Just International

After Gaza & Beirut, no one is safe anymore from Israeli-US Electronic Terrorism!

By Feroze Mithiborwala

They called us ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ when we said that Governments do infiltrate our phones, TVs & Laptops, spy on us & do far worse. Now in Lebanon, Israel has infiltrated & weaponised Pagers, Walkie-Talkies, Car Radios, Solar panels, to blow-up in People’s faces, in their very houses, cars and in grocery shops. No one with a mobile phone in their hands or pant pockets is safe anymore – period!

Today, entire civilian populations are under threat of this new form of “Electronic Gadget Terrorism,” as is evident by the terror that has been unleashed by diabolical Nazi Israel in Beirut and across Lebanon.

Now, none of us are safe! Governments who want to target Human Rights Activists, Lawyers, Journalists & Whistleblowers, all those who stand with oppressed nations, communities & people’s, all those who the State perceives is a threat – are all in danger, grave danger!

This is more so in countries that are closely aligned and interwoven with the Israeli & US-NATO ‘security’ apparatus.

The mobile phone in our hands or pockets is a potential bomb……..

To begin with, let’s start getting rid of, and boycott all western gadgets, mobiles, pagers, laptops, TVs, cars, radios, cameras, solar panels, toasters, microwave ovens, robots, etc etc…. – anything and everything that can be weaponised to blow up in our faces, our houses, in our neighborhood shops, or just whilst walking on the streets.

Gaza and Beirut have proved that Israel & the US are capable of the worst evil & diabolical plans possible to target humanity.

We must immediately call for a ban and boycott of all these ‘Weaponised Western Gadgets’ – that can be easily converted to ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ (WWG-WMD). We must begin to look for and use alternatives being produced by the nations of the Global South, the Global Majority, which in many ways are either on par, and for the most, are more advanced than their western equivalents.

For starters, dump your US made iPhone with a Chinese Huwaei….. and boycott ‘Made in Taiwan’ products as well!

Feroze Mithiborwala is the founder of India Palestine Solidarity Forum and its National General Secretary

19 September 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

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