Just International

Italian La Rinascita: Western Media Coverage to Events in Syria is Farc

Jun 09, 2011

ROME, (SANA) – The Italian La Rinascita Newspaper on Thursday said that Western media is allied with those who depend on social networks as a source for their information about what is going on in Syria as if it were absolute facts.

The article entitled “Syria and the Continuation of Western Media Farce” by Matteo Bernabei highlighted media’s duty of being sure of the facts and proofs it depends on before broadcasting them.

The Daily illustrated, for example, the falseness of the news items on arresting a Syrian internet Blogger called ‘Amina Arraf’, who, in fact, does not exist, saying that the photos published referring to her belong actually to a British citizen called, Jelena Lecic, who confirmed that in a press conference.

In another analysis, the Newspaper said that Western media do not refer to the fact that armed groups do open fire on protesters and security persons, ignoring the existence of organized insurgence launched by armed groups which are involved in the killing, arson and sabotage acts.

“The Western media deliberately ignore the overwhelming popular support to President Bashar al-Assad, like for instance, the massive support demonstration in Damascus on March 29th,” the Newspaper added.

La Rinascita questioned the validity of the videos broadcast by media channels, particularly by Aljazeera and CNN, pointing out that these clips do not match their news content in most cases.






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