Just International

India must think before it acts on Syria


Delhi must vote with its BRICS partners the next time a resolution comes up in the U.N. Security Council. That is the only way to help the West pull back from a sectarian war

On July 15, an estimated 7,000 rebel fighters owing allegiance to the Free Syrian Army invaded Damascus, the capital of Syria. In a Sturm und Drang operation, captured on amateur video by an observer whose harsh breathing reeks of fear, they raced towards the city in brand new pick-up trucks over barely marked desert tracks from Iraq and Jordan, waving Kalashnikovs in the air. Two days later, at 10.00 am, as a bomb planted in the defence headquarters killed four top generals in the Syrian armed forces and severely injured several of their advisers, they embarked on a reign of terror in Midan, killing anyone who was wearing a uniform or appeared hostile to them. Residents interviewed by the Syrian media after the army took Midan back said the attackers were Arabs, not Syrians, for they spoke a different kind of Arabic.


The Arab League and the western powers convened a meeting of the United Nations Security Council within hours. But instead of demanding that the insurgents abide by Kofi Annan’s six-point plan, their draft resolution condemned Syria for using heavy weapons — in this case helicopters — against the marauders. Russia and China’s veto did not surprise anyone. But India’s decision not to vote with its BRICS partners and to toe the western line instead did.

Why did India do this? For it must surely have known even then that Damascus was only a curtain raiser for the battle that is now being joined in Aleppo. According to Syrian estimates, 12,000 FSA fighters have infiltrated Aleppo. Half of them are foreigners from Libya, Afghanistan, Chechnya and Sudan — in short, al-Qaeda.

If there is a bloodbath in Aleppo, the West is bound to table yet another resolution in the Security Council, this time seeking permission to use “other means” if necessary to topple Bashar al-Assad and “save civilian lives.” Will India again vote with the West? Before it does so, it would do well to remember that its own nation building project is still incomplete. So whatever conventions it allows or helps the West establish on the Right to Protect or Intervene may well come back to haunt it in the years that lie ahead.

New Delhi needs to bear this in mind because there are striking parallels between what Damascus is facing today and what Delhi faced in Kashmir in the 1990s. In 2011, Syria had been under the autocratic rule of the Ba’ath party for 48 years. In 1990, Kashmir too had been under autocratic rule for all but seven of the previous 40 years. However, in both countries the autocracy was a stable one. Young people in particular chafed under the Ba’ath party’s rule in Syria exactly as they chafed against “Delhi’s rule” in Kashmir. But while nearly everyone wanted a change, almost no one wanted it at the cost of a violent disruption of their lives. In neither case, therefore, was the state the first to resort to violence: On the contrary, both insurgencies had to be stoked, so the first to pick up the gun were the insurgents. In Syria this was done by Salafi/Takfiri Islamists who crossed the border from Jordan in March 2011 and holed up in the Omari mosque in Dera’a before launching targeted provocations, and attacks on police stations and government offices.

A third parallel is the intervention of hostile foreign powers bent on converting a domestic upsurge demanding political empowerment into a movement for secession or regime change. In Kashmir, Pakistan did this by disarming the JKLF cadres still in training in Muzaffarabad in 1990 and creating the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. In Syria, Turkey and Qatar are funnelling money and battle hardened jihadis to start a sectarian war that will overwhelm the state.

Last and most important, like New Delhi, Damascus has been trying to prevent civil war by offering the insurgents the alternative of the ballot box. Mr. Assad began, on his own, by lifting all controls on the Internet in January 2011. Over the next six months, he first tried to negotiate peace with the Sunni zealots in Dera’a by sacking the governor and releasing 260 prisoners and 16 clerics, and promising to repeal the Emergency Laws and the ban on political parties that had been in place for 48 years. He fulfilled his first promise five days ahead of schedule on April 20 and his second three months later in July.

Mr. Assad also set up a drafting committee to frame a new, democratic constitution for Syria, but neither this nor his other reforms made the least dent on the hardening resolve of the West and its Arab and Turkish allies to force Mr. Assad and his regime out of power and install the puppet Syrian National Council in its place.

Despite this, Mr. Assad persevered with his attempts to make an orderly transition to democracy. As the task of framing a new constitution neared completion, he announced that the draft would be placed before the people in a referendum. Six weeks before the referendum, he offered an amnesty to all rebels and invited them to join in the voting. They could well have done so for the draft constitution not only required an election within three months of its passing but also contained a clause that would bar Mr. Assad himself from contesting the presidential election after his current term ended in 2014. But, egged on by the “Friends of Syria,” of whom India was regrettably one, they chose to boycott the elections and let the violence continue.

Sneering scepticism

The world learned virtually nothing about Mr. Assad’s efforts because the international media, which reported several of his pronouncements, did so with sneering scepticism and no attempt at analysis. But on February 26, 2012, 57 per cent of Syria’s electorate crowned Mr. Assad’s efforts with success by turning out to endorse the new constitution. The large turnout showed that the vast majority of Syrians still wanted a peaceful transition to a secular democracy, and did not mind Mr. Assad remaining in power to manage the transition. For the Free Syrian Army, whose leaders knew (just as LTTE leader Prabakaran did when forced to negotiate with New Delhi in 1987) that the return of peace would erode most of the support they enjoyed among the people, the only alternative that remained was to bring in foreign fighters in the name of jihad.

The result has been a dramatic rise in casualties after February. At the end of October 2011— eight months after the uprising began — the U.N.’s tally was between 6,000 and 7,000 deaths. By February, the figure had risen to 10,000-11,000. Today the minimum estimate is in excess of 20,000 dead. Christians and Shias have been the main victims in recent months. 50,000 Christians have been driven out of Homs, leaving less than a thousand behind. As a result, the number of doctors in the city has fallen from 850 to less than 50, and functioning hospitals from 45 to 5.

Attack on Christians

The killing of Christians has now spread to Damascus. When the Syrian army retook Midan, the FSA ‘rebels’ dispersed but did not withdraw. Instead they selectively attacked and killed the wealthy, educated Christians of Damascus. The first targeted attack took place on July 23. Another occurred over the weekend of August 4-5. U.N. officials in Damascus have reported a ‘terrible killing’ in the Christian quarter of Damascus. Another exodus is therefore in the offing: the Archbishop of the Syrian church told a U.N. official ‘que dieu me sauve’— only god can save us.

It is inconceivable that Mr. Assad initiated this escalation because his successful referendum in February and Kofi Annan’s six-point peace plan, which held the rebels equally responsible for the civilian deaths and did not endorse the western demand for Mr. Assad to step down first, had given him everything he wanted. From that point on, he had nothing to gain and everything to lose from violence. The western powers have their reasons for studiously ignoring his lack of motive, but Delhi needs to remember that they are not India’s reasons.

When the next resolution condemning the Syrian government comes up in the Security Council, there are two good reasons why India must vote against it. The first is to stand by the principle of national sovereignty that underpins the U.N. Charter and reassure its BRICS partners that it is not a fair weather friend.

The second is to give the West an escape hatch to avoid compounding its own mistakes. The recent horrifying rise in sectarian killings; the growing terror of Syria’s Christian population, the beheading of an international staff member of the Red Cross in Yemen, and the creeping spread of sectarian violence in Turkey, have triggered a spate of reappraisals in the New York Times, The Guardian, The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and other publications. These reveal a nagging anxiety that the West’s intervention is not preparing Syria for democracy but dragging the entire region towards a no-holds-barred Sunni-Shia jihad that will douse the candle of reason with blood for generations to come.

India has a unique moral position in the world today: it is a working democracy; it threatens no country and is almost completely free from sectarian conflict. A vote by it against military intervention in Syria will therefore carry disproportionate weight. It could give the West a face-saving way of pulling back from a sectarian war in which it will find itself aligned with the killers of Christians and the destroyers of the World Trade Centre.

By Prem Shankar Jha

7 August, 2012

@ The hindu

(The writer is a senior journalist.)

The Hand That Spurs Iran Sanctions

The illegal oil embargoes against Iran have begun to take effect; a precocious smile of satisfaction breaks upon the ugly face of Zionism; and the US once again proves its lapdog fidelity to the Zionist regime.

That’s not all, though. Israel craves for more and Washington has no choice but to cater to the wanton demands of a decadent colonizing regime.

A report carried by the Reuters titled “Iranians feel the pain as West tightens sanctions” details the “financial and social woes” exacerbated by these sanctions in Iran and succeeds in faking a larger-than-life image of the woes the Iranian society encounters in the face of the sanctions. That the oil sanctions exercise a detrimental effect on the financial issues of the Iranian society is a bitter reality which shamefully strikes right in the face of Washington which is seen by pundits and laymen alike to be making herculean efforts to hamper the progress of the Islamic Republic by targeting and placing pressure on the general public. However, the report falls short of mentioning the group to be mostly and brutally afflicted with these sanctions.

There are more than fifty kinds of badly needed medicine for people who suffer from certain diseases such as cancer, children’s cancer, Thalassemia, Multiple sclerosis (MS), respiratory and heart diseases. The drastically declining import of such medicine caused by the US-engineered sanctions on Iran’s banking and transactions has reached an ominously critical point in the country. The rise in dollar value against rial has further complicated the issue, doubling or tripling the price of medicine. Those who suffer from such diseases hardly find their medicine or if they do, they should pay a heavy price. These facts do not worry Washington in the least bit as these are human issues and human issues do not appear to concern the US government.

Washington’s vitriolic animosity towards Iran is nothing new and the fact that they wish to cripple the country’s economy at the behest of the Zionist regime is no secret book to anyone.

Besides, these unilateral sanctions starkly run counter to international laws and can become a major issue at an international court though the whole notion seems bitterly remote to a cynical mind when one considers the considerable degree of influence that Washington and the Zionists exercise in the world.

Be that as it may, Iran mulls taking legal action at the International Court of Justice against US-led sanctions. Mohammad Nahavandian, the president of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture raised the issue during a recent session of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The members slammed the unilateral US-engineered EU sanctions against Iran as illegal.

Nahavandian says, “The members asserted that the unilateral sanctions are in contradiction to the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce and also against the international free trade frameworks.”

This has to be pursued vehemently as the ICC members agreed that if Iran were to take legal action in The Hague, the court would definitely vote against the sanctions.

Two rounds of talks have recently taken place between the P5+1 and Iran with no practical steps. Just prior to the first round of talks between the big six world powers and Iran in Baghdad on May 23, 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the demands on Iran are clear: 1. Stop enriching uranium, 2. Remove already enriched uranium, and 3. Close the underground Fordow nuclear facility near Qom.

Interestingly, these three demands were placed high on the agenda of the multifaceted talks in Baghdad by the American party who had well received her nuclear lessons from the Zionist regime.

There are two subtle points in these demands which need to be put under critical scrutiny.

Firstly, it is quite clear that these demands were enunciated in an ambience where the American party knew the Islamic Republic would never give in to such terms. Iran will never stop enriching uranium; Iran will never close Fordow nuclear facility and Iran will never ship out the already enriched uranium on which the Islamic Republic has expended so much money and energy. So why does the American party even broach it when it already knows the answer? As Ambassador to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asghar Soltanieh said in an interview with Reuters Iran will never suspend uranium enrichment and sees no reason to close the Fordow nuclear site.

“Iran will not close the underground nuclear site as the country sees no justification for doing so. Fordow is a safe place. We have spent a lot of money and time to have a safe place…. When you have a safe place, secure place under IAEA control, then why do you tell me that I should close it?”

In the same interview, he clearly stated, “One thing is clear: the enrichment in Iran will never be suspended.”

“Neither sanctions, nor military actions, nor assassinations of our scientists will stop the enrichment,” he emphasized.

Secondly, if the American party already knows the answer to the demands, why does it have to bother at all to point them out? Isn’t it because they capitalize on international community’s ignorance of Iran’s nuclear energy program and are resolute to depict Iran in a negative light only to push ahead with their diabolical goals i.e. quenching their thirst for invasion and beefing up the obesity of their military muscle in the region.

Indeed, the sanctions are an invasion of justice, a tacit declaration of war and a brutal tactic of breaking down a determined nation who sees no point in bowing down to Washington’s imperialist lust or capitulating to the thieving Zionist regime which has stolen the dreams of a nation.

By Ismail Salami

05 July, 2012

Dr. Ismail Salami is an Iranian writer, Middle East expert, Iranologist and lexicographer. He writes extensively on the US and Middle East issues and his articles have been translated into a number of languages.

Teaching violence, breeding hate – Settlers create ‘hatetourism’

Gush Etzion has become a hot destination in recent months for tourists seeking an Israeli experience like no other: The opportunity to pretend-shoot a terror operative. Residents of the nearby settlements, who run the site, offer day-trippers a chance to hear stories from the battleground, watch a simulated assassination of terrorists by guards, and fire weapons at the range.”

David Pearl, who heads the Gush Etzion Regional Council, notes that this kind of experience turns the district into a world-famous “tourist gem.” At the end of the thrill-filled day, the tourists get a diploma indicating they “completed a basic shooting course in Israel.”

Israeli tourism is a double edged sword. On one hand, it manufactures enemy images of the Palestinian. Trained guides are taught to scare the tourist about the dangerous Palestinian who is all set to shoot and kill. On the other hand, Israel tourism is there to rake in the billions of dollars on offer – at the expense of the Palestinian. The number of Palestinian heritage sites now appropriated by Israel is yet another instrument of the occupation to take away the best for the occupier and leave Palestine deprived even of its own natural historical culture and heritage.

A study by the Alternative Tourism Group in Beit Sahour says: “Israel claims to present a surplus of tourism products – historical and religious places, beach resorts, heritage locales, archaeological spaces, and nature spots. The industry relies on what has come to be known as a ‘pilgrim market’ to make its dramatic gains from the tourism industry. However, it is important, at the very outset, to underline that Israel has craftily appropriated a number of Palestinian sites and areas into its own market and parades these important locations as authentically Israeli. This has been possible because Israel, as the occupying power in Palestine, carries out the seizure of these sites through unlawful means.”

Palestine’s main attraction for a large proportion of visitors is the status of Palestine as the Holy Land. Traditionally, pilgrims have visited the country from all over the world. The conflict stemming from the occupation has caused a drastic reduction in pilgrimages. At least 15 military orders and regulations related to tourism have been issued since 1967 by the Israeli military authorities, who have assumed responsibility for tourism in the Occupied Territories. These orders raised the level of requirements for licensing and functioning of tourist institutions, without availing those institutions of the means necessary for the required improvements.

To the question: “Are tourists allowed to enter areas outside of the Israeli responsibility (Palestinian areas)?” the Israeli government is ambiguous but suggests that typically it is not safe.

The Alternative Tourism Group (ATG) argues that travel to Palestine is secure. Hospitality is an extremely important value in Palestine, as it is throughout the Mediterranean world. Palestinians welcome visitors with open arms. The greatest risk does not arise from potential Palestinian violence but dangerous situations that can arise due to the Israeli Occupation.

ATG insists that “Arab people in general and Palestinians in particular, have been demonized in the West for decades. They are often presented in the media as dangerous, conniving, and immoral. It is not uncommon for visitors to Palestine to experience a mix of emotions — bewilderment, confusion, delight, embarrassment, and anger — when they realize how false those demonized images really are.
Negative stereotypes of Palestinians have been purposely reinforced by the Israeli government, which discourages international visitors to have contact with Palestinians. Israel knows that exposure to the present and historical realities of the situation have a transformative effect on the majority of tourists to Palestine, who return to their home countries as opponents to Israel’s oppressive policies against Palestinians.”

In the face of harsh propaganda, Palestinians encourage international visitors to suspend any preconceived notions they have about Palestinians until they have a chance to meet us face-to-face.

When “tourists venture to West Bank to ‘shoot terrorists”, under the tutelage of settlers, then Israel tourism has assumed its most ugly face. Tourism is designed to be a transformational experience- an encounter between peoples that results in enhancing human values and understanding between peoples. Israeli tourism has chosen profits over people, and hate over understanding.

The ynetnews (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4243882,00.html) about how illegal settlers in the West Bank create tour packages for hate and violence must be roundly condemned and steps taken to ban it.

PU readers are urged to act by:

o Conveying disapproval of such touristic itineraries under the very nose of the Israeli authorities – you may write to Ministry of Tourism at: info@goisrael.com

o Disseminate this information widely to tour operators and churches- any location from where tours to Israel originate and encourage them to take the tours where ‘human encounters’ for peace, justice and human understanding take place.

The Alternative Tourism Group (www.atg.ps) offers constructive alternatives through which one can “see what Palestine is like beyond the headlines”… to see and meet “with Palestinian families, witness the real effects of occupation, and learn about the history, religions, conflicts, cultures, and traditions of this region.”

In solidarity,

Ranjan Solomon

Tariq Ali: What is really happening in Syria?

TARIQ ALI says we are witnessing in Syria a new form of re-colonisation by the West, like we have already seen in Iraq and in Libya.

Many of the people who first rose against the Assad regime in Syria have been sidelined, leaving the Syrian people with limited choices, neither of which they want: either a Western imposed regime, “composed of sundry Syrians who work for the western intelligence agencies”, or the Assad regime.

The only way forward, in the interests of all Syrians, says Ali, is negotiation and discussion. But it is now obvious that the West is not going to let that happen because they are backing the opposition groups who are against any negotiation.

An interview with Tariq Ali on Youtube:

14 July 2012

By Tariq Ali

Tariq Ali is an author, activist and expert on the Middle East.

Syrian News on June 22, 2012


Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: Armed Terrorist Groups have once again Foiled Efforts to Evacuate Wounded People and Families from Homs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stated on Thursday that the Ministry, the authorities concerned and the local authorities in Homs city have exerted efforts to enable the International Red Cross and the Syrian Red Crescent to enter the areas where the armed terrorist groups exist in order to evacuate the wounded, the elders, children, women, people with special needs and the other citizens and to enter medical and food aid; however, the armed terrorist groups once again foiled all efforts.

The source pointed out that the armed terrorist groups fired at the Red Crescent and the Red Cross delegation and announced their rejection of evacuating any wounded or ill citizen.

These terrorist practices which violate the international human law uncover once again the criminal nature of those armed groups and the nature of their regional and international supporters, the source added.

Syria calls on the UN Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) to shoulder their responsibilities and exert pressure on the armed terrorist groups to force them to abide by the human logic, the source noted.

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry’s source reiterated Syria’s commitment to the safety and security of the citizens and cooperation with the international community to end the suffering of the citizens in the areas where the armed terrorist groups exist.

4 Citizens Injured in Terrorist Blast in Aleppo, Two Members of the Authorities Martyred in Clash with Terrorists in Idleb

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)- Four citizens got wounded in the explosion of a booby-trapped motorcycle near Salah Eddin Mosque in Sheikh Maksoud neighborhood on Thursday.

A source in Aleppo Governorate told SANA reporter that two terrorists driving a booby-trapped motorcycle blew themselves up causing their immediate death and the injury of four citizens.

Two Members of Authorities Martyred in Clash with Terrorists in Idleb

Two members of the authorities on Thursday were martyred and five others were injured in a clash with an armed terrorist group who have been attacking citizens and law enforcement personnel and vandalizing public and private properties in Arminaz town in the countryside of Idleb governorate.

SANA reporter cited a source in the governorate as saying that tens of terrorists were killed or injured in the clash, among them was the terrorist Adnan al-Sattouf who was wanted for various crimes.

Military Engineering Units Detonate 3 Explosive Devices in Idleb

In another context, members of military engineering units detonated three explosive devices, each weighed 40 kg, planted by an armed terrorist group on Nahlia crossroads in Jabal al-Arbaeen area.

A source of the engineering units said that the explosive devices were equipped with remote control devices and could not be dismantled.

A Number of Terrorists Killed in Clash with the Authorities

On Idleb-Harem road, the authorities clashed with members of an armed terrorist group who have been planting explosive devices and injured a number of them.

Three Citizens Injured by Terrorists’ Gunfire in Hama

In Hama, three citizens on Wednesday were injured by the fire of an armed terrorist group in Janoub al-Mala’b neighborhood in Hama.

SANA reporter quoted a source in Hama Governorate  as saying that terrorists opened  fire randomly at the aforementioned neighborhood causing the injury of Doctor Majd Dakak and citizens Zuhair Qartabani and Asil Mukleh.

The source added that the competent authorities found the body of pharmacist Mahmoud Yasin Hassani near al-Kabbarieh village in Souran area, after having been shot by terrorists.

260 Tons of Raw Cotton Bales Burned in Terrorist Attack on Factory in Hama

An armed terrorist group on Wednesday targeted the Cotton Yarn Factory in the city of Hama with RPGs causing fire to erupt at the factory which devoured 260 tons of raw cotton bales.

A source at Hama Police Command told SANA reporter that the fire broke out in storehouse 2 of the factory, which is located on Hama-Homs road, burning out 1300 raw cotton bales before firefighters were able to extinguish the fire.

The source added that each of the burned bales weighed 200 g, making a quarter of the warehouse’s contents of unrefined cotton.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Douma, Damascus Countryside

Authorities, in cooperation with locals, stormed a number of terrorists’ hideouts in Douma and its surroundings.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that the authorities clashed with the terrorists, killing few of them and wounding others in addition to seizing their weapons.

Twenty Army, Law-enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) -The bodies of 20 army, law enforcement and civilian martyrs on Thursday were escorted from the military hospitals of Tishreen, Aleppo, Deir Ezzor and Zahi Azraq to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Homs, Hama, Deir Ezzor, Aleppo and Idleb.

The martyrs are:

§ Lieutenant Gen. Ghassan Khalil Abu al-Dhahab, from Damascus.

§ Chief Warrant Officer Ali Mahmoud Ali, from Lattakia.

§ Warrant Officer Yamen Ahmad Makhlouf, from Hama.

§ Sergeant Ali Hassan Ma’rouf, from Homs.

§ Sergeant Major Ali Zuhair Dawa, from Hama.

§ Sergeant Majd Aref Darwish, from Lattakia.

§ Sergeant Suleiman Yousef Shaaban, from Hama.

§ Corporal conscript Mohammad Ahmad Abbadi, from Damascus Countryside.

§ Conscript Shihab Ahmad al-Ahmad, from Hasaka.

§ Conscript Hamid Matro al-Jarou, from Aleppo.

§ Conscript Ibrahim Ramez Qadmous, from Raqaa.

§ Conscript Ahmad Mohammad Eidtabak, from Damascus.

§ Conscript Hajji Haidar al-Salou, from Aleppo.

§ Conscript Mohammad Haytham Azraq, from Aleppo.

§ Conscript Abdul-Jabbar Omar Hamshari, from Aleppo.

§ Conscript Hussein Mustafa Osman, from Aleppo.

§ Conscript Ahmad Naser Eidris, from Hasaka.

§ Conscript Midyan Hani Jaber, from Sweida.

§ Conscript Khaled Ahmad al-Saeed, from Aleppo.

§ Civilian Mohammad Rashed Wahbeh, from Damascus.

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons, stressing their readiness for martyrdom in defending the homeland whenever duty calls.

They expressed rejection of all forms of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, calling for confronting the armed terrorist groups and striking with an iron fist those who try to tamper with the homeland’s security and stability.

Lavrov: British PM’s Statement that President Putin Shifted his Position on Syria Not True

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov refuted the statement made by the British PM David Cameron that President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, shifted his stance towards the situation in Syria after the G20 meeting as not true.

“It is not true at all,” said Lavrov in an interview with Russia Today on Thursday.

“The meetings with UK PM David Cameron and US President Barack Obama did discuss Syria. Both our partners said President Bashar Al-Assad must go and external players must develop a transition plan for the Syrians to agree,” Lavrov added.

He said ” We expressed our position that we cannot accept a policy which would aim at changing regimes from the outside. This has been our position all along. We also cannot prejudge for the Syrians what the outcome of the political dialogue would be.”

Lavrov reiterated his country’s call for a political dialogue among all Syrians without preconditions or foreign dictates to solve the crisis in Syria.

He underlined that Russia strongly supports political dialogue and the halt of violence.

He added that his country calls upon all external players who have influence on both sides to persuade them to withdraw from cities and sit down for dialogue.

“There should be no prejudging from outside what the substance and result of this dialogue might be. It’s for the Syrians to decide,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov warned that any military intervention in Syria will lead to a catastrophe in the region, stressing that Moscow is committed to implementing its military deals with Syria, especially in relation to air defense, to repel any foreign intervention.

Lavrov said that Russia’s stance on the crisis in Syria is fair and transparent.

Lavrov added that there is discussion with Western and regional partners on activating the foreign factor for solving the Syrian crisis in Syria through the international conference on Syria due on June 30, adding that the conference constitutes a real chance that could yield results.

The Russian foreign minister reiterated call for non-interference in the Syrian domestic affairs and not forestalling agreements that must be reached by the Syrians themselves.

Lavrov pointed out to a US support to the proposals of the UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, for the meeting of the foreign players on June 30 in Geneva.

Lavrov underlined the importance that Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar take part in the conference, in addition to Iran, adding that the Iranians should be invited to the negotiating table, as well as the representatives of the UN, the Arab League and the EU.

Lavrov said that at least 50 per cent of the Syrians tie their future to President Bashar al-Assad for a variety of reasons, indicating that the Syrians fear that the West’s policies will bring Islamic extremists to power.
Lavrov added that Syria’s fate has to be decided through a comprehensive Syrian dialogue.

Lavrov, Annan Discuss Ways to Settle Crisis in Syria

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Minister discussed with the UN Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, ways to settle the crisis in Syria in a phone call.

Russia Today website quoted the Russian Foreign Ministry as saying the phone call focused on international efforts to reach a diplomatic political settlement to the crisis in Syria as soon as possible.

Russia called for establishing effective mechanism to implement Annan’s plan to solve the current crisis in Syria through political dialogue.

Lukashevich : Next World Order Will Depend on Way of Settling Situation in Syria

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said the upcoming world order will depend on the way of settling the situation in Syria.

” It is quite clear that the Syrian situation is linked to the bases of the future world order and the mechanism of resolving the crisis in Syria,” Lukashevich said in a press conference in Moscow on Thursday.

He stressed that no outsider is entitled to impose any examples on the Syrians to resolve the crisis or force people to deal with issues according to certain types.

” With respect to Syria, diplomatic and political means should be used with a commitment to the provisions of the UN Charter and international laws ,” the Russian official said.

” The UN Security Council will not authorize a military intervention in Syria, ” Lukashevich said, adding that Russian President Vladimir Putin, during the summit of G20 , noted to the impossibility of such option.

He underlined that it is better to encourage the two parties of conflict to sit down at the negotiations table, stop the bloodshed and to find ways of dealing between the international players for achieving Annan’s settlement plan.

Lavrov: Alaed Carried Air Defense Systems and Three Helicopters which were Overhauled

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday that the Alaed Ship was carrying air defense systems and three helicopters which were overhauled in Russia.

Lavrov added in a statement to Ekho Moskvy radio that the ship carried air defense systems that could be used to repel foreign air attacks only,  in addition to three helicopters which were overhauled in Russia.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said that the ship MV Alaed, carrying a cargo of overhauled Russian-made Mil Mi-25 helicopter gunships bound for Syria, will dock in the north Russian port of Murmansk on June 23rd.

“While transiting the North Sea to the Atlantic, the ship-owner was informed that its third-party insurance cover had been withdrawn, and the classification agency in which the ship is located – although it is registered under a Curacao flag – demanded it go into a port for inspection. In order to avoid delay, it was decided to dock in Murmansk where it is expected on Saturday, for re-registration under the Russian flag,” Lukashevich added.

Defense Ministry Statement: Colonel Hassan Mirei al-Hamada is a Deserter, a Traitor to his Country and Military Honor

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_The Ministry of Defense said that at 10: 34 a.m. on Thursday, communication was lost with a MiG-21 aircraft flown by the pilot Colonel Hassan Mirei al-Hamada during a usual training flight.

The ministry said in a statement that the aircraft was last detected over the Syrian southern borders before communication was lost with it, adding that the warplane left the Syrian airspace and landed in Jordan.

The Ministry said that the pilot al-Hamada is a deserter and a traitor to his country and military honor, and will be punished accordingly.

The ministry said that contacts with the Jordanian sides are underway to restore the aircraft.

Earlier, an official source announced that contact was lost with an MiG-21 aircraft that was on a training flight.

The source added in a statement that the aircraft, which was piloted by Col. Hassan Mirei al-Hamadeh, was near the Syrian southern borders before contact with it was lost at around 10: 34 am.

In Amman, a Jordanian government source told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that the MiG-21 warplane was forced to land in north Jordan.

China Stresses Its Constructive Role in Dealing with Crisis in Syria

BEIJING, (SANA) – China on Thursday reiterated its constructive role in dealing with the crisis in Syria, calling upon all sides to an immediate halt of violence.

The Chinese News Agency (Xinhua) quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei’s remarks in response to a question regarding a U.S. statement saying the US had reached a consensus with China on the Syria issue.

“China has always stressed to solve the Syrian conflict through political means,” he said.

“Under the current situation, the most pressing task lies in commitments of relevant parties of Syria to cease fire and stop the violence, and seriously implement relevant UN resolutions and the six-point peace plan sponsored by Kofi Annan,” said the spokesman.

He added that China is working to start a comprehensive political dialogue without preconditions and pre-set results as soon as possible, expressing his country’s hope to work with the international community to play a constructive role in a political, appropriate and comprehensive settlement of the crisis in Syria.

Response Plan to Meet Needs of People Affected by Crisis in Syria Discussed

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, and Head of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), Ben Parker, discussed the response plan to meet the humanitarian needs of the people affected by the crisis in Syria and the work of the UN agencies in this regard.

Mikdad stressed that Syria provides all necessary help to the UN agencies working in Syria and the international non-governmental organizations whose work is separated from any policies or agendas.

Mikdad underlined that the EU economic sanctions against Syria target the life of the Syrian citizens and increase the difficulties facing them due to the sabotage acts committed by the armed terrorist groups against the Syrian people and the public and private institutions, adding that these sanctions violate all international standards and the international humanitarian law.

Parker hailed the standing cooperation between the UN agencies working in Syria, the official authorities and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, stressing the need for mobilizing all efforts of the international community and the donor countries to enable the Syrian citizen overcoming this difficult stage.

International Human Rights Ambassador: Syria Defends her People against Terrorism and Crimes

BEIRUT, (SANA)_ Ambassador Haitham Abu said, the Representative of the International High Commission for Human Rights to the Middle East, said Syria is now defending her people in the face of the terrorism and crimes imposed on it.

Ambassador Abu Said added in press statements following his meeting today with former Lebanese President, Emile Lahoud, that Syria has the right to defend its official properties and the security of its people.

Ambassador Abu Said asserted that the International Commission follows every precise information received and takes every necessary measures to reach to aspired-to conclusions, declaring that he briefed president Lahoud on the situation in Syria as well as on some information related to the kidnapped Lebanese in Syria.

Abdullahian: Syria Is Facing International Coalition which Represents the Peak of Hypocrisy and Duplicity

TEHRAN, (SANA)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hussein Amir Abdullahian reiterated Iran’s support to Syria, the reforms taking place in it, and its resistant approach.

In a statement to the press on Wednesday in Qum City, Abdullahian, condemned the foreign meddling in the affairs of the countries of the region, particularly in Syria’s affairs, saying that Syria is facing an international coalition of more than 70 political systems which represent the peak of hypocrisy and duplicity.

He pointed out that the US, Israel and some Arab governments thought that Syria will be toppled in three months, but despite all pressures and the overt and covert foreign inteferences, Syria has been able to face the campaign targeting its geopolitical role in the region.

He indicated that his country will participate, along with China and Russia, in a conference in Moscow to discuss the situation in Syria and to stress on supporting the plan of the UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

AL Decision on Stopping Broadcast of Syrian TV Channels Condemned as Unjust, and Unaccepted

GENEVA, SANA_ Representatives of Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela to the UN Human Rights Council have criticized the Arab League (AL) decision on asking Arabsat and Nilesat administrations to stop the broadcast of the official and unofficial Syrian TV satellite channels.

” This decision is one of the most dangerous violations of the freedom of expression,” the representatives said Thursday, calling on the AL to withdraw this “unjust, condemned and unaccepted decision” as they described it.

For his part, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Council, Faisal al-Hamwi stressed Syria’s keenness on respecting the right of expression and freedom of journalists who adhere to the Code of Honor and objectivity and enter the country through regular and legal means, not those who infiltrate in coordination with the terrorists.

He affirmed that the AL decision constitutes a flagrant violation of the principles of the media work, freedom of getting the information and document of organizing the Arab satellite broadcasting.

UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Frank La Rue, said that the decision of the AL to stop the broadcast of Syrian TV channels contradicts with the principles of freedom of expression.

He reminded of the necessity of not impeding the freedom of journalists and satellite broadcasting by any country, especially in such circumstances which Syria is passing through, where the fact of what is going on should be conveyed to the public opinion.

Earlier, the UN Human Rights Council report on the freedom of expression touched upon the situation in Syria and targeting journalists by certain sides, calling for more freedom for mass media in the world.


Syrian News on 26th June, 2012

Makdessi: Turkish Military Aircraft Violated Syria’s Sovereignty, Syrian Response Was Defensive Act

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Spokesman for the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry Dr. Jihad Makdessi said that the Syrian response to the Turkish military aircraft which blatantly violated the Syrian sovereignty was a defensive and sovereign act, and that Syrian territories, waters and airspace are sacrosanct.

In a press conference held on Monday, Makdessi said that what happened was a blatant violation of Syrian sovereignty according to international law, which is confirmed by facts, information, and the Turkish statements that admitted to the violation of Syrian airspace and territorial waters, regardless of the intents of the aircraft be they reconnaissance or training.

He said that what the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in the interview on Sunday is baseless and inaccurate, as he gave a story that completely contradicted the facts of this aggression on Syrian sovereignty when he claimed that the aircraft was hit and crashed in international waters.

Makdessi pointed out that the Syrian anti-aircraft defense used a land-based anti-aircraft machinegun with a maximum range of 2.5 kilometers, and that the wreckage found by the Syrian authorities and delivered to the Turkish side with an official record shows holes in the tail-end of the plane which confirm that it was shot down by a ground-based machinegun, not missiles.

“Had the aircraft been over territorial waters, we would have used missiles, not a land-based anti-aircraft machinegun with a maximum range of 2.5 kilometers… all of this confirms the falsity of the allegations that the aircraft was shot down outside Syrian territorial waters,” he said.

In response to Davutoglu’s statement that the aircraft wasn’t alerted, Makedessi said that the Syrian anti-air defenses operate automatically in such cases, and that even if the unidentified aircraft was Syrian, it would have been shot down in the same manner, adding that that machinegun that shot down the plane isn’t equipped with radar; rather it had visual confirmation of it approaching it at a distance of 1 to 2 kilometers at an altitude of 100 meters and at a speed of 800 kph.

He noted that Syrian anti-air defenses repelled violations by Israeli enemy airplanes in that same area in 2007 and that those aircrafts weren’t shot down then because that breach was different and unexpected and had a military nature.

Makdessi pointed out that Syria suggested to Turkey to form a joint military technical committee to visit the site of the incident in Lattakia to inspect the reality of what happened, but the Turkish side didn’t respond up to the moment, adding that rescue operations are ongoing with coordination between the two sides, which resulted in finding the wreckage and delivering it to the Turkish side, but unfortunately the pilots have not been found

“There’s a political campaign that has nothing to do with reality, and it aims to further demonize Syria, and the more the fail on the political level to aggravate the situaiton with Syria, they resort to other means… unfortunately, the Turkish Foreign Minister in particular and the Turkish government in general have been negative over the past 15 months regarding the crisis in Syria… they seek to aggravate the situation in Syria.”

Makdessi hoped that Davutoglu would make a positive reconsideration regarding Syria, adding that Syria has no ill intentions towards Turkey, adding “There is  a crisis in Syria, but the solution cannot be through aggravating, mobilizing and arming the movement in Syria, nor through hosting entities that do not believe in a political solution but rather believe in militarizing the movement and  undermining the stability of the neighboring country, Syria.”

He stressed that there’s still considerable friendliness between the Syrian and Turkish people despite the sly practices of the Turkish government which seek to gain the support of the Turkish people for its policies which do not serve Turkey through manipulating the the nationalist feeling which we respect.

“Syria, just like Turkey, is a proud nation. We know whenever someone hurts us what our nationalist feeling is like, but the Turkish government will not succeed in this. We are explaining the whole issue wisely and rationally with the hope that Turkey will show wisdom and rationality in return,” he said. Makdessi pointed out that official correspondence with Turkey on Sunday clarified the details of the incident in response to the Turkish allegations that what happened was a Syrian aggression against Turkey, with the correspondence stating that on 11.40 AM  on June 22nd, Syrian radar systems detected a flying object heading towards Syrian territories that performed a left turn towards the northeast and climbed down to a low altitude where it disappeared from the radars, only to appear suddenly at an altitude of 100 meters, 1 to 2 kilometers from the beach and Syrian land, and became suddenly visible to the naked eye.

He added that later, it turned out that the object was an aircraft heading towards the beach and Syrian land at a speed of 700 to 800 kph, which engaged the rules of engagement employed in all sovereign countries, prompting Syrian anti-air defense to engage it.

Makdessi affirmed that the weapon used in repelling this violation of Syrian airspace was anti-aircraft artillery firing 23.57 rounds stationed on Syrian beaches, hitting the aircraft directly, adding that the aircraft was seen heading left afterwards and crashing in Syrian territorial waters.

He said that Syria is committed to the good neighborly relations with Turkey and that it wishes to resume cooperation with the Turkish side, noting that Syria wasn’t the one who harmed the bilateral relations is not Syria, which in the worst cases applied the principle of reciprocity, adding “We might respond to every positive step from the Turkish side with positive steps on our side if the Turkish government still believes in good neighborly relations with Syria.

“We live a state of political tension with Turkey but we hold no hostile intentions towards the Turkish people or the Turkish state,” Makdessi elaborated, pointing out that the Syrian Air Force Commander and the Navy Commander communicated with their Turkish counterparts after the fall of the warplane and allowed the Turkish helicopters to enter to the site of the incident, with the Syrian military boats participating in the  search and rescue operations, all of which stresses that Syria has no hostile intentions and considers the Turkish people as brothers.

Regarding the Turkish government’s call for holding a NATO meeting, Makdessi said that the NATO is supposed to be an organization whose aim is to preserve security and stability and if the meeting is convened with such good intentions, then Syria wishes them success.

“We heard previous statements made by the NATO that they have no intention of military intervention in Syria. If the aim of the meeting is aggressive in nature, I want to reassure everyone that the Syrian territories, waters and airspace are sacrosanct for the Syrian army.”

On the role of the European Union in the Syrian crisis, Makdessi said that the EU has played a negative role, and that if it actually wants to help solve the crisis, it should come to Syria and inspect what is taking place on the ground, since what is happening is totally different from what the EU officials are hearing in the media.

Regarding Syria’s view of the results of Egypt’s presidential elections, he said that Syria always supports democratic choices of other people, congratulating the Egyptian people who made the decision, adding that he does not agree with those who make an issue out of the background of the president since he is now the President of Egypt.

Twenty Army, Law-enforcement Martyrs Paid Final Tribute

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 20 army and law enforcement martyrs on Monday were escorted from the military hospitals of Aleppo and Tishreen in Damascus, Zahi Azraq in Lattakia and the National Hospital in Sweida to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in line of duty in Homs, Aleppo, Idleb and Deir Ezzor.

The martyrs are:

-First Lieutenant Yahia Yousef al-Salam from Homs.

– Second Lieutenant Anas Anwar Abbas from Lattakia.

-Chief Warrant Officer Azad Ismael Hammo from Hasaka.

-Sergeant Ghassan Mohammad Sa’our from Damascus.

– Sergeant Maher Mohammad Ahmad from Damascus.

– Sergeant Hadi Mohammad Ismael from Damascus.

– Sergeant Hassan Mohammad al-Fata from Lattakia.

– Private Marwan Adeeb Harb from Sweida.

– Conscript Mohammad Abdul-Mone’m Yousef Mohammad from Aleppo.

– Conscript Shamdeen Hussein Al Rashi from Hasaka.

– Conscript Abdul-Hanan Asaad al-Mohammad al-Bakr from Aleppo.

– Conscript Hussein Ahmad Ibrahim from Aleppo.

– Conscript Jalal Razzouq Malkoun from Hasaka.

– Conscript Shadi Khaled Qusairi from Quneitra.

– Conscript Waheed Abdul-Masyakh from Deir Ezzor.

– Conscript Yaman Fawaz Abu Jouryyah from Daraa.

– Conscript Adnan al-Qawwas from Damascus.

– Conscript Mahmoud Mohammad Nae’m Hantoush from Damascus Countryside.

– Conscript Mahmoud Khaled al-Lahham from Damascus Countryside.

– Policeman Jaafar Mehsen Baddour Marouf from Lattakia.

The martyrs’ families called for firmly confronting the armed terrorist groups that have been committing criminal and sabotage acts in implementation of foreign agendas to undermine Syria’s national and pan-Arab role.

They expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons, stressing their readiness for martyrdom in defending the homeland whenever duty calls.

Four Terrorists Killed in Booby-Trapped Car in Idleb, Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Deir Ezzor

IDLEB, (SANA)- 4 terrorists were on Monday killed in a booby-trapped car which they were intending to detonate near the law-enforcement forces in Kafarnubl in Idleb countryside.

A source in Idleb Province told SANA reporter that the booby-trapped car went off about 500 meters before it arrives near the law-enforcement forces, causing the death of three terrorists who were in it and another one driving a motorcycle.

The source added that no causalities or material damages were reported among the law-enforcement forces.

An engineering unit member stressed that the amount of the explosives in the car are estimated at 300 to 500 kg.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists, Kill some of them and Destroy their Cars in Deir Ezzor

Authorities stormed a terrorist hideout in al-Ba’ajein in the city of Deir Ezzor.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that the clash resulted in killing a number of terrorists, among them Ismael Ali al-Azeel.

The authorities also clashed with terrorists in 5 pickup trucks equipped with machineguns in al-Shuhadaa neighborhood after the locals informed them about cars carrying terrorists in the region.

The authorities killed the terrorists and destroyed their cars.

In the same context, the authorities stormed a hideout of an armed terrorist group in al-Rashidiyeh neighborhood where they found money, fake passports, computers and weapons.

The authorities clashed with the terrorist Saleh al-Ghbeir who leads a terrorist group in Deir Ezzor and killed him.

Authorities hunt terrorists in Jabar and Sultaniya, Homs

The competent authorities in Homs are continuing pursuit to the armed terrorist groups at Jobar and al-Sultaniya neighborhoods, killing a number of terrorists including the criminal Radi Khaled.

An official source in Homs told SANA reporter that the pursuit operations led to arresting some other terrorists and confiscating their weapons .

Two Explosive Devices Deactivated in Aleppo and Hama

Military engineering units deactivated on Monday two explosive devices planted by armed terrorist groups in al-Sakhour neighborhood in Hanano city in Aleppo province.

The explosive devices weigh over 10 kilograms each, according to sources in the province.

In Hama city, military engineering units dismantled an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group near al-Mahatah crossroads.

Ten Terrorists Killed during Clashes with Competent  Authorities in Douma

The competent authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group looting and firing at people and cars in Douma city in Damascus countryside.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that 10 terrorists were killed and others were wounded during the clashes.

Moscow hopes NATO will not take any measures leading to aggravating situation in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko on Monday hoped that the NATO Alliance will not take during its meeting tomorrow any steps that would aggravate situation in Syria or foiling the political settlement of the crisis in Syria.

In an interview with Novosti news agency in Vienna where he arrived to  participate in The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) conference,  Grushko said that Turkey’s call for NATO Council concerning the shot down of the Turkish jet last Friday is a worrisome indication to a military escalation in Syria.

He added that the efforts of the international community should be aimed at preparing the current circumstances for shifting the military situation to a political process and for pushing all Syrian parties to sit at the dialogue table to discuss a political solution.

Ahmad Said: Armed Group abducted me, photographed me as a defected colonel

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Citizen Ahmad Omar Said related how he was abducted by an armed terrorist group in Douma, Damascus countryside to be photographed as a colonel defected from the Syrian Arab army.

” I am Palestinian, works in Douma… while arriving at al-Siyndiana mosque, two gunmen, on a motorcycle intercepted me, tied my hands and blindfolded me..later they took me to unknown farm,” Said told the Syrian TV in an interview broadcast Monday.

He said that the gunmen put him in a room, beat him and asked him to bear a weapon and claim that he is a defected Army colonel… later they photographed him after giving him a rifle.

“The armed group contacted my family by phone, claiming that they are from the so-called the free army, asking my family; do you want to send him back in a box or torn apart in sacks..”, Said added.

Cyprus Foreign Minister: We Support Annan’s Plan for Resolving Crisis in Syria, Reject any Military Intervention in It

NICOSIA, (SANA) – Cypriot Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis said that her country supports the plan of International Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan and opposes any military intervention against Syria, calling for adopting a political solution as the optimal way to resolve the crisis.

In an interview with Russia’s ITAR-TASS agency, Kozakou-Marcoullis said that Cyprus took a decisive position from the beginning based on total rejection of any military intervention in Syria and that it views that reaching a political solution to the Syrian crisis is very important.

The Minister, whose country will preside upon the EU during the next six months, said that Cyprus supports Annan’s plan and its six points, and that her country will try to convince the rest of Europe that this is the best path to follow in this affair.

Kozakou-Marcoullis, who is participating in the EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday, said that it’s in the best interests of Cyprus and the EU to unite efforts in supporting Annan’s plan, and not just within the EU, but also with partners in the Security Councils, including Russia which is a main partner.

She warned that if foreign intervention and a war take place in Syria, then the conflict will spread to neighboring countries and the entire region, which is in nobody’s interest and no-one wishes for such developments to happen.

The Minister said that Cyprus’ words have weight in the EU foreign ministers council, so as the nearest European neighbor of Syria, it will spare no effort to inform other European countries of its concerns over any military escalation.

China: Ending Violence in Syria Demands Participation of the Region’s Countries

BEIJING, (SANA) – Spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hong Li, on Monday said that Beijing believes that ending violence in Syria demands the participation of all the region’s countries, especially those who have influence in Syria.

In his daily press conference, Li expressed hope that the international conference, due to be held in Geneva on June 30th, will help build an international concord and give full support to Annan’s plan with the aim of implementing the relevant UN Security Council’s resolutions.

Turkish Communist Party Holds Erdogan’s Government Responsibile for the Turkish Warplane Incident

ANKARA, (SANA) – The Turkish Communist Party held the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan responsible for the incident of the Turkish military plane which was shot down by the Syrian anti air defenses after violating the Syrian airspace, calling for the government’s resignation.

The Central Committee of the party said in a press release made on Monday that “This behavior is a dirty game played by the Turkish government supported by the USA and Israel. It is not the first provocative move made by the Turkish government.”

Turkish MP: Government of Justice and Development Party Responsible for the Turkish Warplane Accident

Turkish MP Kamer Genc of the Turkish Republican People’s Party in Tunceli province said that he does not trust anything that Erdogan’s government says.

Answering a question on whether the Republican People’s Party will agree to passing a memo that allows the Turkish government to wage a war, Genc was quoted Genc as saying ”First we have to know why the warplane went there and who ordered it.”

Genc considered that the Justice and Development Party is the only one responsible for the accident, adding ”we do not trust anything that the government of Justice and Development Party says”.

Popular Front For the Liberation Of the Golan: Resistance Only Way to Liberate Lands and Restor Rights

QUNEITRA, (SANA) – The Front for the Liberation of the Golan on Monday stressed that resistance is the only way to liberate the lands and restore the rights.

In a statement on the 38th anniversary of liberating Quneitra, the Front said that liberating the city was a landmark in the history of struggle with the Israeli enemy.

The Front hailed the sacrifices made by the Syrian army during years of struggle with the Zionist entity.

The Front underlined that Quneitra became an evidence on the savagery of the new-Nazis, stressing its resolve to continue the process of liberation until the historic moment when President Bashar al-Assad rises the Syrian flag on Golan.

Syrian News on 2nd July, 2012

Lavrov: Geneva’s Document Imposes Nothing on the Syrians, Contains no Preconditions for Political Process or National Dialogue

GENEVA, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday said that the document released from Geneva meeting imposes nothing on the Syrian people and has no preconditions on the political process or national dialogue nor does it exclude any side.

In a press conference after the first session of the international work group meeting in Geneva, Lavrov said that Russia rejects any preconditions, and that it managed to reach a unified position with its partners to pressure all sides, not to take any unilateral steps, adding that Russia also worked constructively to avoid any attempts to make ultimatums and made amendments to the preliminary statements which resulted in the final version.

He said that the document produced by the meeting sends a clear message to the Syrian government and the armed groups to work in a synchronized manner to implement the plan of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, cease all armed activities, and support the UN mission.

Lavrov said that the meeting aims at calling major players in Syria to cooperate to guarantee the implementation of the peace plan and calling on foreign sides to influence all sides within Syria to commit to the plan.

He pointed out that the transitional political process will be led by the Syrian people, and that the document complies with the principles leading to such a process and affirms the basic principles of a democratic countries, including respecting human rights and the rights of minorities and sects, in addition to stressing the need for free and democratic elections and forming a body that expresses the people’s opinions.

Lavrov noted that partners in the work group wanted to issue a new resolution from the Security Council, but Russia rejected this as the group gathering in Geneva isn’t authorized to preemptively issue such a resolution as the Council has its procedures, and that this idea is being studied and the decision will be made by the Security Council.

He said that before discussing Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, the best possible efforts must be exerted to implement Annan’s plan on the basis of existing resolutions, noting that armed groups and those who support the opposition and sponsor them aren’t upholding their commitments and that they are acting in a way that makes it impossible to guarantee security as they are provoking the Syrian government and forces to respond to them.

“Some armed groups and the sides sponsoring them are using provocation to spread violence, and there are many facts in this regard that can be seen in western and US media sources… this is happening in several towns and villages where there are attacks on administrative establishments, government and private properties, the army forces and the police… there are more facts that turn up successively, showing the presence of sectarian instigation,” Lavrov said.

He pointed out that the armed groups hindered the attempts of the International Committee of the Red Cross to evacuate civilians and the trapped in various areas, adding that armed groups are receiving weapons illegally from external sides, and that these practices which violate international law are ongoing and motivate armed group to refrain from disarmament.

He hoped that all sides will realize that the document requires them to commit to it and exert positive influence on all sides, specifically armed groups, to implement Annan’s plan.

“We support Anna’s Efforts and have full trust in the UN observer mission and its ability to achieve stability in all these town and villages so that civilians can live in peace,” Lavrov said.

He stressed that the document produced by the Geneva meeting underscores the need for a peaceful solution that takes the interests of all Syrians into consideration, adding that all the participants in the Geneva meeting are against further militarization of the conflict.

“We cannot call upon the government forces to withdraw from cities while armed groups are receiving weapons… US and European media show this, ” he added.

Lavrov affirmed that Moscow is in contact with almost all representatives of the opposition and is trying to integrate them into the political process and commit them to Annan’s plan, but there are other foreign sides that are asking them to refrain from discarding their weapons and stopping combat under the pretense that foreign countries will help them.

He also stressed that the anti-air weapons delivered to Syria cannot be used against the opposition, as they can only be used to defend the country from an aerial attack.

Lavrov noted that there’s a media dimension to the Syrian crisis, as some channels like Euro News, CNN and BBC show images captured by mobiles and claim that they cannot verify them, while several al-Jazeera resigned in protest of the channel’s coverage of events in Syria.

“There was an attack on the Syrian al-Ikhbariya channel… I asked my colleagues in the work group about their opinion on the EU and Arab League decision to cease the broadcast of Syrian satellite channels, and I received no answer, despite that members of the EU always talk about freedom of expression and journalists’ right to reach information,” he said.

Regarding the effects of the so-called “friends of Syria” meeting on the work group’s efforts, Lavrov said that the name itself is very expressive, since if someone wants to be Syria’s friend, they must be sure that all Syrians view them as a friend of Syria, adding “we told our colleagues that if they want to meet as friends of Syria, they mustn’t keep meeting as friends of part of the opposition, since we’re trying to unite our efforts as external players and coordinate with each other… I don’t know how that group can have a positive effects on the efforts exerted and discussed today.”

He said that Russia is ready to participate in meetings to unify the opposition, noting that this requires work with the government as per Annan’s plan.

Lavrov stressed that the document produced by the Geneva meeting doesn’t exclude anyone, since such an exclusion is inconsistent with inclusiveness in the political process and the UN Charter and rules against interference in the affairs of sovereign countries.

On the shooting down of the Turkish military aircraft which violated Syria’s sovereignty, Lavrov said that the incident requires careful investigation, and that Russia voiced deep regret over and called for taking all precautions to avoid repeating it and exploiting any incident to increase tension.

“We supported a joint investigation between Syria and Turkey… we have our own information and objective observations and we’re ready to present them to both countries, but the main responsibility is on the two countries,” he said.

Two Terrorists Killed in Explosive Device Blast in Aleppo Countryside, 3 Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Two terrorists on Sunday killed in explosion of an explosive device they were trying to plant near Tal Erin site, 20-km east of Aleppo.

SANA reporter quoted a source in Aleppo Province as saying the explosive device went off causing the immediate death of the two terrorists.

Authorities Arrest Terrorist who Participated in Attack on Law-enforcement Forces in Hama

Authorities in Hama province arrested the terrorist Tammam Mahmoud al-Hamid, a member of the armed terrorist group who attacked law-enforcement forces in Helfaiya town.

Arms Warehouse Explodes in al-Khaldiya, Several Terrorists Killed

A weapon warehouse used by terrorist groups in al-Khaldiya neighborhood in Homs exploded on Sunday, killing and wounding several terrorists.

SANA reporter quoted a source at the province as saying that there were improvised explosive devices (IEDs), weapons and ammunition at the warehouse, adding that the terrorists used these arms to attack law-enforcement personnel and terrorize citizens.

The source added that military engineering units dismantled four IEDs in al-Qusair area, adding that the devices ranged in weight between 15 and 50 kilograms.

In Deir Ezzor, authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group in al-Hamydiya and al-Sheikh Miskeen areas, killing and wounded many terrorists.

A source at the province said that five terrorists were killed while planting an IED in al-Ardi area in the Deir Ezzor city

Three Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb

Military engineering units dismantled 3 explosive devices planed by an armed terrorist group on al-Z’einiyeh – Beksariya road in Jisr al-Shughour area to target citizens and law-enforcement forces.

SANA reporter said that the explosive devices weighed between 30 to 40 kg, rigged for remote detonation.

120-Kilo IED Dismantled in Hama

Military engineering units in Hama Province dismantled a 120 kilo improvised explosive device planted in Mharda area.

An official source told SANA reporter that the explosive device was camouflaged and planted at an intersection, adding that the charge was set to be remotely detonated.

Interior Minister Calls on Policemen to Confront Terrorists, Foil Plot against Syria

ALEPPO, (SANA) – Minister of Interior, Lieutenant General Mohammad al-Shaar on Sunday called upon law-enforcement personnel to confront the armed terrorist groups which commit murders and sabotage acts.

The remarks came during a meeting with officers of Aleppo’s Police Department.

Al-Shaar stressed that law-enforcement personnel should be brave and wise during implementing their missions with the aim of foiling the conspiracy against the country.

He added that people should feel safe and secure in the presence of the policemen as they preserve the stability of the country and security of the citizens.

He underlined the need to promote the work up to face the plot that is targeting the country, adding that the misleading media campaign against Syria aims at escalating the situation and affecting the international opinion.

He concluded saying that some Arab and foreign countries are supporting these misleading media outlets.

Head of Russian Delegation Visiting Syria: Western Media Falsify Facts about Events in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Head of the delegation of the Public Chamber at the Russian Federation visiting Syria, Sergei Ordzhonikidze, said that the western media is falsifying facts about the situation in Syria and they don’t convey the objective image of what is happening.

Meeting Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, Ordzhonikidze stressed Russia’s understanding of the events taking place in Syria, adding that they will convey the reality to the Russian public opinion.

For his part, Mikdad expressed Syria’s appreciation for Russia’s people and government’s support to Syria in the current crisis which stresses the deep Syrian-Russian relations.

Mikdad reiterated Syria’s commitment to the plan of the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Kofi Anann, and its effort to make his mission a success.

Haidar: Ministry of National Reconciliation Affairs to Set Up Work Program to Inspect Citizens’ Needs

HAMA, (SANA) – Minister of State for National Reconciliation Affairs, Dr. Ali Haidar, said that the Ministry is preparing a work program for next stage which aims at activating the Ministry’s role in verifying facts and inspecting the citizens’ issues and problems to achieve national reconciliation.

Meeting members of the National Work Forum in Hama, Minister Haidar said that the Ministry will take daily procedures to achieve civil and social peace that would contribute to finding a peaceful solution to the current crisis.

He called for establishing good relations to preserve the strong structure of the state despite different opinions and thoughts, considering national dialogue and listening to all viewpoints as essential factors to overcome the crisis and restore Syria’s strength in the face of all foreign challenges.

For his part, Hama Governor Anas al-Naem said that the forum aimed at activating the role of civil society, protecting private and public facilities and responding to the citizens’ aspirations.

Father Iskandar al-Turk and Sheikh Hussein al-Ahmad stressed that Islam and Christianity call for tolerance, the respect of others, rejection of violence and conflicts to defend the countries against all enemies and conspirators.

100 Citizens Involved in Recent Events Turn Themselves In in Hama

HAMA, (SANA) – 100 citizens who were misled and got involved in the recent events in the country and whose hands are clean of Syrian blood turned themselves in and surrendered their weapons in to the authorities in Hama.

The citizens were released after pledging not to take up arms again or take part in vandalism or any act that affects Syria’s security and stability in the future, SANA reporter said.

Annan: International Work Group Reached Agreement to Help Resolve Crisis in Syria Through Political Process Led by Syrians

GENEVA, (SANA) – UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan said that the international work group on Syria reached an agreement to help resolve the crisis in Syria through a political process led by Syrians themselves through comprehensive national dialogue in an atmosphere of calm, which requires disarming armed groups.

At the conclusion of the work group’s meetings on Saturday, Annan said that all sides are aware of the situation in Syria, and that they have taken cooperation to a higher level through a clearer and more specific course which they hope the Syrians can take.

“We’re determined to work together and intensively to put an end to violence in Syria and launch a process led by Syria leading to a transitional process meeting the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people and enabling this people to decide their future independently,” he said.

Annan called on all sides to commit to a permanent cessation of violence and carrying out the six-point plan without waiting others to take steps, in addition to calling on the government and the armed group to cooperate with the UN observers.

He also called on the Syrian government to release detainees, allow journalists to enter and move freely, respect the right to peaceful protests, and allow the entry of humanitarian aid.

Annan said that the workgroup agreed upon a number of directive principles regarding the transitional process in Syria, presenting a vision in which everyone participates in a pluralistic democratic country with free elections that respects human rights, the rule of law, equal access to rights, and respecting the rights of minorities, noting that this requires clear steps within a specific timeframe.

He said that the main steps in the transitional period involves establishing a “governing society” that establishes a neutral environment to affect change, with this transitional body consisting of members of the current government and opposition figures and formed through mutual agreement.

Annan stressed that the political process must be implemented in a secure and quiet environment, which requires the disarming of armed group.

He stressed that the Syrians are the ones to decide their country’s future, and that all social groups must be able to participate in comprehensive national dialogue that produces feasible results, stressing the importance of women’ being represented in all aspect, adding that the constitutional and legal systems may be reconsidered, which is up to the people’s agreement, which would be followed by free, democratic elections.

Anna said that time is running out, and that quick steps are needed to reach an agreement and resolve the conflict through peaceful dialogue and negotiations only, adding that conditions for peaceful settlement must begin immediately, and that violence must cease and all sides must be prepared to appoint negotiators to work on the transitional process.

He affirmed that the international community is ready to support any agreement reached by all sides, and that the work group members will pressure all sides to carry out the discussed points, opposing any further militarization of the conflict.

Annan said that the work group will support him completely through his direct work with the government and the opposition and in consultation with all spectrums of the Syrian people and international players to move forward, adding that he will inform the UN and the Arab League of progress.

“Today’s hopes must not turn to disappointment in the future… we must work together to carry out what we agreed upon, and we can’t do this alone,” he concluded.

Annan: Work Group Gave General and Directive Principles to Help Syrian People, But the Results and Decision Are Up to the Syrian People

In a press conference after the meeting, Annan said that the work group presented general and directive principles for the Syrian people regarding political process, establishing a transitional government and making the needed changes, but the results and the decisions are up to the Syrian people.

He said that efforts must focus on pushing all sides to cease violence and commit to the political solution, which sometimes requires a mediator.

Annan vowed to work with all sides and governments that participated in the Geneva meeting and offered help, and that they will use their influence on the government and the opposition to move in the right direction, hoping to end violence as it’s the most pressing issue.

He noted that the Security Council is fully informed of the situation and that its member countries voiced support for his efforts, stressing the need for unity among these member countries to take cooperation to a higher level.

Annan said the Security Council members are working together and individually to urge all sides to do what is necessary, which will help achieve more.

Regarding the British Foreign Minister’s suggestion to issue the results of the meeting in a decision under Chapter 7, Annan said that this is up to the Security Council.

He pointed out that the Geneva meeting was a great opportunity to encourage countries to work together, and that this meeting showed unity and cooperation among the members of the international community.

On the future of the international observer mission, Annan said the mission is still in Syria and is waiting to resume its duties when circumstances permit it.

Regarding an upcoming meeting of the work group, Annan said that they agreed to be ready to convene at any moment in case of emergencies and according to circumstances and developments; apart from that, no date or place or an upcoming meeting were set.

On the schedule of the plan, Annan said that such an issue should result from talks with government and the opposition, hoping that it won’t be long and saying that he can’t predict the future.

Regarding the date of Annan’s visit to Damascus, Annan said that he hasn’t set a date but he will certainly go to Damascus, noting that he agreed with President al-Assad that when the time comes, he will go and ask him to appoint an authorized representative to continue the process and help matters go forward, adding that President al-Assad voiced readiness to do so.

Annan: Geneva Meeting Should Meet Syrians’ Interests, Not International Players’ Interests

Earlier, Annan stressed that the results of Geneva meeting should be in the interests of the Syrian people not some international players.

The remarks came during Annan’s speech at the first session of the international work group meeting on Syria in Geneva.

Annan added that the crisis in Syria has aggravated, calling on all sides to exert effort with the aim of reaching a solution for the crisis.

He underscored that the crisis in Syria could result in an international crisis, stressing that the Syrians only are responsible for settling the crisis in their country.

He stressed that the international community can play an effective role in solving the crisis in Syria if the international players managed to shorten the distance among their views.

Chinese Foreign Minister: Outsiders Cannot Make Decisions On Behalf of the Syrian People

GENEVA, (SANA) – Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Yang Jiechi affirmed that the agreement achieved during the meeting of the work group in Geneva is very important in terms of strengthening the political solution of the problem in Syria.

During a press conference at the conclusion of the work group meetings in Geneva on Saturday, Yang said that the transitional plan regarding Syria can only be led by Syrians and with the approval of all important sides in Syria, stressing that outsiders cannot make decisions on behalf of the Syrian people.

He affirmed that China welcomes the results of the meeting in terms of agreement in principles and headlines in terms of transition in Syria, adding that as long as sides are committed to neutral , patient in-depth talks, then understanding can be achieved.

Syria News On 24th July,2012

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: Some Media Outlets Deliberately Put Its Statement Delivered by Makdissi Out of Context

Jul 24, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry issued a statement commenting on how some negative media outlets dealt with its previous statement delivered by spokesman Dr. Jihad Makdissi, deliberately taking it out of context and portraying it as a declaration of possessing non-traditional weapons by Syria.

The Ministry said that the goal of the statement and the press conference wasn’t to declare but rather to respond to a methodical media campaign targeting Syria to prepare world public opinion for the possibility of military intervention under the false premise of weapons of mass destruction (similar to what happened with Iraq) or the possibility of using such weapons against terrorist groups or civilians, or transporting them to a third party.

The statement affirmed that such allegations are completely false, noting that nonetheless they are dangerous allegations as they are made by the same sides that are rallying against Syria in mass media and international circles, noting that these are the same sides that fabricated lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction which turned out to be false later.

The Ministry said that Makdissi’s statements were meant to explain the state’s general defensive policies in response to false media speculations and allegations, stressing the need to commit to precision and professionalism in news related to Syria and putting them in the proper context.

Earlier, Foreign and Expatriates Ministry spokesman Dr. Jihad Makdissi responded to a question on developments in some neighborhoods in Damascus and outskirts by saying that “it is clear that the Syrian army is defending the Syrians and that we are in state of self-defense. There might be clashes in certain areas but the security situation is much more better.”

He added that the state will respond to those who carry weapons in the same way, stressing that doors are open those who call for dialogue and adopt political solution.

Makdissi noted that the media labels what is happening as the “great battle of Damascus” and wondered how can such a battle against armed sides be fought if not in a military manner, even if some civilians were forced out of their houses, adding that Damascus Governorate is cooperating with charity organizations to provide help for those people.

He stressed that this is an urgent situation that won’t last for more than one or two days before things go back to normal, pointing out that those who follow the Syrian media can see those who are arrested and the operations being carried out to establish peace.

Regarding news on armed terrorist groups taking control of border crossings with Turkey and Iraq, Makdissi said that two such border crossings are out of control which were already abandoned and out of service since last June.

Commenting on the statement of the Arab Ministerial Committee in Doha, Makdissi said that changing Annan’s mission is not at the hands of the Arabs and that it’s mere wishes they make and constitutes political hypocrisy, underlining that talking about a transitional authority system constitutes a flagrant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.

Makdissi regretted that the Arab League has descended to this immoral level in dealing with a founding state and the fact that instead of helping Syria, they are complicating the situation further.

He said that the Syrian people make their own decisions and that they are the ones who will meet for dialogue, and the results of this dialogue will be binding as the decisive factor is the ballot boxes and sitting down for dialogue serving Syria’s interests and not the interests of others.

Makdissi said that if these Arab countries were honest in wanting to end the shedding of Syrian blood, then they should stop arming and harboring terrorists and instigating through the media against Syria because these acts can’t contribute to overcoming the crisis in peaceful ways.

He added that the alleged keenness of these Arab countries is fake and proves their political hypocrisy.

As for the statements of the Russian ambassador in Paris, Makdissi stressed that the Russian diplomat is the only one to clarify his statements, not the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

He went on to add that Syria has agreed to a political process within Annan’s plan which was approved by the UN Security Council and agreed to a political process led by Syria and the Syrians, adding “We will commit to what the Syrians agree upon, but not what the west agrees upon.”

Regarding the tumult regarding the recent Security Council decision to extend the observer mission, Makdissi highlighted that Syria didn’t request Annan’s mission; rather the international community pretended that it wanted to help Syria, noting that they had sent an Arab observer mission earlier then they themselves foiled it, not Syria.

He hoped that the UN observer mission will be successful, noting that shifting or amending this mission is entrusted to the Security Council and reaffirming Syria’s commitment to the success of Annan’s plan.

Makdissi stressed that the obstacles hindering Annan’s plan aren’t caused by Syria, but rather by those who fund, arm and harbor terrorists and those who speak of weapons of mass destruction and prepare the public opinions for things that will not happen.

Answering a question on the external political escalation which synchronies with a visit of the US Secretary of Defense to Israel to discuss the possibility of targeting the sites of Syrian weapons, Makdissi said that “Even though I don’t know the agenda of the visit, but the reasons can’t be good… They are making a media and political campaign and they are leading it, while we say that we are in a state of self-defense.”

On the possibility of a comprehensive war taking place in the region in case Israel decided to attack Syria, Makdissi said “Don’t ask a diplomat about a war option, I’m not talking about a war and, God willing, there will be no war.”

Regarding the issue of the appearance of Hussam Hussam, the “witness” in the assassination of former Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri, in a video broadcast by some channels in which he claimed that he has surprises regarding that case, Makdissi said he saw that Youtube clip like everyone else, noting that Hussam contradicted himself, adding “we don’t want to spoil the surprise… we will wait and hear these surprises.”

Information Minister: Foreign Media and Diplomatic Misconstrued Foreign Ministry Statement and Put it Out of Context

Jul 23, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Information Minister  Omran al-Zoubi said that foreign media and diplomatic sides misconstrued the Foreign Ministry statement and interpreted it however they like, taking it out of context, noting that the Foreign Ministry issued a statement clarifying this.

Al-Zoubi told Sham FM Radio on Monday that there’s an international campaign led by US-Israeli diplomacy under the guise of warning against alleged chemical weapons that Syria supposedly possesses, and that this campaign is part of ongoing pressure to pass an international resolution under the pretext of preserving world peace.

The Minister noted that Syria has been calling for dismantling weapons of mass destruction in the region for more than two decades, which includes Israeli nuclear weapons which Israel admitted to possessing.

He explained that when Syria discussed these allegations, it’s merely responding to claims and lies from western diplomatic or intelligence sides, no more, no less, and that when the Foreign Ministry spokesman says that Syria will not use chemical weapons against its people, then this doesn’t mean that Syria has such weapons in the first place.

“They interpreted this answer as a saying that Syria admits to possessing chemical weapons; these are their wishes and obsessions, but the meaning is in a whole other context,” he concluded.

Putin: Crisis in Syria Must Be Resolved Through Negotiations

Jul 23, 2012

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the crisis in Syria must be resolved through negotiations and compromises, warning that any change of the authority in Syria in a non-legitimate manner – which means that the opposition and the current leadership would switch places – would lead to a civil war that could last for years.

In statements following talks with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti in the city of Sochi on Monday, Putin said that the Syrian leadership and what is referred to as armed opposition must find strength within themselves to reach acceptable compromises for the sake of the country’s future.

Putin affirmed that Syria’s future mustn’t be based on military defeat or victory for one side, but rather on negotiations and compromises, underlining the series of actions that must be taken to restore the situation in Syria to normal and stressing the need to end violence.

On the agreements reached in the UN to extend the observer mission in Syria, Putin said they show that compromises can be made in the UN despite differences on priorities, and that all participants in the process can reach an agreement to benefit everyone, stressing that the most important issue is the well-being of the Syrian people.

Syria Denounces Strongly Bombings in Iraq which Resulted in Hundreds of Deaths and Injuries

Jul 23, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Monday denounced strongly the series of bombings and terrorist attack which took place in several areas in Iraq, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries among innocent civilians.

In a statement, the Ministry stressed that such terrorist acts aim to destabilize Iraq and preventing it from returning to normal, and that terrorism continues to strike at the Iraqi people without discrimination.

The Ministry called on the Iraqi people to overcome pain and work to restore Iraq to a health state, affirming that the terrorists who carry out such bloody crimes in Iraq are mistaken in believing that they can affect the will and faith of the Iraqi people and their determination to build a safe and stable Iraq.

The Ministry offered the government and people of Iraq the sincerest condolences for those who died in these attacks and its deepest sympathies to the families of the victims, wishing the wounded a swift recovery.

Iran: Calls for Military Intervention in Syria Outside UNSC Will Cost Very Dearly

Jul 23, 2012

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Speaker of Iranian Shura Council, Ali Larijani warned against many countries’ attempts seeking military intervention in Syria outside the UN Security Council, adding that the repercussions of such behavior will reach the neighboring countries.

In a statement to al-Alam TV channel on Sunday, Larijani said that the calls by many countries inside the region and abroad for military intervention in Syria will cost very dearly.

He added that military intervention in Syria will not achieve calm, rather it will turn the country into a conflict stage between all forces and the Syrian people will be greatly affected.

Larijani stressed that Syria is the axis of resistance and the countries which seek sabotaging Syria don’t seek realistic reforms but they try to seize the opportunity to eliminate the axis of resistance.

He indicated to the impressive reaction of these countries towards the explosion which hit the National Security HQ in Damascus as the US, Britain and other western countries did not condemn this terrorist act, instead of that they expressed relief that it is time to change the government in Syria and take serious steps at the UN Security Council.

Larijani underscored certain points made by western officials which indicated that the terrorist explosion of the National Security HQ in Damascus was planned to refer the Syrian file to the UNSC.

For the US, not all terrorist acts are bad and since the terrorist operations taking place in Damascus came in line with their will, they are good, said Larijani.

He added that many Gulf countries which lack the minimum standards of democracy are still supplying the armed terrorist groups in Syria with money and arms.

It is a must in any state to achieve security before making political reforms, said Larijani, adding that after one year and a half of what is happening in Syria, it seems clear that these countries which call for freedom and democracy have other goals and they are not interested in the aspirations of the Syrian people. He expressed belief that if security restored in Syria, reforms will be achieved in Syria but they leave no room for such thing to happen.

He added that the opposition in Syria is not stable and it consists of different parties, indicating that the instigation by some countries prevented the launch of dialogue between the government and the opposition.

Larijani stressed Iran’s readiness to provide help if the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, succeeded in holding dialogue with the opposition members.

It is Iran’s duty to defend the Islamic Nation, said Larijani, adding that after one year and a half, everything was revealed and the involvement of Israel, the US and some countries in the region to eliminate the resistance rather than ssympathy with the Syrian people was exposed.

Larijani considered the Israeli threats against Syria as inapplicable, stressing that the involvement of the Israeli entity in such circumstances is not a possibility.

Salehi Reiterates Calls for Resolving Syrian Crisis Through Dialogue

In a statement to al-Aalam news channel on Monday, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi reiterated calls for resolving the crisis in Syria through dialogue, affirming that Tehran is prepared to host dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition.

He said that Syrian has seen enough destruction, murder  and terrorism, hoping that the opposition which rejects these horrible acts to convene and Iran and enter talks with the Syrian government, which has already announced readiness for this.

Salehi also noted that there are many attempts by western countries to further complicate matters in the Syrian issue.

Abdollahian: US and Its Allies Adopting New Model in Their War on Syria

Deputy Foreign Minister for African and Arab Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian affirmed that the US and its allies are adopting a new model in their war on Syria, stressing that terrorism and arming terrorist will not avail them.

In a statement, Abdollahian said that the option of war and arming terrorists will not solve the current crisis, and that the optimal choice is the political solution, adding that continuing the foreign interference in Syria will create a state of instability and lack of security that will spread across the entire region.

He said that the global alliance now targeting Syria has been defeated before in their war on Lebanon, and that it’s certain that it will face another major defeat in their terrorist war against Syria.

Abdollahian also reiterated his country’s support for the Syrian people and the reforms undertaken by the Syrian leadership.

Head of UN Investigation Team: There is a Propaganda War against Syria

Jul 23, 2012

MADRID, (SANA) – Head of the UN Investigating Team on Syria Paulo Pinheiro on Monday said that there is a propaganda war against Syria.

In a speech to the Spanish Newspaper of El Pais, Pinheiro said that some of death tolls, reports on the number of victims and video footage are baseless.

Pinheiro added that starting the work of the team before finishing the training course will result in deteriorating the situation, adding that there no solution to the crisis in Syria other than a political one.

On the massacres which took place in al-Houla and al-Treimseh, Pinheiro said that information needed for identifying the sides responsible for these massacres is not clear.

Syrian TV Shows Bodies of Terrorists of Arab Nationalities Killed by the Syrian Army in al-Qaboun Neighborhood

Jul 23, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian TV showed footage of bodies of terrorists from Egypt and Jordan who were killed by the Syrian armed forces when it was clearing al-Qaboun neighborhood in Damascus from armed terrorist groups.

The terrorists are Abdullah al-Desuqi Musa’ad Bassal and Yasser Abdelrazzaq Kamel Ibrahim from Egypt, Fares Faleh al-Ghazi, Usama Abdelqader Ahmad al-Zahabi, and Ahmmad Abullah al-Zahabi from Jordan.

Earlier, the Syrian TV showed footage of other terrorists who came from Tunisia and Libya, with Turkey and other neighboring countries providing facilitations to allow these murderers to enter Syria and kill its people.

The Times newspaper had reported that the so-called “rebels” in Syria are no more than mercenaries who are funded and given weapons from external sides.

Ministry of State for Environment Affairs Calls on World Public Opinion to Confront Israeli Aggressive Practices in Occupied Golan

Jul 23, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_The Ministry of State for Environment Affairs called upon the world public opinion and upon concerned environment organizations to confront the aggressive practices of the Israeli occupation authorities in the occupied Syrian Golan, which aim to deplete its resources.

In a statement on Monday, the Ministry said that the Israeli occupation is deliberately causing fire in Ein El-Tineh, al-Shita, al-Hamidieh, Bir Ajam, Breika, Kodneh and al-Rafeed, adding that the fire burned thousands of acres of oak trees and plenty of rare plant species.

The statement indicated that the Israeli occupation has uprooted thousands of apple and cherry trees in Golan for Israeli military purposes, displaced Syrian citizens, buried nuclear, chemical and industrial materials in the land and deprived the Syrian citizens of their right in investing their lands and properties.

The ministry underlined the importance of putting pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities to abide by the Golan-relevant resolutions and refrain from exploiting its natural resources or any measures that could harm the environment.

Information Ministry Warns of Plans to Hijack Syrian Channels’ Frequencies to Broadcast False News on Alleged Coup d’etat or Defections

Jul 22, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A Information Ministry source on Sunday warned that Western intelligence are planning in cooperation with some Arab parties to hijack the frequencies of Syrian satellite channels for some time to broadcast false news on alleged coup d’etat or certain military defections or the fall of certain cities and the like.

The Ministry source added that the frequencies of Syrian channels are to be hijacked through broadcast control stations in neighboring countries, noting that false news might be broadcast by Syrian presenters and journalists who work for Arab and Western channels or who might be or have been abducted and pressured to present such false news.

The Ministry stressed that any news that might be broadcast with regard to such alleged information are completely baseless and should be regarded by the citizens as being part of the misleading and fabrication campaign launched against Syria.

Information Source: News Broadcast by Some Satellite Channels on Aerial Bombardment of Some Places in Damascus Baseless

Earlier, an information source refuted as baseless the news broadcast by some satellite channels on aerial bombardment of some areas in Damascus.

The source stressed normal life in Damascus, adding that the authorities, in cooperation with locals, are chasing vanquished terrorists in certain streets.

Syria News On 19th July, 2012

President al-Assad Appoints Gen. Fahd Jassem al-Freij Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense

Jul 18, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday issued Decree No. 275 for 2012 appointing Gen. Fahd Jassem al-Freij as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces.

The President also issued Decree No. 275 for 2012 appointing Gen. al-Freij as Minister of Defense.

Gen. al-Freij said in a statement that the General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces announced the martyrdom of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense Gen. Dawood Rajiha and Deputy Minister of Defense Gen. Asef Shawkat “as a result of a terrorist criminal act that targeted a regular meeting of ministers and authorities leaders in Damascus on July 18th, 2012.”

He stressed that “the Armed Forces will not be deterred by this coward terrorist act from continuing their sacred duties to chasing down the criminal terrorist gangs and cutting off every hand that harms the security of the homeland and citizens.”

Gen. al-Freij dismissed in a phone call with the Syrian TV the reports of al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya channels on the Syrian Arab Army as “false and fabricated news that is completely untrue” and aimed at undermining the steadfastness the Syrian Arab Army and people’s unity behind the keadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

He stressed the falseness of the news broadcast by these channels on military defections taking place in Idleb and al-Midan neighborhood in Damascus and the Third Armored Brigade and on explosions in the Fourth Division.

The Minister emphasized that the Armed Forces are firm and steadfast at all their positions and are chasing the terrorist groups to foil the conspiracy targeting Syria’s steadfastness and dignity.

Gen. al-Freij was born in Hama in January 1st, 1950. He joined the Military Academy and graduated on January 1st in 1971 with the rank of Second Lieutenant, specialized in Armored Vehicles.He was ranked Lieutenant General on July 1st, 2001 and General on July 1st, 2009.

He held several leadership positions, the latest was Chief of the General Staff on August 10th, 2011. He was awarded several military merits throughout his military service. He is married and has three children.

Defense Minister, His Deputy and Assistant Vice-President Martyred in Terrorist Explosion Targeting National Security HQ in Damascus

Jul 18, 2012

DAMASCUS (SANA) – Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense Gen. Dawood Rajiha, Deputy Minister of Defense Gen. Asef Shawkat and Assisstant Vice-President Gen. Hassan Turkmani were martyred on Wednesday in a terrorist explosion targeting the National Security headquarters in Damascus.

The terrorist blast happened while a meeting of a number of ministers and senior military and security officials was taking place, causing injuries among the attenendees, some of them critical.

An official source confirmed in a statement to SANA that Interior Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar and and Lt. Gen. Hisham are in a stable health condition.

Martyr Rajiha was born in 1947 in Damascus, and he graduated from  the Military Academy in 1968, specialized in artillery. He took several military training courses, including Leadership and Staff course and Higher Staff course. He was promoted to Lieutenant General in 1998, ad he was made General in 2005.

He occupied various military posts including battalion and brigade commander and director of a number of directorates and departments at the Armed Forces, and he was appointed Deputy Chief of General Staff in 2004 and later Chief of General Staff in 2009.

He was awarded several military medals during the course of his career, and he was married and left behind four children.

Martyr General Asef Shawkat

Martyr General Asef Shawkat was born in al-Madhala, Tartous in 1950. He joined the Military Academy to graduate as an Infantry officer.

He took part in Tishreen Liberation War in 1973, continued his studies in Law, then his higher studies in history. He gained his doctorate in History in 1976.

Martyr Shawkat occupied several posts.  In 2005, he was appointed as Commander of the Military Intelligence, then he was promoted to General in 2009.

Later, he was appointed as Deputy Defense Minister.

Martyr General Hassan Turkmani:

General Turkmani was born in Aleppo, 1935. He joined the Military Academy in 1954. He was graduated from the Artillery School in 1956.

Turknami participated in Tishreen Liberation War as Commander of a division.

He was promoted to Lieutenant General in 1978, then to General in 1988.

He was appointed as Deputy- Chief of Staff in 1982, then as Chief of Staff in 2002.

Defense Minister since 2004 till 2009.

He was appointed as Assistant Vice President on June, 3rd 2009.

Russia, Iran Condemn Terrorist Attack on National Security HQ in Damascus

Jul 18, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Russia on Wednesday condemned the terrorist explosion which hit the National Security HQ in Damascus.

“Moscow strongly condemns terrorism with all its forms.. and rely on finding and punishing those who committed this terrorist attack,” Alexander Lukachevich, spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

He added “we see that what happened was an attempt to continue undermining the situation in Syria.. we are confident that the authority and people in Syria will seek a peaceful settlement to the crisis in Syria.”

Lukachevich expressed condolences to the Syrian people, government and families of the victims.

Iran Strongly Condemns Terrorist Attack on National Security HQ

The Iranian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the terrorist attack that targeted the National Security headquarters, affirming that any attempt to destabilize Syria will reflect on the whole region.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Ministry said that Iran strongly condemns the terrorist attack that led to the martyrdom of a number of officials and wounded several others, offering deep condolences of the Iranian government and people to the Syrian people and government.

The statement added that foreign interference and sending weapons and the backing provided by regional and western countries to the armed terrorist groups will lead to nowhere.

The statement added that Iran repeatedly stressed its condemnation of all forms of violence and resort to sabotage acts, stressing that Iran believes that the sole exit from the Syrian crisis is through dialogue.

In a statement to al-Alam TV Channel on Wednesday, Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdullahian said that Iran strongly condemns the terrorist attack, stressing that the parties which are sending weapons and supporting the armed groups in Syria have failed in destabilizing the country.

Abdullahian expressed the support of his country to the Syrian people and the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad, indicating that foreign sides are attempting to foil the plan of the UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

Large Number of Terrorists Killed or Arrested in Damascus, Heavy Losses Inflicted upon Terrorists in Homs and Idleb

Jul 18, 2012

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Units from the Armed Forces on Wednesday chased down terrorists who infiltrated into al-Midan neighborhood in Damascus and killed and arrested a large number of them.

The military units also chased down terrorists who terrorized some families in the neighborhoods of al-Qaboun and Tishreen and forced them to leave their homes.

Army units clash with terrorists in al-Hajar al-Aswad and al-Sbeineh

The Syrian Army units confronted an armed terrorist group in al-Hajar al-Aswad, Damascus countryside. The group attacked civilians, forced them to leave their homes and tried to break off streets.

The Army units also clashed with another armed terrorist group in al-Sbeineh, Damascus countryside.

The group attacked civilians, forced them to leave their homes and tried to break off streets

An official source told SANA reporter that The army unites killed and wounded a big number of terrorists in the two neighborhoods.

Terrorists in al-Qseir, Homs, Suffer Heavy Losses

The competent authorities in Homs countryside on Wednesday clashed with an armed terrorist group which attacked security forces in the villages of al-Joura, al-Nizariya, Rabla and al-Zira in al-Qseir.

SANA reporter quoted an official source in Homs governorate as saying that the competent authorities inflicted huge losses upon the terrorists.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Idleb Countryside, Inflict Heavy Losses upon Them

The competent authorities on Tuesday tracked down an armed terrorist group in Selqin and Kafar Takharim towns in Idleb countryside.

An official source in the province told SANA reporter that the clashes resulted in inflicting heavy losses on the terrorists, pointing out that among the terrorists who were killed during clashes were the bodies of Mohannad Hassoun, Ahmad al-Daher, Mustafa Hamida and Wael Mazroui.

Ministry of Information: News and Photos Broadcast by Some Media on Terrorist Bombing at National Security HQ Baseless

Jul 18, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Ministry of Information said “Since the terrorist bombing which caused the death of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense Gen. Dawood Rajiha, Deputy Minister of Defense Gen. Asef Shawkat and Assistant Vice-President Gen. Hassan Turkmani hundreds of websites, social networking websites and satellite channels started broadcasting huge amount of information, news and photos aimed at undermining the morals of the Syrian citizen.”

In its statement on Wednesday, the Ministry stressed that all these news and photos are baseless and have been prepared by western intelligence apparatuses and psychological war centers, adding that the goals of this campaign revealed a clear weakness on the side of the conspirators against Syria abroad and their tools inside Syria.

The statement added that weakness and frustration pushed these websites and satellite channels towards such a desperate attempt to get out of its frustration.

The statement pointed out that “the Ministry condemns this cheap manner of media and calls for giving up these ways which have been exposed to the public opinion” as it calls these satellite channels and websites to admit of their failure in their open media war against Syria.

The ministry stressed that the hired media will not be able to achieve what the armed gangs failed to achieve.

Al-Zoubi: Responsibility for Terrorist Explosion in Damascus Lies with the Countries Sending Money and Arms to Syria

Earlier, Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi stressed in an interview with the Syrian TV that the terrorist explosion which targeted the National Security headquarters in Damascus expresses Syria’s enemies’ feeling of weakness and frustration at the strength and firmness of the Syrian Arab Army and at the terrorists’ failure to undermine the Army’s unity.

The Minister held the Qatari, Saudi, Turkish and Israeli intelligence accountable for the terrorist bombing which hit the building of the National Security.

He added that Arab and western governments, intelligence systems and agents are legally, politically and morally responsible for the killing, assassination and sabotage acts taking place in Syria for sending money and arms to the terrorists in it and that they will be punished for their crimes.

Al-Zoubi said that the Syrian army will protect the country and safeguard the homeland, calling upon the intelligence systems, agents and governments which conspired against Syria and its people to stop their terrorist activities.

He said that “We are a real state, a real people and a real army…We have always been able to defend ourselves against any aggression and conspiracies… We will hold them accountable according to the legal, moral, political and legitimate international tools.”

The Minister said that this coward terrorist act, which came a few days after successful military maneuvers were conducted by the Syrian armed forces which proved the Syrian army’s firmness and ability to confront any foreign attack indicates the weakness and the frustration of Syria’s enemies, which pushed those who supply the terrorists with money and arms to target the leaders of this army.

Al-Zoubi said that what happened today is “the last chapter of the U.S.-Western-Israeli conspiracy against Syria”, stressing that the morals of the Syrian people and Army are high and at their best and that Syria’s enemies are mistaken in their assessment of the strength of the people, army and the country.

He dismissed what the satellite channels that are involved in shedding the Syrian blood have reported on explosions taking place in Damascus as “completely untrue”, stressing that Syria will not let these channels which went too far in the media war on the Syrian people get away with their crime of instigation against Syria and that they will be sued.

Al-Zoubi underscored the Syrian Armed Forces’ full preparedness and determination to uproot terrorism in Syria.

Russia Proposes Second Meeting for Action Group on Syria

Jul 18, 2012

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia has proposed to the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Kofi Anna, holding a second round of talks of the international action group on Syria on the level of political experts.

In a statement to the journalists in Moscow, Lavrov stressed the need for such a meeting to consider the mechanism of implementing what was agreed on, adding that the western countries are working hard to prevent the UN Security Council from adopting Geneva agreements.

Lavrov added that Annan viewed the Russian proposal as useful and that he will discuss it with other participants, indicating that the Russian side also talked about the need to fix the mistake of not inviting Iran and Saudi Arabia to Geneva.

French Defense Ministry: Journalist Jacquier Killed by Syrian Opposition Gunmen’s Fire

Jul 18, 2012

PARIS, (SANA) – A source at the French Defense Ministry stressed to the Le Figaro Newspaper that the French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier, who was killed on January 11th , 2011 in Homs, died in a blast of a mortar fired by the armed terrorist groups in the city.

In his article, Georges Malbrunot quoted a source in the Ministry of Defense in Paris as saying that the information collected from the site of the accident and the tests of shells affirmed that Jacquier was killed by a 18-mm mortar fired from a neighborhood where gunmen were gathering.

The source added that all investigations and analysis clearly showed the source of fire and that all authorities concerned including the Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence, the General Directorate for External Security and diplomats at the French Embassy in Damascus approved the result.

The writer said that the French journalist who worked as TV reporter for France 2 TV channel was killed by a blast of a mortar fired by mistake by what he called Syrian rebels as the journalist was in a pro-government neighborhood and he was wounded by shrapnel from a shell as he was leaving the building along with other French and Swiss journalists.

Malbrunot said that the results reached by the French Defense Ministry stressed the information published by Le Figaro newspaper a week after the accident basing on a statement for an official in a so-called human rights association in Homs as saying that “we made a big blunder”.

He added that article 44 of the document indicated that the reports submitted by the UN observers revealed that the French journalist was killed by a mortar fired by the opposition, indicating to the presence of many reports and a detailed text written by the Arab observers in Homs that is at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo but it has never been published.

Malbrunot quoted an official in the Syrian opposition as saying that he asked the AL Secretary General’s Assistants about not publishing the second report and was answered that France and Qatar, who were chairing the AL Ministerial Committee, asked them not to publish it as the issue was referred to the French judiciary.

The opposition official, according to Malbrunot, said that both France and Qatar support the so-called free army and it will not serve their interest if any opposition member was accused of killing Jacquier.

Malbrunot said that the Elysée, having admitted that it has no evidence on the killing of Jacquier, preferred that the government would have been the one responsible for committing the crime to prevent the journalists from investigating the opposition’s movement against him.

Malbrunot said that the juridical investigation in the killing of the French journalist opened by the prosecutor was inclined to the hypothesis of blunder, quoting a juridical source as saying that it was clear that it was not one aimed bullet.

Velayati: Iran Will Defend Syria Being Main Part of Resistance in the Region

Jul 18, 2012

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Ali Akbar Velayati, Iranian Supreme Leader’s Advisor for International Affairs stressed that the policy of the U.S., Europe and the reactionary powers against Syria aims at undermining the resistance in the region.

Velatati said in a statement on Wednesday that there are sides of the so-called Syrian opposition, one is inside Syria seeking reform and the other side is abroad comprising agents who are killing the Syrian people using the money and weapons.

He added that the goal of reactionary powers in the region is undermining the approach of resistance against the Zionist entity and not achieving democracy, adding that “If this is the goal, then the duty is clear as Iran will defend Syria being the main part of resistance against the Zionists.”

Velayati reiterated his country’s support to reforms in Syria, stressing the need for launching national dialogue in Syria and reaching a peaceful solution to move forward with reforms to achieve a better future for the Syrian people.

Syria News On 18th July 2012

Foreign Ministry in Report to UN Secretary General.. Politicized Decisions Adopted by Human Rights’ Council Gave Green Light to Armed terrorist Groups to Kill Innocents

Jul 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Syria underlined that the politicized decisions adopted by the Human Rights’ Council and other organizations against Syria have given the green light to the armed terrorist groups to go ahead in the acts of killing against the Syrian people.

In a detailed report sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates to the UN Secretary General, Syria refuted the allegations included in the Human Rights’ Council decision No. 19/22, asserting that the continuation in resorting to a biased, unprecedented approach by the Council will not contribute to achieving a peaceful solution to the crisis led by Syria, but it aims at complicating the situations and covering the support offered by Arab, regional and western states to the armed groups.

“Time has come for the Human Rights’ Council and those who mislead it to abandon the accusations pointed to Syria and to direct these accusations to their right place; the armed terrorist groups which perpetrate acts of killing against the Syrian people, target the national interests in addition to its ignorance to the difficult impacts of 60 bulks of sanctions and coercive measures imposed by states that claim commitment to the Syrian people’s rights,” the Ministry said.

It wondered how would they justify preventing the caner medicines, included in the sanctions, from being exported to Syria.

The report also referred to the Council’s ignorance of the sanctions imposed on a number of Syrian media institutions.

The Ministry expressed the Syrian Government’s hope that Ban Ki-Moon would be neutral and objective when dealing with the situation in Syria in a way that reflects the reality and contributes to reaching a solution based on the national dialogue among the Syrians, away from the foreign intervention in the Syrian internal affairs where some countries seek to prolong the scope of the crisis and destabilize the situation.

The report called for putting an end to the intervention of those countries in the Syrian domestic affairs and stop supplying the armed terrorist groups, which target the Syrians, with money, weapons, media and political coverage.

“What is happening in Syria is terrorist and criminal acts, killing civilians and destroying the private and public properties where the State is implementing its duty in preventing terror acts and protecting the Syrian people,” the report added.

The Ministry concluded its report by saying that Syria has cooperated with the UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan and carried out a lot of the sides enlisted in his 6-point plan at a time when the armed groups and their supporters seek to foil his plan and obstruct the mission of the UN observers.

Decree Granting Families of Military and Security Events Martyrs University Seats

Jul 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued Decree No. 274 for 2012 on amending paragraph of Article 116 of the executive list of University Regulation Law so as to grant student seats at all faculties, departments and specializations for sons, brothers and spouses of the martyrs and the disabled due to war and military operations and the internal security events.

Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Mohammad Yehia Moalla, said in a statement to SANA that the decree came in honoring of martyrdom and the martyrs who offered their lives in defense of the homeland’s unity, dignity and freedom, as well as for their families.

“They deserve that we all safeguard their principles and be faithful to their families through at least helping them continue education,” the Minister added.

Terrorists Attack Al-Qaboun Electricity Station, Authorities Clash with Armed Groups in Damascus and Aleppo

Jul 18, 2012

DAMASCUS/ALEPPO,(SANA) – An armed terrorist group Tuesday at dawn attacked al-Qaboun third electricity converter station, causing big financial loss and breaking down three converters.

An official source at Ministry of Electricity said that an armed terrorist group attacked the station with mortar and RPG shells, leaving material damages estimated at SYP 300 million due to the harm caused to three converters and maintenance levers, in addition to the burning of the station.

The source pointed out that maintenance workshops restored the voltage and replaced the damaged parts to re-operate the station in two days.

The authorities are hunting the terrorist group in the neighboring area to the station, the sources pointed out.

Authorities Confront and Chase down Terrorist Groups in Neighborhoods in Damascus

The authorities confronted an armed terrorist group that was opening fire and attempting to block roads in Naher Aisha area in Damascus.

An official source told SANA that the authorities managed to deal with the terrorists and cleared the roads in the area.

The source added that the authorities continue to chase down an armed terrorist group in  the outskirts of al-Midan neighborhood in Damascus, inflicting heavy losses in the terrorists’ ranks.

In al-Maysat neighborhood, the authorities chased a group of three terrorist who opened fire on an ambulance, injuring the ambulance driver and the accompanying medic.

An official source told SANA that two of the terrorists have been arrested and that the authorities are still searching for the third.

In Bab Sereijeh area, the security personnel confronted a number of terrorists who opened fire randomly at the citizens and shops and killed them.

Two Citizens Injured in Booby-trapped Car Blast in al-Midan Neighborhood

After being hardly hit by the authorities, members of the armed terrorist groups blew up a booby-trapped car in al-Midan injuring two people, according to the source.

The terrorist attack resulted in injuring two citizens and caused great damage to the buildings, shops and cars in the site of the blast.

Some residents of al-Midan neighborhood said that the neighborhood is one of the most densely populated areas in Damascus that is why the gunmen wanted to use the innocent Syrian citizens as human shields.

The residents hailed the efforts of the Syrian Army members who evacuated the citizens and helped them flee away from the explosive devices and bombings carried out by the terrorist gunmen.

Some citizens said that the gunmen entered the neighborhood and opened fire randomly using different types of weapons then the Syrian army forces interfered, clashed with the terrorists and released the detained citizens.

They expressed gratitude for the Syrian army, stressing their cooperation with authorities in chasing the terrorists, pointing out that the terrorist acts will not undermine their determination or unity.

Terrorists Attack General Establishment for Printing in Barzeh, Damascus

An armed terrorist group attacked the building of the General Establishment for Printing in Barzeh with RPGs and machineguns.

Director of the Establishment Zouhir Suleiman told SANA reporter that the attack caused big material damage to the building, in addition to damaging printing equipment and the building’s doors and glass facades.

8 Terrorists Killed Tens Others Injured While Making Explosive Devices in Yabroud, Damascus Countryside

In Yabroud region in Damascus Countryside, 8 terrorists were killed and tens others were injured when a workshop for making explosive devices exploded while they were inside.

SANA reporter quoted a source at the Police Command in the province as saying that the place where the terrorists were making explosive charges was in a farm, noting that among the killed was Ousama al-Assali, who was a leader of an armed terrorist group and had been wanted for crimes of murder and abduction.

Traffic Police Wound and Arrest Terrorists in Daraa countryside

In Daraa countryside, members of Traffic Police in Bakhbab repelled an armed terrorist group driving a car and heading to Damascus.

A source at the Police Department told SANA reporter that the clash resulted in the injury of two terrorists, Hatem al-Abd and Abdul-Rahman al-Azzawi.

The source added that the driver Mohammad Abdul-Karim al-Mahamid and another terrorist was arrested in the clash and three Russian rifles were seized by the police members.

Authorities Clash with Terrorist Groups in Aleppo Destroying 14 Vehicles

Authorities on Monday clashed with armed terrorist groups riding in ten vehicles and attacking residents and law enforcement members in Bethraton and Bayanon in Aleppo.

An official source told SANA reporter that the clash caused heavy losses among the terrorists and destroyed the ten cars with the terrorists inside.

The source added that the authorities also clashed with armed terrorist groups in Aazaz area in the Province, adding that they were blocking roads, stealing and attacking citizens.

The authorities destroyed four cars supplied with machine guns and caused heavy losses among the terrorists.

The bodies of the terrorists Mohammad Fawzi Hafez, Ghazi Mohammad al-Ezzo, Ismail Hamandoush, Omar Qadour al-Sayyed Ali and Mohammad Akkash were identified, according to the source.

Authorities Storm dens used by terrorists in Hama, confiscate weapons

Following information by families and investigations, the competent authorities in Hama stormed yesterday a number of dens used by terrorists in al-Hamediya and al-Hader neighborhoods.

A source in Hama told SANA reporter that the authorities clashed with the terrorists, causing big losses among them and arresting many others.

It added that the authorities confiscated  big quantities of weapons and ammunitions including 37 rifles, 5 snipers, 3 machine guns, 11 hand-made bombs, 23 RPGs, 3 pistols and hundreds of bullets.

Law Enforcement members in al-Eremeh, Aleppo, clash with terrorists

Law enforcement members of al-Eremeh  neighborhood in Aleppo confronted an armed terrorist group which attacked the police department there.

A police source told SANA reporter that the clash caused big losses among the terrorists, destroying a Pickup car used by them.

Authorities Arrest Terrorist Involved in Bombing a Café in Aleppo

A blast hit Express Café in Bab al-Nasr area in Aleppo on Monday evening.

Authorities in Aleppo arrested Mohammad Walid Aurwa in Bab al-Nirab area in Aleppo with a Czech-made pistol and a cell phone near the site of the blast.

Searching the cell phone, the authorities found a video filming the bombing of Express Café with a voice announcing that Aisha’s Sons Battalion adopts the bombing.

Putin: Russia Will Continue to Support Annan’s Efforts to Settle Crisis in Syria

Jul 17, 2012

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that since the beginning, Russia supported the efforts of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan to settle the crisis in Syria, and that it intends to continue to support them in the future.

During his talks with Annan at the Kremlin on Tuesday, Putin said “since the beginning and since your first steps as a special envoy for the United Nations to Syria, we provided support, and now we support your efforts to restore civil peace in Syria.”

He pointed out that Annan’s visit to Moscow is taking place on the background of tragic events in Syria, stressing that Annan is known to Moscow as a man with integrity who has popularity and trust.

For his part, Annan said that the situation in Syria has reached a turning point and is currently in a critical moment.

Lavrov: There’s No Reason Preventing Agreement in Security Council on Syria

After the conclusion of the talks between President Putin and Annan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov voiced confidence that the Security Council will reach a consensus on the draft resolution on Syria.

Lavrov said that there was general consensus in the meeting in Geneva which was called for by Annan, and that agreement to the resulting Geneva statement was unanimous, thus he doesn’t see any reason that prevents agreement in the Security Council.

In turn, Annan said that the talks touched on the discussions at the Security Council on Syria, hoping that the Council members will find solutions that are accepted by everyone.

Churkin: Russia will Veto Western Draft Resolution as it is a Preface for Military Intervention in Syria

Jul 17, 2012

MOSCOW,(SANA) – Russia’s Permanent Envoy to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, stressed that his country will veto any western draft resolution that constitutes a preface for military intervention in Syria.

Russia Today TV Channel quoted Churkin as saying, ” Any hint to Chapter VII in Western draft resolution will be totally unacceptable to Moscow”, pledging that Russia will use veto against it.

The Russian Envoy pointed out to a Russian decision prepared by his country to vote for at the Security Council with regard to Russia’s readiness to adopt a draft resolution that would expand the mission of UNSMIS in Syria

Haidar: National Reconciliation Is Only Solution to Crisis in Syria

Jul 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of State for National Reconciliation Affairs, Dr. Ali Haidar, stressed that the solution to the crisis in Syria is through national reconciliation that rejects violence and the use of arms and creates the appropriate environment to start the process of national reconciliation on the basis of a compromises that serve the interest of all Syrians.

Haidar was speaking in a statement to the journalists after meeting Swedish Ambassador in Damascus Niklas Kebbon.

The Minister said that the meeting dealt with prospects of cooperation between the ministry and the international community or through the UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan and his team or through the European Union and some of its countries which might have effective contributions to solving the crisis in Syria.

He added that the Swedish Ambassador stressed that his country will not cut off its diplomatic relations with Syria and THAT the Embassy will open its door as long as the security situation allows it.

700 Jordanian Figures Condemn Premier’s Statements on Foreign Intervention in Syria

Jul 17, 2012

AMMAN, (SANA)- Hundreds of Jordanian figures condemned the statements made by Jordan’s Prime Minister Fayez al-Tarawneh on international intervention in Syria, stressing support to the Syrian people and their national leadership in the face of the conspiracy hatched against Syria.

Some 700 figures representing various Jordanian unionist, popular, parliamentary and national spectrums signed a statement proclaiming their stance in support of Syria in defending its people’s unity and territorial integrity.

The statement warned that the Jordanian premier’s statement that dialogue in Syria will no longer avail in resolving the crisis in it means that Jordan has officially shifted to the rank of the powers conspiring against Syria.

The statement reiterated the Jordanians’ support to internal national dialogue in Syria as a means for achieving the economic, political and social reforms as this will safeguard Syria and its stance of resisting the Zionist-U.S. and Arab reactionist project.

It affirmed that Jordan’s higher national and pan-Arab interests regarding what is going on in Syria demand that the Jordanians call for a solution in Syria that is through a Syrian internal national dialogue.

“We strongly reject an talk on foreign intervention in Syria under Chapter VII of the UN Charter,” the statement added.

China, Russia Support Extending UNSMIS Mission

Jul 17, 2012

UN, MOSCOW, (SANA) – China’s Representative to the United Nations Li Baodong said that China supports extending the mission of the United Nations Supervision Mission In Syria (UNSMIS).

Xinhua News Agency quoted Baodong as saying that Russia’s draft resolution is in line with China’s point of view in this regard.

He added that it is difficult for China to agree on Britain’s draft resolution as it is under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

“The priority, concerning the crisis in Syria, is that the international community should continue supporting the efforts of the UN Envoy Kofi Annan and the statement of the Geneva meeting with the aim of alleviating tension and pushing forwards the political solution for the crisis,” Baodong said.

He stressed that the political process in Syria should be led by the Syrians themselves, highlighting that all plans should be discussed with all the Syrian sides.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: Annan Supports Extending UNSMIS Mission

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov on Tuesday said that the UN Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, supports the Russian suggestion on extending the work of the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS).

In statements made after the meeting between Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Annan, Gatilov said that “We believe that the mission is playing an important and constructive role in stabilizing the situation, Annan supports us in this regard.”

Gatilov added that Lavrov and Annan stressed that the results of Geneva meeting should be supported.

Mehmanparast : Syria Adopts Reform Steps, Some Countries Seek Inflaming Situation

Jul 17, 2012

TEHRAN,(SANA)- Spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Ramin Mehmanparast on Tuesday stressed that the Syrian government has adopted constructive steps in reform process and the fulfillment of the Syrian people’s legitimate demands, stressing that since the beginning of the crisis, Iran called for stopping violence, yet some countries seek to stir up internal clashes and supply the terrorist groups with money and weapons.

During his weekly press conference, Mehmanparast reiterated Iran’s readiness to host a dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition to create the convenient environment to solve the Syrian crisis in Syria, stressing that Iran is exerting all possible efforts to restore security and stability to the country.

The Iranian official underlined the importance of cooperation between all countries to bring the views closer to reach a final formula to the crisis in Syria, warning against the danger of the spread of the terrorist operations to other neighboring countries.

Mehmanparast said that Iran sees that the opposition’s demands should be done through dialogue without foreign interference or dictations.

Salehi: Dialogue is the Only Way to Resolve Crisis in Syria

On a relevant note, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi stressed  that the only way to resolve the crisis in Syria is through dialogue between the opposition and the government within the framework of the plan of UN Envoy Kofi Annan.

In a statement on the sideline of the 1st Scientific Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran, Salehi said that Iran voiced readiness to receive Syrian opposition representatives to hold dialogue with the Syrian government in Tehran

Two Pioneering Projects to Revive Cultural and Urban Heritage in Syria Launched

Jul 17, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums, in cooperation with Aga Khan Network for Cultural Services (AKCS), on Tuesday launched two projects to revive the cultural and urban heritage in Syria.

The first project includes improving Ugarit site and establishing a development, cultural and social center in the region, in addition to studying means of maintaining the archeological ruins in the site.

The second project aims at setting up the framework of cooperation between the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums and the Network to implement the first stage of improving the Old City of Damascus and accomplish the historical study and the urban analysis of the City.

Director General of Antiquities and Museums Bassam Jamous stressed Syria’s archeological importance as it was classified among the World’s richest countries in terms of the number of archeological sites since it embraces more than 10000 archeological sites, seven of which are included in the World Heritage List.

In turn, AKCS Executive Director Ali Ismael reviewed the Network’s activities in Syria since 1991 which included the rehabilitation of Aleppo, Misyaf and Salah Eddin Castles and other archeological sites in the Syrian provinces.