Just International

Syrian News on February 29, 2012

Presidential Decree on Syria’s New Constitution

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued decree No. 94 on publishing the Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic approved by referendum in the official gazette.

The new constitution comes into effect on February 27, 2012.

Syrian Delegation Walks out from UN Human Rights Council Session in Geneva Describing its Discussions as Futile

GENEVA, (SANA) – The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva held an emergency session on the situation in Syria on Tuesday, with Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Fayssal Al-Hamwi, beginning by voicing Syria’s denouncement of holding this session in a manner contradicting procedural rules and showing blatant manipulation of the Council.

Al-Hamwi wondered why the session ignored Article 4 of its agenda which is dedicated to discussing the state of human rights in Syria, asking if the purpose of this session is to slander and politicize the situation of human rights.

He also questioned the decision to work behind the scenes and avoiding a direct dialogue with Syria in the same manner the Red Cross did, which resulted in providing humanitarian aid to several areas and helped evacuate civilians from them.

“We’re convinced that the true goal of holding today’s session is covering up the violence and murder committed by armed terrorist groups against innocent civilians which were clearly mentioned by Agence France-Presse on February 25,” he said, acknowledging that the services provided by the government suffered setbacks due to the presence of armed groups in some areas, adding that armed groups attacked 18 hospitals, 48 health centers and 129 ambulances as of February 9th, 2012.

He also pointed out to the negative effects of unilateral and unjust economic sanctions imposed by some countries against the Syria people, hindering the procurement of medicine, vaccine, food and fuel and hindering banking transactions used to purchase these materials.

”Unilateral economic sanctions are the ugliest violations of human rights, because they target foremost civilian populations including children, women and the elderly,” said al-Hamwi.

He said that the concepts of humanitarian intervention and protecting civilians have been distorted recently, using them to justify military intervention, topple governments and destroy infrastructures.

Al-Hamwi asserted that the call to hold a session about humanitarian condition in Syria is but part of a premeditated scheme as to strike at the Syrian State and its institutions under the pretext of humanitarian needs.

Headded that those who called for the meeting didn’t even wait for discussions of the independent international investigations committee, which included no hint to the deterioration of humanitarian condition in Syria.

He also underscored that the report of the said committee acknowledged the painful and catastrophic consequences of the economic sanctions imposed on the Syria People and that he who claims to be a friend for People should never impose hard and illegitimate sanctions on the people.

Al-Hamwi said to those who claim to be friends of the Syrian people to help them by immediately ceasing mobilization, sectarian instigation, media lies, supplying weapons and funds to armed groups, and turning the Syrians against each other.

he pointed out that the Council has been transformed into a tool in the hands of some countries, asserting that the real objective of the council out-of-procedure session is to inflame the fire of terrorism and prolong the crisis through message of support by the Council to the armed groups in Syria.

“The delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic  announces non-acknowledgement of the legitimacy of this session,” said Al-Hamwi, declaring Syria’s rejection of whatever illegitimate biased and malicious  resolutions  to be taken.

Seven Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Seven army and law-enforcement martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed in the line of duty by armed terrorist groups in Homs and Damascus Countryside.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs, as the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

­          Second Lieutenant Fadi Samir Ahmad from Lattakia.

­          Conscript Fares Ammash al-Subaikhan from Deir Ezzor.

­          Conscript Omar Ahmad Abu Bakr from Aleppo.

­          Conscript Mohammed Khalil Qutaifani from Damascus.

­          Conscript Nor Fahmi al-Jibbeh from Idleb.

­          Conscript Khalid Mustafa Ibrahim from Aleppo.

­          Conscript Ali Mohammed Hammad from Idleb.

The martyrs’ relatives affirmed that their sons’ blood will make Syria stronger, expressing readiness to face the conspiracy hatched against their homeland and to defend its security and stability

Terrorist Hideout Uncovered, Authorities Prevent Terrorists from Entering Syria, Four Explosive Devices Dismantled

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ Syrian competent Authorities have discovered Tuesday a terrorist hideout used by terrorist at a farm in al-Shoufiniah, Douma, Damascus Countryside.

SANA reporter quoted the authorities as saying that huge amounts of weapons, field hospital and medical materials were uncovered during the operation.

Among the weapons confiscated were 6 Kalashnikov rifles, 2 RPG launchers, 3 snipers, a Turkish pump action shotgun, 2 Turkish guns, snipers’ silencers, explosive charges, and tens of RPG shells, fire cartridges, communication tools and cameras.

Authorities Prevent Terrorists from Entering Syria from Lebanon

The authorities prevented an armed terrorist group from entering Syria through the Oyoun al-Shara-Halat crossing point in Telkalakh countryside on the Syrian-Lebanese borders.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that three members of the terrorist group were killed and others were injured, while one member of law-enforcement forces was wounded and taken to al-Bassel Hospital in Tartous for treatment.

Earlier on Monday, the authorities prevented an armed terrorist group from entering Syria from Jordan in Tel Shihab area in Daraa countryside.

Four Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb Countryside

Engineering units dismantled four explosive devices planted by terrorists at the Maarshouren town crossroads east of al-Maara, Idleb countryside.

An informed source at Idleb governorate told SANA’s correspondent that each explosive device is rigged for remote detonation and has a yield of 50 kilograms.

Syrian Arab Red Crescent Refutes Allegations Pertaining to Its Impartiality

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) on Tuesday rejected allegations made by some media outlets throughout last week regarding its impartiality, refuting claims that the SARC is untrustworthy.

In a statement, the SARC voiced deep concern over these allegations which are not only untrue, but constitute insults to the workers and volunteers of the organization who are making sacrifices to reach vulnerable groups and provide humanitarian aid to whoever needs it regardless of nationality, religion or political beliefs.

The statement pointed out that volunteers from the Homs branch of the SARC have been working around the clock since Friday in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross to evacuate the injured form Baba Armo neighborhood, successfully evacuating 30 people.

The SARC added that it also provided humanitarian, medical and food aim to those who need them in areas including Daraa, Hama, Homs, Deir Ezzor, Madaya and al-Zabadani.

The statement said that the baseless allegations against the SARC not only undermine its efforts, but also endanger the lives of its workers and volunteers and hinders their humanitarian efforts, noting that the SARC lost two of its members already; volunteer al-Hakam Darrak al-Sibayi and secretary of the Idleb branch Dr. Abdelrazzaq Jbeiro.

The SARC concluded by voicing appreciation for the support it’s receiving from the associations of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and other organizations from across the world, saying “their support, along with the diligent efforts of our volunteers and workers, enabled us to provide humanitarian aid to thousands of people regardless of nationality, religion or political affiliation… it is of utmost necessity to those who need our humanitarian services that we continue to do our work.”

Head of the Syrian-Belgian Friendship Association: Constitutional Referendum, Historic Day for Syria and Syrians

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Head of the Syrian-Belgian Friendship Association Kriss Janssen said that February 26th marks a historic day for Syria and the Syrians as they participated in a national referendum to accept or reject the new constitution.

He added that the new constitution is the outcome of a year of consultations with all spectrums of the Syrian people to reach a clear viewpoint about the Syrians’ vision of their future.

Walking down to the Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus, he said that the whole atmosphere was different from stories broadcast by international media as there were no armored vehicles or snipers on rooftops, rather he saw families and students dancing and chanting national slogans as if they were in celebration.

He added that he met some of the participants and hailed their political awareness about this important day in Syria’s history.

Accompanying a friend to a polling center where he noted the large number of Syrian citizens, Janssen said that the gathering citizens told him that they are here to exercise their national duty and democratic right, unlike other people in the region whose governments criticized Syria and called for arming terrorist groups.

He refuted some western claims that only employees at state constitutions went to the polling centers by force and pressure.

Janssen added that a number of citizens asked him to convey a message to the foreign world which is “leave us alone and stop interfering in our affairs or telling us what to do… we Syrians don’t want the Americans, the French or the British to tell us how to arrange our life. We are able to do so by ourselves.”

He said that the majority of people are convinced that the new constitution represents the whole political scene in its plurality as they believe that their participation in the referendum is to confront terrorism, while terrorists and mercenaries kill innocent civilians and destroy infrastructures to create chaos and negatively influence the Syrian’s life in order to change Syria into Afghanistan.

Janssen said that he was moved by the sincere popular support to the political referendum and the wisdom of the Syrian people, expressing confidence that the Syrians, with their adherence to their principles and their belief in that only they can decide their future, will overcome all pressure.

Jordanian Youth Delegation Stresses Solidarity with Syria, Rejecting Foreign Interference in its Affairs

DARAA, (SANA) – A delegation from the Jordanian Youth Students Campaign to Support Syria and members of the Arab Students Union expressed solidarity with Syria and its independent decision, reiterating rejection of foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Head of the delegation Ahmad al-Seidawi said “our visit to Syria and our support to its leadership, people and government are stemmed from our belief in Syria’s role in defending the just Arab issues, particularly Palestine.”

Al-Seidawi said that the Jordanian students and youths will stand side by side with all Arab students across the Arab world to defend Syria and its people against the conspiracy which aims at fragmenting and undermining it.

Al-Seidawi expressed the Jordanian students’ confidence in that Syria will come out of the crisis victorious and strong thanks to the awareness of its people and its wise leadership.

Another delegation member, Abdel Majeed Abu Najm said that they are here to stress support to the comprehensive reform program launched by the Syrian leadership and represented in the new constitution which will transform Syria into an example of democracy.

He hailed the Syrian people’s awareness and unity in the face of the crisis.

For his part, Asef Ismael Naser said that he came to Syria to express gratitude to the Syrian leadership which supported the Palestinian cause and the Resistance.

People’s Assembly: New Constitution Marks New Stage, Heralds Pluralistic and Democratic Society

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Members of the People’s Assembly affirmed that the constitution referendum is a civilized achievement for the Syrian people, showing the people’s support for reforms led by President Bashar al-Assad and their adherence to national standards.

During a session chaired by Speaker Mahmoud al-Abrash on Tuesday, the Assembly members said the new constitution makes Syria stronger in the face of the plots against it, marking a new stage and heralding a pluralistic and democratic society.

They said that the new concepts and principles in the constitution require a new mentality to deal with their repercussions and amend current laws and legislations to match the modern constitution.

In turn, Speaker al-Abrash said that the citizens’ participation in the referendum on the constitution guaranteed that Syria will persist and that Syrians will be united by the new constitution, noting that  it’s possible to amend some of the constitution’s articles which raised some questions.

Members of an Egyptian media delegation visiting Syria attended a part of the session, affirming that Syria will remain the heart of Arabism and that the new Syrian constitution underlines Syria’s Arabism while some other countries are striking out Arabism from their constitutions.

During the session, the Assembly referred legislative decrees referred from the President to the appropriate committees for study, including a decree on establishing a center for agricultural research.

The Assembly also referred the new environment draft law to the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee for study.

The session was adjourned until 11 AM on Wednesday.

On a relevant note, Speaker al-Abrash held a meeting with the visiting Egyptian media delegation, briefing them on the truth regarding the conspiracy against Syria and the media, political and economic attacks against it.

Al-Abrash affirmed that Syria will continue to pursue the reforms announced by the leadership.

In turn, members of the delegation said that the Syrians’ approval of the new constitution was a true blow for the conspirators against Syria, lauding the new constitution as a model of reform and development.

Syria Wins ‘Best Print Promotional Material’ Award in Outbound Travel Mart in New Delhi

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Syria won the ‘Best Print Promotional Material’ award, during participation in Outbound Travel Mart (OTM) held in the Indian capital New Delhi from February 24 to 26.

Some 350 exhibitors from 27 countries and 28 Indian states took part in India’s leading travel show.

The Syrian Tourism Ministry’s delegation was granted a certificate of excellence and a medal in recognition of the distinction of the promotional materials, that were distributed in a party held by the fair’s administration for this purpose.

The Syrian participation drew the interest of the Indian visitors throughout the 3-day travel fair, who expressed admiration of the cultural and religious components of Syria, hailing the richness of the elements making up the Syrian tourism products.

Second Secretary and Counsel at the Syrian Embassy in India, Mustafa Dayoub, said the fair constituted an important gate to the Indian market and an appropriate opportunity to meet representatives of tourism companies from different countries so as to promote Syria as a diversified and unique tourist destination and introduce the investment opportunities it has.

Vice Chairman of Turkish Labor Party: Government of Erdogan is leader of Greater Middle East Project

ANKARA, (SANA)-Vice Chairman of the Turkish Labor Party Hasan Basri Ozbey said that the Turkish current government, headed by Recep Tayyib Erdogan, is the leader of the Greater Middle East Project on which the US-backed western courtiers are applying in the region.

In a speech to the Syrian TV broadcast Tuesday, Ozbey said that unfortunately Turkey has been without a government since 10 years, which means since the coming of the Development and Justice Party to the power, adding that he was not astonished at Turkey’s harboring for terrorists.

He described the Saudi-Qatari steps against Syria, particularly the calls for arming and funding the armed groups, as US orders to carry out satanic projects in order to divide the region and ignite hostility through arming terrorists, saying that this is unacceptable.



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