Just International

Virtuous Obama Omits US Nuclear Terrorism History Threatens Korea Iran

Virtuous Obama Omits US Nuclear Terrorism History Threatens Korea Iran

In To Win a Nuclear War: The Pentagon’s Secret War, 1987, Prof. Michio Kaku, chronicled 12 acts of US nuclear terrorism since it terrorized Japan by A-bombling Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The stream of new revelations about U.S. nuclear planning fills in a picture of what North Korea calls “the increasing nuclear threat of the US,” which it cites as the reason it developed its own atom-bomb program — as a deterrent.

President Obama delivers a speech on nuclear security at Hankuk University in Seoul, South Korea and the world is treated to watching David Rockefeller’s choice for a token minority face for the American empire in superb form – a boyishly young black American carrying a big stick and saying he will have no problem using it, talking down to the colonially exploited non-white majority of mankind like no white American president ever dared.

Obama Warns Iran, North Korea,


President Obama double talks the way all US presidents of the US security state have double talked since it was organized under Truman, but Obama, for not being white, gets away with it much easier. Of course he is authorized by his handlers to throw humanity the usual bone, “We have more nuclear w eapons than we need” indicating that he can get rid of a few (outdated ones, we are sure).

Obama Warns Iran, North Korea,


Those readers who are asleep to the danger of nuclear weapons in the hands of those ruling the US corporatist empire might best read To Win a Nuclear War: The Pentagon’s Secret War Plans , by eminent  Professor of Theoretical Physics Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking’s closest confident, who in 1987, chronicled the twelve times the US had practiced  nuclear terrorism in threatening nuclear bombing of various countries since it dropped atom bombs to terrorize Japan into unconditional surrender by obliterating Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

By 2012, that number twelve would have to be revised upward, if for nothing else, by counting in the times President Obama has threatened Iran with nuclear attack.  ( Paperback edition, used, from Barnes and Noble available as low as $3, hardcover $13.)   kaku/1002301837?ean=9780921689065&itm=22&usri=michio+kaku

Library review, 1987

“The authors, both university physicists, maintain that U.S. nuclear policy for the past 40 years has not been one of deterrence as publicly stated, but rather has been one of threatening the use of nuclear weapons. This policy has been documented in such books as the New England Regional Office of the American Friends Service Committee’s The Deadly Connection and Barry M. Blechman and Stephen S. Kaplan’s Force Without War: U.S. armed forces as a political instrument . The authors’ thorough analysis of recently released Pentagon documents provides the basis for a description of the nuclear war fighting strategy of the Reagan administration. The authors also outline the attitudes and biases of U.S. nuclear strategists and policymakers. Recommended for public and university libraries.” [Dennis Felbel, Univ. of Manitoba Lib., Winnipeg]

As of October 2008, China, India and North Korea, have publicly declared their commitment to no first use of nuclear weapons. China was the first to propose and pledge NFU policy when it first gained nuclear capabilities in 1964, stating “not to be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time or under any circumstances” . NATO has repeatedly rejected calls for adopting NFU policy, arguing that preemptive nuclear strike is a key option. The US is a member of NATO. [ First Strike Nuclear, Wikipedia ]

From the 1950s’ Pentagon to today’s Obama administration, the United States has repeatedly pondered, planned and threatened use of nuclear weapons against North Korea, according to declassified and other U.S. government documents released in this 60th-anniversary year of the Korean War.

Air Force bombers flew nuclear rehearsal runs over North Korea’s capital during the war. The U.S. military services later vied for the lead role in any “atomic delivery” over North Korea. In the late 1960s, nuclear-armed U.S. warplanes stood by in South Korea on 15-minute alert to strike the north.

Just this past April, issuing a U.S. Nuclear Posture Review,Defense Secretary Robert Gatessaid “all options are on the table” for dealing with Pyongyang — meaning U.S. nuclear strikes were not ruled out.

The stream of new revelations about U.S. nuclear planning further fills in a picture of what North Korea calls “the increasing nuclear threat of the U.S.,” which it cites as the reason it developed its own atom-bomb program — as a deterrent.

“This is the lesson we have drawn,” North Korea’s vice foreign minister, Pak Kil Yon, told the U.N. General Assembly in New York on Sept. 29.

Even without nuclear weapons, three years of U.S. conventional bombing had devastated North Korea, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. The nuclear planning didn’t stop with the fighting. On Aug. 20, 1953, declassified documents show, the Strategic Air Command sent Air Force headquarters a plan for “an air atomic offensive against China, Manchuria and North Korea” if the communists resumed hostilities. “OpPlan 8-53 — called for use of “large numbers of atomic weapons.”

The new information is contained in Korean War documents released by the CIA to mark this June’s anniversary of the start of the conflict; another declassified package obtained by Washington’s private National Security Archive research group under the Freedom of Information Act; and additional documents, also once top-secret and found at the U.S. National Archives, provided to The Associated Press by intelligence historian and author Matthew Aid.

[ US repeated threatened to use nukes on N. Korea: declassified documents, Associated Press , 10/9/2012]

The reader can draw his or her own conclusions as to where lies the threat to Mankind from nuclear weapons. Korea, Iran, nations that store many nuclear weapons, or the US, which stores tens of thousands, and whose president pretends that his single superpower country is a reliable, fair and trustworthy friend and protector of the residents of planet Earth?

By Jay Janson

27 March 2012

@ Countercurrents.org

Jay Janson, 80, is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer, who has lived and worked on all the continents and whose articles on media have been published in China, Italy, England, India and the US, and now resides in New York City. Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his. GlobalResearch, InformationClearingHouse, CounterCurrents, DissidentVoice, OpEdNews, Minority Perspectives UK, HistoryNewsNetwork, are among those who have published his articles .


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