Just International

Syrian News on February 22nd, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The bodies of three army and law-enforcement personnel martyrs on Tuesday was escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting places.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were killed by the gunfire of armed terrorist groups while on duty in Damascus, Damascus Countryside and Hama, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

The martyrs are:

­           Sergeant Major Fadi Jameel Khaddour from Tartous.

­           Sergeant Major Shadi Mohammad al-Jalabi from Idleb.

­           Conscript Hassan Faraj Mohammad al-Omar from Aleppo.

Relatives of the martyrs called on uniting ranks to overcome the crisis, stressing that the sacrifices made by the martyrs will make Syria stronger in the face of challenges.

Russia Says It Will Not Participate in So-Called Friends of Syria Meeting  in Tunisia

MOSCOW, (SANA)_ Russia will not participate in the so-called meeting of Friends of Syria in Tunisia”, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said, asserting that his country has many questions about the meeting scheduled on February 24th.

“Most importantly, it is unclear what the actual goal of this meeting,” Lukashevich said Tuesday in a statement.

He added “Russia has a lot of questions about the meeting which several Syrian opposition groups have been invited for, but representatives of the Syrian government have not, which means that the interest of the majority of the Syrian people who support the authorities of their country are not being represented”.

Lukashevich pointed out that Russia received an invitation to attend this meeting, but serious questions arise about it more than the understandable answers in this regard therefore, Moscow doesn’t see “any possibility for participation.

He said the meeting in Tunisia wouldn’t help starting a national dialogue as its organizers claim, calling on the international community to act as friends of the entire Syrian people, and not just one part. “It looks like an attempt to form some kind of international coalition like it was with the setting-up of a ‘contact group’ for Libya,” Lukashevich said.

He added that according to some information, a small group of countries are preparing the final document of the meeting without knowledge of other invitees who will be asked to only stamp the already written document, saying “this raises serious questions regarding this document,”

The Spokesman renewed his country’s call on the US, Europe and the region to unify their efforts and encourage holding dialogue between representatives of the authority and opposition in Syria without preconditions and involving in the reform process.

Churkin: Arab League Decisions Stir Wonder and Astonishment

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, stressed on Tuesday that the Arab League made decisions that stirred ‘wonder and astonishment’ through referring to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)  and rejecting the extension of the Arab observers mission, considering these decisions as ‘contradictory’ so that Russian rejected them.

In an interview with Russia 24 channel, Churkin added that after five days from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s visit to Syria during which he inspected a complete reform program, the Arab League rejected to resume the Arab observers mission in Syria, and proposed a joint peacekeeping mission with the United Nations and called for cutting all relations with Damascus.

He added that Lavrov presented a program for solving the Syrian crisis including President Bashar al-Assad’s approval of continuing the Arab League observers mission all over Syria and commissioning Vice President, Farouq al-Sharaa, to launch a comprehensive dialogue with the opposition and speeding up reforms, pointing out that the Arab League made contradictory decisions when its members knew that this strategy can be carried out.

Churkin said that Damascus allowed the international Red Cross to deliver humanitarian aid to some areas, adding that Russia can propose some tangible suggestions to the security Council in this regard.

Gatilov: Russia Supports ICRC Efforts to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Syria

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said “Russia supports the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) efforts to convey humanitarian aid to Syria.”

In a statement on Tuesday, he added that “The ICRC humanitarian operation complies with the Russian initiative of sending a UN special envoy to Syria with that purpose.”

Pushkov underlines Moscow’s firm Stance on Syria

Chairman of the Russian Duma’s International Affairs Committee Aleksey Pushkov said that Moscow and Beijing are adhered to their principled stance represented by their veto against the latest resolution regarding Syria at the UN Security Council.

“I don’t know, till now, any factors that could push Moscow and Beijing to change their firm stance echoed during the voting at the UNSC… the two states underlined the need for the halt of violence by the two conflict sides,” Pushkov said in an interview with Russia Today TV.

He pointed out that the Arab League Secretary General, Nabil al-Arabi’s statement about a change in the stance of Russia and China is only up to his conscience.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: China’s Stance on Syria Firm and Clear

BEIJING, (SANA) – Chinese foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hong Li, reiterated on Tuesday his country’s firm stance on Syria, adding that China hopes that the crisis in Syria will be solved through political dialogue within the framework of the Arab League.

In a press conference, Hong said that China is closely following up the developments of the situation in Syria, expressing his country’s concerns over the fall of more victims and the escalation of the situation which would affect peace and stability in the Middle East.

He added that China calls for an immediate and complete stop for all violence acts and for an immediate start of a political dialogue with a wide participation of all sides with no preconditions as to discuss the political reform plan.

He asserted his country’s call on the international community to respect the sovereignty, stability and unity of Syria.

Hong added that China supports the Arab countries concerning the immediate stop of violence, providing protection for civilians and offering humanitarian aid to avoid foreign military intervention.

In a reply to a question about China’s possible participation in the so-called “Friends f Syria”, Hong said that more of study is needed for the purpose and mechanism of such a meeting.

China’s Special Envoy to the Middle East: China Will Continue Communicating with All Sides in Syria to Reach Suitable Solution

In the same context, China’s Special Envoy to the Middle East, Wu Sike, stressed that his country will continue communicating with all sides in Syria to reach a suitable solution to the crisis.

Wu Sike added in statements aired on the Syrian TV channel that China is communicating with various sides in Syria, with the government and the opposition to push for a suitable solution and avoid more violence.

Syrian Journalists Thank China for Its Stance, Call on Chinese Journalists to Cover Syria’s Developments

A Syrian journalist delegation expressed on Tuesday appreciation of China’s stance in support of Syria against the conspiracy, calling on Chinese journalists to visit Syria to relay the truth of what is happening and cover the ‘important developments’ witnessed in Syria.

During a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador in Syria, Zhang Xun, the delegation headed by chairman of the Journalists Union, Ilyas Murad, expressed gratitude for Beijing’s stance on Syria which reflects the firm friendship between the two sides.

For his part, the Chinese Ambassador stressed his country’s resolve to carry on its ‘constructive role’ to help solve the crisis in Syria based on the principles of the United Nations.

Member of the Executive Office of the Journalists Union, Dr. Ashraf al-Samman, said the message the delegation is carrying on behalf of all Syrian journalists includes an invitation to the Chinese journalists to translate the honorable stance of their country through taking part in covering the referendum on the draft constitution and the elections that will come afterwards in which new licensed political parties will take part.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: What is Happening in Syria Serves Israel’s Interests, Weakens Resistance

TEHRAN, (SANA) –Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Ramin Mehmanparast, slammed on Tuesday the double-standard policy of western countries against some regional countries concerning the situation in Syria.

“What is happening in Syria serves the best interests of Israel and weakens the Resistance,” Mehmanparast said in his weekly  press conference,.

He stressed that the western countries’ measures are not aimed at solving the crisis in Syria, rather they are aimed at achieving their own interests, pointing out that if the western countries wanted to solve the crisis in Syria, they should find a suitable atmosphere for internal dialogue and help carry out the reforms commenced by the Syrian leadership.

The Iranian spokesperson warned that instability in Syria would lead to instability and insecurity in the whole region.

Terrorists Arrested and Killed in Idleb and Damascus Countryside, Others Surrender to Authorities in Idleb

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Authorities on Tuesday arrested a number of terrorists and killed others in the process of pursuing the armed terrorist groups that have been terrifying citizens, attacking law-enforcement members and stealing state and private properties in the northern province of Idleb.

SANA correspondent said that a number of other terrorists surrendered themselves and handed over their weapons to the authorities.

Four Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb

In another context, the military engineering units in the province dismantled four explosive devices ready for remote detonation.

A source in the province told SANA correspondent that the first explosive device, consisting of a gas cylinder, was planted in Maar Shamsheh town in Maaret al-Numan area.

The other two explosive devices, each weighs 20 kg, were planted on Kafr Shalaya crossroad in Ariha area in Jabal al-Zawiya region.

Earlier on the day, an explosive device planted in a train tunnel set to be remotely detonated in in Jisr al-Shughour area in Idleb countryside was dismantled.

An informed source told SANA that the explosive device weighs 10 kilograms and was planted by an armed terrorist group to target a train tunnel and railway.

4 Terrorists Killed in Douma including some of Most Wanted Men

Authorities in Damascus Countryside clashed with an armed terrorist group in Douma city and killed four of its members including some of the most wanted men and the leader of the group.

A source at the Police Command in the governorate told SANA reporter that the authorities stormed a house which the group used as a center and killed Majed Nazir Khaibeh, one of the most dangerous terrorists and three others who were wanted on murder charges.

The source added that no injuries were reported among the authorities’ members.

Armed Terrorist Groups Burglarize Fire Engine, Kidnap Citizen, Steal Private and Public Properties

Meanwhile in the central province of Hama, an armed terrorist group on Monday burglarized a Volvo fire engine while the firefighters were extinguishing a fire in a house in Kazo neighborhood in Hama city.

A source in the province said that a group of four terrorists driving a black Verna car without a license plate stole the car.

The source noted that last Thursday, an armed terrorist group stole another Volvo fire engine on Souran Bridge while extinguishing a car fire on the highway.

SANA correspondent reported the source as saying that 11-year old Ali Hassan al-Hassan from al-Madeiq village was admitted to Hama National Hospital on Monday as he had been shot in the head by an armed terrorist group.

Another terrorist group kidnapped the citizen Mazen Abdo, owner of a gas station in Mhardeh city in Hama, the source added.

On the same day, an armed terrorist group stole the house of citizen Ahmad al-Mahmoud in al-Aziziyeh village in al-Ghab region in Hama countryside and took his car.

People in Homs: Food and Services are Available in Homs, Provocative Channels Are Fabricating Lies

HOMS, (SANA) – People in Homs province stressed on Tuesday that food and services are available in Homs, reiterating that the provocative channels are telling lies.


They also stressed that bakeries have flour and gas oil is also available as well as all other materials.

World Peace Council Expresses Concern over Imperialist Threats to Peace in Mideast, Particularly in Syria

AMMAN, (SANA) – The World Peace Council expressed concern with the serious threats of imperialism to peace in the Middle East, “which becomes once more theatre of its ambitions as well as its internal competitions.”

A statement issued by the Council said “The United States of America and European Union, accompanied by Israel and the Gulf monarchies, plan moves, create pretexts, generate internal interference, set on de¬stabilizing the countries in the region that do not fit into their plans and interests.

It highlighted that the current targets of these countries are Syria and Iran, as their general plan is “NATO’s ‘Great Middle East’ aiming at the control of energy resources and pipelines as well as markets for the multinational corporations and spheres of influence.”

The statement explained that in the case of Syria, they repeat the methods used against Libya in terms of sabotaging infrastructure, supporting terrorist acts, infiltrating mercenaries and smuggling weapons into the country with the aim of creating instability and chaos in order to justify foreign intervention.

“The US and EU use front men in the region, the Gulf monarchies, to impose sanctions through the Arab League along with the government of Turkey which harbors the so-opposition in order to bring the matter of Syria to the Security Council, an antechamber for military action,” the statement added.

It said that the Arab League decisions constitute interference in Syria’s internal affairs as they violate the League’s principles and rules.

The Council voiced support to the political and economic reforms demanded by the Syrian people, rejecting any foreign interference by any state or power in Syria’s affairs as “the sovereignty of a country is the sole responsibility of each people.”

It also expressed solidarity with the Syrian and Iranian peoples being “victims of sordid actions of destabilization,” and condemned all “criminal aggressions” in these two countries by the forces that defend peace and sovereignty.

The Council called on the democratic, anti-¬imperialist, peace loving forces of the world “to break the silence and denounce the treacherous campaigns of imperialism that pave the way to this new aggression.”

It also expressed support to the struggle of the Palestinian people to achieve their independent state within the borders of June 4th 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital and to solving the issue of Palestinian refugees according to UN Resolution 194, halting all Israeli settlement activities on the Palestinian territories, releasing all the Palestinian prisoners and ending the unjust siege of Gaza strip.

Arab Youth Front for Defending Syria: Rejecting Foreign Interference in Syria, Preserving Its Sovereignty and National Unity

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The recently established Arab Youth Front for Defending Syria was formed to defend Syria in appreciation of its great sacrifices in defending the Arab issues and out of belief in its key role in supporting the resistance.

The Jerusalem-based Front was formed from the ‘Palestinian Youth of Return’ movement, ‘Free Palestine’ movement, General Unions of Jordan’s Students and Yemen’s Students. It has a branch in Damascus.

“The Front includes a mindful grouping of Arab youth to defend their nation in terms of creating an Arab youth influence on the Arab governments that are far from the line of resistance,” said Fadi al-Mallah, Secretary General of the ‘Palestinian Youth of Return’ movement.

Speaking of the Front’s objectives, al-Mallah said it has 11 goals, five of them dedicated for Syria, while the others are directed towards the Arab youth in general.

The Syria-minded objectives are based on rejecting any foreign interference in its affairs, confronting sabotage operations, preserving the Syrian blood, supporting Syria as a Resistance-supporting Arab country, contributing to resolving the Syrian crisis through dialogue and supporting the reform process.

Al-Mallah added that other goals are aimed at establishing national media committees to work on exposing media misleading, preserving the Syrian state’s sovereignty and national identity, consolidating national unity and calling for dialogue and consultation among all national organizations as a main principle to build the constituents of the modern state.

On the Arab level, al-Mallah said the Front aims at engaging the Arab youth in raising modern and integrated scientific and cultural ideas and views to activate the youth’s role in confronting the challenges of modern times.

The Arab youth-oriented goals are also-directed at mobilizing the material and human resources to integrate in the scientific and technological development in order to achieve sustainable economic, social and cultural development.

Other goals on this level include promoting the culture of tolerance and equality and discarding extremism to build an Arab youth union, upgrading the Arab youth thought and establishing an Arab youth parliament, in addition to establishing a just world order and international relations that are based on preserving the rights of peoples as well as on mutual respect and dialogue among nations, cultures and religions with the aim of consolidating world security and peace.


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