Just International

Syrian News on Jan 19, 2012

avrov: Russia Will Reject Deploying any Troops in Syria, Won’t Pass any UNSC Resolution for Using Force against

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia stressed on Wednesday rejection of deploying any troops in Syria or imposing any sanctions on it, reiterating its insistence along with china on non-interference by the UN in the internal affairs of Syria and on not using force against it.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a press conference reviewing the outcomes of Russia’s foreign policy in 2011 that his country will not pass any resolution at the UN Security Council that paves the way for interference in Syria, affirming that any country seeking military intervention in Syria will not receive any authorization through the UNSC.

He reiterated his country’s call for reaching a political solution through launching an internal national dialogue after violence, regardless of its source, is to be immediately halted.

He also stressed his country’s support to the Arab League efforts, adding that Russia rejects any one-sided sanctions as they undermine the reputation and influence of the Security Council.

“For us the red line is clear. We won’t back any sanctions or deployment of troops in Syria,” Lavrov told the press conference, adding that his country will not allow the Security Council to take any illegal decisions that are in the interests of peoples.

He said that the Russian draft resolution currently proposed for discussion at the Security Council and has the support of China and the BRICS Group countries is aimed at reaching a political solution through internal national dialogue and preventing the United Nations from interfering in the internal affairs of Syria.

He continued that Russia and China continue to insist that the draft resolution include terms on non-interference by the UN in the Syrian affairs as well as on not allowing this document to be interpreted as a pretext to use force against Syria.

The Russian Foreign Minister commented on the stances of some foreign countries towards the Russian draft resolution and their description of it as “not strict”, saying not strict”, saying their comments are an attempt to evade the main question related to the reasons behind silence on what the armed extremist opposition is perpetrating in Syria against the government headquarters, hospitals and schools and on the terrorist acts committed inside Syria. He added that the West has adopted a one-sided stance towards this issue.

Lavrov reiterated his country’s criticism and rejection of the operations of arms smuggling into Syria to support the armed gangs and the attempts to create the impression of a humanitarian crisis in it, describing these attempts as “rejected and unfruitful”.

“There is an undeniable fact that arms are being smuggled to the gunmen and extremists in Syria who have been trying to exploit the protest movement in order to achieve their goals to usurp power,” he said, lashing out at the so-called “aid convoys to Syria” with the aim of creating the impression of humanitarian catastrophe.

Lavrov considered the so-called aid convoys proposals to Syria which as completely rejected and fruitless because they lead but to intensifying the cycle of violence.

On the statements made by the officials of some foreign countries on denying desire for military intervention against Syria, Lavrov expressed hope that honest intentions were behind these statements and that they reflect the actual stance of these countries.

He noted that Russia has information indicating that there are countries in the West that do not consider seriously the issue of imposing a no-fly zone similar to what happened Libya, stressing that the Libyan scenario cannot be applied in Syria.

“I heard calls for sending Arab troops to Syria. If some intend to use force at any price, they should do this on their own initiative…This will be in their conscience, but they will never get any authorization for this from the Security Council,” said Lavrov.

He called upon the countries that have an influence on the opposition in Syria to use their effect to stop violence and work on warding off its use against civilians, adding at the same time that the countries that have dialogue with the Syrian government should insist on it not to use force.

The Russian Minister expressed his country’s readiness to host representatives of all Syrian sides to hold a meeting as soon as possible to agree on launching national dialogue.

On the other hand, Lavrov said that Russia is exporting weapons to Syria in a legitimate way, adding that Russia does not need to justify this issue as it does not violate any international agreements or the UNSC resolutions, in response to what the U.S. Representative at the Security Council Susan E. Rice stated on what she considered a concern about sending Russian arms to Syria.

Chinese Premier Calls for Political Solution in Syria

DOHA, (SANA)_Premier Wen Jiabao of China called for a political solution to the crisis in Syria, indicating that China is constantly monitoring the Syrian crisis.

In a press conference in Doha on Wednesday, Jiabao underlined the necessity of respecting the demands of the Syrian people who aspire for reform and change, as well as activating the role of the Arab League as to reach a political solution through dialogue.

He added that China aims to see a solution to the crisis as soon as possible and seeks an improvement in the living conditions of the Syrians, meeting the people’s needs and helping Syria realize stability and development.

China: Security Council Debates on Syria Should Help Ease Tension and Boost Dialogue

China on Wednesday underlined that the UN Security Council’s discussions on the situation in Syria have to help ease tension and boost the political dialogue in order to solve differences and preserve pace and stability in the Middle East.

“China appreciates Russia’s commitment and the efforts exerted to solve the crisis… we are ready to continue consultations regarding the Russian draft resolution,” Liu Weimin, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said at a press conference.

He added that China calls on all sides concerned in Syria to cooperate with the efforts exerted by the Arab League to apply an immediate halt to the violence, undertake a comprehensive political process as soon as possible and accelerate reforms in order to defuse the crisis’ primer.

He indicated that China supports resolving the crisis in the framework of the Arab League and backs the constructive efforts exerted it exerted.

Weimin hoped the Arab monitors continue performing their duty in Syria and create the suitable conditions to reach a resolution to the crisis.

Chavez and Putin Affirm Need to Defend Syria from Interference by Colonialist Countries

CARACAS, (SANA) – President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez and Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Wednesday affirmed the need to defend the indepdence and sovreigty of Syria and Iran from the siege and interference in their internal affairs carried out by colonialist countries.

This came in a statement issued by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, which said that Chavez and Putin discussed this matter during a phone call in which the two discussed issues related to the strategic cooperation between Russia and Venezuela which covers various fields of commercial, financial, economic, industrial and military cooperation.

Press Delegation Inspects Damage Wrought by Terrorist Groups

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_A press delegation representing world, Arab and local media institutions inspected on Wednesday the damage wrought by armed terrorist groups, especially that which hit the electricity sector amid the current events unfolding in Syria.

In a press conference, Minister of Electricity Imad Khamis gave a thorough review of the electricity sector in Syria and the material damage inflicted upon it due to the attacks of armed terrorist groups on the distribution networks , maintenance workshops and emergency.

The minister said that the direct material damage inflicted upon the networks is valued at nearly SYP 713 million whereas the value of indirect economic damage which hit the national economy reached around SYP 23 billion.

The minister noted the efforts exerted by the ministry in coordination with the authorities concerned to control energy demand in light of the current circumstances.

The minister added that the conspiracy against Syria is backed by foreign powers which were daunted by the steadfastness of the Syrian people and their commitment to national unity, which prompted them to target the national economy, especially the electricity sector being a pillar in the economic and social development process.

Press Team from Russia Today TV Inspects Sites Hit by Terrorist Groups

A press team from Russia Today Channel inspected on Wednesday the sites hit by armed groups in Daraa province, especially the Justice Palace, the TV and Radio Center and the Revolution Youth Union Center.

The team met Mohammad Khaled al-Hanous, Daraa governor, who gave a thorough review of the governorate and the sabotage acts committed by the armed terrorist groups, affirming that the misleading channels have played a considerable role in compounding the situation in Syria and supporting gunmen.

He added that the conspiracy targeting Syria is aimed primarily at breaking the unity of its people and diverting it from national and pan-Arab stances.

Judge Tayseer Smadi said that the saboteurs torched the basic center of the Justice Palace in Daraa and the criminal courts in an attempt to obliterate evidence and papers incriminating felons, which proves that the perpetrators are previously convicted criminals.

Civilian Engineer Martyred in Hama, a Law Enforcement Member Killed in Daraa, Officer Martyred in Idleb

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)- Engineer Fatima Khalifeh, worker at the Electricity Generation Plant in Mehardeh in Hama Province, on Wednesday succumbed to her wounds after being shot in her head by an armed terrorist group on Tuesday.

In the framework of targeting the technical cadres and the national expertise, an armed terrorist group opened fire at a microbus carrying 25 employees who work at the Electricity Energy Generation Company in Mehardeh area near Khirbet Damis Crossroads.

Engineer Khalifeh was taken to Massyaf National Hospital after being shot in the head.

Body of Veterinarian Nabil Makroj Found at al-Bayyada Neighborhood in Homs

The body of Veterinarian Nabil Makroj , who was kidnapped by an armed terrorist group few days ago, was found at al-Bayyada Neighborhood in Homs.

An informed source told SANA Correspondent that  Makroj was kidnapped on January 14th while he was performing his duty in guaranteeing the required vaccines for the livestock in Deir Ba’alba Neighborhood.

Forensic examiners  said that after examining the body, traces of torture and mutilation were found on it, adding that Makroj was strangled at the hands of the terrorists who kidnapped him.

Law-enforcement Member Martyred, Another Wounded in Daraa

A Law-enforcement member was martyred on Wednesday and another was wounded as well as a woman after an armed terrorist gang fired at them in the city of Tafas in Daraa province.

A police source said the armed terrorist group fired at the two law-enforcement members while they were in the line of duty leading to the martyrdom of Bassam Mustafa and wounding Amer Saleh in addition to a woman who happened to be passing by the area.

Military Engineering Units in Daraa dismantle two explosives

Military Engineering Units today in Daraa dismantled two explosive devices, prepared to be bombed in places crowded with civilians.

An official source in Daraa stated that the first explosive weighs 40 KG put in a plastic vessel to the west of al-Sabel garden, adding that the second explosive weighs 8 kg put near al-Hussein Mosque.

Officer Martyred and Five Law-Enforcement Members Wounded in Idleb

First Lieutenant Hussein Ali Abbas was martyred and five members of law-enforcement forces were injured in an attack by armed terrorists in the town of Hantoutin in al-Maara area in Idleb governorate.

On a relevant note, an explosive device planted by terrorists on the railway tracks between the towns of Abu al-Zuhour and Sinjar in Maaret al-Nu’uman area exploded, causing damage to the tracks’ supports.

Fifteen Army, Law-enforcement Members and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Fifteen army, law-enforcement members and civilian martyrs on Wednesday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals and the Police Hospital in Damascus and Mysiaf National Hospital to their final resting place, after they were targeted by armed terrorist groups in Damascus Countryside, Idleb, Hama and Daraa.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried on shoulders covered with the national flag, while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell”.

The martyrs are:

-Colonel Assem Eid al-Rifaie from Quneitra

-First Lieutenant Amer Imad Taiba from Homs

-Sergeant Major Issa Hamoud al-Hanaya from Aleppo countryside

– Sergeant Major Obaida Ibrahim al-Taroudi from Sweida

-Sergeant Tawfiq Ali al-Dweiri from Hasaka

-Corporal Abdul-Rahman Mohammad Deeb from Hama

-Conscript Bahri Issa al-Ghajar from Aleppo

-Conscript Abdul-Aziz Mohammad al-Mahmoud from Homs

-Conscript Naji Fajr al-Ibrahim from Homs

-Conscript Maher Khaled al-Omar from Damascus Countryside

-Conscript Taher Diab Diab from Damascus Countryside

-Conscript Mazen Khaled al-Rheil from Quneitera

-Policeman Moussa Mohammad al-Bashir from Daraa

-Policeman Amer Abdul-Latif Faris from Lattakia

-Civilian engineer Fatima Khalifeh from Hama

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis and head to a better future, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not weaken the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their solidarity with their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aiming at undermining their homeland.

Arab League Monitors continue tours in Syrian cities

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) Arab League observer mission teams continued Wednesday their tours in a number of Syrian cities.

In Damascus, the Arab monitors visited the Governorate building, listening to testimonies of several citizens, artists, volunteers, economic and youth activities.

The Arab team in Tartous went to al-Basel Hospital, meeting citizens and families of the martyrs who passed away at the hands of armed terrorist groups.

Another team visited the National Hospital of Sweida in the south, the Industrial city, Ara town, Faculty of Literature in Areka where they met the Dean and a number of students who briefed the team on the stability and calm in al-Sweida city.

In Rakka, another team toured the city’s neighborhoods, meeting several citizens and clan notables.

In the Syrian southern city of Daraa, a new batch of prisoners were released in the presence of Arab monitors who visited Daraa National Hospital.

The observers also visited Lattakia central prison, the court, meeting a number of lawyers.

Al-Khdeir:  the only topic on the agenda of the Arab Ministerial meeting is the comprehensive report of al-Dabi

Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League and Head of the Monitors  Operations’ Room Adnan Issa al-Khdeir underlined that that the only main topic put on the agenda of the Arab Ministerial meeting due next Saturday is the comprehensive report that will be submitted by Chairman of the Mission Mohammad Ahmad al-Dabi.

“Sending Arab forces into Syria is not proposed on the Agenda of the Ministerial meetings,” Ambassador Khdeir said in a statement, adding that the Arab monitors are still working in Syria where 17 teams are still there and the reports reach to the operations’ room from all points where the monitors act.

On the release of prisoners involved in the events, al-Khdeir said “There is a presidential decree in Syria to set them free… this was really done.. I received a phone call from one of the released persons, he is now in Cairo.”

As for the entry of foreign journalists  into Syria, He underlined that they are present in Syria as the monitors report, adding that the Syrian authorities protect them.

“For special conditions, a number of monitors returned to their countries after presenting official apologies… I contacted those who returned to Cairo asking them if they witnessed any annoyance or inspection at Damascus International Airport… they stressed that no one has inspected or annoyed them.”

Women Groups Organize Gathering in Lattakia in Rejection of Foreign Interference and in Support of Independent National Decision

LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The Autism Society in Lattakia and “Syria’s Braids” group on Wednesday organized a women’s gathering in front of the Lattakia Governorate Building to reject foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, denounce the crimes of armed terrorist groups, and show support for independent national decision and the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Participants expressed rejection of all forms of foreign interference and condemned the fabrications and lies regarding Syria broadcast by misleading channels, saluting the sacrifices of the army in defense of Syria.

Head of the Autism Society Shahida Salloum said that this gathering is a display of fealty to Syria, calling for instilling the values of amity and tolerance to keep Syria strong in the face of conspiracies and plots.

In turn, representative of Syria’s Braids group Sawsan Ali said that the group is organizing activities in all Syrian governorates to spread awareness and unify masses in to confront the conspiracy targeting Syria. Participants in the gathering stressed the countries are built with amity and tolerance, not with murder and vandalism, saluting the mothers of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of Syria.


They affirmed that they gathered to make their voices heard and to show everyone that the determination of Syrian women will never falter even if disasters, murders and pressure increase.

Weapons Smuggler Confesses to Smugling Firearms, Ammo and Rockets from Lebanon to Armed Terrorist Groups in Homs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Assem Mohammad Nadim al-Masadi confessed to smuggling weapons from Arsal area in Lebanon to armed terrorist groups located in several neighborhoods in Homs.

In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV on Wednesday, al-Masadi said he smuggled RPG rifles, anti-armor rockets, automatic rifles, machineguns, handguns and ammunition.

Al-Masadi, an agricultural engineer born in Homs in 1975, said that at the outset of the events he participated in protests which started off peaceful then turned into riots which escalated from throwing stones to using pump-action shotguns, handguns and AK-47 rifles, with gunmen firing at protestors and security forces alike in order to cause more chaos and escalate the situation.

Nidal Haddad, n acquaintance he met during work in supervising farms approached al-Masadi and suggested he join him in smuggling weapons since Haddad has knowledge of firearms and means to procure to distribute them.

The two agreed that Haddad would introduce al-Masadi to sources and buyers while the latter would finance their operations, with the profits split between them.

Haddad introduced al-Masadi to a man from Arsal area in Lebanon called Abu Oueid who sold them 3 AK-47 rifles which they transported in al-Masadi’s car to Baba Amro area in Homs and sold them to a man called Ammar al-Bikaei who commanded a group of 300-400 gunmen.

Al-Bikaei told them that he was ready to buy all the weapons they could bring and that he was receiving money from abroad, al-Masadi said, adding that that their source in Arslan later delivered 18 RPG rounds to them in two shipments, with 8 rounds being sold to al-Bikaei while the remaining ten were sold to a man known as Abu Asaad who headed a terrorist group in al-Beda area and also expressed readiness to buy any weapons they procure.

He went on to say that he bought and smuggled 3 RPG launchers in his car and sold one to each of the aforementioned terrorist and the third to another terrorist group leader called Abdelsalam al-Shabrum.

Al-Masadi also confessed to smuggling two DShK machineguns, three Glock pistols, two cases containing a total of 24 ENERGA grenades  which are fired from launchers attached to rifles,  a FAL rifle with a night-vision scope and 3 Korean LAW anti-tank rocket launchers, adding that these weapons were to al-Bikaei and Abu Asaad.

He noted that they also tested he ENERGA grenades themselves and recorded the test using his mobile phone, explaining that this specific type of grenades is anti-armor and is used against tanks, vehicles and fortifications.

“I know that I hurt my country and harmed it… a man learns from his mistakes and his experiences,” Al-Masadi concluded.

Senior Former Guardian Correspondent: Western Media Coverage of Events in Syria Is Unfair and Biased, Has Turned into a Propaganda Weapon

LONDON, (SANA)- Political commentator Jonathan Steele criticized in an article in the British Guardian newspaper the foreign media coverage of the events taking place in Syria, accusing it of bias and suppressing the facts that “go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis”.

Steele, the Guardian’s former international affairs correspondent, said the western media coverage has turned into “a propaganda weapon” against Syria as all the key issues related to the popularity of President Bashar al-Assad, the Arab League observer mission and the US military involvement have been “distorted in the west’s propaganda war”.

In his article titled ”Most Syrians back President Assad, but you’d never know from western media”, Steele lashed out at this media’s ignoring of information and polls that show the Syrian people’s support to President al-Assad.

He asked “Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most Syrians are in favour of Bashar al-Assad remaining as president, would that not be major news? Especially as the finding would go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis, and the media considers the unexpected more newsworthy than the obvious.”

Steele answered his own questions saying ” When coverage of an unfolding drama ceases to be fair and turns into a propaganda weapon, inconvenient facts get suppressed.”

He referred to the results of a recent YouGov Siraj poll on Syria commissioned by The Doha Debates, funded by the Qatar Foundation, which revealed that some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, saying it is a pity this poll was ignored by almost all media outlets in every western country whose government has called for Assad to go.

Steele said that the biased media coverage has distorted the Arab League’s observer mission in Syria, highlighting the high praise in the west for the League’s endorsement of a no-fly zone in Libya last spring, unlike its decision to mediate in Syria, which was less welcome to western governments, and to high-profile Syrian opposition groups, who increasingly support a military rather than a political solution.

“So,” Steele added “the league’s move was promptly called into doubt by western leaders, and most western media echoed the line.”

The article underscored the attacks that were launched on the credentials of the mission’s Sudanese chairman and how the criticisms of the mission’s performance by one of its 165 members were headlined, preparing for demands that the mission pull out in favour of UN intervention.

“The critics presumably feared that the Arab observers would report that armed violence is no longer confined to the regime’s forces, and the image of peaceful protests brutally suppressed by army and police is false,” said Steele.

He also lashed out at the western media outlets’ ignoring of significant information stated in an article by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer who now writes for the American Conservative – a magazine that criticizes the American military-industrial complex.

Steele said that Giraldi stated that Turkey, a Nato member, has become Washington’s proxy and that unmarked Nato warplanes have been arriving at Iskenderum, near the Syrian border, delivering Libyan volunteers and weapons seized from the late Muammar Gaddafi’s arsenal.

He quoted Giraldi as saying “French and British special forces trainers are on the ground, assisting the Syrian rebels, while the CIA and US Spec Ops are providing communications equipment and intelligence to assist the rebel cause, enabling the fighters to avoid concentrations of Syrian soldiers.”

Steele expected that the Arab League will face pressures to withdraw its observers from Syria during a forthcoming meeting of the Arab League foreign ministers, stressing that the League should stand its ground against provocations and to keep its observer mission in Syria “that has not yet had enough time or a large enough team to talk to a comprehensive range of Syrian actors and then come up with a clear set of recommendations… to help produce a dialogue between the regime and its critics.”

French Journalist: France’ Accusation of Syria of Killing Journalist Jacquier Is Ridiculous

PARIS, (SANA)- French journalist Allain Jules, of a Cameroonian descent, denounced France’s accusation of Damascus of a certain manipulation concerning the death of the French journalist Gilles Jacquier.

He described this accusation as “ridiculous as much as pathetic” in that it includes an insult and offense by Paris to the seven Syrians who were killed along with Jacquier. pointing out that it is ridiculous.

Jules wrote on his blog that Paris is spreading its allegations with the help of the fake columnists who betrayed the morals of journalism, saying “this is not surprising as it comes from a French government specialized in falsifying the truth.”

He added that whitewashing terrorists through circulating false information is a reprehensible act, pointing out that the French constitution considers any rebellion or any provocation to take up arms in illegal ways as weakening and harmign the basic interests of the state.

He finds it strange how this is allowed to happen in Syria while in France the perpetrator shall be punished in prison, stressing what happened in Syria exceeded that to an aggression on the national security and the security of the armed forces. “All this is condemned and reprehensible in France, but Paris allows it in Syria.”

Jules said France’s deportation of Jacquier’s body is considered in the criminal law an embezzlement of the body, asking “How do we ask the Syrian authorities to uncover the circumstances of the death of journalist Jacquier at the hands of terrorists who call themselves opponents after the withdrawal of the body?”

“This is simply an attempt to distort evidence, as if we are pushing the coroners to say what the French Foreign Ministry and the Elysee want them to say,” he added. He denounced the double standards of the international community as it urges Syria to protect journalists while it doesn’t react when terrorists kill the military in the country.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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