Just International

Syrian News Update

The Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic presents its compliments to the esteemed recipients and has the honour to present the details of the massacres which happened on Friday, 25th May, 2012, in Taldao (Al-Houla) and Al-Shoumarieh, as follows : 1. Hundreds of gunmen gathered in an orderly and systematic manner around the sites of the massacres, armed with heavy weapons including anti-tank missiles. On Friday, 25th May, 2012, sharp at 1400 hours, they commenced their offensive attack on the area simultaneously from Al-Rastan, Talbiseh and Al-Qseir (places around Taldao). 2. The terrorist groups savagely killed the AlAbdulah family, comprising of Mohamad Abed AlNabi Abdulah, his wife and six children, and Rateeb Al-Alo and his son. 3. Also killed in the same manner was the AlSayed family, consisting of Areef Mohamad AlSayed, his wife Izdehar Ali Aldahir and their three children, Imad Mohamad AlSayed and Okbh Mohamad AlSayed. 4. The terrorist groups burnt crops and houses, and an unknown number of charred bodies were found there. 5. They vandalized the national hospital in Taldao which serves the people of the area. 6. They attacked five points for the Syrian Arab army positioned outside the area where the massacre happened. 7. The Syrian Arab Army did its duty in defending itself and innocent civilians and had clashed with the armed terrorist groups until 2300 hours, at which time the army managed to end the brutal assault, with three army members killed and sixteen soldiers injured; an addition to the martyrs’ list resulting from the two terrorist massacres. 8. Syria assures that no tank entered the area, affirming that the Syrian Army was in a state of self-defence and maintained the highest degree of self-control proportionality, and all reports to the contrary are pure lies as the terrorist groups were heavily armed and entered the area with the intent to kill. It was also an indication that with murder using knives, it became the “manner” of terrorist groups to commit their crimes as “offering a sacrifice under the Islamic way.” 9. The children, women and men were assembled at specific areas and if they had been killed by shellfire as biased news channels claim, there would have been dust all over them, whereas the images showed that the massacre was committed in cold blood and from close range. 10. The terrorist operation simultaneously from several areas indicates advanced planning for a terrorist crime which affected innocent Syrian nationals. 11. The residents of the area were supporters of the Syrian Arab army and were cheering it in full view of the world, and that cost them their lives. 12. The terrorist groups’ offensive on the town of Al-Shoumarieh in the countryside of Homs resulted in a horrible massacre on families there and the acts of a large sabotage as part of an escalation of crimes and terrorism prior to any United Nations Security Council sessions together with the announced visit of Mr Kofi Annan, the United Nations envoy to Syria. The groups committed crimes against the Syrian people at the timing of each of the Security Council’s meeting on Syria, or in this case, before the visit of Mr Annan to Damascus. The Syrian Government has informed the Human Rights Council of the terrorist groups using Syrian blood in return for a few lines in statements made by countries seeking to destroy Syria and killing her people in arguments of defence of human rights. Syria has warned of using Syrian blood in such a brutal way to stick the charges on the Syrian authorities, in a precedence that history has not seen. 13. The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic has condemned these ugly terrorist crimes in the strongest words possible. The crimes defy all definitions and descriptions of horrible crimes and systematically planned gross violation to human rights. Syria is determined to find the killers of the children, bring them to trial and not permit them to go unpunished. The Syrian Government has set up a committee by the defence, interior and justice ministries to investigate what happened and present a report within three days. Syria has announced that she is responsible for protecting her people from being killed and from terrorists, and she will do whatever is necessary in accordance with Syrian laws and Syrian international pledges to save her people from terrorism, which is supported and funded externally. In this context, Syria rejects any accusations of killing her own innocent citizens. 14. On 15th March, 2012, AlQaeda terrorist groups committed a massacre in the Karm AlLouz neighbourhood in Homs. It led to the death of fifteen Syrians, including a woman and her four children. It took place a day before the Meeting of the Security Council. 15. On 26th May, 2012, armed terrorist groups fired mortar shells from the AlWarsheh neighbourhood on AlNuzha and AlHadara in Homs, where it was cited that Janet Michael AlAkhrass and ten others were wounded in that attack. 16. On 26th May, 2012, an armed terrorist group hijacked the Agriculture Bank in AlBokamal city in the Der Alzor province and got away with an amount of 12 million Syrian bonds and stamps. 17. On 26th May, 2012, special authorities seized a store and a factory in Homs which terrorist groups used to manufacture improvised explosive devices. In one farm in Al-Gaseer in Homs, large quantities of materials for the manufacture of improvised explosives such as fertilizers, acid, gas canisters and dough fillings for explosives were discovered. A stolen car seized in Homs was also found there along with six Russian guns, three Bombakeshn guns, hand grenades, improvised explosives, a large amount of ammunition, military quivers, millitary uniforms and false car number plates. 18. On 26th May, 2012, special authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group which was attacking citizens and security forces in Douma. It led to the capture of some of its members and the death of others. The security forces found arms in the group’s possession which included improvised explosives, guns, ammunition and a stolen car from the countryside of Damascus Water Company. 19. In the Der Alzor countryside, an armed terrorist group intercepted a transport van ferrying engineers and technicians from the AlFurat Petroleum Company to work, and abducted them and the van to an unknown site. With this, there are currently more than 1,500 Syrians kidnapped and the fate of more than 1,000 still unknown. 20. In Tal Rifaat, Aleppo, an improvised explosive meant for a new massacre against Syrians blew up during preparations by some terrorists leading to some of them being killed and some wounded. All of the above indicate that demonstrations are no longer “peaceful” or that people are demanding for “freedom of opinion and expression.” The Syrian State is facing highly trained gunmen with sophisticated arms who seek to kill, slaughter and terrorise. In protecting its people, the Syrian State will do its job just as any State must to protect its people. What is happening confirms the truth of what Syria has been stressing, that she exposes the campaigns of terrorism supported and funded from abroad. What is more horrible to what is happening is the blood of the martyrs going as victims to media campaigns In an attempt to stick the crime on the Government of Syria.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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