Just International

The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: Neoliberal near-Martyr of the Global Free Market Wars

11 October, 2012

By Scott Creighton

@ willyloman

UPDATE 8: The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: The Making of Malala – The CFR Mockingbird Reporter and the Charter School Owner Father

UPDATE 7: read The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: The Face of the “Universal” For-Profit School Movement

UPDATE 6: read The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: The End Game of the “New Great Game” Unfolds

UPDATE 5: read The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: It’s a Miracle! Malala’s Brain Not Damaged at All – Ready the Talk Shows!

UPDATE 4: read The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: You’re With Malala or You’re With the Turrrrorrists

UPDATE 3: see picture at the end of the article. About 50 activists were ready less than 24 hours after her “shooting” with slick banners, in English, for a march that took place on Oct. 10th. How they got them done so quickly and why they chose to print them up in English is anyone’s guess.

UPDATE 2: Single Bullet Theory redux – a single bullet went from her forehead into her skull, then somehow manged to end up in her shoulder near her neck. They had to change the story of her being shot in the head AND the neck because even as they kept putting out pics of her with her neck covered up like this one, someone screwed up and published the photo I include below which clearly shows she wasn’t shot in the neck. “Malala was shot twice — once in the head and once in the neck — but her wounds were not life-threatening, according to Tariq Mohammad, a doctor at the main hospital in Mingora.” RT

You mean to tell me a doctor can’t tell if she was shot in the neck? Look at that picture I post just below… you tell me if she was shot in the neck.

“Official sources told Dawn that the single bullet, which hit Malala’s head, had pierced down to her backbone.

We have thoroughly examined her, she is in critical condition. The bullet traveled from her head and then lodged in the back shoulder, near the neck,” a doctor told the AFP agency, according to Dawn, requesting anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to media. NBC “News”

And what about that shot in the neck? What kind of doctor says she was shot in the neck?

Shot in the neck? oops…. better fix that story


“Kony2012 , Nurse Nayirah, Gay Girl from Damascus, Babies in Syrian hospital story, the Nada story from Iran ,CNN’s Misogynistic Cell Phone Porn Propagnada , the “Obeidy” gang rape story, the Jessica Lynch lies, the Pat Tillman lies, etc. etc. etc…”

Endless, mind-numbingly stupid pro-war propaganda designed for maximum emotional context in an era of identity driven “news”

“She is our daughter,” Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf

“In attacking Malala, the terrorists have failed to grasp that she is not only an individual, but an icon of courage and hope who vindicates the great sacrifices that the people of Swat and the nation gave, for wresting the valley from the scourge of terrorism,” General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani

Two days after the Pakistani military put down a protest against U.S. drone strikes killing innocent civilians in Pakistan, along comes the fake Taliban to claim credit for shooting little innocent Malala in cold blood. The Pakistani military was all over this story from day one and she is now in some military hospital recovering from her “wounds”. Say nothing of the fact that the Pakistani military is deeply imbedded with the Pentagon and the fact that the Peace Pipeline (Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Project) is well underway while Unical’s Trans Afghan Pipeline is languishing.

The Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Project is a major point of contention between U.S. and Pakistani governments. Russia is also now involved as it was Gasprom who stepped up to cut a deal with the Pakistani government to finance and build their section of the pipeline which will take Iranian oil and LNG to areas in Pakistan and India. This was the market that Unical wanted to reach with their Trans Afghan pipeline when they  were attempting to cut a deal with the Taliban back in 1999 and 2000. Survey work is to be completed this month with construction starting by December. Iran has completed their section.

There is a lot at stake in Pakistan these days and suddenly we have the story of little innocent Malala plastered on every news channel and paper in the country. This is the story of Malala Yoursafzai: neoliberal near-martyr of the Global Free Market Wars


Thus is the story of little Malala Yousafzai cruelly shot down by the mean-old Taliban because she dared to want to go to school like all the other little kids and wrote a blog under a pen name for… wait for it… wait for it… the BBC.

“My mother liked my pen name ‘Gul Makai’ and said to my father ‘why not change her name to Gul Makai?’ I also like the name because my real name means ‘grief stricken‘.” BBC


Bring in the professional photographers and the acting lessons for little miss “grief stricken” from corporate artisians like those at Hill & Knowlton who taught Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ to lie to the U.S. congress about a bunch of mean-old Iraqis who took babies from their incubators and threw them on the cold floor. You can expect a staring performance by Malala in front of some kind of congressional committee just as soon as she “recovers” from her “wounds”

Malala wants to be a politician when she grows up according to the Washington Post. Ask my opinion and she is well on the way. Seems like she and her father want some kind of position in the newly minted Pakistan, fresh filled with U.S. and British puppet politicos much like the Vichy French regime who were installed by the Nazis in July of 1940 and collaborated with them for 4 years afterwards sending French Jews and other “undesirables” to meet their ends in the concentration camps of Germany.

Enter Laura Bush stage left. She writes an Op Ed for the Washington Post where she lauds the “brave” young Malala and commands us to know “a girls courage challenges us to act“. Forget the fact that Laura Bush’s husband did more lasting damage to the education of children with his relentless campaign to defund public schools across the country so they could be privatized like the prison system and the military industrial complex. Forget the fact that her husband is directly responsible for lying us into two wars of aggression in which countless Malala’s have been blown to pieces. Forget the fact that under the Bush regime, our troops ran midnight raids in occupied nations dragging the fathers out of the homes leaving little girls like Malala fatherless in a war-torn, broken nation.

Forget all that… Malala challenges us to act.

But what does she mean by “act”?

As coincidence would have it, the Taliban just “happened’ to attack little innocent Malala at a perfect time for the Obama administration. Protests across Pakistan were gaining the attention of the international press. The people of Pakistan are sick of Barack’s drones blowing up their children while a study just came out exposing the fact that for every assumed “terrorists’ they kill, his drones kill 40 or so innocent people. And thus, little innocent Malala’s attack couldn’t have come at a better time for the re-election seeking President Peace Prize.

“Pakistani security forces have prevented a convoy protesting American drone strikes, headed by opposition politician Imran Khan, from entering a lawless tribal region along the border with Afghanistan.

The convoy of at least 10,000, which also included American members of the U.S.-based Code Pink antiwar group, was stopped by hundreds of security personnel just miles from the border of South Waziristan. The region is a hotbed for Pakistani Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants.” RFE Oct. 7th 2012

Two days later on Oct. 9th 2012, Malala was reportedly shot on a school bus. Interesting timing huh?

Also of note, the Pakistani military has been all over the Malala shooting story since the very first moments. She was reportedly taken to a military hospital. Here is a photo of that transfer via military helicopter.

If you go here you can pull up a bunch of photos of little innocent Malala being carted out of the ambulance which first took her to a hospital in Mingora. As she was being pulled out of the vehicle, you can see military personel makes up about 60% of the people standing around with the rest being hospital staff. In this dramatic shot, you can see a high ranking Pakistani military figure lurking in the background.

How did the Pakistani military get to the hospital at the same time the ambulance did? How did they mobilize high ranking officials so quickly?

Immediately afterwards the fake Taliban spokesman in Pakistan, Ehsanullah Ehsan, took credit for the attack on the schoolgirl by a “phone call” claiming they did it because she liked Barack Obama and because she supported “Western Ideas”. This by the way is the same fake Taliban spokesman who told the drone protesters to basically “f*ck off” after the protest was turned back by the Pakistani military.

This is the same Ehsanullah Ehsan who took credit for a double bombing in 2011 claiming it was in response to the killing of bin Laden. That confession was also by phone from an “undisclosed location”


The “brave Malala” story is completely fake just like the Jessica Lynch story, just like the Nurse Nayirah story, just like the Nada story from Iran. It’s a marketing campaign, selling war via emotional contextualism dependent on high levels of cognitive dissonance. In other words;

“we need to act to have our Peace Prize “winning” president commit to sending MORE drones and bombers into Pakistan to blow up a lot of innocent little girls because the evil Taliban shot ONE little girl in the head.. and by the way… she’s just fine because the military which we fund has been all over the case since the moment it began… and by the way don’t think about that up-coming election or that anti-drone protest building in Pakistan or that Peace Pipeline that is about to have construction started on it by our new-old arch rivals, the Russians.”

That’s the nature of political discourse in America these days. They get some Madison Avenue hotshot to come up with the same old tired bullshit (Gay Girl from Damascus anyone?) and they fully expect us to swallow it without a second thought. It’s ridiculous, it’s insulting, but it’s all they have. They want that pipeline stopped and they’ll sink to any low to see that they have a justification for doing it.

And thus our little “grief stricken” mouthpiece has a new role to play; neoliberal near martyr of the Global Free Market Wars.

UPDATE: Jan noticed something in one of the photos on CNN which I linked to. Check out the young person (or shorter person) walking behind the man in the white at the rear of the group. She’s wearing the same color pants and shawl as Malala in the other photos and it seems that the gurney they are using to carry her to the waiting chopper is empty. Did she and her father walk onto that chopper and someone screwed up when editing the photo?

Here is a picture of the girl with her father. Notice the guy running beside the woman in the picture is ducking down a bit but it seems like they are the right height ratio father to daughter to possibly be the two in the picture.

Here is a little known photo of the girl right after the attack. Who washed her hair while she was fighting for her life? Bullet went in this girl and down through her neck?