Just International

Egyptian Revolt: A Call for Just-democracy

The National Council of Churches in India  PRESS RELEASE


The National Council of Churches in India jubilates with the people of Egypt as they celebrate Life with Justice, Dignity and Freedom by defeating the empire-centered power structure.

We observe from this revolt that, the united nationwide 18 day people’s remonstration against the unjust and oppressive leader who deliberately did not heed the cries and pleas of the people for 30 years, forced him to hear the collective shout of the people. This happening serves as a strong lesson and historical proof that, ‘silences of the empires’ to the cries of the people will no longer be an effective political strategy but they will have to listen to the people.

The collective inventiveness of people of coming together and being together for a common societal cause made the so-called powerful dictator and his empire to fall at the feet of the people and their strength. As surveyed, this revolt is not only a historical event but also a reassuring affirmation that the power of people is stronger than the mighty emperor’s power.

NCCI joins the people of Egypt and affirms that the non-violent methods of tackling the violent forces bear fruits in history and that common people are not violence-friendly.

The NCCI recognizes the power of youth which was at the forefront in making history. The Egyptian youth have proved to be a source of strength and inspiration to the world youth at large. The UN has declared the year 2010 -11 is the ‘International Year of Youth’ on the theme ‘Our Year – Our Voice’. The young Egyptians have brought meaning to the UN’s declaration and theme. We affirm that youth power is the heart of any society. So, socially concerned youth would have a healthy democratic society.

At this point of time NCCI calls all the other empire nations and polities in the world to repent and be committed to corruption-free, Transparent, Accountable and People-friendly administration and be the agents of Just-democracy.

In Solidarity,

Rt. Rev. Dr. Taranath S. Sagar


Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad

General Secretary

Mr. A. Samuel Jeyakumar

Chairperson – CJPC

Mr. R. Christopher Rajkumar
Executive Secretary – CJPC

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