Just International

Syrian News on April 26th, 2012

Terrorist Group Infiltration Attempt from Turkey Foiled, Dead Bodies of Citizens and Military Members Foud in Daraa, Citizen Martyred in Aleppo

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Authorities on Wednesday foiled an infiltration attempt by an armed terrorist group from the Turkish territories into Syria near Khirbet al-Jouz border village in Idleb countryside.

SANA reporter quoted a source at Idleb Province as saying that the authorities killed one of the terrorists, while the others escaped to Turkey.

Law-enforcement Member Martyred, Two Injured by Suicidal Attack in Idleb

The source added that a suicidal terrorist in a booby-trapped car blew himself up near a law-enforcement post on Idleb-Silkeen road, causing the martyrdom of Ismael Asaad Qasim and the injury of Corporal Fadi Mahmoud Ismael and conscript Qasim Mohammad Rajab.

Citizen Khaled al-Khaled Martyred in Idleb by His Son Who Belongs to Armed Terrorist Groups

Citizen Khaled al-Khaled was martyred on Wednesday in Saraqeb city in Idleb province as his son, Mohammad, who belongs to an armed terrorist group, shot him dead.

A source told SANA reporter that Khaled was killed by his son in response to his father’s advice to refrain from terrorizing people and sabotaging properties.

Dead Body Found Thrown in Orontes River in Idleb

The authorities found the body of citizen Issam Mousa thrown in the Orontes River. Mousa works in Oyoun Ara water plant and he was abducted by an armed terrorist group one week ago.

Red Crescent Volunteer Martyred, Another Injured by Terrorists in Douma, Damascus Countryside

An armed terrorist group targeted with their gunfire an ambulance car which belongs to the branch of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent in Damascus Countryside while performing a humanitarian mission in Douma city.

The attack resulted in the martyrdom of volunteer Mohammad Ahmad al-Khadra and the injury of volunteer Moayed Qadamani, SANA correspondent said.

The Syrian Red Crescent Organization said in a statement that volunteer al-Khadra was martyred while performing his duty as emergency staff came under fire yesterday in Doma.

It called on all sides concerned to protect the emergency staff and respect the sign of the Red Crescent.

A Citizen Martyred, Three Others Seriously Injured in Aleppo

In Aleppo, an armed terrorist group attacked a flower shop of citizen Mohammad Shihaza Bin Mohammad Ali in al-Hamdaniyah area, shooting at the shop’s owner causing his death.

Three citizens were gravely injured at al-Marjeh Quarter in a blast of an explosive charge planted by an armed terrorist group.

Heavy material damage to shops and nearby houses were also caused by the explosion.

Dead Bodies of a Military Member and 3 Citizens Found , Policeman Assassinated, Sergeant Major Abducted , An Explosive Device Dismantled while Two Others Detonated, Lieutenant Colonel Martyred in Daraa

In Daraa countryside, authorities found the body of Captain Nawras Rahieh thrown under a bridge.

Captain Rahieh was abducted by an armed terrorist group yesterday as he was heading to work.

Authorities found the body of the Palestinian Ra’d Nidal Fauzi in a grocery market in Daraa bearing marks of severe torture that showed attempt to hang him.

The body of citizen Met’eb Mohammad al-Faroukh was found stabbed in al-Hara town in Daraa countryside.

Another armed terrorist group assassinated policeman Amjad Abu Qteif and abducted Sergeant Major Yamen Taqi from the law-enforcement forces in an armed ambush while leaving Jadal Izraa Police Station.

In Namer town in Daraa, the body of Abdel Kareem al-Amari was found, while two explosive devices were detonated on the way to the town and no injuries were reported.

Military engineering units dismantled an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group near “April 7th” School.

Lieutenant Colonel Habis Aslan was martyred by gunfire of a terrorist sniper in Basr al-Harir in Daraa Countryside.

SANA correspondent said that the terrorist opened fire on the martyr while he was driving his car in Basr al-Harir town to his workplace in the region.

Terrorists Open Fire on Bus in Khan Shikhoun, Four Civilians Martyred and Six Injured

An armed terrorist group opened fire on a bus belonging to al-Ahliya transport company in Khan Shikhoun, martyring four civilians and injuring six. The bus was headed to Hama from Aleppo.

An official source said that the martyrs are Issa Ismael al-Rayyes, born in 1987, who sustained a gunshot to the head, the bus driver Abdelghani Shekh Sobeh, born in 1957, who sustained a gunshot to the thigh, Lama Mheddin al-Masri, boen in 1978, who sustained an injury to the chest, and Iman Alloush al-Zaben, born in 1978, who sustained a gunshot in the neck.

The injured civilians include assistant driver Mohammad al-Mustafa, born in 1993, who sisyyained a gunshot to the neck, Imad Abdelmajid Kazkaz, born in 1989, who sustained gunshots to the legs, Dalia Mtanious, born in 1987, who sustained a gunshot to the back, and Ruba Abdelrahman Ramr al-Barazi, born in 1978, who sustained a gunshot to the hand.

Authorities Seize Explosive Devices and Arms in Stolen Car in Deir Ezzor

Authorities recovered a car which was stolen by an armed terrorist group in Deir Ezzor.

A source in the governorate told SANA correspondent that a pump-action rifle, explosive devices, TNT explosives and ammunition were found in the car.

Armed Terrorist Group Blows up Explosive Device in Workers’ Bus, Injures Six

An armed terrorist group targeted a bus carrying workers at Idleb Spinning Factory on Idleb-Jisr al-Shughour road near Sallet al-Zohour village, injuring six and the driver.

A source in the governorate said that the injured were carried to Jisr al-Shughour National Hospital to receive aid.

Also a citizen was injured by an armed group’s gunfire that targeted al-Shahbaa bus heading from Damascus to Aleppo.

SANA correspondent quoted a source in the governorate as saying that the terrorist group targeted the bus at 10:00 a.m. near al-Taman’a in Khan Sheikhoun, injuring the civilian Khaled al-Jassem.

On a different note, the source added that the body of the retired Chief Warrant Officer Labib Ahmad Ma’arri was found between Karkour and Freikeh towns in Jisr al-Shughour, indicating that Ma’arri was kidnapped by an armed terrorist group along with his car from his house in Mahambel town yesterday. The source said that the death was caused by an electric shock.

The source indicated that an armed terrorist group seized a car owned by Idleb Health Directorate on al-Nayrab-Sarmin road and took it to an unknown place.

Explosive Device Goes Off in Hama, Sixteen Killed According to Initial Estimates

An explosive device went off while a terrorist group were setting it up in a house which was used to make explosives  in Masha’a al-Tair neighborhood in Hama city, claiming sixteen lives according to initial estimates, including women and children.

12 were injured in the explosion which caused significant damage to six neighboring houses in the neighborhood, which is a random housing area.

Civil Defense teams are still carrying out rescue operations in the area.

Seven Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ LATTAKIA, (SANA)– Seven army and law-enforcement martyrs were escorted on Wednesday from Tishreen and Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals in Damascus and Lattakia and the Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs, Daraa, Damascus Countryside and Lattakia.


         The martyrs are:

         Chief Warrant Officer Said Haj Said, from Idleb.

         Chief Warrant Officer Shukri Mohammed Kheir Kazhali, from Daraa.

         Sergeant Major Ibrahim Mohammad Saker, from Homs.

         Sergeant Major Mohammad Ali Suleiman, from Lattakia.

         Sergeant Major Alaa Mahmoud Sultan, from Lattakia.

         Corporal Osama George Darghali, from Homs.

         Conscript Mahmoud Jasem al-Ali, from Deir Ezzor.

The families of the martyrs called for unifying stances in the face of the schemes that aim at undermining Syria’s pivotal role in the region, expressing denunciation over the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups against the army, law-enforcement members and innocent civilians.

They stressed that the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups will not persuade the Syrian people from defending and protecting their homeland.

WPC Reiterates Full Support and Solidarity with Syria to Overcome Current Crisis

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President of the World Peace Council (WPC), Socorro Gomes, on Wednesday expressed the Council’s full support with Syria in the face of the conspiracy hatched against it because of its adherence to its rights and defense of the issue of just peace as well as its historical role in defending international liberation movements against the imperialist and Zionist powers.

During her meeting with Assistant Secretary General of Al-Baath Arab Socialist Party Abdullah Al-Ahmar, Gomes said all the people worldwide who call for freedom and reject imperialist hegemony stand in solidarity with Syria and support it to overcome the current crisis.

She noted that the WPC support to the Syrian people stems from its duty in consolidating peace in the world.

She added that what Syria is passing through is due to the US administration which tries to get out of its economic crises through creating wars in the countries of the world with the aim of destabilizing their security and unity and controlling their people.

Gomes stressed that the unity and the awareness of the Syrian people guarantee to help Syria come out stronger from the crisis.

The delegation members hailed the political and economic reform process taking place in Syria, reiterating their support to Syria to restore the occupied Syrian Golan.

For his part, al-Ahmar stressed that the US, the Western colonialist countries, Israel and some Arab and regional countries are behind the conspiracy hatched against Syria to undermine its pan-Arab and national stances in support of the resistance.

He said that the Syrian people are committed to their national unity, adding that they reject any foreign interference in their country’s internal affairs and believe in national dialogue as the only way out of the current crisis.

He added that Syria will come out victorious with the cooperation of international organization which call for peace and liberation and reject the American domination.

Al-Ahmar hailed the WPC stances in solidarity with Syria and in support of the ongoing reforms taking place in the country, in addition to the WPC condemnation of foreign interference in Syria and its calls for dialogue among all Syrians to find a political solution to the crisis.

Gomes: Delegation’s Visit to Syria Showed Solidarity and Unity Among Syrians

Later, Gomes held a press conference at the headquarters of the National Union of Syrian Students in which she said that the delegation’s visit to Syria allowed them to see reality, participate in the funerals of martyrs, and join the martyrs’ families in their sorrow, in addition to showing the degree of solidarity and unity among Syrians.

Other members of the delegation said that their visit also helped gather information about what is actually happening in Syria, stressing that the attack against Syria is due to imperialistic interests and plots concocted by the US, EU, Turkey and Arab Gulf countries to assume control of the region.

The delegation members reiterated their support for the Syrian people, noting that they witnessed firsthand how the Syrians are committed to defend their country no matter the cost, adding that the sanctions imposed on Syria by the US, the EU and the Arab League aim to stabilize stability and disrupt Syrians’ lives.

WPC and WFDY Delegation Visit Monument of Unknown Soldier

Meanwhile, the delegation of the World Peace Council (WPC) and the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) visited the Monument of the Unknown Soldier on Qassioun Mountain and put a wreath of roses on the tomb.

In a statement to SANA reporter following the visit, the delegation members stressed that the Syrian people will come out victorious and stronger from the conspiracy as they are alone able to solve their problems.

They condemned attempts of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affair and the misleading media campaign against Syria led by Arab and western countries.

A delegation member said that his visit to Syria is to express solidarity and support to the Syrian people to determine their destiny, denouncing the role of the US and some Arab countries which supply the opposition with money and arms to kill the Syrian people.

Another delegation member from Turkey said that he came to Syria as a representative of several Turkish organizations to see the facts on the ground and convey them to the Turkish people and organizations, adding that his visit revealed the misleading lies fabricated against Syria.

He stressed the good relations between the Syrian and Turkish people, adding that the Turks care about stability in Syria and reject violence acts and they stand by Syria in the face of the conspiracy.

Another delegation member called upon the opposition to come to dialogue and stay away from all forms of violence, expressing confidence in the Syrian people’s ability to overcome the current stage.

WPC Delegation Meets Executive Office of the General Federation of Trade Unions

Later, the WPC delegation held a meeting with the Executive Office of the General Federation of Trade Unions.

During the meeting, Chairman of the General Federation of Trade Unions Mohammad Shaaban Azouz stressed that Syria is facing a conspiracy targeting its stances with the aim of causing division and strife among its people.

Two Observers Join International Observer Mission in Syria, International Observers Continue Tours in Syrian Cities

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Two observers joined on Wednesday the international observer advance team in Syria.

The United Press International (UPI) News Agency quoted the spokesperson for the UN Observer advance team in Syria, Neeraj Singh, as saying that an observer from Indonesia and another one from Ghana joined the advance team in Syria during the past hours.

Singh added that more observers are expected to join the team.

Earlier, a Chinese diplomatic source announced that two Chinese observers joined the international observer mission in Syria.

International Observers Continue Tours in Damascus Countryside, Homs and Hama

A delegation of the international observers visited Hama governorate, met several citizens and figures who briefed them on the reality of the situation in the city.

The delegation also toured al-Assi Square and other parts of the city.

In Homs, a delegation of the international observers visited al-Abassiyyin roundabout in al-Zahra neighborhood heading to al-Qahera roundabout.

Earlier in the morning, a delegation of international observers visited Douma city in Damascus countryside not accompanied by media.

Other observers toured Homs ancient neighborhoods.

Issa Abboud, a Young Inventor Killed by Enemies of the Homeland

HOMS, (SANA) – Issa Abboud is a young inventor who was killed by armed terrorist groups almost a year ago, in al-Nezha suburb in Homs city.

He was distinguished for his creative capabilities which he devoted to serving his homeland. He offered during his twenty-seven-year lifetime over 100 inventions

His sister, Fatima, told SANA reporter that her brother’s first invention was during his secondary school as he won several awards for his inventions, including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) award in Geneva, Switzerland.

In 2001, he participated in al-Basel Creativity and Inventions Exhibition, and he won several gold and silver awards for his inventions which included an integrated system for protecting and operating water pumps and a stereo recorder with TV broadcasting server.

In 2002, he won several gold and silver awards at al-Basel Creativity and Inventions Exhibition for his inventions, particularly a machine for cleaning porcelain, and a robot equipped with a memory unit.

In 2003, he was granted a patent on a number of his inventions, including an electronic brain for modern irrigation and automatic watering.

In 2004, he won the gold award at al-Basel Creativity and Inventions Exhibition for conducting a research on generating electricity from the ground.

Martyr Issa’s most distinguished inventions include turning the brain of a chicken into a memory unit that equals over 3000 CDs and another invention on translating the senses of chicken such as hunger, thirst and illness into readable data.

Martyr Issa Abboud was born in Hadida town in Homs province in 1984, and he was martyred in 2011 by the enemies of Syria.

Qadri Jamil: Popular Front supports National dialogue away from Foreign intervention

MOSCOW, (SANA)-Leader of the Popular Front for Change and Liberation, Qadri Jamil said that the front backs the national dialogue and it doesn’t contact with any side that supports the foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs.

“All sides in Syria should sit around the table of dialogue which has proved is the only way to resolve the crisis in Syria,” Russia Today Site quoted Jamil as saying upon his arrival to Moscow Wednesday.

He added that the Front thinks about the destiny of the Syrian people who have the right to live in peace and achieve reforms.

Jamil saw that with the arrival of international monitors to Syria, the situation began to improve, even though it was slow, saying that the current number of observers is not enough, but when it reaches to 300 monitors, they will play more active role.

Margelov : Russia Holds Meetings with all Representatives of the Syrian Opposition except for Terrorists

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Chairman of the Russian Duma Council Foreign Affairs Committee Mikhail Margelov stressed on Wednesday that his country is holding meetings with all representatives of the Syrian opposition except for terrorists because Russia respects the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria.

In a statement, Margelov said that since the crisis in Syria started, Russia has called for overcoming it in peaceful means only  through internal dialogue without foreign interference.

He considered the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan’s efforts as an important political step that should be backed fully.

He added that he will meet on Thursday a delegation of the Syrian Popular Front for Change and Liberation, pointing out that the meeting will be the second meeting with the Front and the fifth meeting with delegations from the Syrian opposition.

Indian Delegation to Convey Reality of Situation in Syria Objectively

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Tourism Lamia Assi underlined the importance of the Indian delegation’s visit to Syria to shape a true image about what is taking place in the country and the contribution of conveying the truth to the Indian public opinion.


During her meeting with the Indian delegation, including cultural and media figures and former diplomats on Wednesday, the Minister pointed out that the Syrian people are aware of the volume of the conspiracy, pointing out that they will get over the crisis thanks to their unity.

Members of the delegation pointed out to the historical, tourist and cultural components of Syria, underlining that they will convey the truth about what is going on objectively and sincerely.

Ajet Sahi, a journalist from United Press International, said that meeting Syrian officials contributed to supplying him with very important information, adding that he formerly depended on western and eastern media facilities to shape a clear view of the reality of the situation because he knows that each side tackle the news from their point of view.

For his part, Bhim Sing, Editor in-Chief of Voices of Millions Newspaper that the reason for his visit to Syria is to express his supportive stance to Syria, which also backs the Arab causes.

The Ministry’s invitation to the Indian delegation comes in the framework of heading towards the markets of Russia, China, India, Malaysia and Iran, as it made several activities in these markets in order to promote for Syria as a tourist attraction.

Syrian-Venezuelan Parliamentary Friendship Association: Conspiracy against Syria Now Clear to International Public Opinion

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Chairman of the Syrian-Venezuelan Parliamentary Friendship Association Joel Jabbour said that the conspiracy against Syria has become clear to the international public opinion despite the great role of satellite channels, expressing confidence in Syria’s ability to come out from the crisis and overcome the challenges.

Meeting Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mahmoud al-Abrash, Jabbour hoped that security and stability will be restored to Syria as soon as possible, hailing the deep Syrian-Venezuelan relations.

For his part, al-Abrash said that the conspiracy against Syria aimed at undermining its security, stability and stances in support of just Arab and international issues.

Al-Abrash pointed out to the misleading media campaigns which aimed at distorting facts and conveying an image that contradicts the reality, adding that the misleading media not only fabricate news but also they direct armed groups in targeting civilians.

The two sides discussed the bilateral relations between Syria and Venezuela and the role of the Arab and foreign delegation in explaining what is really taking place on the ground away from misleading information by some media.

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