Just International

Israel’s Fascist, Racist, White Supremacy Genocide of Palestine Must End, Period

By Irwin Jerome

Enough is Enough! The world and Human Race have now reached another one of those critical moments of mass in their brief tragic, pathetic evolution together upon this earth. There is no turning back now to the way it once was between Israel, Palestine and Gaza.

The Palestinian people finally have reached that critical breaking point in their existence that all Humans reach, as they inevitably must, once they’ve reached that fatal tipping point where they have absolutely nothing to loose besides their lives and those of their loved ones, except try to regain something of the last remaining vestiges of their basic human dignity, and resist, this time, at all costs, the outrageously-heinous actions of Israel and their Western allies. What continues to yet unfold amounts to another historic Nazi Holocaust moment in the Warsaw Ghetto. This time it isn’t in occupied Poland. It’s in occupied Palestine.

But not really just for the Palestinians, but for the Jews and everyone of us, because it represents a basic, defiant, last cry of human hope for help that continues to be emitted everywhere on earth by all those other oppressed ones who find their necks hopelessly-caught under the same jackboots of whatever oppressor.

Just as when Nazi Germany invaded Poland that kicked off the onslaught of WWII, that led to the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto and massacre of brave, defiant Jewish Freedom Fighters of all ages in Warsaw and millions more throughout the world. There was no other answer then for any of them in Warsaw in 1943, just as there are no answers for the Palestinians and all the rest of us in 2023, but to throw all caution to the wind and strike out, strike back, as futile as it may be, at the new Holocaust about to be perpetrated against us all in Gaza, Palestine and Israel.

Coming, as it is, on the heels of the equally dismal war in Ukraine, it now seems sadly likely that, ultimately, it can only but lead to yet another WWIII with even more disastrous consequences yet to eventually be brought about; like so many world wars that have come before have been brought about, without ever any real resolution.

Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who, in previous lives, has been involved in a wide range of diverse and varied worlds, including the Criminology profession with an American police department, and later for a brief-time in the capacity of clandestine communications with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

10 October 2023

Source: countercurrents.org

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