed that Istanbul meeting endorses killing and bloodshed in Syria by armed terrorist groups which are funded by the conferees.

The Center said in a statement on Monday that the conferees should have called for dialogue instead of foreign interference, calling for prosecuting them for their support to criminals and mercenaries who are violating human rights.

Sculpture Honoring Syria’s Martyrs Unveiled in Sweida

SWEIDA, (SANA) – A sculpture honoring the sacrifices of Syria’s martyrs, dubbed “Rock of Martyrs,” was unveiled on Monday in Tishreen Square in Sweida city.

Chairman of Swedia branch of the National Union of Syrian Students Omar al-Jibaei said that this sculpture, which was made by sculptor Karam Haidar under the supervision of the Union, is a gesture of appreciation for the martyrs’ sacrifices.

He said that the basalt sculpture, which is three meters high, 1.8 meters wide and weighs 2.5 tons, resembles an open book symbolizing “the open book of martyrdom” and the continuing martyrdom in defense of Syria, adding that the names of 82 martyrs from Sweida have been carved on the sculpture.

Al-Jibaei noted that the sculpture was inspired by a speech delivered by President Bashar al-Assad in which he said that “Sweida is the strongest rock in the impregnable fortress of Syria.”

In April 2012, a sculpture dubbed “The Strongest Rock” was unveiled in the same square. It was carved by seven sculptors, standing 4 meters high and weighing 32 tons, depicting Syria’s history throughout the ages.

Al-Maliki Reiterates Rejection of Interference in the Syrian Internal Affairs

BAGHDAD, (SANA)_Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki reiterated Iraq’s rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian domestic affairs, arming the Syrian opposition or the use of force against Syria as this would add fuel to the fire.

During a press conference in Baghdad on Sunday, al-Maliki called for finding a political peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria, expressing willingness to back the political efforts and national dialogue for that purpose.

Al-Maliki said that Iraq rejects the forceful overthrow of the regime as it will create a growing crisis in the region that will spill over into other countries, expressing support to the will of the Syrians.

He indicated that the so-called Friends of Syria meeting in Istanbul will only echo calls for arming the opposition by two countries.

Al-Maliki clarified that Iraq’s initiative to help reach a solution to the crisis is based on understanding its dimensions and repercussions, adding that it proposes that all sides will come to the ballot box.

Al-Maliki considered that those who are calling for arming the Syrian opposition are not aware of Syria’s position and its interrelations with other countries, adding that the responsibility of the Arabs and Muslims is to contain the crisis.

Al-Maliki indicated that the situation in Syria is different from any other country, affirming that the regime won’t be toppled by force.

7 Protesters Injured by Turkish Security Forces during Protest against Istanbul Meeting

ISTANBUL, (SANA)_Turkish security forces attacked a protest in Istanbul against the anti-Syria Istanbul meeting in an attempt to disperse the protesters , injuring 7 of them.

The participants held the Syrian flags and chanted slogans rejecting foreign interference and condemning Istanbul meeting.

Fadi al-Mahmoud, organizer of National Unity Convoy and a participant in the protest, said that the Turkish security forces used tear gas to disperse the protesters and beat them up.

Ezawi:  Number of candidates for next people’s Assembly term reached 7195

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Counselor Khalaf al-Ezawi, Head of the Higher Committee for elections said that the number of candidates to the first legislative term for 2012 reached at 7195 in all Syrian cities, among them 2632 have university degrees and 710 female candidates.

During a meeting held on Sunday, al-Ezawi called on members and chairmen of judicial committees of elections to provide suitable circumstances to make the electoral process, due on May 7th, a success in light of the new constitution which was approved in February.

He underlined that the voters are free in their options to select whom they see fit to represent them , adding that the constitution paved the way for making elections free, fair and democratic.

President al-Assad Issues Decree No. 25

DAMASCUS, SANA_ President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday issued decree No. 25 for 2012 stipulating for the Supreme Constitutional Court to reconsider the People’s Assembly’s elections-related contestations.

In a statement to SANA, Head of the Elections Higher Committee Counselor Khalaf al-Azzawi said that the Legislative Decree No. 25 came according to what has been stated by the new constitution on amending laws in three years.

Ezawi:  Number of candidates for next people’s Assembly term reached 7195

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Counselor Khalaf al-Ezawi, Head of the Higher Committee for elections said that the number of candidates to the first legislative term for 2012 reached at 7195 in all Syrian cities, among them 2632 have university degrees and 710 female candidates.

During a meeting held on Sunday, al-Ezawi called on members and chairmen of judicial committees of elections to provide suitable circumstances to make the electoral process, due on May 7th, a success in light of the new constitution which was approved in February.

He underlined that the voters are free in their options to select whom they see fit to represent them , adding that the constitution paved the way for making elections free, fair and democratic.

Gunmen Caught in Damascus and Daraa Countryside, Terrorist Killed in Clash with Authorities in Deir Ezzor

PROVINCES, (SANA)_ Competent authorities arrested gunmen with their weapons in Douma in Damascus countryside.

SANA correspondent said that big amounts of weapons were seized during raids of the terrorists’ hideouts in the area.

In Harasta, the competent authorities raided a farm used by armed terrorist groups and seized weapons and ammunition.

In Yelda, Damascus countryside, the competent authorities aided by citizens seized big amounts of weapons during raids of terrorists’ hideouts in the area.

Terrorists Turn themselves in, Others Caught in Daraa Eastern Countryside

Competent authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group in the eastern Gharrieh and western Gharrieh towns in Daraa eastern countryside.

An official source told SANA correspondent that the clash left a number of terrorists killed while many others turned themselves in. Many wanted terrorists were also caught.

The source indicated that the competent authorities confiscated big amounts of weapons and communication devices.

Authorities Find Water Well in Homs Used by terrorists to Smuggle, Hide Weapons

Authorities on Sunday found a water well in al-Naziheen Quarter in Homs used by terrorist groups to smuggle and hide weapons.

The armed groups opened a hole in the adjacent house to facilitate their movement from and to the well and to hide their weapons after killing and terrorizing citizens.

Terrorist Killed in Clash with Authorities in Deir Ezzor, Weapons Confiscated

The authorities clashed with terrorist groups in the town of al-Quria in Deir Ezzor countryside, leading to the death of several terrorists and the injuring of others.

Weapons were confiscated from terrorists, including 4 RPG launchers with 20 rounds and 12 AK-47 assault rifles, in addition to a large amount of machinegun and assault rifle ammo, 15 hand grenades, and a large number of explosive devices.

Directorate-General for Antiquities and Museums: World Heritage Sites in Syria Suffered Attacks by Terrorists

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Directorate-General for Antiquities and Museums on Sunday said that the world heritage sites in Damascus, Aleppo, Old Bosra, Palmyra, Citadel of Saladin and Krak des Chevaliers were targeted by the terrorist groups.

In a statement which SANA received a copy of, the directorate added that some armed terrorist groups are positioning in some architectural sites and damaging them.

“Bosra city suffered many illegal constructions in its campus. Al-Lujat area between Sweida and Daraa provinces suffered secret excavation operation.” The directorate stated.

The directorate highlighted that the local heritage sites were also exposed to attacks carried out by the terrorists, adding that ” A golden statue that is dated back to the Aramaic era was stolen from Hama Museum. Shaizar Castle, Misyaf Architectural Department, Ma’arrat al-Numan Museum were also attacked by terrorists.

The directorate concluded by saying that Syria played an important role in preserving the Arab heritage, adding that Syria expressed condemnation of the US aggressions in Iraq against the architectural sites at a time when other countries remained silence and now they are taking parts in sabotaging Syria’s cultural heritage.

Five Army and Law Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Five army and law enforcement martyrs on Sunday were escorted from Tishreen, Zahi Azraq and Aleppo Military Hospitals in Damascus, Lattakia and Aleppo and the Police Hospital in Harasta in Damascus to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus Countryside, Homs and Aleppo.

The Martyrs are:

­           Colonel Khalid al-Hies, from Hama.

­           Conscript Hammoud Khedr al-Khedr, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Ahmad Kamal al-haj Hassan, from Aleppo.

­           Policeman jihad Jourieh, from Hama.

­           Civilian Qassem ali Kahileh, from Lattakia.

The martyrs’ families stressed that the systematic terrorism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups will not persuade the Syrian people from adhering to their national and pan-Arab stances.

They called for confronting the terrorists in order to restore Syria’s security and stability, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through adhering to national unity.

Ghusn, Charbel: Smuggling Weapons into Syria Continued, Army is Combating It

BEIRUT, (SANA)- Lebanese Defense Minister, Fayez Ghusn, stressed that smuggling weapons into Syria is continuous and the Lebanese army is exerting efforts to combat it as much as possible as it deals firmly with this issue.

“ Smuggling weapons persists and is in fact increasing; the army is fighting it as much as it can but the smuggling operations are on the rise because they bring lots of profit and money,” Ghusn told An-Nahar newspaper on Sunday.

He added the borders with Syria, which extend 330 kilometers, include several illegal crossings making it difficult to monitor and control them from both sides.

“The army is ready but sometimes there are gaps and problems,” he said, adding that there are two main groups of the Lebanese army which are deployed on all the crossings.

In turn, Lebanese Interior Minister Marwan Charbbel said that there has been smuggling of weapons from Lebanon to Syria from the beginning of the events in Syria and throughout their development, noting that the Lebanese Army is currently curbing this phenomena.

In an interview with al-Manar TV, Charbel said that his Ministry and other security bodies in Lebanon are holding extensive meetings with Lebanese President Michel Sleiman and Premier Najib Mikati to discuss this issue which has negative ramifications on security in Lebanon.

Weapons, Ammunitions Seized from House of Lebanese MP Supporter

On Saturday evening, the Lebanese army stormed into the home of one of supporters of Member of the Lebanese Future Bloc and MP Khaled al-Daher in Akkar.

Lebanese OTV said that the army seized amounts of weapons and ammunitions.

Mansour: Helping Syria Through Supporting Reform Measures, Istanbul Meeting Fruitless

Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour stressed that helping Syria is through supporting the reform measures, asserting that Istanbul meeting will yield nothing as it happened in Tunisia’s conference.

Mansour, in a radio speech, called for dialogue as the only outlet for the crisis in Syria.

He underlined support to the mission of the UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, and the necessity of making it success.

The Minister said: ” We deal with Syria as a state to state as we deal with all the Arab countries, we don’t want to inter axes and what we have said on the necessity of halting violence and adopting dialogue is the same speech that we hear today at the international level.”

He added that Lebanon’s self-distancing policy towards Syria protects the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Participants in Asia Convoy of Global March to al-Quds: Palestinian Cause Will Remain Central to All Arabs, Muslims and Free People

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A press conference was held on Sunday to honor the Asian delegations which participated in the Global March to al-Quds in Syria and Lebanon.

In a speech at the conference, head of the preparatory committee of Global March to al-Quds Khaled Abdelmajid said that this March will herald more activities in the future to support the Palestinian cause, lauding the stances of Syria and its people towards the Palestinian cause, people and resistance.

In turn, member of the Syrian committee for the March Hala al-Asaad affirmed that Syria, Arabs, Muslims and the free people of the world stand alongside the Palestinian people in their struggle to reclaim their rights.

For their parts, participants in the March, hailing from Iran, the Philippines, Pakistan and Bahrain said that the March is an act of defiance against Israel’s crimes and barbaric policies against Palestinians, noting that the March was a success despite all of Israel’s attempts to foil it.

They said that this global initiative is the result of a growing awareness around the world, and that it sends out a message that people reject occupation and want to liberate occupied lands and topple the regimes serving Israel and the US, particularly some of the regimes in the Arab Gulf.

They also stressed the need to expand this movement and rally international support for the Palestinian cause.

At the conclusion of the conference, the national committee for the March honored the participating Asian delegation in appreciation of their efforts and support.

Asia Convoy of Global March to al-Quds began its journey early in March from the tomb of Mahatma Gandhi in India, traveling through Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, and afterwards it split and headed to Lebanon and Syria.

The Convoy encompassed activists from 15 Asian countries including Iran, the Philippines, Pakistan, Bahrain, Malaysia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq and more, with the members including representatives of organizations supporting the Palestinian people’s rights.

On Land Day, Golan People Reiterate Adherence to Syrian Identity and Unity with the Land

QUNEITRA, (SANA)- People of the occupied Syrian Golan on Friday marked the Land Day reiterating adherence to the national and pan-Arab principles along with their Palestinian brethren and rejection of the Israeli occupation practices.

A rally was held to commemorate the 36th anniversary of Land Day, with the Golan marchers stressing that every day in their struggle against the Israeli occupation is a Day for Land and for defending it until liberations is achieved.

March 30, is an annual day of commemoration for Palestinians of the events of that date in 1976 when a general strike and marches were organized in Arab towns from the Galilee to the Negev protesting the Israeli occupation authorities’ plan to illegally confiscate thousands of dunams of privately-owned of Palestinian lands . In the ensuing confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces, six Arab citizens were killed, about one hundred were wounded, and hundreds of others arrested.

In statements to SANA reporter in Quneitra, the people of villages occupied by Israel affirmed unity and solidarity with their brothers in occupied Palestine to thwart the Israeli schemes and to protect their land from expropriation in favor of settlements whether in the West Bank and the villages of Mas’ada, Jbata al-Zeit and Ba’qatha in Golan among others.

“When we speak of the Land Day, we stress to our Palestinian brethren and the Homeland’s sons that what unites us is the land that is blended with the blood of martyrs and the sweat of farmer,” said sheikh Hisham Shaalan from the occupied village of Ein Qunba, one of the participants in the rally.

“We will remain deep-rooted in our land in as much as the oaks of al-Sheikh mountain are deep-rooted, and in the same way Shemon Perez expelled us from Majdal Shams in 1987, we will kick out all who think that the way to it is going to be easy,” Shaalan added.

Sheikh Fadlallah Hamad from the occupied village of Mas’ada said the over six month open strike staged by the Golan people in 1982 in defense of the land and the Syrian identity was “a tough lesson” to the occupation authorities.

He continued that the Golan people have translated the National Document items into a reality through declaring that “the land is sacred and not one inch of it could be waived.”

Governor of Quneitra, Eng. Hussein Arnous, said it is the governorate’s priority to reconstruct the villages demolished by the occupation forces and bring citizens back to them to unite with the land near the barbed wire.

He cited a number of villages which restored life after having been reconstructed, adding that other villages are in the process of reconstruction in support of the governorate’s inhabitants and their defense of their land.

Abdul-Lahian: Syria has Turned the Corner despite Conspiracies

BEIRUT, (SANA)_ Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdul-Lahian said that Syria has turned the corner in the crisis despite conspiracies, reiterating rejection of all foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

In a statement following his meeting with the Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour, Abdul-Lahian affirmed that the political process is the sole exit from the crisis in Syria, indicating that his country has exerted efforts for the mission of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan to succeed.

Abdul-Lahian expressed trust that Iran will spare no effort to support Syria as to preserve its resistance to the Israeli enemy.

He also stressed that President Bashar al-Assad had met the aspirations of the Syrian people through the reforms enacted, which will help Syria restore security and stability and achieve prosperity soon.

Conference of the Arab Youth Front for Defending Syria: Correcting Arab Governments’ Stance towards Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Founding Conference of the Arab Youth Front for Defending Syria on Saturday continued its works, discussing propositions for setting a blueprint and studying the works of media and culture, law and social and economic committees, in addition to youth issues and voluntary work.

The participants set the political program for the front, as it contains shedding light on the western and Arab conspiracies hatched against Syria, boosting the resistance approach, supporting it against Zionism and the principle of the Arab nation.

In a statement to SANA, Chairman of Yemen Student Union, Motaz al-Qurashi, said that the Conference reflects the Arab youth’s realization of the conspiracy and it is meant to correct the stance of some Arab governments through emphasizing that the Arab youth are the real representatives of the Arab nation.

The Front started its work on Thursday in Damascus with the participation of delegations from Jordan, Yemen, Tunisia, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Bahrain, Palestine, Lebanon, Mauritania, Algeria, Iran and Sirloin representing parties, humanitarian commotions, student unions and NGO’s.

Syria Third in Arab Chess Championship

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Syria’s national youth chess team won a gold and two silver medals at the Arab Championship held recently in the Jordanian capital Amman.

Teams from eleven countries competed in the Championship including Algeria, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, the UAE, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan in addition to Syria.

Player Ward Tarboush won the gold medal in the 16 age category while Bashir Eiti earned a silver medal in 20 age category. The other silver medal went to Rita Yaghi in 18 age category.

Participating with 6 players, the national chess team came third on the general classification, following the UAE in the first place with 13 players and Algeria in the second with 12 players.

Player Bashir Eiti was awarded the title of International Master.

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