Just International

Gaza-Bound Ship Captured By Israel Forces, Passengers Report Extreme Violence, Two Greek Parliamentarians Severely Attacked

By Countercurrents.org

21 October, 2012

@ Countercurrents.org

The Associated Press reports: Israeli troops on Saturday commandeered a Gaza-bound ship that tried to break through Israel’s blockade of the Hamas-ruled seaside strip, the military said. European lawmakers and other pro-Palestinian activists aboard did not resist, and the Finnish-flagged vessel was diverted to an Israeli port.

The voyage by the ship, Estelle, marked the latest challenge to the air, land and sea embargo of Gaza that Israel imposed after the Islamic militant Hamas group seized the territory in 2007. Israeli officials say they need to enforce the blockade to prevent weapons smuggling.

Six Israeli naval vessels stopped the Estelle when it was about 30 nautical miles from Gaza, and masked soldiers boarder the ship and ordered it to sail to Israel’s Ashdod port, said Victoria Strand, a spokeswoman for the activists.

The Swedish-owned Estelle left Naples, Italy, on Oct. 7 with about 30 people from eight countries, including lawmakers from Norway, Sweden, Greece and Spain, as well as Israeli activists and a 79-year-old former legislator from Canada.

NEWS UPDATE #ESTELLE | -Israeli Estelle passengers report extreme violence. 2 Greek parliamentarians severely attacked. Blackhawk helicopters and hundreds of soldiers.

-The Israeli Estelle passengers were in the courtroom for 3 minutes. Once they started telling media about Israel army violence they were taken out, and brought back only when the judge came in. The judge decided to leave them in custody for an additional 48 hours

-Judge decided to leave Israeli #Estelle passengers in custody for an additional 48 hours

-The Israeli activists arrested on the Estelle are being charged with violating Disengagement Law, incitement, incitement to rebellion and aiding the enemy. International activists were taken to Hulon and there a reports coming through that Israel has already started to “deport”/”expel” them

~SPECIAL THANKS to Israeli Activist Tali Shapiro for providing these updates from Ashkelon Courthouse~


Paul Manly Writes On His Father’s Behalf

Dear members of the media

I am writing to follow up on my last email. My father, Jim Manly is in Israeli custody. The Estelle was attacked in International waters around 4:30AM EDT. My dad, a retired United Church minister and former Member of Parliament is 79 years old (he turns 80 in 9 days). While he is in good health for his age, he is not as resilient as he was in his youth and has medication he needs to take daily. I hope that the Israeli Defence Forces respect his human rights and legal rights and treat him with the respect and dignity he deserves. Press release below.

For Immediate Release

Shortly after 4:00AM EDT when the Estelle was in international waters approx. 17 Nautical Miles north of Arish, Egypt (as per the last coordinates we have) Israeli war ships surrounded it and the assault on the peaceful ship started.

Communications were lost at that time and all reports we got from the ship were choppy.

Among others, the following individuals were on board:

Former Member of Parliament Manly James, Canada

Member of Parliament Hagen Aksel, Norway

Member of Parliament Britton Sven, Sweden

Member of Parliament Kodelas Dimitios, Greece

Member of Parliament Sixto Ricardo, Spain

Member of Parliament Diamantopoulos Evangelos, Greece

Full list of individuals onboard: http://shiptogaza.se/en/news/sailors-onboard-estelle

See Jim Manly’s pre-recorded video message:


As pre his request please contact the Prime Minister and your local member of parliament and ask them to insist that the Israeli government respect the human rights and legal rights of those aboard the Estelle.


– Stephen Harper (Prime Minister of Canada)



– John Baird (Minister of Foreign Affairs)





Paul Manly


250 729-1254


Member of Parliament Hagen Aksel Norway 10/04/1953

Member of Parliament Britton Sven Sweden 14/06/1938

Member of Parliament Kodelas Dimitios Greece 02/01/1979

Member of Parliament Sixto Ricardo Spain 07/01/1967

Member of Parliament Diamantopoulos Evangelos Greece 20/04/1980

Former Member of Parliament Manly James Canada 29/10/1932

Opperdoes Joel Arvid Alexander Sweden 1983-06-20

Andreasson Charles Bertil Sweden 1965-03-10

Särner Daniel Karl-Erik Sweden 1985-12-16

Uddebrant Johan Lars OS Sweden 1981-06-28

Widell Anders Nils Olof Sweden 1986-07-11

Reksten Herman Elias Norway 1989-10-06

Elhanan Elazar Israel 1977-04-01

Sjøstrøm Nils Johan Norway 1963-11-10

Koivisto Velimati Finland 1968-03-01

Hammervold Jan Petter Norway 1944-27-03

Feiler Dror Sweden 1951-31-08

Svenberg Kristian Sweden 02-07-1947

Boethius Maria-Pia Sweden 09/04/1947

Mor Reut Israel 09/08/1982

Jämiä Mika Finland 1959-09-06

Arau Crusellas Laura Spain 02/05/1980

Ramazzotti Stockel Marco Italy 17-09-1947

Shapira Yonathan Israel 12-02-1972

Tiktopoulos Mikhalis Greece 24/12/1946

Zabale Gouzalet BegoÒa Spain 09/01/1950

Stamellos Loukas Greece 22/06/1979

Piassas Evangelos Greece 02/04/1947

Gardell Mattias Sweden 10/08/1959

Vinthagen Stellan Sweden 13/10/1964




Statement of the Anti-US Bases Network on the October 16 rape case by U.S. military servicemen

October 20, 2012

The Asia Pacific Anti-U.S. Bases Network condemns in the strongest possible terms the raping of a Japanese woman in Okinawa by two U.S. sailors last October 16, 2012.

The woman was walking to her home when she was allegedly attacked and sexually assaulted by the two. One of the suspects, Able Seaman Christopher Daniel Browning, 23 years of age, admitted to the crime while his cohort, Third Petty Officer Skyler Dozierwalker, denied it. Both belong to the Fort Worth Naval Air Base in Texas, U.S.A.

Such a crime is unconscionable and both servicemen deserve to be punished and put to jail, if proven guilty. A swift and independent investigation is in order and the authorities of the Okinawa prefecture should carry this out while ensuring the suspects do not flee Okinawa or the country in the course of the investigation.

We in the network, composed of organizations and individuals across Asia Pacific calling for the removal of all U.S. military bases outside the U.S. soil, demand also that the U.S. government should not interfere but instead respect the Japanese authorities in conducting the investigation or resolving the case.

We express grave concern that the rape case will not be resolved and the victim will not get justice if both the Japanese and American authorities once again resort to dropping the case and allow the U.S. military officials to “enforce official discipline” on the suspects.

This long-running “agreement” between the two governments has caused many frustrations and anger among the people of Okinawa and Japan as many crimes committed by U.S. military servicemen in the past remain unresolved. Who will not be affronted when the victim of the October 14, 2007 gang rape in Hiroshima and the Filipina woman raped in Okinawa in February 2008 still call for justice until now?

We fear that more crimes will be committed and more women, children and people will be victimized if the meting out of the justice will be placed in the hands of the U.S. military forces. Such an agreement is truly unacceptable and unjust.

The Asia Pacific Anti-U.S. Bases Network is one with the people of Okinawa and Japan who are continually demanding the Japanese government to immediately remove the 47,000-strong military naval base in Okinawa.

The Asia Pacific Anti-U.S. Bases Network raises the call to having all U.S. military bases in Japan and everywhere in the world to be pulled out. With continued presence and basing of the U.S. military forces in Asia Pacific, the rape and abuse of our women will only worsen. Furthermore, nations and peoples in the region will only be dragged to the war of aggression that U.S. imperialism has been intensifying.

Justice for the victim of the October 16 gang rape!

U.S. military troops and bases out of Okinawa and the rest of the world!

*For reference: Ramon Bultron, Tel. No. 852-27237536

South African Miners Defy Repression

By Chris Marsden

20 October, 2012

@ WSWS.org

On Friday, Gold Fields boasted that threats of mass sackings had succeeded in forcing the 9,000 workers at its Beatrix mine and 90 percent of the 14,300 workers at KDC West back to work. But a new strike by platinum miners at Lonmin’s operation in Marikana delivered a blow to efforts to stem the working class upsurge, with tens of thousands of workers remaining in struggle.

Marikana workers struck Thursday in defence of colleagues subjected to police persecution and arrest. Miners in Marikana began the present strike wave in August and refused to return to work after police killed 34 strikers and wounded 78. The strikes spread after Lonmin agreed a 22 percent pay hike to settle the Marikana dispute, fuelling demands for similar rises throughout the mining industry. Reports are unclear, but it is believed that between 80,000 and 100,000 miners have been on strike at various points.

In the most detailed account of recent events, the Daily Maverick notes that just one week before an official inquiry into the Marikana massacre, police have embarked on a wave of arrests of militants and strike leaders.

On October 15, workers at the Marikana mine managed to prevent the arrest by security guards of strike leader “Rasta” Thembele Sohadi when he clocked in at Three Shaft. The police were waiting outside the main entrance. On October 17, Xolani Nzuza, a leader of the ad hoc strike committee, and a striker known as Mzet were arrested and held at an unknown location. They are reportedly to be charged with two murders, including of an official from the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM).

Several other miners, witnesses to what happened at the August 16 massacre, are among those arrested. The Daily Maverick focuses on the case of Bangile Mpotye, who was arrested October 14 on charges of fraud, even though no charges have been officially laid by Lonmin.

Mpotye was first arrested August 20 and accused of shooting and killing a police officer. Four days of beating and torture followed before he was released.

“What is astonishing is that Mpotye claims the police transported him to Lonmin mine every day, and his beatings happened at Lonmin,” the Daily Maverick reports. “A lawyer working on Marikana cases says it is obvious that this is a wave of terror to intimidate witnesses who would otherwise give evidence at the Farlam Commission.”

The intimidation at Marikana is the most blatant example of a broad campaign involving tens of thousands being sacked or threatened with the sack, as well as mass arrests and police violence.

Gold Fields, the world’s fourth-largest bullion producer, has also threatened to sack 8,500 strikers at its KDC East facility. A spokesman for the company declared, “The raiding of hostels and disarming of strikers gave workers the confidence to return to work.”

Anglo American Platinum Ltd (Amplats) said it intended to go ahead with the sacking of 12,000 miners at its Rustenburg facility, but would discuss their status with recognised trade unions. It reported only 20 percent attendance at its facilities.

Atlatsa Resources fired 3,000 employees at its Bokoni platinum mine.

The Mail & Guardian described October 18 how striking workers at Kumba Iron Ore’s Sishen mine gathered near the Kathu Magistrate’s Court in solidarity with 47 workers arrested two days earlier. The detained workers’ appeal for bail was denied by the court and a second hearing was delayed until October 26 in violation of a law preventing anyone being held for more than 48 hours without charge.

Strikes have hit Lonmin, Aquarius, Impala, Anglo American Platinum, Royal Bafokeng Platinum, Xstrata, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields, Gold One, Harmony Gold, Kumba Iron Ore, Petra Diaminds, Forbes, Manhattan Coal and Samancor. In addition to miners, 180,000 municipal workers and bus drivers are beginning strike action this week. Toyota halted production at its Durban facility Wednesday due to a strike at a parts supplier.

The mood in mining areas has an insurgent character, with mine buildings, scabs, police officers and police stations coming under attack. Mini-buses and taxis carrying scabs have been torched.

The unrest is directed in particular against the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), which is viewed as the labour police force for the companies. NUM General Secretary Frans Baleni recently boasted that his organisation has spent one million rand on a campaign to end wildcat strikes. This was “money well spent” to “get people to understand the risk they’re putting themselves and the country in,” he said, denouncing “people who are organising anarchy and economic sabotage”.

“You need just one mine to break this strike,” he added.

The Mail & Guardian writes of an organisation suffering a “slow, sure, violent implosion”. It notes that the NUM claims that so far this year 13 of its local officials have been killed by strikers, and hundreds of Amplats workers marched on the NUM’s regional headquarters in Rustenburg this month demanding the immediate cancellation of their union membership.

At Lonmin and Implats, the NUM has lost at least 20,000 members. NUM membership at Implats has now dropped from 70 percent to 13 percent and the real figure could be even lower because workers neglect to officially leave. The union is rapidly approaching extinction.

Reporters from the Daily Maverick visited Gold Fields KDC West mine in Carletonville prior to the end of the strike there. Strikers explained that some 1,500 of them had not returned to work Thursday because they had been waiting for NUM President Senzeni Zokwana to formally move the offer made by the Chamber of Mines, as promised when he visited the mine on Wednesday. They then found out they had been sacked.

Jeffrey Mphahlele, general secretary of the breakaway Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU), stepped in to convince workers to return to work on Friday while ripping up their NUM cards and switching to the new union. The workers are now demanding, in addition to equalisation of pay and the withdrawal of all sackings, that NUM leaders at KDC West resign. They are threatening to resume their strike if these demands are not met.

The AMCU was also reportedly instrumental in stopping the strike at Marikana developing into an indefinite wildcat action. According to another Daily Maverick report, an “AMCU representative and the union’s lawyer managed to convince the people that another strike wasn’t the sensible way to reach their objectives.”

AMCU membership is near the 50 percent-plus level at both Implats and Lonmin that is required for the AMCU to be recognised as the official negotiating body. It is benefiting from the widespread hatred of the NUM, but using the confidence placed in it to restore order. Many strikes, however, are being led by ad-hoc strike committees.

Jewish Domination? Occupation More Likely

By Gilad Atzmon

20 October, 2012

@ Gilad.co.uk

The recent attack on Free Gaza’s Greta Berlin and Colonel Ann Wright suggests that we have crossed a red line — Jewish domination within the Palestinian solidarity movement belongs to the past. We are now, it seems, under Zionist occupation, and we are subject to all the symptoms of Israeli abuse and Zionist brutality.

The expulsions, the exclusions and the cleansings that are inherent within Zionism, Israeli and Jewish politics, are now alive and kicking within the Palestinian solidarity movement itself. On a daily basis we are notified about more and more people who ‘must be’ expelled from the ‘movement’: earlier this year we learned that the Palestinian poet and writer Nahida Izzat had first been harassed and later expelled from her local Palestinian solidarity group by a Liverpool Jewish activists’ gang. Next, Dr Francis Clark Lowes, former Chairman of the UK PSC was expelled from the organisation, for allegedly being an ‘Anti Semite’ and a ‘holocaust denier’. Norman Finkelstein, probably the leading pro Palestinian Jewish scholar, has also been subjected to repeated smears and attempts at character assassination for voicing some legitimate criticisms re BDS being a cult, and recently, the greatly admired Greta Berlin, co-founder of Free Gaza, has also been subjected to harassment and abuse in the last few weeks. Berlin was labeled ‘an anti Semite’ and ‘a Holocaust Denier’ — and yet, up until the present time, there has not been a shred of evidence provided by her detractors to support such accusations. And now, the respected peace activist Colonel Ann Wright has also been ‘purged’, and expelled from the current attempt to break the siege on Gaza — simply for being associated with Mrs Berlin. The pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim is also subject to a BDS boycott. And six months ago I too, faced a call for a disavowal — by people who were foolish enough to confess that they had not even read a single line of my work.

The message here is clear – some elements within the Palestinian solidarity movement have obviously adopted the most repellent and brutal Zionist symptoms, and we are now engaged, caught up in, and beset by a sinister series of expulsions, purges, crude witch hunts, exclusions, smears, character defamations and cleansings.

Palestinian Authority– The Palestinian authority was formed by Israel in order to ‘maintain order’ within the occupied territories. We are fully aware of the PA’s difficult and problematic role in Palestine — but in recent years we have also become familiar with a new type of exilic Palestinian ‘authority’: I refer here to those few Palestinians who are in place to maintain the solidarity movement as ‘a Kosher haven’. In the last six months, some exiled Palestinians have been involved in numerous ‘targeted character assassinations’ of some of our most valued leading activists and scholars. In the last month we saw Solidarity activists openly joining forces and collaborating with the darkest Zionist forces against Greta Berlin, Ann Wright, Ken O’Keefe, Norman Finkelstein, and myself amongst others.

Segregation – Like in occupied Palestine (or ‘apartheid’ Israel, if you prefer), the solidarity movement is now clearly a segregated society: we can witness a clear division between the ‘Jews only’ groups (racially driven and tribally oriented), and the ‘Palestinians only’ groups (ethnically segregated). And then there is the general solidarity activist network, that still insists to promote those consistent humanist values and goals of inclusivity and universality that it it has always upheld.

Espionage –Recent Jewish ‘progressive’ campaigns against Berlin and Colonel Wright have proved that, like Hasbara agents and Mossad, some of the so-called ‘anti’ Zionist Jewish organisations within our movement have been spying and tracking our moves, our private life, and even our social network activity. They also use Hasbara disinformation and spin tactics in order to ruin the names of those who ‘got too close to the bone’ i.e. criticising Jewish power.

I have been monitoring these Hasbara tactics for more than a while and I have seen these tactics being used by some marginal Sayanim individuals within the movement. But I was slightly disappointed to find out that slander, smear and abuse are now increasingly openly used by leading solidarity outlets such as Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada.

The Verdict Is Clear

We are not a ‘solidarity’ movement anymore, for we have become foreign to the notion of solidarity as well as empathy.

But this is not necessarily entirely bad news. Being subject to vile Zionist occupation, we had better urgently be in solidarity with ourselves — for we are all Palestinians now. We are abused by Israel, by its Sayanim, and by their collaborators.

I guess that we had better liberate ourselves first. And such an aspiration would certainly give the concept of Palestinian resistance a new meaning and dimension.

Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born musician, writer and anti-racism campaigner..His New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics http://www.gilad.co.uk



Syria News On 19th October, 2012

Foreign Ministry: Evidence of Foreign Countries’ Involvement in Supporting Terrorist Groups Increased… Syria Hopes UNSC Take Serious Moves to Deter Terrorism

Oct 18, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Thursday addressed two identical letters to President of the Security Council and the UN General Secretary about that evidence on involvement of foreign countries, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, in supporting and arming the terrorist groups in Syria has recently increased, not to mention their contribution to hindering dialogue and peaceful solutions and harming the Syrian state at material and humanitarian levels.

The Ministry said that supporting terrorism and arming the terrorists in Syria became overt that went so far as to urge others to get involved in this track which has been clear in the statements of officials in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

In line with previous letters addressed by the Syrian Arab Republic to inform you about the terrorist attacks against the Syrian state in all its components backed by some regional and international powers and countries, it would like to remind you that the continuity of terrorist attacks which claim the lives of many innocent military and civilians and destroy the infrastructure and the archeological and historical treasures on which the Syrian state spent a lot of material and human resources to strengthen its pillars and guarantee its existence.

It has been clear to all that those who are behind targeting Syria are the same countries which stress the importance of devising the appropriate international mechanisms to combat terrorism with all possible means, the Ministry added.

“Evidence on involvement of foreign countries, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, in supporting and arming the terrorist groups in Syria has recently increased, not to mention their contribution to hindering dialogue and peaceful solutions and harming the Syrian state at material and humanitarian levels,” It said.

The Ministry added that supporting terrorism and arming the terrorists in Syria became overt that went so far as to urge others to get involved in this track which has been clear in the statements of officials in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

The Ministry said that these statements were proved to be true for the BBC reporter in Aleppo city who saw weapons shipments – owned by the Saudi army – diverted to the armed terrorist groups in the city, the piece of news was broadcast by the BBC on October 9th.

The Ministry added that French President Francois Hollande admitted in a statement to the French TV5Monde and France24 TV Channels on Thursday 11th October 2012 the existence of French terrorists in Syria among the ranks of the so-called free army, and the British Foreign Minister William Hague also admitted the intentions of some British extremists to join the fighting in Syria on October 10th, 2012.

The Ministry said that the Turkish government is responsible for harboring and training these terrorists on its territories to send them to Syria across its borders.

The Syrian Arab Republic would like to draw your attention to the statement made by the US Defense Minister, Leon Panetta in a press conference in Brussels on October 10th in this regard as he announced that the US is providing aid to the Syrian opposition, including non-lethal support, adding that he knew that there are countries in the region offering lethal aid but the US efforts aimed at working with the opposition with all possible means to improve its capabilities.

The Ministry added that it might be useful while reviewing the statement of the US Defense Minister to remind of what New York Times Newspaper published one day before his statement about that the Syrian opposition receives aid from the US and its allies to carry out terrorist attacks, indicating that one of the photographed reports depicted a war crime committed by an armed group called “Osod al-Tawhid” as its members deceived one of the war prisoners to carry out a suicide operation with a booby-trapped truck against a government headquarters.

The Ministry pointed out to the frequent news about the involvement of Qatar and Saudi Arabia in dispatching weapons to the Syrian opposition through the Turkish city of Adana, where U.S. Incirlik Air Base lies and this support depends completely on the U.S. agreement and aid. These shipments go to the very extremist groups which are provided with non-lethal aid as it also benefits the newspaper itself.

The Ministry considered that the most dangerous of which is regarding the confirmed information it has on the deal binding some parties of al-Qaeda and Turkish and Saudi parties, stipulating for transferring al-Qaeda fighters to Turkey and then to Syria. Many of these terrorists, the most of whom are from the Yemeni area of Abyan, are currently in Aleppo and Idleb, pointing out to many statements of European officials confirm that terrorist members are fighting now in Syria.

The Ministry stressed that as the Syrian Arab Republic draws world states’ attention to the conclusive evidence about some Arab and foreign countries’ support to terrorism in Syria, it would point out to the importance of getting out of this clear contradiction represented through some states’ support to the international efforts for combating the global terrorism, while they are active in financially and logistically supporting the extremist takfiri groups in Syria.

The Ministry pointed out that Syria emphasizes that this contradiction also applies to some UNSC permanent states which joined the agreement of the Council on condemning the terrorist bombings that took place in Syria during the past months, yet they approve the support provided by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to the terrorists and present logistic and technical aid that leads to backing those who are carrying out terrorist operations.

The Ministry said that this contradiction must pose a legitimate query about the stances of some major and regional states in combating terrorism seriously after finding that investing it in a country like Syria a serviceable means to achieve slight political profits…Is it allowed to resort to political hypocrisy and double standards policy in dealing with this plague which caused destruction in different parts of the world?

Syria reiterated its call for the UNSC and its relevant committees to start an immediate investigation in the dangerous information, stressing that it will provide the data available to the UNSC committees specialized with combating terrorism.

At the conclusion of the two letters, Syria expressed hope that the UNSC would seriously move to deter the terrorists and dry up their funding and moral sources and place responsibility on world states regarding terrorism, stressing that the UNSC movement to address this issue would constitute a constructive contribution in boosting security and stability in Syria and the whole Middle East region, as well as maintaining the UN and its member states’ credibility.

Army Inflicts Heavy Losses upon Terrorists in Several Cities… Armed Terrorist Group Detonates Oil and Gas Pipelines in Deir Ezzor

Oct 18, 2012

PROVINCES, (SANA) – An army unit on Thursday destroyed four DShK-equipped vehicles near al-Zura bakery in al-Sakhour neighborhood in Aleppo, killing large number of terrorists.

A unit of the Armed Forces killed a large number of terrorists, 5 of whom are RPG shooters near al-Shaar roundabout and al-Salehin area in Aleppo.

Two vehicles, one of which is equipped with DShK machinegun were also destroyed near the Retirement Home in Bustan al-Basha in Aleppo.

A unit of the armed forces attacked a gathering for terrorists in al-Shaar area in Aleppo and killed many of them and injured several others, and destroyed two cars, one of which equipped with DShK machinegun.

The armed forces destroyed a den for terrorists in Brad area near Qadi Askar roundabout in Aleppo and killed a big number of them, including two RPG launchers, and destroyed three DShK-equipped cars and a van loaded with terrorists and ammunition.

The armed forces destroyed a den for terrorists in Brad area near Qadi Askar roundabout in Aleppo and killed a big number of them, including two RPG launchers, and destroyed three DShK-equipped cars and a van loaded with terrorists and ammunition.

5 cars carrying terrorists, among them the leader of a terrorist group, and four Toyota cars equipped with DShK machineguns were destroyed in Qadi Askar roundabout in Aleppo.

A unit of the Armed Forces stormed a hideout of terrorists in Khan al-Asal and seized large amounts of weapons and ammunitions, including twenty machineguns, pump-action shotguns, RPG launchers, PKC machineguns and communications devices.

A unit of the Armed Forces attacked a gathering of terrorists in al-Atareb town in Aleppo countryside and eliminated a number of terrorists and injured others.

One citizen martyred, another injured by explosive of an armed terrorist group in Idleb

An explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group in one shops at the old Koora square in Idleb was detonated today.

A source in the province told SANA that the explosive led to the martyrdom of one man while a woman was injured, in addition to grave damages to the surrounding  shops and building.

Army kill scores of terrorists in al-Wae’r and Baba Houd in Homs

A unit of the Army stormed a den for the armed terrorist groups at al-Wae’r neighborhood in Homs, seizing 22 mortars.

A source told SANA that the competent authorities confiscated three anti-tank missiles, 48 RPGs, 5000 bullets and big quantities of smuggled cigarettes.

The source added that the army killed scores of terrorists during clashes with two armed groups that were terrifying the families and sabotaging private and public authorities at Bab Houd neighborhood in Homs.

Authorities Kill Tens of Terrorists in Lattakia Countryside

The competent authorities killed tens of terrorists and injured many others during clashes with members of an armed group which were trying to infiltrate into Yousef Prophet Peak in Lattakia countryside.

The authorities confiscated weapons and RPGs during the clashes.

Explosive Device on Electric Bike Goes off in Kafarsousseh, Causing Limited Material Damage

An explosive device that an armed terrorist group fixed on an electric bike near Osman Bin Affan Mosque in Kafarsousseh area went off, causing limited material damage.

An official source told SANA that terrorists parked the bike near the Mosque under construction and detonated the explosive device remotely, indicating that the device weighed between 10-15 kg. No human losses were reported, and damage was done to some cars parking nearby.

Sheikh Mohammad Walid al-Taki, supervisor of the mosque under construction, said that the ”bombing is a criminal act intended to target the mosque and worshippers, especially that it happened as worshippers were leaving the mosque.”

He added that such acts are so detached from the teachings of Islam, and those behind this terrorist act deserve the death penalty.

Terrorists Detonate Oil and Gas Transfer Pipelines in Deir Ezzor

An armed terrorist group on Thursday detonated with an explosive device a gas pipeline extending from Deir Ezzor to Palmyra and an oil transfer pipeline extending from al-Omar field to Atteim field in Murrat village, north of Deir Ezzor, causing a fire to erupt at the site.

SANA reporter quoted an official source at the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources as saying that the Company halted pumping operations through the damaged pipelines, adding that workshops will start repair works to restore operations in the next few days.

Stability Restored in Masshara Town in Quneitra after Army Cleans it of Terrorism

A unit of the armed forces restored security and stability to Masshara town in Quneitra after cleaning it of armed terrorist groups.

An official source told SANA reporter that dozens of terrorists were killed and others were injured during the operation, as different sorts of weapons and ammunition seized.

Weapons and Ammunition Seized in a Tunnel for Terrorists in Homs

Authorities seized 3 anti-tank DNGR missiles, 48 RBG launchers, 15,000 PKC bullets and 5,000 bullets hidden inside a tunnel extended between al-Ghouta, Nizar Qabbani roundabout to al-Sinaa area in Homs, which the terrorists were using to smuggle weapons and ammunition.

Meanwhile, an army unit clashed with two terrorist groups in Bab Hood neighborhood in Homs city, killing scores of their members.

Another unit of the Armed Forces killed a number of terrorists who cut off roads in al-Hosn village in the countryside of Talkalakh in Homs.

The body of terrorist Ahmad Sheikh Bass was identified among the dead.

Armed Forces Continue Cleaning Eastern Countryside of Maaret al-Numaan in Idleb of Terrorists

Units of the armed forces continued cleaning villages of eastern countryside ofMaaret al-Numaan in Idleb province.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that the Armed Forces cleaned Maarshumarin and Maaret Hutat in the eastern countryside of the armed terrorist groups, killed a large number of terrorists and injured others.

The source added that the army units also destroyed heavy weapons, including a mortar and four DShK-equipped vehicles.

The armed forces killed a large number of terrorists in Bseida, al-Deir al-Gharbi, Armanaya, Maaret Hutat in the countryside of Idleb and dismantled 60 explosive devices, weighing between 100 to 200 kg.

The army units continued cleaning the tunnels and caves in these villages of terrorists.

A unit of the armed forces destroyed 3 DShK-equipped cars with the terrorists inside near Kfar Sajna power station in Maaret al-Nu’man in Idleb.

Units of the armed forces killed a big number of terrorists in a qualitative operation north of Khan Sheikhoun in Idleb countryside, and destroyed scores of cars equipped with mortar shells , and reopened the international road that terrorist groups planted with hundreds of explosive devices.

A unit of the armed forces destroyed a den for terrorists and a warehouse containing scores of explosive devices in a qualitative operation in al-Madiq Citadel, killing scores of terrorists , among them Omar Mohammad al-Omar, one of the most dangerous terrorists in Hama countryside.

In Hama countryside, a unit of the Armed Forces destroyed a hideout of terrorists and a weapons cache in al-madiq Castle.

SANA reporter in the province said that a large number of explosive devices were destroyed and a large number of terrorists were killed.

Symposium in Brazil: Syria Targeted by US-led Aggressive Attack

Oct 18, 2012

BRASILIA, (SANA) – Participants in a symposium held on Thursday in Brazil under the theme of “Brazil in the World: Duties and Responsibilities in the Middle East” stressed that Syria is targeted by an aggressive attack because of its stance which reject the dictations of the US and its western and regional allies.

The symposium was organized by the Foreign Relations and National Defense Committee at the Brazilian Parliament.


The participants affirmed that Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are contributing to shedding the Syrian blood in implementation of the western and US plots, calling these countries to stop supporting terrorism in Syria.

The Brazilian Foreign Affairs Ministry representative who attended the symposium called on all countries concerned in solving the crisis in Syria to resort to dialogue to help solve this crisis.

Syria’s Ambassador and Iran’s Ambassador in Brazil also attended the symposium, in addition to other personalities representing the Syrian Arab community in Brazil.

38 Persons Involved in Current  Events without Committing Murder Released in Aleppo

Oct 18, 2012


ALEPPO, (SANA)_38 persons who were misled into getting involved in the current events without committing murder were released in Aleppo on Thursday.

Earlier on Wednesday, the juridical authorities in Aleppo on Wednesday released 109 citizens who got involved in recent events but commit no murders.

The citizens were released after they pledged not to take up weapons again or commit any act that might undermine Syria’s security.

Al-Jaafari: Syria Fully Supports Tendency Toward an International Community Free from Using or Threatening to Use Force

Oct 18, 2012

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, on Tuesday stressed Syria’s full support to the global tendency aiming at building an international community that is free from using or threatening to use force, whether nuclear or traditional.

In a speech before the UN General Assembly’ First Committee on Disarmament and International Security Affairs, al-Jaafari said that the continued support made by major countries to Israel in the fields of traditional and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is a negative measure that doesn’t help building peace or establishing a region free from nuclear weapons.

Syria’s representative pointed out to the war waged against Syria by armed extremist organizations and mercenaries, urging the member countries to commit themselves to international agreements and stop smuggling weapons and materials, both lethal and non-lethal, through the borders of Syria’s neighboring countries.

“My country’s delegation stresses full support to the global tendency toward establishing an international society that is free of using force, whether nuclear or traditional, a community where the principles of the UN Charter stipulating for justice in dealing, equality in sovereignty and peace among nations and peoples prevail,” al-Jaafari said.

He added that ” Preserving national security is a right guaranteed by the UN Charter to all countries, it’s not a privilege to be used by some countries to circumvent the principle of Nuclear non-proliferation and to conduct double-standard criteria that hinder the process of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.”

Al-Jaafari said that the world is facing huge challenges, on top of which is the danger of WMD proliferation, especially as some countries are threatening to use these weapons to achieve political purposes and gains.

Syria’s representative said that “After more than four decades since the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was signed, it is very important that nuclear countries comply with the 6th article of the treaty, stipulating for working seriously to relieve the world from this danger.”

He underlined that the continued support made by major countries to Israel in the fields of providing various nuclear and cutting-edge traditional weapons and enabling it from manufacturing such weapons with ability to store them locally can’t help build peace or establish a region that is free of nuclear weapons.

Al-Jaafari underscored that some countries have been providing Israel with advanced nuclear technology for decades and violating their commitment to the first and second articles of the Non-Proliferation Treaty through protecting this Israeli nuclear anomaly in the region.

He highlighted that these violations enabled Israel to build nuclear weapons and delivery methods, which pose threats to the safety and security of the whole Middle East region and beyond it.

Al-Jaafari warned of the risks of the continuation of the international suspicious and inexcusable silence over Israel’s policies, as it moved from the policy of nuclear ambiguity, based on  US-Israeli understanding since the beginning of the 1960s,  to publicly declare its possession of nuclear weapons and  threatening to use them amidst a western silence that confirms the connivance of some states in protecting Israel from the repercussions of disavowal of the relevant international obligations,” he added.

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations said that Syria expresses its deep concern that the NPT Review Conferences have not been able to set a specific and obligatory timetable for possessing nuclear weapons so far.

He stressed that what has been issued in the Review Conference for 2010 regarding the establishment of a the Middle East Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (MENWFZ) based on Review Conference of 1995 that necessitates the international community to work for achieving this goal through the need to pressure Israel to join NPT.

Al-Jaafari added that most world states are aspiring for convening this conference and making it a success, as it is due to be held at the end of the current year in Helsinki in Finland, yet Israel’s declaration in the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last month confirms its intention to shirk the resolution of Review Conference for 2010 and thus foiling Helsinki Conference.

Al-Jaafari called on the international community to put pressures on Israel to take part in the Conference and to join the NPT as a non-nuclear party.

He pointed out to the necessity that the conference adopt a comprehensive balanced work program which includes the formation of subsidiary bodies to negotiate eliminating all nuclear weapons according to a binding , unconditioned specific timetable.

“Syria confirms the inalienable right of the NPT’s member states, according to the provisions of article IV of the Treaty, to access the nuclear technology and employ this technology for peaceful purposes in cooperation with the IAEA,” he said, calling on the Agency  to shoulder its responsibilities for facilitating the cooperation among the countries in the field of using the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

He expressed Syria’s rejection of any attempt to interpret these texts  in a way that detracts this right or restricts its use.

On the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, al-Jaafari said that  some countries are involved in transporting these weapons to the terrorist groups, illegitimate armed groups and mercenaries with the aim of igniting crisis and undermining certain countries and areas to serve the geopolitical interests of other countries.

Al-Jaafari went on as saying “My country is witnessing grievous events due to the terrorist acts perpetrated by armed extremist groups , mercenaries and Jihadist groups  from Arab and regional countries that committed criminal acts based on takfiri and extremist irresponsible Fatwas.”

He added that these suicidal groups are using booby-trapped cars, explosive devices and all forms of small arms and light weapons to hit the  Syrian citizens, infrastructure and the state institutions with the aim of spreading panic and pushing sectarian war forwards and bringing foreign military intervention under the pretext of protecting civilians.

Al-Jaafari stressed that the terrorist attacks which hit Syria cannot be carried out without financial and weapon support or political and media coverage of the practices of the armed groups.

Syria’s Representative to the UN said, “Unfortunately, some Arab, regional and international states are providing facilitations to the armed terrorist groups to carry out terrorist attacks in Syria.”

Al-Jaafari called on the member states to shoulder their responsibilities and commit themselves to international conventions and treaties, in addition to stopping smuggling of weapons and all related materials whether they are lethal or ‘non-lethal’ across the borders to Syria.

Deputy Russian FM: Need for Solving Situation by Syrians, International Community Should Support Brahimi

Oct 18, 2012

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Deputy Russian Foreign Minister, Alexander Grushko, stressed his country’s firm stance about the necessity of solving the situation by the Syrians’ efforts without any foreign interference.

In a speech before Council of the Russian Federation at presence of a delegation from NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), Grushko said that Russia works its best for helping to start a political dialogue and halt violence in Syria, yet Russia’s partners should also exert all efforts possible to push the Syrian opposition to start dialogue with the authority.

He added that the main task of the international community is restricted to implementing the plan of the former UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan and Geneva statement, in addition to providing support to the current UN Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi’s mission.

Grushko expressed worry over terrorist s ‘ infiltration and weapon trafficking into Syria, pointing out that the fragmentation of the opposition constitutes an obstacle on the way of solving the crisis in Syria.

He added that this opposition is unable to unite its ranks or form a political power which could be dialogued with.

Russian Foreign Ministry: US State Department should stop giving advice to Russia on Syria and Stop Funding Syrian Opposition

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich stressed on Thursday that the US State Department should stop giving advice to Russia concerning Syria and stop funding ‘the Syrian opposition’.

During his wekkly press conference in Moscow,  Lukashevich said that Russia is observing the evaluations presented during the US State Department’s official press conferences, particularly the evaluation of the Russian policy and the expressions of aspirations to change its course.

He added that Russia has its point of view on what Washington should do, pointing out that Russia wants the US to use its relations with the ‘Syrian opposition’ instead of offering financial and logistic aid.

He described the provision of the armed terrorist groups with MANPADs as ‘a very dangerous move’.

The US should encourage the opposition for a political settlement and get involved in a wide Syrian-Syrian dialogue, he said.

He pointed out that the attempts of some states to take the Syrian issue to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and to other international organizations are attempts of failure because they lack legal rules.

Lukashevich asserted that the UN Security Council is the regulating side to solve the crisis in Syria and to make decisions on this issue.

Ordjonikidze: No Alternative to Political Solution in Syria

Former United Nations Deputy Secretary General Sergei Ordjonikidze stressed that there is no alternative to political solution in Syria in accordance to accredited references, especially Geneva statement, adding that the Western’s elusion, particularly the US, from the statement is considered a dangerous precedent in the international relations and a big collapse of the American diplomacy.

Interviewed by Russia Today TV Channel, Ordjonikidze said that “We are waiting the plan and work mechanism to be set up by the UN envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, adding that if Brahimi did not receive full support from all the Security Council members, he will not reach the anticipated result.

He stressed that Geneva statement is the key to reach solution and some countries’ attempts to hinder it complicated the crisis in Syria.

Ordjonikidze said that Russia presented several proposals for immediate halt of violence, return to centering points and preparation for next elections which are clear points and need no internationalization. “To achieve the aforementioned points, it is a must to provide all appropriate conditions, particularly stopping foreign intervention in Syria’s affairs, mainly Turkey, and preventing arms smuggling operations to the opposition groups, not to mention the funding of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to these groups,” he added.

He considered the West as direct sponsor for terrorism, adding that the U.S. gave USD 40 million to the opposition to purchase weapons despite their allegations about providing humanitarian aid and communication devices to them.

Ordjonikidze said that the unilateral sanctions imposed against the Syrian people affect them negatively and they cannot be a way to solve problems, regretting that the West is not interested in the rights of other peoples, rather it cares about its own interests.

He added that the best solution to the crisis in Syria is simple and depends on immediate halt of violence and sitting around dialogue table to find a joint solution without foreign dedicates.

Cooperation Agreement Worth USD 300,000 to Assist Families Affected by Terrorist Acts Singed

Oct 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Ministry of Local Administration and the UN Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) signed a cooperation agreement to provide aid to the displaced, hosting and affected families due to the armed terrorist groups’ attacks.

The total budget of the agreement is initially estimated at USD 300,000 and it might reach USD 5 to 6 million by the end of 2012.

The agreement stipulates for carrying out maintenance and rehabilitation works for makeshift centers in the provinces, ensure basic materials and provide aid to affected and displaced families.

According to the agreement which came within the framework of the response plan signed by the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry and the UN organization working in Syria, monthly cash assistance will be provided for displaced citizens in the Syrian provinces to meet their needs.

Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs, Minister of Local Administration, Omar Ghalawanji on the Syrian side and the Head of the UNHCR Office in Syria, Tareq al-Kurdi signed the agreement.

Minister Ghalawanji said that the UN aid came to support Syria in current crisis which forced a large number of citizens to leave their houses to alternative places.

He hailed the Syrian government’s efforts to reduce the negative impact of the crisis and provide humanitarian aid for citizens, underlining the role of the international organizations working in Syria to help the Syrians overcome part of these negative repercussions, especially the UN Higher Commission for Refugees Affairs.

In turn , al-Kurdi stressed the Commission’s commitment to establish a database on the level of Syria and contribute to distributing aid in cooperation with the Syrian government, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the UNICEF to improve the economic and social situation of families affected by the current circumstances.

Putin: No-One Has the Right to Tell Russia How and to Whom it Exports Weapons if Exports Don’t Contradict UN Sanctions

Oct 17, 2012

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that no-one has the right to tell Russia how and to whom it may export weapons if the exports don’t contradict UN sanctions.

In a speech on Wednesday, Putin said that Russia only signs agreements to export weapons and military equipment with legitimate authorities to boost the defensive capabilities of independent countries after careful study of the situation in the region in question, noting that not all exporters of weapons are so methodical.

Putin also said that unilateral or group sanctions outside the framework of the UN, particularly politicized sanctions, do not represent a rule for international law.

He also called for increasing the level of technical military cooperation among Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and Vietnam.

125 Citizens Released after Pledging Not to Take up Arms Again

Oct 17, 2012

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The juridical authorities in Aleppo on Wednesday released 109 citizens who got involved in recent events but commit no murders.

The citizens were released after they pledged not to take up weapons again or commit any act that might undermine Syria’s security

In the same context, 16 citizens who got involved in the recent events in the country and did not commit murder were released in Damascus Countryside.

Meeting the released citizens, Governor of Damascus Countryside, Hussein Makhlouf said that it is an opportunity for all those who have been misled to return to the right path and a call for those who are involved to turn themselves in.

He hailed the governorate’s efforts to facilitate procedures of releasing the misled citizens to go back to normal life and contribute to building their country.

The governor stressed that the governorate will take care of those who surrendered themselves and weapons to the authorities, solve their problems and help them find job opportunities to start again.

He indicated that the governorate of Damascus Countryside is working on communicating with all sides that reject violence and seek dialogue as a way to achieve legitimate rights.

He said that those who turn themselves in are contributing to reducing the bloodshed and the burden on authorities and the whole country in combating terrorism.

The released citizens said that the humane treatment while they were under arrest changed their convictions.

They asked for providing job opportunities for them and releasing some others in addition to calling upon the Ministry of National Reconciliation Affairs to reduce of the social consequences of the crisis in some areas in the governorate.

Earlier on Tuesday, 68 persons from Homs and its countryside who were misled into getting involved in recent events without shedding Syrian blood were released after turning themselves and their weapons in and pledging not to bear arms again.

Ahmadinejad Calls on All Countries to Help Find Solution to Crisis in Syria through National Dialogue and Accord

Oct 17, 2012

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on all countries to help resolve the crisis in Syria through dialogue and talks, saying that his recent talks with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan focused on achieving peace and stability in Syria and the developments in it.

In a press conference during his visit to Kuwait on Wednesday, Ahmadinejad said that those who love the Syrian people must work to establish groundwork for dialogue, peace and free elections, stressing that the future of Syria must be decided upon by the Syrians and that their choices must be respected.

He affirmed that national reconciliation and unity and ending violence is an urgent need, adding that no-one should work against the opinion of the Syrian people.

Ahmadinejad said that weapons and war cannot achieve a solution in Syria as they perpetuate violence and war and do not lead to a future, stressing that ending violence and holding dialogue to hold free elections is the right way to reach a solution.

The Iranian President also criticized suggestions and allegations that Iran poses a threat to security in the region, affirming that Iran considers the region’s security equal to its own security, and that it has been a protector of security in the Gulf area and regional countries across history.

He noted that lack of security in the region is only caused by the presence of foreign forces, which is proven by history, pointing out that the region’s peoples have coexisted for thousands of years.

Ahmadinejad also warned against plots by foreign sides for sowing disputes in the region to preserve their own presence in it.

Brahimi: Solution to Crisis in Syria Depends on Syrians

Oct 17, 2012

BEIRUT, (SANA) – The UN envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi reiterated that solution in Syria depends mainly on the Syrians, adding that his mission to find a solution to the crisis in Syria is based on Kofi Annan’s plan and Geneva statement.

In a press conference in Beirut, Brahimi said that “We deal with the problem depending on different visions, particularly Annan’s six-point plan and Geneva statement which has been agreed on by the UN Security Council members and the majority of countries of the region.

He said that he is holding talks with all sides to stop bloodshed in Syria and to establish a project for the Syrians and by the Syrians themselves to solve their problems. Brahimi added that the solution to the crisis in Syria lies in the hands of the Syrians since they are mainly concerned, with the possibility of providing international support by the UN.

He indicate that the neighboring countries are interested in solving the crisis, depending on the necessity of putting an end to the suffering of the Syrian people, not to mention their fear of the fact that the crisis will not remain within the Syrian borders forever, it might be solved or it will expand.

Regarding a ceasefire on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Brahimi said “It bodes well as regards the Syrian government, and if the opposition responded positively to the proposal, it might be a small stride towards ceasefire and start talks about withdrawing heavy weapons and halt the flow of arms from outside to reach a political solution to the crisis in Syria.”

Interior Minister: Exerting More Efforts to Prevent Attempts to Destabilize Security of the Homeland

Oct 17, 2012

DAMASCUS COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA) – Interior Minister, General Mohammad al-Shaar called upon police officers for exerting more efforts to protect citizens and shoulder their responsibilities in confronting all attempts to destabilize the security of the homeland.

Meeting police officers in Damascus Countryside, Minister al-Shaar reviewed the recent events taking place in the country and the instigative campaigns launched by Arab and international sides to undermine Syria’s stability due to its national and pan-Arab stances, its support to the resistance and its rejection of domination policies and dictates.

He said the media campaign by some satellite channels aimed at stoking internal situation and affect the international public opinion through the support of foreign countries and the armed terrorist groups which kill and commit sabotage acts serving foreign agendas.

Settlers Destroy More Than 7,500 Olive Trees

UN Report

19 October, 2012

@ Countercurrents.org

UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has revealed that the Jewish settlers continued their attacks against the Palestinian farmers in the occupied West Bank since the beginning of the year where they destroyed more than 7500 olive trees.

Nearly half (48%) of the agricultural land in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) is planted with 8 million olive trees, the vast majority are in the West Bank, the report revealed, adding that the olive oil industry makes up 14% of the agricultural income for the oPt and supports the livelihoods of approximately 80,000 families.

OCHA report, issued on Thursday, stated that the olive harvest is an economic, social and cultural important occasion for the Palestinian society, while the occupation authorities deliberately prevented those who own agricultural fields located in the areas between the barrier and the Green Line or near the Jewish settlements in the West Bank to obtain permits allowing them to have access to their fields.

In 2011, 42% of applications for permits to access olive groves behind the Barrier submitted prior to the harvest season were rejected, compared to 39% in 2010, according to the report.

In the West Bank, over 7,500 olive trees belonging to Palestinians were damaged or destroyed by Israeli settlers between January and mid October 2012, some 2,000 fewer than during the equivalent period in 2011.

Only one of the 162 complaints regarding settler attacks against Palestinian trees monitored by the Israeli NGO Yesh Din since 2005 has so far led to the indictment of a suspect.

The report can be downloaded here(PDF)

Turkey Leads US-Sponsored Military Encirclement Of Syria

By Chris Marsden

18 October, 2012

@ WSWS.org

Despite widely reported concerns of blowback in Syria due to the arming of jihadist groups, a military build-up on Syria’s borders is proceeding apace.

Racep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamist government in Turkey is leading the way, using the pretext of stray mortar fire from Syria that killed five civilians to legitimise the deployment of 250 tanks, jets, helicopter gunships, troops, artillery emplacements and antiaircraft batteries on the border.

The Turkish Parliament recently granted war powers to Erdogan to send troops into Syria. Daily targeting of Syrian facilities was followed last week by the use of F16s to force down a civilian Syrian Airlines Airbus en route to Damascus from Moscow, with claims that it was carrying Russian weaponry.

Erdogan used the United Nations Security Council as a platform to attack Russia and China—“one or two members of the permanent five”—for vetoing anti-Syrian resolutions and demand an overhaul of the Security Council.

Turkey, along with the Gulf States led by Qatar, is also behind a push to unite Syria’s divided opposition forces, with the explicit aim of overcoming the qualms of the Western powers over arming the opposition and backing it militarily. There is an agreement to announce a joint leadership on November 4 at a conference in Qatar, just two days before the US presidential elections.

Foreign supporters “are telling us: ‘Sort yourselves out and unite, we need a clear and credible side to provide it with quality weapons,’” a source said.

Ensuring an effective command structure under the nominal discipline of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the actual control of Turkey and its allies requires the inclusion of rival military leaders Riad al-Asaad, Mustafa Sheikh and Mohammad Haj Ali (all defectors from the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad), as well as various leaders of provincial military councils inside Syria. Funds are also being funneled into the Local Coordinating Committees—hitherto held up by various ex-left groups around the world as being independent of the imperialist powers.

UN Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi is making great play of urging Iran to arrange a four-day cease-fire beginning October 25 to mark the Muslim religious holiday of Eid al-Adha. He is saying less about a proposal, more indicative of the UN’s role, to dispatch a 3,000-strong troop force to Syria.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Brahimi “has spent recent weeks quietly sounding out which countries would be willing to contribute soldiers” to such a force, ostensibly to be made operable following a future truce.

The direct involvement of US and British forces would be “unlikely”, given their role in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, so Brahimi “is thought to be looking at more nations that currently contribute to Unifil, the 15,000-strong mission set up to police Israel’s borders with Lebanon.”

These include Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Ireland—“one of which would be expected to play a leading role in the Syria peacekeeping force.”

The proposal was leaked by the Syrian National Council (SNC), with whom Brahami met in Turkey at the weekend. On Monday, the SNC was meeting for a two-day summit in the Qatari capital, Doha. Qatar’s prime minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani, took the occasion to push for military intervention in Syria. He told reporters, “Any mission that is not well armed will not fulfil its aim. For this, it must have enough members and equipment to carry out its duty.”

The SNC’s 35-member general secretariat was meeting in Doha to discuss “the establishment of mechanisms to administer the areas which have been liberated” in Syria, according to sources.

Discussions of the direct involvement of European troops in Syria are in line with confirmed reports that the US and Britain have despatched military forces to Jordan, for the purported purpose of policing its border and preventing a spill-over of the conflict.

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta acknowledged the move at an October 10 meeting of NATO defence ministers in Brussels. The US has repeatedly issued denials of a growing military presence in Turkey located at the Incirlik airbase, but Panetta confirmed that Washington had “worked with” Turkey on “humanitarian, as well as chemical and biological weapons issues.”

The next day, the Times of London and the New York Times reported that Britain too has upward of 150 soldiers and military advisors in Jordan. Jordanian military sources said France may also be involved.

Anonymous senior US defence officials told Reuters that most of those sent to Jordan were Army Special Operations forces, deployed at a military centre near Amman and moving “back and forth to the Syrian border” to gather intelligence and “plan joint Jordanian-US military manoeuvres.”

There is “talk of contingency plans for a quick pre-emptive strike if al Assad loses control over his stock of chemical weapons in the civil war,” Reuters added.

Turkey’s bellicose stand has produced widespread media reports that the US and other NATO powers risk being “dragged into” a wider regional war. This in part reflects real concerns and divisions within imperialist ruling circles and in part an effort to conceal the Western powers’ instrumental role in encouraging military conflict.

Attention has been drawn to the refusal of NATO to heed appeals by Turkey for it to invoke Article 5 of its charter authorising the military defence of a member nation. But despite this, NATO has publicly gone a long way towards endorsing Turkey’s actions.

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters at the same Brussels summit that “obviously Turkey can rely on NATO solidarity… Taking into account the situation at our southeastern border, we have taken the steps necessary to make sure that we have all plans in place to protect and defend Turkey,” [emphasis added].

The previous day, a senior US defence official said, “We engage with Turkey to make sure that should the time come where Turkey needs help, we’re able to do what we can.”

In an indication of the type of discussions taking place in the corridors of power, several policy advisers have gone into print to outline their proposals for a proxy military intervention by Turkey to which the US could then lend overt support.

Jorge Benitez, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, urged in the October 15 Christian Science Monitor: “To preserve its credibility in Turkey and the region, NATO should offer radar aircraft and/or rapid reaction forces.”

“Too much attention has been focused on the question of invoking Article 5, the alliance’s mutual defence clause,” he added. Other options were available. Before the US-led war against Iraq in 2003, he noted, Turkey had requested a consultative meeting under Article 4 of the NATO treaty “to discuss how the alliance could help Turkey deter an attack from Iraq.”

Using this pretext, NATO approved Operation Display Deterrence, including the dispatch of four AWACS radar aircraft, five Patriot air defence batteries, equipment for chemical and biological defence, and “more than 1,000 ‘technically advanced and highly capable forces’ to support Turkey during the Iraq conflict.”

Soner Cagaptay of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy published an article in the October 11 New York Times on a three-point strategy he called “the right way for Turkey to intervene in Syria.”

He urged Turkey to “continue the current pattern of shelling across the border every time Syria targets Turkey” in order to “weaken Syrian forces” and let the FSA “fill the vacuum;” to “combine shelling with cross-border raids to target Kurdish militants in Syria;” and, if things “get worse along the border,” to stage “a limited invasion to contain the crisis as it did in Cyprus in the 1970s.”

Syria News On 18th October, 2012

Armed Forces Inflict Heavy Losses Upon Terrorists in Several Provinces 

Oct 17, 2012

ROVINCES, (SANA) – The Armed Forces on Wednesday killed scores of terrorists and destroyed a car for one of their leaders in addition to destroying seven armored vehicles, a pickup equipped with Shilka machinegun, four vehicles equipped with DShK machineguns and two cars with mortars in the area linking al-Shaar and al-Sakhour roundabouts.

Another army unit killed many terrorists near al-Sakhour roundabout and destroyed a workshop for making explosive devices, burning six cars with all the terrorists inside them, in addition to destroying 3 armored vehicles equipped with mortars and 6 DShK-equipped vehicles.

Meanwhile, authorities clashed with terrorists driving a truck on Damascus – Aleppo road, killing many of them and seize large amount of Turkish-made explosives, C4, silver nitrates and sulfuric acid and they were hidden under food materials.

The seized materials also included advanced communication devices, two satellite transmission devices, weapons and night vision binoculars.

A unit of the Armed Forces carried out a qualitative operation against terrorists in al-Shaar roundabout in Aleppo city, killing scores of them and destroying 10 vehicles equipped with DShK machineguns and two cars equipped with missiles in addition to other two cars equipped with mortars.

The Armed Forces carried out a qualitative operation near Ba’adin crossroads in Aleppo city.

The operation resulted in destroying 3 cars equipped with machineguns and a stolen car and the killing of all the terrorists inside them.

The Armed Forces also carried out a qualitative operation against terrorists’ hideout in al-Sakhour area in Aleppo.

The operation resulted in destroying a DShK-equipped pick-up and the killing of 4 terrorists among them a non-Syrian terrorist.

Units of the Armed Forces killed scores of terrorists while cleaning al-Jabal and al-Safa areas in Aleppo city of the armed terrorist groups.

A terrorist was killed and eight others were injured during clashes between two armed terrorist groups  because of a dispute over  dividing  the loot in al-Sukkari area.

A unit of the armed forces targeted a gathering for terrorists in Al-Atareb, Aleppo countryside, killing scores of them, among them was sniper, Naser Abdul-Aziz al-Faren of Saudi nationality and rifleman Ismael al-Ridwan of Yemeni nationality.

Meanwhile, another army unit hit a position for terrorists at al-Bab area and Aziza village in Aleppo countryside, inflicting heavy losses among them.

The Army units stormed dens of terrorists to the north of Handarat, Shaala, Tal Rahal in Aleppo countryside, Al-Salehin, Tirkawi square in al-Nayrab destroying 4 cars equipped with machineguns and mortars, killing a number of terrorist and injuring many others.

Another unit of the army targeted gatherings of terrorists on Aleppo-al-Bab highway and at al-Sayyed Ali village in Mare’e, Tadef and Deir Hafer, destroying 10 cars equipped with DSHK machineguns.

Member of Damascus Governorate Executive Office Assassinated

An armed terrorist group assassinated citizen Mohammad Ayman Taja, member of Damascus Governorate Executive Office, in Rukn Eddin area in Damascus city.

A source at the Police Command in the province said that the terrorists opened fire on Taja as he was leaving his house in Rukn Eddin, causing his immediate death.

Leaders of Armed Groups Killed in Damascus Countryside

Units of the Armed Forces inflicted heavy losses upon the armed terrorist groups in al-Shifouniyeh and Jisreen towns in the eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that the Armed Forces continue their operations to clear al-Shifouniyeh town in the eastern Ghouta, killing leaders of the armed terrorist groups and scores of their members.

The source added that terrorists Ahmad Khaybeh and Khaled al-Deirani were identified among the dead.

It said that an army unit killed a number of terrorists in Jisreen town, adding that terrorist Mohammad Walid al-Nabki was identified among the dead.

Armed Forces Restored Security and Stability to al-Jousiyeh Town in Homs Countryside

The armed Forces restored security and stability to al-Jousiyeh town in Qseir countryside in Homs from the armed terrorist groups, killing scores of terrorists.

A source in the province said that an army unit dismantled 20 explosive devices, weighed between 50 to 500 kg, planted by terrorists on the town roads.

It added that the bodies of terrorists Mohammad Oghlan and Mouayad Amer were identified among the dead.

Another army unit destroyed a base for launching missiles in al-Qseir countryside in Homs and killed a number of terrorists.

Bodies of terrorists Mustafa Shamsini and Abdel-Kafi Ahmad al-Aatr were identified among the dead.

Terrorists Eliminated, DShK-equipped Cars Destroyed in Idleb

Armed forces units carried out operations in Wadi al-Deif area in Ma’aret al-Nu’man, Idleb province, eliminating the members of three terrorist groups that attempted to attack the area.

The armed forces also destroyed a missile-launching platform, a mortar launcher, a number of cars equipped with DShK machineguns, in addition to seizing a variety of weapons carried by the terrorists.

An armed forces unit targeted a gathering of terrorists in the town of Kafernabel  in the western countryside of Ma’aret al-Nu’man, eliminating a number of terrorists and injuring others.

A military unit destroyed a number of DShK-equipped cars and killed dozens of terrorists in Bseida town in Ma’aret al-Nu’man in Idleb.

3 Explosive Device Workshops Discovered in Daraa

A military unit discovered three workshops for manufacturing explosive devices in Maraba town in Daraa countryside.

A source in the province said that the army unit seized large amount of gunpowder and explosives inside them.

It added that the Armed Forces also destroyed a SUV equipped with a DShK machinegun, killing scores of terrorists in the village.

The body of terrorist Mahmoud Ali al-Abboud, a leader of an armed terrorist group, was identified.

Terrorists Killed, Weapons Seized, 3 Explosive Devices Dismantled in Hama

The armed forces killed four terrorists and seized machineguns, pistols and grenades in al-Mzeiyraa town in al-Salamiyeh countryside in Hama.

A unit of the armed forces clashed with an armed terrorist group which attempted to attack citizens in Masoud village in the countryside of Hama, killing 4 terrorists and arrested others.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that the army unit destroyed a car with all the terrorists inside and seized several machineguns and sniper rifles, in addition to amounts of ammunition.

Another army unit destroyed a car transferring terrorists and eliminated four  terrorists and arrested three others in Hama countryside.

Authorities stormed terrorists’ den in Masaud village in Salamiyeh countryside. Authorities arrested 4 of the terrorists and killed the rest and seized a machinegun-equipped car and an amount of weapons and ammunitions.

Units of military engineering dismantled three explosive devices, weighed around 100 kg, ready for remote detonation planted by the armed terrorist groups on the roads near al-Treimseh town in Mhardeh area in Hama.

A Number of Terrorists Killed in Deir Ezzor

A unit of the Armed Forces killed all members of an armed terrorist group near the National Hospital in al-Rushdiyeh neighborhood.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that that the body of terrorist Abdullah Abu Aaraj was identified among the dead. It added unit of the Armed Forces destroyed gatherings for terrorists and a booby-trapped tanker in Souq al-Jbeileh in the city.


Another army unit destroyed a field hospital in al-Sheikh Yasin neighborhood in Deir Ezzor.

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: EU New Sanctions Contradict International Law

Oct 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Wednesday said that ”In yet another move that proves the colonial mentality that some European countries insist on following in dealing with the events in Syria, the EU announced a new package of sanctions against Syria which target the livelihood of the Syrian people and various economic sectors that directly affect providing the basic needs for them.”

The source told SANA that the EU insistence on imposing unjustified economic sanctions has no legal or moral basis as they contradict the international law and depend on fabricated information that go against the EU claims of caring for the interests of the Syrian people, as the Syrian citizen is targeted in his livelihood and is turned into one receiving humanitarian aid.

”How can the EU justify its care for the wellbeing of the Syrians as it imposes sanctions targeting the sectors of energy, banks, transport and health, and prevent any the possibility of importing basic needs including the medical equipment and incurable diseases’ drugs?,” the source inquired.

The source added that ”the policy of imposing sanctions on Syria is a new episode of the political, financial and media support provided by European countries to the armed terrorist groups which are targeting the Syrian state and people, and is a direct support to the parties interested in prolonging the crisis that the international community agreed unanimously on settling through national dialogue among the Syrians as to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria away from foreign interference.”

”Syria affirms that such unilateral, unethical sanctions won’t weaken the will of the Syrian people in preserving the dignity, stances and heritage of their country, and the Syrian government will do its duty to overcome these inhumane sanctions, ” the source concluded.

Al-Jaafari: Syria Fully Supports Tendency Toward an International Community Free from Using or Threatening to Use Force

Oct 17, 2012

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, on Tuesday stressed Syria’s full support to the global tendency aiming at building an international community that is free from using or threatening to use force, whether nuclear or traditional.

In a speech before the UN General Assembly’ First Committee on Disarmament and International Security Affairs, al-Jaafari said that the continued support made by major countries to Israel in the fields of traditional and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is a negative measure that doesn’t help building peace or establishing a region free from nuclear weapons.

Syria’s representative pointed out to the war waged against Syria by armed extremist organizations and mercenaries, urging the member countries to commit themselves to international agreements and stop smuggling weapons and materials, both lethal and non-lethal, through the borders of Syria’s neighboring countries.

“My country’s delegation stresses full support to the global tendency toward establishing an international society that is free of using force, whether nuclear or traditional, a community where the principles of the UN Charter stipulating for justice in dealing, equality in sovereignty and peace among nations and peoples prevail,” al-Jaafari said.

He added that ” Preserving national security is a right guaranteed by the UN Charter to all countries, it’s not a privilege to be used by some countries to circumvent the principle of Nuclear non-proliferation and to conduct double-standard criteria that hinder the process of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.”

Al-Jaafari said that the world is facing huge challenges, on top of which is the danger of WMD proliferation, especially as some countries are threatening to use these weapons to achieve political purposes and gains.

Syria’s representative said that “After more than four decades since the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was signed, it is very important that nuclear countries comply with the 6th article of the treaty, stipulating for working seriously to relieve the world from this danger.”

He underlined that the continued support made by major countries to Israel in the fields of providing various nuclear and cutting-edge traditional weapons and enabling it from manufacturing such weapons with ability to store them locally can’t help build peace or establish a region that is free of nuclear weapons.

Al-Jaafari underscored that some countries have been providing Israel with advanced nuclear technology for decades and violating their commitment to the first and second articles of the Non-Proliferation Treaty through protecting this Israeli nuclear anomaly in the region.

He highlighted that these violations enabled Israel to build nuclear weapons and delivery methods, which pose threats to the safety and security of the whole Middle East region and beyond it.

Al-Jaafari warned of the risks of the continuation of the international suspicious and inexcusable silence over Israel’s policies, as it moved from the policy of nuclear ambiguity, based on  US-Israeli understanding since the beginning of the 1960s,  to publicly declare its possession of nuclear weapons and  threatening to use them amidst a western silence that confirms the connivance of some states in protecting Israel from the repercussions of disavowal of the relevant international obligations,” he added.

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations said that Syria expresses its deep concern that the NPT Review Conferences have not been able to set a specific and obligatory timetable for possessing nuclear weapons so far.

He stressed that what has been issued in the Review Conference for 2010 regarding the establishment of a the Middle East Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (MENWFZ) based on Review Conference of 1995 that necessitates the international community to work for achieving this goal through the need to pressure Israel to join NPT.

Al-Jaafari added that most world states are aspiring for convening this conference and making it a success, as it is due to be held at the end of the current year in Helsinki in Finland, yet Israel’s declaration in the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last month confirms its intention to shirk the resolution of Review Conference for 2010 and thus foiling Helsinki Conference.

Al-Jaafari called on the international community to put pressures on Israel to take part in the Conference and to join the NPT as a non-nuclear party.

He pointed out to the necessity that the conference adopt a comprehensive balanced work program which includes the formation of subsidiary bodies to negotiate eliminating all nuclear weapons according to a binding , unconditioned specific timetable.

“Syria confirms the inalienable right of the NPT’s member states, according to the provisions of article IV of the Treaty, to access the nuclear technology and employ this technology for peaceful purposes in cooperation with the IAEA,” he said, calling on the Agency to shoulder its responsibilities for facilitating the cooperation among the countries in the field of using the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

He expressed Syria’s rejection of any attempt to interpret these texts  in a way that detracts this right or restricts its use.

On the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, al-Jaafari said that  some countries are involved in transporting these weapons to the terrorist groups, illegitimate armed groups and mercenaries with the aim of igniting crisis and undermining certain countries and areas to serve the geopolitical interests of other countries.

Al-Jaafari went on as saying “My country is witnessing grievous events due to the terrorist acts perpetrated by armed extremist groups , mercenaries and Jihadist groups  from Arab and regional countries that committed criminal acts based on takfiri and extremist irresponsible Fatwas.”

He added that these suicidal groups are using booby-trapped cars, explosive devices and all forms of small arms and light weapons to hit the  Syrian citizens, infrastructure and the state institutions with the aim of spreading panic and pushing sectarian war forwards and bringing foreign military intervention under the pretext of protecting civilians.

Al-Jaafari stressed that the terrorist attacks which hit Syria cannot be carried out without financial and weapon support or political and media coverage of the practices of the armed groups.

Syria’s Representative to the UN said, “Unfortunately, some Arab, regional and international states are providing facilitations to the armed terrorist groups to carry out terrorist attacks in Syria.”

Al-Jaafari called on the member states to shoulder their responsibilities and commit themselves to international conventions and treaties, in addition to stopping smuggling of weapons and all related materials whether they are lethal or ‘non-lethal’ across the borders to Syria.

People’s Assembly Condemns Illegal Infiltration of Two Kuwaiti Parliamentarians to Syria

Oct 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The People’s Assembly condemned the illegal infiltration of the two members of the Kuwaiti Parliament, Walid al-Tabtabai and Jamaan al-Harbash into Syria through the Turkish territories on September 7th, 2012 and attempts to spread sedition among the united Syrian people.

Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Lahham stressed the Assembly’s keenness to have best relations with the Kuwaiti Parliament to meet the aspirations of the Syrian and Kuwaiti peoples.

He said that the Assembly denounces this irresponsible behavior and looks forwards to an explanation by the Kuwaiti Parliament regarding the infiltration of the two MPs into the Syrian territories in the manner of takfiri terrorists , gunmen and weapons’ smugglers.

Lahham added that it had been better for the Kuwaiti Parliament to have sent an official delegation to inspect the reality of events in Syria, hold talks with members of the Syrian People’s Assembly and other political figures and present proposals that contribute to halting the bloodshed in Syria and bring all sides together to come to dialogue as it is the best way to overcome the current crisis and draw up the democratic future of Syria which has been guaranteed by the Constitution.

The People’s Assembly approved draft law on exempting electricity subscribers from fines if they paid their financial obligations by March 31st, 2013.

Members of the People’s Assembly stressed the necessity of providing facilitation for private companies and facilities to obtain electricity converters, particularly after the damage caused by the armed terrorist groups to high and medium voltage power transmission lines.

The Assembly also approved draft law on establishing the General Establishment for Seed Propagation.

The Assembly referred the report of the Legislative and Constitutional Committee on possibility of ratifying the agreement to establish a center for bilateral geopolitical, trade, economic, scientific, technical and financial cooperation signed between Syria and the International Center for Geopolitical Analysis and Trade Cooperation on August 3rd, 2012 in Moscow to the committees of Arab and international affairs for scrutiny.

The Assembly’s members raised questions regarding the possibility of establishing a university in Hasaka province and a sewage treatment plant in Salqeen city in Idleb to reduce pollution.

Cooperation Agreement Worth USD 300,000 to Assist Families Affected by Terrorist Acts Singed

Oct 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Ministry of Local Administration and the UN Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) signed a cooperation agreement to provide aid to the displaced, hosting and affected families due to the armed terrorist groups’ attacks.

The total budget of the agreement is initially estimated at USD 300,000 and it might reach USD 5 to 6 million by the end of 2012.

The agreement stipulates for carrying out maintenance and rehabilitation works for makeshift centers in the provinces, ensure basic materials and provide aid to affected and displaced families.

According to the agreement which came within the framework of the response plan signed by the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry and the UN organization working in Syria, monthly cash assistance will be provided for displaced citizens in the Syrian provinces to meet their needs.

Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs, Minister of Local Administration, Omar Ghalawanji on the Syrian side and the Head of the UNHCR Office in Syria, Tareq al-Kurdi signed the agreement.

Minister Ghalawanji said that the UN aid came to support Syria in current crisis which forced a large number of citizens to leave their houses to alternative places.

He hailed the Syrian government’s efforts to reduce the negative impact of the crisis and provide humanitarian aid for citizens, underlining the role of the international organizations working in Syria to help the Syrians overcome part of these negative repercussions, especially the UN Higher Commission for Refugees Affairs.

In turn , al-Kurdi stressed the Commission’s commitment to establish a database on the level of Syria and contribute to distributing aid in cooperation with the Syrian government, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the UNICEF to improve the economic and social situation of families affected by the current circumstances.

Putin: No-One Has the Right to Tell Russia How and to Whom it Exports Weapons if Exports Don’t Contradict UN Sanctions

Oct 17, 2012

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that no-one has the right to tell Russia how and to whom it may export weapons if the exports don’t contradict UN sanctions.

In a speech on Wednesday, Putin said that Russia only signs agreements to export weapons and military equipment with legitimate authorities to boost the defensive capabilities of independent countries after careful study of the situation in the region in question, noting that not all exporters of weapons are so methodical.

Putin also said that unilateral or group sanctions outside the framework of the UN, particularly politicized sanctions, do not represent a rule for international law.

He also called for increasing the level of technical military cooperation among Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and Vietnam.

125 Citizens Released after Pledging Not to Take up Arms Again

Oct 17, 2012

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The juridical authorities in Aleppo on Wednesday released 109 citizens who got involved in recent events but commit no murders.

The citizens were released after they pledged not to take up weapons again or commit any act that might undermine Syria’s security

In the same context, 16 citizens who got involved in the recent events in the country and did not commit murder were released in Damascus Countryside.

Meeting the released citizens, Governor of Damascus Countryside, Hussein Makhlouf said that it is an opportunity for all those who have been misled to return to the right path and a call for those who are involved to turn themselves in.

He hailed the governorate’s efforts to facilitate procedures of releasing the misled citizens to go back to normal life and contribute to building their country.

The governor stressed that the governorate will take care of those who surrendered themselves and weapons to the authorities, solve their problems and help them find job opportunities to start again.

He indicated that the governorate of Damascus Countryside is working on communicating with all sides that reject violence and seek dialogue as a way to achieve legitimate rights.

He said that those who turn themselves in are contributing to reducing the bloodshed and the burden on authorities and the whole country in combating terrorism.

The released citizens said that the humane treatment while they were under arrest changed their convictions.

They asked for providing job opportunities for them and releasing some others in addition to calling upon the Ministry of National Reconciliation Affairs to reduce of the social consequences of the crisis in some areas in the governorate.

Earlier on Tuesday, 68 persons from Homs and its countryside who were misled into getting involved in recent events without shedding Syrian blood were released after turning themselves and their weapons in and pledging not to bear arms again.

Ahmadinejad Calls on All Countries to Help Find Solution to Crisis in Syria through National Dialogue and Accord

Oct 17, 2012

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on all countries to help resolve the crisis in Syria through dialogue and talks, saying that his recent talks with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan focused on achieving peace and stability in Syria and the developments in it.

In a press conference during his visit to Kuwait on Wednesday, Ahmadinejad said that those who love the Syrian people must work to establish groundwork for dialogue, peace and free elections, stressing that the future of Syria must be decided upon by the Syrians and that their choices must be respected.

He affirmed that national reconciliation and unity and ending violence is an urgent need, adding that no-one should work against the opinion of the Syrian people.

Ahmadinejad said that weapons and war cannot achieve a solution in Syria as they perpetuate violence and war and do not lead to a future, stressing that ending violence and holding dialogue to hold free elections is the right way to reach a solution.

The Iranian President also criticized suggestions and allegations that Iran poses a threat to security in the region, affirming that Iran considers the region’s security equal to its own security, and that it has been a protector of security in the Gulf area and regional countries across history.

He noted that lack of security in the region is only caused by the presence of foreign forces, which is proven by history, pointing out that the region’s peoples have coexisted for thousands of years.

Ahmadinejad also warned against plots by foreign sides for sowing disputes in the region to preserve their own presence in it.

Brahimi: Solution to Crisis in Syria Depends on Syrians

Oct 17, 2012


BEIRUT, (SANA) – The UN envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi reiterated that solution in Syria depends mainly on the Syrians, adding that his mission to find a solution to the crisis in Syria is based on Kofi Annan’s plan and Geneva statement.

In a press conference in Beirut, Brahimi said that “We deal with the problem depending on different visions, particularly Annan’s six-point plan and Geneva statement which has been agreed on by the UN Security Council members and the majority of countries of the region.

He said that he is holding talks with all sides to stop bloodshed in Syria and to establish a project for the Syrians and by the Syrians themselves to solve their problems. Brahimi added that the solution to the crisis in Syria lies in the hands of the Syrians since they are mainly concerned, with the possibility of providing international support by the UN.

He indicate that the neighboring countries are interested in solving the crisis, depending on the necessity of putting an end to the suffering of the Syrian people, not to mention their fear of the fact that the crisis will not remain within the Syrian borders forever, it might be solved or it will expand.

Regarding a ceasefire on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Brahimi said “It bodes well as regards the Syrian government, and if the opposition responded positively to the proposal, it might be a small stride towards ceasefire and start talks about withdrawing heavy weapons and halt the flow of arms from outside to reach a political solution to the crisis in Syria.”

Russia’s EU Ambassador: EU Pretexts to Impose Sanctions against Syria and Iran Not Convincing

Oct 17, 2012

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s European Union Ambassador, Vladimir Chizhov, stressed that the pretexts of the European Union to justify imposing additional sanctions against Syria and Iran are not convincing, adding that the sanctions against Belarus are not fruitful.

Interviewed by the Russian Interfax news agency, Chizhov commented on the EU decisions to expand sanctions imposed against Syria and Iran and prolonging sanctions against Belarus for another year as saying that the EU chose to adopt the tactic of imposing sanctions which Russia considered to be short-sighted and inappropriate.

He stressed that the UN Security Council is the only power to impose international sanctions and “we should not call other things as sanctions, rather they are unilateral restraints.”

Chizhov added that it is a must to take into account the need for a scenario to get out of the current situation and that he had no confidence in that the EU has that scenario if that side on which the sanctions are imposed changed its behavior.

He added using the sanctions as a tool for influence necessitates considering what might happen in case they failed and what is the next step, indicating the EU needs such strategic planning.

Interior Minister: Exerting More Efforts to Prevent Attempts to Destabilize Security of the Homeland

Oct 17, 2012

DAMASCUS COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA) – Interior Minister, General Mohammad al-Shaar called upon police officers for exerting more efforts to protect citizens and shoulder their responsibilities in confronting all attempts to destabilize the security of the homeland.

Meeting police officers in Damascus Countryside, Minister al-Shaar reviewed the recent events taking place in the country and the instigative campaigns launched by Arab and international sides to undermine Syria’s stability due to its national and pan-Arab stances, its support to the resistance and its rejection of domination policies and dictates.

He said the media campaign by some satellite channels aimed at stoking internal situation and affect the international public opinion through the support of foreign countries and the armed terrorist groups which kill and commit sabotage acts serving foreign agendas.

Bogdanov: Russia Calls its Arab Partners to Exert Pressure on Syrian Opposition to Accept UNSC Resolutions No 2042 and 2043

Oct 17, 2012

MOSCOW, (SANA) – The Russian President’s Special Envoy to the Middle East, Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, stressed that Russia does not support one side at the expense of the other in the Syrian crisis. Russia supports national reconciliation and launching comprehensive national dialogue to end the crisis.

In an interview with Russia Today Channel, Bogdanov pointed out that the international community has not abandoned the Syrian issue, on the contrary, there is a blatant interference in the Syrian internal affairs through sending weapons and fighters and encouraging the extremist opposition to oppose an peaceful settlement to the crisis in Syria within the framework of the comprehensive national dialogue.

He added that Russia is waiting for UN envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi’ visit to Moscow as he set his vision on the situation in Syria and indentified the means for the solution.

On the Russian proposal on forming a Syrian-Turkish security and military supervision committee  to supervise the situation and realize an atmosphere of mutual trust, Bogdanov said that Syria agreed on this proposal as means of political solution to get out of the crisis in Syria, while the Turks said the proposal came too late.

Bogdanov added that sending any peacekeeping force to Syria depends on the agreement of the Syrian leadership.

Syria, Cuba Discuss Medical Cooperation

Oct 17, 2012


DAMASCUS, (SANA)_Health Minister, Dr. Saad al-Nayef discussed with the Cuban ambassador in Damascus, Fernando Pérez Maza the health situation in Syria and the challenges facing it in light of the economic sanctions, and cooperation mechanisms to provide the special and hormone drugs to Syrian patients.

Al-Nayef said that the Ministry is working to provide the medical equipment and special drugs that local factories don’t produce, indicating that there would be an exchange of visits between the two countries to discuss exporting Syrian medicines to Cuba and importing Cuban medicines as to serve the common interests of the two countries.

Al-Nayef said that a Syrian delegation will visit Cuba to get a close look at the medical situation there.

For his part, the Cuban ambassador said that there is political and popular interest in Cuba in catering to the needs of the Syrians and putting their potential at the disposal of the Syrian government, considering it a first step towards developing trade and economic relations between the two countries.

He signaled the interest of the Cuban side to make the visit of the Syrian delegation coincide with the world international exhibition as the biggest advertising event showcasing Cuba’s medicine and medical equipment.

Fingerprint Youth Syria Honors Media and Diplomatic figures.. Mikdad: Those who Call for NATO or Foreign Interference Away from Wisdom

Oct 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Fingerprint Youth Syria group held a celebration Tuesday in honor for the diplomatic and Media fronts which confront the aggression on Syria.

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad, in a speech at the celebration, affirmed that Syria will come out of the crisis victorious due to the determination of the Syrian Arab army, the popular support to it and the compass defined by President Bashar al-Assad represented by the national dialogue.

“The wise person comes to the dialogue table and stands against the killing of his people, but those who call for NATO or the foreign intervention against their people are away from the wisdom,” Mikdad said.

He added that enemies of Syria want to divide the homeland, stir up discord among the people in the interest of Israel, so they try to “slaughter” it because it is the only remaining center in the region and outside which defends the rights and stands against the western, colonial agendas.

Mikdad disapproved talks which say that the reason behind what is going on in Syria is its need for reform as this was being achieved and being sought by President al-Assad to overcome corruption and promote the situation up in Syria.

“The aggressions against the Syrian embassies in some capitals, among them burning the Syrian embassy in Cairo, were targeting to burn the Syrian will and silence the pure voice as well as the fair and noble stance to carry out US- backed Israeli plots,” Mikdad said.

He added that the Syrian diplomacy, based on morals and the Syrians’ interest in their central issues, particularly the Palestinian issue, will remain forever the real conscience that defends sovereignty, independence and the freedom of peoples.

Chairman of the Boards of the Group Anas Mohamad Younes, for his part, underlined that honoring the voices of right in media and the diplomatic corps comes as an appreciation by the Syrian youth to the sacrifices and the efforts they exerted to overcome the crisis.

Khalaf al-Miftah, General Director of al-Wihda Establishment for Printing and Distribution said that the awareness of the Syrian youth of the nature of the conspiracy against Syria makes ‘all of us” more determined to come out of the crisis.

Syria’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Mihdi Dakhllalah said in a statement to SANA that away from the negative effects of the crisis in Syria which all talk about, the positive aspects Syria is passing through is that it possesses youth from the civil society which enjoy great role that expresses hidden energies which became an effective factor in the country.

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate EU Making A Mockery Of Free Speech

By Kourosh Ziabari

18 October, 2012

@ Countercurrents.org

Only three days after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its alleged role in promoting peace and reconciliation across the European continent, the European Union made the most undemocratic and non-peaceful decision one might think of by ordering the French-based satellite provider Eutelsat SA to take 19 Iranian TV channels, including the 24-hour English-language Press TV off air, denying millions of viewers across the world the opportunity to benefit from the alternative, critical standpoint of a group of media which had for long endeavored to challenge the Western mainstream media’s uncontested influence over the global public opinion.

The disputed move can be seen as the latest effort intended for pressuring and isolating Iran over its political independence and its steadfast resistance against the warmongerings and hawkish policies of the West is but a flagrant violation of the principles of free speech. This decision is made while the Europeans and American have constantly, since the World War II, been boasting of being the commander-in-chief and foremost pioneers of freedom speech and democracy. Albeit their claims are justifiable in the context that freedom of speech is allowed as long as it is used a pretext to lambaste and interfere in the internal affairs of unfriendly “others” such as Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria, which these Westerners very much like to capitalize on as the favorite villains to hit and attack.

It’s said that this controversial decision is in line with the unilateral sanctions imposed upon Iran by the European Union; however, the question which can be raised is that, can the belligerent states of the EU go as far as banning the television stations of a sovereign country which have been operating in compliance with the technical rules and regulations of the satellite providers? Are the satellite providers legally entitled to investigate the content of the programs of the TV stations which they give coverage to?

Mike Harris, the managing director of the Arizona-based AMT Capital Partners, a private equity investment banking firm believes that it was Israel, the uneasy and perturbed entity in the Middle East, which triggered and encouraged the ban on Iranian TV stations.

“Let’s look at who Eutelsat really is…. and let’s look at them for a moment because their CEO is a French-Israeli duel national citizen. If you look at the executive committee, they are all French-Israeli duel national citizens,” said Harris in an interview with Press TV.

Of course Israel will substantially gain from the removal of Iranian television stations from the Hot Bird frequencies. Press TV, Al-Alam and other Iranian channels on the Eutelsat’s blacklist were giving a robust, specialized and regular coverage to the atrocities committed by the United States, UK and their Middle East stooge and client state, Israel, and it was seemingly going beyond the pale. No other major media outlet in the world, with the influence, dexterity and proficiency of Press TV maintained such an anti-imperialism, anti-Zionism policy, and this could not be tolerated anymore, especially in the wake of the deep socioeconomic crisis and depression which the Western world is experiencing.

“Eutelsat is an intelligence operation as are most communications billing companies, mobile phone providers and the infamous ‘choke points’ that make sure all communication, all progress, all privacy is subject to what is allowed. Most of such ‘chokepoints,’ companies like ‘Google’ for one, are Israeli owned. Call it a coincidence,” wrote Gordon Duff in a recent article.

Since it was launched in July 2007, Press TV was under huge pressure by the Western states, especially the UK government, which finally realized its nightmarish dream of silencing Press TV by taking it off the Sky platform in January 2012 and imposing a fine of 100,000 pounds on the channel for what it called the violation of its broadcasting regulations.

“Ofcom is said to have close ties to Britain’s royal family. And the cables released by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks show that Press TV’s programs on the royal wedding, which many in the country described as extravagant, angered the royal family,” reported Press TV on January 20, 2012.

Now, with the intensification of EU’s anti-Iranian hostility which has been manifested this time in the punishment and penalization of a TV station whose only sin is being different from the corporate, Zionist-run media in policies and trajectory, it’s being proved more than before that the European Union did not reserve such a high-profile and prestigious award as the Nobel Peace Prize and that the decision made by the Swedish Nobel Committee was absolutely political, aimed at salvaging the crisis-stricken Europe from the socioeconomic predicament it’s drowning into. If the EU has contributed to global peace and fraternity, why can’t it tolerate the free and unrestricted operation of a progressive and independent media outlet?

EU Commission’s decision in taking Press TV and 18 other Iranian television stations off air is absolutely a violation of the freedom of speech, but let’s be frank: who will hold the culprits in this criminal action responsible? Perhaps none of the European leaders will react to this hostile and unjustifiable decision, because they are the first ones who will cheer and relish at the “imprisonment” of Iranian media which have always been a thorn on their side. It’s time for the international organizations, peace activists, human rights advocates and journalists around the world to voice their protest at this blatant and unashamed assault on free speech and put an end to the unending and inexplicable duplicity and hypocrisy of the West. ‘

Kourosh Ziabari is an Iranian Journalist



Approximately 50 % Of World’s Wetlands Lost During The 20th Century

By Marianne de Nazareth

18 October, 2012

@ Countercurrents.org

How many of us have ever bothered about the wetlands of the world? To the common man a wetland is just a waste of ‘good’ land, and we never understood what the real use of wetlands are and how important it is to protect them. Unfortunately we humans sit up and take notice of issues with our planet only if we are affected by a problem and after we have destroyed a lot of the ecosystem. Now with the rationing of fresh water in most of our metropolises across India, we have come to realise how important it is to save our wetlands, carefully use our ground water and strongly protect our lakes and water bodies.

The world according to the new TEEB report ( The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) released at the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention for Biological Diversity (COP11) in Hyderabad needs to realise the vital economic and environmental role of wetlands, to halt further degradation and loss.

Countries across the world need to realise the key role that rapidly diminishing wetlands play in supporting human life and biodiversity. Water security is widely regarded as one the key natural resource challenges currently facing the world. Human drivers of ecosystem change, including destructive extractive industries, unsustainable agriculture and poorly managed urban expansion, are posing a threat to global freshwater biodiversity and water security for 80 per cent of the world’s population.

Global and local water cycles are strongly dependent on healthy and productive wetlands, which provide clean drinking water, irrigation for agriculture, and flood regulation, as well as supporting biodiversity and propping up industries such as fisheries and tourism in many countries. Yet, despite the high value of these ecosystem services, wetlands continue to be degraded or lost at an alarming pace. Half of the world’s wetlands were lost during the twentieth century – due mainly to factors such as intensive agriculture, unsustainable water extraction for domestic and industrial use, urbanization, infrastructure development and pollution. The continuing degradation of wetlands is resulting in significant economic burdens on communities, countries and businesses.

Inland wetlands cover at least 9.5 million km (about 6.5 per cent of the Earth’s land surface), while inland and coastal wetlands together cover a minimum of 12.8 million km. Between 1900 and 2003, the world lost an estimated 50 per cent of its wetlands, while recent coastal wetland loss in some places, notably East Asia, has been up to 1.6 per cent a year. This has led to situations such as the 20 per cent loss of mangrove forest coverage since 1980.

The main pressures on wetlands come from: Habitat loss, for example through wetland drainage for agriculture or infrastructure developments, driven by population growth and urbanization;

Over-exploitation, for example the unsustainable harvesting of fish; Excessive water withdrawals for use in, for example, irrigated agriculture; Nutrient loading from fertilizer use and urban waste water, which can lead to eutrophication – the excessive growth of algae that deprives other species of enough oxygen and can create dead zones; Climate change, which can alter ecosystem conditions through rising temperatures; Pollution, remarkably through extractive industries, invasive species and siltation.

Such pressures threaten wetlands’ natural infrastructure, which delivers a wider range of services and benefits than corresponding man-made infrastructure at a lower cost. Wetlands are a key factor in the global water cycle and in regulating local water availability and quality. They contribute to water purification, de-nitrification and detoxification, as well as to nutrient cycling, sediment transfer, and nutrient retention and exports. Wetlands can also provide waste water treatment and protection against coastal and river flooding.

For example, The Catskill / Delaware watershed provides about 90 per cent of the water used by New York City citizens. In 1997, a study showed that building a new water treatment plant would cost between US$6 and US$8 billion, whereas ensuring good water quality through measures to reduce pollution in the watershed would only cost US$1.5 billion. This study led to programmes to promote the sustainability of the watershed.

Wetlands also play a key role in the provision of food, and habitats and nurseries for fisheries. One example is the Amu Darya delta in Uzbekistan where Intensification and expansion of irrigation activities left only 10 per cent of the original wetlands. Yet a pilot restoration project initiated in the delta, with the support of community, government and donors which has led to increased incomes, more cattle, more hay production for use and sale, and an increase in fish consumption of 15 kilogrammes per week per family.

Wetlands can also be an important tourism and recreation sites and support local employment. For example In the Ibera Marshes in Argentina, conservation-based tourism activities have revived the economy of Colonia Carlos Pellegrini, near the Ramsar Site “Lagunas y Esteros del Iberá”, creating new jobs and allowing local inhabitants stay employed in the town rather than migrate to cities to look for work. Around 90 per cent of the population now works in the tourism sector. In order to favour local employment, the site managers provide local rangers and guides with training on working with guiding tourists. In addition, local communities receive support to establish municipal nature trails.

Biodiversity Wetlands are some of the most important biologically diverse areas in the world and provide essential habitats for many species. Coral reefs, peatlands, freshwater lakes, waterbirds, amphibians and wetland-dependent mammals such as hippopotamus, manatees and river dolphins are among those examples of biodiversity covered by the global Ramsar Convention network of “Wetlands of International Importance”, which comprises over 2,000 sites covering over 1.9 million km.

Wetlands also provide climate regulation, climate mitigation and adaptation, and carbon storage – for example in peatlands, mangroves and tidal marshes. Peatlands cover 3 per cent of the world’s land surface, about 400 million hectares (4 million km2), of which 50 million hectares are being drained and degraded, producing the equivalent of 6 per cent of all global Carbon Dioxide emissions. While vegetative wetlands occupy only 2 per cent of seabed area, they represent 50 per cent of carbon transfer from oceans to sediments, often referred to as ‘Coastal Blue Carbon’.

National and international policy makers should: Integrate the values of water and wetlands into decision making – for policies, regulation and land-use planning, incentives and investment, and enforcement; Regulate to protect wetlands from pressures that do not lead to improvements in public goods and overall societal benefits; Regulate to ensure that wetland ecosystem services options and benefits are fully considered as solutions to land- and water-use management objectives and development; Commit to and develop improved measurement and address knowledge gaps – using biodiversity and ecosystem services indicators and environmental accounts.

“Policies and decisions often do not take into account the many services that wetlands provide – thus leading to the rapid degradation and loss of wetlands globally,” said UN Under-Secretary General and UN Environment Programme Executive Director Achim Steiner.

“There is an urgent need to put wetlands and water-related ecosystem services at the heart of water management in order to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of a global population predicted to reach 9 billion by 2050,” he added.

“In 2008 the world’s governments at the Ramsar Convention’s 10th Conference of Parties stressed that for water management carrying on ‘business as usual’ is no longer an option”, said the Ramsar Convention’s Deputy Secretary General, Nick Davidson.

“This report tells us bluntly just how much more important than generally realized are our coastal and inland wetlands: for the huge value of the benefits they provide to everyone, particularly in continuing to deliver natural solutions for water – in the right quantity and quality, where and when we need it. If we continue to undervalue wetlands in our decisions for economic growth, we do at our increasing peril for people’s livelihoods and the world’s economies,” he added.

(Marianne de Nazareth is Independent media professional and adjunct faculty St. Joseph’s College and COMMITS, Bangalore)