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Syrian News on March 23rd, 2012

Joint Prayer Held for the Souls of Syria’s Martyrs… Patriarch Laham: Syria is Strong and Resilient

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A joint prayer was held on Wednesday in Kyrillos Church in al-Qassa neighborhood in Damascus for the souls of Syria’s martyrs and the martyrs of the two terrorist bombings that targeted Damascus last Saturday.

In a speech, Patriarch Gregorios III Laham of Antioch and All The East said that this prayer is held for the sake of Syria, which is strong and resilient, noting that this cycle of violence must not persist and calling on Syrians to resort to dialogue, reconciliation, repentance and calm to preserve unity and vanquish enmity.

He called upon Syrians to pray to God to preserve Syria and its people, stressing that Syria can continue the process of renewal and change and emerge from violence through dialogue.

Patriarch Laham also stressed the importance of heeding the calls for reforms, noting that this has already begun as the new constitution is a step forward, voicing confidence in the Syrians’ ability to lead reform on their own so that they make their own democracy, freedom and dignity with the participation of all groups.

He denounced the heinous and barbaric terrorist bombings that took place in Damascus, calling for praying for those who were wounded and are now lying in hospitals.

“Despite what happened, we affirm from our churches and mosques that Syria will remain strong, resilient and united… we pray for our President Bashar al-Assad whose heart bears love for all Syrians” he said.

Patriarch Laham noted that he informed the Pope, heads Episcopal councils in Europe and some European officials of some ideas to eliminate violence, informing them of the elements that are aggravating it in the regions, adding that he told the Pope and Europeans who claim to fear for Christians that Christians are Syrians, and what happens to other Syrians affects them as well.

He stressed that the role of Christians in Syria and the region during these difficult circumstances isn’t neutral, as they are working diligently to preserve the unity of Syria and the Arab world, since the preservation of Syria’s unity will restore the Arab world’s well-being and unity.

Patriarch Laham saluted all mothers, particularly who lost husbands, children or relatives, on occasion of Mother’s Day, in addition to congratulating teachers on occasion of Teachers’ Day.

After the prayers, participants marched bearing candles from the church to the site of the terrorist bombing which took place in al-Qassa neighborhood, where they laid wreaths in honor of the martyrs.

The march was led by Patriarch Laham, the Papal Ambassador in Damascus Monsignor Mario Zenari, and several Muslim and Christian religious figures.

During the march, Muslim preacher and scholar Ahmad Sheikho said that Syria always has and always will be the home of all religions and coexistence, and that the prayer and march aim at instilling the values of love and peace, not hatred and violence which some are trying to spread in Syria.

Sheikho called on those who were led astray to come to their senses so that violence may come to an end, stressing that religion rejects murder and calls for amity, peace and cooperation.

Other participants in the march voiced support for reforms and saluted the Syrian Arab Army and law-enforcement sources for their sacrifices for the sake of preserving Syria’s security and stability.

They also denounced the Arab and western regimes that support terrorists and provide them with money and weapons to kill Syrians and employ misleading channels to help them in shedding Syrian blood.

Bogdanov: No Draft Resolutions on Syria at Security Council Agenda

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian President’s Special Representative for Middle East Affairs, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, announced on Thursday that the UN Security Council is currently focusing on discussing the mission of the UN Special Envoy, Kofi Annan, to Syria, adding that there are no draft resolutions on Syria at this time.

In a statement, Bogdanov said that all sides are waiting for the outcome of Annan’s mission, pointing out that Annan will visit Moscow within the coming two days to hold consultations on the Syrian issue.

Margelov: Russia satisfied that UN Security members’ listened to its voice

The Russian Special representative to Africa Mikhail Margelov announced today that Russia is satisfied over the UN Security members’ listening to its voice regarding the crisis in Syria.

” We are satisfied over listening to our correct viewpoint because we support the UNSC statement on Syria,” Margelov, also Chairman of the International Relations at  the Russian Federation Council, said in a statement to journalists.

He added that Russia continues its contacts with the Syrian opposition and it is ready to be a linking among sides of the crisis in Syria.

Chekov: Economic sanctions on Syria, Iran and Belarus aim at changing regimes in these states

Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chekov announced that the economic sanctions imposed on Syria, Iran and Belarus aim at changing regimes in these counties at last.

“I believe that the final target of those sanctions is changing regimes, but the sanctions by themselves didn’t change regimes,” Chekov said during an interview with Vesti 24 TV channel.

Citizens involved in possessing weapons, but didn’t perpetrate crimes give themselves up to authorities

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-A number of citizens who were involved in possessing weapons, but they didn’t perpetrate crimes of killing or sabotage gave themselves up to the competent authorities on Thursday.

In turn, the authorities released them immediately after they pledged not to possess weapons or carrying out any acts against the homeland or citizens.

The citizens said in speeches to the Syrian TV that they were possessing different kinds of rifles in Kfar Batna, Damascus countryside, but when they heard of the presidential amnesty, they gave themselves up to the authorities to make use of this amnesty and return to their normal life.

They admitted that they were wrong, calling on any person who possess any weapon to do so and make use of the amnesty.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists, Seize Weapons in different areas

GOVERNORATES, SANA_ The competent authorities on Thursday seized quantities of weapons, ammunition, drugs and explosives in the house of the killed terrorist, Oday al- Youssef, in the neighborhood of Sheikh Yassin in Deir Ezzor.

The confiscated weapons included six RPG launchers, 50 varied RPG rounds, 20 automatic rifles, bump action guns, mortars, variety of rounds, 8 hand grenades, bombs and explosive belts, a large quantity of ammunition and a machine gun.

Authorities clash with terrorists, kill and arrest several of them in Idleb and Hama

Competent authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group that was attacking families at Dir Sunbul, Kuhof and the surrounding areas in Jabal al-Zawya, Idleb, killing and injuring a number of criminals.

Two members of the law-enforcement were wounded in the clashes.

The Authorities at al-Sheikh Town between Aleppo and Hama also clashed with another terrorist group that was assaulting the passing cars, killing three of the terrorists, arresting others and confiscating their weapons.

Meanwhile, the authorities in Hama confiscated a big quantity of weapons and ammunitions during pursuit of the armed terrorist groups’ remnants in Hama northern countryside, killing a number of terrorists and seizing their weapons.

The weapons included 6 RPGs, five mortars, six bombs, 12 rifles, pistols, computer and communication sets.

Lebanon FM: Lebanese Stance Similar to Russia’s in Rejection of Foreign Interference, Dialogue as Solution for Crisis

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour stressed that his country’s stance with regard to Syria is to a large extent similar to Russia’s as the two stances reject foreign interference in Syria’s domestic affairs, refuse the idea of arming the opposition and keen on Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, in addition to considering dialogue as the basis for solving the crisis.

Mansour said in an interview with Lebanese al-Manar TV on Thursday that Lebanon is more committed to its stance than before, whose correctness has been proven after several months of the crisis, particularly after international parties retreated from their stern stances, adding ” there is no way out but through the political solution and dialogue.”

The Lebanese Minister pointed out that the Syrian leadership has responded to reform demands right from the beginning as it is also working on them through approving several legislations and laws, the most prominent of which are the new Constitution, the Parties Law, the Media Law and preparing for the forthcoming legislative elections.

He underlined that Lebanon will never attend the so-called ” Friends of Syria” conference which is due to be held in Istanbul next month, adding “Lebanon’s relationship is with the Syrian state and the events taking place do not mean that we should go so far and act illegally.”

Lebanon’s Foreign Minister pointed out that his country depends on Syria in the economic and trade domains but not the other way round, so it cannot go along with the Arab League’s sanctions against Syria.

Eighteen Army and Law Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Eighteen army and law enforcement martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Daraa, Homs and Hama.

The martyrs are:

­           Conscript Joma Okeidi Sheikho from Aleppo.

­           Sergeant Ali Khaled Ibrahim from Idleb.

­           Corporal Conscript Wael Ahmad Awad from Hasaka.

­           Conscript Rashid Qassem Rashid from Deir-Ezzour.

­           Conscript Mohammad Kheir Mohammad al-Ahmad from Raqqa.

­           Conscript Abboud al-Hamadi al-Mani from Deir Ezzour.

­           Corporal Conscript Salaman Abd al-Salem from Raqqa.

­           Conscript Ahmad Saleh al-Ali from Hasaka.

­           Conscript Salah Seido Mohammad from Aleppo.

­           Sergeant Ahmad Ali al-Mohammad from Hama.

­           Conscript Alaa-Eddin Ali al-Ali from Aleppo Countryside.

­           Sergeant Rabie Ali Othman from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Khalil Ahmad al-Zaal from Deir-Ezzour.

­           Sergeant Farouq Bozan Bakr from Raqqa.

­           Conscript Abdul-Baset Abdullah al-Naasan from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Yahem Mahmoud Khalouf from Hama.

­           Conscript Ahmad Hamed al-Khodr from Raqqa.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Rami Abbas Mohammad from Tartous.

The martyrs’ families called for confronting the terrorists in order to restore Syria’s security and stability, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through adhering to national unity.

They condemned the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups backed by some Arab and Western countries.

Russia Concerned over Human Rights Violations Committed by Syrian Opposition’s Armed Groups

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russia expressed deep concern over human rights violations committed by armed groups affiliated to the Syrian opposition against the civilian citizens in Syria, violations which were recently highlighted in an open letter recently published by Human Rights Watch (HRW), stressing the necessity to investigate into these abuses and implement tougher penalties against the perpetrators.

“This letter comprises a wide range of verified facts on serious human rights crimes perpetrated by the armed groups in Syria including those of kidnappings, acts of torture, arbitrary detentions and killings of civilians,” Russian Foreign Ministry’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, Konstantin Dolgov, said in a press statement on Thursday.

He added that HRW confirmed that the Syrian opposition has kidnapped civilian and military citizens in order to get ransom or money for buying arms in return or to exchange them with detainees from the opposition.

Dolgov pointed out that the international body has posted on YouTube no less than 25 videos recording scenes of torturing and killing people who showed signs of battery and bone fractures to be later forced by the opposition to confess to having killed civilians and opponents to the Syrian government.

“This open letter to human rights advocates stresses the correctness of Russia’s principled stance that is committed to not allowing human rights violations in light of the events taking place in Syria,” said the Russian diplomat.

He voiced concern over the emergence of representatives from al-Qaeda and other extremist terrorist organizations among the Syrian opposition.

Dolgov affirmed that Russia stresses the necessity of using information provided by human rights advocates by all the international fellows concerned to contribute to widening the scope of stability, quickly normalizing the situation with regard to human rights in Syria and starting an effective political process, including supporting the mission of UN envoy Kofi Annan without outside interference.

Human Rights Watch confirmed in a statement last Tuesday that some Syrian opposition’s armed groups have committed serious human rights abuses that included kidnapping, torture and execution of Syrian civilians and security force members.

HRW stressed that it has received reports of executions by armed opposition groups of Syrian forces members and civilians.

UNSC Adopts Statement Backing Annan’s Mission to Syria..Lavrov: No Warnings or Signals in the Statement

NEW YORK, (SANA)- The UN Security Council on Wednesday endorsed a presidential statement, which does not have the character of a resolution, that backs the mission of UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced at a press conference in Berlin that the Security Council statement does not include any warnings or signals to whom it may be held more responsible.

He was satisfied as western sides prevented from sending final ultimatums, threats or try to solve the problem through proposing unilateral demands.

“In light of the fact that there are armed sides that are fighting the government, it is not probable to rely on the UNSC to ask the governmental forces to withdraw from the main cities without taking similar steps by the opposition,” Lavrov said.

On the UNSC previous resolutions rejected by Russia, Lavrov said “Russia has defended the UNSC, not the Syrian government because Security Council shouldn’t adopt unrealistic resolutions.”

Security Council Strongly Condemns Latest Terrorist Bombings in Damascus and Aleppo

In another context, the Security Council condemned in a press statement today the latest terrorist bombings which took place in Damascus and Aleppo.

“The Security Council members condemn in the strongest of terms the terrorist attacks which happened in Damascus and Aleppo in March 17 and 18 and caused tens of deaths and injuries,” said the Russia-proposed statement.

It added that the Security Council members express their deepest condolences to the families of the victims of these heinous acts.

“UNSC members reiterate that terrorism, with all its forms, represents one of the most dangerous threats on world peace and security… any terror acts wouldn’t be justified regardless of their goals at any time and whatsoever the side that perpetrates it would be,” the statement added.

It said that the Council member countries renew expression of their determination to combat all forms of terror in line with the UNSC responsibilities and the UN Charter.

Churkin: Russia’s Stance on Crisis in Syria didn’t change

The Russian Permanent Envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin underlined that Russia’s stance on the crisis in Syria didn’t change, saying that this stance reflects his country’s vision and understanding to the need of halting all forms of violence, bringing all Syrians together to dialogue and supporting the political process which is led by the Syrians.

ITARTASS news agency quoted Churkin as saying in a statement following the UNSC meeting that the talks of experts’ group sent by Annan to Syria to monitor a mechanism for the cease-fire are running in a good manner.

He was worried about the smuggling of weapons into Syria, saying this matter wouldn’t contribute to making Annan’s mission a success.

AFP: Extremist Islamist Terrorist Group Calling Itself Jabhet al-Nasra Claims Responsibility for Recent Terrorist Bombings in Damascus

BEIRUT, (SANA) – An extremist Islamist terrorist group calling itself “Jabhet al-Nasra” claimed responsibility for the two terrorist bombings that took place in Damascus on Saturday.

AFP (Agence France Presse) published a statement by this group which said that these so-called “Jabhet al-Nasra soldiers” carried out the two bombings that took place in al-Jamarak rotary and al-Qassa neighborhoods.

The aforementioned bombings claimed 26 lives and wounded dozens of civilians and law-enforcement personnel, in addition to causing massive damage to buildings, homes and private properties in the blast sites.

Earlier, US Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper said at the US Senate that the bombings that have been taking place in Damascus and Aleppo since December 2011 have the marks of al-Qaeda all over them, noting that al-Qaeda members and extremist have infiltrated the divided Syrian opposition.

Vatican’s Agenzia Fedis: Armed Groups Affiliated with al-Qaeda Carrying Out Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in Homs

VATICAN, (SANA) – Agenzia Fides, the Vatican’s information service, said on Wednesday that armed terrorist groups affiliated with al-Qaeda are carrying out ethnic cleansing of Christians in Homs.

The report said that a note sent from the Syrian Orthodox Church, a militia calling itself “al-Faruq Brigade” expeled 90% of Christians in Homs and confiscated their homes by force, noting that members of this group broke into houses in the neighborhoods of Hamidiya and Bustan al-Diwan, forcing Christians to flee, without giving them the chance to take their belongings.

The note added that this group is run by armed elements of al-Qaeda and various Wahhabi groups and includes mercenaries from Libya and Iraq.

In addition, the Vicar Apostolic of Aleppo, Monsignor Giuseppe Nazzaro told Fides that these reports are beginning to break down the wall of silence built up to now by the press worldwide, while extremist and terrorist movements are making headway.

Nazzaro also recalled the recent bombing which took place in Aleppo on Sunday, saying “By a miracle a massacre of children was avoided, at the Center of catechesis of the Church of St. Bonaventure: only because the Franciscan, sensing danger, made the children leave 15 minutes before the usual time.”


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