Just International

Syrian News on May 31st, 2012

Al-Jaafari: Implementing Annan’s Plan Requires Political Will from All Those who Instigate Violence, Smuggle Weapons and Harbor Terrorists

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari affirmed that implementing the plan of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan requires political will on the part of all those who instigate violence and provide weapons to terrorists, finance and harbor them outside Syria, and not just on the part of the Syrian government.

In a press conference held on Wednesday after a UN Security Council session for discussing the situation in Syria, al-Jaafari said that the first point in Annan’s plan discussing ending violence by all sides, which dictates that some sides respect this point, noting that Syria informed the UNSC and the UN Secretary General of the identities of those who are smuggling weapons into Syria.

He stressed that the Syrian government is very serious about implementing Annan’s plan, while those who impose second, third or fourth options are the same ones who don’t respect the plan and who questioned it from the beginning.

Al-Jaafari said that Annan held positive talks with Syrian officials and reviewed with President Bashar al-Assad the progress made by the government in implementing his plan, with President al-Assad reminding Annan of the need for everyone to commit to the plan and cease weapon smuggling into Syria.

He said that most of the interpositions during the session were balanced and used more accurate terms in discussing the situation in Syria, specifically regarding what happened in al-Houla.

He pointed out that the Syrian government and the Syrian people are in a state of shock because of the horrible crime that took place in al-Houla, stressing that none could be more upset over what happened than the Syrians because the victims – the children, civilians and military personnel –  are our own people, noting that 26 soldiers and officers were martyred in this incident.

Al-Jaafari said that this crime is heinous, horrifying and unjustifiable, and that those who committed will be brought to justice in Syria, adding that a committee is in charge of the investigation and is due to finish its work by Thursday or Friday, at which point everyone will know the results of the investigation and the identities of the perpetrators.

“We want the international community to specify those who are working against Annan’s plan and those who finance and harbor armed terrorist groups,” he added.

He noted that this crime isn’t the beginning of the crisis in Syria which dates back to almost a year, saying that some of the representatives at the UNSC showed a high sense of responsibility by acknowledging the existence of a “third element” which is the armed groups, something that Syria had been trying to explain for a year and was met by doubt by these same representatives.

Al-Jaafari went on to explain that the Syrian people are facing terrorist groups that are trained, protected and funded by some Arab and regional countries and other countries from elsewhere in the world, pointing out that Syria referred more than 100 to the UN Secretary General, UNSC members and UN agencies containing the names and identities of terrorists along with details on the dates, types and amount of weapons smuggled into Syria, in addition to a list of over 4,000 violations of Annan’s plan by the armed groups that caused hundreds of deaths among Syrian civilians and military personnel.

He also drew attention to the weapon which was carrying weapons from Libya to the terrorists and Syria and was captured by the Lebanese authorities, in addition to the arrest of 26 Libyan and Tunisian terrorists in Syria whose confessions were relayed to the UNSC, while other foreign terrorists were killed and their identities were likewise sent to the UNSC.

Al-Jaafari noted that a Syrian Salafi opposition figure spoke live on a Lebanese channel from Jeddah two days ago, assuming responsibility for the abduction of Lebanese citizens in Syria who had come from Turkey, concluding that there’s no need for presenting one piece of evidence after the other since everyone now knows that Syria is facing dangerous armed terrorist groups.

He also wondered how the German ambassador was talking about his government’s concern over Syrian children in al-Houla while the UNIFIL naval forces allowed permitted the ship carrying weapons from Libya to cross the Lebanese waters.

On ending the missions of Syria’s ambassadors and diplomats in some countries, al-Jaafari said that diplomacy is based on dialogue and its task is finding settlements and middle grounds and bridging gaps, and that diplomacy isn’t based on sanctions, attacking countries or expelling diplomats.

He said that these irresponsible actions show the true intentions of the capitals in question regarding the Syrian crisis, adding that if they actually wanted to help the Syrian people, then they wouldn’t have imposed sanction on them nor facilitated weapon smuggling, adding that the political solution must come from within Syria itself, and that those betting on second, third or fourth options will fall silent.

On some sides accusations that the Syrian government is responsible for the crime in al-Houla, al-Jaafari said that UN Under-Secretary-General Herve Ladsous didn’t accuse the government; rather he voiced suspicions, adding that all such talks is premature as the Syrian committee charged with investigating the incident will report its findings on Thursday or Friday.

He also pointed out that the massacres also affected Teldo and al-Shomariya areas, and that their perpetrators were intentionally trying to start a civil wars since there are three different sects living in these villages, which shows that the perpetrators are professional criminals.

Regarding the recent UNSC statement and calls for withdrawing the army, al-Jaafari said that this has already been done, pointing out the paradox as there are those who criticize the Syrian government when it deploys the army and law-enforcement forces to protect people while others criticize it when the government doesn’t do that which allows terrorists to murder people, stressing that there are situations when the government needs to deploy law-enforcement forces to protect civilians.

Al-Jaafari called on Arab Gulf countries and other countries who are interested in sparking a civil war in Syria to not bet on the failure of Annan’s plan, stressing that Syria acknowledges the presence of a legitimate political opposition which the government invited to dialogue which is part of Annan’s plan, yet certain hostile countries or governments repeatedly encouraged armed groups and the opposition outside Syria to not engage in dialogue.

He went on to say that the opposition isn’t unified and that there are those who are working around the clock to unify it to extort the Syrian government which is diligently working to end violence, stressing the need the pressure the terrorist groups to cease violence and the need for some Arab and regional countries to stop providing these groups with funds, weapons, political support and media coverage.

Regarding some ambassadors’ acknowledgment of the presence of terrorist groups, al-Jaafari said that while some have began to share Syria’s approach in this regard, others are acting irresponsibly regarding their peacekeeping tasks, adding that regardless of the claims made by an ambassador, they must – as members of the UNSC – refrain from using the term “regime” and instead say “government” if they wish to be responsible and noble-minded.

He stressed that the ambassadors who speak of “options” are after escalation and that they violate Annan’s plan, adding that their abandonment of the plans shows that they had been betting on its failure since the beginning.

Al-Jaafari affirmed that the success of Annan’s plan requires equal commitment from all sides, ceasing to traffic in Syrian blood, and sending a clear message from the international community on the need to resolve the crisis through the plan and achieve appeasement, not escalation.

He stressed that the diplomats in the UNSC are there to bridge gaps and find acceptable solutions and settlements, not legalize more sanctions and adopt anti-diplomatic measures.

“If they really want to help Syrians, then the messages Syria needs is stopping escalation and speaking wisely about how to help the government to sit with the opposition and engage in comprehensive national dialogue and find a settlement led by Syria,” al-Jaafari said, adding that these aren’t his own terms, but rather the language of Annan who spoke of a political process led by the Syrian government.

On the appointment of Jeffrey Feltman in a prestigious position in the UN, al-Jaafari said that he hasn’t received official word on this, noting that if it were true, then it’s a sign of escalation, stressing that the task of the UN is to carry out the international agenda, not force an agenda on the international community, which is why honest and neutral experts are needed for high-ranking posts.

Regarding dialogue and the possibility of holding it outside Damascus, al-Jaafari said that the government accepted China’s suggestion to host talks in Beijing, but the opposition, prompted by external instigation, rejected, and that this was repeated when Russia offered to host talks in Moscow, concluding that “the ball isn’t in our court; it’s in the others’ court.”

Churkin: Armed Groups Use Every Opportunity to Violate Annan’s Plan

In a similar press conference after the UNSC session, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin affirmed that armed groups in Syria continue to use every opportunity to violate Annan’s plan by targeting civilians and state officials.

Churkin said that there’s no tangible progress in implementing Annan’s plan save for the government’s withdrawal of heavy artillery from the perimeters of cities, noting that the Syrian opposition strongly rejects dialogue and that some of its members continue to call for foreign interference and continuing armament in Syria in a manner violating Annan’s plan and discouraging political dialogue.

He affirmed that the illegal flow of weapons to armed groups in Syria is continuing, and that these groups are receiving better weapons which is a worrying sign that requires some sides to take serious actions.

Churkin said that UNSC was untied on two decisions on sending the observer mission, and that everyone must commit to these decisions and pressure all sides to implement Annan’s plan, including the sides that don’t respect the plan and continue to militarize the conflict and encourage and arm groups to continue fighting.

He added that Russia isn’t satisfied over the current situation, and that it’s taking every possible step to improve the situation and advance Annan’s plan.

Churkin also said that ending the missions of Syrian ambassadors and diplomats in some countries might be misconstrued by those who wish to see foreign military intervention and more fighting in Syria, which should cause some countries to consider the repercussions.

He said that discussing sanctions is negative, as there are harsh unilateral sanctions imposed on Syria that had severe ramifications on citizens and caused shortages in fuel and other materials.

Churkin affirmed that Russia supports political settlement in Syria and that it doesn’t pick sides, saying that speaking about other options would be a disastrous scenario that would have grave consequences on the entire region.

He called on all countries to think carefully before taking any step or making any gestures or insinuations outside Annan’s plan and the UNSC, in addition to calling on those who arm the opposition to reconsider their options and study the repercussions of their actions.

Churkin added that the results of the UN investigation regarding the crime that took place in al-Houla will appear within a few days.

In response to a question on whether Russia will defend Syria no matter what others do, Churkin said that “Russia will do the right thing for Syria, the Syrian people, the Russian Federation and the international community.”

Russia’s Permanent Representative to EU: Ending Syrian Ambassadors’ Missions in Some Western Countries ”Unconstructive Step”

MOSCOW, (SANA)_Permanent Representative of Russia to the European Union, Vladimir Chizhov, described ending the mission of Syrian ambassadors in some Western countries as unconstructive.

Interfax quoted Chizhov as saying that similar experiences elsewhere proved that such conduct seldom pushes for dialogue.

Chizhov said he believes that ending the mission of Syrian ambassadors reflects the visions of European countries, the US and Australia on the latest developments in Syria, especially al-Houla massacre in Homs, adding ”It is difficult to assess how realistic this vision is, because no investigation was conducted and there are different accounts of what happened.”

On the plan of the UN Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, Chizhov said “I don’t rule out the possibility that there are attempts at foiling it,” adding “When a fragile process for settling disputes in diplomatic means is underway, people on both sides seek to sabotage this process and do all in their power to undermine it.”

Chizhov said it is possible that there are attempts to distort facts in Syria for justifying intervention.

Gatilov: We Are Categorically against Any Intervention in Syrian Conflict from the Outside

MOSCOW, (SANA)_ Russia reiterated its rejection for any proposals at the UN Security Council authorizing military intervention in Syria.

Gennady Gatilov, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, said in press statements to the Russian Interfax News Agency: “We have always said that we are categorically against any intervention in the Syrian conflict from the outside, as this would only worsen the situation and would lead to unpredictable consequences both for Syria itself and the region on the whole.”

Gatilov underscored that Russia calls for broader international discussion on settling standoff in Syria and Kofi Annan’s, the UN Envoy to Syria, six-point plan.

Gatilov added that Russia thinks any new UN Security Council pressure measures on Syria are premature, asserting that Russia will veto initiatives on foreign military interference in Syrian situation in UN Security Council.

Gatilov declared that Russia does not exclude a new mechanism for supervising the implementation of Annan’s plan, citing the necessity for allowing Annan’s plan implementation the needed opportunity, calling on all foreign players, including the western ones, to put pressure on opposition.

Denisov: Decisions on Military Intervention in Syria Should Not Be Based on Emotions

Russian First Deputy Foreign Minister, Andrei Denisov, stressed that decisions on military operations against Syria should not be based on emotions.

Commenting on a statement by French President Francois Hollande about possible military intervention in Syria, Denisov said “One should not lose reason and actual vision of what is happening in Syria,” adding that the talk about any foreign intervention is a reflection of political emotions more than analysis and calculation.

Denisov said that Russia’s stance is not affected by emotions, the thing which Moscow’s French partners couldn’t avoid when shaping their stance, adding that the Security Council has all means, the most important of which right now is the plan of the UN special envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, and his mission and the process of making peace in Syria, which should be taken into account in the first place.

President Vladimir Putin’s Spokesman: Russia Will Not Change Its Stance Regarding Crisis in Syria

President Vladimir Putin’s Spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, announced that Russia isn’t considering changing its stance regarding the crisis in Syria, pointing out that any attempt to pressure Moscow in this regard would be inappropriate.

Peskov stressed that Russia’s policy in general and regarding the Syrian issue in particular is transparent, logical and balanced, and that it’s logical to not anticipate a change in Moscow’s policy relating to Syria during the two upcoming visits of President Putin to Germany and Russia which are scheduled for Friday.

Russia: Measures against Syrian Ambassadors and Diplomats Are Unfruitful

Later, Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Alexander Lukashevich, said that Russia considers the steps of terminating the mission of Syrian ambassadors in the capitals of a number of European countries as “unfruitful” concerning the plan of the UN special envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

“Russia sees that the measures of sending away the Syrian ambassadors from those countries’ capitals are unfruitful,” Lukashevich was quoted by Russia Today website as saying in a statement.

He noted that Moscow’s comment on the decision of terminating the mission of Syrian ambassadors and diplomats by some European and foreign countries is from the perspective of the international efforts seeking to support the political solution to the crisis in Syria.

He clarified that these measures mean that the most important channels through which the Syrian government can be constructively influenced and encouraged to take steps towards implementing Annan’s plan have now become closed.

The Russian spokesman said that the countries which made this decision do not want to listen to Damascus, which is not in the interest of solving the crisis in Syria, noting that Russia’s stances are based on a different logic and that Moscow is doing its best to reduce the intensity of confrontation between the parties of the crisis.

“For this purpose,” Lukashevich added, “Russia is making contacts not only with the Syrian government but also with the various groups of the Syrian opposition, including those who do not appeal to Moscow.”

He pointed out that Russia is doing so out of the necessity of firm commitment to Annan’s plan approved by the international Security Council, reiterating Moscow’s stress that it does not see an alternative to the UN envoy’s plan for the time being.

China Reiterates Rejection of Military Intervention in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson  Liu Weimin reiterated on Wednesday his county’s stance which rejects military intervention in the Syrian internal affairs, pointing out that Beijing rejects using force to bring about change in Syria.

Russia Today website quoted Weimin as calling for the necessity of investigating al-Houla events, hoping that the visit of the UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, would help ease the tension and push all parties to implement the peace plan.

Syria Expels Charge d’affaires of  Dutch Embassy

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Wednesday announced that Syria has expelled the charge d’affaires at the Dutch Embassy in Damascus, giving her 72 hours to leave the

Twenty-five Army, Law-enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 25 army, law-enforcement and civilian martyrs on Wednesday  were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Aleppo Military Hospital, Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia, Police Hospital in Harasta and Deir Ezzor Military Hospital to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were martyred in line of duty in Damascus, Aleppo, Damascus Countryside, Homs,Daraa and Deir Ezzor.

The Martyrs are:

­           Captain Hussein Hassan Jardo, from Homs.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Shaker Nawaf al-Abdullah, from Deir Ezzor.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Youssef Issa Ayash, from Homs.

­           Warrant Officer Ali Issa Shahin, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Major Motaz Yehya Shaaban, from Tartus.

­           Sergeant William Mohammad Mohammad, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Safwat Jamal Ismael, from Idleb.

­           Sergeant Mohammad Raji Ibrahim, from Hama.

­           Sergeant Yasser Suhail Barhoum, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant  Salah Muti’ Qabalan, from Homs.

­           Sergeant Wisam Moin Haidar, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Corporal Ammar Suleiman Najm, from Hama.

­           Conscript Khabat Wahid Ahmad from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Hamza Hassan Suleiman, from Hama.

­           Conscript Mekdad Khudr Barbar, from Homs.

­           Conscript Lifon Qiomijian, from Damascus.

­           Conscript Nenos Alpier Kliyana, from al-Hasaka.

­           Conscript Abdul-Aziz Mohammad Hammami, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Ali Ibrahim Daher, from Lattakia.

­           Conscript Khaled Mohammad al-Shananeh, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Mohammad Abdul-Aziz Sukkar, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Policeman Ammar al-Ahmad, from Homs.

­           Policeman Shadi Suteimeh, from Lattakia.

­           Policeman Somar Ibrahim Ahmad, from Tartous.

­           Civilian Samer Mahmoud Sweidan, from Tartous.

The martyrs’ families and relatives said that the blood of the martyrs is the guarantor for consolidating and fortifying the homeland in the face of the conspiracies hatched against it, expressing the Syrian people’s readiness to sacrifice everything for the sake of defending the homeland’s security and stability.

They called for confronting all those who attempt to tamper with Syria’s security and stability.

Armed Group Attacks Oil Pipeline in Deir Ezzor

DEIR EZZOR, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group detonated with an explosive device a pipeline to transport oil between Abu Hamam and Gharaneej areas in Deir Ezzor causing fire to erupt at the site of the blast.

A source at the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources told SANA reporter that the 12-inch oil pipeline, which belongs to al-Furat Oil Company, transfers crude oil from al-Tank field to T2 station.

The source added that pumping operations were halted after the explosion, adding that production remained unaffected since there are alternative lines that can be used until repairs are carried out.

It added that workshops started repair works to restore pumping oil in the next few days.

On April, 21st, an armed terrorist group detonated the same pipeline near Abu Hamam area.

On April, 30th, another armed terrorist group targeted an oil pipeline between the villages of Mahkan and al-Qouriya in Deri Ezzor with an explosive device, damaging a valve and causing large amounts of oil to leak.

On March 26th, an armed terrorist group attacked a diesel pipeline which links Hama and Homs at Taldao in Homs countryside with an explosive device, causing fire at the site.

On February15th, terrorist armed groups targeted a diesel pipeline that links Homs refinery with fuel tanks in the industrial city of Arda, Damascus Countryside, with an explosive device.

Larijani: Repeating Libyan Scenario in Syria Dangerous Game whose Consequences will Reach Zionist Entity

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Speaker of Iranian Shura Council, Ali Larijani, warned the US and the Zionist entity that the repercussions of repeating the Libyan scenario in Syria will reach the Zionist entity.

Speaking at the Council’s session on Wednesday, Larijani said that the statements recently made by the U.S. officials show new atrocity towards Syria, adding that the US and the West are preparing for a new crisis.

Commenting on threats of launching military operations against Syria, he said that the US military officials have misconceptions about themselves and the issues of the region because Syria is totally different from Libya.

He warned the US and the West that any attempt at repeating the Libyan scenario in Syria is “a dangerous game”.

Larijani stressed that the Iranian Shura Council supports to the democratic reforms in Syria that would guarantee the rights of the people and condemns the terrorist operations and some countries’ interference in Syria, in addition to the illogical and escalated discourse and the U.S. messages instigating war.

Brazilian Foreign Ministry: Brazil Supports Dialogue with Syrian Government

BRASILIA, (SANA)- Brazil stressed its support to dialogue with the Syrian government and said that it has no intention to terminate the mission of the Syrian diplomats on its territories.

Brazilian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Tovar Nunes, said that his country considers that there is no need to take such measures against the Syrian ambassadors and diplomats.

Zebari: Syrian Crisis Should Be Solved through Political Process Led by Syrians

TOKYO, (SANA) – Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar  Zebari, stressed on Wednesday the necessity of adopting the political solution through dialogue among the Syrians far from any foreign interference to solve the Syrian crisis.

Russia Today Channel quoted Zebari as saying at a press conference held in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, that the political process to solve the crisis should be Syrian and led by the Syrians themselves.

UNSMIS Delegations Visit Areas in Homs, Damascus Countryside, Hama and Aleppo

PROVINCES, (SANA) – A UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) delegation visited on Wednesday the Red Crescent Branch in Homs city.

The delegation also visited al-Rastan and al-Houla towns in Homs countryside.

Meanwhile, another UNSMIS delegation visited the towns of al-Hajar al-Aswad and Rankous  in Damascus Countryside and met the residents there.

In Hama Province, Governor of Hama, Anas al-Naem, reviewed during his meeting with a UNSMIS delegation the work mechanisms to help make their mission succeed in the province.

The Governor pointed out that the authorities in the province are still offering all facilitations to help observers fulfill their duties.

In Aleppo province, a team of the international observers visited the Military Hospital in the city of Aleppo and the cities of Hayyan and al-Sfeireh in the countryside.

Israeli Occupation Authorities Continue Depleting Golan’s Resources through New Power Generating Projects

QUNEITRA, (SANA) – Israeli occupation forces continue depleting natural resources of the Syrian Golan through building dozens of wind turbines in the middle and south of Golan to provide settlements in the occupied Golan and northern Palestine with electricity.

A number of Golan people told SANA reporter that the occupation authorities completed researches and studies that enable them to generate electricity through extracting latent heat from under the ground in al-Bteiha area in southern Golan.

The liberated prisoner, Atta Najeeb Farhat, from the occupied town of Buqatha, said that the occupation forces have worked for years to find alternatives to power production, adding that these projects will grant the Zionist entity huge energy resources.

Farhat indicated that Zionist researchers and experts stressed, according to Israeli and foreign periodicals, the possibility of exploiting the underground of Golan after digging 2-3 km down to make use of the high temperature in generating power, while it needs more than 10 km in other regions of the world like in Europe and north Africa.

For his part, citizen Radwan Sha’alan, from the occupied Ein Qaniyeh, said that the Israeli authorities’ digging works are conducted in areas known for their volcanic activity away from international supervision.

Farmer Hael Masoud called for ending the Israeli violations in Golan, indicating to the Israeli practices against the farmers through hindering the process of marketing their harvests and uprooting trees in the northern villages of the occupied Golan.

Governor of Quneitra, Hussein Arnous, called upon the international community to put an end to the Israeli occupation’s aggressive policies and pressure it to abide by the international resolutions and withdraw from the occupied Golan.

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemns Media Instigation against Syria as Aimed to Escalate Violence

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Human Rights Network condemned media instigation against Syria as it aims at escalating violence, shedding more Syrian blood and arousing hatred.

The Network added in a statement on Wednesday that such acts of instigation are condemned according to the international legitimacy of human rights and the UN Charter.

It considered the termination of the mission of Syrian ambassadors or charge d’ affaires because of a massacre committed by armed terrorist groups, which citizens and families in Taldao and the neighboring villages have confirmed, is a direct contribution in hindering the plan of the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, and enhancing the double-standard policy.

The Network added that the international resolutions which have been issued regarding the crisis in Syria were usually unilateral, contrary to reality and in violation to the principles of human rights, warning that this would lead to the terminating the UN role and taking the international system back to chaos.

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