By Asma Firdous
05 February, 2013
Every newspaper, flared -up with news of ‘Band’ of three girls, who took part in singing and formed a ‘Band’ Pragaash to give vent to their expressions through singing, but, unfortunately it took an ugly turn and became a controversial for them, which later got a decree from a grand cleric of Kashmir. In fact, music is a powerful tool of expressing one’s feelings, and highlight the sufferings of people. The Band of teenaged girls who came to limelight in late December last year after their scintillating performance at the annual ‘Battle of the Bands’ competition have received online threats and absurd comments on facebook, although, as per the reports suggest they have decided to quit but Omar Abdullah assured them his full support. Also, the Indian media highlighted and debated the issue with full coverage and proper follow up, urged the girls to shun the decree and continue their Band Pragaash.
As I am a student and according to me, it’s an act of peculiarity and utter shame for those who posed threat to them, it may be wrong in accordance to Islam, but the history of Kashmiri culture bears testimony and has produced best singers, composers, who have had expressed their heart via singing and music. What wrong if these girls have defied their conventional, and have opted to use their way of expressing themselves. There are dozens of bands currently playing popular music of different genres in the valley. But, why targeted this band, because it comprises girls, who are always [mis]understood as slaves of men, who could remain confined to four walls and men dictate to them.
I am not a preacher, but as a teenager asking my beloved leaders (who oppose them), is it worth appreciable to muzzle the voice of these girls who attempted to voice their concern through singing? What about the cases where domestic violence is eminent and no decree is proclaimed? What about the hartal calls, rapes and crimes against women? Aren’t they invalidated by Islam? Don’t they require, reform! Our CM has done always a lip service to bring culprits to justice, and everytime justice denied, he fails to meet his promises! Shame.
I want to ask those Clerics and Leaders who always dictate terms over acts of womenfolk and never provide a solution which acceptable to all. If music is controversial, what about the DOWRY, which is undoubtedly Haraam, unlawful in Islam, and by this reason there are thousands of girls who are over aged but still waiting for their marriage proposals, the reason behind their late marriages is DOWRY which their parents cannot afford, pomp and show. Moreover, the Islamic leaders should also pronounce their verdict upon those who steal electricity, by way of hooking and tempering electric meters. Moreover, we also have in Kashmir banks which are based on interest, if they have much love to Islam, why they have not even initiated to establish an Islamic banking system in Kashmir .
I therefore, request my leaders to first deal with these issues then thinks of banning the band of girls.
Asma Firdous is a student Emailed at :