Just International

Neocons Starting to Panic About Ukraine

By Karsten Riise

The ambitions of the US foreign policy élite to beat both Russia and China is creating an internal war among the US Neocons.

The ambitions of the US foreign policy élite to beat both Russia and China is already creating an internal war among the US Neocons.

The Ukraine war is sucking the US dry of weapons, and the US is getting little to nowhere in its frail attempts to restock supplies sent to Ukraine. See this.

This already pushes some Neocons to panic for a ceasefire to close down the Ukraine engagement – just in order to save remaining arms supplies for conflict with China?

Meanwhile, the Pentagon and the defense industry are looking at the next major national security challenge: deterring, and if necessary, fighting, China in the Indo-Pacific region. See this.

That panic in parts of the Neocon community is already surfacing in the Council of Foreign Relations of the USA. On 13 April 2023, none less than Richard Haass, the President of the Council on Foreign Relations together with Charles Kupchan were overtly anxious to argue for a Ukrainian ceasefire.


The article, Neocons Starting to Panic About Ukraine, can be read on globalresearch.ca.

1 May 2023

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