Just International

Free Dr Binayak Sen, Free Us All!

There is a spectre haunting the Indian security establishment. A spectre called the national and global campaign for Dr Binayak Sen’s release.

Speaking at a function organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry in Calcutta recently M.K.Narayan, Governor of Bengal, claimed that supporting Maoists had become a ‘fad’ among students, youth and a section of the intelligentsia.

“ Civil society is spreading the message of the Maoists by campaigning for Dr Binayak Sen’s release” said a rueful Narayan, who prior to his new avatar, was the Indian government’s National Security Adviser (NSA).

The thought that a man who presided over national security for so long cannot distinguish between peaceful, democratic protests and ‘Maoism’ should be enough to send shivers down the spine of every Indian citizen. Here is the perverted mindset, so dominant among those who run our country, that confuses compassion with conspiracy and innocence with insurrectionary motives.

Even if Narayan’s imaginary spreading of ‘disaffection’ against the Indian State through the Free Binayak Sen Campaign is true, it is ultimately a ghost manufactured entirely by dark characters like him who run the country’s police and ‘intelligence’ services.

In May 2007 when the venal BJP regime of Raman Singh in Chhattisgarh, encouraged by security hawks like Narayan, decided to prosecute Dr Sen they had obviously thought they would ‘teach a lesson’ to not just this good doctor but all human rights activists everywhere.

Dr Sen was being punished for daring to criticize the brutal Chhattisgarh government backed militia operation called ‘Salwa Judum’ against Maoist insurgents that ended up killing dozens of innocent adivasis. He was an easy prey, a doctor with no major political party or money or muscle power of any kind behind him.

Charged with ‘sedition’, ‘criminal conspiracy’ and ‘waging war against the Indian State’ Dr Sen was arrested, put away in prison for two years without bail. And finally when he did get bail from the Supreme Court in 2009 the freedom was short lived and on Christmas Eve in 2010, he was sentenced to a drastic life imprisonment by a Sessions Court in Raipur.

By blatantly cooking up charges, fabricating evidence and handing out an outrageous ‘life sentence’ verdict to someone with an impeccable record of public service though the Indian security establishment has essentially shot the Indian State in the foot (if not elsewhere too). Worries about the implications of the Binayak Sen case for the future of the Indian State’s ability to command any respect within the country are now rife among security experts.

“This case is, indeed, an index of the incompetence of the State and its agencies. Once again we are brought back to a consciousness of the tremendous infirmity of the Indian State; its inability to secure its objectives by due process; its consequent desire for and resort to short-cuts and quick fixes. In this sense, what we have here is the judicial equivalent of a fake encounter — a paper-thin plotline; dodgy witnesses; incoherent, internally contradictory testimonies from tainted, partisan, sources; and the visible neglect or suppression of convincing evidence that undermines the State’s case” wrote an angry Ajay Sahni, Executive Director of the Institute for Conflict Management in a recent article in the Hindustan Times. Sahni should know, as one of the country’s most sought after security advisors on terrorism in South Asia.

Binayak’s mother, in an interview recently, recounted how as a young boy he would be troubled by why poor children his own age in the neighbourhood went to sleep without eating food. The Indian State is now afraid that every child in this country might start asking the same question and get the right answer too. It is the State, its politicians, police, bureaucrats and business partners who are stealing food from the mouths of its own hungry citizens.

That is a ‘seditious’ thought of course and might lead to ‘seditious’ consequences and hence Dr Binayak Sen has to locked up in a high security prison on charges of ‘sedition’! Well sorry fellas, it is simply too late now- the genie is out of the bottle and all the King’s men (and paramilitary forces) cannot put it back.

Three years ago, when he was first arrested, Dr Sen was a low profile health and human rights worker known only to a small circle of friends and activists. Though an annoying critic to the government in Chhattisgarh, where he worked for over three decades, in the overall scheme of things nationally he was at worst a minor thorn in the side of the establishment.

Today, thanks to the outrage provoked by his brazen and senseless persecution, Dr Binayak Sen has become a household name. Being played on almost daily basis in the big metros, in the capitals of Western nations, on the front pages of global media and even in remote little towns across the country today is the legend of Binayak Sen, the brave doctor battling the crumbling idea of India as the ‘world’s largest democracy’. The Binayak Sen case has made India today the laughing stock of the world with comparisons being made internationally to authoritarian dictatorships like China and Burma, something unthinkable just a few years ago.

It was fellows like Narayan and his buddy E.S.L.Narasimhan – another ‘intelligence’ bigwig who was governor of Chhattisgarh till recently- who gave the Raman Singh regime the idea that they were on the right track by making an ‘example’ of Dr Sen, despite zero evidence of any kind.

Narayan and other hawks in the Indian security agencies seriously believed that Dr Sen was part of some shadowy operation by the Maoists to set up a ‘urban network’ to supplement their activities in the forest and rural areas. There was no such thing of course, with the good doctor’s only motivation being the pursuit of truth and justice as dictated by his conscience.

If at one time his conscience required him to fight the widespread prevalence of falciparum malaria he did so. Another time when it called upon him to oppose Salwa Judum he did that too, unmindful of personal consequences. It has always been impossible to slot him as ‘Marxist’ or ‘Maoist’ or for that matter even entirely as a ‘Gandhian’ and therein lies his widespread appeal. He was and remains simply a man of conscience and courage.

Having never encountered, perhaps, even a single honest character like this in their entire professional careers, for people like Narayan or Narasimhan the only explanation possible for Dr Sen’s ‘bizarre’ behavior was his being part of an elaborate subversive plot somewhere. Why should someone who could have made a lucrative career as an urban doctor potter around among adivasis trying to solve their myriad problems- must be a bloody Maoist! It is this kind of lousy logic and the stupid actions flowing from it that are coming back to haunt the security agencies.

In an age where true power rests not just in economic or military might but in the projection of public credibility and when a good image means in security terms much more than all the police at one’s command, the persecution of this good doctor has seriously damaged Indian State’s legitimacy. True, for a majority of the Indian population, living in sub-human conditions of poverty and disease- the term ‘government’ itself has always evoked nothing but bitter cynicism while the very idea of India being a ‘democracy’ is dismissed with laughter.

In Dr Sen’s case though, the subversion of democratic institutions and processes by the government, has provoked outrage amidst those sections of the Indian population who were not so disillusioned till recently. Many of them have long believed that the Indian Republic- for all its many shortcomings- is still a functioning democracy and that governments can be trusted with ensuring the rule of law. That belief has been severely shaken now.

From doctors and university professors to students and professionals of different kinds all over India and abroad have protested vehemently against the murder of democratic norms in broad daylight by the Chhattisgarh government together with the lower judiciary.

The outrage among these sections is arising also not just out of a sense of bonding with Dr Sen because of his similar middle-class origins but out of a deep anger at the state of this nation. The very idea that someone with such a stellar record of public service among the poor should be punished wrongly while scamsters, mobsters and murderers occupy high positions in authority all around is revolting. And the people are now- revolting.

The question on everybody’s lips is why are the masterminds of the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom, the 2002 Gujarat massacre of Muslims, the politicians stealing national wealth through the CWG, 2 G and other scams not in jail for ‘sedition’? Why are Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler, Bal Thackeray, Narendra Modi, Sharad Pawar, Suresh Kalmadi, A.Raja not in jail while Dr Binayak Sen sits in a cold prison?

In that sense the growing campaign for Dr Binayak Sen’s release is today not just about freeing this good doctor from his unjust incarceration. It is now on its way to becoming a movement for the freedom of all ordinary citizens who are trapped in the prison house that India has become.

A prison that is currently run by people who have no respect for the Indian Constitution, rule of law, judicial procedures or democratic norms. An oligarchy that protects its own from punishment but mercilessly hounds those who show compassion or solidarity with its victims. A kleptocracy worse than the colonial regime that was kicked out of this country over six decades ago.

Dr Sen today has become a symbol of quiet resistance and inspiration to many now willing to challenge the authoritarian ways of the Indian State as well as its misplaced policies of putting the greed of a few above the needs of the majority. He has become a spearhead for a campaign that seeks to reclaim the just and democratic India that was promised by our founding fathers (and mothers) but which has been hijacked by an entire class and characters no child would trust his lollipop with leave alone an entire country.

That is why the emerging slogan of the campaign today is not just ‘Free Binayak Sen’ but together with that ‘Free Us All!’ In his freedom lies our freedom and if he is in prison so are we!

By the way, if M.K.Narayan is really upset about this disturbing trend he should – ignoring gubernatorial protocol- go hang himself. Preferably with the long, sturdy rope the Indian State seems to have gifted him.

By Satya Sagar

23 January, 2011


Satya Sagar is a journalist, writer and public health worker based in New Delhi. He can be reached at sagarnama@gmail.com

Salman Taseer: Justice Through Democracy

The moving wheel of history sometimes turns up a situation where, if ordinary human beings act with conviction, they are transformed into heroes. For Governor Taseer when the call of history came, he stood by a poor Christian woman who was wrongly sentenced to death. He spoke against the blasphemy law with resolve. He died for the cause of justice and has embraced the eternity. He is perhaps the only true hero of Pakistan. He lives on!

Predictably, the great verbal jugglery by many politicians to own and yet disown him for the fear of mullahs has been at its best since his murder. A routine courtesy to attend the funeral of a human being, let alone moral courage was, unfortunately, a rare sight in Pakistan. There are others who have the audacity to blame the victim, the Governor, for being “loud”; as if democratic discussions on an unjust law, and for a just cause have to be whispered in the back alleys only.

As a contrast, the fanatics have a religious certitude. Their educated lawyers announced the support for Mumtaz Qadri – The assassin. He was showered with rose petals, public filled the streets in his support and many mullahs envied that the Governor’s blood should have been on their hands.

“Illiberal democracy”, to borrow a term from Fareed Zakaria, disenfranchises the masses and governing is considered an entitlement for the elites. On the contrary, liberal democracy is meant to protect the basic sense of dignity and freedoms from the coercive power of the state and from domineering and bullying by the power players in a society. It is a system, not perfect, but closely matching the human nature for it offers the due latitude without allowing anyone to trample over the others. Pakistan has tumultuous history of vacillating democracy alternating with military coups that virtually added to the growing sense of unease.

The ruling-elites in Pakistan belong to about 150 years old feudal and a small industrial class. They thrive in an oligarchic nexus with the military. The ruling cabal has been preventing the tradition of open dialogue to ripen and ideas of freedom to flourish. It leaves little room for the marginalized poor and the minorities. Repression breeds more repression.

Religious extremism in Pakistan and its lethal tentacles have sprawled from the pulpit to the street. It has predictably crept into the military, bureaucracy and politics. That said the civil society is on the retreat and religious fanaticism is on the move.

Not to mention that many moderates and liberal intellectuals in Pakistan are actually religious romantics. They choose to read and interpret religion very selectively. The true liberal voices are muted. There has been hardly any voice in Pakistan to interpret the religion as a personal faith and make allowance for the State to operate in a secular domain: A doctrine for the separation of religion and state.

Secession of the East wing of Pakistan, now Bangladesh, was due to a number of material reasons. This history alludes to the fact that Islamic ideology alone that was supposed to be the unifying factor for the areas geographically apart, has already failed as the binding glue in Pakistan. In general, it is also an indictment of religion and ideology to singularly provide sufficient binding glue for distinct ethnicities, cultures, languages and economic interests to stay together as a nation. Ideology can have great social leverage but making a nation is not that simple. Populace in a geographic territory really needs a broad and unified vision where groups willingly realize that their interests will be better served and secured by being a part of the whole, called a nation. When every group in a geographic territory stands guard for brethren and opponents alike, we call it a nation. Did this sense ever take roots in Pakistan?

At this crossroad, Pakistan has a huge struggle ahead to cast off the obstreperous historic delusion called Islamic unity. It is for sake of embracing a different level of national maturity.

What does it mean?

Every nation is made up of many moving parts bound by a dynamic relationship. For social harmony, they orchestrate almost in Jazz like formation. This relationship is never a permanent binding. It has to be tuned, watered and watched vigilantly for it is prone to insidious decay. Even the strongest of national bonds fall apart in the face of stresses.

There are three dimensions of stresses in Pakistan that increased with every passing day: Economic stress on the material axis, religious extremism and democratic failure on the cultural axis and demographic stress on the social axis.

Numerous studies point to the fact that a mythical-religious mindset is the default response of the individual and the society when material stresses generate tensions. Rise of religious fanaticism in Pakistan is the symptom of a disintegrating society. It is not the root-cause of social disintegration as some would like to suggest. However, it is also true that religious fanaticism becomes a menace in its own right once the fanatics swell in number over time. It is like the proverbial monster that thrives on its own flesh.

Specifically, Islamic ideology has not changed much in the past 1400 years. However, religious fervor has wallowed at different places from time to time. We like to understand it in simple terms but it is different from our usual experience of turning the water-tap on and off at will. Religious fervor once boiled over does not cool down easy.

95% of enrollment of kids in religious seminaries in Pakistan is from poor families where almost 60% of population is below the poverty line. Education is a basic right for the children. Virtually, it is the future backbone of any society. It has long been neglected in Pakistan. If nothing else, rich and poor divide should become apparent by collapse of the basic education system in Pakistan and the types of schools the children attend, if they are lucky enough not to have already been consumed in an inhuman child labor.

Injustice done to the children of the last generation is the bitter fruit of today – A generation lost in search of identity in a pluralistic world. It has little idea of the modern world beyond. This generation in Pakistan has ripened the mindset of hyper-religiosity as the only identity in the age of globalization. It is a paradox in the world that is exploring ways for diffusion of identity into a collective human identity.

There is no easy way to gloss over economic injustice perpetrated by the ruling elites against its own people over time. The rise of religious extremism in Pakistan should hardly surprise anyone. It is a historical imperative.

While there are lots of areas that deserve attention, the time calls for the intellectuals from every walk of life to rise to the occasion. While economic and social realities are a generational matter, it is still possible to forward a liberal democratic vision as an alternative to the religious vision and call for social justice above the political fray. In this conundrum Reinhold Niebuhr sums it up the best:

“Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.”

The call of history has arrived. At this juncture of history, it is a call for liberal democracy and economic democracy. That would best avenge Governor Taseer’s blood whose murderers are fearlessly roaming the streets. That would help stem the rising tide of fanaticism. That would set free the poor Christian women Aasia Bibi and that would visibly work for the countless oppressed and the downtrodden.

By Tahir M. Qazi, MD

23 January, 2011


Dr. Tahir M. Qazi is a US based neurophysiologist and neuromuscular diseases specialist. His areas of interest are society, religions, social justice and global revolutions. Dr. Qazi can be reached at: tahir.qazi@yahoo.com






We Need To Stop This Culture Before It Kills The Planet

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“We Need To Stop This Culture Before It Kills The Planet”
By Mickey Z. & Derrick Jensen
24 January, 2011
A conversation with Derrick Jensen
As you begin reading this interview, take a look at the nearest clock. Now, dig
this: Since yesterday at the same exact time, 200,000 acres of rainforest have
been destroyed, over 100 plant and animal species have gone extinct , 13 million
tons of toxic chemicals were released across the globe, and 29,158 children
under the age of five died from preventable causes.
Worst of all, there’s nothing unique about the past 24 hours. It’s business as
usual, a daily reality—and no amount of CFL bulbs, recycled toilet paper, or
Sierra Club donations will change it even a tiny bit.
As you do your best to convince yourself of the vast chasm between the two wings
of America ‘s single corporate party, I suggest you listen carefully to hear if
even one of the politicians mentions any of the following:
•  Every square mile of ocean hosts 46,000 pieces of floating plastic
•  Eighty-one tons of mercury is emitted into the atmosphere each year as a
result of electric power generation
•  Every second, 10,000 gallons of gasoline are burned in the US
•  Each year, Americans use 2.2 billion pounds of pesticides
•  Ninety percent of the large fish in the ocean and 80 percent of the world’s
forests are gone
•  Every two seconds, a human being starves to death
This is just a minute sampling, folks, and sorry, but your hybrid ain’t helping.
That reusable shopping bag you bring to the market has zero impact. Your home
composting kit is not gonna start a revolution.
In fact, even if every single person in the US made every single change
suggested in the movie An Inconvenient Truth , carbon emissions would fall by
only 21%—in contrast to the 75% emissions decrease that scientific consensus
believes must happen… now .
None of this, of course, is news to Derrick Jensen . He is the author of
essential works such as A Language Older Than Words and Endgame . His worldview
has nothing to do with party politics, incremental reform, leftist in-fighting,
corporate compromise, or anything that seeks to tweak but ultimately maintain
the ongoing global crime we call civilization .
“My loyalty,” he told me, “is with the nonhuman and human victims (or targets)
of this culture, and my work is toward stopping this culture’s assaults on
nonhumans, on the land, on the planet itself, on women, on indigenous peoples,
on the poor.”
If you’ve grown weary (and wary) of the entrenched Left and all the words left
unspoken, you owe it yourself to read the rest of our conversation below.
Afterwards, you just might start realizing that you also owe to the planet to
get busy.
Our exchange took place during the week of January 17 and went a little
something like this…
Mickey Z.: We’re starting this conversation as another MLK Day is observed. Not
much of a chance that we’ll hear this Dr. King quote—”The question is not
whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be”—mentioned
much by the corporate media, huh?
Derrick Jensen: Just today I read an article stating that, no surprise,
industrial-induced global warming will be far worse than estimated, and if
carbon emissions continue as expected, could render much of the planet
uninhabitable within 100 years. Even now, 150-200 species are driven extinct
every day. This culture extirpates indigenous peoples. The oceans are being
murdered. And today I saw a study of rates of fire retardant in every fetus. And
on and on. And yet those of us who are working to stop this planetary murder are
sometimes characterized as extremists.
I think the real extremists are the people who value capitalism over life, the
people who value civilization over life. I cannot think of any more extreme
position than valuing this insane culture over life.
MZ: Not surprisingly, another major African-American figure from the
1960s—Malcolm X—had some positive words for extremism in the name of toppling
that insane culture. Using Hamlet as a springboard, Malcolm wrote:
“(Hamlet) was in doubt about something—whether it was nobler in the mind of man
to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune—moderation—or to take up
arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. And I go for that. If
you take up arms, you’ll end it, but if you sit around and wait for the one
who’s in power to make up his mind that he should end it, you’ll be waiting a
long time. And in my opinion, the young generation of whites, blacks, browns,
whatever else there is, you’re living at a time of extremism, a time of
revolution, a time when there’s got to be a change. People in power have misused
it and now there has to be a change and a better world has to be built and the
only way it’s going to be built with—is with extreme methods. And I, for one,
will join in with anyone—I don’t care what color you are—as long as you want to
change this miserable condition that exists on this earth.”
DJ: I think the key has to do with wanting to change this miserable condition.
I try to be fairly inclusive of the people I would work with, but I’ve realized
over the past many years that I’m not working toward the same goals as many of
the environmentalists who are explicitly working to save capitalism or to save
civilization, rather than the real world. In talks and interviews I often ask
what all of the so-called solutions to global warming or the murder of the
oceans, or biodiversity crash, etc, all have in common. And what they all have
in common is that they all take industrial capitalism as a given, and the
natural world as that which must conform to industrial capitalism. That is
literally insane, in terms of being out of touch with physical reality. I mean,
look at Lester Brown’s Plan B 4.0 to Save Civilization. What does he want to
save? Could he be any more explicit? He wants to save civilization. But
civilization is killing the planet. It’s like writing a book about how to save a
serial killer who is murdering so many people he’s running out of victims. We
see this attitude all the time. When people, for example, ask how we can stop
global warming, they’re not asking how we can stop global warming; they’re
asking how we can stop global warming without changing the physical conditions
(burning oil and gas, deforestation, industrial agriculture, and so on) that
lead to global warming. And the answer to that question is that you can’t.
Likewise, when they ask how we can save salmon, they aren’t really asking how we
can save salmon, they’re asking how we can save salmon without removing dams,
stopping industrial logging, stopping industrial agriculture, stopping
industrial fishing, stopping the murder of the oceans, stopping global warming,
and so on.
A question I keep asking is: with whom (or what) do you identify? Where is your
loyalty? Whom, or what do you want to save? And if what you really want to save
is this “miserable condition”—capitalism, civilization, what have you—at the
expense of the planet, then we’re not really working toward the same goal, are
we? My loyalty is with the nonhuman and human victims (or targets) of this
culture, and my work is toward stopping this culture’s assaults on nonhumans, on
the land, on the planet itself, on women, on indigenous peoples, on the poor.
MZ: It’s a testament to the power of propaganda how even well-meaning folks will
choose the options—both public and private—that work against their own
interests. Gay rights activists are currently applauding the alleged repeal of
“don’t ask, don’t tell.” In the name of promoting diversity and inclusion, they
are celebrating the ability to volunteer for an institution that exists to
violently crush all diversity and inclusion.
The conditioning is so interwoven throughout every aspect of our culture that
even respected Leftist thinkers simply cannot comprehend your comment,
“civilization is killing the planet” and resort to retorts about “misanthropy.”
So, the question must asked, Derrick: Can these people be reached with the
message that we can’t have industrial capitalism as a given without all the
murderous side effects?
DJ: There’s a great line by Upton Sinclair about how it’s hard to make a man [
sic ] understand something when his [ sic ] job depends on him not understanding
it. I think that’s true even more for entitlement. It’s hard to make someone
understand something when their entitlement, their privilege, their comforts and
elegancies, their perceived ability to control and manage, depends on it.
So much nature writing, social change theory, and environmental philosophy are
at best irrelevant, and more often harmful in that they do not question human
supremacism (or for that matter white supremacism, or male supremacism). They
often do not question imperialism, including ecological imperialism. So often I
feel like so many of them still want the goodies that come from imperialism
(including ecological imperialism and sexual imperialism) far more than they
want for these forms of imperialism to stop. And since the violence of
imperialism is structural—inherent to the process—you can’t realistically expect
imperialism to stop being violent just because you call it “green” or just
because you wish with all your might.
Here’s another way to say this: as I say in Endgame , any way of life that
requires the importation of resources will a) never be sustainable and b) always
be based on violence, because a) requiring importation of resources means you
are using more of that resource than the landbase can provide, which is by
definition not sustainable (and as your city grows you’ll need an ever larger
area to harm); and b) trade will never be sufficiently reliable, because if you
require some resource (e.g., oil) and the people who live with or control that
resource won’t trade you for it, you will take it, because you need it. It’s
inherent. One of the many implications of this is that if you don’t question
imperialism itself, the solutions you present will be absurd, and either
irrelevant or harmful.
Here’s a story. A couple of weeks ago a tree fell down in a storm and knocked
down an electric wire in this neighborhood. My neighbor told me about it, and
when I saw the downed tree I looked and looked and looked for the stump, to see
where the tree came from. I couldn’t find it. I’ve looked again every time I’ve
gone by that place. Well, today I was walking and I saw where it came from. The
top of a big tree had broken off. It was really obvious when I looked up instead
of down. Point being (instant aphorism): You can search as thoroughly as is
possible, but you’ll never find what you’re looking for if you’re looking in the
wrong place.
This applies to everything from personal happiness to solutions to global
But the problem is worse than mere entitlement. RD Laing came up with the three
rules of a dysfunctional family:
Rule A is don’t.
Rule A.1 is Rule A does not exist
Rule A.2 is Never discuss the existence or nonexistence of Rules A, A.1, A.2
This is as true of dysfunctional cultures as dysfunctional families. So we
cannot talk, for example, about the fact that this culture is only one way of
living among many, that this way of living is based on conquest and the
acquisition of power, that this way of life systematically destroys landbases,
other cultures, and on and on. Systematically, functionally.
But it’s worse than this. In the 1960s a researcher attached electrodes to
people’s eyeballs to track where they looked, and then showed them pictures.
What the researcher found is that if the photo contained something that
threatened the person’s worldview, the person’s eyes would not even track to it
once: they would evidently see it out of the corners of their eyes, and know
where not to look. So far too often you can make the point as reasonably as you
can, and the person will have no idea what you are talking about.
MZ: Considering the glacial rate by which most humans – myself very much
included – recognize and address destructive or self-destructive patterns in
their personal life, it’s difficult to imagine a lot more humans allowing their
eyeballs to focus in on global crises and their obscured causes. High Noon is
approaching and it seems most of us don’t even know how to tell time.
Speaking of High Noon , I recently watched the classic 1952 film and found
myself focused on the moment when Amy (Grace Kelly), the pacifist wife of
Marshal Kane (Gary Cooper), shoots and kills a man to save her husband’s life.
Earlier in the film, Amy had declared: “My father and my brother were killed by
guns. They were on the right side but that didn’t help them any when the
shooting started. My brother was nineteen. I watched him die. That’s when I
became a Quaker. I don’t care who’s right or who’s wrong. There’s got to be some
better way for people to live.”
However, she not only ends up shooting a man, she also fights off the main
villain, which allows Marshal Kane to finish him. Now, before some readers run
and tell Gandhi on me, what I’m proposing as the lesson is that when faced with
the clarity a crisis can sometimes inspire, we can recognize that those clock
hands are inching towards noon and surprise ourselves (as Grace Kelly’s
character did) with our ability to take things to a new level.
If not, what chance do we (the animals, the trees, the eco-system, etc.) have?
DJ: Very little chance. Even if people don’t care about nonhumans, recent
estimates are that billions, literally billions, of humans will die in what is
beginning to be called a climate holocaust. This is if the temperature rises 4
degree Celsius .
And the most recent estimates are revealing that global warming is far worse
than previously believed (have you ever noticed how the previous estimates were
always low?), and could go up 16 degrees C within 90 years, rendering much of
the planet uninhabitable (“Science stunner: On our current emissions path, CO2
levels in 2100 will hit levels last seen when the Earth was 29°F (16°C)
hotter—Paleoclimate data suggests CO2 ‘may have at least twice the effect on
global temperatures than currently projected by computer models'”). This means
that there are young people now who will die in this climate holocaust. And
there are too many people who prefer this wretched, destructive way of life over
life on the planet, and literally over their own children. We need to stop this
culture before it kills the planet.
MZ: Although I feel there’s way too much hand-holding in the realm of activism
and far too many progressives sitting idle as they wait for a leader to give
them direction, I must ask you this: What types of immediate direct action might
you suggest to those reading this interview, in the name of stopping this
culture before it kills the planet?
DJ: I think the important thing is that they start doing some form of activism.
I can’t tell people what to do, because I don’t know what is important to them
and I don’t know what their gifts are. But the important thing is that they
start. Now. Today.
So how do you start? The problems are so huge! Well, the way I started as an
activist was the result of the smartest thing I ever did. When I was in my
mid-20s I realized I wasn’t paying enough for gasoline (in terms of including
any of the ecological costs, etc), so for every dollar I spent on gas I would
donate a dollar to an environmental organization (never a national or
international organization, but rather local grassroots organizations), but
since I didn’t have any money I would instead pay myself $5/hour to do activist
work, whether it is writing letters to the editor or participating in
demonstrations. My first demos were anti-fur demos and anti-circus demos. And
don’t let your perceived ignorance stop you: I had no idea what exactly was
wrong with circuses, but I knew they were exploitative of nonhuman animals and
so I showed up, and other people handed me signs. If anyone asked me, What’s
wrong with circuses? I just pointed them to the person standing next to me. I
went from there to other forms of activism, including filing timber sale
appeals, and so on. The point is that I started. At the time it cost $10 to fill
my tank with gas, and if I filled it once a week, that meant two hours per week.
And I started having so much fun with the activism that I stopped keeping track
of how many hours I was doing activism, and just did it. But the important thing
is that I got off my butt and started doing something.
It’s also important that when people do activism, that it not simply be personal
stuff: environmentalism especially has gone down the dead end of lifestylism,
where people think that changing their own life is sufficient. Just today I read
an article that said, about water, “First of all, turn off the water when you
don’t need it. It’s that simple. I don’t want to sound too preachy, but,
according to UNICEF and the World Health Organization, lack of access to clean
drinking water kills about 4,500 children per day. The water won’t magically
travel from our taps to someone in need, but creating a mind-set of conservation
will certainly help. There is absolutely no purpose served by letting water you
are not using run down the drain.” This is just absurd. Yes, lack of access to
clean water kills 4500 children per day, but it’s not because of my own water
usage. 90 percent of the water used by humans is used by agriculture and
industry. So all these environmental pleas for simple living are tremendous
misdirection: these children (and what about the salmon children, and the
sturgeon children, and so on) aren’t dying because I brushed my teeth: they’re
dying because agriculture and industry are stealing the water. Just yesterday I
read that Turkey is sacrificing all nature reserves to put in dams. This is not
so people can have showers. It’s for agriculture and industry.
I live pretty simply, but that’s because I’m a cheapskate. I turn off the water
while I brush my teeth, too. Big fucking deal. That is not a political act.
There are no personal solutions to social problems. None.
So when I say that people should do some activism, I mean do something good for
your landbase. Stop destructive activities. Do rehabilitation. Or if your
primary emergency is violence against women, then do work against domestic
violence, or against pornography, or against the trafficking in women. Get
Like Joe Hill said, “Don’t mourn, organize.”
MZ: I like to tell people that we live in the best time ever to be an activist.
We’re on the brink of economic, social, and environmental collapse. What a time
to be alive. We can take part in the most important work humans have ever
undertaken. How lucky are we? In this era of “hope and change,” I say action is
always better than hope. Or, as Rita Mae Brown said, “Never hope more than you
DJ: Yes, I get so tired of people saying they hope salmon survive, or hope this
or hope that. But what is hope? Hope is a longing for a future condition over
which we have no agency. That’s how we use the word in every day language. I
don’t say, “Gosh, I hope I put my shoes on before I go outside.” I just do it.
On the other hand, the next time I get on a plane I hope it doesn’t crash. After
I get on the plane I have no agency. Think of this: if a parent says to an
eight-year-old child, “Please clean your room,” and the child says, “I hope it
gets done,” we all know that’s ridiculous. I asked an eight-year-old what would
happen if she said that to her parents, and she said, “Someone has to clean the
That kid is smarter than a lot of environmentalists. It’s ridiculous to say we
hope global warming doesn’t kill the planet when we can stop the oil economy
that is causing global warming. I’m not interested in hope. I’m interested in
agency, and I’m interested in people no longer waiting for some miracle to solve
their problems. We need to do what is necessary.
MZ: When you first began writing and speaking about civilization and the
eventual collapse, did you ever truly imagine that you’d be around to see things
as bad as they are right now?
DJ: No. And even though I wrote in The Culture of Make Believe about the ways in
which economic collapse can lead to more and more over brownshirt-ism and
fascism, I’m still kind of stunned at the way it is happening here. But more to
the point, even though I’ve written something on the order of fifteen books
about this culture’s insanity, I still cannot believe this isn’t all a bad
dream, with this frenzied maintenance of this culture as the world is murdered.
I keep wanting to wake up, but each time I awaken this culture is still killing
the planet, and not many people care.
MZ: I’m sure you can’t even calculate how many times you’ve been interviewed but
I’m wondering if there’s a question you always wished you’d been asked but so
far, no one has done so. If so, by way of wrapping up, please feel free to ask
and answer that question.
DJ: Four questions:
Q: You’ve said many times that you don’t believe that humans are particularly
more sentient than other animals. Where do you draw the line?
A: I don’t draw the line at all. I don’t see any reason to believe anything
other than that the universe is full of a wild symphony of wildly different
voices, wildly different intelligences. Humans have human intelligence, which is
no greater nor less than octopi intelligence, which is no greater nor less than
redwood intelligence, which is no greater nor less than flu virus intelligence,
which is no greater nor less than granite intelligence, which is no greater nor
less than river intelligence, and so on.
Q: How did the world get to be such a beautiful and wonderful and fecund place
in the first place?
A: By everyone making the world a more beautiful and wonderful and fecund place
by living and dying. By plants and animals and fungi and viruses and bacteria
and rocks and rivers and so on making the world a better place. Salmon makes
forests better places because of their existence. The Mississippi River makes
that region a better place because of its existence. Bison make the Great Plains
a better place because of their existence.
Civilized humans do not make the world a better place because of their
existence. They are collectively and individually making the world a less
beautiful and wonderful and fecund place. How can you make the world a better
place? What can you do to make the landbase where you live more healthy, more
beautiful, more fecund? And why aren’t you doing it?
Q: What will it take for the planet to survive?
A: The eradication of industrial civilization. Industrial civilization is
functionally, systematically incompatible with life.
The good news is that industrial civilization is in the process of collapsing.
The bad news is that it is taking down too much of the planet with it.
Q: So if industrial civilization is collapsing, why shouldn’t we just hunker
down and make our lifeboats and protect our own, and basically take care of our
own precious little asses?
A: I would contrast the narcissism and cowardice of this attitude with that
expressed by Henning von Tresckow, one of the members of the German resistance
to Hitler in World War II. When the Allies invaded France in 1944, anybody
paying any attention at all knew that the Nazis were going to lose: it was just
a matter of time. So some members of the resistance suggested that they stop
working to take down the Nazis, and instead just protect themselves until the
war was over, basically hunker down and make their lifeboats and protect their
own. Henning von Tresckow responded that every day the Nazis were killing 16,000
innocent civilians, so basically every day sooner they could bring down the
Nazis would save 16,000 innocent civilians.
There is more courage and wisdom and integrity in that statement than in all the
statements of all the craven lifeboatists put together.
Between 150 and 200 species went extinct today. They were my brothers and
sisters. It is not sufficient to merely hunker down and wait for the horrors to
stop. Salmon won’t survive that long. Sturgeon won’t survive that long. Delta
smelt won’t survive that long.
Here’s another way to say all this. I would contrast the narcissism and
cowardice of the lifeboatists with the attitude expressed by my dear friend, and
the person who really got me started in environmentalism, John Osborn. He has
devoted his life to saving as much of the wild as he can, through organized
political resistance. When asked why he does this work, he always says, “We
cannot predict the future. But as things become increasingly chaotic, I want to
make sure that some doors remain open.” What he means by that is that if grizzly
bears are around in 30 years they may be around in fifty. If they are gone in 30
they are gone forever. If he can keep this or that valley of old growth
standing, it may be standing in 50 years. If it’s gone now, it will be gone for
a long, long time, maybe forever.
As you said, Mickey Z, we are living at a time when we have perhaps more
leverage than at many previous times. Any destructive activity we can halt now
may protect that area until the collapse: people couldn’t realistically say that
in the 1920s. I believe it was David Brower who said that every environmental
victory was temporary while every loss was permanent. I think we are quickly
reaching the point where every victory can be permanent.
One final thing: the single most effective recruiting tool for the French
Resistance in WWII was D-Day, because the French realized once and for all that
the Germans weren’t invincible. Knowing that this culture is collapsing should
not lead us into narcissism and cowardice, but should give us courage, and
should lead us to defend the victims of this culture.
For more about Derrick Jensen and his work, you can find him on the Web here .
Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, Mickey Z. can be found on a
somewhat obscure website called Facebook .
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A conversation with Derrick Jensen As you begin reading this interview, take a look at the nearest clock. Now, dig this: Since yesterday at the same exact time, 200,000 acres of rainforest have been destroyed, over 100 plant and animal species have gone extinct , 13 million tons of toxic chemicals were released across the globe, and 29,158 children under the age of five died from preventable causes.Worst of all, there’s nothing unique about the past 24 hours. It’s business as usual, a daily reality—and no amount of CFL bulbs, recycled toilet paper, or Sierra Club donations will change it even a tiny bit.As you do your best to convince yourself of the vast chasm between the two wings of America ‘s single corporate party, I suggest you listen carefully to hear if even one of the politicians mentions any of the following:•  Every square mile of ocean hosts 46,000 pieces of floating plastic •  Eighty-one tons of mercury is emitted into the atmosphere each year as a result of electric power generation •  Every second, 10,000 gallons of gasoline are burned in the US •  Each year, Americans use 2.2 billion pounds of pesticides •  Ninety percent of the large fish in the ocean and 80 percent of the world’s forests are gone •  Every two seconds, a human being starves to deathThis is just a minute sampling, folks, and sorry, but your hybrid ain’t helping. That reusable shopping bag you bring to the market has zero impact. Your home composting kit is not gonna start a revolution.In fact, even if every single person in the US made every single change suggested in the movie An Inconvenient Truth , carbon emissions would fall by only 21%—in contrast to the 75% emissions decrease that scientific consensus believes must happen… now .None of this, of course, is news to Derrick Jensen . He is the author of essential works such as A Language Older Than Words and Endgame . His worldview has nothing to do with party politics, incremental reform, leftist in-fighting, corporate compromise, or anything that seeks to tweak but ultimately maintain the ongoing global crime we call civilization .”My loyalty,” he told me, “is with the nonhuman and human victims (or targets) of this culture, and my work is toward stopping this culture’s assaults on nonhumans, on the land, on the planet itself, on women, on indigenous peoples, on the poor.”If you’ve grown weary (and wary) of the entrenched Left and all the words left unspoken, you owe it yourself to read the rest of our conversation below. Afterwards, you just might start realizing that you also owe to the planet to get busy.Our exchange took place during the week of January 17 and went a little something like this…Mickey Z.: We’re starting this conversation as another MLK Day is observed. Not much of a chance that we’ll hear this Dr. King quote—”The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be”—mentioned much by the corporate media, huh?Derrick Jensen: Just today I read an article stating that, no surprise, industrial-induced global warming will be far worse than estimated, and if carbon emissions continue as expected, could render much of the planet uninhabitable within 100 years. Even now, 150-200 species are driven extinct every day. This culture extirpates indigenous peoples. The oceans are being murdered. And today I saw a study of rates of fire retardant in every fetus. And on and on. And yet those of us who are working to stop this planetary murder are sometimes characterized as extremists.I think the real extremists are the people who value capitalism over life, the people who value civilization over life. I cannot think of any more extreme position than valuing this insane culture over life.MZ: Not surprisingly, another major African-American figure from the 1960s—Malcolm X—had some positive words for extremism in the name of toppling that insane culture. Using Hamlet as a springboard, Malcolm wrote: “(Hamlet) was in doubt about something—whether it was nobler in the mind of man to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune—moderation—or to take up arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. And I go for that. If you take up arms, you’ll end it, but if you sit around and wait for the one who’s in power to make up his mind that he should end it, you’ll be waiting a long time. And in my opinion, the young generation of whites, blacks, browns, whatever else there is, you’re living at a time of extremism, a time of revolution, a time when there’s got to be a change. People in power have misused it and now there has to be a change and a better world has to be built and the only way it’s going to be built with—is with extreme methods. And I, for one, will join in with anyone—I don’t care what color you are—as long as you want to change this miserable condition that exists on this earth.”DJ: I think the key has to do with wanting to change this miserable condition.I try to be fairly inclusive of the people I would work with, but I’ve realized over the past many years that I’m not working toward the same goals as many of the environmentalists who are explicitly working to save capitalism or to save civilization, rather than the real world. In talks and interviews I often ask what all of the so-called solutions to global warming or the murder of the oceans, or biodiversity crash, etc, all have in common. And what they all have in common is that they all take industrial capitalism as a given, and the natural world as that which must conform to industrial capitalism. That is literally insane, in terms of being out of touch with physical reality. I mean, look at Lester Brown’s Plan B 4.0 to Save Civilization. What does he want to save? Could he be any more explicit? He wants to save civilization. But civilization is killing the planet. It’s like writing a book about how to save a serial killer who is murdering so many people he’s running out of victims. We see this attitude all the time. When people, for example, ask how we can stop global warming, they’re not asking how we can stop global warming; they’re asking how we can stop global warming without changing the physical conditions (burning oil and gas, deforestation, industrial agriculture, and so on) that lead to global warming. And the answer to that question is that you can’t. Likewise, when they ask how we can save salmon, they aren’t really asking how we can save salmon, they’re asking how we can save salmon without removing dams, stopping industrial logging, stopping industrial agriculture, stopping industrial fishing, stopping the murder of the oceans, stopping global warming, and so on.A question I keep asking is: with whom (or what) do you identify? Where is your loyalty? Whom, or what do you want to save? And if what you really want to save is this “miserable condition”—capitalism, civilization, what have you—at the expense of the planet, then we’re not really working toward the same goal, are we? My loyalty is with the nonhuman and human victims (or targets) of this culture, and my work is toward stopping this culture’s assaults on nonhumans, on the land, on the planet itself, on women, on indigenous peoples, on the poor.MZ: It’s a testament to the power of propaganda how even well-meaning folks will choose the options—both public and private—that work against their own interests. Gay rights activists are currently applauding the alleged repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” In the name of promoting diversity and inclusion, they are celebrating the ability to volunteer for an institution that exists to violently crush all diversity and inclusion. The conditioning is so interwoven throughout every aspect of our culture that even respected Leftist thinkers simply cannot comprehend your comment, “civilization is killing the planet” and resort to retorts about “misanthropy.” So, the question must asked, Derrick: Can these people be reached with the message that we can’t have industrial capitalism as a given without all the murderous side effects?DJ: There’s a great line by Upton Sinclair about how it’s hard to make a man [ sic ] understand something when his [ sic ] job depends on him not understanding it. I think that’s true even more for entitlement. It’s hard to make someone understand something when their entitlement, their privilege, their comforts and elegancies, their perceived ability to control and manage, depends on it.So much nature writing, social change theory, and environmental philosophy are at best irrelevant, and more often harmful in that they do not question human supremacism (or for that matter white supremacism, or male supremacism). They often do not question imperialism, including ecological imperialism. So often I feel like so many of them still want the goodies that come from imperialism (including ecological imperialism and sexual imperialism) far more than they want for these forms of imperialism to stop. And since the violence of imperialism is structural—inherent to the process—you can’t realistically expect imperialism to stop being violent just because you call it “green” or just because you wish with all your might.Here’s another way to say this: as I say in Endgame , any way of life that requires the importation of resources will a) never be sustainable and b) always be based on violence, because a) requiring importation of resources means you are using more of that resource than the landbase can provide, which is by definition not sustainable (and as your city grows you’ll need an ever larger area to harm); and b) trade will never be sufficiently reliable, because if you require some resource (e.g., oil) and the people who live with or control that resource won’t trade you for it, you will take it, because you need it. It’s inherent. One of the many implications of this is that if you don’t question imperialism itself, the solutions you present will be absurd, and either irrelevant or harmful.Here’s a story. A couple of weeks ago a tree fell down in a storm and knocked down an electric wire in this neighborhood. My neighbor told me about it, and when I saw the downed tree I looked and looked and looked for the stump, to see where the tree came from. I couldn’t find it. I’ve looked again every time I’ve gone by that place. Well, today I was walking and I saw where it came from. The top of a big tree had broken off. It was really obvious when I looked up instead of down. Point being (instant aphorism): You can search as thoroughly as is possible, but you’ll never find what you’re looking for if you’re looking in the wrong place.This applies to everything from personal happiness to solutions to global warming.But the problem is worse than mere entitlement. RD Laing came up with the three rules of a dysfunctional family: Rule A is don’t. Rule A.1 is Rule A does not exist Rule A.2 is Never discuss the existence or nonexistence of Rules A, A.1, A.2This is as true of dysfunctional cultures as dysfunctional families. So we cannot talk, for example, about the fact that this culture is only one way of living among many, that this way of living is based on conquest and the acquisition of power, that this way of life systematically destroys landbases, other cultures, and on and on. Systematically, functionally.But it’s worse than this. In the 1960s a researcher attached electrodes to people’s eyeballs to track where they looked, and then showed them pictures. What the researcher found is that if the photo contained something that threatened the person’s worldview, the person’s eyes would not even track to it once: they would evidently see it out of the corners of their eyes, and know where not to look. So far too often you can make the point as reasonably as you can, and the person will have no idea what you are talking about.MZ: Considering the glacial rate by which most humans – myself very much included – recognize and address destructive or self-destructive patterns in their personal life, it’s difficult to imagine a lot more humans allowing their eyeballs to focus in on global crises and their obscured causes. High Noon is approaching and it seems most of us don’t even know how to tell time. Speaking of High Noon , I recently watched the classic 1952 film and found myself focused on the moment when Amy (Grace Kelly), the pacifist wife of Marshal Kane (Gary Cooper), shoots and kills a man to save her husband’s life. Earlier in the film, Amy had declared: “My father and my brother were killed by guns. They were on the right side but that didn’t help them any when the shooting started. My brother was nineteen. I watched him die. That’s when I became a Quaker. I don’t care who’s right or who’s wrong. There’s got to be some better way for people to live.” However, she not only ends up shooting a man, she also fights off the main villain, which allows Marshal Kane to finish him. Now, before some readers run and tell Gandhi on me, what I’m proposing as the lesson is that when faced with the clarity a crisis can sometimes inspire, we can recognize that those clock hands are inching towards noon and surprise ourselves (as Grace Kelly’s character did) with our ability to take things to a new level. If not, what chance do we (the animals, the trees, the eco-system, etc.) have?DJ: Very little chance. Even if people don’t care about nonhumans, recent estimates are that billions, literally billions, of humans will die in what is beginning to be called a climate holocaust. This is if the temperature rises 4 degree Celsius .And the most recent estimates are revealing that global warming is far worse than previously believed (have you ever noticed how the previous estimates were always low?), and could go up 16 degrees C within 90 years, rendering much of the planet uninhabitable (“Science stunner: On our current emissions path, CO2 levels in 2100 will hit levels last seen when the Earth was 29°F (16°C) hotter—Paleoclimate data suggests CO2 ‘may have at least twice the effect on global temperatures than currently projected by computer models'”). This means that there are young people now who will die in this climate holocaust. And there are too many people who prefer this wretched, destructive way of life over life on the planet, and literally over their own children. We need to stop this culture before it kills the planet.MZ: Although I feel there’s way too much hand-holding in the realm of activism and far too many progressives sitting idle as they wait for a leader to give them direction, I must ask you this: What types of immediate direct action might you suggest to those reading this interview, in the name of stopping this culture before it kills the planet?DJ: I think the important thing is that they start doing some form of activism. I can’t tell people what to do, because I don’t know what is important to them and I don’t know what their gifts are. But the important thing is that they start. Now. Today.So how do you start? The problems are so huge! Well, the way I started as an activist was the result of the smartest thing I ever did. When I was in my mid-20s I realized I wasn’t paying enough for gasoline (in terms of including any of the ecological costs, etc), so for every dollar I spent on gas I would donate a dollar to an environmental organization (never a national or international organization, but rather local grassroots organizations), but since I didn’t have any money I would instead pay myself $5/hour to do activist work, whether it is writing letters to the editor or participating in demonstrations. My first demos were anti-fur demos and anti-circus demos. And don’t let your perceived ignorance stop you: I had no idea what exactly was wrong with circuses, but I knew they were exploitative of nonhuman animals and so I showed up, and other people handed me signs. If anyone asked me, What’s wrong with circuses? I just pointed them to the person standing next to me. I went from there to other forms of activism, including filing timber sale appeals, and so on. The point is that I started. At the time it cost $10 to fill my tank with gas, and if I filled it once a week, that meant two hours per week. And I started having so much fun with the activism that I stopped keeping track of how many hours I was doing activism, and just did it. But the important thing is that I got off my butt and started doing something.It’s also important that when people do activism, that it not simply be personal stuff: environmentalism especially has gone down the dead end of lifestylism, where people think that changing their own life is sufficient. Just today I read an article that said, about water, “First of all, turn off the water when you don’t need it. It’s that simple. I don’t want to sound too preachy, but, according to UNICEF and the World Health Organization, lack of access to clean drinking water kills about 4,500 children per day. The water won’t magically travel from our taps to someone in need, but creating a mind-set of conservation will certainly help. There is absolutely no purpose served by letting water you are not using run down the drain.” This is just absurd. Yes, lack of access to clean water kills 4500 children per day, but it’s not because of my own water usage. 90 percent of the water used by humans is used by agriculture and industry. So all these environmental pleas for simple living are tremendous misdirection: these children (and what about the salmon children, and the sturgeon children, and so on) aren’t dying because I brushed my teeth: they’re dying because agriculture and industry are stealing the water. Just yesterday I read that Turkey is sacrificing all nature reserves to put in dams. This is not so people can have showers. It’s for agriculture and industry.I live pretty simply, but that’s because I’m a cheapskate. I turn off the water while I brush my teeth, too. Big fucking deal. That is not a political act. There are no personal solutions to social problems. None.So when I say that people should do some activism, I mean do something good for your landbase. Stop destructive activities. Do rehabilitation. Or if your primary emergency is violence against women, then do work against domestic violence, or against pornography, or against the trafficking in women. Get started.Like Joe Hill said, “Don’t mourn, organize.”MZ: I like to tell people that we live in the best time ever to be an activist. We’re on the brink of economic, social, and environmental collapse. What a time to be alive. We can take part in the most important work humans have ever undertaken. How lucky are we? In this era of “hope and change,” I say action is always better than hope. Or, as Rita Mae Brown said, “Never hope more than you work.”DJ: Yes, I get so tired of people saying they hope salmon survive, or hope this or hope that. But what is hope? Hope is a longing for a future condition over which we have no agency. That’s how we use the word in every day language. I don’t say, “Gosh, I hope I put my shoes on before I go outside.” I just do it. On the other hand, the next time I get on a plane I hope it doesn’t crash. After I get on the plane I have no agency. Think of this: if a parent says to an eight-year-old child, “Please clean your room,” and the child says, “I hope it gets done,” we all know that’s ridiculous. I asked an eight-year-old what would happen if she said that to her parents, and she said, “Someone has to clean the room!”That kid is smarter than a lot of environmentalists. It’s ridiculous to say we hope global warming doesn’t kill the planet when we can stop the oil economy that is causing global warming. I’m not interested in hope. I’m interested in agency, and I’m interested in people no longer waiting for some miracle to solve their problems. We need to do what is necessary.MZ: When you first began writing and speaking about civilization and the eventual collapse, did you ever truly imagine that you’d be around to see things as bad as they are right now?DJ: No. And even though I wrote in The Culture of Make Believe about the ways in which economic collapse can lead to more and more over brownshirt-ism and fascism, I’m still kind of stunned at the way it is happening here. But more to the point, even though I’ve written something on the order of fifteen books about this culture’s insanity, I still cannot believe this isn’t all a bad dream, with this frenzied maintenance of this culture as the world is murdered. I keep wanting to wake up, but each time I awaken this culture is still killing the planet, and not many people care.MZ: I’m sure you can’t even calculate how many times you’ve been interviewed but I’m wondering if there’s a question you always wished you’d been asked but so far, no one has done so. If so, by way of wrapping up, please feel free to ask and answer that question.DJ: Four questions:Q: You’ve said many times that you don’t believe that humans are particularly more sentient than other animals. Where do you draw the line?A: I don’t draw the line at all. I don’t see any reason to believe anything other than that the universe is full of a wild symphony of wildly different voices, wildly different intelligences. Humans have human intelligence, which is no greater nor less than octopi intelligence, which is no greater nor less than redwood intelligence, which is no greater nor less than flu virus intelligence, which is no greater nor less than granite intelligence, which is no greater nor less than river intelligence, and so on.Q: How did the world get to be such a beautiful and wonderful and fecund place in the first place?A: By everyone making the world a more beautiful and wonderful and fecund place by living and dying. By plants and animals and fungi and viruses and bacteria and rocks and rivers and so on making the world a better place. Salmon makes forests better places because of their existence. The Mississippi River makes that region a better place because of its existence. Bison make the Great Plains a better place because of their existence.Civilized humans do not make the world a better place because of their existence. They are collectively and individually making the world a less beautiful and wonderful and fecund place. How can you make the world a better place? What can you do to make the landbase where you live more healthy, more beautiful, more fecund? And why aren’t you doing it?Q: What will it take for the planet to survive?A: The eradication of industrial civilization. Industrial civilization is functionally, systematically incompatible with life.The good news is that industrial civilization is in the process of collapsing.The bad news is that it is taking down too much of the planet with it.Q: So if industrial civilization is collapsing, why shouldn’t we just hunker down and make our lifeboats and protect our own, and basically take care of our own precious little asses?A: I would contrast the narcissism and cowardice of this attitude with that expressed by Henning von Tresckow, one of the members of the German resistance to Hitler in World War II. When the Allies invaded France in 1944, anybody paying any attention at all knew that the Nazis were going to lose: it was just a matter of time. So some members of the resistance suggested that they stop working to take down the Nazis, and instead just protect themselves until the war was over, basically hunker down and make their lifeboats and protect their own. Henning von Tresckow responded that every day the Nazis were killing 16,000 innocent civilians, so basically every day sooner they could bring down the Nazis would save 16,000 innocent civilians.There is more courage and wisdom and integrity in that statement than in all the statements of all the craven lifeboatists put together.Between 150 and 200 species went extinct today. They were my brothers and sisters. It is not sufficient to merely hunker down and wait for the horrors to stop. Salmon won’t survive that long. Sturgeon won’t survive that long. Delta smelt won’t survive that long.Here’s another way to say all this. I would contrast the narcissism and cowardice of the lifeboatists with the attitude expressed by my dear friend, and the person who really got me started in environmentalism, John Osborn. He has devoted his life to saving as much of the wild as he can, through organized political resistance. When asked why he does this work, he always says, “We cannot predict the future. But as things become increasingly chaotic, I want to make sure that some doors remain open.” What he means by that is that if grizzly bears are around in 30 years they may be around in fifty. If they are gone in 30 they are gone forever. If he can keep this or that valley of old growth standing, it may be standing in 50 years. If it’s gone now, it will be gone for a long, long time, maybe forever.As you said, Mickey Z, we are living at a time when we have perhaps more leverage than at many previous times. Any destructive activity we can halt now may protect that area until the collapse: people couldn’t realistically say that in the 1920s. I believe it was David Brower who said that every environmental victory was temporary while every loss was permanent. I think we are quickly reaching the point where every victory can be permanent.One final thing: the single most effective recruiting tool for the French Resistance in WWII was D-Day, because the French realized once and for all that the Germans weren’t invincible. Knowing that this culture is collapsing should not lead us into narcissism and cowardice, but should give us courage, and should lead us to defend the victims of this culture. 

 By Mickey Z. & Derrick Jensen 

24 January, 2011


For more about Derrick Jensen and his work, you can find him on the Web here .Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, Mickey Z. can be found on a somewhat obscure website called Facebook .   

Where Liberals Go To Feel Good

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Printer Friendly Version
Where Liberals Go To Feel Good
By Chris Hedges
24 January, 2011
Barack Obama is another stock character in the cyclical political theater
embraced by the liberal class. Act I is the burst of enthusiasm for a Democratic
candidate who, through clever branding and public relations, appears finally to
stand up for the interests of citizens rather than corporations. Act II is the
flurry of euphoria and excitement. Act III begins with befuddled confusion and
gnawing disappointment, humiliating appeals to the elected official to correct
“mistakes,” and pleading with the officeholder to return to his or her true
self. Act IV is the thunder and lightning scene. Liberals strut across the stage
in faux moral outrage, delivering empty threats of vengeance. And then there is
Act V. This act is the most pathetic. It is as much farce as tragedy.
Liberals-frightened back into submission by the lunatic fringe of the Republican
Party or the call to be practical-begin the drama all over again.
We are now in Act IV, the one where the liberal class postures like the cowardly
policemen in “The Pirates of Penzance.” Liberals promise battle. They talk of
glory and honor. They vow not to abandon their core liberal values. They rouse
themselves, like the terrified policemen who have no intention of fighting the
pirates, with the bugle call of “Tarantara!” This scene is the most painful to
watch. It is a window into how hollow, vacuous and powerless liberals and
liberal institutions including labor, the liberal church, the press, the arts,
universities and the Democratic Party have become. They fight for nothing. They
stand for nothing. And at a moment when we desperately need citizens and
institutions willing to stand up against corporate forces for the core liberal
values, values that make a democracy possible, we get the ridiculous chatter and
noise of the liberal class.
The moral outrage of the liberal class, a specialty of MSNBC, groups such as
Progressives for Obama and MoveOn.org, is built around the absurd language of
personal narrative-as if Barack Obama ever wanted to or could defy the interests
of Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase or General Electric. The liberal class refuses
to directly confront the dead hand of corporate power that is rapidly
transforming America into a brutal feudal state. To name this power, to admit
that it has a death grip on our political process, our systems of information,
our artistic and religious expression, our education, and has successfully
emasculated popular movements, including labor, is to admit that the only
weapons we have left are acts of civil disobedience. And civil disobedience is
difficult, uncomfortable and lonely. It requires us to step outside the formal
systems of power and trust in acts that are marginal, often unrecognized and
have no hope of immediate success.
The liberal class’ solution to the bleak political landscape is the conference.
This, along with letters and cries of outrage circulated on the Internet, is its
preferred form of expression. Conferences, whether organized by Left Forum,
Rabbi Michael Lerner’s Tikkun or figures such as Ted Glick-who is touting a plan
to lure progressives, including members of the Democratic Party, into something
he calls a “third force”-are where liberals go to feel good about themselves
again. These conferences are not fundamentally about change. They are designed
to elevate self-appointed liberal apologists who seek to become advisers and
courtiers within the Democratic Party. The conferences produce resolutions no
one reads. They build networks no one uses. But with each conference liberals
get to do what they do best-applaud their own moral probity. They make
passionate appeals to work within systems, such as electoral politics, that have
been gamed by the corporate state. And the result is to spur well-meaning people
toward useless and ultimately self-defeating activity.
“What we need is an alliance which consciously incorporates elected Democrats as
well as elected Greens and independents, as well as groups, or individual
leaders and members of groups, like Progressive Democrats of America and the
Green Party,” Glick proposes. “More than that, this alliance eventually needs to
support and work to elect candidates running both as Democrats and progressive
independents, and maybe even an occasional Republican.”
The Tikkun Conference held in Washington last June was another pathetic display
of liberal apologists begging Obama to be Obama. The organizers called on those
participating to “Support Obama to BE the Obama We Voted For-Not the
Inside-the-Beltway Pragmatist/Realist whose compromises have led to a decrease
in his popularity and opened the door for a revival of the
just-recently-discredited Right wing.”
Good luck.
The organizers of the Left Forum conference scheduled for this March at Pace
University in New York City also communicate in the amorphous, high-blown moral
rhetoric that is unmoored from the actual and real. The upcoming Left Forum
conference, which has the vacuous title “Towards a Politics of Solidarity,”
promises to “focus on the age-old theme of solidarity: the moral act of
imagination underpinning working-class victories everywhere. It will undertake
to examine the new forms of far-reaching solidarity that are both necessary and
possible in an increasingly global world.” The organizers posit that “the
potential for transformative struggles in the 21st century depends on new chains
of solidarity-between workers in the rich world and workers in the global south,
indigenous peasants and more affluent consumers, students and pensioners,
villagers in the Niger Delta and environmental campaigners in the Gulf of
Mexico, marchers and rioters in Greece and Spain, and unionists in the United
States and China.” The conference “will contribute to the intellectual
underpinnings of new and tighter forms of world-wide solidarity upon which all
successful emancipatory struggles of the future will depend.”
The conference agenda, which sounds like a parody of a course catalogue
description, includes the requisite academic jargon of “moral act of
imagination” and “chains of solidarity.” This language gives to the enterprise a
lofty but undefined purpose. And this is a specialty of the liberal class-to
grandly say nothing. The last thing the liberal class intends to do is fight
back. Left Forum brings in a few titans, including Noam Chomsky, who is always
worth hearing, but it contributes as well to the lethargy and turpitude that
have made the liberal class impotent.
The only gatherings worth attending from now on are acts that organize civil
disobedience, which is why I will be at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., at
noon March 19 to protest the eighth anniversary of the invasion and occupation
of Iraq. Veterans groups on March 19 will also carry out street protests in San
Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago. You can link to the protests here. Save your
bus fare and your energy for events like this one.
Either we begin to militantly stand against the coal, oil and natural gas
industry or we do not. Either we defy pre-emptive war and occupation or we do
not. Either we demand that the criminal class on Wall Street be held accountable
for the theft of billions of dollars from small shareholders whose savings for
retirement or college were wiped out or we do not. Either we defend basic civil
liberties, including habeas corpus and the prosecution of torturers or we do
not. Either we turn on liberal institutions, including the Democratic Party,
which collaborate with these corporations or we do not. Either we accept that
the age of political compromise is dead, that the corporate systems of power are
instruments of death that can be fought only by physical acts of resistance or
we do not. If the liberal class remains gullible and weak, if it continues to
speak to itself and others in meaningless platitudes, it will remain as
responsible for our enslavement as those it pompously denounces.
Chris Hedges writes a regular column for Truthdig.com. Hedges graduated from
Harvard Divinity School and was for nearly two decades a foreign correspondent
for The New York Times. He is the author of many books, including: War Is A
Force That Gives Us Meaning, What Every Person Should Know About War, and
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America. His most recent
book is Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.
© 2011 TruthDig.com
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Barack Obama is another stock character in the cyclical political theater embraced by the liberal class. Act I is the burst of enthusiasm for a Democratic candidate who, through clever branding and public relations, appears finally to stand up for the interests of citizens rather than corporations. Act II is the flurry of euphoria and excitement. Act III begins with befuddled confusion and gnawing disappointment, humiliating appeals to the elected official to correct “mistakes,” and pleading with the officeholder to return to his or her true self. Act IV is the thunder and lightning scene. Liberals strut across the stage in faux moral outrage, delivering empty threats of vengeance. And then there is Act V. This act is the most pathetic. It is as much farce as tragedy. Liberals-frightened back into submission by the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party or the call to be practical-begin the drama all over again. We are now in Act IV, the one where the liberal class postures like the cowardly policemen in “The Pirates of Penzance.” Liberals promise battle. They talk of glory and honor. They vow not to abandon their core liberal values. They rouse themselves, like the terrified policemen who have no intention of fighting the pirates, with the bugle call of “Tarantara!” This scene is the most painful to watch. It is a window into how hollow, vacuous and powerless liberals and liberal institutions including labor, the liberal church, the press, the arts, universities and the Democratic Party have become. They fight for nothing. They stand for nothing. And at a moment when we desperately need citizens and institutions willing to stand up against corporate forces for the core liberal values, values that make a democracy possible, we get the ridiculous chatter and noise of the liberal class. The moral outrage of the liberal class, a specialty of MSNBC, groups such as Progressives for Obama and MoveOn.org, is built around the absurd language of personal narrative-as if Barack Obama ever wanted to or could defy the interests of Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase or General Electric. The liberal class refuses to directly confront the dead hand of corporate power that is rapidly transforming America into a brutal feudal state. To name this power, to admit that it has a death grip on our political process, our systems of information, our artistic and religious expression, our education, and has successfully emasculated popular movements, including labor, is to admit that the only weapons we have left are acts of civil disobedience. And civil disobedience is difficult, uncomfortable and lonely. It requires us to step outside the formal systems of power and trust in acts that are marginal, often unrecognized and have no hope of immediate success.The liberal class’ solution to the bleak political landscape is the conference. This, along with letters and cries of outrage circulated on the Internet, is its preferred form of expression. Conferences, whether organized by Left Forum, Rabbi Michael Lerner’s Tikkun or figures such as Ted Glick-who is touting a plan to lure progressives, including members of the Democratic Party, into something he calls a “third force”-are where liberals go to feel good about themselves again. These conferences are not fundamentally about change. They are designed to elevate self-appointed liberal apologists who seek to become advisers and courtiers within the Democratic Party. The conferences produce resolutions no one reads. They build networks no one uses. But with each conference liberals get to do what they do best-applaud their own moral probity. They make passionate appeals to work within systems, such as electoral politics, that have been gamed by the corporate state. And the result is to spur well-meaning people toward useless and ultimately self-defeating activity.”What we need is an alliance which consciously incorporates elected Democrats as well as elected Greens and independents, as well as groups, or individual leaders and members of groups, like Progressive Democrats of America and the Green Party,” Glick proposes. “More than that, this alliance eventually needs to support and work to elect candidates running both as Democrats and progressive independents, and maybe even an occasional Republican.”The Tikkun Conference held in Washington last June was another pathetic display of liberal apologists begging Obama to be Obama. The organizers called on those participating to “Support Obama to BE the Obama We Voted For-Not the Inside-the-Beltway Pragmatist/Realist whose compromises have led to a decrease in his popularity and opened the door for a revival of the just-recently-discredited Right wing.” Good luck.The organizers of the Left Forum conference scheduled for this March at Pace University in New York City also communicate in the amorphous, high-blown moral rhetoric that is unmoored from the actual and real. The upcoming Left Forum conference, which has the vacuous title “Towards a Politics of Solidarity,” promises to “focus on the age-old theme of solidarity: the moral act of imagination underpinning working-class victories everywhere. It will undertake to examine the new forms of far-reaching solidarity that are both necessary and possible in an increasingly global world.” The organizers posit that “the potential for transformative struggles in the 21st century depends on new chains of solidarity-between workers in the rich world and workers in the global south, indigenous peasants and more affluent consumers, students and pensioners, villagers in the Niger Delta and environmental campaigners in the Gulf of Mexico, marchers and rioters in Greece and Spain, and unionists in the United States and China.” The conference “will contribute to the intellectual underpinnings of new and tighter forms of world-wide solidarity upon which all successful emancipatory struggles of the future will depend.” The conference agenda, which sounds like a parody of a course catalogue description, includes the requisite academic jargon of “moral act of imagination” and “chains of solidarity.” This language gives to the enterprise a lofty but undefined purpose. And this is a specialty of the liberal class-to grandly say nothing. The last thing the liberal class intends to do is fight back. Left Forum brings in a few titans, including Noam Chomsky, who is always worth hearing, but it contributes as well to the lethargy and turpitude that have made the liberal class impotent.The only gatherings worth attending from now on are acts that organize civil disobedience, which is why I will be at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., at noon March 19 to protest the eighth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Veterans groups on March 19 will also carry out street protests in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago. You can link to the protests here. Save your bus fare and your energy for events like this one. Either we begin to militantly stand against the coal, oil and natural gas industry or we do not. Either we defy pre-emptive war and occupation or we do not. Either we demand that the criminal class on Wall Street be held accountable for the theft of billions of dollars from small shareholders whose savings for retirement or college were wiped out or we do not. Either we defend basic civil liberties, including habeas corpus and the prosecution of torturers or we do not. Either we turn on liberal institutions, including the Democratic Party, which collaborate with these corporations or we do not. Either we accept that the age of political compromise is dead, that the corporate systems of power are instruments of death that can be fought only by physical acts of resistance or we do not. If the liberal class remains gullible and weak, if it continues to speak to itself and others in meaningless platitudes, it will remain as responsible for our enslavement as those it pompously denounces. Chris Hedges writes a regular column for Truthdig.com. Hedges graduated from Harvard Divinity School and was for nearly two decades a foreign correspondent for The New York Times. He is the author of many books, including: War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning, What Every Person Should Know About War, and American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America. His most recent book is Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.

By Chris Hedges

24 January, 2011 


Tehran Times: Leaked papers reveal Palestinian leaders gave up fight on refugees

Palestinian Authority proposed that only a handful of the nearly six million Palestinian refugees be allowed to return.

At the Bourj el Barajneh refugee camp in southern Beirut, a centre for the elderly serves as an oasis from the overcrowded, filthy conditions outside its metal doors. 

On a recent Thursday morning, a group of men and women in their 60s and 70s gathered around a table to color and draw pictures, while others solved crossword puzzles. One woman sitting in the corner focused intently as she embroidered a traditional Palestinian dress. The Active Ageing House in the refugee camp is a place where they can pass time, socialize and share meals. 

They are known as the “Children of the Nakba” — a generation of Palestinians that witnessed, and survived, the forced expulsion and violence in 1948 committed by Zionist paramilitaries on behalf of the nascent state of Israel. 

They each have a story about how they or their parents managed to escape their homeland over 60 years ago — and their wounds are still raw. 

Some six million Palestinian refugees are scattered around the world, including more than 400,000 in Lebanon. Here, they are deprived of basic rights, not permitted to buy or sell property, and are banned from more than 70 job categories. Mired in abject poverty, they are dependent on an increasingly incapable United Nations agency for aid. 

A “symbolic number” of returnees 

The Palestine Papers show that Palestinian Authority (PA) negotiators were prepared to make major concessions on the refugees’ right of return: on the numbers potentially allowed to return to their homes in what is now Israel; on whether refugees would be able to vote on any peace agreement; and on how many would be able to settle in a future Palestinian state. 

In an email Ziyad Clot, a legal adviser to Palestinian negotiators on the refugee file, writes, “President 

[Mahmoud] Abbas offered an extremely low proposal for the number of returnees to Israel a few weeks only after the start of the process.” 

The papers also reveal that then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert proposed that 1,000 Palestinian refugees be allowed to return annually to Israel over a period of five years — totaling just 5,000, a tiny fraction of those displaced after Israel’s creation. 

On January 15, 2010, Erekat told U.S. diplomat David Hale that the Palestinians offered Israel the return of “a symbolic number” of refugees. 

According to the documents, not only did Palestinian officials offer a low figure of returnees, the chief negotiator of the PLO, Saeb Erekat, said that refugees would not have voting rights on a possible peace deal with Israel. 

Notes of a meeting on March 23, 2007, between Erekat and then-Belgian foreign minister Karel De Gucht, reveal that Erekat said, “I never said the Diaspora will vote. It’s not going to happen. The referendum will be for Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Can’t do it in Lebanon. Can’t do it in Jordan.” 

While Erekat conceded the rights of Palestinian refugees to determine their own fate, during such meetings Israeli negotiators made clear their vision for the refugees. 

Hamas blasts PA-Israel ‘cooperation’ 

The Palestinian Hamas movement has lashed out at the Palestinian Authority (PA) over the leaked classified documents revealing the PA’s alleged cooperation with Israel. 

Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for the Islamic movement, said on Monday that the discovery of the documents unveils a scheme drawn up by the PA and Israel to destroy the Palestinian cause, Press TV reported. 

His comments come on the heels of the release of over 16,000 controversial documents alleging that the PA made concessions to Israel during ‘secret talks’ between 2000 and 2010. 

The documents, released by Al-Jazeera TV on Sunday, reveal that the PA secretly agreed to concede almost all of the occupied East al-Quds (Jerusalem) to Israel. The leak alleges that the unprecedented proposal is just one of a string of concessions offered by the PA. 

The documents also maintain that Palestinian Authority’s chief negotiator Saeb Erekat proposed that al-Quds’ Old City be divided, but he immediately denied he had made the offer.

By staff and agencies


Analysis: Reading between the PaliLeaks lines

It is not clear if, or how, “The Palestine Papers” were edited, and very little new information can be found in the documents.

While many of the US diplomatic cables published on the WikiLeaks site were written by relatively objective US observers in capitals around the world, the PaliLeaks documents were written by a party to the negotiations – invested in the negotiations – who present a Palestinian perspective of events that transpired.

• It is not clear if, or how, the documents were edited.

With the WikiLeaks cables, one reads the entire US diplomatic cable, complete with all the diplomatic shorthand (like GOI for Government of Israel).

Here, the reader does not know exactly what kind of document one is reading – whether it is the full document, or if not, what has been left out.

Just as all knowledgeable media consumers know not to take what is reported on Al- Jazeera as eternal truth, but to strain it through layers of skepticism to filter out the network’s own agenda (the same is true, to a lesser extent, with the Guardian’s reporting on the Middle East), that same mechanism must kick in when analyzing these documents.

Why is Al-Jazeera releasing the documents? Which documents is it releasing? What is Qatar’s agenda? Remember, Al-Jazeera is funded by Qatar, which is quarreling with Saudi Arabia, trying to cover its bets with Iran, and known for its sympathy for Hamas. Qatar, and thereby Al-Jazeera, is not necessarily guided by a desire to see success in Israeli-PA negotiations.

• The Israeli public does not pay enough serious attention to what the Palestinians say.

One of the glaring elements in the documents has to do with the Palestinian position on Ma’aleh Adumim.

Since a parade of Israeli politicians, from Yossi Sarid and Yossi Beilin on the Left, to Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon in the Center, have said in the past that Ma’aleh Adumim will be part of Israel in any future agreement, there is a tendency among the Israeli public to believe that this is indeed what eventually will transpire.

Read these documents, however, and it becomes clear that this given – it even appeared in the Geneva Accords – is no given at all.

The Palestinians are adamantly opposed to Israel annexing Ma’aleh Adumim, as well as Ariel, and give no indication of softening that position.

This is a bit reminiscent of the rude awakening many Israelis had in 1993, after the Oslo Accords. Much of the public had convinced itself that there was no way in the world the Palestinians could really believe that under a peace agreement, the Palestinian refugees would be allowed back into Israel – only to wake up and find that, indeed, the Palestinians really believed that.

Not only did they believe it, but they were going to battle for it.

• There is not that much new there, though just a little.

After the dust settles, it will become apparent that there is nothing earth-shatteringly new in the documents. That the Palestinians were willing to let Israel annex the Jewish neighborhoods over the Green Line, with the exception of Har Homa, is not new, nor a sign – whatever Al-Jazeera and the Guardian would have one believe – of unsurpassed flexibility.

This was discussed at Camp David, and enshrined in the Clinton parameter formula – that the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem would be under Israeli sovereignty, and the Arab neighborhoods under Palestinian sovereignty.

It was part of the 2003 Geneva Accord, as well as one of the principles of the 2002 agreement drawn up by Ami Ayalon and Sari Nusseibeh.

If anything, the Palestinian demand in the documents for Har Homa is a step back from this benchmark.

Furthermore, that there was discussion regarding “a creative solution to the issue of the Holy Basin” should not been seen as a sign of great Palestinian elasticity, since everyone knows that ideas about this were discussed as far back as 2000 (if not earlier) by Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak at Camp David.

One new element that emerged, or an element that the public might not be aware of, is a Palestinian willingness to let the settlements remain in a future Palestinian state, if the Jews living there agree to live under Palestinian sovereignty.

The default setting among Israelis when talking about a future agreement was that all settlements have to be evacuated and all Jews moved out, as was done in Sinai and Gaza.

But then one reads the documents and hears Ahmed Qurei saying the Jews can stay. That, for many, will seem new.

Will they be safe? That is a completely different question – which Tzipi Livni answers in the negative in the documents. But the PA is not – at least according to these documents – demanding a state totally free of Jews.

• The PA reaction shows we’re moving backward.

Rather than taking the publication of the documents and saying loudly and proudly that this shows a willingness to give up on maximalist Palestinian demands, the PA reaction was the complete opposite. It was to deny everything, and to say that the PA would not give in an inch.

And that’s a problem.

The documents, like WikiLeaks, show again the huge gap between what Arab leaders say in public and what they say in private. In the WikiLeaks documents, this was seen in how Arab leaders talked about Iran behind closed doors, compared to what they said in front of the microphones.

The same can be seen here.

In public it is “not one inch,” though in private the tone is somewhat different.

The PA had the chance Monday to say in public what it apparently said in private: that it was not cleaving to the last grain of sand.

But it failed the test – something that doesn’t bode well for the future.

01/24/2011 20:56


The limits of autonomy

The accumulation of restrictions under the rubric “demilitarization” amounts to nothing more than a new occupation.

When do the demands of demilitarization of a state transcend over sovereignty, to become the imposition of another form of occupation? At its limit, demilitarization is occupation: and sovereignty becomes nothing more than a meaningless banner, flapping in the wind, over a police state.

The Palestine Papers reveal Israel’s negotiator, Tzipi Livni in May 2008 discussing the scope of Palestinian demilitarization with her Palestinian counterparts:

Livni: “First: demilitarization – what you call limited arms. The equation is that on one hand you will have some limited arms for law and order and for fighting internal terrorism. But there is no need – and we cannot afford – a Palestinian army.”

Erekat: “Do I have a choice of who to place on my territory?”

Livni: “No.”

Erekat: “Do you see your army in our territory?”

Livni: “We don’t see ourselves in the territory except for limited cases, like early warning stations and the Jordan Valley… (Jordan Valley) not as territory, but a presence at the border.”

Erekat: “Can I choose where I secure external defence?”

Livni: “No… in order to create your state you have to agree in advance with Israel – you choose not to have the right of choice afterwards. These are the basic pillars.”

Livni makes it absolutely clear with that phrase: “You choose not to have the right of choice.”

The right of choice, of course, is basic to the concept of sovereignty. The basic pillars Livni talks about are no army, no air force, and basically no capacity for external defence. Ahmed Qurei, the chief negotiator is quite unperturbed by this ban, making it clear that he is in confrontation with Hamas and Hezbollah, rather than with any ‘external’ threat. This, of course, is not a problem, Livni is content “for strong police for law and order but not external threats”. The Israelis are happy for the PA to have a strong police state.

Let us be clear: Israel is demanding full spectrum military dominance in the air, on land – and with no capacity for Palestinians to protect themselves in any way whatsoever from either air attack, incursion, or missile attack. Implicit in Livni’s demand is a claim to impunity to pursue whatever military action against Palestinians, Israel may choose to launch: complete freedom of action.

Qurei is too busy making cracks about Hezbollah already being the government in Lebanon, to protest much. He wants arms to fight Hamas, not to defend Palestinians from Israel.

“Nothing more than a new occupation”

But this picture cannot be viewed in isolation to the other aspects of control that Livni is seeking: Israel is demanding control over the borders, control on who may enter and exit the Palestinian state, effective joint control over the internal security apparatus, Israeli vetting of applicants to the security apparatus, restrictions on who may stand for election in the Palestinian state, control over press ‘incitement’, control over the mosques, control over Palestinian airspace and even control over its electro-magnetic field.

These restrictions come on top of an American and European counter-insurgency project that has already set in place an economic oligarchy that is collaborating closely to co-ordinate with Israeli commercial interests.

They are additional too to policies already in place to crack down on any dissent. In the language of one British document, included among The Palestine Papers, the objective being to ‘degrade’ the capabilities of opponents to the PA; to disrupt their communications, to intern their members, to close their civil and charitable organisations, to remove them from public bodies, and to seize their assets.

Whereas to call for the ‘demilitarization’ of a Palestinian state may seem innocuous – and was treated as such by the PLO negotiators – the accumulation of restrictions under the rubric ‘demilitarization’ – amounts to nothing more than a new occupation. The experience of Gaza since 2006 illustrates clearly what can be the result when Israel exercises full military freedom of action against an undefended territory, when it additionally controls the crossings and the borders, when it controls the passage of foodstuffs, when it controls economic resources such as electricity, diesel and cooking gas. Palestinians become their captives.

Israelis may no longer be physically present in Gaza – aside from their temporary incursions – but Gaza is not free, and it is not sovereign. At its limit demilitarization simply is occupation by another name.

Alastair Crooke

Last Modified: 25 Jan 2011 19:35 GMT

Alastair Crooke is the founder of Conflicts Forum, an international movement which engages with Islamist movements broadly. He is the organiser of US and European unofficial dialogues in 2005 with Hezbollah, Hamas and other Islamist movements, and a former special Middle East adviser to European Union high representative Javier Solana. He facilitated various Israeli-Palestinian ceasefires during 2001-2003, and was instrumental in the negotiations leading to the ending of the siege of the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem. He is a former member of Britain’s MI-6 intelligence service.

Source: Al Jazeera

Secret Palestine Documents Expose Sham “Peace Process”

The release of some 1,700 secret documents has exposed the so-called peace process as a criminal farce, part of a permanent US-Israeli conspiracy against the basic rights of the Palestinian people.

The papers, which consist of minutes of negotiating sessions, diplomatic correspondence, memos, maps and other materials dating from 1999 to 2010, were obtained by the Al Jazeera television network. They present a devastating portrait of all sides engaged in the last decade of US-brokered Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) of Mahmoud Abbas is exposed as wholly subservient to US and Israeli interests. It is desperate to salvage an agreement that will secure it the fiction of a Palestinian state at the expense of every historic aspiration of the Palestinian people, which it represses and lies to in a bid to cement the privileges of a small wealthy layer.

To this end, as the documents make clear, the PA’s negotiators were prepared to accept the devouring of East Jerusalem by Zionist settlements, repudiate the right of exiled Palestinians to return to their land, and participate in mass transfers of Arab populations, a form of ethnic cleansing designed to meet Israel’s goal of a demographically secure “Jewish state.” All of this was done behind the backs of the Palestinian people.

 For their part, the Israelis emerge as ruthless and brutal in their determination to suppress the Palestinians and expropriate every possible inch of their land. Absolutely uninterested in reaching any agreement, they utilize the negotiations to extract ever greater concessions from their pliant Palestinian counterparts, while establishing new “facts on the ground” in terms of ever-mushrooming Zionist settlements in the occupied territories.

As for Washington, under Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama alike, US diplomacy assumes a criminal character in relation to the Palestinian question, just as it does throughout the Middle East. Negotiators routinely side with Israel on all substantive issues, while treating the Palestinians with unconcealed contempt. Any attempt by the latter to raise basic issues of international law or even previous commitments made and unceremoniously broken are dismissed as “unrealistic” and foolish.

The arrogance and hostility with which imperialism treats not only the Palestinians but every oppressed people and the working class all over the world was summed up in a remark by then-US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and recorded in one of the transcripts. Dismissing claims on behalf of the millions of Palestinians condemned to exile, statelessness and bare subsistence in squalid refugee camps, Rice commented, “Bad things happen to people all around the world all the time. You need to look forward.”

The continuity of this vicious attitude toward the plight of the Palestinians was made clear by Rice’s successor, Hillary Clinton, who is recorded in a transcript from the fall of 2009 as demanding to know why Palestinians acted as if they were “always in a chapter of a Greek tragedy.”

None of this will come as a revelation to millions of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and the millions more scattered in exile in Lebanon, Jordan and elsewhere. Their daily life of Israeli military strikes, roadblocks, land expropriations and countless humiliations is testament to the fraud and failure of the so-called “peace process.”

Nonetheless, just as the US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks on the corruption and torture practiced by the regime of President Zine El Abadine Ben Ali fueled the mass revolutionary uprising that has overthrown it, the documents published by Al Jazeera pose a mortal threat to the survival of the corrupt and authoritarian regime headed by Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah.

The Palestinian Authority reacted with rage to the publication of the documents, calling them “a bunch of lies” and “fabricated.” Meeting in Cairo with President Hosni Mubarak, PA President Abbas charged that the documents published by Al Jazeera were “intended” as a “mixup,” attributing Israeli negotiating positions to the PA’s own negotiators.

Yasser Abed Rabbo, the secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, charged that Al Jazeera was trying to “trick and mislead the simple citizen” and suggested that it was acting on behalf of the Islamist movement Hamas, the PLO’s rival, which governs the Gaza Strip.

The leading Fatah faction of the PLO organized a demonstration outside Al Jazeera’s offices in Ramallah, which were hit by vandalism. Some officials have suggested the station will be closed down in the West Bank.

For its part, Hamas said that the documents expose “the level of the Fatah authority’s involvement in attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause, particularly on the issue of Jerusalem and refugees, and its involvement against the resistance in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.”

The claims that the documents are forged or that Israeli positions are misrepresented as those of the Palestinian negotiators are not credible. The most incriminating material is contained in the transcripts of negotiating sessions in which the source of these positions is unmistakable. In addition to Al Jazeera, the British Guardian newspaper, with which the network shared the material, has vouched for their validity.

Among the most significant of the revelations in the papers released by Al Jazeera are the concessions offered by the PA’s negotiators on core issues, which stood in stark contrast to official positions upheld by the Palestinian movement for decades.

These included:

• An offer to allow Israel to retain control of all but one of its settlements in East Jerusalem, effectively ceding control of nearly all of what was to have been the Palestinian capital to the Israelis. Under international law, all of these settlements are illegal. The Palestinian negotiator, Ahmed Qureia, is quoted in a transcript from a May 2008 negotiating session as describing the concession as “unprecedented” and something that “we refused to do” at Camp David.

• An offer to settle for a “symbolic number” of refugees expelled in 1948 to be allowed to return to Israel, reportedly 100,000 over 10 years. Such a proposal would effectively renounce the rights of more than five million stateless Palestinians.

• An offer to place control of the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount site in Jerusalem’s old city, which includes the Dome of the Rock and al Aqsa mosques, under control of a joint committee. In making the proposal, which renounced claims previously defended by Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat, the PA’s chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, is quoted as declaring sarcastically, “The only thing I cannot do is convert to Zionism.”

Other documents illustrate the intimate collaboration between the Palestinian Authority and US and British intelligence in suppressing militant factions in the occupied territories and conspiring to overthrow Hamas in Gaza. The documents indicate that the PA was given advance warning of the 2008-2009 Israeli invasion of Gaza and bargained with the Israelis over the selection of Palestinian prisoners to be released with the open aim of boosting its image over that of its Islamist rivals.

All of these concessions produced precisely nothing from either Israel or its US ally. In an apparently emotional protest to Obama’s Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, during an October 2009 meeting in Washington, Erekat is recorded as saying, “Nineteen years of promises and you haven’t made up your minds what you want to do with us… We delivered on our road map obligations. Even Yuval Diskin [director of Shabak, Israel’s internal security service] raises his hat on security. But no, they can’t even give a six-month freeze [on settlements] to give me a fig leaf.”

Washington, he complained, was interested only in “PR, quick news, and we’re cost free.” He warned that the failure of the “peace process” to produce anything for the Palestinians was undermining the usefulness of the PA in advancing US policy. “What good am I if I’m the joke of my wife, if I’m so weak.”

As for the Israeli side, the documents quote then-Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in a 2007 meeting providing a remarkably frank description of Tel Aviv’s negotiating strategy, which has been guided by a determination to prevent any possibility of a viable Palestinian state. “The Israel policy is to take more and more land day after day and that at the end of the day we’ll say that is impossible, we already have the land and we cannot create the [Palestinian] state,” she said.

A similarly frank assessment as to the one-sided and fraudulent character of the “peace process” was offered by a former Israeli negotiator in an interview with the Guardian.

“What’s so striking is not so much the nature of the concessions, it’s that year after year they’re pursuing the same strategy which not only shows itself to have failed but showed itself to be on a slope of constant Palestinian slippage,” said the ex-negotiator, Daniel Levy. “They knew that the Israelis were pocketing whatever they gave, building more settlements and then saying: we need more land.”

Levy continued: “The Palestinians never extracted themselves from that structurally losing proposition, especially the expectation that the Americans would deliver Israel because the Palestinians thought they were the ones being reasonable in the negotiations. But it didn’t happen and it didn’t happen. The Americans constantly sided with the unreasonable side and the Palestinians kept digging themselves deeper and deeper in to this losing proposition.”

This assessment was confirmed by the reaction of the current government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to the Al Jazeera report. It immediately seized upon the documents dealing with the sweeping concessions offered in relation to East Jerusalem to brand public demands by the Palestinian Authority for a freeze on construction there as “ridiculous.”

The released papers “show that the Palestinian demand over the last year and a half to freeze construction in Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem is ridiculous, since it is clear that they had already conceded the aforementioned neighborhoods in negotiations during Olmert’s tenure,” the Israeli daily Haaretz quoted Israeli officials as saying.

The reality is that, no matter how great the concessions offered by the Palestinian side, neither Israel nor Washington have been interested in a settlement. The “peace talks,” which have now broken down over Israel’s refusal to provide even a temporary and partial freeze on new settlements, have served only as a means of exerting control over the Palestinian population and furthering imperialist intrigues in the broader Middle East.

In Washington, the State Department said it could not vouch for veracity of the documents, but acknowledged that they would nave an impact. “We don’t deny that this release will, at least for a time, make the situation more difficult than it already was,” said spokesman Philip Crowley. “But again, we are clear-eyed about this. We always recognized that this would be a great challenge. But it hasn’t—it doesn’t change our overall objective.”

Among the revelations contained in the documents is that the Obama administration tailored its policy even more closely to that of Israel than the Bush administration. In talks between Obama’s envoy Mitchell and Palestinian negotiator Erekat in the autumn of 2009, Mitchell pushed the PA to cede to Israel’s refusal to recognize the 1967 borders as the basis for negotiations on a Palestinian state.

When Erekat protested that the 1967 borders were part of the 2003 Road Map and had been specifically endorsed by the Bush administration barely a year earlier, Mitchell said Washington was not bound by these commitments.

“Again I tell you that President Obama does not accept prior decisions by Bush,” the US envoy declared. “Don’t use this because it can hurt you. Countries are bound by agreements—not discussions or statements.”

The documents released by Al Jazeera have laid bare the real character of the so-called “peace process,” which has been totally misrepresented by the media. From the beginning, it has served not as a means of ending the six-decade plight of the Palestinian people, but rather of legitimizing endless violence against them and of furthering US interests in the Middle East.

The prostration of the PA leadership exposed by these transcripts signals the dead-end of bourgeois nationalism throughout the Middle East and internationally.

The historic demands of the Palestinian people cannot be resolved through the pursuit of imperialist support for a bantustan-style statelet in the occupied territories. Only the mobilization of the working class—Palestinian and Israeli—and its unification based on a socialist and internationalist program can provide a way out of the present impasse and prevent a new round of murderous warfare.

By Bill Van Auken

25 January, 2011



Total Capitulation

The ‘Palestine Papers’ being published this week by al-Jazeera confirm in every detail what many Palestinians have suspected for a long time: their leaders have been collaborating in the most shameful fashion with Israel and the United States. Their grovelling is described in grim detail. The process, though few accepted it at the time, began with the much-trumpeted Oslo Accords, described by Edward Said in the LRB at the time as a ‘Palestinian Versailles’. Even he would have been taken aback by the sheer scale of what the PLO leadership agreed to surrender: virtually everything except their own salaries. Their weaknesses, inadequacies and cravenness are now in the public domain.

Now we know that the capitulation was total, but still the Israeli overlords of the PLO refused to sign a deal and their friends in the press blamed the Palestinians for being too difficult. They wanted Palestine to be crushed before they would agree to underwrite a few moth-eaten protectorates that they would supervise indefinitely. They wanted Hamas destroyed. The PLO agreed. The recent assault on Gaza was carried out with the approval of Abbas and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, not to mention Washington and its EU. The PLO sold out in a literal sense. They were bought with money and treated like servants. There is TV footage of Ehud Barak and Bill Clinton at Camp David playfully tugging at Arafat’s headgear to stop him leaving. All three are laughing. Many PLO supporters in Palestine must be weeping as they watch al-Jazeera and take in the scale of the betrayal and the utter cynicism of their leaders. Now we know why the Israel/US/EU nexus was so keen to disregard the outcome of the Palestinian elections and try to destroy Hamas militarily.

The two-state solution is now dead and buried by Israel and the PLO. Impossible for anyone (even the BBC) to pretend that there can be an independent Palestinian state. A long crapulent depression is bound to envelop occupied Palestine, but whether Israel likes it or not there will one day be a single state in the region, probably by the end of this century. That is the only possible solution, apart from genocide.

By Tariq Ali

25 January, 2011 







The “Palestine Papers” Revealed

On January 23, Al Jazeera released breaking news on its extensive “Palestine Papers” coverage, introducing them, saying:

It “obtained more than 1,600 internal documents from a decade of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations,” writer Gregg Carlstrom explaining that:

“Over the last several months, Al Jazeera has been given unhindered access to the largest-ever leak of confidential documents related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” They include “nearly 1,700 files, (and) thousands of pages of diplomatic correspondence detailing the inner workings of” peace process negotiations.

Included (from 1999 – 2010) were “emails, maps, minutes of private meetings, accounts of high level exchanges, strategy papers and even power point presentations….”

Releasing them from January 23 – 26, they reveal information about:

— the PA’s willingness to concede all East Jerusalem settlements except one;

— PA “creativ(ity)” about Islam’s third holiest site, Haram al-Sharif (Nobel Sanctuary), what Jews call the Temple Mount;

— compromise on the right of return, suggesting abandonment beyond token amounts;

— numerous details of PA-Israeli “cooperation,” suggesting complicity and unconditional surrender to Israeli demands; and

— private late 2009 PA-US negotiator exchanges when Goldstone Report discussions were ongoing at the UN.

Because of obvious sensitivity, Al Jazeera will keep source information confidential as well as how documents were obtained.

In a January 23 London Guardian article, Karma Nabulski headlined, “This seemingly endless and ugly game of the peace process is now finally over,” saying:

“It’s over. Given the shocking nature, extent and detail of these ghastly revelations from behind closed doors (shows none) of the villains on the Palestinian side can survive it….A small group of (duplicitous) men who have polluted the Palestinian public sphere with their private activities are now exposed.”

In fact, the PA is infested with traitors, some more recent like Salam Fayyad. As appointed prime minister, he’s Israel’s man in Palestine as a previous article explained, accessed through the following link:


President Mahmoud Abbas’ treachery way predates him also discussed in a previous article, accessed through the following link:


Jeffrey Blankfort called him a “double agent (serving) his Israeli and US masters in plain sight.” Saying he’s “Israel’s sheriff,” Edward Said called him “colorless, moderately corrupt and without any clear ideas of his own, except that he wants to please the white man.”

As chief Oslo negotiator, he surrendered unconditionally to Israeli demands, Said explaining:

“the fashion-show vulgarities of the (1993) White House ceremony, the degrading spectacle of Yasser Arafat thanking everyone for the suspension of most of his people’s rights, and the fatuous solemnity of Bill Clinton’s performance, like a 20th century Roman emperor shepherding two vassal kings through rituals of reconciliation and obeisance, (and) the truly astonishing proportions of the Palestinian capitulation.”

It was unilateral surrender, a Palestinian Versailles. They got nothing for renouncing armed struggle, recognizing Israel’s right to exist, letting it colonize Palestine, and leaving major unresolved issues for later final status talks, including self-determination, the right to return, the future of settlements, borders, water rights, and status of Jerusalem as sovereign Palestinian territory and future home of its capital.

Under Arafat, a new PA was established as Israel’s enforcer. At Oslo, Abbas arranged it, getting nothing except White House photo-ops and undisclosed personal favors. Nearly two decades later, they’ve still gotten nothing under him as president, serving his Israeli and US masters.

Main PA Negotiators/Traitors

Besides Abbas, they include:

(1) Saeb Erekat: Since the 1991 Madrid Conference attempt to restart the peace process, he was involved. Thereafter, he took part in every major negotiation, including Oslo and what followed. Overall, he participated in 116 meetings with Israeli, US, and European officials, and for the past two years, served as chief negotiator.

(2) Ahmed Qurei: From 2003 – January 2006 elections defeating Fatah for a new Hamas government, he was Palestinian prime minister. After leaving office, he became chief PA negotiator until late 2008. The documents suggest political infighting reduced his status.

(3) Maen Areikat: In 1992, he began working with Hanan Ashrawi, at the time, official spokeswoman of the Palestinian delegation to peace talk negotiations. In 1998, he served as PLO director general of the Negotiations Affairs Department, supervising its Negotiations Support Unit, providing legal, policy, communications and technical support to Palestinian negotiators. He’s currently heads the PLO mission to the US representative.

(4) Mohammed Dahlan: After Oslo, he headed the PA’s Preventive Security Service in Gaza. In the 1990s, his soldiers were accused of torturing Hamas prisoners. As a notorious Palestinian strongman, he’s perhaps its most controversial figure. In 2007, he headed the failed CIA-funded attempt to unseat Hamas in Gaza, and since August 2009, he’s been an elected member of Fatah’s Central Committee.

Erekat’s Yerushalayim/Haram al-Sharif Solution

As chief PA negotiator, he “suggested unprecedented compromises on the division of Jerusalem and its holy sites,” including ceding control to an international committee. Palestinians accused Israel of Judaizing East Jerusalem as well as pursuing destructive excavations to undermine the al-Aqsa mosque’s foundation, damaging its structural integrity, perhaps intending to destroy it.

Documents reveal that during an October 21, 2009 meeting with George Mitchell and other US negotiators, he said:

“It’s solved. You have the Clinton Parameters formula. For the Old City sovereignty for Palestine, except the Jewish quarter and part of the Armenian quarter….the Haram can be left to be discussed – there are creative ways, having a body or a committee, having undertakings, for example, not to dig (under the mosque). The only thing I cannot do is convert to Zionism.”

Haram’s status was seldom considered. As late as a July 2, 2008 meeting, Israeli negotiators were told discussing it was off-limits and that they couldn’t bargain on Jerusalem. Yet Erekat and those under him did so, “regardless of the tactical consequences.”

A month later, at a June 30, 2008 meeting, he said:

“It is no secret that on our map we proposed we are offering you the biggest Yerushalayim in history. But we must talk about the concept of Al-Quds (Jerusalem). (We) have a detailed concept (and) it’s doable.”

He seemed willing to accept an international overseeing arrangement, what never before was considered, fearing it would be a first step to losing it entirely and angering the entire Arab world. As chief negotiator, he “appeared totally disconnected from his own people, as well as his wider Arab and Muslim constituency.”

He was “so consumed by the negotiations that he became oblivious of the import of his remarks among Arabs, Muslims, and – most of all – his own people. Even among some Israelis, this seemed infantile.” According to Israeli lawyer Danied Seidemann:

“(A)ny attempt to construe the API (Arab Palestine Initiative) in a manner that falls short of ‘full-stop’ Palestinian or Arab sovereignty on the Haram/Mount would be an exercise in self-delusion.”

World Headlines

On January 14, Haaretz News Agencies headlined, “Abbas: Concessions in Palestine papers came from Israel, not us,” saying:

He “denied offering secret concessions to Israel and said that reporting of purportedly leaked documents” mistakenly presented Israeli positions, not those of his negotiators. Calling it a “mix-up,” he said it was “intentional….We say things very clearly, we do not have secrets.”

Clearly embarrassed like Abbas, Ahmed Qureia, chief 2008 negotiator, said “many parts of the documents were fabricated, as part of the incitement against the (PA) and the Palestinian leadership.” He denied making duplicitous offers, calling reports about Erekat “lies and half truths.” In fact, they came from his own verbatim comments.

On January 24, Haaretz writer Akiva Eldar headlined, “Lieberman’s map for future Palestinian borders is a joke,” calling it:

“a predetermined ritual: The government refuses to freeze settlement construction, the Palestinians freeze the negotiations, (Netanyahu) blames (Abbas), the international community presses Israel, Netanyahu/Lieberman/Barak (leak) ‘a new political program,’ (and) Palestinians reject it.”

With nothing constructive in it, it’s like trying to make eggs out of omelets or caterpillars out of butterflies.

BBC headlined, “Excepts: Leaked Palestinian ‘proposals,’ ” saying:

Their negotiators offered unprecedented concessions, including willingness “to accept Israel’s annexation of all but one of its settlements built illegally in occupied East Jerusalem.” They also “show how the Palestinians offered concessions on” Haram.

“They could not be independently verified and the chief Palestinian negotiator has dismissed them as a ‘pack of lies.’ “

The last refuge of a scoundrel caught red-handed is lying about it, revealing even greater treachery.

On January 23, London Guardian writers Seumas Milne and Ian Black headlined, “Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process,” saying:

Offered concessions sent “shockwaves (across Occupied Palestine and) the wider Arab world.” Revelations include:

— unprecedented “confidential concessions,” including on some of the most sensitive issues;

— Israeli leaders asking “some Arab citizens to be transferred to a new Palestinian state;”

— intimate “covert cooperation between Israeli security forces and the” PA;

— British intelligence’s “central role (in) drawing up a secret plan to crush Hamas…;”

— how PA “leaders were privately tipped off about” Cast Lead, showing their complicity and willingness to go along; as well as much more.

Most revealing is “the weakness and growing desperation of PA leaders (to) reach agreement or even halt (settlement construction) temporarily,” undermining “their credibility in relation to their Hamas rivals.” In addition, Israeli negotiators showed “unyielding confidence,” and US politicians “dismissive(ness) towards Palestinian representatives,’ mere pawns to manipulate freely.

After the revelations, former Palestinian negotiator Diana Butto demanded Erekat resign, saying he “must step down and if he doesn’t it will only serve to show just how out of touch and unrepresentative the negotiators are.”

On January 23, New York Times writers Ethan Bronner and Neil MacFarquhar headlined, “Word of Palestinian Concession in 2008 Roils Mideast Debate,” saying:

New details emerged as Washington “is facing unusual pressure from its Arab and European allies, and even some former top American officials, not to veto a draft Security Council resolution reaffirming the longstanding international view” that Israeli settlements are illegal.

Of course, it’s far more than a “view.” Fundamental international laws affirm it, including Fourth Geneva prohibiting an occupying power from transferring its own population into territories its controls or changing their demographic makeup. Moreover, on March 22, 1979, UN Security Council Resolution 446 determined:

“that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.”

At the time, Washington abstained. Now it obstructs by vetoing anything detrimental to Israel. According to Maged Abdelaziz, Egypt’s UN ambassador:

“The statements by the secretary of state and the American administration are that ‘We are against settlements and we are not going to do anything about (them) and we don’t want you to do anything about (them). We will let Israel do what they want. We will wake up one day to find that the two-state solution has become a dream that is unachievable.”

That day, in fact, long since passed, given how untenable division is after Israel expropriated all choice land and plans total Jerusalem Judaization, one home demolition and stolen dunam at a time.

On January 23, State Department spokesman PJ Crowley said “The US government is reviewing the alleged Palestinian documents released by Al-Jazeera. We cannot vouch for their veracity.” Later he added that Washington “remains focused on a two-state solution and will continue to work with the parties to narrow existing differences on core issues.”

So far, Obama and Netanyahu said nothing, and on January 24, Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal was silent.

In contrast, Financial Times contributor Nadia Hijab headlined, “Leaks will cripple Palestinian authority,” saying:

“It is likely to deal a death blow to an American-led peace process already on life support, and hasten the end of the” Oslo-created PA. Al Jazeera’s revelations confirm what’s been “clear to Palestinians for decades: their leadership” has conceded virtually all their rights, getting nothing back in return. Ahead are “two plausible options,” likely neither of which will be taken:

— dissolving the PA, uniting all factions (including Hamas), and refocusing on liberation, the only viable goal; or

— “continu(ing) down the road of hoping” pressure will get Israel to yield what it never did before.

Because of PA treachery, it looks “increasingly (like) a hollow shell, that may soon be blown away. The winds are coming from Tunisia. Palestine may be next.”

A Final Comment

Haaretz writer Akiva Eldar said Al Jazeera’s bombshell “trump(ed) WikiLeaks.” Perhaps so if duplicitous peace talks end, exposed Israeli/US perfidy weaken their influence internationally, PA credibility crumbles, then self-destructs, inspiring Palestinians to unite under viable leaders, choosing liberation as their goal.

Achieving those objectives won’t come easily or soon, but what’s more important than seizing a rare opportunity for change. Tunisian winds are spreading regionally. Thousands are demonstrating in Tunis, other Tunisian cities, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, and may erupt anywhere from Morocco to Egypt to Occupied Palestine.

Sustained grassroots anger brings change, and what better reasons than poverty, unemployment, repression, occupation, and suffocating conditions under siege. Maybe exposed PA treachery created a rare chance seldom possible. Now’s the time to seize it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.