Just International

A Ray Of Hope For Kamlesh

Kamlesh, a 9 year old Dalit girl from a village called Trauali Jhanauti in Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh in North India, was thrown onto a burning bush by an upper caste man on April 29, 2008. She suffered 80% burns. It was her punishment for walking on the path reserved for upper caste communities in her village.

The news of the incident shocked the world, appeared in national and international newspapers and television channels. The man accused was booked under India’s criminal law and imprisoned for six months.

Surprisingly, the accused was set free by the lower court in Mathura due to a lack of witnesses. Kamlesh’s mother is illiterate and could not testify against the accused as the court termed her mentally unfit to give witness despite the lack of medical proof. Kamlesh was left without proper medical attention until Operation Mercy India Foundation revisited her in December 2010.

A ray of hope dawned for Kamlesh as Operation Mercy India Foundation began campaigning for justice. Well wishers came forward to help her financially with a post-burn surgery at the Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, New Delhi on June 3, 2011. Her hands and fingers have become normal but she still needs to wear a special garment and do regular massage and exercises for the next three months.

She will still have to go through more plastic surgery to correct burns on her back, knee and both hands. This will be done after recovering from the first of multiple surgeries.

Operation Mercy India Foundation, on behalf of Kamlesh and her father and mother, would like to thank you for concern and financial help given toward her first multiple post-burnt contracture surgery.

Operation Mercy India Foundation has committed to rebuild Kamlesh’s life first by giving medical treatment, secondly by appealing to the High Court for her justice, and third, helping provide education. Education for Kamlesh is a long term commitment, and we will not able to do it without the help from well wishers.

To make the ray of hope complete for Kamlesh, we are setting up a project in her name, “KAMLESH’S ASHA” an initiative of Operation Mercy India Foundation, for well wishers to take part in rebuilding her life. The project includes her medical treatment, a campaign for legal justice, and rebuilding her life through education.

The shelter home of Operation Mercy India Foundation at Delhi has begun giving home tuition to Kamlesh and her sister Pinky, 13 years old, preparing them for admission for the next school session.

Would you like to be a part of rebuilding Kamlesh’s life, which was shattered for simply being born an untouchable? We need your commitment to stand with Kamlesh and help financially toward her educational cost. Any interested well-wishers may contact me at following address.

1 August 2011




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