Just International

Al-Qaradawi says Bahrain events are “sectarian” revolution

Prominent Muslim cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi described the protests in Bahrain as a “sectarian” revolution by Shiites against the Sunnis.

Prominent Muslim cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi described the protests in Bahrain as a “sectarian” revolution by Shiites against the Sunnis. Al-Qaradawi has strongly criticized the opposition movement in Bahrain, which he considered to be very different from the protest movements in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.

Al-Qaradawi stressed that the “revolution of Bahrain is quite different from those in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen, adding that” what is happening in Bahrain is a sectarian revolution, while the rest of the four revolutions were staged by the people against the unjust rulers. The Egyptian-born cleric explained that the Egyptian people came out from all classes and sects, Muslims and Christians, both young and old, men and women, liberals and conservatives.

“I mean all the Egyptian people, all the Tunisian people, all the Libyan people, as well as the Yemeni people, while in Bahrain we see a sectarian revolution,” he conveyed.

Al-Qaradawi stated that when the Sunnis in Bahrain understtod the protests have a sectarian character, hundreds of thousands of them participated in the rally, which took place near Al-Fateh Mosque in Manama.

Sheikh Qaradawi was one of the first clerics who supported the protest movements of the Tunisian people and strongly supported the Egyptian revolution to end the rule of Mubarak. He also issued a fatwa allowing to kill Libyan Leader Moammar Gaddafi for abusing for years his own people.

20 March 2011

@ Al Bawaba



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