Just International

AlQaeda Myth, and Understanding the Mind of Murderer Anders Breivik

My Commentary on New York Times article “The Rise of the Macro-Nationalists” By Thomas Hegghammer:

The problem we often face with writers like Thomas Hegghammer is that while for the most part they are rational and factual, they also inject myths and hoaxes (intentionally, unintentionally, unwittingly or without proper scholarship), so the ordinary reader is lead to believe the latter as facts.

Mr.Hegghammer makes us believe that Alqaeda is an organization “engaged in a civilizational war between Islam and the West”, but the fact remains that it is a non-existent bogus entity, an imaginary enemy, emblazoned with make-believe myths, such as, “… it is a tentacular organization with sleeper cells across the world waiting for the moment to strike with weapons of mass destruction…”. This myth is  created by the  the Neocons (‘neocons’ generally mean: ‘pro-Israeli American Jews in the US Administration’). You don’t have to take my words -please see below the BBC documentary.  (There are numerous other well researched article, but I am only mentioning here the BBC Documentary.)

As for ‘civilizational wars’, I, as a Muslim, know of no ‘civilizational war’ against the west by Muslims.

Western historians admit that it is Islamic Civilization which was the catalyst to Western Renaissance which turned Europe from the Dark Ages to modern civilization. (Wikipedia: Islamic contributions to Medieval Europe were numerous, affecting such varied areas as art, architecture, medicine, agriculture, music, language, education, law, and technology. From the 11th to 13th centuries, Europe absorbed knowledge from the Islamic civilization…..) So, there is a very close relationship between Islamic and Western civilations – but no ‘clashes’.

From theological point too, Islam is the closest faith to Christianity. The Qur’an says:  “…and nearest among them in love to the believers, will you find those who say, ‘We are Christians,’…..” (5:82).

So, where does this ‘civilizational wars’ come from?

The “Clash of Civilizations” is the concoction of neo-con pseudo scholars Samuel Huntington, Bernard Lewis, Daniel Pipes and numerous other neo-con ideologues. This was used by American and Zionist interests to philosophically justify the so-called “war on terror”  and invasion of Arab and Muslim countries.

If you wish to have a deeper understanding of the actions of this ‘new Charles Manson of Norway’, Anders Breivik, and to know WHY HE KILLED THE YOUTH  at the Camp, and other facts which you will not find in the ‘controlled’ media, please read  Dr. K R Bolton’s article in “Foreign Policy Journal” at:


(It is an illuminating article – a must read).

As for the Alqaeda hoax:

“ Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication”

-BBC’s documentary: “The Power of Nightmares“.

Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia.

Watch the BBC video:

BBC: The Myth ” Al-Qaida “


P.S. For the benefit of readers who watched the so called “Confession Video” of Bin Laden ‘admitting’ that the 911 Attack was by AlQaeda, the CIA has admitted that it is a forgery.

8 August 2011




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