Just International

Syrian News on May 28th, 2012

Security Council Condemns al-Houla Massacre

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Security Council condemns al-Houla massacre, calls for cessation of violence and further fact-finding in cooperation with international observers, affirms respecting Syria’s sovreigty and territorial integrity.

Makdissi: Syria Categorically Denies Responsibility of the Syrian Forces for al-Houla Massacre

DAMASCUS, SANA_Spokesman for the Syrian Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ministry, Jihad Makdissi, has categorically denied responsibility of the Syrian forces for the massacre that took place in al-Houla area in Homs Province.

In a press conference on Sunday, Makdissi condemned in strongest terms this terrorist massacre against the Syrian civilians as he condemned accusing the Syrian forces of doing that.

Makdissi stressed that no tanks or artillery entered al-Houla town, adding that hundreds of gunmen, armed with various kinds of heavy weapons, attacked al-Houla area in Homs countryside after they assembled in various areas in a deliberate and planned manner, indicating that “The law-enforcement members never left their positions and were in a state of self-defense.”

Makdissi said that Syria also condemns the ”tsunami” of lies against the Syrian government in the past couple of days and the ease in leveling accusations against the Syrian government by some foreign ministers and media.

”We’ve talked to the Defense Ministry, the Interior Ministry and the authorities concerned to put us in the picture of what happened in Houla,” said Makdissi.

Makdissi added ”It has been confirmed that hundreds of gunmen gathered at 2:00 o’clock on Friday afternoon , using Pick-up cars loaded with up-to-date and heavy weapons, like mortars, machineguns and anti-tank missiles, which are newly used in the confrontation with the state forces.”

”The gunmen headed to al-Houla area which is guarded by the government forces at five points where law-enforcement members and security are positioned, which lie outside the places where the massacres happened. The attack lasted from 2:00 pm o’clock until 11:00 pm. 3 law-enforcement members were martyred and 16 injured, some critically, and there were charred bodies.”

Makdissi said that there has been a massacre in al-Shoumarieh village where crops, houses and the national hospital were burnt down., indicating that Al-Houla is only part of a larger terrorist attack.

Makdissi said that the attack is an unjustifiable act that deserves a Security Council meeting to find out who is funding, arming, hosting and instigating terrorists.

“A military judicial committee was formed to conduct investigation and the results will be announced in three days,” Makdissi added.

”Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem has spoken to the UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, and informed him of the details of what happened and the official investigation underway,” Makdissi said.

”We regret that foreign ministers of some countries have rushed to level baseless accusations in such forums as the UN Security Council and the EU, based on statements by opposition figures or biased media.”

”The savage pattern of killing as shown by the images, children, elderly and women were killed in a way which is alien to the morals of the valiant Syrian Arab army,” Makdissi said.

“The Syrian state is responsible for protecting civilians according to the constitution and Syria preserves its right to defend its citizens,” he said.

”It is not the Syrian army, who have taken an oath to protect civilians, who committed the crime. Those who come from hideouts and mountains and kill innocent civilians are well known. There might be clashes and there is a high-level independent investigation at the ministries of defense and interior.”

The suspicious coincidence between the attacks in parallel with the visit of UN Special Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, is a slap to the political process, said Makdissi.

Answering a question on the beneficiary from this crime against the Syrian people, Makdissi said ” What happened does not serve the interests of the Syrian state, and we are committed to Annan’s plan and wish him success,” stressing that “We don’t trade with the Syrian blood.”

Makdissi said that the regional countries which are hosting terrorist groups and turn a blind eye to the infiltration of terrorists and the countries which are publically funding them are complicit in the crimes against the Syrian people.

On the report of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Syria, Makdissi said ”I read the report and we have reservations about it…We already know that Ki-moon and Annan are involved with 15 other countries at the UNSC, which is a diplomatic and political labor, because most of these countries are hostile to Syria.”

”There is no such thing as armed opposition as the report called them. There is either intellectual opposition that is welcomed to a dialogue that we’ve never shut the door on, or terrorists. Taking up arms against the state is unjustifiable, whatever the political excuse,” said Makdissi.

Makdissi pointed to the contradiction in Ki-moon’s report which states that some Syrian cities have become outside the control of the Syrian government as he says that tanks and heavy machines haven’t been removed.

”There may be neighborhoods outside the control of the Syrian government due to the presence of gunmen, but not whole cities as the report said, that’s why we hope that the coming reports would be more professional.”

Answering a question on the opposition’s benefit from committing such a crime, Makdissi said ”This question should be put to the opposition…there is an intellectual opposition and terrorists to whom the opposition turns a blind eye…It is not condemning their acts after all. Hence, there is an tacit alliance between the two.”

On the issue of the kidnapped Lebanese, Makdissi ”We heard that there was a phone call between the Turkish authorities and the Lebanese foreign minister…We condemn this act and Syria will spare no effort to offer help in this regard.”

Makdissi said that a the Syrian government submitted a draft statement condemning the massacre to the UN Security Council.

”We admit that we have a crisis, but the solution does not lie in destabilizing Syria. But if they are out for confrontation, we’ll be there for it and we are determined to defend our country.”

”If the outside opposition and the countries backing them agreed to political solution, we can say that the crisis is coming to a close. Syria has agreed to dialogue and to the Chinese plan and the Russian proposal for hosting an initial dialogue session, but the ones who fear the street rejected. We are sure that President Bashar al-Assad enjoys the majority necessary to change Syria in a democratic way,” added Makdissi.

Makdissi indicated that the terrorism and crimes have increased since Syria’s approval on Annan’s plan because they don’t want to make the plan a success.

He said that the armed terrorist groups committed more than 3,500 violations of Annan’s plan, adding that “non-stability is a good environment for terrorists… there are al-Qaeda and takfiris but we won’t allow them to make use of this environment no matter how long the confrontation takes.”

Makdissi stressed that the solution to the crisis in Syria lies in lending a helping hand to the Syrian government.

Authorities Storm a Flat in al-Midan, Clash with Armed Groups in Idleb Countryside

DAMASCUS/IDLEB, (SANA) – Authorities in cooperation with citizens stormed a flat in al-Midan outskirts in Damascus city and clashed with the armed terrorists who were in the flat.

An official source told SANA reporter that the authorities clashed with the armed terrorist group in the flat and killed the entire group.

The source added that the authorities seized the weapons the terrorists were using, pointing out that  the weapons included machine guns, PKC guns, hand grenades and communication devices.

Three Law-Enforcement and Army Officers Martyred in Clashes with Terrorists in Idleb Countryside

Two law-enforcement officers were martyred during a clash with an armed terrorist group in the town of Khan Shekhoun in Idleb province.

An official source at the province told SANA’s correspondent that the martyrs are Sgt. Yousef Naddaf and Sgt. Ziad Suleiman, adding that the terrorists used anti-armor rockets and RPG launchers during the clash.

In the town of Jisr al-Shughour, Captain Ahmad al-Ghajari of the Syrian Arab Army was martyred in a clash with terrorists who were planting explosives near the sugar factory at the city’s eastern entrance.

111 Citizens Involved in Recent Events Turn Themselves In

111 citizens who were misled and got involved in the recent events in the country and whose hands are clear of the Syrian blood have handed themselves and their weapons in to the authorities in Idleb, Damascus Countryside and Aleppo.

89 in Damascus Countryside, 18 in Idleb and 4 in Aleppo handed themselves in to the authorities.

The citizens were released to go back to normal life after pledging not to take up arms again or take part in vandalizing public and private properties.

The released citizens expressed regret and promised not to participate in acts that affect Syria’s security and stability in the future.

Russia: Information Confirm That Victims of al-Houla Massacre Were Not Killed by Artillery Fire

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov on Sunday called for waiting for the results of deep and objective investigation into the tragic incident that took place in al-Houla in Homs countryside and the deductions of the international observers in Syria, since there is information proving that the victims were not killed by artillery fire.

On his Twitter feed, Gatilov said that there’s news indicating that the wounds inflicted upon many of the victims of al-Houla massacre are not the result of artillery fire, therefore one must wait for objective evaluation from the international observers.


He stressed that the tragic events in al-Houla and the murder of scores are worthy of condemnation, but there serious efforts must be made to found out the reasons for what happened.

Meanwhile in New York, Russia’s Permanent Representative at the UN Igor Pankin questioned the allegations that the Syrian armed forces are responsible for al-Houla massacre.

In statements at the beginning of the UN Security Council session on developments in Syria, which convened upon Russia’s request, Pankin said that most victims in al-Houla were killed by bladed weapons or executed from close range, which contradicts the allegations that the victims were killed by artillery fire.

He added that the number of victims is inconsistent with the destruction witnessed in the area.

Masses Gather in al-Hijaz Square in Damascus to Denounce the Crimes of Terrorists against Syrians

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Citizens gathered in al-Hijaz Square in Damascus on Sunday with the participation of Lebanese figures to voice their condemnations of the crimes committed by terrorists against the Syrian people and their rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

The participants, carrying Syrian flags and banners calling for striking down those who trespass against Syria, decried the terrorists’ crimes and those responsible for them, lauding the valiancy of the Syrian Arab Army’s personnel and affirming that the Syrians are as one and that hardships and conspiracies only make them stronger and more adherent to reforms.

They said that this gathering is a denouncement of the massacres committed by terrorists against women and children in al-Houla in Homs on Saturday and all the crimes they committed before in Syria.

The participants also said that they gathered to affirm their commitment to reforms led by President Bashar al-Assad and that they will remain steadfast in the face of pressure and terrorism.

Member of the People’s Assembly Omar Osi said that the National Initiative of Syrian Kurds condemns the crimes committed by terrorists against innocent civilians in Homs and across Syria, stressing that the western and Zionist-American conspiracy against Syria has become apparent.

In turn, People’s Assembly member Khaled Abboud affirmed that the alliance between some so-called Arabs, the US, Europe, Israel and Turkey against Syria is destine to fail.

Other participants said that the blood of martyrs protects Syria, lauding the role of the Syrian Arab Army and affirming that the Syrians proved throughout the crisis that they are united in the face of the conspiracy.

They said that Arabs should have stood alongside Syria which has always been upholding and fighting for Arabs and their issues.

SHRN, Syrian Observatory for the Victims of Violence, and Levant Scholars Condemn Recent Massacres in Homs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Human Rights Network condemned terrorist acts committed by the armed terrorist groups in Syria, the last of which is the massacre of Taldo in Homs province.

The Network considered the massacre as a desperate reaction to the national unity of the Syrian people, calling upon the terrorist groups to end the killing and bombing.

It also called upon the Arab and international human rights organizations to r-read the Syrian scene and raise their voice in condemnation of the acts of violence as an organized terrorism to undermine security and stability in Syria.

Head of the network, Ahmad Khazem, said that the stance of all countries and each county towards the terrorist acts in Syria indicate the way of these countries in dealing with terrorism on one hand and the human rights on the other hand.

He stressed that the commitment of the supporters of human rights to professional standards and political neutralism, which are necessary to defend the victims of those who violate the human rights regardless of their affiliations, requires setting up clear principles to hold those who violate them accountable since the main goal is to defend victims.

He called upon the Human Rights Council, the UN Commission and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to take the problem seriously so not to contribute to destroying the set of human rights, taking into account that the leaders of some countries and governments publically announced their support to the armed groups in Syria which breach the plan of the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

Syrian Observatory for the Victims of Violence condemns massacre of al-Houla in Homs

The Syrian Observatory for the Victims of Violence and terrorism condemned the heinous massacre perpetrated by armed groups at al-Houla in Homs countryside which claimed the lives of scores of civilians, among them children and women.

In a statement, the Observatory called for brining those who committed this crime which has no relation to any religion or humanity into justice.

It called on the international observers to record the violations of the cease-fire by armed terrorist groups, backed by Istanbul Council gangs, denouncing the Arab and international community silence over the systemized terrorism.

Levant Scholars Condemn Crimes in al-Houla and Neighboring Villages

The Federation of Levant Scholars called on Syrians to stand united to protect Syria from sedition and thwart the nation’s enemies who committed heinous crimes in al-Houla and neighboring villages, claiming the lives of more than a hundred innocent victims who were slaughtered, dismembered and disfigured.

In a statement, the Scholars expressed utmost pain and sorrow over the heinous crimes, denouncing them in all forms and stressing that these crimes target all Syrians and calling for setting aside differences and unifying through dialogue to protect Syria.

The statement affirmed that these crimes are the result of the methodical sectarian instigation carried out by malicious satellite channels with the aim of damaging national unity, and that such crimes are the results of chaos and the proliferation of weapons.

They also demanded that an immediate investigation be carried out to uncover the details of these heinous crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible, no matter who they are.

Sixteen Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 16 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Sunday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Aleppo Military Hospital and Deir Ezzour Military Hospital to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were martyred in line of duty in Damascus, Aleppo, Daraa, Hasaka and Deir Ezzour.

The martyrs are:

­           Lieutenant Rami Mohammad Humeira from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Ahmad Sharif al-Haj Hassan from Homs.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Marwan Mohammad Ali from Homs.

­           Warrant Officer Nael Suleiman Ibrahim from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Major Suleiman Ali al-Mohammad from Daraa.

­           Sergeant Major Bassel Yahya al-Mohammad from Damascus Countryside.

­           Sergeant Major Ali Sharif Muhanna from Hama.

­           Sergeant Major Alaa Hassan Hussein from Tartous.

­           Sergeant major Ammar Mohammad al-Atiki from Tartous.

­           Sergeant Major Fidaa Ali al-Khatib from Homs.

­           Sergeant Major Mohammad Mahmoud Mahmoud from Aleppo.

­           Corporal Hussein Suleiman kasso from Hama.

­           Corporal Mohammad Taher Mamlouk from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Abdulhadi Mohammad Bustani from Hama.

­           Conscript Amir Mousa Kar’o from Aleppo.

­           Policeman Ahmad Farhan al-Abbas from Hasaka.

The martyrs’ families and relatives said that the blood of the martyrs is the guarantor for consolidating and fortifying the homeland in the face of the conspiracies hatched against it, expressing the Syrian people’s readiness to sacrifice everything for the sake of defending the homeland’s security and stability.

They called for confronting all those who attempt to tamper with Syria’s security and stability.

Intl Observer Delegation Tours in Deir-Ezzor,  Damascus Countryside and Idleb

Deir-Ezzor, (SANA)- An international observer delegation on Sunday visited al-Salheyyeh and al Husseiniah villages in Zeir-Ezzour Province.

The delegation met the residents and inspected the situation in the villages.

Another delegation of the international observer mission visited some schools in Idleb and Kafar al-Takharim town in the Province, where they met some of its residents.

Earlier, a delegation of UN observersvisited al-Zabadani city in Damascus Countryside, while another delegation visited Ain al-Tina and Ma’aloula villages in the Province.

Youth Group Visits Citizens Injured in al-Kazzaz Terrorist Bombings

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_A youth group visited on Saturday citizens injured in al-Qazzaz terrorist bombings, which killed scores of people, at Hamish Hospital.

Fatima Ali, a member of the group, told SANA that her visit is intended to show solidarity with the injured citizens, voicing trust that Syria will overcome the crisis thanks to the awareness of the Syrian people.

For her part, Zainab Murad hoped that the visit would offer solace to the injured, stressing that the strong Syria will never bow to terrorism.

Mass Gathering in Aleppo in Support of Reforms

ALEPPO, (SANA) – Large crowds gathered at Saadallah al-Jabri Square in Aleppo on Saturday expressing support to reforms and condemnation of the acts of the armed terrorist groups.

The participants held Syrian flags and placards stressing their rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs and hailing the sacrifices made by the Syrian army in the face of the armed terrorist groups.

They also stressed that adherence to national unity is the only way to settle the crisis, adding that the crimes committed by the terrorist groups will not divert the Syrians from continuing the reform process.

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