Just International

Syrian News on Jan 16, 2012

President al-Assad Issues General Amnesty Decree for Crimes Related to Current Events

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_President Bashar al-Assad issued Legislative Decree No. 10 for the year 2012, whereby a general amnesty is granted for crimes committed in the context of the events taking place since March 15, 2011 till the date of issuing the decree.

The decree includes the crimes related to the laws on peaceful demonstration, carrying or possessing unlicensed weapons and ammunition and draft evasion.

The fugitives cannot benefit from the decree unless they turn themselves in prior to January 31st 2012.

In a statement to SANA, Minister of Justice, Judge Tayseer Qala Awwad said that the decree aims at granting an opportunity for those who committed crimes related to the events which took place since 15/03/2011, adding that the attorney generals and the Public Prosecution were asked to implement the decree immediately.

Judge Awwad indicated that the new decree is qualitative with regard to the crimes covered by its provisions.

Pardoned Individuals: Amnesty Decree a Chance to Not Repeat Mistakes against Country and Citizens

A number of the people released according to the amnesty decreed said that the decree is chance for returning to society and not repeat what they did before, hoping for security and safety to be restored to Syria.

Several of the released people adviced against participating in protests and vandalism and carrying arms, stressing that what is happening in Syria is the result of a foreign conspiracy targeting its stability and the unity of its people.

They also voiced regret for making mistakes against Syria and citizens, saying that their acts were the results of being deceived.

Aleppo Students Take to Streets in Support of national Independent decision

Aleppo, (SANA)-Syrian National Students’ Union in Aleppo on Sunday organized a mass march in support of the national independent decision and the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The Students set off from the Union’s HQ in al-Suleimanya, crossing Baghdad Station into the main square of Saad Allah al-Jabri, raising the Syrian flags and chanting the Syrian National Anthem.

They saluted the sacrifices of the Syrian army in confronting the acts of the armed terrorist groups, rejecting any form of foreign intervention in the country’s domestic affairs.

The participants underlined that they came here to express rejection of the conspiracy to which Syria is exposed, adding “We will never abandon our national unity.”

Arab League Observer Mission Teams Continue Tours of Syrian Governorates, Observer Team in Homs Denies Reports of Coming Under Fire

GOVERNORATES/CAIRO, (SANA) – The Arab League monitor mission teams continued their tours of Syrian governorates and areas.

A team of observers visited Bab Hood neighborhood and al-Mazraa village in Homs and the town of Tadmur in Homs countryside.

In Hama, a team visited the National Hospital and Masyaf countryside, while another team visited Salkhad area and al-Karia village in Sweida and met with families of maryurs.

An observer team also toured the city of Banyas in Tartous and al-Bukamal town in Deir Ezzor, with one other team visiting the Railways General Establishment in Aleppo where they were briefed by its Director George Mukabari on the damages caused to the Establishment’s facilities, vehicles and railways by terrorist attacks.

In Raqqa city, a team of observers witnessed a mass rally in one of the city’s squares in which citizens expressed their unity and devotion to Syria.

Arab Observers Team in Homs Denies Reports of Coming Under Fire

The Arab League observer mission team in Homs on Sunday denied media reports that they came under fire.

A statement by the Arab League said that the team in Homs couldn’t reach a place where a car exploded at Bab Hood, leading to the burning of a number of shops and cars without casualties among civilians, and that the monitors couldn’t reach the place because of the crowds there.

The statement added that the observers tried to reach the scene of explosion later, but they heard random and sporadic shootings, so they didn’t go to the location.

6 Workers Martyred, 16 Injured by Explosive Device in Idleb

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – 6 workers at Idleb Textile Spinning Factory were martyred and 16 others injured when an explosive device went off in Idleb.

The device was planted by terrorists along the road between Ariha city and al-Mastouma town in the province.

A police source told SANA correspondent that the device exploded as a bus carrying workers at Idleb Spinning Factory was passing, which caused it to overturn, leaving 6 dead and 16 others injured.

Armed Terrorist Group Kidnaps an Official in Idleb

An armed terrorist group kidnapped Major Mohammad Shams Eddin Hassan, Director of Armanaz area in Idleb.

An official source at the governorate told SANA correspondent that the terrorist group blocked the way of Major Hassan’s car as he was heading from his village Nebl in Aleppo Countryside to his work and kidnapped him.

20-kg Explosive Device inside an Ambulance Dismantled in Homs

Members of Military Engineering on Sunday dismantled a 20-kg explosive device inside an ambulance belonging to Homs National Hospital.

A medical source told SANA correspondent that a number of terrorists opened fire on the ambulance while transporting a citizen’s body from al-Qossour neighborhood.

The source added that the driver was injured while the other members of the medical cadre survived, and the terrorists took the ambulance to unknown place and returned it after two hours and they fled away.

The source said the emergency system was informed about the place of the ambulance and it sent a driver to bring it back to the hospital, adding that a 20-kg explosive device was found inside a black bag in the ambulance and the engineering members dismantled and no injuries were reported.

In the same context, 4 citizens injured by the shrapnels of two mortar projectiles fired by an armed terrorist group in Ekrima neighborhood in Homs City.

SANA correspondent said that most of the wounds were in the chest and in the face, adding that a number of cars were also damaged

Two Explosive Devices Dismantled in al-Zawiya Mountain in Idleb

Members of the Engineering Units on Sunday dismantled two explosive devices, weighing 25 kg each, planted by an armed terrorist group near Balyon-Kansafra Road in al-Zawiya Mountain in Idleb.

SANA Correspondent said that the two explosives were planted near each other and connected with a wireless and primed to explode remotely.

Armed Terrorist Group Burglarizes Agricultural Research Center in Homs

An armed terrorist group burglarized on Sunday an agricultural research center in al-Qariyatein area in Homs countryside and held up its contents.

SANA correspondent said that the terrorists broke into the center, tied its guards and stole 4 guns, 260 olive oil bottles, tires. car spare parts and tractors before destroying the center’s furniture.

Customs Police Seizes Car Loaded with 35 Russian Rifles, 26 Magazines

Deir Ezzor Customs Police on Sunday seized a Hyundai car loaded with 35 AK-47 rifles and 26 magazines.

SANA’s correspondent said that members of the customs police confiscated the car and arrested its driver, Jassem Obeid.

Obeid, a Hasaka native, confessed to receiving SYP 50,000 in exchange for transporting the weapons and ammo from a house to al-Azawi area on the behest of a man who claimed that he will assume full responsibility for the operation.

Six Army Martyrs Laid to Rest

HOMS,(SANA) – Six army martyrs were escorted on Sunday from Homs Military Hospital to their final resting place after they were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried on their comrades’ shoulders covered with the Syrian flag and flower wreaths, while the Military Band played the “Martyr” and “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

-Sergeant Mahmoud Mihrez al-Abbas, from Homs.

-Sergeant Muhyei-eddin al-Sheiha, from Homs.

-Conscript Mohammed Mahmoud al-Eitouni, from Damascus.

-Conscript Mohammed Sameer Yahya, from Qamishli.

-Conscript Tamer Loae al-Karki, from Damascus.

-Civilian, Adnan Shhadeh Mhanna, from Homs.

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not weaken the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.

Information Minister: 147 Arab and Foreign Media institutions Approved as of Last December

ahDAMASCUS, (SANA) – Information Minister, Dr. Adnan Mahmoud, stressed on Sunday that the Information Ministry has granted approvals to various media institutions to enter Syria to cover the current events.

In a statement, Dr. Mahmoud added that 147 Arab and foreign media including TV channels and news agencies  were approved into Syria as of last December, pointing out that until now 116 media outlets entered Syria in addition to 90 media outlets already working in Syria through their correspondents.

The Minister clarified that the Ministry is giving licenses to media for a period of 10 days that can be extended, pointing out that the Ministry is organizing field visits and tours in all Syrian provinces for journalists.

He said that several media outlets in Syria have visited the Syrian provinces including Homs, Daraa, Hama, Idleb, Damascus countryside and Aleppo, adding that Arab and foreign media outlets are accompanying the Arab League observers in all provinces.

Minister Mahmoud noted that as the Arab observer mission started and more media entered Syria, the level of incitement and distortion of facts increased in an attempt to misrepresent the situation on the ground and affect the international public opinion.


The Minister said that the terrorist attacks by the armed groups against the Syrian civilians and establishments have also increased, adding that some media in Syria are relaying the events from one point of view to serve political stances against Syria.

He called on all media outlets working in Syria to be objective and authentic.

Turkish Figures: Erdogan’s Government Carrying Out Hostile Policy against Syria to Serve Western Interests

ANKARA, (SNAA) – Deputy Secretary General of Turkey’s Workers’ Party Dursun Karadag on Sunday said that Erdogan’s has become an embarrassment and showed the whole world that Turkey doesn’t have a suitable Prime Minister and that its policy regarding neighboring countries – particularly Syria –  is wrong.

In an interview with the Syrian TV, Karadag said that Erdogan’s government is being used like a took by the west and is making historic mistakes for which it will pay, stressing that Turkey must not remain at the mercy of this government’s mistakes.

In turn, Editor in Chief of the newspaper Aydınlik, Ismet Ozcelik, said that the Justice and Development Party’s policies regarding Syria are wrong and that they were met with considerable anger from the Turkish street since they target a friendly country, adding that this attitude is seen even within the Justice and Development Party where opposition to this policy is being voiced.

Ozcelik said that Erdogan’s government created an environment around Turkey that is hostile towards it, and that their policy towards Syria caused Iran, China, Russia and Iraq t lost trust in Turkey, noting that the Turkish people believe in the need of doubling economic relations with the aforementioned countries, particularly considering the crises taking place across the world.

For his part, historic scholar Bulent Esenoglu said that the Justice and Development Party government’s efforts to carry out US agendas will undermine Turkey’s relations with all its neighbors, not just Syria.

Esenoglu questioned why Turkey is working to achieve US-Israeli interests and causing chaos and instability and Syria, affirming that such acts serve Israel only.

Prime Ministry Agrees on Starting Program for Building 50,000 Housing Units

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- Prime Minister, Dr, Adel Safar on Sunday chaired a meeting to discuss the required mechanisms for implementing the governmental housing program which includes building 50 thousand housing units for all the spectrums of the society in all the provinces.

After reviewing the administrative and technical measures and preparations and in light of the readiness of the lands prepared for housing and after discussing the funding mechanisms and the general conditions for subscription, the Prime Ministry agreed on starting the implementation of the project and on asking the General Housing Establishment to announce the subscription on the housing units according to an accredited mechanism.

Parties’ Affairs Committee Authorizes Establishing Syrian Democratic Party

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- The Parties’ Affairs Committee headed by Minister of Interior Mohammad al-Sha’ar studied on Sunday the applications submitted to it by citizens willing to establish parties according to the Legislative Decree No. 100 for 2011.

Minister al-Sha’ar indicated that the documents submitted by two parties, whose documents were published by the local newspapers, were also studied , adding that other documents related to these parties will be submitted later and they will be studied by the Committee during its next meeting in a step towards giving them a complete authorization.

He said that the documents of the Syrian Youths National Party and its rules of procedures were studied and all of its documents were accepted, and they will be published by the local newspapers for a week, and then the next stage will be the objection and it will be followed by granting it a complete authorization.

Minister al-Sha’ar pointed out that four other parties have submitted their documents and they were referred to the members of the Committee by its chairman to study them.

He added that during its meeting which was held few days ago, the Committee agreed on authorizing the Syrian Democratic Party to become the second licensed party according to the new Parties’ Law after the Solidarity Party which has been recently authorized.

He affirmed that the Committee which holds its meeting every Sunday, is ready to held a meeting in case it receives the applications of citizens willing to establish new parties.

He added that over the past few days, the Committee has intensively studied the applications submitted to it and verified them to refer their documents to the publication and then to agree on establishing them if they meet the conditions set by the Parties’ Law.

Activities of Writing Longest Letter in the World Started

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- Activities of writing the longest letter in the world started on Sunday under the title “Message of Loyalty to the Homeland and its Leader” at ten centers distributed among Damascus and its countryside.

The 10-Kms long letter will tour all the Syrian provinces, and it will be written and signed by all the spectrums of the Syrian people.

The letter is made of Felix paper ,and it is divided into ten parts with a length of 1,000 meters for each part, the ten parts will be tied together to form one letter which carries the Syrian flag at the middle of which.

On the sides of the letter, there will be square-shaped tables including about one million and a half letters.

The campaign of writing the longest letter in the world started simultaneously at Jaramana City in Damascus Countryside, and the squares of Arnous, Bab Touma, al-Hijaz, al-Mouhafaza, al-Qusour, al-Mowasa, and Sabaa Bahrat in Damascus, and at the President Bridge.

Chairman of National Unity Youths Group, Shadi Zouhair al-Malek said that the campaign reflects the unity of the Syrians and their belief in the national unity, indicating that there is no place for extremism among the Syrians as they are civilized  and they are proud of  their dignity and freedom.

Coordinator of  the campaign, Anwar Ibrahim said that the preparations for writing the letter have started from about a month as a special design was chosen for the letter.

She indicated that the campaign has witnessed an unexpected and huge turn out by the citizens who stressed their rejection of the conspiracy hatched against their homeland.

Participant, Hadil Ghunaim said that the plot against Syria, the misleading media and the economic pressures and sanctions have failed thanks to the awareness and steadfastness of the Syrian people.

Teacher, Fadi Jadid said that the armed terrorist groups in Syria and the conspirators who back them thought that they can intimidate the Syrians through their criminal acts, considering that this campaign proves that the Syrians will not be frightened by the terrorism.

Mother of Martyr Sari Saaoud said that Syria will remain steadfast in face of the conspirators and the traitors, adding that when her child was martyred, she became the mother of all the Syrian children.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.


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