Just International

Syrian News on Jan 26, 2012

Arabic Committee for Human Right Disavows the Conduct of Anwar Malek

PARIS, (SANA) – The Arabic Committee for Human Right (ACHR) on Wednesday voiced regret over the statements of Anwar Malek whom the Committee nominated to be a part of the Arab League observer mission to Syria, expressing surprise over Qatar receiving him and promoting his statements.

In a statement, Chairperson of the ACHR Dr. Violette Daguerre said that Malek’s conduct deviates from the observers’ mission and decency towards those who gave him his task and assumed moral responsibility for his presence in the mission.

Daguerre pointed out that Malek isn’t a member of the ACHR nor is he a member of any juristic organization, and that he had no prior experience as a member of a juristic mission, affirming that the ACHR disavows the conduct and behavior he pursued and regrets the media fanfare surrounding his statements which coincided with his withdrawal from the mission before the end of the timeframe which was agreed upon with the Arab League.

She also voiced surprise that the country which received Malek and promoted his statements is currently the head of the Arab ministerial council.

Daguerre said that there are external elements and personal factors that led to Malek’s deviation from professionalism and objectivity, transforming the observer mission to a matter of media slander by going to Doha rather than Cairo where the Arab League headquarters is based or Paris where he lives.

She pointed out that Malek appointed himself judge over the other members of the mission who possess experience and credibility, transforming into a mouthpiece for the enemies of the Arab work plans and the proponents of internationalization.

Daguerre concluded by pointing out that after only two days of arriving in Syria, Dagher sent a letter to the ACHR promoting his observations and evaluation of the mission’s role, with his writing contradicting his statements, and asked the ACHR’s opinion regarding the possibility of discontinuing his work as an observer in the mission.

Fourteen Army, Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/HOMS (SANA) – Fourteen army and law-enforcement martyrs on Wednesday were escorted from Tishreen, Lattakia and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting places.

The martyrs were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs, Idleb, Damascus Countryside, Hama and Daraa.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs as they were covered with flowers and laurel while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell”.

The martyrs are :

-Major, Zafer Karam Issa from Damascus Countryside.

-First Lieutenant, Ayham Hussein Omran from Tartous.

-Lieutenant, Nawwar Sadek Kan’an from Tartous.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Salman Ibrahim Abbas from Tartous.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Ali Yusef Junaid from Homs.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Samir Ibrahim Barakat from Homs.

-Chief Warrant Officer Wisam Mahmoud Ammoun from Lattakia.

-Sergeant, Ibrahim Khudir Shallab from Homs.

-Corporal, Hussein Yusef al-Doubul from Sweida.

-Corporal, Khaild al-Jad’an from Deir Ezzour.

-Conscript, Khalid Mahmoud Hasan from Aleppo.

– Conscript, Hussein Ahmed Qbeuieh from Aleppo.

– Conscript, Thaer Sabri al-Omar from Homs.

-Conscript, Mohammad Khudier Qa’ajeih from Homs.

Relatives of the martyrs affirmed that the systematic terrorism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups can’t dissuade the Syrians from their adherence to their national and pan-Arab stances. They called for confronting the criminal terrorists who don’t know the meaning of humanity, freedom and democracy.

President Ahmadinejad Delegates Authorities to Put Law on Free Trade between Syria and Iran in Place

TEHRAN, (SANA)_President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran delegated on Wednesday the authorities concerned to put the law on free trade between Syria and Iran in place, whereby a free trade zone between the two countries is set up for five extendable years.

The Iranian News Agency (IRNA) said that the law on free trade between Iran and Syria was ratified by the Iranian Shura Council and the Guardian Council.

Five Law Enforcement Personnel Martyred, Terrorists Assassinate Head of Red Crescent Idleb Branch, Murder Aged Man and Wife

IDLEB/ HAMA / HOMS, (SANA) – Head of Red Crescent Branch in Idleb Dr. Abdel Razaq Jbeiro on Wednesday was assassinated at the hand of an armed terrorist group in northern Khan Sheikhoun City.

An informed official source told SANA correspondent that an armed terrorist group opened fire on Dr. Jbeiro and killed him with a shot to the head after which he was transported to Maaret al-Numan Hospital where he passed away.

Five Law Enforcement Personnel Martyred by Gunfire of Armed Terrorist Group in Apamea Town

Five law enforcement personnel were martyred and six were wounded, some of them in critical condition, in the town of Apamea in Hama during a confrontation with an armed terrorist group that attempted to break into a police station in the town.

An official source said that armed groups attacked the department in waves, using machineguns, grenades and explosives, but the personnel in the department were able to withstand the attack and preventing them from entering, killing a number of gunmen in the process while the others fled.

The source said that the injured personnel and the martyrs’ bodies were transported to al-Sukailibiyeh National Hospital and then to Masyaf National Hospital.

The martyred policeman are Ahmad al-Hussein, Ahmad Nseirat, Ahmad Juma’a, Rajeh Issa and Mansi al-Ahmad.

Three Law-Enforcement Members Injured, Priest Basilious Nassar Assassinated by Armed Terrorist Groups in Hama

Meanwhile, three law-enforcement members were injured by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group near Dawwar al-Sejen in Hama.

An official source told SANA correspondent in the governorate that the armed terrorist group fired on the car of the law-enforcement members while it was passing by Dawwar al-Sejen in the City.

The injured members were admitted to Hama National Hospital to receive medial treatment, the source added.

Another Armed terrorist group assassinated Father Basilious Nassar, Priest of Hama Church for Rome Orhtodox, Kfar Bahm, while giving first aid to a wounded man at al-Jarajmeh neighborhood in Hama.

An official source in Hama told SANA reporter that the armed group perpetrated its heinous crime against Father Nassar while he was recuing an injured man at al-Jarajma neighborhood.

Armed group kills Man Aged  96 and his wife in Homs

An armed terrorist group killed today aged man, Mustafa Ahmad Kousa, 96, and his wife in Homs.

The armed group abducted Kousa and his wife yesterday from their house at Jib al-Jandaly neighborhood in Homs.

Terrorist group burglarizes a warehouse for Retail Establishment in Hama

An armed terrorist group today burglarized a warehouse for the General Retail Establishment at al-Hamiydea in Hama.

An official source told SANA that the armed group assaulted the Establishment’s guard, breaking off the doors and looting sections filled with nutritional and appliance materials.

Terrorist Members Caught, Weapons Seized in Hama The competent authorities caught big numbers of terrorists after raiding their hideouts in Bab Qibli and al-Jarajmeh neighborhoods in Hama on Wednesday.

SANA correspondent said that quantities of weapons were also seized, including a BKC machinegun, 2 RPG launchers, 15 RPGs, 15 firearms, grenades, explosive devices, oxygen cylinders and ammunition.

The concerned authorities also seized a number of stolen state and private cars in al-Jarajmeh, Bab Qibli and Nazlet al-Jizdan neighborhoods that that the armed terrorist groups used in their terrorist attacks, in addition to heavy machinery that the terrorist groups used in setting up earthen ramparts to block entryways to neighborhoods.

The authorities also dismantled a number of explosive devices varying in size from 10-50 kg.

A number of explosive devices planted by the armed groups in some neighborhoods were detonated, and earthen ramparts were removed.

Lavrov: Russia Will Not Pass any UNSC Resolution against Syria, Will Not Allow any Military Intervention in It

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday stressed that Russia will not pass any UNSC resolution to impose unilateral sanctions against Syria.

He reiterated that his country will not allow any military intervention in Syria, expressing readiness to consider all positive proposals about its UNSC draft resolution regarding Syria.

Lavrov said “We can’t approve proposals on the UN Security Council imposing unilateral sanctions against Syria without holding deliberations with Russia, China and the BRICS countries, stressing that such a move would be “unfair and counterproductive.”

He stressed that any UN resolution on Syria should be clear and couldn’t be interpreted to justify foreign interference in it , indicating to Russia’s readiness to dialogue with the UNSC members on the resolution content.

The Russian Foreign Minister said that the draft Russian resolution remains on table, adding that Russia is open for constructive proposals that match with the submitted paper which called for ceasing violence and to fulfill its aim in having impact on all those who carry arms in Syria.

Lavrov said that Russia is ready to host negotiations among all Syrian political sides without preconditions, adding that Moscow welcomes any option that suits all parties to conduct a political dialogue.

He urged all Syrians to sit at negotiations table and stay away from armed groups, underlining the Arab League’s calls upon these groups to stop violence.

Regarding the AL recent demand towards Syria, Lavrov stressed the need for launching an internal dialogue among all Syrian sides without preconditions, adding that “We start from the point that all the participants in this dialogue will undertake the task to reach accord and shoulder their responsibility towards their country and people.”

Russia and Turkey Call for Halting Violence in Syria regardless of its Source

The Russian Foreign Minister said that Russia and Turkey call on all the Syrian sides to halt violence and they consider that any foreign interference in Syria must not be allowed.

In a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Lavrov said “It seems to me that Russia and Turkey have principled stances and it seemed that they are identical as we call for stopping violence in Syria regardless of its source and for a peaceful settlement to the Syrian crisis.”

Lavrov added “We also call upon foreign powers to participate in this and we stand against any foreign military intervention in Syria”, asserting that the situation in Syria is not simple and there are no easy solutions, and that We will continue the dialogue and the work with all the Syrian sides.

Russia and Algeria Ready to help Settle Crisis in Syria

Russia and Algeria on Wednesday announced readiness to contribute to resolving the crisis in Syria, based on the internal dialogue among the Syrians themselves.

Russian foreign Ministry said in a statement that the Special Representative of the Russian President, Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Bogdanov discussed with the Algerian Ambassador in Moscow the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, particularly the latest developments in Syria.

The statement underlined that both sides showed willingness to effectively help settle the crisis in Syria through a Syrian national dialogue.

Russia is still a Guaranteed Partner and It fully Implements all of its Commitments with Syria

On the other hand, Director General of the Russian Technologies State Corporation, Sergei Chemezov considered that Russia must completely implement its commitments in the domain of military and technical cooperation with Syria in order not to lose the armament market in the Middle East and North Africa.

In a press statement on Wednesday, Chemezov said “Russia is still a guaranteed partner and it fully implements all of its commitments according to the signed contracts and it is ready to hold deliberations about signing new contracts.”

He indicated that the Russian- Syrian military and technical cooperation is done according to the international principles and rules as there are no sanctions against Syria at the UN Security Council, wondering why Russia should stop its cooperation with Syria, asserting that this issue is related to trade at the end of the day.

Russian Writers’ Union gives its annual award for this year to President al-Assad in support and solidarity with Syria

In the same context, Vice Chairman of the Russian Writers’ Union, Sergey Kotkalo reaffirmed that the Union decided to give its annual award for this year to President Bashar al-Assad in support and solidarity with Syria, blasting the acts of violence in Syria backed by the West and some Arab countries.

In a statement to SANA Reporter, Kotkalo said that the Russian writers and intellectuals wanted to express support to the Syrian people, therefore, they unanimously decided to give their annual high-level award to President al-Assad.

He expressed regret and astonishment regarding the attitudes of the officials of some Arab countries against Syria, particularly the leaders of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, asserting that these wrong acts contradict with the goals of Arab unity.

He stressed that Syria decides how to build its life by itself, indicating that the Syrian leadership adopts a balanced policy to maintain Syria’s independence and sovereignty and to confront all forms of attacks launched against the country. He said that the leaders of Qatar and Saudi Arabia should stop shedding the blood of the Libyans and should stop their attempts to repeat these crimes in Syria.

He hoped that the Syrian people will preserve their national unity and their deep-rooted civilization, and they will overcome the current crisis.

Al-Maollem Meets al-Dabi, Stresses Syria’s Complete Commitment to Cooperation with Observer Mission

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, on Wednesday stressed Syria’s commitment to complete cooperation with the observer mission and offering all facilitations to carry out its work as it was commissioned in spite of the obstacles being put in the way by sides which do not want to show the reality of the situation in Syria in implementation of foreign agendas.

Minister al-Moallem met Head of the Arab League Observer Mission,  Let-Gen. Muhammad Ahmad Mustafa al-Dabi, as they discussed the completion of the observer mission in light of the Syrian Arab Republic’s approval of extending the work of the mission for another month.

Let. Gen. al-Dabi briefed al-Moallem on the report he submitted to the Arab foreign ministers earlier this week and the vision of the AL observer mission on the situation in Syria, stressing the mission’s resolve to be committed to neutrality and objectivity to implement the protocol signed between Syria and the Arab League.

For his part, Minister al-Moallem highlighted the responsibility of the Syrian Government to protect its citizens and put an end to the armed terrorist groups and the sabotage acts against civilians, security members and private and public establishments.

Red Cross and Red Crescent Denounce Assassination of Head of Red Crescent Branch in Idleb

DAMASCUS/GENEVA, (SANA) – The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) denounced the assassination of head of Red Crescent Branch in Idleb Dr. Abdel Razaq Jbeiro, who was gunned down by armed terrorist group on Wednesday in Khan Shekhoun.

A statement issued by the three organizations said that the news of Dr. Jbeiro’s death was a great shock, pointing out that Jbeiro was on his way back to work after the conclusion of meetings held in Damascus, and that he was in a car clearly carrying the distinct logo and symbol of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.

The three organizations called parties involved in violence to facilitate the passage of Red Crescent volunteers, staff and vehicles and not attacking them while carrying out their humanitarian work of providing assistance to people without prejudice and with neutrality.

Chairman of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) Dr. Abdel Rahman al-Attar said that the organization presented an official request to the Syrian authorities to open an official investigation regarding the death of Dr. Jbeiro.

Participants in the 14th Conference of Muftis and Endowment Directors Condemn Calls for Western or Arab Military Intervention in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Participants in the 14th Conference of Muftis and Endowment Directors held at the Ministry of Endowments in Damascus stressed rejection of calls for Western or Arab military intervention in Syria.

The participants considered these calls as interference in the Syrian affair and a great treason which will drag the country into endless chaos. In their concluding statement, the participants condemned the AL decisions against Syria as they constitute a flagrant interference in its internal affairs and infringe on the national sovereignty which the Syrian people completely reject.

The statement stressed commitment to the comprehensive reform program announced by President Bashar al-Assad with the conferees highly evaluating the constructive reform steps taken and the systematic plan drawn up for the next stage to enhance reforms.

The statement denounced extremism, fanaticism and terrorism, adding that it is the duty of clergymen to raise the awareness of people regarding the conspiracy against Syria.

The participants called upon the clergymen in the Arab Nation to strengthen amity and communication among the people of Islamic countries to face the attack targeting Islam and Muslims.

The statement refuted allegations and lies broadcast by instigative satellite channels which falsify facts and mislead the public opinion, calling for being professional, credible and realistic, in addition to avoiding what divides the people of the Islamic Nation.

The statement added that Syria will never give up its dignity and that it needs all of its people regardless of their political affiliations, indicating to the general amnesty issued by President al-Assad which announced a new start and aimed to enhance confidence among all spectrums of the Syrian society.

Minister of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed, attending the opening ceremony, said that Syria will remain steadfast and the martyrs sacrificed their souls to restore stability and security to the homeland.

He added that the fatwas permitting the killing of the Syrian people which issued by those who claimed to be clergymen are void and they all aimed at undermining Syria and satisfying Israel and the US Administration.

Al-Sayyed added that there is only one way for reform which is not that of killing and corruption, adding that Syria achieved remarkable progress in the reform process.

For his part, Grand Mufti of the Republic Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun said that it is a radical stage for Syria and the Arab and Islamic nations, calling upon clergymen to perform their role in the face of the conspiracy and injustice.

He called upon the Syrians to hold dialogue, stressing that their stance should be based on their love for their homeland rather than implementation of foreign dictations.

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