Just International

Syrian News on May 21st , 2012

Eighteen Army, Law Enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Paid Final Tribute

PROVINCES, (SANA)- On the music of the ‘Martyr’ and the ‘Farewell’, the bodies of 18 army, law enforcement and civilian martyrs on Sunday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia, Aleppo Military Hospital and Deir Ezzor Military Hospital to their final resting place in their home towns and villages.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Aleppo, Idleb, Homs, Daraa, Damascus Countryside, Hama and Deir Ezzor.

The martyrs are:

­           -Chief Warrant Officer Mohammad Hussein al-Ahmad, from Deir Ezzor.

­           -Chief Warrant Officer Khudr al-Abdullah al-Sheikh, from Deir Ezzor.

­           -Chief Warrant Officer Faraj al-Farraj al-Abdullah, from Deir Ezzor.

­           -Warrant Officer Talal Ali al-Asaad, from Hama.

­           -Sergeant Major Ali Saleem al-Mohammad, from Hama.

­           -Sergeant Major Muaz Ahmad al-Dahir, from Quneitra.

­           -Sergeant Nour Sharif Ali, from Lattakia.

­           -Sergeant Hussein Ali Khaddour, from Homs.

­           -Sergeant Sattam Hamdo, from Aleppo.

­           -Sergeant Mohammad Ghassan Ahmad, from Tartous.

­           -Sergeant Rami Mahmoud Hasri, from Aleppo.

­           -Corporal Ghadir Mohammad Youssef, from Tartous.

­           -Conscript Alaa Yehia Sit-Eddar, from Homs.

­           -Policeman Rami Fawaz al-Abboud, from Homs.

­           -Custom Guard Joseph Adnan Fayad, from Lattakia.

­           -Civilian employee Abdul-Aziz Abbas Shaheen, from Hama.

­           -Civilian employee Mohammad Abdul-Mawla Jum’a, from Damascus Countryside.

­           -Civilian Ahmad Diyab Shteiwi, from Homs.

The martyrs’ families and relatives called for firmly confronting the armed terrorist groups which have nothing to do with humanity, freedom or democracy, stressing the Syrian people’s readiness to sacrifice everything for the sake of defending the homeland’s security and stability.

They affirmed that the terrorist and criminal acts of the armed groups will neither weaken the Syrians not deter them from confronting the challenges and going ahead with the reform process under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

Official Source Denies as ‘Categorically Baseless’ News Reported by Al-Jazeera Channel on Assassination of a Number of Political and Security Officials

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- An official source on Sunday denied as completely groundless the news reported by al-Jazeera Channel on the assassination of a number of political and security officials, asserting that they are performing their duties.

Assistant Vice-President, General Hasan Turkmani, said in a statement “The news reported by al-Jazeera is completely baseless and reflects full media bankruptcy”.

Gen. Turkmani added ”My colleagues and I are safe and sound and serving our duties assuredly. These false news go unheeded by the Syrian people because they already know that they are blatant lies.”

For his part, Minister of Interior, Lieutenant General Mohammad al-Shaar, said “The news reported by al-Jazeera is groundless”, asserting “We are used to hearing such news led by the lies and allegation campaign.”

”I am speaking from my office at the Interior Ministry…All my colleagues are performing their duties. It is regrettable that we became accustomed to such laughable news by bankrupt channels since the onset of the crisis in Syria that encourage shedding more Syrian blood,” Minister al-Shaar added.

”It is time they stopped belittling the perception of people, especially the Syrian people, who have become hateful of listening to such channels…It is time they stopped paying immense sums of money to mislead and bank on the feelings of people.”

He considered that these TV channels have lost their credibility and turned into operating rooms that give orders to the terrorists to kill the Syrian people.

”I wished that the funders of al-Jazeera would pay if only around 500 dollars monthly for the people in Jerusalem under Israeli occupation to remain steadfast in their land…Haven’t they heard of the plan of the Israeli occupation authorities to displace the people of Jerusalem?” he wondered.

The Interior Minister stressed that the desires of these TV channels and those behind them will not be realized thanks to the Syrian’s belief in the need to drive their country to reach security, safety and stability and foil all vicious plots and desires.

He called upon these channels to stop harming people, adding ”We are accustomed to seeing them pleased with the bloodshed in Syria when they broadcast images of scattered human remains as a result of terrorist car bombs…They are pleased to see the Syrians killed by these terrorist acts.”

He stressed that all what they are doing of killing the Syrian people and instigating sedition in Syria is in implementation of their masters’ special agendas.

Al-Shaar stressed determination to pursue all fleeing terrorists to put Syria on the track of security and stability.

Minister of Defense, General Dawood Rajha, said that the news broadcast by al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya on the assassination of political and security officials are lies and reflect the bankruptcy and failure of the armed groups and those who are supporting them with funds, weapons and media.

Al-Moallem Meeting Ladsous and Guehenno: Observer Mission’s Success Is Success for Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Hervé Ladsous, UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan’s deputy, Jean-Marie Guehenno, and a number of the international organization’s officials on Sunday continued their tours in Syria and meetings with Syrian officials.

In this framework, Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem met Ladsous in the presence of head of the UN observer mission to Syria, Gen. Robert Mood.

The meeting had an operational character dealing with the details of the mission’s work, with Ladsous expressing thanks to Syria for its cooperation upon arriving at completing the deployment of the observers and starting political communication with all Syrian spectra as a prelude to reach a political solution.

Ladsous talked about some additional logistic requirements for the mission’s work, including issues related to the observers’ nationalities and making use of the Syrian air capabilities and other services to be provided by Syria to facilitate the mission according to the mission’s mandate.

Talks also touched upon the issue of humanitarian aid, with Minister al-Moallem stressing that expanding the scope of aid means that the international organization can not claim to care for the destiny of around one million Syrians affected by the armed acts while turning a blind eye to the 23 million Syrians targeted by European and U.S. sanctions that are aimed at the Syrians’ livelihood, hoping that Ladsous will convey this point to the organization.

The Foreign Minister also met Annan’s deputy Jean-Marie Guehenno in order to prepare for the visit of the UN envoy to Damascus late this month.

Guehenno briefed al-Moallem on Annan’s latest calls with all the parties concerned, noting that the UN envoy, besides contacting by phone the countries having negative impact in the Syrian crisis, will visit some of these countries during his coming tour.

For his part, al-Moallem stressed that the success of Annan’s plan is a success for Syria and that Syria’s cooperation aims mainly at providing what is necessary for the political solution. “We don’t want monitoring for monitoring’s sake but for creating the atmosphere for the political Syrian solution among the Syrians,” the Minister added.

In the another context, Foreign and Expatriates Ministry’s spokesman, Dr. Jihad Maqdisi, said the communication between the Ministry and the UN envoy is on a daily basis with Minister al-Moallem always briefs Annan on the daily violations committed by the armed opposition which have exceeded 3500 violations since the signing of Annan’s plan.

Dr. Maqdisi described the first meeting with Ladsous as “good” and “constructive” and was aimed at assessing and leveling the hoped-for cooperation and the mandate of the observer mission.

“We always focus on Annan’s role and search for solutions on the other sides with the parties seeking to sabotage his plan and not only on Syria’s obligations as the signed understanding points out unequivocal obligations that must be implemented by the armed opposition,” said the Foreign Ministry’s spokesman.

He stressed that the Syrian’s commitment to the plan is clear and related to what was agreed on in the understanding and not to what exists in the minds of foreign decision-making circles.

He said that reaching the intended solution demands abidance by the other party according to Annan’s mission, in light of the fact that the Syrian crisis is complicated and the parties seeking to sabotage the plan are many.

“We recently saw ships loaded with weapons that have been seized and terrorist nets and terrorist bombings which hit Damascus, Aleppo and Deir Ezzor, and there is a new factor in the Syrian crisis, which is the appearance of Takfiris and al-Qaeda groups,” added Dr. Maqdisi, stressing that “the West realizes that what Syria is saying is actually more dangerous.”

The spokesman said that the issue is not in Annan’s hands as there is behind him an initiative that has been fully endorsed by the Security Council and there are countries at this Council that should be up to the level of responsibility and talk with their allies in the region to cease arming, funding and infiltrating the gunmen and terrorists.

Dr. Maqdisi underscored that Syria’s acceptance of Annan’s mission was and is still on the basis of him being the envoy of the UN exclusively, stressing that the umbrella of the UN is much larger than that of the Arab League as the former includes that of the latter.

He said that after giving up on helping Syria find a solution and after illegitimately freezing its membership and seeking to internationalize its file, the Arab role has become increasingly dangerous as the Arab countries started arming, funding and hosting terrorists and evoking the NATO.

The Foreign Ministry’s spokesman stressed that the Arab League has no role in solving the Syrian crisis as it has been part of the problem and not part of the solution, adding when the situation changes in practice with regard to the League, Syria would reconsider the League’s hoped-for role and not its current role.

Captain, Two soldiers martyred by attack of armed terrorist Group in Damascus Countryside

Syrian Provinces, (SANA)-An officer and two soldiers were martyred on Sunday by an attack of an armed terrorist group at one of the military units in al-Shefouniya, Damascus Countryside.

An official source told SANA reporter that Captain Basem al-Khateb, sergeant Ala Halak and corporal Saqir Dirgham were martyred when gunmen opened fires at the military unit.

Terrorists kill a Citizen and Wife, Abduct another Citizen and Kill him in Daraa

Armed terrorist groups continued on Sunday their attacks against citizens and law-enforcement forces in several provinces.

An armed terrorist group stormed in the house of Chief Warrant Officer, Alaa al-Deiri, in Nawa village in Daraa and shot him and his wife dead.

Another armed terrorist group abducted citizen Rashid Said al-Hariri from the town of Ibta’a in Daraa. Al-Hariri’s body was found after hours from his abduction.

Four Explosive Devices Planted by Terrorists Dismantled in Idleb

Military engineering units on Sunday dismantled four explosive devices planted by armed terrorist groups on Ariha-Idleb road at Nahlia crossroad in Jabal al-Zawiya area.

SANA reporter quoted an official source in the Province as saying that the explosive devices weigh 30 and 60 kilos and they were prepared to target civilians and law enforcement members.

The source added that two of the explosive devices blew up near the aforementioned place when a microbus passed, but no one was hurt.

Competent Authorities Confiscate Weapons in Terrorist Den in Deir-Ezzour In Deir-Ezzor city, the competent authorities stormed into a terrorists’ den in al-Ardha neighborhood where they found different sorts of weapons.

SANA reporter was informed that the confiscated weapons include six machine guns with a big amount of ammunition and one RPG launcher, a rifle, a big number of military bags and batteries used in making explosive devices.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists, Killing and Wounding Several of Them

Authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group in Mazare’ al-Mouj area in Homs Countryside, several terrorist were killed or wounded and the others fled the area.

A source at the province told SANA that four law-enforcement personnel were injured after an explosive planted by an armed terrorist group exploded near their car in al-Qseir city in Homs Countryside.

In Sahm al-Bahr area in Banias, authorities discovered a weapon cache in al-Qarer town. RPGs , machineguns, Israeli snipers, advanced communication devices and different ammunition were found in the cache.

Authorities Extinguish A Fire Started By Terrorist Group in Hama

Authorities extinguished a large fire started by an armed terrorist group in Maryoud area in Hama. A source at the province told SANA that four gunmen riding motorcycles entered the area and opened fire at a harvester, adding that the heavy shooting started a fire in the fields.

The source added that the terrorists used exploding and incendiary ammunition, adding that the fire wiped out about 500 acres of agricultural lands.

The source underscored that firefighters came to the area and managed to extinguish the fire with the help of the locals.

Ryabkov: Situation in Syria Cannot Be Resolved by Pressuring Its Government

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that during the G8 Summit in Camp David, Russia adhered to its stance which states that the situation in Syria cannot be resolved through exerting pressure via force or otherwise on the Syria government, affirming that such a thing would lead to a dead-end.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Ryabkov said that the G8 leaders discussed supporting the plan of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan and calling all sides to adhere to it and cease violence, in addition to discussing the possibility of expanding the presence of international observers in Syria.

He elaborated that discussions at the G8 Summit touched upon increasing the presence of the international observers in Syria quite often, and that they also discussed political reform in Syria, with the Russian side expressing full acceptance of any formula that achieves development in Syria in terms of reforming the political system as long as it’s accepted by the Syrian people and is a result of agreement and dialogue on the national levels.

Ryabkov pointed out that the outcome of the discussions was stressing that the central issue is supporting Annan’s plan, reiterating that Russia isn’t assuming the role of lawyer for anyone, adding that reform in Syria must be carried out without bloodshed, foreign interference, arming gunmen and instigating violence.

Tunisian Terrorists Confess to Entering Syria via Turkey with Coordination between So-Called Free Army and Al-Qaeda

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Tunisian terrorists confessed to entering Syria through Turkey with coordination between the militias of the so-called “free army” and Al-Qaeda, and to being trained in Libya and other places.

Tunisian terrorist Wissam bin Kamal bin Halima, born in 1992 in the village of Manzel Kamel in Tunisia, said that met a Lebanese man calling himself Abu Hadi who was a member of Fateh al-Islam group and corresponded with him.

Abu Hadi incited Wissam to become part of Jihad, sending him videos about al-Qaeda then broaching the subject of the situation of Syria and the idea to go there, eventually talking him into going to Syria to meet people who were fighting in Iraq and other areas.

As per Abu Hadi’s instructions, Wissam travelled to Turkey and was contacted by a man called Abu Ahmad in Istanbul, who instructed him to go to Antioch and meet a man there who took him to a border area where they were joined by five men from Bangladesh who also wanted to enter Syria, and they walked across the borders through the mountains and were received by another man who told them that they will join a camp belonging to the “free army” for training.

In turn, Tunisian terrorist Bilal bin Abdullah Mohammad Marzuki, born in 1980 in Tunis, said that he had once visited Syria with the goal of entering Iraq but failed, causing him to return to Tunisia, and later he watched TV channels inciting Syrians and non-Syrians to join the “Jihad” in Syria, and he decided to do so.

First, Marzuki went to Libya for training, joining a camp of Salafi Jihadists who trained him in using weapons including AK-47 rifles, handguns and RPGs, then returned to Tunisia and contacted with the aforementioned Abu Ahmad who instructed him to travel to Antioch, where he too was smuggled into Syria across the borders.

Marzuki pointed out that Abu Ahmad was a member of Al-Qaeda in charge of coordinating between the “free army” and groups in Syria that are affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

For his part, Tunisian terrorist Zuheir bin Suheil al-Sakelsi, born in 1986 in Tunis, said that after watching TV channels and the Fatwas of Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Adnan al-Arour and Abdullah al-Sheikh, he wanted to join the “Jihad” in Libya, and so he was snuck across the borders into a Libya by a relief group and joined other fighters in a camp where he was trained for 20 days on using handguns and assault rifles, and then he joined the fighting then was smuggled back to Tunisia after the fall Muammar al-Gaddafi.

After returning to Tunisia, he watched reports about Syria on al-Jazeera, al-Arabiya and France 24 and religious channels that called for Jihad against the Syrian Army, while mosque Imams in Tunis were inciting people to go to “Jihad in Syria and aiding the Syrians” and so he decided to travel to Syria.

Al-Sakelsi contacted a man called Abu Issa who instructed him to go to Antioch, and there he met a man speaking with a Syrian accent who referred him over to another man who in turn handed him over to five smugglers who took him through the mountains and across the borders, with him arriving in Lattakia.

While staying in a house in Lattakia, al-Sakelsi met Abu Ahmad who, according to what Abu Issa told him, was a leading figure in Al-Qaeda. Ahmad asked al-Sakelsi  if he had received any training, and he told him that he fought in Libya, so the latter told him that he was to be sent to a Jihadist group affiliated with the “free army” immediately.

Tunisian Sources: Tunisian Terrorists Arrested in Syria Were Recruited by Tunisian, Libyan and Qatari Sides

Tunisian sources in Washington stressed that the Tunisian terrorists who were arrested on the Syrian territories had previously been detained in the Tunisian prisons to be later released by the current Tunisian government after the intervention of leader of al-Nahda Party, Rachid al-Ghannouchi.

The sources, who preferred not to be named, revealed in statements to the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper the names of 19 Tunisian terrorists who were arrested inside Syria, saying they had all been recruited under the patronage of the Security Attache at the Qatari Embassy in Tunis, al-Nahda Party and a number of Libyan extremists led by the former head of the Military Council in Tripoli, Abdul Hakim Balhaj.

The sources said that among the detainees are terrorists who had participated in armed operations on the Tunisian territories particularly during what was known as Suleiman events in 2007.

They highlighted that those terrorists carried out armed acts against the Syrian Army in response to fatwas issued by Takfiri clergymen in Tunisia.

G8 Calls for Halting Violence in Syria, Condemns Latest Terrorist Attacks

CAMP DAVID, U.S, (SANA)- The Group of 8 Summit called on all sides in Syria to immediately halt violence and carry out the plan of the UN envoy Kofi Annan.

The Agence France-Presse (AFP) quoted the Summit’s final statement as saying that the Syrian government and all sides should immediately and completely carry out their commitment to Annan’s plan, particularly ending all acts of violence, asserting that the statement expressed support to Annan’s efforts.

The G8 condemned the latest terrorist attacks that took place in Syria.

Assistant to the Russian President Arkady Dvorkovic said, in statements to the press, that the statement issued by the G8 is consistent with Russia’s stances .

UN Observers Visit Areas in Homs, Deir Ezzor, Aleppo and Damascus Countryside

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)_A group of UN observer s visited on Sunday al-Khalidiyeh neighborhood in Homs, while another group visited al-Kharitta village in Deir Ezzor.

Another team of the observers visited Tal Raf’at town in the countryside of Aleppo.

The observers also visited the city of Douma and Harasta Police Hospital in Damscus Countryside.

A UN Observer delegation including United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous and Head of the UN Observer Mission in Syria, Gen. Robert Mood, visited Douma and Zabadani cities in Damascus Countryside.

In Hama a UN Observer delegation visited the National Hospital and Dawar Bilal suburb in the city of Hama and al-Shiha village in Mehardeh countryside where they met the people in addition to their meeting with al-Sqeilbeh Police Chief and mayor.

Syria, Iran Discuss Cooperation in the Health Sector

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Minister of Health Dr. Wael al-Halqi on Sunday discussed with President of the Technological Cooperation Center of Iran’s Presidential Office Hamidreza Amirinia bolstering bilateral cooperation in the medical and health sector.

Amirinia expressed his country’s readiness to cooperate with Syria in the health sector, reiterating Iran’s stance in support of Syria.

For his part, al-Halqi reviewed the state of the health sector in Syria which is suffering due to the acts of the armed terrorist groups, adding that the sector is also affected by the unjust sanctions made by the USA and the EU.

He added that Syria wishes to procure medicine and medical equipment from Iran, and that Iran welcomes this idea.

Minister al-Halqi also discussed with Head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society Abo Alhasan Fakih means of enhancing cooperation in the health sector.

The two sides condemned the acts of the armed terrorist groups which target the Syrian people, with Fakih stressing Iran’s readiness to provide the needed aid to the Syrian health sector.

Al-Halqi also met with the General Director of the Manufacturers and Exporters of the Medical Equipments Union in Iran along with executives of Iranian companies specializing in producing medical equipment, discussing with the needs of the health sector in Syria.

The General Director and the executives briefed the Minister on the resources they have available for supporting the health sector in Syria, with Iranian experts voicing readiness to relay their skills and expertise in the fields of medical equipment.

Al-Halqi also visited an Iranian pharmaceuticals factory, where executives of pharmaceutical companies expressed readiness to supply the needs of the health sector in Syria.


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