Just International

A glimmer of hope


29 May 2013

@ Le Mauricien

The barbaric and horrendous knife attack on the British soldier last week should be added to the growing list of heinous crimes perpetrated by two antagonists. The killers justified their acts as a tit for tat for the crimes committed by the West in Muslim lands. “The only reason we killed this man is because Muslims are dying daily” recally a recent headline : “A British soldier has been jailed for stabbing a 10-year-old boy after getting drunk on vodka while serving in Afghanistan.”

There is little hue and cry in the West, contrary to the outbursts of violence in the Islamic world, about the West’s crimes because Media outlets in the West and particularly in the US simply keep mum. The victims of the West’s crimes are made faceless, their families nearly never appear on TV and according to SALON, Supreme Court Judges have collaborated with US Administration to bar victims access to American courts and thus deprive them of means to have their stories heard. The Patriotic Act and the threat on whistle blowers push victims into silence.

The confessions at a recent Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, of Gen. James Cartwright and Sen. Lindsey Graham speak volumes : Americans have the right to kill enemies even while they are “asleep”, that they don’t “have to wake them up before they shoot them” and “make it a fair fight”. Michael Moore’s mockery summarizes Western reaction : “I am outraged that we can’t kill people in other countries without them trying to kill us !”

Let us face the fact : All attempts at lives are unjustifiable and must appall us. Violence caused by the deranged is known to exist from the time of Adam’s sons. Agents of the Inquisition burned heretics to death to shorten their time in purgatory. It is our duty to stop the spiral of violence. The targeting of terrorists by the West is failing to bring about a surrender of the “Islamic” Jihadis. It is important to understand the Muslim mind. A Muslim is taught that cowardice is a worst form of disbelief and all forms of injustice have to be opposed, if needs be, by force. The pool of Muslims ready to die for a “just” cause is unfathomable.

There is a glimmer of hope now to see mayhem on the decline as both President Obama and Hollande have made sober declarations, worthy of statesmen, and proposed alternative and constructive ways of tackling this evil of violence. Let us hope they live up to their words and the Jihadis respond equally as men of honour.