Just International

Hassan Nasrallah Lives

By Gerald A. Perreira

“And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah ‘They are dead.’
Rather, they are alive, but you perceive it not.”
Quran, Surah al-Baqarah

“So long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is
Hassan Nasrallah

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the fearless and enduring Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, embraced martyrdom on September 27, 2024, at the hands of the racist and fascist settler-colonial outpost known as Israel, with the full complicity of its US and Western backers.

Oppressed peoples worldwide mourned his death and commemorated his extraordinary life and achievements. Liberation movements throughout South America and the Caribbean saluted him, situating him in his rightful place, amongst the great freedom fighters of our time.

A State within a State, as many have described Hezbollah, Nasrallah successfully built the new within the confines of the old. He will be remembered for leading many successful battles, amongst them Hezbollah’s stunning defeat of the invading Zionist forces in Lebanon in 2006, and the decisive role Hezbollah played in defeating the pseudo-Islamists in Syria. His most recent heroic stance, confronting Israel head on as it conducts its campaign of genocide in Gaza on behalf of the Collective West, will be forever remembered.

For all those who perpetuate the Western big lie that Nasrallah was a ‘terrorist’ know this: long after you are gone and forgotten, Hassan Nasrallah will be remembered in the annals of history as someone who had the courage to stand up to the fourth largest military power on earth, and history will most definitely absolve him.

International pariah and mass murderer, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his fascist cohorts in the Knesset, Biden administration, the Democratic and Republican parties, and the US intelligence agencies, believe that the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah and other high-level leaders will break the resistance and tilt the scale in favour of a Zionist victory. These enemies of the poor, oppressed, and downtrodden masses of humanity have no understanding of the world and human civilization beyond the material realm. They operate and function purely at the level of their base animal instincts, failing to comprehend the metaphysical realm. For the faith-driven freedom fighters of Hezbollah, the spiritual element is the link to a higher level of purpose and action. The primary contradiction is between truth and falsehood – between The Party of God and the Party of the Devil.

Hezbollah is a Lebanese liberation movement that was formed as a response to the 1982 Israeli invasion of their country. However, in its broader context, all those who have fought against genocide, past and present, the enslavement of captured Africans, all those who stand in defence of human dignity and a world free of colonialism, racism, fascism and Zionism, are members of the Party of God. On the other hand, individuals, organizations, movements, and governments that perpetrate these evils are members of the Party of Shaitan.

At this time, we must reject the enemy’s propaganda to divide us, to make us lose confidence in the Resistance, and especially reject all forms of cynicism and despair promoted by the corporate media and corporate social media. The assassination of Hassan Nasrallah and other leading figures from Hamas and Hezbollah is of course a blow and is painful, however it does not alter the trajectory. If anything, it will motivate and energize all of us to intensify our efforts in the struggle in whatever capacity we can. There is no turning back. Imperialism and Zionism must be defeated. Victory is inevitable.

Rene Guenon, the French metaphysician who reverted to Islam, in his book titled, The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times stated: “There is no cause for despair, and, even were there no hope of achieving any visible result before the modern world collapses under some catastrophe, this would still be no valid reason for not undertaking a work whose scope extends far beyond the present time. Those who might be tempted to give way to despair should realize that nothing accomplished in this spiritual order can ever be lost, that confusion, error and darkness can win the day only apparently and in a purely ephemeral way, that nothing can ultimately prevail against the power of truth.”

Rest in Power Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah – yours was a life well lived. You live on in the hearts and minds of all those throughout this world who fight for a new dawn.
May Allah be pleased with you.

1 October 2024

Gerald A. Perreira
On behalf of the National Directorate,
Organization for the Victory of the People (OVP)
Georgetown, Guyana

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