By Sally Dugman
First, this information at the link below in its second half conforms to the “secret” information that my nephew knows. His is from US government sources that indicate that half of Americans will likely get the virus.
Second, his father is writing an exam for tomorrow for some of his approximately 120 students. He is concerned that the remote viewing online might not work and that some of the students may cheat using books and such. So he is doing all that he can to make corrections for both contingencies.
Third, remember the 2008 bailout. Remember AIG throwing a big vacation overseas for executives while not helping mid and low level workers with that money? Well, it is happening again. Redux. .
Darling Donald Trump and miserable Mitch McConnell have the same plan in place with no contingency to bail out workers with corporate given funds when giving the money to corporations, and no tracking measurements for the ways that the money is used. Way to go NOT! … Absolutely no tabulations on the way that the bailout money is spent! And who is on the hook for it? Taxpayers.
Fourth, the man who owns a pizza shop was practically crying last night. He does not live high on the hog, but doesn’t have spare money to tide his family over. Yet nobody at all except a few people come to his eatery any more. … Yes, I ate pizza last night from his place that’s a few miles from my home. Nothing except takeout, of course.
Fifth, my sister daily takes a Facebook exercise class using her husband’s account since she has no Facebook account like me with none. The class comes out of NY and she is in MD. With the shelter in place conditions, it’s a case of “use it or lose it” with your body nonetheless.
Karen C. from elder services in Worcester, MA called me recently. She phoned to inquire about whether I needed food, medicine or some other critical provision such as visits for home care providers and physical therapy. This is because she was calling to all people whom she knows and will make sure that they will get whatever that they need.
She’ll even go out herself to provide whatever may be needed after she dons her mask and gloves. … Yes, we all need to step up in troubled times. Fortunately, some of us like Karen go all out. They are willing even to personally handle emergencies even when it puts themselves at risk.
To read more than the analysis below, please go to the link. The second half of the article is excellent and is applicable to many countries.
This mitigation strategy is what you’ve seen a lot of people talking about when they say we should “flatten the curve”: try to slow the spread of the disease to the people most likely to die from it, to avoid overwhelming hospitals. And it does flatten the curve — but not nearly enough. The death rate from the disease is cut in half, but it still kills 1.1 million Americans all by itself. The peak need for ventilators falls by two-thirds, but it still exceeds the number of ventilators in the US by 8 times.
Sally Dugman lives in MA, USA.
24 March 2020