Just International

No War 2016, Real Security Without Terrorism: Messages From Archbishop Desmond Tutu And Mairead Maguire

Press Release



World Beyond War is planning a big event in Washington, D.C., in September 2016, just after the International Day of Peace, including a conference beginning Friday afternoon September 23, running all day Saturday September 24, and with activist workshops on Sunday morning the 25th. We’re also working with Campaign Nonviolence and the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance to plan a nonviolent activism training and a nonviolent action in D.C. on Monday September 26th.

Join us to learn about and engage in working on viable alternatives to war and militarism.

To attend you must register here:

As the war system keeps societies in a state of permawar, we have reached a stage in human history at which we can say with confidence that there are better and more effective alternatives. Of course we know the question: “You say you are against war, but what’s the alternative?” This event will develop answers to that question, building on World Beyond War’s publication A Global Security System: An Alternative to War. (A second edition will be published before the conference and we welcome all input!)

American University School of International Service By William McDonough & Partners-02The event will feature sessions focused on such topics as:
◾War Isn’t Working, and It Isn’t Necessary.
◾Diplomacy, Aid, and Nonviolent Peacekeeping and Protection.
◾Disarmament, and Abolishing Nuclear Weapons.
◾Capitalism and Transition to a Peace Economy.
◾The Racism of War.
◾Closing Bases.
◾Protecting the Environment from War.
◾Changing War Culture to Peace Culture.
◾International Law.
◾Media and Peace Journalism.
◾Strategies for Ending War.
◾Demonstrations, Direct Action, Resistance, and Counter-Recruitment

We encourage everyone to come for as much of the conference as possible, and participate in building a broader movement to end all war.

World Beyond War is working with our allies to plan similar events focused on alternatives to war the same week in other parts of the world. Please contact us to help plan such events.

American-University-School-7Plans for Washington are still being shaped, and we’re inviting organizations and individuals to contact us with ideas and proposals. Organizations can sign on as partners by contributing financially and in working on plans, or as cosponsors by agreeing just to help promote the event.

Speakers already committed to being part of the events in Washington, D.C., include: Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich, Kathy Kelly, Miriam Pemberton, David Vine, Kozue Akibayashi, Harvey Wasserman, Jeff Bachman, Peter Kuznick, Medea Benjamin, Maurice Carney, David Swanson, Leah Bolger, David Hartsough, Pat Elder, John Dear, Mel Duncan, Kimberley Phillips, Ira Helfand, Darakshan Raja, Bill Fletcher Jr., Lindsey German, Maria Santelli, Mark Engler, Maja Groff, Robert Fantina, Barbara Wien, Jodie Evans, Odile Hugonot Haber, Gar Alperovitz,

Partners Include: Jubitz Family Foundation, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, RootsAction.org, Code Pink, International Peace Bureau, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Jane Addams Peace Association,

Co-Sponsors Include: Washington Peace Center, Pace e Bene/Campaign Nonviolence, Liberty Tree Foundation, Veterans For Peace, TheRealNews.com, United for Peace and Justice, Nonviolence International, Peace Action Montgomery, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Military Families Speak Out, Peace Action, WILPF-DC, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Center for Bangladesh Studies, Society for Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University, Nuke Watch,

Venue: No War 2016 will be held at American University’s School of International Service, in the Founders Room and a number of other rooms in the same building. We thank Jeff Bachman for the wonderful venue!

Live Streaming: No War 2016 will be live streamed and the videos published by TheRealNews.com.

Funding: No War 2016 will be funded with help from our partners, from our speakers generously donating their time, from American University providing the venue, and primarily by generous individuals who choose to donate to World Beyond War.

We will be providing printed materials, meals, and other expensive items necessary to the event, inlcuding free copies of the new second-edition of A Global Security System: An Alternative to War which will be completed by the conference.

We ask those attending to pay what you can on a sliding scale and to sign up as early as possible to facilitate our planning:

We ask those not attending to please contribute what you are able to help cover the cost of others who can make it there. We will thank these donors unless you prefer anonymity.

27 May, 2016