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Syrian News on February 27th, 2012

President al-Assad: Syria Is Facing Media Attack…We Are Stronger on the Ground, but We Want to Win on the Ground and in the Space

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad and Mrs. Asma al-Assad on Sunday voted on the draft of the new constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic at the TV and Radio Center in Damascus.

President al-Assad hailed, in a statement following the voting, the great efforts exerted by the Syrian media, highlighting the progress made by the Syrian television and the Syrian media in general.

“However, comparisons always come up in which the Syrian media, which is mainly the official media, is being compared to the non-official media in other countries,” said the President, dismissing this comparison as “inaccurate, non-objective and not possible.”

President al-Assad said official media should be compared to official media in other countries since the goals and tasks of official media are different from those of private media.

“If we compare the Syrian official media now to its counterparts in the region, I believe it is the best,” the President stressed, adding that “nonetheless, we are not interested in comparing ourselves to those who are less, and we will keep comparing ourselves to those who are better.”

President al-Assad emphasized that the attack Syria is facing is a media attack. “However,” the President continued, “media, notwithstanding its importance, doesn’t outdo the reality. They may be stronger in space, but we are stronger on the ground. Still, we want to win on the ground and in the space.”

Syrians Vote on New Draft Constitution, Committees Begin Tallying Votes

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Syrian citizens voted on the new draft constitution of Syria, with poll centers witnessing increasing turnout as the hours passed, reflecting the citizens’ keenness on moving forward with the reform process.

Since 7 AM, eligible voters began flocking to the 14185 poll centers which were opened across Syrian governorates and at border crossings, airports and the Syrian desert.

The committees tasked with overseeing the referendum process began tallying votes in all centers as soon as voting ended.

Minister of Interior Mohammed al-Shaar on Sunday said that the polling process on the new draft constitution runs normally in the most of provinces, adding that the polling centers witness huge turnout of the citizens except in some areas.

A number of citizens told SANA reporters after voting that their participation in the referendum reflects their support to the comprehensive reform program, asserting that the new constitution establish a new future for Syria.

In Damascus, the polling centers witnessed remarkable participation in the referendum process. Participants in the referendum expressed confidence that the constitution fortifies the workers’ status and enhances their role in building the renewable Syria, asserting that they voted freely and transparently.

In Sweida, 375 polling centers witnessed high turnout. The citizens in Sweida stressed that the new draft constitution meet the aspirations of the Syrian citizens as it guarantees the dignity, freedom and rights of the citizens and enhances democracy through political pluralism.

They pointed out to the democratic atmosphere of the referendum process, asserting that voting is a national duty and that the new draft constitution reflects the desires of the Syrian people in political pluralism and democracy and guarantees the freedom of opinion and expression.

In Lattakia, the citizens flocked to the polling centers to participate in the referendum on the new draft constitution early in the morning.

The citizens in Lattakia stressed that the new draft constitution meets the aspirations of the Syrian people, asserting that it matches the best constitutions of the developed countries.

Referendum on the new draft constitution for the Syria Arab Republic started on Sunday morning at seven a.m. in the centers distributed in all provinces, border centers, airports and Badia.

The total number of referendum centers amounted to 14185 after some provinces asked to increase the number set previously at 13835 centers. Mobile centers are also available in the desert for the Bedouins who cannot come to referendum centers.

The referendum is held according to voting tables distributed to all centers in order to match the voters’ names as to avoid double voting.

The citizen can vote with his/ her identity card or what can substitute it such as the election card, valid passport, driving license, syndicate card or the university card. Instructions were distributed in each center in all provinces so the citizen get acquainted with the steps they should know to vote.

The referendum operation will continue until 07:00 p.m. local time and, in case the head of any center found high turnout, he/she has the authority to extend the time of voting until 10:00 p.m. only, then the center to be closed.

In Aleppo, citizens of different social, economic and cultural spectrums headed to the polling centers, whose number exceeded 1625, distributed throughout the province.

The citizens underlined the importance of their participation as the new constitution will draw up the future of Syria and preserve its security and stability.

Head of Aleppo Chamber of Commerce said the constitution articles related to the economic life are balanced and comprehensive as they are aimed at achieving sustainable development that is based on production and creating new job opportunities.

Citizens of Homs province came in crowds to the 581 polling centers to participate in the constitutional referendum, stressing that the new constitution is a popular demand to reach a democratic life which suits all spectrums of the Syrian society.

They stressed that the draft constitution is an important reform step as it addressed all the political, economic and social aspects of life, pointing out that the big turnout of citizens is evidence on the facts that the Syrians are committed to their independent decision to self-determination.

Voting at 1160 polling centers, the voters in Hama said that the amendments to the new constitution served the reform program adopted by the leadership.

They indicated that the draft constitution guaranteed the political rights and underlined the independence of justice and the freedom of press, in addition to preserving the citizens’ rights.

In Tartous, the citizens turned out in big number to cast ballots at 710 polling centers out of belief in their duty in voting on the new constitution, which they said contributes to enhancing political plurality, respecting communities in Syria and preserving stability in the country.

In Raqqa province, the citizens headed to the 597 polling centers distributed all over the province, stressing that the draft constitution constitutes an important step towards coming out of the crisis their country is going through.

In Hasaka, head of one of the polling centers province, which count 903, said that the citizens arrived successively since the early hours in the morning, stressing that all procedures were taken to ensure that the referendum process goes properly.

The voters said that the new draft constitution draws up a new map of a renewed Syria in all fields as it serves the interests of the youth and gives them their actual and real role in society, being the active spectrum at this critical stage their country is going through.

Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mahmoud al-Abrash, upon voting on the new constitution, said that the Syrians themselves build up the future of their country through their participation in the draft constitution referendum.

For his part, Prime Minister Adel Safar stressed in a statement to the journalists that the draft constitution meets  the Syrian people’s aspirations as it focuses on their needs in the various fields, particularly those related to health, education, guaranteeing the private property, freedoms and the independence of justice.

He added that the draft constitution  is an important step in Syria’s history and will be effective in achieving political plurality and ensuring democracy and freedom.

For his part, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem said the referendum on the new draft constitution marks a historic day in the life of the Syrian people who have stressed their steadfastness and unity and therefore deserved a new constitution to move toward a new stage of democracy and political plurality.

Asked to address a message to the outside, al-Moallem said “My message to the outside is to address their own internal worries and to leave Syria alone,” adding that “those who care for the interest of the Syrian people don’t impose sanctions on it.”

Interior Minister Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar said the  constitutional referendum crowned a package of reforms commenced by the leadership, adding that the referendum process has proceeded normally in the majority of provinces regions.

Minister of Local Administration Eng. Omar Ghalawanji, Minister of Justice Judge Tayseer Qala Awwad, Minister of Health Dr. Wael Nader al-Halqi, Minister of Education Saleh al-Rashed and Minister of Electricity Imad Khamis also voted on the draft of the new constitution.

Religious figures and scholars also participated in the referendum, with Dr. Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Bouti saying during his participation that this constitution expresses the nation’s desires and challenging any group of constructive opposition to devise a better constitution.

In turn, Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and All the East Gregorius III Lahham said that the referendum addresses the Arab and Islamic world and the west, telling them that this is Syria and this is its history, present and future.

Huge Crowds in Saba Bahrat Square to Support Reforms and Constitutional Referendum

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Huge crowds of citizens on Sunday streamed into Saba Bahrat Square in Damascus in expression of support to the comprehensive reform process and the referendum on the new constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic.

The participants underlined their support to the comprehensive reform program  and to the voting on the new Constitution, hailing the Syrian Arab Army’s role  in fighting the armed terrorist groups that kill innocents.

They rejected the foreign interventions in Syria’s domestic affairs and the decisions of “Syria enemies’ Conference” held lately in Tunis.

Alexander Doglen, Head of Russian Eurasia Institution stressed his country’s support to the reforms adopted by the Syrian government and  represented by the referendum on the new draft constitution.

Islamic scholar Abdul-Rahman Ali al-Dalaa said that the draft constitution boosts the concept of the human dignity, guarantees freedoms in practicing religious rituals and offers the freedom of belief.

For his part, Sheikh of BouSraya clan in Der Ezzor, Ahmad Shlash hailed the stances of the Tunisian honest people against “Syrian enemies’ Conference”, adding that all Arab tribes stand by the reform process and the new constitution.

Meanwhile, Sweida youth Eagles Group organized a tent of Homeland at Hafez al-Assad square in the southern Sweida city, expressing their support to the new draft constitution that comes within the comprehensive reform process.

“The Group youths gathered in the tent to join the Syrian people on this historic day… referendum is part of democracy and an indication to the freedom of expression,” Alaa Hamza said.

7 Army Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_7 army martyrs, killed by armed terrorist groups in Homs, Daraa and Damascus countryside, were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place

The martyrs are:

­           Major Iyad Ali Abbas, from Homs.

­           Sergeant Major Ali Wajeeh al-Hussein, from Hama.

­           Conscript Adnan Bilal Jalmoud, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Ibrahim Mohammad Aswad, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Marwan Anwar Bekki, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Wissam Al-Haj Kassem, from Idleb.

­           Conscript Maher Hamad al-Hussein, from Quneitra.

The families of martyrs said that the blood of martyrs will further strengthen the homeland against challenges.

A number of terrorists give themselves up to the authorities at Baba Amro in Homs

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)- A number of armed terrorist groups surrendered to the authorities at Baba Amro in Homs.

SANA reporter in Homs learned that more than 40 armed men surrendered to the competent authorities along with their weapons.

Ten Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb Countryside

Engineering units dismantled six explosive devices with yields ranging between 40 and 50 kilograms and rigged for remote detonation planted by armed terrorist groups near the town of Oweid in Jabal al-Zawye area in Idleb countryside.

A source informed SANA’s correspondent that engineering units also dismantled six explosive device with yields of 100 kilograms each in the town of Kansafra. The devices were hidden in bathroom boilers.

Terrorist Group Hijacks Ambulance in Hama:

An armed terrorist group hijacked an ambulance transporting a patient from the town of Tiba al-Imam in Hama and a pickup truck, both of which belong to Halfaya National Hospital.

An official source in Hama governorate said that law-enforcement forces found the bodies of Adiba al-Hizaei (50 years old) and Wajiha Mohammad al-Hobt, with the bodies bearing several gunshot wounds in the head and chest.

The source said that four gunmen had abducted the two women on Saturday night from their home in al-Arba’een Street in Hama city, the same street where their bodies were found.

Primakov: United States Now in the Same Boat with al-Qaida in the Middle East

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov said on Sunday that the United States, in its attempt to spread “democracy” in the Middle East by force, found itself in the same boat with al-Qaida.

In an interview with Russia Today TV, Primakov wondered if the US didn’t learn anything from Egypt where hard-line Islamists set themselves up.

“Does anyone seriously believe that if the regime changes in Syria, a democratic system will replace it?” he said, stressing that the US and al-Qaida are in the same boat now as al-Qaida’s leader Ayman al-Zawahiri announced his support of the “opposition” in Syria, referring to the terrorists running amok in it.

Foreign Journalist: Militias of So-Called Free Army Prevented Ambulances from Helping Injured People in Baba Amr

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Agence France-Presse (AFP) quoted foreign journalist said that ambulances reached Baba Amr neighborhood twice on Monday but were prevented from evacuating injured people by the militias of the so-called free army.

The journalist, who participated directly in the negotiations undertaken by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to evacuate injured people from Baba Amr, refuted the militias’ allegations that nine people from the area went out to receive treatment on Friday and were arrested instead, affirming that the ICRC investigated this claim and discovered that it’s nothing but lies.

On a relevant note, the ICRC announced that the negotiations held on Saturday did not result in an agreement allowing to remove injured people from Baba Amr.

Russian Foreign Ministry: News Agencies and Media Outlets Rely in Coverage of Syria on Observatory with Questionable Credibility and Authenticity

MOSCOW, (SANA) – The Russian Foreign Ministry on Saturday said that several news agencies and media outlets, especially western ones, rely in their news and reports on information from the so-called Syrian Human Rights Observatory in which two unqualified people work.

The Ministry questioned the credibility of this London-based observatory and the authenticity of the information it publishes, with Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich pointing out that only two people work in this observatory; a director and a secretary

Lukashevich said that the director of the observatory has no degrees in law or journalism and hasn’t even finished highschool, and that he had stated earlier that he has British citizenship, lives in London permanently and owns a restaurant there.

He pointed out that the aforementioned facts and the observatory representatives’ aversion to meeting Russian diplomats make it possible to evaluate the authenticity of the observatory’s information.

Former EU Mediator on Middle East: Syria Heading to Next Stage with the New Constitution

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Former EU mediator on the Middle East, Alastair Crooke, said the next stage in Syria will bring about the implementation of the new constitution and mark the starting of a political process with the participation of all parties that will be keen on preserving their interests through their contribution to the political process.

In a televised speech, Crooke stressed that analyzing the situation in Syria shows clearly that the majority of the Syrians want to reach reform under the current leadership, and therefore a political solution to the crisis will remain possible.

He added that the Russian -Chinese veto at the UN Security Council secured the ground to continue working to reach a political solution based on Russia’s acknowledge of the distribution of popular powers in Syria, which mostly tend to keep the present authority and the state institutions and want to achieve reforms.

Tunisian Parties Continue Condemnation of Tunisian Interim Government’s Conspiring against Syria

TUNIS, (SANA)- Tunisian parties and popular organizations continued their condemnation of the Tunisian interim government’s involvement in the conspiratorial plot against Syria and its hosting of the so-called ‘Friends of Syria’ conference last Friday, describing it as the conference of Syria’s enemies.

The Tunisian Socialist Arab Vanguard Party said the hosting of the aforementioned conference in Tunisia contradicts the will of the Tunisian people and their values that reject conspiring against peoples and marketing the plots of their enemies.

The Party stressed its rejection of making Tunisia a hub of conspiring in service of reactionary Arab parties that are implementing the agendas of western and Zionist powers and have nothing to do with freedom and democracy.

The Party recalled the destruction that befell Libya, Sudan, Palestine and Iraq at the hands of these Zionist powers, holding the inviters of the so-called ‘Friends of Syria’ conference accountable for getting involved in this conspiracy against Syria.

For its part, the founding commission of the Tunisian National Democratic Labor Party stressed rejection of hosting the conference that is aimed at targeting Syria on Tunisian territories as it promotes dictates of hegemony and serves regional and international agendas that harm Tunisia’s interests.

The Tunisian General Federation of Trade Unions also denounced the conference and its hosting which made Tunisia a gate of foreign interference in the Arabs’ affairs.

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