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Rahul Gandhi’s Save Constitution Pitch wins people’s hearts

By Frank Huzur

Rahul Gandhi’s emphasis on saving the Constitution in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections has worked wonders for the Indian National Congress. By organizing seminars alongside rallies, first in Delhi, second in Lucknow and the third in Chandigarh over the past three weeks.

Rahul Gandhi has shown this is a serious ideological movement and not just electoral politics.

Making the polls a referendum on Constitutional values was a masterstroke that has framed the entire debate. It put Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP on the back foot.

Rahul successfully checkmated Modi’s communal polarisation agenda by shifting focus to social justice and governance issues. Small surprise, PM Modi felt nervous and launched into a series of communal jibes, such as Mangalsutra, Musalman and Pakistan. Especially, Modi became a shadow advertiser of the Congress manifesto, Nyay Patra, as he belted out lie after lie for public distraction on reservation and Constitution. By doing so, Mr Modi triggered a mass frenzy in the Congress manifesto and over 30 million people downloaded the 48-page document in less than a week of its release.

As a result, marginalized groups that were swayed by divisive rhetoric are regaining confidence in Congress. This visible consolidation of Dalit-OBC votes under Rahul’s progressive leadership has clearly unnerved the Modi campaign.

It reflects Rahul’s ability to articulate an aspirational, inclusive vision that resonates beyond traditional party lines.

He has been able to steer public discourse away from hate to hope, and establishment of India as a constitutional democracy.

His leadership has energized large sections of youth, women, farmers as well who see their future and rights safe in his hands.

Rahul has indeed set the benchmark for these polls through his brilliant concept of Nyay Yatra for the Constitution.

Rahul Gandhi makes it a point to attend every  social justice conference. He was in his elements at Chandigarh too.

It was likely the largest such event so far, reflecting the growing momentum of Rahul’s message. The Indradhanush auditorium with a capacity for 1800 people was buzzing with excitement on a hot summer afternoon.

Having prominent intellectual activists and political figures on stage reinforced the seriousness of purpose. Issues of representation, affirmative action, developmental rights dominated discussions.

Rahul stressed how the Constitution and social justice are under attack currently. He compared the Congress vision of inclusive development with BJP’s divisive rhetoric.

Interacting with attendees from marginalized communities also helps Rahul understand grassroots issues.

Promoting a progressive versus conservative ideology is important to win over youth and subaltern votes. The diverse crowd signaled Rahul’s appeal beyond traditional Congress support bases.  Regional coverage in media expands the outreach of such conferences nationally too.

It bolsters Rahul’s stature as a champion of equal rights rallying like-minded progressive sections. Regular direct contact keeps up momentum and organizational efforts on social justice.

-Samruddh Bharat Foundation playing the role of organizer lends credibility, bringing intellectual voices on a common platform.

Veteran Congress leader Gurdeep Singh Sappal’s speech highlighted how the Constitution ensures dignity for all. Drawing from medieval bhakti tradition, he contextualized inclusion & equality as the roots of our democratic principles. Contrasting BJP-RSS obsession with pride and prestige, he underscored the need for ‘garima’ or dignity of the underprivileged.

His emphasis on protecting Constitutional values from Hindutva forces resonated with the audience.

In fact, such discourse expands Rahul’s support base among socially disadvantaged groups being empowered.  This in turn strengthens Rahul’s credentials as the flag-bearer of saving India’s pluralist, liberal-democratic fabric.

The Chandigarh conference was called Samvidhan Samman Sammelan. It was an important platform to discuss upholding constitutional values of equality, justice and fundamental rights. The presence of prominent social justice advocates like Dr. Anil JaiHind, Kancha Ilaiah, Dr Ratan Lal and Subhashini Yadav lent credibility.

-Dr. JaiHind’s speech contextualized Congress’ historic role in framing the liberal, egalitarian Constitution of India.

Praising Rahul for infusing courage and raising voices against injustice positioned him as a leader of the oppressed.

Describing Rahul as ‘Nyay Yoddha’ fighting for the downtrodden amplified his image as a champion of constitutional morality.

-Rahul listening with rapt attention and applauding showed his commitment towards safeguarding constitutional guarantees. It was a strategic move to assemble supportive intellectuals endorsing Rahul’s credentials ahead of polls.

The conference enabled Rahul to project himself as a worthy custodian of India’s secular, democratic values in contrast to the ruling dispensation.

Kancha Ilaiah, a renowned author and professor, took a jibe at the Assamese BJP leader and CM Hemant Vishwsharma for his ridiculous insinuation that the red book Rahul carries is a Chinese constitution.

He pointed out the illogicality of associating anything red with China, like tagging Sikhs with their red turbans as Chinese.

This was a subtle yet effective rebuttal that highlighted the CM’s cheap rhetoric and lack of substance. Getting the large audience, including Rahul, to laugh at the funny rebuttal undermined the seriousness of the allegations.

It ridiculed the CM and BJP’s pet narrative of branding the opposition as anti-national in a light-hearted manner.

Rahul’s joining in the laughter endorsed Kancha’s spin that gave confidence to others present.

Of course, it boosted the momentum of the conference by exposing irrational propaganda in an entertaining way. Kancha’s signature style of critique through humour added levity to an otherwise serious discussion on safeguarding democracy.

So in sum, the repartee was a crowd-pleasing highlight that stole the show at the conference.

Subhashini Sharad Yadav moderated the programme of discourse. Being Sharad Yadav’s daughter, she brought authority and nostalgia in recalling his fight for social justice. Highlighting how Rahul has bravely taken up the responsibility enhanced his credentials as a genuine leader on such issues.

Describing social justice as the soul of Indian Constitution emphasized its significance in protecting marginalized sections. Expressing pride of OBCs, SCs, STs in Rahul’s leadership suggested he has their trust in guarding rights enshrined.

Her balanced moderation facilitated insightful discussions on complex socio-political matters.Drawing parallels between Sharad Yadav and Rahul’s leadership established continuity and strengthened Rahul’s support base.

It reminded people of stalwarts who shaped the discourse while motivating new leaders like Rahul Gandhi.

Overall, her endorsement added gravitas to Rahul’s pro-Constitution, pro-social justice narrative being projected. It exemplified Rahul’s cross-community appeal on issues not defined by narrow identity politics.

So her address reinforced solidarity for constitutional democracy and equality.

In the valedictory session, Rahul Gandhi’s concluding remarks cleared many confusions on the traditional stance of the Congress Party over social justice and diversity.

Rahul contrasted Modi’s rhetoric of giving ‘respect’ to OBCs with the actual need of guaranteeing their ‘rights’. This differentiated between BJP’s tokenistic gestures and Congress’ material commitment to social justice.He confessed that the grand old party (GOP) had made several mistakes in the past and the Congress Party has to change now.

Rahul emphasised the importance of concrete political and economic empowerment, not empty sloganeering.

His assertion about ensuring 90% marginalized communities get proper representation through a caste census shows tangible plans. It addresses a long-standing demand and boosts trust in Rahul among these constituencies.

Describing it as a ‘life mission’ rather than politics underscores Rahul’s personal conviction on the issue. This resonates strongly as people compare it with BJP’s polarizing propaganda.

Rahul affirmed that after forming the government at Centre, uplifting backwards, dalits and tribals from poverty will be a key priority. It encapsulated Rahul’s transformative, inclusive vision versus BJP’s hollow sloganeering on social justice.

The forceful comments capped the successful Chandigarh conference on a high note.

Frank Huzur is an author and journalist.

24 May 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

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