Just International

Seeking a UN Resolution to stop the slaughter in Gaza

Dear Friends,

We’re writing to people with a history of nonviolent direct action to end wars. Many of you have already undertaken efforts to end Israel’s horrific, relentless genocide in Gaza and escalating attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank. Now, as Israel’s violence accelerates — aided and abetted by the United States through the ever-increasing provision of state-of-the-art weapons of war —  it is more than ever apparent that the nonviolent peace community must take extreme measures to stop Israel’s wholesale slaughter of Palestinians.

In this regard, we invite you to join us for several days of fasting, (optional),witness and action in New York City from August 10 – 15. The aim is to augment and extend efforts to persuade UN Member States to call an emergency meeting of the General Assembly to enact a “Uniting for Peace Resolution”. Participants will team up to visit as many UN Missions as possible, while also reaching out to people in New York and beyond through correspondence, social media, signage and teach-ins. Crucially, Mel Duncan and David Hartsough report that an assessment team is already on the ground to enable sending Veteran Unarmed Civilian Protectors to Gaza and the West Bank to provide direct protection to civilians. These teams can support the violence prevention and human rights work already being done. Their commitment includes working to sustain a ceasefire.   https://wagingnonviolence.org/2024/05/now-is-the-time-to-send-unarmed-peacekeepers-to-gaza-and-the-rest-of-palestine/ Also, we invite you to join a group committed to fast from solid foods during this time.

Kindly let us know if you would be interested in receiving more information about the fast and days of action.

Also, if you are aware of any individuals or groups that could provide housing in the NYC area, please let us know.

We’re eager to connect with any groups you would suggest that might wish to collaborate in this effort. Help us make our demands and presence known at the UN General Assembly, where the vast majority of Member States also demand a CEASEFIRE NOW, IMMEDIATE OPENING OF THE HUMANITARIAN AID CORRIDORS, AN END TO SENDING WEAPONS TO ISRAEL, AND THE RELEASE OF ALL HOSTAGES AND POLITICAL PRISONERS.

Please help us help the UN General Assembly reclaim and exert its authority. Call on the UNGA to fulfill its mandate: maintain international peace and security!


Kathy Kelly World BEYOND War   board president   773-619-2418

David Swanson   World BEYOND War    Executive Director

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