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Syrian News on Jan 11, 2012

Huge Crowds Stream into Syria’s Main Squares and Streets after President al-Assad’s Speech

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Huge crowds of Syrian citizens went out to the main squares and streets across the Syrian provinces in support of the vision of Syria outlined in the speech given by President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday, stressing national unity and determination to move forward in the reform process taking place in Syria.

The gartering people held banners and chanted slogans that stress national unity and their rallying around their leadership, expressing appreciation for the Syrian army’s sacrifices to defend the homeland.

In Aleppo, the Syrians streamed into Saadallah al-Jaberi Square to voice support to the reform program under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

The participants condemned sabotage acts and crimes committed by armed terrorist groups, reiterating rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Citizens Ahmad Awad and Samir Qarbouyz said that President al-Assad speech touched upon important issues regarding the situation in Syria and the reform steps to come out of the crisis and build strong Syria.

For his part, Bakkour Aroob said that President al-Assad’s speech restored confidence in that Syria will be safe and secure again.

Head of Aleppo Chamber of Commerce Hassan Zaido said the President’s speed shed light on the past, current and future stages of what is happening in Syria, in addition to reviewing the reform procedures taken and activating the role of institutions in combating corruption.

In Raqqa, huge masses went out to the streets to express loyalty to the homeland and support to the reform program, rejecting all attempts of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

“The citizens gathered in front of TV screens to watch their leader who guaranteed achieving victory on the enemies,” one citizen said.

He added that “We are stronger than their conspiracies and we will build modern Syria with our blood and hard working. Nothing will prevent us despite all pressures.”

Citizen Oubeideh al-Hamad said the speech reflected the Syrian people’s aspirations and their standing against the campaign targeting their country.

The Syrian citizens in Daraa crowded in front of the headquarters of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party in the city to stress that Syria will remain strong thanks to the awareness of its people and their rallying around their leadership in the face of the foreign conspiracy aimed at undermining Syria’s stability and security.

Citizens stressed that President al-Assad’s speech was transparent and clear, reflected the will of the Syrian people and shaping the next phase of the future vision on Syria.

In Sweida, people gathered at Sultan Basha al-Atrash Square after the historic speech given by President AL-Assad which showed his real desire to go on in the reform process.

Sheikh Mohammad al-Nemr stressed that the Syrian people awareness which based on facts rather than exaggerations and lies played decisive role in exposing and foiling foreign schemes.

Engineer Bashar al-Ashqar said that the President was speaking on the behalf of every Syrian as he determined important tools to overcome the conspiracy hatched against Syria and appreciated the stance taken by the Syrian people and the sacrifices of the Syrian army to preserve stability and security.

Citizens stressed that the speech convey the message that Syria is steadfast and that it won’t bow under any pressures.

12 Army and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, HOMS,(SANA) – Twelve army and security forces martyrs killed in the line of duty by armed terrorist groups in Damascus Countryside, Homs and Idleb were escorted on Tuesday from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting places.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs as they were carried on their colleague’s shoulders covered with the Syrian flag and flower wreaths while the Military Band played the “Martyr” and the “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

– Chief Warrant Officer Samir Yousef al-Hassan, from Tartous.

– Chief Warrant Officer Jihad Ali Shehada, from Lattakia.

– Chief Warrant Officer Nabil Marsal al-Saleh, from Damascus Countryside.

– Sergeant Major Ali Ibrahim Suleiman, from Hama.

– Sergeant Major Wisam Kaser Shadoud, from Homs.

– Sergeant Quteiba Yousef Alloush, from Daraa.

– Sergeant Bashar Faraj al-Rueis, from Deir-Ezzour.

– Sergeant Somar Haitham Mansour, from Lattakia.

– Conscript Aziz Theab al-Askar, from Raqqa.

– Conscript Mohammad Hassan al-Nasaan, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Abdul Moen Dadoush, from Damascus.

– Conscript Mohammad al-Obeid, from Aleppo.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed confidence in the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not dull the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.


They also voiced pride in their sons’ martyrdom and sacrifices for the sake of Syria, saying that the treacherous and criminal hands which killed their sons are working to destroy Syria, calling for dealing sternly with those who try to tamper with Syria’s security and stability.

An Officer, 2 Military Members Were Martyred in Damascus Countryside, A Citizen Martyred in Hama

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Col. Jihad Qaddour and soldiers Burhan Hammoush and Mheilan al-Saeed martyred on Tuesday by the gunfire of an armed terrorist gang while they were on their way to a military unit in Damascus Countryside.

An official source told SANA correspondent that the three other army members got injured in the attack and were transferred to the Military Hospital in Mazzeh.

Citizen Martyred, Another Injured by Gunfire of Armed Terrorist Groups in Hama

Citizen Ahmad Mahmoud Hindawi was martyred on Tuesday when an armed terrorist group shot him in front of his home in Aleppo Road neighborhood in Hama city.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that Hindawi who owns a bakery was attacked by terrorists who opened fire from military firearms in front of his home, killing him immediately.

The source added that citizen Abbad Janoudi was shot by another armed terrorist group while he was in his shop in al-Andalus neighborhood in Hama, injuring him. He was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

On a relevant note, the authorities managed to liberate the abducted teacher Alissar Hassoun in cooperation with the dignitaries of al-Salamiya area after a few hours from her abduction at the hands of an armed terrorist group near al-Hanouta turnpike east of al-Ukairiyat village.

The source that that the teacher was heading to work at al-Hanouta School when she was abducted by terrorists using two cars, a white Chevrolet and a pickup truck.

Citizen in Homs injured by terrorists’ bullets

A citizen was injured by bullets of an armed terrorist group who tried to abduct him at al-Joura neighborhood in Homs.

SANA reporter in Homs said that a number of terrorists tried to abduct Alaa Mahmoud Mustafa who works in Tishreen Consumer Compound while going to his work, but when he escaped, they shot fire at him.

He was later admitted to the National Hospital and received the needed treatment.

Al-Moallem Affirms to al-Dabi Syria’s Readiness to Continue Cooperation with Arab Observer Mission

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem met on Tuesday afternoon with head of the Arab League observer mission Mohammad Ahmad Mustafa al-Dabi.

The official spokesman of the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stated that al-Dabi briefed Minister al-Moallem on the work carried out by the observers in Syria and the results they reached which were presented to the Arab Ministerial Committee meeting in Cairo on Sunday.

For his part, al-Moallem expressed Syria’s commitment to carrying out the protocol signed between it and the Arab League on December 19 2011 and its readiness to continue full cooperation with the Arba observer mission to guarantee that it will carry out its tasks in an optimal manner.

He stressed the need for the observers to carry out their work with objectivity and neutrality, affirming that Syria will continue to shoulder its responsibilities fo protecting the observers and preventing anyone from obstructing their work.

Al-Moallem denounced and rejected any act against the observer mission which might hinder their work based on Syria’s conviction that the success of the observer mission is in the best interests of Syria and the Arab League.

He also pointed out to the attempts by some regional and international sides to question the performance of the observer mission in an attempt to undermine the Arab League’s role and transfer the issue to the Security Council under Arab cover.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Foreign end Expatriates Minister and head of the National Committee for Cooperation and coordination Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, Assistant Foreign end Expatriates Minister Ahmad Arnous, the director of the Information Directorate and the delegation accompanying al-Dabi.

Al-Moallem: Syria committed to Joint Arab Action, Resists foreign plots

Minister al-Moallem on Tuesday briefed members of the Jordanian Popular Committee for Supporting  Syria on the reality of the situation in Syria, clarifying that the foreign plot targeting Syria is also aimed at eradicating the Resistance and fragmenting the region to serve the interests of Israel.

Al-Moallem pointed out that Syria is committed to the joint Arab action, and it resists foreign plots, thanks to the awareness of the Syrian people who believe in their leadership and national unity.

He explained the practices of the armed terrorist groups such as weapon smuggling into Syria through the borders and the terrorist acts against the civilians, law-enforcement forces and state establishments.

Al-Moallem added that Syria is targeted by a fierce provocative media campaign, stressing Syria’s rejection of foreign interference attempts in its internal affairs.

For their part, members of the committee expressed solidarity with Syria against the suspicious schemes aiming to undermine Syria’s security and stability because of its national and patriotic stances.

Lavrov Calls on Arab Monitors to Turn Their Attention to Destructive Acts of Armed Groups

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called on the Arab monitors in Syria to turn their attention to the destructive acts of the armed terrorist groups, not only focusing on how the Syrian authorities carry out their commitments.

“The opposition should abandon those groups in favor of conducting a national broad dialogue in accordance with the Arab League initiative,” Lavrov said during a phone call with Nabil al-Arabi, the Arab League Secretary General.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated in a statement that Lavrov and al-Arabi discussed the situation in Syria in order to guarantee stability in the country.

It added that the Russian side underlined its support to the efforts of the Arab monitors, adding that Lavrov stressed the necessity of an immediate halt to any violence in Syria whatsoever its source was.

The statement mentioned that the talks also dealt with the latest developments in the Middle East.

Spanish, Japanese and Italian Media Delegation Stress Normal Life in Daraa

DARAA, (SANA) – Journalists, correspondents from the Spanish TV (tva), Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore and the Japanese TV (NHK) inspected sabotage and arson acts committed by armed terrorist groups in Daraa governorate.

The media delegation was briefed on the latest developments in the city and reasons behind sabotaging public and private buildings after which the delegation members toured the TV and Radio Station, the Justice Palace and other facilities damaged by armed terrorist groups and interviewed citizens about their views on the situation in the city.

Regional Director of Japanese TV in Cairo stressed normal life in Daraa and that citizens navigated their daily lives.

He added that what news broadcast by some media regarding the events in Syria contradict the reality on the ground, stressing that he will convey his own observations from his experience in the city honestly and transparently.

The delegation also met the Governor of Daraa Mohammad Khaled al-Hanous who explained to its members about armed terrorist groups vandalizing properties, creating chaos, setting up barriers on roads, opening fire on protestors and security forces in the city, in addition to killing and mutilating bodies of law-enforcement members.

The Governor indicated to the negative role of some satellite channels in complicating the situation in Syria as a part of the conspiracy aimed at fragmenting the Syrian people and undermining Syria’s national stances.

Rowhani: Syria is in the front line of resistance

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Director of Iran’s Expediency Council’s Center for Strategic Research Hassan Rohani that Syria is in the front line of resistance against the Zionist entity, and no one should weaken it or interfere in its domestic affairs.

Iranian News Agency quoted Rohani as saying during a meeting with the Turkish Ambassador in Tehran today that Syria occupies a special position in the region, adding “Syria has formed the line of resistance against the Zionist entity for 60 years.”

He underlined that Iran and Turkey have to cooperate to realize stability and security in the region.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.


Syrian News on Jan 10, 2012

With Participation of Jordanian Delegation…Masses Gather in Damascus to Denounce Recent Terrorist Bombings

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) –In a splendid show of national unity, masses of Syrians, along with a delegation from the Jordanian Popular Committee for Supporting Syria and the Resistance, gathered on Monday in Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus to denounce the recent terrorist bombings in Damascus

The participants in the gathering decried the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups and voiced rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, as well as support to the independent national decision and the comprehensive reform program under the leadership of president Bashar al-Assad.

The slogans reflected the elevated national sense of the Syrian people, their awareness of the volume of national responsibility and resolve to stand up to all schemes hatched against Syria.

The participants raised national flags and banners saluting national unity and calling for discarding sedition, also blasting the instigation campaigns led by media channels who fabricate false news and lies to undermine Syria’s security and stability.

Head of the Jordanian delegation Mansour Murad said that the delegation’s visit to Syria is a gesture of solidarity intended to voice support to the Syrian people and army against conspiracies, indicating that it is the whole nation being targeted, not only Syria.

Murad said that the Syrian people are fighting in defense of the Arab nation, adding ”We as part of the nation are fully aware of the dimensions of the US conspiracy against Syria.”

Samih Khreis, Assistant Secretary General of the Arab Bar Association, said that Syria is the guarantee for preserving the Arab identity and principles, adding that the best way to overcome the crisis is national unity binding Syrians.

Mohammad al-Shomali, Head of the Arab Legal Commission for Defending Syria, said ”It is futile to bet on Syria’s surrender, because the Syrian people are alive to the volume of conspiracy,” adding that the Jordanian people won’t stand arms-folded in case Syria comes under attack.

Leader of AlbuSarayia clan Ahmad Shlash hailed the role of the Syrian army in combating the conspiracy and its tools being the armed terrorist groups, pointing out to the mass rallies in support of reforms.

Sheikh Ahmad Sheikho, an Islamic preacher, said that martyrs are a symbol of national unity, adding that the Syrian people succeeded in foiling the vicious conspiracy.

In statements to SANA, member of the Jordanian delegation Atta al-Sharari voiced support to the Syrian people, affirming ”Syria is far bigger than the conspiracy, and we will be with the Syrian people to the very end.”

The Jordanian delegation members indicated that Syria is targeted for its support to resistance, expressing trust that Syria will emerge stronger and more determined to uphold Arab nationalism.

The participants in the gathering expressed denunciation of the terrorist attacks in Syria, pledging to remain undeterred by terrorism and expressing readiness to offer whatever sacrifices necessary to defend Syria.

They also saluted the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab army, affirming that the crisis will sharpen their resolve to be even more united against all conspiracies.

Syrians Continue National Rallies in Condemnation of Damascus Terrorist Bombing

The national rallies and activities continued in Syrian provinces in condemnation of the terrorist attack which hit al-Midan neighborhood in Damascus and in rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

The participants chanted anthems and slogans which reflect their awareness of the conspiracies and schemes hatched against their country, vowing to protect Syria against conspirators and traitors.

In Hama, mass crowds of citizens flocked to the Memorial Monument Square to express condemnation of the terrorist attack in al-Midan neighborhood and the heinous crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups.

They also voiced support to the comprehensive reform program and the independent national decision. Participants vowed to spare no sacrifice for the sake of their country, lashing out at the massacres committed by armed terrorist groups against innocent civilians and urging the Syrian people to be alerted to vicious schemes.

In Deir Ezzor, citizens gathered at the Municipality Square in al-Mayadin City to denounce the terrorist bombing in Damascus, expressing rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Participants hailed the role of the Syrian army in maintaining security and defending the homeland. They condemned the armed terrorist groups who seek to spread chaos and terrorize people, expressing trust that the Syrian people will come out stronger from the crisis.

Participants underlined the unity of the Syrian people, stressing that they will remain undeterred by pressure and terrorist acts.

Armed Terrorist Groups Kill Woman in Hama, Assasinates Engineer in Homs

HAMA, (SANa) – Citizen Bushra al-Nabilsi was martyred on Monday at the hands of an armed terrorist group in Hama city.

SANA’s correspondent in Hama said that the terrorists opened fire at al-Nabilsi while she was on her way to work at Janoub al-Mal’ab dispensary.

Last month, another armed terrorist group killed Bushra’s brother, Ali al-Nabilisi, in Hama city.

Armed Group Assassinates Engineer Assaf in Homs

An armed terrorist group assassinated Engineer Samir Assaf and wounded his fellow Majed Nahas after shooting fires on their car while driving to their work at the Directorate of Agriculture in Homs.

In the same context, teacher Hassan Salim Issa was abducted at al-Kouatli street in Homs. He was taken to unknown place.

Information Minister: Licenses of Entry and Work given to 136 media institutions since December

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Information Minister Adnan Mahmoud announced that the Ministry gave licenses of work and entry for more than 136 Arab and foreign mass media since the beginning of December 2011 till today to cover events in Syria.

“The Ministry is keen on facilitating the work of media institutions in order to present the real image on what is happening in Syria to the Arab and world public opinion, away from the unilateral coverings which are linked to political anticipated agendas practiced by some mass media in their dealing with the events in Syria,” Minister Mahmoud said Monday.

He pointed out to the hysteric phenomenon of the instigation process and distorting facts by some Arab and foreign TV stations against Syria and its people.

“Those media institutions will discover that the Syrian people with all spectrums confront a terror perpetrated by armed terrorist groups, financed by some regional and western states… those institutions are in front of moral and professional challenge in relaying the Syrian scene in a credible and objective way to the public opinion.” the Minister said.

Seven Army and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

HOMS/LATTAKIA (SANA) – Seven army and security forces martyrs killed in the line of duty by armed terrorist groups in Hama and Idleb were escorted on Monday from Homs and Lattakia Military Hospitals to their final resting places.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were carried on their colleague’s shoulders covered with the Syrian flag and flower wreaths while the Military Band played the “Martyr” and the “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

-Chief Warrant Officer Sleiman Mohammad Makna, from Lattakia.

-Sergeant Saleh Hasan al-Hussein, from Homs.

-Conscript Mohammad Amin Alaa Dala Hasan, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript Mohammad Ali Jneid, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Ahmad Mohammad Qattash, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Ali Omar al-Masri, from Damascus Countryside.

-Policeman Ashraf Anwar Dannoun, from Sweida.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed confidence in the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not dull the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.

They also voiced pride in their sons’ martyrdom and sacrifices for the sake of Syria, saying that the treacherous and criminal hands which killed their sons are working to destroy Syria, calling for dealing sternly with those who try to tamper with Syria’s security and stability.

Cuban Labor Delegation: Syrians have right to Solve problems without foreign Intervention

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Cuban Labor delegation on Monday expressed solidarity with Syria, as people and leadership, in the face of the conspiracy and the misleading media campaign to which Syria is exposed, rejecting any foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs.

The Cuban Labor delegation is currently visiting Syria, headed by Edmond Fernandez who met with members of Syrian Trade Unions’ Federation.

“We came here to show solidarity with the Syrian people and workers who confront Zionist and imperialism powers… the Syrians have right to solve their internal problems by themselves without foreign interventions,” Fernandez said during the meeting.

He added that there is a big gap between what some try to broadcast about Syria and what they see in reality, referring to foreign attempts to internationalize the local problems to justify interventions.

Shaaban Azouz, Head of the Syrian Trade Unions’ Federation underlined that Syria is determined to carry out important reforms. He briefed the visiting delegation on the sanctions imposed on the Syrian people and their negative impacts.

Venezuelan President Condemns Terrorist Explosion at al-Midan Neighborhood in Damascus

CARACAS, (SANA)- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez strongly condemned the terrorist explosion which took place at al-Midan Neighborhood in Damascus last Friday.

In a statement issued Monday by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, President Chavez expressed condemnation of all forms of terrorism and full rejection of this heinous crime which violates all the morals and values of the Syrian people.

The Venezuelan President reiterated complete support to the Syrian people and leadership, expressing heartfelt condolences to the families of the martyrs, wishing the injured quick recovery.

He strongly criticized the foreign policy of the US and its allies which help inflaming violence and terrorism in the region.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.


Syrian News on Jan 6, 2012

Syrian Officials: What Brings Syrian and Turkish Peoples Together Is Stronger than Passing Crises

DAMASCUS, SANA_ Vice President Dr. Najah al-Attar stressed that what links the Syrian and Turkish peoples is stronger than the passing crises and that the policy adopted by the government of Justice and Development Party towards Syria do harm to the two peoples’ interests and serve the Western countries targets in dividing the region and destabilizing it.

During a meeting with a delegation of Turkish Felicity Party,(Saadet Partisi), headed by Mustafa Kamalak on Thursday, al-Attar hailed positions of this party which refuse the policy of the government of Justice and Development Party towards Syria.

“Who wants the interest of the Syrian and Turkish people doesn’t embrace groups that perpetrate killing and terrorism against the Syrians and cannot be a tool in the hand of the West for the aggression against Syria and its people,” the Vice President said.

Al-Attar warned against attempts of the United States to impose American concepts that devote the policy of separation, hatred, killing and terrorism.

She said “We, in Syria, believe that the right will triumph and the relations between Syria and Turkey will return to normal at the political, economic and commercial levels.

For his part, Kamalak said that what is happening in Syria is temporary and transitory, adding that the policy of the Turkish government does not express the will of the Turkish people.

He said that the ultimate goal of the West is to dominate the resources of the Islamic peoples through dividing the region and creating small states and entities.

Kamalak called on Islamic countries to unify their ranks for defending their rights and resources.

Al-Moallem Briefs Kamalak on the Reality of the Situation in Syria

In the same context, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem briefed Head of the Turkish Felicity Party Mustafa Kamalak on the reality of the situation in Syria, referring to the negative role of the Turkish government in destabilizing Syria’s security.

Al-Moallem stressed the strong relations between the Syrian and Turkish peoples.

In turn, Kamalak expressed relief over the reform process launched by the Syrian leadership in all fields, hoping that things will return back to a normal state between the two countries.

He reiterated rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Information Minister: Establishing Media Networks to Reveal Reality of Events Taking Place in Syria

Minister of Information Dr.Adnan Mahmoud stressed the need for establishing media networks between Syria and Turkey to reveal the reality of events taking place in Syria to the Turkish public opinion.

Dr. Mahmoud, meeting the Turkish Felicity Party delegation, underlined the role of media and visits organized between the two countries in exposing the damage caused by the Turkish government’s policies to the interests of the Syrian and Turkish peoples, stressing keenness on friendship relations between the two peoples.

For his part, Kamalak said that the Turkish Felicity Party raised some questions regarding news broadcast by media about Syria, expressing annoyance of the policies adopted by the Development and Justice Party’s government and the establishment of the missile shield system on the Turkish territories as it serves Western interests rather than the interests of Islamic countries and peoples.

Hassoun : Syrian People Will Foil Conspiracy

Grand Mufti of the Republic Dr. Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun stressed that the Syrian people will foil the conspiracy hatched against them due to their awareness.

He added that the foreign pressures on Syria can be attributed to Syria’s commitment to its pan-Arab and national stances in the face of western schemes aimed at fragmenting the region and dominate its resources.

Meeting Head of the Turkish Felicity Party, Mufti Hassoun stressed the deep Syrian-Turkish fraternity relations.

Kamalak said that what is taking place in Syria targets the whole region and the Arab and Islamic nations.

He added that the visit aims at conveying the real image and revealing facts on the ground to expose the western and US plots to undermine Syria.

Sweida Clergymen: Outside Calls Don’t Represent Us

SWEIDA, (SANA)_Clergymen in Sweida province said that the outside calls which seek to sow divisions in Syria represent those who make them only and are in no way representative of them.

In an interview with the Syrian TV on Thursday, Sheikh Ayman Zahreddin said that the sons of Jabal al-Arab are committed to the national unity in Syria, stressing that the outside calls echo US-Zionist calls.

”Walid Jumblatt represent himself only…The sons of Jabal al-Arab cannot be swayed by such calls which they categorically reject.”

He added that the Syrian Arab army is the pride of the homeland, voicing utter rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

Sheikh Ali al-Ali said that the people of Sweida are determined to remain committed to their army and leadership, adding that the conspiracy against Syria seeks to weaken national sense and resolve.

Sheikh Nabhan al-Barbour said that the sons of Jabal al-Arab reject to be dictated to by people who are after personal gains and interests.

International Media Delegation Visits Homs City

HOMS, (SANA) – A media delegation including Arab and foreign journalists visited on Thursday Homs province to inspect the volume of destruction and sabotage in some public and private properties by armed terrorist groups.

The delegation visited Homs National Hospital and Homs Military Hospital, pointing out that the destruction in the hospitals is indicative of the existence of armed terrorist groups.

They said that they will relay the reality of the situation in Syria to the public opinion in their countries.

For his part, Governor of Homs, Ghassan abdul-Al, pointed out to the importance of such delegations to inspect firsthand the reality of events taking place in the province, calling on journalists to be accurate and objective in relaying the facts.

The delegation is composed of more than 30 journalists from Japan, Turkey, Germany, Austria and Algeria.

Two Martyred, Six Others Injured in Terrorist Attack on Police Station in Daraa Countryside

DARAA COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA) – Chief of Sur Police Station in Daraa Countryside and a member were martyred while six others were injured in an attack by an armed terrorist group.

An official source in the governorate told SANA correspondent that terrorist members attacked the police station and opened heavy fire on it which caused the martyrdom of Chief Warrant Officer Ziad Tarrad, the Police Chief in the region, and the member Mohammad al-Durzi.

The injured members, Maher al-Halabi, Mohammad Diab, Sami al-Akel, Rami Salim and Maher Haidar, said that the gunmen who attacked the police station were wearing full military uniform.

A number of villagers said that a black car took flight after the armed attack on the police station.

Armed Terrorist Group Kill Two Officers in Homs

A Retired Colonel and his son were martyred by an armed terrorist group that opened fire on their car in al-Madabe neighborhood in Homs.

SANA correspondent said the two martyrs are Colonel Amir Rojieh and his son First Lieutenant Hani Rojieh. The terrorists fired on them, mutilated the face of the martyred Colonel and shot the body of his son after killing them.

The bodies of the two martyrs were transported to al-Ahli Hospital in Homs.

Armed Terrorist Group Assassinates Mayor in Hama

An armed terrorist group assassinated Fawaz Abdel Haseeb Mustafa, Head of al-Amqieh Municipality in al-Ghab area in Hama province.

SANA correspondent said that the martyr Mustafa was transported to Jisr al-Shughour National Hospital but he was dead because of his wounds.

In Idleb, the law-enforcement member Ahmad Wahid al-Namr was martyred by the fire of an armed group while performing his national duty in the city.

SANA correspondent said that the martyr is from Ghanieh village in Jisr al-Shughour.

In the same context, body of the citizen Mohammad Zalilo was found after two days of being kidnapped at the hands of armed terrorist group on the road between Ein al-Hamra and Bzeit villages in Jisr al-Shughour.

Five Army, Security and Police Martyrs Killed in Homs Laid to Rest

HOMS, (SANA)-The bodies of five army, security and police martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Homs Military Hospital to their final resting place.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were killed at the hands of armed terrorist groups while on duty in Homs, as they were carried on shoulders while the music of “the Martyr” and “the Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

– Warrant Officer Shadi Haidar Mohammad, from Homs.

– Warrant Officer Bassam Khalil Bitar, from Homs.

– Policeman Dakhlallah Jawad al-Masri, from Homs.

– Policeman Abdulbaset Ibrahim Shammouti, from Homs.

– Policeman Ahmad Eid Nisan, from Damascus Countryside.

The families and relatives of the martyrs reiterated the Syrians’ commitment to their national and pan-Arab stances despite the organized terrorist acts being perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

AL Observer Delegations Continue Mission, Pay Field Visits to Syrian Cities and Neighborhoods

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Arab League observer delegations on Thursday paid field visits to Damascus Countryside, Daraa, Homs, Hama and Aleppo.

The monitors visited Erbeen town in Damascus countryside.

In Hama, the monitors visited the National Hospital and al-Rabi’a village in the province and meet citizens there.

Another delegation visited Al-Sanamain, al-Sahua, al-Musaifrahin towns and the National Hospital in Daraa countryside and met people.

Later, the Arab monitors visited al-Marjeh neighbourhood in Aleppo province and the hospital in al-Zahra’a neighborhood in Homs..

552 Persons Involved in Ongoing Events Released

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ 552 persons involved in the ongoing events in Syria were released from custody Thursday.

The released persons are not involved in terrorist bloody acts of killings and explosions against the Syrians.

In December 28th 755 people who were involved in recent events in Syria and didn’t get involved in the shedding of Syrian blood were also released from custody.

Previously, 912 arrested people were released in November 30, alongside 1180 people in November 15 and 553 in November 5, all of whom were involved in the events but were not involved in the shedding of Syrian blood.

Chairman of Turkish Felicity Party: Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Internal Affairs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Chairman of Turkish Felicity Party Mustafa Kamalak stressed that there are no disagreement between the Syrian and the Turkish peoples, expressing rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

In a press statement upon arrival at Damascus International Airport on Thursday along with a party, media and political delegation, Kamalak told SANA reporter that the West should not meddle in Syria’s domestic affairs because the West does not bring peace, but rather it brings devastation and havoc, and its objective in the region is to exploit and colonize.

He added that the visit comes in the context of expressing the genuine relations between the two countries’ peoples, pointing out that the visit aims at inspecting the reality of the events taking place in Syria and divulging media fabrications and lies.

A journalist from the delegation said that 20 journalists came from different Turkish newspapers and TV channels to inspect the situation in Syria in order to inform the Turkish public opinion of the reality of the events in the country.

He pointed out that the visit takes an official character as it will include various meetings with Syrian officials to get acquainted with the official view in a direct way.

Medvedev, Ahmadinejad: Dialogue and Political Means, Only Guarantee to Solve Problems in the Region and Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – President Dimitri Medvedev of Russia and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday said that the solution of problems in the region, including the situation in Syria is only possible through political means and dialogue among all sides.

In a phone call, the two Presidents expressed support to the efforts exerted in the framework of the United Nations and other international and regional organizations to achieve this goal.

The Russian and the Iranian presidents discussed over the phone the nuclear program issue and bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Ahmadinejad and Medvedev also spoke for intensifying efforts to develop a convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea and stressed the importance of implementing agreements reached at the Third Caspian Summit in Baku.

People of Jabal al-Arab Stress Commitment to National Unity, Rejection of Sectarian Sedition

SWEIDA, (SANA) – Popular and official figures from Jabal al-Arab stressed commitment to the national unity, rejecting any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

The figures expressed pride in Syria’s resistant line and its national army that defends the country.

Sheikh Akel of el-Mowahideen el-Druze Sect , Sheikh Hussein Jarbou’ said that people of Jabal al-Arab gave no ear to foreign statements and reiterated their support to the comprehensive reform program and national dialogue in order to solve internal problems and enhance the homeland’s security and stability.

He added the inhabitants of Jabal al-Arab reject sectarian fighting and call for tolerance, reconciliation, wisdom and amity.

For his part, Member of People’s Assembly Abdullah al-Atrash said that those who made instigative statements should know that the Syrian people are united and ready to defend their country.

Head of Teachers’ Union Branch in Sweida condemned suspicious campaigns led by some of those who turned into American tools, stressing Syria’s strength in the face of those who aimed at undermining its steadfastness and national stances.

Sweida Clergymen: Outside Calls Don’t Represent Us

Clergymen in Sweida province said that the outside calls which seek to sow divisions in Syria represent those who make them only and are in no way representative of them.

In an interview with the Syrian TV on Thursday, Sheikh Ayman Zahreddin said that the sons of Jabal al-Arab are committed to the national unity in Syria, stressing that the outside calls echo US-Zionist calls.

”Walid Jumblatt represent himself only…The sons of Jabal al-Arab cannot be swayed by such calls which they categorically reject.”

He added that the Syrian Arab army is the pride of the homeland, voicing utter rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

Sheikh Ali al-Ali said that the people of Sweida are determined to remain committed to their army and leadership, adding that the conspiracy against Syria seeks to weaken national sense and resolve.

Sheikh Nabhan al-Barbour said that the sons of Jabal al-Arab reject to be dictated to by people who are after personal gains and interests.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

Syrian News on Jan 5, 2012

Syrian News on Jan 5, 2012

Masses Stream into Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus in Support of Reform Program

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Thousands of Syrian people streamed into Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus on Wednesday in support of the comprehensive reform program and the independent national decision, and in rejection of foreign interference attempts in Syria’s internal affairs.

The crowds condemned instigation campaigns led by satellite channels which serve foreign agendas, stressing the ability of the Syrian people to face all pressures and conspiracies hatched against their country.

The participants rejected the attempts to deviate Syria from its pan-Arab stances which show its keenness on the interests and rights of Arab Nation.

The gathered people expressed appreciation for the Syrian Army’s role in defending their homeland against armed terrorist attacks, stressing that its sacrifices safeguarded Syria and strengthened the national unity of its people.

They stressed that today’s gathering is a message to the whole world that all spectrums of the Syrian people reject foreign interference in Syrian affairs and support the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Citizen Lynn Assaf said that the daily spontaneous rallies express the Syrian people’s rejection of foreign interference in their internal affairs, adding that the conspiracy against Syria aims at fragmenting the region to serve the Western countries’ interests.

Another participant said that the bet on undermining Syria’s role in support of resistance fell in front of these mass gatherings which said their word and made their mind to offer sacrifices to preserve their national dignity.

The crowds condemned the financial and military support provided by some Arab and Western parties to armed terrorist groups which kill civilians and military members and create chaos.

They stressed that Syria will come out stronger from the crisis thanks to the awareness of its people and their rallying around their leadership, calling for holding the armed groups accountable for their crimes.

Foreign Ministry: Nuland’s Statements Do Harm to Arab League, Are Interference in Its Work

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Foreign and Expatriates Ministry Spokesman Jihad Maqdisi said the false accusations against Syria made on Tuesday by the US State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland of not abiding by what was agreed upon in the protocol signed with the Arab League do harm to the League, which Nuland claims to care for its work.

In a statement on Wednesday, Maqdisi considered the accusations a blatant interference in the core of the League’s work and the sovereignty of its member states.

He said that Nuland’s statements are an attempt towards deliberate unjustified internationalization of the situation in Syria and an anticipatory stance that harms the performance of the Arab monitors before issuing their preliminary report.

“Syria is not interested in presenting an account on compliance or noncompliance with a protocol to the US, which is not a party to the protocol in the first place but a party in inflaming and instigating violence,” Maqdisi added.

Earlier on Tuesday, Nuland said that Syria didn’t fulfill all its obligations to the Arab League.

Two Army and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- Two army and security forces martyrs on Wednesday were escorted from Tishreen Hospital to their final resting place after they were killed by the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus Countryside and Daraa.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were carried up on their colleague’s shoulders covered with the national flag and flower wreaths to the Military Band playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The martyrs are:

-Volunteer Sergeant, Majid Hashem Wannous from Hama.

-Sergeant Major Sergeant, Ahmad Hasan Said from Lattakia.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed confidence that the Syrian people will overcome the crisis and the conspiracy hatched against their homeland.

They affirmed adherence to the national unity and to their national and pan-Arab principles which fortify Syria and make it more able to face the challenges.

Four Martyrs Killed by Terrorists in Homs, Two Others in Hama, One in Jableh

HOMS/HAMA/IDLEB, (SANA) – Two citizens and a law enforcement member were martyred by the gunfire of members of an armed terrorist group driving a car without a license plate in al-Sina’eh area in Homs, central Syria.

SANA correspondent in the governorate said that the martyrs are the citizens Izzat al-Tarsheh, his son Tareq al-Tarsheh and the law enforcement member Dakhlallah al-Masri, who were transported to Homs National Hospital.

Another armed terrorist group targeted a bus belonging to al-Waleed Maternity Hospital in front of Homs National Hospital, causing the martyrdom of the drugstore’s director Mohammad al-Shareef.

Terrorist Groups Kill Two Citizens in Hama

On Tuesday, two armed terrorist groups killed two citizens in the neighborhoods of Bab al-Jisr and al-Sabounieh in Hama City.

An official source told SANA Correspondent that an armed terrorist group opened fire on citizen Hayyan Ahmad al-Moallem who resides in Hama City while he was inside his shop at Bab al-Jisr Neighborhood because he rejected to participate in the strike which the armed groups imposed on the citizens.

The source mentioned that another armed group shot citizen Mohammad Abdullah al-Saghir in the head and body while he was near his house in al-Sabounieh Neighborhood as he succumbed to his wounds.

Armed Terrorist Group Murders Mayor Samih Shahwan in Jableh

An armed terrorist group murdered Samih Shahwan, the mayor of al-Sina’a, al-Tadamon and Basatin Saleh district in the city of Jableh.

SANA’s correspondent was informed that the terrorist shot Shahwan dead in front of his house in al-Dreibeh area in Jableh city, with Lattakia Police Chief Brig. Gen. Jamal Bittar confirming this information and saying that Shahwan was shot in the shoulder and neck.

Over 50 Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb Countryside

The military engineering units in the northern governorate of Idleb dismantled on Tuesday more than 50 improvised explosive devices in travel gas cylinders and metal tubes, planted by the armed terrorist groups in different areas to target army and security personnel and a number of vital public utilities.

Informed sources told SANA correspondent that the explosive devices, which ranged between 1 kg and 25 kg, were planted in various areas in Jabal al-Zawiyeh, Ein al-Bida village and Bdama town in Idleb countryside.

Two Terrorists Killed in Explosive Device Blast

The sources said that two terrorists were killed when an explosive device, which they were carrying to another area, exploded in the Industrial Zone in Idleb city, that witnesses an active economic and trade movement being a compound of a largest number of craftsmen and traders from Idleb and its countryside.

Two Law Enforcement Members Injured in Explosive Device Blast

In the same context, two law enforcement members were slightly injured today in an explosive device blast in al-Tarnabeh village to the west of Saraqeb city in Idleb.

Terrorists Burglarize the Cultural Center in Saraqeb City

Meanwhile, an armed terrorist group burglarized the building of the Cultural Center in Tal Mardikh town in Saraqeb city and stole the air conditioners and broadcast equipment, in addition to messing with its contents of books and documents and smashing the doors and windows.

Authorities Seize weapons inside car in Baba Amro

Competent authorities today seized quantities of weapons inside a car at Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs.

SANA correspondent in Homs said the weapons included mortar, RPG, different kinds of rifles, bombs, hand-made explosives and other ammunitions.

People of Occupied Syrian Golan Reiterate Commitment to Syria and the Unity of Its People

OCCUPIED GOLAN, (SANA) – The people of the occupied Syrian Golan reiterated their commitment to Syria and the unity of its people, stressing that they belong to Syria alone and denounced some statements that aim at spreading animosity among Syrians and slandering the Syrian army.

In an interview with the Syrian TV, sheikh Ali Ibrahim said that all the people of the Golan stand alongside Syria and its leadership and that they will never abandon their nationality, Arabism and Syrian identity, adding that they will not follow those who seek to undermine the dignity of the people of Golan and Syria.

In turn, Madin al-Damaqsi, another Golan local, addressed Walid Jumblatt by saying “if you don’t want to stand by Syria which stood by you in the past, then you shouldn’t interfere in our internal affairs, because the Druze sect in Syria will never be anything other than Arabic and it doesn’t follow you and your political capriciousness.”

In a similar statement, Tawfik Amasha said that the people of Golan strongly support the reforms carried out by President Bashar al-Assad, adding “we denounce all foreign and Arab interferences… we accept nothing other than for Syria’s head to remain held up high.”

For her part, Salma Farhat said that the Golan has always been and will always be Syria and Arabic, stressing commitment to the Syrian army, leadership, President and homeland.

In turn, Jihad Abu Salha said that “God will ensure Syria’s victory soon.”

Arab Monitors Continue Tours in Syrian Cities…AL-Arabi: AL Committed to the Mission

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – Members of the Arab League observer mission continued their tour in the Syrian governorates of Homs, Daraa, Idleb, Hama and Aleppo.

The monitors visited Da’el and Tafas villages in Daraa Countryside, while the team in Idleb visited the Justice Palace and the National Hospital.

In Homs, the monitors visited Joret al-Araies, Baba Amro neighborhood in addition to the central Prison.

Other teams visited Khattab and Arza villages in Hama, Harasta in Damascus Countryside and the northern city of Aleppo.

Meeting of Arab Ministerial Follow-up Committee on Syria Postponed until Sunday

Meanwhile, the Arab League (AL) announced the postponement of the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Follow-up Committee on the situation in Syria, which was scheduled on Saturday, until Sunday.

The Arab League’s Deputy Secretary General, Ahmed bin Heli, said the meeting, which is to look into the first preliminary report by the Head of the Arab observer mission in Syria, Gen. Mohammad Ahmad Al Dabi, after more than one week of observation and monitoring, was postponed until Sunday.

Al-Arabi: AL Committed to Arab Observer Mission in Syria according to the Protocol

The AL Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi stressed the League’s commitment to the Arab monitors mission in Syria, rejecting calls for withdrawal of observers from Syria.

In press statement at the AL headquarters in Cairo, al-Arabi said “We have a one-month mission and we are committed to it in front of the Syrian government. Up till now, we want to evaluate the situation once we receive the report of the head of the Arab observer mission in Syria, Gen. Mohammad Ahmad Al Dabi.”

Regarding the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Follow-up Committee on the situation in Syria scheduled on Sunday, al-Arabi said the meeting will look into the performance of the observers after one week of carrying out their missions in different Syrian cities and areas in order to evaluate the situation.

Al-Khudeir: No-one Can Evaluate Work of Observer Mission Except Arab League Council

In a press conference, head of the Arab League observer mission to Syria operating room Ambassador Adnan al-Khudeir affirmed that no-one can evaluate the success or lack thereof at the current time, and that this issue can only be decided by the Arab League Council.

Al-Khudeir said that the upcoming meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee will discuss the situation according the information provided in the report which will be submitted in a few days by head of the observer mission, Mohammad al-Dabi.

He also stressed that the mission is still carrying out its tasks as stipulated by the protocol signed by Syria and the Arab League.

Figures from Sweida City: Unity of Syrian People Strong and Impenetrable

SWEIDA, (SANA) – People’s Assembly member from Sweida city Abdullah al-Atrash affirmed that the unity of the Syrian people is strong and impenetrable by those who seek to cause division and strife in Syria and weaken its people.

In an interview with the Syrian TV, al-Atrash said that the people of Jabal al-Arab are the people of Syria, Arabism, dignity and freedom, and that they will always adhere to Syria’s national, pan-Arab and resistant goals.

He pointed out the Syria’s enemies are now seeking a new way to influence political life in the Arab region and the Middle East, calling on those who bet against Syria to abandon their malicious and futile inclinations and realize that the people of Jabal al-Arab would gladly offer their lives for the sake of their country, people and leadership.

For his part, sheikh Ibrahim Abu Asali affirmed that the people of Jabal al-Arab are raised on patriotic principles handed down by their ancestors and are not accustomed to betrayal and following those who seek to destroy Syria.

“We follow the wise policy in this country which is known for its stability and dignity under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad and the valiant army,” Abu Asali said, stressing that those who pretend to be patriotic and committed to Arabism while carrying out plans made by their masters –whether they’re in Syria or in Lebanon –  represent only themselves and that the people of Jabal al-Arab don’t recognize them because they don’t represent them in any way.

Turkish Public Rejection to Erdogan Government Policies Mounts

ANKARA, (SANA)_The Turkish public rejection to the policies of the Justice and Development Party government led by the prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, mounts as the Turkish people see Erdogan’s government as a tool to implement Western schemes in the region.

Ahmet Aday, Chairman of the Peace and Democracy Party-Ankara Department, told the Syrian TV “In Turkey, we have a regime, prime minster and a state committing genocide against its own people, and Erdogan is in no position to speak about Syria or Libya or the Middle East, especially in the Islamic world.”

A Turkish citizen said “We have plenty of problems that need to be tackled. As for other countries, we can help them but we don’t have the right to interfere in their affairs.”

”I don’t think there is a crisis in Syria, ” said another Turkish citizen, ”but it is a pressure exerted on Syria by the imperial powers, and we regret the fact that Turkey has become involved in it. I call upon the Turkish government to remember that Syria is a brotherly country and we don’t have to stand by imperial powers.”

Poet Sleiman al-Issa in Stable Condition after Suffering Chest Infection

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – After falling ill and being hospitalized, poet Sleiman al-Issa is currently in a stable condition and continuing his recuperation at home, according to his wife Dr. Malak Abyad.

Abyad said that al-Issa was admitted to the hospital due to a chest infection, adding that he was recently feeling worried and sorry for the current generation due to its confusion regarding the concepts of freedom and revolution and the lack of clarity in their vision.

Sleiman al-Issa is one of the most prominent modern poets. He was born in the village of al-Nouairia near Antioch and received his education in the village, Antioch, Hama and Damascus. He began writing poetry at the young age of nine.

After graduating from the Higher Teaching School in Baghdad, al-Issa taught Arabic language and literature in Aleppo then moved to Damascus where he worked at the Education Ministry. He was imprisoned by the French occupation forces for the occupation and calling for Syria’s independence.

Al-Issa is a founding member of the Arab Writers Union and is a member of the Arab Academy of Damascus. He and his wife translated several pieces of world literature, with some of the translations geared towards children.

He received several awards and honors, including the Syrian Medal of Merit of the Excellent Degree.

2 MOUs Signed with Iran on Training  Cadres in Liver and Bone Marrow Transplantation

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Ministry of Higher Education on Wednesday signed two memos of understanding with the Iranian universities of Tehran and Shiraz.

The two memos provide for training medical and nursing cadres in the educational hospitals specialized in liver and bone marrow transplantation.

Minister of Higher Education Abdul-Razzaq Sheikh Issa stressed the importance of signing the two memos in forming national qualified medical teams in the aforementioned specializations.

The Minister called upon doctors in Children and al-Assad University hospitals to set a timetable for implementing the two memos in cooperation with the Iranian medical and scientist institutions.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

Syrian News on Jan 4, 2012

Syrian News on Jan 4, 2012

Masses Gather in Damascus and Deir Ezzour to Express Adherence to National Unity, Rejection of Foreign Interference.

DAMASCUS/DEIR EZZOUR, (SANA)- Stressing national unity and rejecting foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, thousands of citizens on Tuesday gathered at Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus.

The participants chanted slogans reflecting adherence to the independent national decision and the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

They affirmed the importance of confronting the armed terrorist groups and the pressures facing Syria with the aim of dissuading it from its pan-Arab resistance track.

They held the national flag and banners expressing support to the reform process, chanting national songs which affirm their adherence to the national unity and their support to the Syrian army in face of the armed terrorist groups.

The participants also condemned the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups who have intimidated the citizens and deprived them of security and stability.

They asserted their love to their homeland and the Syrian army who has restored peace and normal life to their city.

They expressed rejection of the foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, stressing that the homeland will overcome the current crisis stronger than ever through the steadfastness and awareness of its people.

Citizen Jamil Ahmad Mohammd said that the Syrian people are able to foil all the conspiracies which aim at undermining Syria’s national and pan-Arab stances through their awareness and their adherence to the national unity.

He indicated that the process of reform will enhance Syria’s role in confronting all the suspicious plots which its enemies are trying to impose on the region’s nations.

For her part, Rasha al-Hafez affirmed the unity of the Syrian people in face of the conspiracy which tries to hinder the process of reform that would lead to more progress and prosperity.

She hailed the role of the army in protecting the citizens and the properties in face of the armed terrorist group.

Child Judi Subih said “We love our country and we hope that peace will prevail in it, expressing appreciation of the Syrian Arab which defends the homeland and its people.

Chinese Citizen Yusef Weal expressed love to Syria and support to its people in face of the conspiracy which aims at undermining their steadfastness and their national and pan-Arab stances.

In Deir Ezzor, Huge masses flocked to al-Qurieh City to express support to national unity and the independent national decision.

Participants in the rally voiced support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad and rejection of the foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Terrorist Attack against Gas-pipeline Causing Loss of 4-megawatt per hour of Electricity

DAMASCUS/DARAA, (SANA)_ An armed terrorist group launched a sabotage attack against a gas-pipeline passing nearby al-Rastan City.

The pipeline, set ablaze and exploded by an explosive charge, feeds al-Zara and al-Zaizoun electricity generation stations.

An official source at the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources stated to SANA that Zaizoun Electricity Generation Station was put out of service because the attacked pipeline, a 24-inch diameter, has no substitute.

The flow of gas in the pipeline was halted and all necessary measures as to repair it are underway, the source added. Meantime, an official source in the Ministry of Electricity stated that this terrorist explosion caused the loss of 4-megawatt per hour of electricity, which would lead to an increase of electricity rationalization by an additional hour.

Today’s terrorist attack against gas-pipelines is the fourth of its kind causing the loss of about 800 megawatt of electricity power.

Law-Enforcement Member Martyred, 5 Injured, Dentist Kidnapped

In Daraa, Majd Hashim Wanous,  a Law-Enforcement member, was  martyred and 5 others were injured as an explosive device blew up near Mihajja Bridge, Daraa Countryside.

SANA correspondent was informed that the bridge was badly damaged by the explosion. An official source told SANA correspondent that the explosion targeted a law-enforcement patrol, adding that the explosion was accompanied with heavy gunfire which led to the martyrdom of Sergeant Major Majd Hashim Wannous and injuring 5 other members.

In the same context, an armed terrorist group kidnapped Dentist Adnan Shhadeh in Maart al-Numan in Idleb.

An official source in the Province told SANA Correspondent that three gunmen driving a car and a motorcycle kidnapped Dr.  Shhadeh while he was near his house which is located close to the Maart al-Numan Cultural Center and took him to unknown destination.

Armed Group Targets Bridge between Rastan and Highway

An armed terrorist group exploded the bridge linking Rastan City in Homs Countryside with the highway as the bridge was severely damaged.

SANA Correspondent said that the aforementioned bridge was exploded through using a bomb at about 03:45 am and no human casualties were reported while the material causalities are estimated at SYP 20 million.

The Correspondent added that a team of the Arab League Observers inspected the damages caused by the explosion.

Freeing Kidnapped Citizen after being abducted for Week

The competent authorities in Homs freed citizen Samira Ibrahim who has been kidnapped for about a week near Kreash Resturant in al-Dablan Neighborhood in the City.

Citizen Samira resides in al-Walid Suburb in Homs and she works at Firzat Company for Private Development.

Armed group kills a driver in Hama

Driver, Ahmad al-Hamroush, was martyred on Tuesday in Hama countryside after an armed terrorist group fired at him.

SANA correspondent was informed that the armed terrorist group opened fire at the car on the high way which led to wounding the driver. The driver works for al-Baath Arab Socialist Party sub-division in Hama countryside.

Three Army and Police Martyrs Laid to Rest

HOMS, (SANA)- Three army and police martyrs were escorted from Homs Military Hospital to their final resting place after they were targeted by armed terrorist groups in Homs and Idleb while they were in the line of duty.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried up on the shoulders of their colleagues covered with the national flag while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The martyrs are:

-Sergeant Conscript Ahmad Hasan Gharbi, from Homs.

-Conscript Mohammed Alaa-Eddin Mohammed Kheir Ballour, from Damascus Countryside.

– Policeman Rami Sami Khallouf, from Homs.

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that the Syrian people will overcome the crisis through adhering to the national unity, stressing that their son’s sacrifices will fortify Syria in face of the challenges.

Cabinet Approves Executive Instructions of Media Law

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – During a session chaired by Prime Minister Adel Safar, the Cabinet approved on Tuesday the executive instructions of the media law issued in 2011.

The instructions include clarifications on some articles of the decree and the mechanisms to implement it such as the rights of journalists and the mechanisms of the National Media Council.

The Cabinet also approved the plan of the Tourism Ministry for the coming stage which aim at enhancing tourism to support the national economy and create job opportunities.

Arab League Observers Continue Visits and Tours, Al-Khudeir Calls for Not Making Hasty Judgment over Work of Observer Mission

GOVERNORTAES/ CAPITALS, (SANA)_Teams of Arab League observer mission on Tuesday continued tours and visits to the Syrian Cities.

A team of observers visited Salqin Village in Idleb and met with citizens. Another group visited Baba Amro neighborhood, al-Rastan in Homs and al-Sabeel neighborhood in Daraa and met locals there.

Earlier, teams of Arab League Observer mission on Monday visited al-Rastan, Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs and continued tours in Daraa al-Balad.

Another group of observers visited al-Hamidiyyah and al-Andalus neighborhoods , Ma’r Shehur Village in Hama.

In Idleb, observer mission teams visited the areas of Harem, Salqin, Armanaz and Kafr Takharim and met locals.

Another team toured the town of Daraya in Damascus Countryside.

Al-Khudeir Calls for Not Making Hasty Judgment over Work of Observer Mission

Head of the Arab League observer mission to Syria operating room Ambassador Adnan al-Khudeir voiced the League’s commitment to carrying out the mission protocol, calling on all sides to not make hasty judgment over the results of the mission before it completes its tasks.

In a statement on Tuesday, al-Khudeir said that a team of Arab observers will join the mission in Damascus according to the agreed-upon plan for increasing the number of areas in which observers will be deployed, adding that efforts have started to bear fruit.

On a relevant note, the Arab League announced that the Arab Ministerial Committee will convene on Saturday at the League headquarters to study the preliminary report of the head of the observer mission.

Washington Anticipates Events regarding Work of AL Monitors Mission in Syria

In a flagrant ignoring of the Arab League (AL) General Secretariat’s repeated calls for not making hasty judgment over the work of the AL observer mission, the White House on Tuesday accused Syria of not respecting the commitments it made to the League regarding its mission.

Such an accusation, the like of which was not made by the monitors who are working on the ground, constitutes clear evidence on Washington’s hostile intentions against Syria in terms of targeting its security and stability.

The AFP quoted the White House spokesman Jay Carney as saying “it is clear that the requirements of the Arab League protocol have not been met,” after 16 days since Syria’s signing of the protocol and the arrival of the monitors.

Carney referred to the continuation of what he called “sniper fire, torture, and murder in Syria”, without even mentioning anything about the crimes being perpetrated against the Syrian citizens and the public and private properties by the armed terrorist groups that his country called for not handing over their weapons.

The White House Spokesman’s accusation of Syria of failing to comply with the requirements of the protocol came a day after the AL Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi stated that the Arab observers have made some achievements and called for not anticipating the events.

US State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland in November advised the gunmen in Syria not to turn themselves in to the Syrian authorities in response to an offer of amnesty issued by the Syrian Interior Ministry.

Egypt’s Permanent Representative to AL: We Reject any Foreign Interference in Syria’s Internal Affairs

CAIRO, (SANA)- Egypt’s Permanent Representative to the Arab League Afifi Abdul Wahab stressed his country’s rejection of any foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

In a press statement on Tuesday, Abdul Wahab said that Egypt supports Arab consensus to resolve the crisis in Syria, as was earlier confirmed by its foreign minister Mohamed Kamel Amr that Egypt backs the Arab solution to the crisis, rejects any foreign interference or resorting to a military solution and considers the political solution that is based on dialogue under the umbrella of the Arab League as the right way to solve the Syrian crisis.

The Egyptian Representative pointed out that the priority for the Egyptian diplomacy now is the necessity of preventing more bloodshed, ending all forms of killing and violence, preserving the unity and sovereignty of the Syrian state and its people’s resources and supporting the Syrians’ right to freedom and reform.

Abdul Wahab noted that Egypt is participating in the Arab League observer mission to Syria with a 10-member delegation and was the first Arab country to present a list of the names of its delegation to the League.

Canadian Researcher: US Targeting Syria to Change Region’s Geo-Political Reality

OTTAWA, (SANA) – Canadian writer and researcher Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya said that the encirclement of Syria has long been in the works since 2001, and that the permanent NATO presence in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Syrian Accountability Act are part of this initiative, adding that this roadmap is based on a 1996 Israeli document aimed at controlling Syria. The document’s name is “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.”

In an article published on the Canadian website globalresearch.ca, Nazemroaya said that the 1996 Israeli document, which included prominent U.S. policy figures as authors, calls for “rolling back Syria” in 2000 or afterward. The roadmap outlines pushing the Syrians out of Lebanon, diverting the attention of Damascus by using an anti-Syrian opposition in Lebanon, and then destabilizing Syria with the help of Turkey and other Arab countries, in addition to creating the March 14 Alliance and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

He said that the first step towards this was the war on Iraq and its balkanization, fomenting sectarian divisions as a means of conquering Syria and creating a regional alliance against it.

Nazemroaya noted that the US initiated a naval build-up off the Syrian and Lebanese coasts, which is part of Washington’s standard scare tactics that it has used as a form of intimidation and psychological warfare against Iran, Syria, and the Resistance Bloc, all while the mainstream media networks controlled by Arab clients of the US are focusing on the deployment of Russian naval vessels to Syria, which can be seen as a counter-move to NATO.

He also said that the city of al-Ramtha in Jordan is being used to launch attacks into Daraa and Syrian territory, adding that Turkish and Lebanese media said that France has sent its military trainers into Turkey and Lebanon to prepare conscripts against Syria, and that the so-called Free Syrian Army and other NATO-GCC front organizations are also using Turkish and Jordanian territory to stage raids into Syria, and Lebanon is also being used to smuggle weapon shipments into Syria.

Nazemroaya that there are companies that have not left Syria and are actually used to siphon money out of Syria, with the goal of preventing any money from going in, while they want to also drain the local economy as a catalyst to internal implosion in Syria.

He said that Turkey ” Ankara has been playing a dirty game,” as Turkey initially pretended to be neutral during the start of NATO’s war against Libya while it was helping the Transitional Council in Benghazi, stressing that Erdogan’s government does not care about the Syrian population but rather wants Syria to submit to Washington’s demands, adding that Turkey has been responsible for recruiting fighters against Syria.

“For several years Ankara has been silently trying to de-link Syria from Iran and to displace Iranian influence in the Middle East. Turkey has been working to promote itself and its image amongst the Arabs, but all along it has been a key component of the plans of Washington and NATO. At the same time, it has been upgrading its military capabilities in the Black Sea and on its borders with Iran and Syria,”  Nazemroaya  wrote, adding that Turkey also agreed to upgrade Turkish bases for NATO troops.

He affirmed that it’s no mere coincidence that Senator Joseph Lieberman started demanding at the start of 2011 that the Pentagon and NATO attack Syria and Iran, nor is it a coincidence that Tehran has been included in the recent Obama Administration sanctions imposed against Damascus, saying that Damascus is being targeted as a means of targeting Iran and, in broader terms, weakening Tehran, Moscow, and Beijing in the struggle for control over the Eurasian landmass.

Nazemroaya  said that the US leaving Iraq will cement the Resistance Bloc, dealing major strategic blows to Israel and the US, stressing that Washington is working to creare a new geo-political reality by eliminating Syria, in addition to activating the so-called “Coalition of the Moderate” that it created under George W. Bush Jr. and directing it against Iran, Syria, and their regional allies.

“For half a decade Washington has been directing a military arms build-up in the Middle East aimed at Iran and the Resistance Bloc,” he said, noting that the US sent massive arms shipments to countries in the region including Israel Israel and started to openly discuss murdering figures, all of which constitutes a pathway towards possible military escalation that could go far beyond the boundaries of the Middle East and suck in Russia and China, and their allies.

Candlelight Sit-in in front of Turkish Consulate in Aleppo

ALEPPO, (SANA) – A group of Syrian youth in Aleppo on Tuesday evening staged a candlelight sit-in in front of the Turkish Consulate in the governorate under the title “A Stand in Honor of Victims of Erdogan’s Missiles”.

The founders of Aleppo’s Youth Gathering said that the sit-in conveys a message to the Turkish people that Syria’s youths stand by them against the injustice of Premier Rejeb Tayyip Erdogan, adding that the one who takes freedom away from his people has no right to demand freedom from others.

The participants said that the sit-in is a message that the Syrians are free and proud people who reject servility and give lessons in freedom to the whole world.

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemns Terrorist Attacks against Gas Pipeline and Bridge in Homs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Human Rights Network condemned the two sabotage acts, carried out by armed terrorist groups on Tuesday morning, that targeted the gas pipeline which feeds al-Zara and al-Zaizoun electricity generating stations near al-Rastan City in Homs Countryside and the bridge linking al-Rastan City with the highway.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the Network considered the two acts as violation of the Syrian citizens’ rights and breach of the international legitimacy and human rights, stressing that such attacks are condemned by all international laws.

The network criticized the silence of the human rights organizations towards such acts, saying that this silence comes in line with the instigation of violence and enhances the double standards policy on one hand and exposes these organizations’ mixing of the legal and political aspects on the other hand.

Terrorist Confesses to Planting Explosive Device under  a Private Car in Damascus

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorist Mohammad Habbal confessed on Tuesday to planting an explosive device under a private car in Damascus city, however, security forces managed to dismantle it.

Habbal told the Syrian TV that he and his friend went to Nahr Aisha suburb in Damascus city and planted an explosive device under a Peugeot car under the pretext that the owner of the car used to fire at protesters.

He added that his friend told him to wait for the car to move and then use the remote control to make it explode, but he did not accept to do that.

He said that he went back along with his friend who called a person with a Chana car to take them away, adding that the car broke down on the way as security forces saw them, asked them for their IDs and found out the remote control.

Syrian News on Jan 3, 2012

Syrian News on Jan 3, 2012

Law-Enforcement Officer Martyred, Explosive Devices Dismantled, Health Center Burglarized

HOMS, (SANA) – Rami Khallouf, a law-enforcement officer, was martyred on Monday when an armed terrorist group opened fire on a security patrol located in front of Homs National Hospital.

Engineering units dismantled two explosive devices, each weighting 10 kilograms, planted by terrorists near Homs city.

The two devices are handmade and rigged to explode by remote control. The first was planted on the Homs-Fairouza road, and the second in al-Oras farms area near Homs city.

Also in Homs governorate, the Health Center in al-Qasir area in Homs governorate, with the culprits breaking down the external and internal doors of the building.

Medical sources stated that after the end of the working hours on Thursday, the Center was locked by workers only for them to return on Monday and find the doors broken and all its contents stolen, including medical supplies and equipment and assorted items such as telephones and fans.

The Health Center services al-Qasir area and its villages, in addition to neighboring Lebanese villages.

Terrorists assassinate policeman al-Mustafa in Idleb

An armed terrorist group Monday assassinated policeman Khaled al-Mustafa who works at Idleb Police Leadership when the terrorists shot fires on him at al-Khudra market in Idleb.

SANA reporter said that policeman al-Mustafa was killed by two bullets in the head.

Another armed terrorist group burglarized the Cooperative Bank at Ariha in Idleb.

Body of a child left at deserted house in Idleb found

At Kfar Roma town in Idleb, the body of the 5-year child Mohammad bin Moahmoud al-Hassan,  was found Monday left since two days at a deserted house.

SANA reporter said the child’s body was covered with straw with clear deformation marks.

Martyr Journalist Shukri Abu el-Burghol Laid to Rest.. Minister Mahmoud: Act is meant to target national media

Damascus,(SANA)- Shukri Abu el-Burghol, journalist at al-Thawra newspaper, was laid to rest on Monday. He succumbed to his wounds after being shot by an armed terrorist group a few days ago in Darayya in Damascus Countryside.

Abu el-Burghol was escorted from the hospital to Abdullah bin Rawaha Mosque in Bab Mosalla and then to his final resting place.

Abu el-Burghol was struck with a bullet beneath his eye while he was at home preparing a weekly report for Damascus Radio.

Information Minister: Abu al-Burghul martyrdom shows that national media Message is targeted

Minister of Information, Dr. Adnan Mahmoud, offered condolences to the family of Journalist Shukri Abu al-Burghul in Daraya city in Damascus countryside.

Minister Mahmoud said that the national media cadre has lost a comrade who spent his life for the sake of his job, adding that the martyr was an example to be followed.

The Minister pointed out that the Syrian media message has been targeted since the beginning of the events, expressing the Syrian media’s resolve to continue its mission despite all difficulties

Chairman of the Syrian Journalists Union Elias Murad stressed that the martyrdom of Abu el-Burghol will not dissuade journalists from carrying out their dty of relaying fact, commtting to free speech and supporting the reform program.

In turn, Director General of al-Wahda Journalism and Publishing Establishment Khalaf al-Meftah said that the culture of death will not win over the culture of life, stressing that armed terrorist groups don’t understand the language of dialogue and that their acts of murder and vandalism reflect the culture, crimes and dark thoughts.

Al-Meftah affirmed that Syrian meda will continue to fulfil its national duty of uncovering the lies of biased channels and relaying the truth about the crimes of terrorist groups.

For his part, Editor in Chief of al-Thawra Ali Kassem said that Abu el-Burghol was a model of integrity and morality, stressing that the acts of terrorists will not dissuade honest journalism from carrying out their duties professionally and objectively.

The funeral was attended by heads of local media establishments, members of the Syrian Journalists Union, and a large number of the martyrs’ colleagues, friends and relatives.

The Syrian Journalists Union eulogized Abu el-Burghol in a statement, denouncing the crimes of armed terrorist groups who murder, vandalize and attack public and private establishment, citizens and security forces under the support of foreign forces that provide them with money and weapons.

The statement affirmed that the conspiracy against Syria is doomed to fail thanks to the Syrians’ national unity.

Medical Director of al-Muwasat Hospital Dr. Shadia al-Khodari told SANA that Abu el-Burghol passed away on Monday morning. A team of medical specialists had operated on him on Friday and stabilized his condition, only for it to go critical leading to his death.

Shukri Abu el-Burghol was born in 1956. He worked as an editor in al-Thawra since 1980, showing dedication to following up on citizens’ complaints and relaying their voices, in addition to preparing reports for Damascus Radio.

He left behind a wife, two sons and a daughter.

Mansour: Solution in Syria Internal Not Through Foreign Interference That Complicates Situation

KUWAIT, (SANA)– Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour underlined that the solution in Syria is internal and cannot be solved through foreign interference in the country’s domestic affairs because this will hinder the solution and does not deepen dialogue rather it complicates the situation, expressing hope that Syria would overcome the crisis.

The Lebanese Minister told al-Anbaa Kuwaiti Newspaper on Monday that the Syrian leadership did not refuse reforms, rather it accepted them from the beginning and reforms cannot be achieved out of the blue, but rather fulfilled through dialogue.

He added “the events taking place in Syria concern us to a great extent because Syria and Lebanon are neighboring brotherly countries which are connected through geographic, economic, social and humanitarian ties and there are common things between them i.e. stability and security….security and stability in Syria reflect positively or negatively on Lebanon.”

Regarding Lebanese Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn’s statements on the infiltration of al-Qaeda members from Lebanon into Syria, Mansour underlined that Lebanese Interior Minister Marwan Charbel did not contradict Minister Ghosn regarding his information about al-Qaeda members, saying that the Defense Minister did not talk about the existence of al-Qaeda in Lebanon, but rather about members crossing borders between Syria and Lebanon.

In a similar context, former Lebanese Information Minister Michel Samaha said that Syria is a resistant country and it protects resistance, adding ” I advise not to try Syria in a military confrontation nor in imposing a no-fly zone because it will fight for its people and for its national sovereignty.”

Samaha pointed out that Syria accepted to receive the Arab observers and they have to prove that they are not biased and that they will relay the situation known by the Syrians through their report.

He clarified that the Syrian people, under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, reject to deal with those who call themselves the opposition abroad; the latter presented credentials to Israel. On a relevant note, Lebanese Liberation and Development Bloc member MP Ayoub Hamid called for not interfering in Syria’s internal affairs or using Lebanon as a platform against Syria, recalling that Syria supported Lebanon during its hardest times, particularly during the Israeli aggressions on it and during its internal ordeals.

Huge Masses Gather in Deir Ezzor and Homs to Support Reforms, National Unity

DEIR EZZOR, HOMS (SANA) – Thousands of Syrian citizens in Deir Ezzor and Homs on Monday gathered in the main squares in the two governorates in support of the national unity and the comprehensive reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The participants voiced support to the independent national decision, stressing their rallying around their leadership.

Huge masses of people streamed into al-Basel Square in Deir-Ezzor governorate and chanted national slogans in rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, condemning the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups.

The gathered people stressed that Syria will come out stronger from the crisis and it won’t change its national and pan-Arab stances.

Some participants underlined the decrees and legislations issued that contribute to building the future of Syria.

Citizen Ali Eleiwi said that the Syrian youth support the reform program and recognize the conspiracy targeting their country and the misleading media campaign led by some satellite channels to falsify facts about the events in Syria with the aim of undermining its security, stability and economy.

In Homs governorate, thousands of Syrian citizens in al-Kabo village and the neighboring villages gathered in the village’s square in support of reforms, rejecting all forms of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

The participants held banners and chanted national slogans that stress the national unity of the Syrian people in the face of all instigative campaigns, insisting that Syria will remain strong.

Citizens spontaneously gathered in front of the Municipal Council Building to express support to the reform program under the leadership of President al-Assad.

Lawyer Yousef Ghaleh called upon the AL observers to be objective and convey the reality about the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups as they witnessed on the ground.

Arab League Observers Continue Visits and Tours, al-Arabi: Monitors’ Mission fulfilled some Achievements

GOVERNORATES, SANA_Teams of Arab League Observer mission on Monday visited al-Rastan, Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs and continued tours in Daraa al-Balad.

Another group of observers visited al-Hamidiyyah and al-Andalus Neighborhoods , Ma’r Shehur Village in Hama.

In Idleb, observer mission teams visited the areas of Harem, Salkim, Armanaz and Kafr Takharim and met locals.

Another team toured the town of Daraya in Damascus Countryside.

Al-Arabi: The Monitors’ Mission fulfilled some achievements

Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi said that the Arab monitors have fulfilled some achievements, calling on media not to anticipate events and await till the monitors end their mission.

At a press conference in Cairo on Monday, al-Arabi considered that the most important results were withdrawing the armed phenomenon from the inner Syrian cities.

“Head of the mission is doing his work successfully.. he will come to Cairo before the end of this week to submit his report about what has been archived during the last ten days of the mission presence in Syria,” al-Arabi added.

He saw that some opinions which criticize the work of the mission “are not studied”, saying that the mission is present now in Homs, Hama, Idleb, Damascus countryside and Damascus.

“The mission teams are continuing their work according to a planned schedule…. And the operations’ room receive any complaints,” Arab League Chief added.

He said that the Arab observers have specified mission according to the Arab protocol, which is halting all acts of violence from any source, releasing the detainees, confirming no confrontation with the peaceful demonstrations, verifying the allowance for media to work freely, withdrawing the armed phenomenon.

Al-Arabi added that “we asked the monitors not give any statement .”

Tartous Port Opens to Navigation

TARTOUS, SANA_Tartous Port and the oil outlet opened their doors in front of the navigation on Monday morning, after they were closed due to bad weather which was accompanied by huge waves up to 5 meters high and strong wind with a speed of over 70 km per hour.

Director of Tartous Port, Ghassan Jum’a, said the General Company of Tartous Port has instructed all the ships to resort to the port’s basin to seek protection.

He added that ships with large loads were instructed to sail with their engines running to maneuver to prevent stranding.

New Year Celebrations in Syria Limited to Prayers… Christian Denominations Hold Masses in Country

DAMASCUS, (SANA) New year celebrations in Syria were limited to prayers due to the current events and in honor of the Syrian martyrs.

On this occasion, a huge religious ceremony was held at the Marimaite Cathedral of Damascus (Church of Mary) headed by His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV Hazim of Antioch and All The East for the Greek Orthodox.

In his sermon, Patriarch Hazim prayed for peace and amity to prevail in the world instead of destruction and war and prayed that the new year would be good for the Syrians and all peoples of the world.

His Beatitude congratulated President Bashar al-Assad on the new year, praying for God to bless him and give him strength to serve the homeland, and he also prayed for our brave army, the defender of Syria’s unity and dignity.

Prayers and masses also were held at churches and places of worship in all Syrian provinces marking the new year, as preachers underlined that the national unity and awareness are the right means to beat the homeland’s enemies.

In their sermons, the preachers denounced the conspiracy hatched against Syria to deviate it from its national and pan Arab stances, underlining that the Syrians’ awareness and support to the leadership will end the crisis and make Syria an example to follow in the region for democracy and prosperity.

Arab League Observers Continue Their Mission, Visit Several  Syrian Cities

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – The Arab League observers mission on Friday continued their work, visiting a number of Syrian cities and neighborhoods.

A team from the mission visited the towns of Douma and Harasta in Damascus Countryside and toured them, while two other teams visited Baba Amro, Bab al-Sebaa, Wadi al-Zahab and Karm al-Zaitoun in Homs city and met citizens there.

Another team met a number of citizens from the western district of Idleb city, while yet another team concluded a tour of Hama city, visiting Hama National Hospital and meeting a number of wounded people and patients there, in addition to visiting Hama Central Prison and al-Assi Square.

A team from the mission also visited the city of Daraa, touring its streets and meeting citizens.

Massive Spontaneous Gatherings in Syrian Cities in Rejection of Foreign Intervention and Emphasis on National Unity for Confronting Conspiracy

GOVERNORATES, SANA_ Syrian citizens continued their national activities to express their rejection of the foreign intervention in Syria’s internal affairs and support to the national unity, independent national decision, and to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Massive crowds of citizens spontaneously gathered on Friday in a number of squares and streets in the governorates of Damascus and its countryside, Aleppo, Homs, Lattakia, Tartous, Sweida and Hassakeh, stressing their determination to confront the plot which Syria is exposed to.

The participants shouted slogans that reflect the civilized image of the Syrian people and confirm that they , through their awareness, sincerity, and rallying around their leadership, are able to face all the pressure and biased campaigns targeting Syria’s security and stability to turn it away from its pan-Arab approach in defending the Arab Nation’s rights and interests.

The participants also thanked the Syrian Arab Army which proved to be the defender of the homeland and its immune fort in the face of conspiracies, stressing that the pure blood of the army martyrs has protected Syria and consolidated the national unity.

The participants raised Syrian flags and banners, demanding the Arab League observer mission to be credible and professional in conveying the facts of what the terrorist groups’s crimes of killing innocents, terrorizing people and vandalizing public and private properties.

They called on them to unveil the lies and fabrications of the misleading media channels and exposing their role in shedding the Syrian blood through their “tendentious and inflammatory campaigns.”

In Damascus Countryside, mass rallies participated in lighting the “Homeland Tree” which is decorated with the photos of the army and policemen martyrs in Sahnaya.

The event was held in commemoration of the martyrs and in rejection of the attempts at foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

In Sweida Province, People of Ara Town and the neighboring villages rallied at the town square, stressing that all the Syrians are in one trench against pressure and plots targeting the homeland.

In Homs, thousands gathered at al-Hadara Street to express condemnation of the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups against soldiers and the civilians alike.

The participants stressed to the Arab League observers, who are currently visiting the city, that the Syrians are able to solve their problems without foreign interference, urging the mission to be honest and transparent in its reports.

Two rallies also took place in Hassake city’s President Square and Qamishli city’s Sabaa Bahrat Square with the participation of social and civil activities which gathered to show support for the independent national decision and reform and voice rejection of the plots against Syria.

The two squares were decorated with Syrian flags and banners emphasizing adherence to national unity and reform, with participating chanting slogans saluting the army and the soldiers sacrificing their lives to restore Syria’s security.

The participants affirmed that the Syrians will not be affected by the lies and fabrications of mercenary media, and that the conspiracy against Syria is taking its last breaths.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.



Speech by President Bashar Al-Assad at Damascus University Auditorium on Tuesday 10/1/2012:

Speech by President Bashar Al-Assad at Damascus University Auditorium on Tuesday 10/1/2012:

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ President Bashar al-Assad delivered  on Tuesday before noon a speech at Damascus University Auditorium covering domestic issues in Syria as well as local and regional conditions’ developments.

President al-Assad reiterated in his speech Syria’s determination to continue the ongoing process of reforms, whose results are known before hand, citing some of the measures and steps taken to this effect including the abrogation of emergency law, authorization for parties, local administration elections, information law, elections law, and the under-discussion anti-corruption law.

President al-Assad declared that the new constitution is to be soon put into popular referendum, citing some aspects of the constitution as to include ‘political and party pluralism’, ‘the people are the source of power especially through elections’.

The President welcomed an expansion of the government as to include all political forces and national opposition and pointed out to the importance of dialogue.

The second to none priority for Syrians is the restoration of security and fighting  terrorism with an iron fist, outlined President al-Assad hailing the Syrians’ steadfastness and awareness.

President al-Assad underlined that no orders were given to shoot at the citizens and that no cover-up for any person would be given.

President al-Assad cited in his speech some aspects of the conspiracy hatched against Syria, including the failing media war, blasting the role played by some Arabs as to pave the way for foreign interference in the Syrian affairs.

The President spoke of the Syrian long experience with elected parliaments, parties  highlighting the Syrian Arab role in the Arab League, whose Arabism is to be suspended without the participation of Syria, in reference to the decision taken by the League of Arab States to suspend Syria’s participation.

The full text of the speech:

I know that I have been away from the media for a long time, and I have missed having direct contact with the citizens, but I have always been following up with the daily occurrences and gathering the information so that my speech can be built on what is said by the street.

I would like to salute you in the name of pan-Arabism which will continue to be a symbol of our identity and our haven in difficult times, as we will continue to be its heart beating with love and affection. I would also like to greet you in the name of our home country which will always be the source of our pride and dignity, as we will remain faithful to its genuine values for which our fathers and grandfathers sacrificed dearly to keep the country glorified and independent. And I am proud of your steadfastness which will keep Syria an invincible fortress in the face of all forms of penetration, and free in resisting submission to foreign forces.

Today, I am addressing you ten months after the outbreak of the unfortunate events which befell the country imposing new circumstances on the Syrian arena. For all of us, these conditions represent a serious test of our national commitment, and we cannot pass this test except by our continuous work and honest intents based on our faith in God, the genuine character of our people, and its solid nature which has been polished over the ages and made brighter and more robust. Although those events have made us pay, until now, heavy prices which made my heart bleed, as it made the heart of every Syrian bleed, yet they require the sons of Syria, regardless of their beliefs and doctrines, to be wise and sensible, and to be guided by their deep national feelings. Only then our entire country can achieve victory with our unity, our fraternity, and our will to go beyond narrow horizons and momentary interests and reach where our noble national issues lie. For this is our destination and there lies the strength of our country and the glory of our history.

External Conspiring Is No Longer a Secret

External conspiring is no longer a secret because what is being plotted in the pal talk rooms has started to be clearly revealed before the eyes of the people. It is not possible anymore to deceive others except for those who do not want to listen or see; as the tears shed by the dealers of freedom and democracy for our own victims can no longer conceal the role they played in the bloodshed which they tried to use for their own purposes. At the beginning of the crisis, it was not easy to explain what happened. Emotional reactions and the absence of rationality were surpassing the facts. But now, the fog has lifted, and it is no longer possible for the regional and international parties which wanted to destabilize Syria to forge the facts and the events. Now the masks have fallen off the faces of those parties, and we have become more capable of deconstructing the virtual environment which they have created to push Syrians towards illusion and then make them fall. That virtual environment was created to lead to a psychological and moral defeat which would eventually lead to the actual defeat. That unprecedented media attack was meant to lead us to a state of fear, and this fear, which could paralyze the will, would lead to defeat.

Over Sixty T.V. Channels in the World Are Devoted to Work against Syria

Over sixty T.V. channels in the world are devoted to work against Syria. Some of them are devoted to working against the Syrian domestic situation, and some others are working to distort the image of Syria abroad. There are tens of internet websites, and tens of newspapers and different media channels, which means that we are talking about hundreds of media networks.

Their aim was to push us to a state of self-collapse in order to save their efforts in waging many battles; and they failed in doing so, yet they did not give in.

One of their attempts which you are aware of is what they did with me personally in my interview with the American news channel. Usually I do not watch myself on T.V whether in an interview or a speech. That time I watched the interview and I was about to believe what I myself was presented to have said. If they were capable of convincing me of the lie, how can they not convince others! Fortunately, we had an original version of the interview, and they did what they did because they thought that we did not have an original version which we can present to the citizens to compare with their version. Had that not been the case, no one would have ever believed the professional fabrication which they did even if I talk now for hours and try to tell you I did not say what was misrepresented on that news channel.

Of course, they had one aim in mind. When they failed in causing a state of collapse on the popular and institutional levels in Syria, they wanted to target the top of the pyramid of the state in order to say to the citizens, on the one hand, and, of course, to the West, on the other hand, that this person lives in a cocoon and does not know what has been going on. They also wanted to say to the citizens, especially those in the state, that if the top figure in the pyramid is evading responsibility and feeling that things are falling apart, then it is normal for things to go out of control.

There were continuous rumors like saying that the president has left the country, as to say that the president has given up on his responsibilities. They did their best to circulate those rumors but we say to them, ‘in your dreams, for I am not a person who surrenders his responsibilities.’

When I sipped some water in my previous speech, they said the president is nervous, but we never fish in troubled waters, neither in crises nor in normal situations. Now they will use the previous statement to say that the Syrian president is announcing that he will not relinquish his post. In fact, they do not distinguish between the two notions of ‘office’ and ‘responsibility’, and I did say in the year 2000 that I am not after office and I do not run away from responsibility. An office does not have any value. It is a sheer device and whoever seeks to office does not get respect.

We are talking now about responsibility, and this responsibility derives its importance from public support. This means that I acquire a position with the support of the people; and when I leave it, it will be with the will of this people. This is final, and regardless of what you heard, I always based my external policy in all our positions on public support and public will. What do we make of the interview with the American channel in the media framework? There was repeated talk about the good intention of many from within Syria and the outside world. Why did we not allow the media to enter Syria? In fact, during the first month or month and a half of the crisis, Arab and foreign media networks were completely free to move inside Syria. However, all the media fabrications, and the whole political and media campaign against Syria, were built on that phase of forging and distortion; and there is a difference between distorting the truth then giving it credibility as being presented from the inside of Syria, on the one hand, and distorting the truth from the outside of Syria where less credibility tends to be given to such misrepresentation. That is why we took a decision not to close the door to all media networks, but to be selective in the access given to them in order to control the quality of the information or the falsification which goes beyond the borders.

Victory Is Very Close As Long As We Are Able to Survive and Invest in Our Points of Strength

We were patient in an unprecedented battle in Syria’s modern history; a battle that made us stronger. If this battle carries significant risks and decisive challenges, the victory is very close as long as we are able to survive and invest in our points of strength which are many, and to know weaknesses of opponents which are even more. Your public awareness which is based on facts, not on hype, underestimation, exaggerations or simplifications, had the most important role in uncovering the scheme and restricting it in preparation for thwarting it entirely. In our quest to dismantle that virtual environment and to ensure the importance of the internal situation in confronting any external interference, we took the initiative to talk transparently on having a default here and a defect or delay there in some areas. I mean in previous speeches when I was talking about mistakes, but we did not mean at all to underestimate the importance of such external schemes. I do not think that a reasonable person can deny today those schemes that shifted acts of sabotage and terrorism to another level of crime which targeted minds, highly qualified people and institutions. The aim of which is to generalize the state of panic, to destroy morale and to make you reach the state of despair which would open the way for what was planned in the outside to become a reality, but this time with local hands.

At the beginning, they searched for their desired revolution, but their revolution was against them and against their vandals and their tools. Since the early days, however, the people revolted against them, thus precluding them and their henchmen. When they were shocked by your unity, they tried to dismantle and fragment this unity through using the hideous sectarian weapon after masking it with the cover of holy religion. When they lost hope to achieve their goals, they shifted into acts of sabotage and murder under different headings and covers such as the utilization of some peaceful demonstrations and the exploitation of wrong practices done by persons in the state. Thus, they started the process of assassinations and attempted to isolate cities and dividing the various parts of the country. They stole, looted and destroyed public and private facilities and after experimenting with all possible ways and means in today’s world with all the regional and international media and political support, they did not find a foothold for their hoped-for revolution.

Arab Countries Are Not the Same in Their Policies towards Syria

Here comes the foreign role after they failed in all attempts; there was no choice but the foreign intervention. When we say foreign, it usually comes to our minds that it is the foreign outside. Unfortunately, this foreign outside has become a mix of Arab and foreign, and sometimes, in many cases, this Arab part is more hostile and worse than the foreign one. I do not want to generalize; the image is not that bleak because Arab countries are not the same in their policies. There are countries which tried during this stage to play a morally objective role towards what is happening in Syria. In contrast, there are countries that basically do not care about what is happening in general. I mean they stand on the fence in most cases, and there are countries that carry out what they are asked to do. What is strange is that some Arab officials are with us in heart and against us in politics. When we ask for clarifications, it is said or the official says I am with you, but there are external pressures. I mean this is a semi-official declaration of losing sovereignty. It is not a surprise that the countries will one day link their policies to the policies of foreign countries just like linking local currency to foreign currencies, and thus giving away sovereignty becomes a sovereign matter.

The truth is that this is the peak of deterioration for the Arab situation, but any deterioration always precedes a renaissance; when we move from the first independence which is the first liberation of land from occupation to the second independence which is the independence of the will. We will reach this independence when Arab peoples take the lead in the Arab world in general. This is because the official policies we see do not utterly reflect what we see on the public arenas in the Arab world.

We do not see this Arab role, which we have suddenly seen now, when there is a crisis or a dilemma in an Arab country. In contrast, we see it in its best forms when there is trouble in a foreign country or a superpower. Saving that state from its crisis is often at the expense of another state or at the expense of Arab states, and often through the destruction of an Arab country. This is what happened in Iraq and this is what happened in Libya, and this is what we see now in the Arab role towards Syria. After they failed in the Security Council when they could not convince the world of their lies, there was a need for an Arab cover and a need for having an Arab platform. Here comes this initiative. The truth of this initiative and the monitors’ issue is that I am the one who proposed this issue in my meeting with the Arab League delegation a few months ago. We said since the international organizations came to Syria, reviewed the facts and they got a positive reaction at least through reviewing things – we do not say things are all positive; they see positive and negative things and we do not want more than knowing the truth as it is – it is more worthy of the Arabs to send a delegation to see what is happening in Syria. Of course, there was not any interest in this proposal put forward by Syria, but suddenly after several months, we see that this topic became the focus of global attention. It was not sudden attention towards what we put forward at all, but because the scheme has started from the outside under this title.

In all cases we continued dialogue with various parties and the Foreign Minister spoke in his press conferences on details I will not repeat here. We were focusing on one thing only which is the sovereignty of Syria. We were considering that the Arab citizen, the Arab official or the Arab observer has feelings towards us; I mean we remain Arabs who sympathize with each other no matter how bad the Arab situation is. Why they started the Arab initiative? The same countries that claim concern for the Syrian people were initially advising us to reform. Of course, these countries do not have the least knowledge of democracy and have no heritage in this area, but they were thinking that we will not be moving towards reform and there will be a title for these countries to use internationally that there is a conflict inside Syria between a state that does not want reform and the people who want reform, freedom or the like.

When we started reform, this thing was confusing for them, thus they shifted to the issue of the Arab League or the Arab initiative. The truth is that if we are to follow these countries, which give us advice, we have to go backward at least a century and a half. What happened a century and a half ago? We were part of the Ottoman Empire and we had the first parliament which we are concerned with in one way or another. The first parliament was opened in the year / 1877 / and if we put this aside, the first parliament in Syria was in 1919; this means less than a century ago. Therefore, imagine these countries that want to advise us about democracy! Where were these countries at that time? Their status is like the status of a smoking doctor who advises the patient to quit smoking while putting a cigarette in his mouth.

Eventually, outrage of the Arab or public reaction in Syria towards the issue of the Arab League was the result. In fact, I was not angry; why to get angry with someone who does not know his decision. If someone attacks us with a knife, we defend ourselves not by struggling with the knife but with the person. The knife is just a tool. Our struggle is not with these people but against those who stand behind them. The public reaction was outrage, indignation and surprise; why did not the Arabs stand with Syria rather than standing against Syria? I ask a question: when did they stand with Syria?! I will not go back far in the past, but let us just talk about the past few years. Let us start by the war on Iraq, after the invasion, when Syria was threatened with bombing and invasion. Who stood with Syria in 2005 when they exploited the assassination of Hariri? Who stood alongside Syria in 2006? Who supported our positions against the Israeli aggression on Lebanon in 2008? Who supported us in the IAEA in relation to the alleged nuclear file? Arab states vote against us. These facts may be unknown to many citizens. That is why we need to explain everything in these junctures and situations.

Recently, Arab states voted against Syria with regard to the Human Rights issue. In contrast, some non-Arab countries stand with Syria. That is why we should not be surprised. I mean we should not be surprised with the Arab League status because it is just a reflection of the Arab situation. The Arab League is a mirror of our situation.

The Arab League mirrors our current miserable situation. If it has failed in over six decades in taking a position in the Arab interest, why are we surprised today if the general context is the same and hasn’t changed except in the sense that it is pushing the Arab condition from bad to worse and in that what was happening in secret is now happening in public under the slogan of the nation’s interest.

Has the Arab league actually gained independence for its states, and consequently for itself? Has it ever implemented its decisions and removed the dust off its files and achieved only a fragment of the aspirations of the Arab peoples? Or has it contributed directly to sowing the seeds of sedition and disunity? Has it respected its charter and defended its member states whose land, or the rights of whose peoples, have been violated? Has it returned one olive tree uprooted by Israel or prevented the demolition of one Palestinian house in occupied Arab Palestine? Has it been able to prevent the partition of Sudan or prevent the killing of over a million Iraqis or feed a single starved Somali?

Today, we are not in the process of attacking the Arab League because we are part of it, although we are in the age of decadence. Nor am I talking about the Arab league because it or the Arab states have taken a decision to suspend Syria’s membership in it. This does not concern us in the least. I am talking about it because I have noticed the extent of popular frustration which we need to put in its natural context. The Arab League has been doomed for a long time. When we used to sit in Arab summits listening to criticism and denunciation whose echo reverberated in conference halls, we used to talk about this candidly, as Arab officials; some felt ashamed and some behaved as if it was no concern of theirs. So, being out of the Arab League, or suspending Syria’s membership, and all this talk is not the issue. The issue is who wins and who loses. Does Syria or the Arab League lose? For us, we and the Arab states are losing as long as the Arab condition is bad. This is a chronic situation, nothing new in it, and there are no winners. We have been working for years to minimize the losses because it is not possible to win. But suspending Syria’s membership raises a question: can the body live without a heart? Who said that Syria is the throbbing heart of Arabism? It wasn’t a Syrian, it was President Abdul Naser, and this is still true.

Many Arabs have the same conviction. For Syria Arabism is not a slogan, it is a practice. Who offered, more than Syria, and is still offering and paying the price? Who, more than Syria, has offered to the Palestinian cause in particular? Who, more than Syria, has given to the process of Arabizing culture and education everywhere, in the mass media? Syria is quite strict about Arabization, particularly in school curricula. Who has offered more to Arabism and to Arabization and insisted on Arab culture in their school curricula more than Syria does in its schools and universities. The issue for us is not a slogan. If some countries seek to suspend our Arabism in the League, we say to them that they are suspending the Arab identity of the League itself. They cannot suspend Syria’s Arab identity. On the contrary, the League without Syria suspends its own Arab identity.

Arab League without Syria Means Suspending Arabism

If some believe they can get us out of the League, they cannot get us out of our Arab identity, because the Arab identity is not a political decision. It is heritage and history. Those countries, which you know, have not acquired, and will not acquire, the Arab identity. If they believe that with money they can buy some geography and rent and import some history, we tell them that money does not make nations or create civilizations. Consequently, and as I heard from many Syrians, and I agree with them on this point, maybe in our present condition we are freer in exercising our real and pure Arabism which Syrians have been the best to express throughout history. That is why we say that with this attempt they don’t focus on getting Syria out of the League, but rather on suspending Arabism itself so that it becomes an Arab League only in name. It will no longer be a league – bringing people together – or Arab. It will be a mock-Arab body in order to be in line with their policies and the role they are playing on the Arab arena. Otherwise, how can we explain this unprecedented and unreasonable tact with the Zionist enemy in everything it does and this decisiveness and toughness with Syria?

We have been trying for years to activate the Israel-boycott office; and we have been receiving excuses of the type that this is no longer acceptable; but, within a few weeks, they activate a boycott against Syria. This means that their objective is replacing Syria with Israel. This is only a pattern; and we are not naïve. We have known this Arab condition for a very long time. We have not clung to illusions. By showing our patience regarding these practices, before and during this crisis, we wanted to prove to all those who have their doubts about the bad intentions, wrapped in beautiful and ornamented language, that their intentions are bad and their objectives are vile. I think now this has become abundantly clear to most people.

We Shall Never Close the Door to Any Arab Endeavor As Long As It Respects Our Sovereignty, the Independence of Our Decision and the Unity of Our People

We realize all that. But based on our genuine Arab character, and our desire to restore the original idea of the Arab League, in which we are supported by some sisterly countries keen on making the Arab League a truly collective and Arab body, we haven’t closed the doors to any solution or proposal; and we shall never close the door to any Arab endeavor as long as it respects our sovereignty, the independence of our decision and the unity of our people.

All these negative accumulations on the Arab arena, throughout decades, in addition to the current situation, led some of our citizens to take their anger out on Arabism which has been wrongly confused with the Arab League or the performance of some pseudo-Arabs to the extent that they denounced it.

Brothers and sisters,

The social structure of the Arab world, with its large diversity, is based on two strong and integrated pillars: Arabism and Islam. Both of them are great, rich and vital. Consequently, we cannot blame them for the wrong human practices. Furthermore, the Muslim and Christian diversity in our country is a major pillar of our Arabism and a foundation of our strength. When we get angry with Arabism or abandon it because of what some have done on this wide Arab arena we commit a gross injustice. As we have refused to generalize the mistakes done by some officials to the whole country, we shouldn’t generalize the mistakes of some pseudo-Arabs to Arabism. What we are doing now is similar to what the west did against Islam in the wake of 9/11.

We say that there is a great religion – Islam, and there are terrorists taking cover under Islam. Who should we banish: religion or terrorism? Do we denounce religion or terrorists? Do we fight those who trade in Islam or fight terrorism? The answer is clear: It is not the fault of Islam when there are terrorists who take cover under the mantle of Islam.

Christianity is a religion of love and peace. What is the fault of Christianity in the wars waged under its name and in the crimes committed in the heart of America or in European countries by people who claim to be committed to Christian values? The same applies to Arabism. We should not link it to what some pseudo-Arabs are doing; otherwise we head towards the greatest sin. There are things which have existed through a historical process and we cannot respond to them by an act or a decision. These things didn’t take place through a decision. There is a historical context and there is a divine will behind religions and nationality which we cannot face through reaction.

The first reaction was proposing the “Syria first” concept. It is natural to put Syria first. Every person belongs to his country first and foremost. One’s homeland cannot be in the second, third or fourth place; but the context in which this concept was made was isolationist – only Syria.

Every person belongs first to his city more than to other cities. He is naturally connected to it. Everyone likes the village he grew up in more than other villages, but this doesn’t prevent one from being patriotic and like the whole of the homeland. Being Syrian doesn’t prevent us from being Arabs; and being Arab doesn’t create any contradiction between our Arab and Syrian identities.

That is why we should stress that point, that the relationship between Arabism and patriotism is a close and vital one for the future, for our interests and for everything. It is not about romanticism or principles. It is about interests too. If we separate this fact from reaction, we should always know that Arabism is an identity not a membership. Arabism is an identity given by history not a certificate given by an organization. Arabism is an honor that characterizes Arab peoples not a stigma carried by some pseudo-Arabs on the Arab or world political stage.

Some might wonder about all this talk about Arabism and Arabs while in Syria there are only Arabs. My response is: who said that we are talking about an Arab race? Had Arabism been only the Arab race, we wouldn’t have had much to be proud of. The last thing in Arabism is race. Arabism is a question of civilization, a question of common interests, common will and common religions. It is about the things which bring about all the different nationalities which live in this place. The strength of this Arabism lies in its diversity not in its isolation and not in its one colordness. Arabism hasn’t been built by the Arabs. Arabism has been built by all those non-Arabs who contributed to building it and those who belong to this rich society in which we live. Its strength lies in its diversity. Had there been a group of non-Arabs who wanted to change their traditions and customs and abandon them, we would oppose them on the grounds that they weaken Arabism. The strength of our Arabism lies in openness, diversity and in showing this diversity not integrating it to look like one component. Arabism has been accused for decades of chauvinism. This is not true. If there are chauvinistic individuals, this doesn’t mean that Arabism is chauvinistic. It is a condition of civilization.

All the above will not affect our vision of the internal situation in Syria and how we deal with it. There is no doubt that the current events and their repercussions have posed a huge number of questions and ideas which aim at finding different solutions for the current situation Syria is going through. If it is natural and self evident, but it cannot be positive and effective except when it is based on the importance of facing the problem not running away from it, or when it is based on courage not panic and escaping forward.

We Cannot Carry out Internal Reform without Dealing with Facts

If we want to talk about the internal situation – and I think it is the issue over which all Syrians’ concerns are focused – we should identify issues clearly. There are numerous ideas, which might be good. But unless they are put in the appropriate framework they remain useless and sometimes harmful. Instead of having ideas moving in one strain contradicting and fighting with each other, let’s draw some definitions before we get into the details.

First, we cannot carry out internal reform without dealing with facts as they are on the ground, whether we like them or not. We cannot just hang on to a straw in the air. Neither the straw nor the air will carry us. This means falling. Under the pressure of the crisis, some talk about any solution and call for any solution. We shall not give ‘any’ solution. We shall only give ‘solutions’. Solutions mean that the results are known beforehand. ‘Any solution’ will lead to the abyss. It might lead to deepening the crisis. It might get us into an impasse. The pressure of the crisis will not push us to adopt just ‘any’ plan. Even though time is very important, but it is not more important than the quality of the solution which we shall provide.

Today, we are dealing with two aspects of internal reform: the first is political reform and the second is fighting terrorism which has spread recently to different parts of Syria. In the reform process, there are those who believe that what we are doing now is the way to get out of the crisis or is the whole solution to the crisis. This is not true. We are not doing it for this reason. The relationship between reform and the crisis is limited. In the beginning, it had a larger role, when we decided to separate those who claim reform for terrorist objectives and those who genuinely want reform. This has happened. My vision from the very beginning was that there is no relation between the two, but it wasn’t easy to talk about it then because, as I said, things were not clear for many Syrians as they have become clear now.

What is the relationship between the reform process and the outside plot? Will the outside plots against Syria stop if we introduce the reforms today? I’ll tell you something. We know a great deal about discussions taking place outside Syria, particularly in the West about the situation in Syria. None of those involved cares about neither the number of the victims nor about reforms, neither about what has been achieved nor what will be achieved. Everyone is talking about Syria’s policies and whether Syria’s behavior has changed from the beginning of the crisis till now.

The Outside Part of the Crisis Is against Reform That Makes Syria Stronger

On the other hand, there were those who came to bargain, saying if you do 1, 2, 3, 4, at least the outside part of the crisis and its internal tentacles will stop immediately. So, there is no relation between reform and the outside part of the crisis, because this part is against reform and because reform will make Syria stronger. If Syria is stronger, this means strengthening Syrian policies, and we all know that Syrian policies are not well liked in foreign circles. On the contrary, such policies are loathed by many countries which want us to be mere lackeys.

The second point: what is the relationship between reform and terrorism? If we carry out the reforms, will terrorists stop? Does this mean that the terrorists who are killing and destroying are keen on the political parties law, the local administration elections or things of that kind? They are not. Terrorists don’t care. Reform will not prevent terrorists from being terrorists. So, what is the component which concerns us?

The greatest part of the Syrian people want reform, and they have not come out, haven’t broken the law, haven’t killed. This is the largest part of the Syrian people, it is the part which wants reform. For us, reform is the natural context. That is why we announced a phased reform in the year 2000. In my swear-in speech I talked about modernization and development. At that time, I was focused on state institutions. In 2005, we talked about political reform. Part of what we are doing now was proposed in 2005 in the Bath party conference. At that time there were no pressures in this regard. Pressure was different, in a different direction. No one was talking about internal reform. We proposed it because we thought of it as a natural context not a forced one. It cannot be forced. It is a natural requirement for development. We cannot develop without reform. Whether we were late or not is a different question. Why we were late is a different question. But it remained a natural need. Had reform been part of the crisis, it would fail; and if reform were forced, it would fail. That’s why, in our discussion of reform, let’s separate natural needs from the crisis.

If we start from the current crisis, reform will be abrupt and tied to its current circumstances which are temporary. What about future decades? Things will be different. We have to connect what is before the crisis with what is after it regardless of it and then base our work on the reform process. Of course this is not in the absolute. Sometimes, we take into account what we are going through now in our reform efforts. We don’t separate it completely from the timetable. Sometimes we move quickly. Sometimes we assume that people’s reaction needs a move in a certain direction. There are some impacts of the crisis; but we don’t build our reforms on the crisis. If we do so, we justify foreign powers’ intervention in our crisis under the title of reform. So, let’s agree on separating the two and deal with the details on these grounds.

Now that we talked about the details, I proposed in my speech in this auditorium last June about an action plan; and I talked mainly about the legislative component in relation to laws and the constitution. At that time, I offered a timeframe for the laws which have all been passed within the timeframe identified at the time. Now, we hear many people saying “we haven’t seen any tangible results”. I always like to talk transparently, and I’ll address every subject separately.

The first law we passed was lifting the state of emergency. In such circumstances that Syria is going through, can any state lift the state of emergency. On the contrary, any state would have imposed the state of emergency. Nevertheless, we didn’t do that. We insisted on lifting the state of emergency. Some Syrians accused us of abandoning part of the security of Syria because we lifted the state of emergency. Of course this is inaccurate, because lifting the state of emergency or the state of emergency itself doesn’t provide security. It is rather an organizational issue. When there is a state of emergency, there are certain measures and when it is lifted there is a different set of measures. We haven’t abandoned security.

No state could accept to abandon security. The laws and the measures now in place give us full authority to control security regardless of the state of emergency law. But lifting the state of emergency needs training for the relevant services, including the security and police forces which deal with citizens. We all know that they are all over Syria now; and some of them haven’t taken leave for months. So, it is logical, reasonable or practical to train them now? This is impossible. There will be no training in the current circumstances. Nevertheless, we insist that the services stress some basic regulations in relation to lifting the state of emergency. When there is an environment of terrorism, destruction and law breaking, if there are errors they will multiply tens of folds. That is why we are not dealing only with the results but with the causes too. The results are the mistakes we see being committed by some, but the causes are related to the state of chaos in itself. We need to control the chaos in order to feel the results. In other words, we cannot feel the true effects of lifting the state of emergency while chaos prevails. And here I distinguish, of course, between different levels of mistakes, on the one hand, and killing, on the other.

There Is No Cover for Anyone; There Is No Order at Any Level of the State to Shoot at Any Citizen

There is no cover for anyone; but the issue of killing needs evidence. Some people believe that none of those who committed acts of killing have been arrested. That’s not true in relation to those working for the state. A limited number of people have been arrested in relation to murder and other crimes. I say limited because the evidence was limited and connected with those people. The existence of evidence or searching for evidence needs institutions; and institutions need appropriate conditions; and the current conditions hamper the work of such institutions. But I would like to stress that there is no cover for anyone; and there is no order, I stress, no order at any level of the state to shoot at any citizen. Shooting, under the law, is allowed only in the case of self defence and in defence of citizens and in cases of engaging an armed person. So, there is a specific case in the law. In this regard, I stress the need to deal with causes and effects.

Concerning the political parties, the political parties law has been issued. Some parties have applied and have been given licenses. The first license was given to the first party a few weeks ago; and I believe that yesterday or today there is a second party on the way which met all the conditions. There are many other parties which are still trying to meet the conditions and submit the necessary documents to be licensed. Of course we didn’t feel the existence of these parties, because political parties need time. But, in any case, after the political parties law has been passed, we haven’t only given licenses, but encouraged many groups to form parties. I don’t think that the state is responsible in this regard. We will not form any parties, will not appear in the media or conduct activities on behalf of anyone. So, there are no obstacles in this regard and it is only a question of time.

The local administration law has been passed and elections have been held. Of course they have been held in difficult circumstances; and it is natural that they will not give the desired results because participation, neither on the part of the candidates or the voters, was not as they were supposed to be with a new law because of the security conditions. There was a point of view saying that we should postpone local administration elections to a later stage. But there was a different opinion, which we adopted, saying that there should be change because every change is positive, particularly that most citizens’ complaints were about the performance of local administration. We embarked on that effort. But in any case, anything related to elections will not give results if there is no broad participation on the part of candidates and also on the part of voters, so that there is competition. That is why you will not feel the results. In general, with anything related to elections, part of the responsibility lies on the citizens and not only on the state.

As for the media law, I think the government has completed last week the preparation of executive instructions and have become ready for implementation. There are requests ready for television, press and others. The election law was issued and the aim of which is to frame all these ideas that we hear on the political scene, and anyone who has an idea should go to the ballot box which is the voice of law for everything in this country; this is the core of the issue.

The important law is the law of fighting corruption. It is the only law which has been delayed for several months. The first reason is related to the fact that this law is very important and has many aspects. Therefore, I asked the government to extensively consider it in collaboration with various bodies and parties. It was put on the internet and there were many posts and useful ideas. The government finished this and sent it to the Syrian Presidency which sent it back recently to the government. It is a good law which includes very important points and a point related to the inspecting authority.

In the current law, the anti-corruption law, the inspection commission was abolished, and the Anti-Corruption Commission replaced the inspection commission, but the anti-corruption law is specialized in corruption cases. This means that it deals only with small issue which does not often list all cases of corruption. This commission deals with corruption after its appearance, while the inspection commission was in charge of broader functions, including organization of management, raising proposals in the field of management and control of state action in terms of administration as well as combating corruption. Thus, the abolition of all these tasks and linking them only to one title which is corruption is not good, especially that fighting corruption cannot be done in isolation from the organization of the administration.

We cannot fight corruption alone because this is a great imbalance apart from other points that are present. There are proposals on the integration of the inspection commission with the Financial Control Commission, but this issue is not important. The most important thing is to know the relationship between inspection and Anti-Corruption Commissions. If there is a cancellation of the inspection commission, will the Anti-Corruption Commission include all the tasks of the two bodies or should we leave the two commissions and specify different tasks for each one of them, or should we coordinate between both of them in respect of the issue of corruption? That is why this law was resent to the government to resolve this point. After that, the law of fighting corruption will be issued.

Anyway, if the law was passed in the best of conditions, it will be easy for the state to fight corruption at the intermediate level and above, but it is difficult to fight it from the intermediate level and below without the contribution of the citizens and the media. This means that prosecution will not be done even by this commission because it will only receive information. Thus, we need to look for the information and report them to this commission. This means that the success of this law needs significant popular awareness.

Within the framework of the corruption topic, many people whom I meet say we want the President to hold corrupt people accountable. Here, I want to clarify that the President does not replace institutions; I handle one or two issues when I see an error, but the institution holds thousands of people accountable or address thousands of cases. When the President replaces the institutions, this will not be reassuring even if he is doing the right thing. Therefore, we have to work in order to activate institutions.

I told them that I will take care of this law and the activation of these institutions, and I want to see fighting corruption through normal legal channels. At that time, we solved the problems of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions of Syrians. I always focus on institutional work. If I solved a problem, it is an individual problem; I solve the problem of someone but not the problem of thousands of people.

The other pillar in reform is the Constitution. The decree that provides for establishing a committee to draft the constitution was issued. This committee was given a deadline of four months and I think that it has become in its final stages. This constitution will focus on a fundamental and essential point which is the multi-party system and political pluralism. They were talking only about article eight, but we said that the entire Constitution should be amended because there is a correlation among articles. The Constitution will focus on the fact that the people is the source of authority, especially during elections, the dedication of the institutions’ role, the freedoms of the citizens and other things and basic principles.

There was a question: why we had legal reform before changing the Constitution? Logically, we must begin with the Constitution and then laws come after that. This is true in terms of logic, but people’s pressure and questioning the credibility of the state that it wishes to carry out real reform, have led us to work in parallel. Moreover, issuing laws is faster in terms of time; it takes a few months and this is less than needed by the Constitution. If logic contradicts reality, we go with reality and in any case this is not an important issue. What is really important is that when laws are passed and the Constitution is drafted, we will be in a new phase which is not a transition. This is related to the legislation aspect.

The More We Extend Participation in Government, the More Benefits We Achieve in All Aspects and Generally for the Sake of the National Feeling

As for things that we can do as initiative, we heard a lot about a national unity government. I always like to check terminology because we should not take the term without knowing its content. We hear about the national unity government in the states that have complete division on the national level between parties, a civil war, war-lords communities or princes of nationalities who are directly gathered at the table or through representatives to form a government of national unity. We do not have a national division. We have problems, we have a split in certain cases, but we do not have a national division in the sense that could be asked. I know they do not mean this, but I do not use such an expression as ‘national unity government’. For this reason we do not have a government of national division. At any rate, governments in Syria are always diversified governments which include independents and various parties.

But now we have a new political map for the crisis and the new Constitution. With the new parties’ law, new political forces have emerged and must be taken into consideration. Some may propose the participation of all these political forces in the government. Some others focus on the opposition. I say all political parties from the center to the opposition to the pro-government forces and everyone should contribute because the government is the homeland’s government not a government of a party or a state. The more we extend participation, the more benefits we achieve in all aspects and generally for the sake of the national feeling. Thus, expanding the government is a good idea. I do not know what label we may use here because some call it a national consensus and some others call it expansion participation; this does not matter. What is important is that we welcome the participation of all political forces. In fact, we started dialogue recently even in general headlines with some political forces to take their views in this participation and the answer was positive.

I want to go back to a point in the Constitution which is related to the dates. When the Committee finishes the draft constitution within the time limit, there will be several propositions either to be issued by the President as a decree, or to be referred to parliament in order to be issued by a law. I refused the first and the second and I stressed the fact that there should be a referendum because the Constitution is not the state’s Constitution; it is an issue related to every Syrian citizen. Therefore, we will resort to a referendum after the committee finishes its work and presents the Constitution which will be put through constitutional channels to reach a referendum. The referendum on the Constitution could be done at the beginning of March.

Parliamentary elections are linked to the constitution, especially as most of the political forces want to have these elections after having the constitution. I was thinking as I said in my last speech that it would be at the end of last year or the beginning of this year, but as a response to their will, I say that elections are linked to the new constitution because this would give much time for these powers to establish and prepare themselves and their grassroots for the elections. We said that we do not have any objection to this.

The timeframe is connected with the new constitution. What is the constitutional grace period: two or three months? If it was two months, and the referendum is held in March, the elections can be held in early May. If the grace period is three months, the elections can be held in early June. This depends on the new constitution.

Back to the subject of the national unity government, if we talk about the participation of the opposition and say that all the parties will take part in the government including the opposition, who do we mean by ‘opposition’? Any person can now call himself/herself ‘opposition’, and I have met some of such people and used to ask them, ‘who do you represent?’ The opposition stands for a public body, not for a person as an opponent. Now we have opposition figures and currents, but the opposition is usually an institutional body which is established by elections. For the time being, we do not have elections; so how do we define the opposition? Who takes part in that opposition, and what is the volume of their participation? We still do not have the criteria for all this. Before the next elections, we could still say that the government will take a certain form after the elections. But we want to accelerate the process and launch the contribution in the opposition before the elections. In other words, we will adopt special, rather than institutional, criteria.

We haven’t accused people of being traitors. The criteria are clear stating the establishment of a national opposition. What do we mean by ‘national government?’ We do not want an opposition that sits in embassies and receives gestures from the outside where they will be told not to have dialogue with the state or to delay the dialogue now because things are over and it is a matter of weeks before the total collapse! We do not want an opposition that sits with us and blackmails us under the title of the crisis in order to achieve personal gains. We do not want an opposition that wants to have a secret dialogue to avoid the anger of others. If we take the existing national criteria and figures, we can start to work on this government immediately now that we have understood the subject, whether they call it a ‘national unity government’ or ‘separation government’. What they choose to name it is not important at all.

This means that we will start to work on this within a very short period of time, but there is an important question: will the government be political or technical? Some talked about having a micro political government, but this does not work for several reasons. First, we are a country with a big public sector which is not independent and where each institution still depends on the ministry, the minister, the deputy minister, the directors, and others.

Can a political figure lead a technical sector? This is not possible in addition to the fact that the problems of the people are not limited to the security issue. There are issues to do with the services which everyone is complaining about at the time. Will a political government be able to provide the people with diesel, gas, or medicine? This is unrealistic in our current conditions. Let there be an inclusive government which has a mixture of politicians and technocrats and which represents the political forces, if they want to be represented, and comprises the technical aspect where we do not lose this or that. I believe that this is the best framework, but of course I always like to have dialogue and discuss things with others in order to see the negatives of every proposal. At the moment, I am raising titles which were not agreed upon completely. I am only presenting the framework and introducing preferences which we could change throughout the discussions.

We Will Be Witnessing Changes, the Most Important Is to Focus in Future on the Young Generation

There was a question about dialogue. We launched the dialogue in July, and we were supposed to start with the extensive dialogue and then move to the central dialogue. However, different forces exerted pressure to reverse the process and we agreed and finished the first phase of the dialogue without the contribution of all the opposition forces. Only part of them participated in the dialogue which was a very fruitful dialogue with a wide participation from the different institutions in the governorates.

Two months ago it was suggested to start the third phase of the dialogue on the central level, and I can say that we, as a state, political party, or authority, are ready to start tomorrow and have no problem in that. However, some of the opposition forces are not ready. Part of them wants to conduct a secret dialogue for certain personal gains, as I mentioned earlier, and another part wants to wait and see how things go so that they determine where to go. But we will not wait for those forces to come and join in a celebratory dialogue which is conducted just to show off. We are now having dialogue with other forces which are ready to have a public dialogue and we are discussing the ideas which were raised earlier. What I wanted to clarify is that the delay in the dialogue is not caused by Syria.

We have even accepted to have dialogue under the Arab initiative which was built on the idea of conducting dialogue with all the forces including hostile forces which committed crimes of terrorism in the seventies and the eighties of the last century. We said that we did not have a problem in conducting dialogue with these forces if they wanted to come to Syria, and we gave all the guarantees. In other words, we do not have any restrictions to dialogue and we will show full openness when see that everybody is ready for the dialogue and has a perspective on that dialogue. We are ready to start dialogue right away.

There will always be a question as to whether we will witness changes and transformation. Usually I do not talk about this as we tend to change things whenever there is need for transformation. But it is clear from my earlier speech that we will be witnessing changes. When we talk about a new government and a new structure of the government, and when the Country Command has been announcing for a week now that there will be a national conference very soon, this means that we will be witnessing changes, part of which already started few days ago. The most important thing is for these changes to focus in the future on the young generation which considers itself marginalized to a large extent, although it is the generation which faced the crisis boldly; and we saw how young people have been active in defending their country with all the meaning of the word.

Syria Needs All Its Honest Sons Regardless of Their Political Attitudes

At any rate, Syria now needs all its honest sons, regardless of their political attitudes. And when we talk about the coming phase, while we are still at the beginning of the New Year, some talk about the new Syria. But I say we do not have a ‘new Syria’ but a ‘renewed Syria’ because renewal is a continuous process and we are talking here about a new phase, rather than a new Syria. We have to understand the requirements of every phase; otherwise, all that we have said will be futile. What we have dealt with comprises procedures and regulations whose implementation does not succeed without the awareness needed for any process of development and transition. I can give an answer to this by saying that the previous ten months, with all their miseries, were very helpful in this regard as they proved to the Syrian people that they are capable with their awareness to present a model of a modern country which is stages and centuries ahead of other countries. I was talking about a hundred and fifty years, but actually we are capable of becoming one thousand years ahead of those countries which try to give us lessons about democracy, and I am confident that this future will come. Even so, the more we are capable of spreading the state awareness which we have witnessed, the better the situation. There is no doubt that despite the presence of an overall awareness in Syria, there are small holes of ignorance which might influence the general situation, and we do not want such holes and certain cases of ignorance to influence the process of development. We rather want to have a maximum level of positives and a minimum level of negatives.

In summary, the points which are related to the issue of domestic reform have become clear. After the Constitution is issued, we do not have additional steps to make except for the procedures; and if there is a shortcoming in the laws, we can, after the Constitution is issued, re-study these laws as we will not stop at this stage of development. Notes are also to be taken about the laws and the practices as mistakes might happen throughout the implementation, and the process of renewal is a continuous process on the anatomical level.

Sisters and brothers,

What is taking place in Syria is part of what has been planned for the region for tens of years, as the dream of partition is still haunting the grandchildren of Sykes–Picot. But today their dream turns into a nightmare, and if some believe that the time of conflict over Syria is back, then they are mistaken because the conflict today is ‘against Syria’ and not ‘over Syria’ or ‘on Syria’. And one thing we will never allow them to achieve is defeating Syria as it means defeating steadfastness and resistance and it also means the fall of the whole region to the hands of great powers. Defeat is not necessarily military and it might come true if they succeed in making us withdraw to internal conflicts and forget about our bigger issues on top of which the Palestinian Issue. Their ultimate goal which they aspire to achieve eventually is a Syria which is busy with internal marginal conflicts and withdrawn to its false borders, rather than its natural, historical, nationwide borders. They want to see a shrunk Syria which is prone to demise and deterioration as a result of division and partition, and their aim is to dismantle the cultural identity and character of our people which has always protected us against defeats of all kinds. Dismantling this identity leads to an actual defeat which was not caused by repeated wars, but which could be caused by the destroying the structure of a society that produced the systems of social and cultural resistance. This was the system which raised their concern more than any other system because it is the foundation and incubator of any form of resistance. But they did not succeed in destroying our identity or in shaking our belief that the resistance is at the core of this identity which shall remain firm as it has always been over history.

There Is No Compromise with Terrorism, No Compromise with Those Who Use Arms to Cause Chaos and Division, No Compromise with Those Who Terrorize Civilians, No Compromise with Those Who Conspire with Foreigners against Their Country and against Their People

In cases of war or confrontation, states rearrange their priorities. Our utmost priority now, which is unparalleled by any other priority, is the restoration of the security we have enjoyed for decades, and which has characterized our country, not only in the region but throughout the world. This will only happen by striking these murderous terrorists hard. There is no compromise with terrorism, no compromise with those who use arms to cause chaos and division, no compromise with those who terrorize civilians, no compromise with those who conspire with foreigners against their country and against their people.

The battle against terrorism will not be the battle of the state or state institutions alone. It is the battle of all of us. It is a national battle; and it is everyone’s duty to take part in it. “Internal sedition is more grievous that murder”, because it involves dismantling and fragmenting society and ultimately destroying it. This is what we shall not allow in order to keep Syria immune and impregnable.

Yet, the immune and impregnable state knows when and how to forgive, and knows how to bring its children back to right path. It knows how to take the hired guns out of the hands of those who have been misguided and delusioned and return them to the process of building a modern state while maintaining its authenticity and originality and the spring wells of its Arab and identity. In as much as we need to strike the terrorists in as much as we need to bring those who have gone astray back to the right path. There are those who made mistakes and those who have been misguided. After they started on their mistaken course, they have been told that the state will take revenge against you, so you cannot go back. The objective is to push them on the course of crime and to the point of no return.

The state is like the mother who opens the way for her children to be the best every day in order to maintain security and avoid bloodshed. That is why, in this regard, we have passed one amnesty after another. Some people believed that these amnesties led to more security failures. But the fact is that in most cases the results were positive, particularly when the amnesty was coordinated with local actors in every city, village and governorate and in coordination with the parents whom we met and talked to. They had enough wisdom to bring their children back to the right path.

Of course there are cases which don’t succeed, but this is not the general trend. That is why I believe that decisiveness is necessary but continuing to show tolerance and forgiveness from time to time within the framework of clear criteria and sound mechanisms is equally important. I’ll explain this point because many people didn’t quite understand what we think of when we issue an amnesty in such security conditions. We conducted dialogue with everyone, except the criminals. I met a number of these people, even in the last few days. When they saw things moving in the direction of weapons and killing, a large number of them changed completely and started to cooperate with the state which he had opposed for objective or non-objective reasons. Some, however, persisted on their wrong course and the Quarnic verse “they stumble in their grave error” applies to them. There are those who lose their physical eyesight but compensate and excel in the arts, literature, science or other professions, but those who lose the ‘mind’s eye’ are hopeless, for the real blindness is that of the mind not o the eyes.

Some of those really believe that they are revolutionaries. All right, let’s see what they have done and what are their attributes. Would a real revolutionary steal a car or rob a house or a facility? Can the revolutionary be a thief? For us, the image of the revolutionary is a bright, idealistic untainted one with something very special about it. Those people have assassinated innocent people in and out of the state system. Can a revolutionary be characterized by cowardice and treachery? The prevented the schools from carrying out their tasks and functions in society. They did the same in universities. Can a revolutionary be against education? In some areas, teaching dropped to half, which means our schools would send to society people who are half educated half ignorant. Yet, we have another army fighting together with the armed forces, security services and the police. They are those in the education sector, particularly in schools in some areas where teaching dropped by 50% and they are risking their lives in order to continue the educational processes.

Until the end of 2011, the number of martyrs among teachers and university professors was about 30 and over a thousand schools have been vandalized, burned or destroyed.

On your behalf, I salute all the teachers, councilors, administrators and caretakers in schools. Can a revolution be against education, against national unity? Can revolutionaries use language which calls for the disintegration of society? Can a revolutionary rise against citizens depriving them of cooking gas which they need on a daily basis in order to push them to hunger, or of heating fuel to make them catch their death because of the cold, or medicine to push them to death because of diseases or deprive them of their livelihood by burning government and private factories and facilities to make the poor poorer still?

This is not a revolution. Can a revolutionary work for the enemy – a revolutionary and a traitor at the same time? This is impossible. Can revolutionaries be without honor, moral values or religious principles? Have we had real revolutionaries, in the sense we know, you and I and the whole people would have moved with them. This is a fact.

The basic question which has been put to me with a great deal of intensity is: when and how will it end? This is, of course, a difficult question and we cannot give an answer without having all the facts. There are things which we know and things we don’t. The first thing which we don’t have full information about but we can draw deductions about is the conspiracy. It will end when the Syrian people decide to turn into a submissive people, when we submit and abandon all our heritage: the heritage of the October war of liberation in 1973, when we abandon our pan-Arab positions. We defended Lebanon in 1982, when it was the springboard of resistance which led to the liberation of Lebanon in 2000, when we stop supporting the resistance which we supported in 2006 and 2008 in Lebanon and Gaza, when we give free concessions partially or fully in the peace process, particularly in our occupied land in the Golan, when we abandon our pan-Arab positions towards the Palestinian cause which we have adopted since 1948, when we accept to be false witnesses to the systematic and unprecedented destruction of al-Aqsa mosque.

I don’t know whether the Arab League would set up a committee to address this issue. I don’t think they will, because it is an issue of concern only to 1.3 billion people; so it is not worthy of their concern and that is why they won’t do it – just for the sake of comparison.

The Syrian people will never be submissive for many reasons. First, the principles to which he has been brought up; second, the models presented to us of submissive leaders, submissive policies or submissive states are not encouraging. In all circumstances and in the worst conditions, Syria’s condition was better than the conditions off all those countries, even those who appear to be in good shape now. The symptoms haven’t appeared so far, but one day they will.

We Cannot Abandon Our Dignity That Is Stronger than Their Armies and More Precious than Their Wealth

All these things can be summed up in one word: Syrian dignity. We cannot abandon our dignity because it is the most precious thing the Syrian people possess. Our dignity is stronger than their armies and more precious than their wealth.

The second point is related to the first: when will it stop? When the smuggling of arms and money from outside stops. This related to the first point. When we submit and give in we reach the second point. But what I know fully is that the conspiracy will stop when we beat it. We shouldn’t be reactive. It stops when we stop it. We can defeat it when we do so politically on the outside; and inside the country, we beat it when beat this dangerous arm of the conspiracy which is terrorism. The second point is related to our wisdom and awareness. We beat the conspiracy when we beat our own whims and passivity and return to reason and go back to the state of pure love which we had in Syria. Thank God, this is still the general state in the country, but I am talking about a few areas.

There is no doubt that Syria is strong, but strength is not an absolute. The immunity of the strong and healthy person might drop, and when that happens he might get ill, but death and collapse are not inevitable. Immunity gets weaker when there is chaos. The events and the chaos which happened in Syria weakened this immunity. When that happened, terrorism struck. Consequently, whoever contributes to chaos now is a partner in terrorism and in shedding Syrian blood. We cannot separate the first from the second. We cannot fight terrorism without fighting chaos, for both of them are linked. This should be clear. Immunity drops when national awareness gets weaker.

Here, I am talking about those with god will and good intentions. Those with bad intentions do not concern us. In the beginning, we used to tell those with good intentions that there is a foreign conspiracy. They would respond by saying this is just shifting responsibility to others. We used to tell them there are weapons, and they would respond by saying, these are all fabrications of state media. Now things have become clear, albeit belatedly. This terrorism cannot appear like that suddenly. There are stages which started from the beginning. There was small-size terrorism using small arms and in small areas. Then it grew to reach this stage and this level.

We were late, and they were late in understanding this. This was a major obstacle, but our being late doesn’t mean that we reached the point of no return. The important thing now is to stand united. When we have national causes, there should be no differences. When we differ, we go to the ballot box. We chose our government, our parliament. This is a different issue. But when there are foreign threats, the states which respect themselves stand united. In this case there is no grey color. Those who stand in the middle in national causes are traitors to their country. There is no choice. We must stand united: all of us are responsible. We should all contribute with words, acts, in any way or form.

The second point, when we talk about differences, we should distinguish between mistake made by individuals and mistakes made institutions. I said this before. Institutions do not commit mistakes except when they adopt mistaken policies. This is a different issue. We have two policies: the first is to proceed in the reform process and the second is to fight terrorism. Can anyone say that this a mistaken policy: I am against reform and support terrorism. This is impossible. I am talking about the Syrian arena. When we put these things aside, what this means is that we stand united with state institutions. We help them, we help the army, we morally embrace the army and the security.

If we go back to the 1970s and 1980s, when the devils’ brothers, who covered themselves with Islam, carried out their terrorist acts in Syria. In the beginning there were many Syrians who were misguided. They believed that they were genuinely defending Islam. They didn’t take any position. When things became clear decisive acts were taken and it was quick when the people stood with the state at that time. Of course the killing and the assassinations went on for six years. We don’t want to wait all that long. Things are clear for all of us. If we stood together and embraced members of the security and other relevant systems, I believe the results will be quick and decisive, because terrorism strikes, and every time it strikes it makes reform more costly and more difficult.

The question is a race between the terrorists and reform. Terrorism and those standing behind it don’t want reform and want to reach a stage where we say there is no time for reform. Let’s deal with terrorism. In that case they would have an excuse to ask for intervention in Syria. All of us have recently felt, through television, radio and the internet, that people are worried and upset and all of them are calling for decisive action.

Of course, this issue is already settled for us because dealing with terrorism must be in the strongest legal means. We are keen of the law because we are keen at same time on the blood of innocent people. We do not want the price of the fight against terrorism to be the blood of innocent people, but the problem is that they began to hit innocent people. Now, the Syrian people are being killed and political belonging has nothing to do with the person killed even if he is an opponent to the state. They are killing the Syrian people; they are punishing the Syrian people because the Syrian people refused to abandon his morals, refused to become a mercenary and refused to sell his conscience. Thus, it was necessary to punish the Syrian people everywhere.

Therefore, we have to be united and we have to resolve this issue. As I said, the main pillar is how the citizen stands with the state. In some cases when the army entered a city (which controlled by the terrorists), some people from the region’s population formed teams to protect the army’s flanks in order to enter the city. Some other people in other regions formed observing patrols to prevent terrorists from carrying out acts of murder and sabotage or sedition in some areas. In other areas, they were delivering their information to the army. Thus, we have many ways. I think we should start now a direct dialogue among the concerned authorities in the country, in different regions and different activities to see how we can achieve security on all Syrian territories.

I want just to talk about one point linked to the issue of the national reconciliation because it was raised in this context. I mean if we stand together, where to get then? There are those who proposed at the beginning of the crisis the idea of having a national reconciliation. The national reconciliation at the end of the crisis means that everyone forgives everyone; I mean to say that everyone has committed a mistake against everyone and there are many mistakes. Everyone forgives everyone because revenge does not lead to a positive result. Revenge does not build a country. Revenge does not return the blood spilled and, of course, chaos destroys the homeland as we are witnessing now. Only tolerance builds nations and achieves the flourishing future.

This means that national reconciliation stems from this feeling existing among the citizens, because some people at the beginning of the crisis has proposed national reconciliation. National reconciliation needs a general feeling among citizens that we are closer to the end of the crisis and that we stand undivided in one place. The most important point is who are the parties of such reconciliation? The national reconciliation is among parties, who are the parties? The parties are not specified. Thus, we reach a national reconciliation through national awareness not through a decision taken by the President who shall issue a law and a general amnesty, etc. The state may absolve a party, but what about other parties? It is a national situation that is followed by laws and legislations, etc. Thus, we do need to get to that stage but in a timely manner. Now, as a result of the public awareness which has emerged recently, I see that we can move in this direction with putting an end for terrorism on the Syrian arena.

In order to succeed in all these procedures, reforms, confrontations and complex conditions, we must be cautious of the psychologically defeated people who are seeking to spread the spirit of defeat and frustration among citizens, whether from their psychological reasons or their self-interest considerations. If this bunch of few people decided to contribute to the defeat of the homeland in the virtual squares, the overwhelmingly majority of people have decided to achieve victory in the real squares. National battles have its own squares and men where there is no place for the shaking hands and the frightened hearts. As for their embargo, it will not terrorize and will not be able to humiliate our people because it is not the Syrian who sells his honor and dignity for money. This is not out of verbal rhetoric but out of the fact that we are the ones who fed many Arab countries during many lean years.

I am talking about the lean years which prevailed three or four year ago. Four countries, as well as the Syrian people, ate Syrian wheat, and we are the ones who developed their industry in the eighties although we did not have any foreign currency reserves. We did not even have a small amount of reserves and, during that time, we could hardly pay the salaries and we hardly had enough wheat for our bread. So we say to the generation who does not remember that stage, and who was probably not born during that phase, do not allow the fear to control your heart as a result of the media war which is targeting you. Syria has undergone much more difficult conditions during which even the security situation was much more difficult. Yet, we bypassed those conditions and were victorious. With all their negatives and misfortunes, crises give opportunities to genuine people to achieve something, and today we are more capable of transforming all that to gains by our self-dependence. If we think scientifically and collectively away from selfishness, this will help us compensate for our loss in the short term and turn them into gains in the long term.

The most important thing is not to have a monopolizing group which makes use of crises to collect their fortunes at the expense of the food and blood of the people. This is an important point. Of course, it is the responsibility of the state to fight this situation and we always instruct institutions to control this issue, but we also know that, under the conditions of disorder, deficiency infiltrates even through institutions, which is yet another obstacle ahead of us. This is a fact but with our cooperation we can find a solution for this issue.

Under these conditions, and regardless of the crisis, we have to concentrate on small and medium enterprises and on handicrafts. First, we need to establish a wide base for job opportunities and to have more social justice. We always talk about the volume of growth but we do not identify the dimensions of the pyramid or the pyramid’s base which benefits from this growth. Such industries in addition to handicrafts create great social justice and, at the same time, they do not fall under the influence of external blockade and are not highly influenced by the security conditions. Recently, we have started to focus to a large extent on handicrafts as supporting them in this stage is very necessary.

In agriculture we, in Syria, have made very good steps despite the difficulties, and we have continued to pay attention to the conditions of farmers and workers. But I think that paying attentions to craftspeople and similar professions was not as it should have been.

A great part of the psychological war is launched now against Syria. When they failed in the sectarian issue, they also failed in the national issue. They failed in all the issues which have a political aspect. Then they moved to the economic aspect. Of course, the stock market rates and the exchange rates of the Lira do have an effect, and do we know that when the value of the Lira decreases, prices increase. But this is not the only criteria. There is another criterion which is more important. What is the volume of production in Syria? Production in Syria was generally weak, and over the last few years when we opened our economy we turned to consumption. Even products which exist in Syria are bought from non-Syrian producers. This has very badly damaged the economy. Therefore, we have to concentrate on the level of production in Syria, and we are capable even during this crisis to increase this production. We must know that we have many points of strength. For example, the volume of foreign debt in Syria is very limited, our relations with different countries have been ongoing, and we have olives (I believe that we were the fifth olive producer on the level of the world, and some say that we have even jumped to the third or fourth level, which I am not sure of).

For us, as a small country, to occupy the fifth position in producing olives and olive oil among hundreds of countries is a very positive thing. We also have a strong presence as a wheat producer, as I said earlier. The land is there, the farmers are there, and the rainfall is there. This means that we have real points of strength but we have to regulate the economic process and we can kick things off even while under the influence of this crisis.

If They Want to Besiege Syria, They Will End up Besieging a Whole Region

They are trying to depict Syria as an isolated country, trying to stress this over and over again. But our points of strength lie in our strategic position. If they want to besiege Syria, they will end up besieging a whole region. As for our relations with the West, they talk about an international community. This international community is a group of big colonial countries which view the whole world as an arena full of slaves who serve their interests.

For us, the West is important and we cannot deny this truth. But the West today is not like the West a decade ago. The world is changing and there are emerging powers. There are alternatives. It is important but it is not the oxygen which we breathe. If the West closes its doors, we can still breathe. It is not the life buoy without which we drown. We can swim on our own and along our friends and brothers, and there is plenty of them. That is why we decided in 2005 to move eastwards. At that time, we knew that the West will never change. The West is still colonial in one way or another. It is changing from an old colonizer to a modern colonizer and from a modern colonizer during the Sykes-Picot agreement to a contemporary colonizer. It has different forms and shapes but it will never change, which means that we have to turn to the East. We, as a state, started this procedure several years ago, and my visits during the recent years fell under that initiative in one way or another. But this is not sufficient. The private sector must also open channels with those countries.

Most countries of the world have good relations with Syria, and they insisted on having good relations with us even under the conditions of the current crisis and the Western pressures on them. All this does not mean that we will not pay a price or there will not be loss as a result of the blockade, on one hand, and the political and security situation, on another. However, we can have achievements which could reduce the effects of the damages. At this stage, there fundamental points which make all these achievements closely related to the security situation including incidents of highway robbery, and the issues of gas and diesel. For example, we might have to cancel a train shipment and transport the diesel, fuel, or gas by vehicles, which makes the cost higher and the transported amount smaller; and this does not fulfill the citizens’ needs of consumption or the consumption needs of electricity power stations or other systems. Our entire livelihood is now linked to controlling the security situation. That is why I reiterated the importance of this so that we can all cooperate in putting an end to it, and so that, we, as a state, do not break our commitments towards our citizens. Security, economy, and all other issues are indispensable things for the Syrian citizen.

Despite all those complex circumstances, I am greatly confident of the future. My confidence is inspired by you, and by your throats which hailed glory, dignity, and defiance when millions of you filled tens of cities and squares along the country. I say to you I, as you have always known me, am one of you. When we do not face up to the challenges, we do not deserve the name of Syria; and when we do not dare to defend it or cannot defend it against its enemies, we do not deserve to live on its soil. Our people has proven its genuineness and sincerity when the bloody media machine fell short of destroying its unity and when the starvation attempts did not make it kneel and could not taint its honour and dignity. A people with such sophist feelings of belonging to their home country, with such high morals which face the most dangerous crises, and with such strong faith in its ability to overcome those decisive moments in its history will not allow a small group of frauds or delusional people to make it stray from the road of truth and righteousness; and it will not allow groups that sold themselves to the devil of pernicious desires and dubious interests to destroy what it has built over a long history of effort and sacrifice.

Our Martyrs’ Blood Is behind the Steadfastness of Our Country

My confidence in that is inspired by you and the men of our armed forces, the men of living conscience and strong resolve. They are the ones who truly express the feelings of the people, safeguard its values and aspirations, and give all sacrifices in order for the people to enjoy security. On your behalf, and on the behalf of every honourable citizen, I would like to greet them as they stand ready to protect the honor of their country, and the integrity of its soil and people. As for our martyrs’ blood which is behind the steadfastness of our country, it will always be the lightship that will light the road of our next generations to build the future Syria. Because when their blood waters the land, it will make it bear the fruits of a more secure tomorrow, unity and freedom for us all. As for the strength of their families who lost their dearest people, it has made us firmer and more determined and persistent in following on the same road which was taken by their brothers, fathers, and sons in defense of their country and its values, no matter how expensive the price is and to be as an example for all of us on how an individual dies in order for the country to live.

I would like to salute you, the sons of this great people, with all your intellectual, and political doctrines, you who strongly and unyieldingly defend the values of solidarity and love that unify our people against the feelings of malice and hatred which some try to invoke spreading their poisons all over the country, and you who work relentlessly in order to develop our country, regain its security, enhance its unity, and protect its sovereignty. And glory to our proud people who reject defeat in the age of collapse and who say to their enemies, ‘never will we be defeated!’ For you, our proud people, we are persistent, and with your support, we continue to resist and win, and we will insha’ Allah win, and the peace and mercy of God be upon you all.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.


Santa in Distress, Three Wise Men Arrested

From the start of Israel’s construction in 2002 of its Separation Wall, Santa Clause has had much difficulty on his annual Christmas routes (Bethlehem is, after all, located in the Occupied Palestinian Territories).

In a recent photo Santa, otherwise referred to as St. Nicholas, can be seen chipping away at the Israeli Wall. On the 24th of July 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) declared the Israeli Wall “contrary to international law” and instructed that this illegal construction end. Ignoring the ICJ, Israel is continuing to build its wall (sometimes called the “Apartheid Wall” because it separates people on the basis on ethnicity).

The Israeli Wall cuts through Bethlehem and isolates major holy sites such as Rachel’s Tomb, the Cave of the Patriarchs and the Church of Nativity (the birthplace of Christ). Since its building started in the Bethlehem area, Palestinians have submitted 520 cases to the court in an attempt to retain their property adjacent to the Wall, mostly to no avail. Palestinians, among whom many are Christians, can only submit their cases to an Israeli military court and not to a civil court (as Israeli citizens and illegal settlers are allowed to do). The Wall, once complete, will be 709 km long and over 8 meters high. Human rights workers argue that the Wall is not for security reasons (as Israel claims), but rather to “grab” Palestinian agricultural land.

Supporting Santa

Local Palestinian supporters of peace (including many Santa supporters), a year after the ICJ opinion, gathered in Ramallah in July 2005 and issued a call to the international community for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) until Israel breaks down its Separation Wall abides by international law.

The BDS campaign has had much success in the six years since its launch. In South Africa, for example, the South African Council of Churches issued a resolution in which it states: “[We] Confess our contribution towards the suffering of Palestinians through our silence or lack of action. [We commit ourselves] toward ensuring that the call and challenge from our Palestinian brothers and sisters will not go unheard … [and we] support the non-violent resistance to the occupation of Palestine such as the call to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. This is a commitment toward a just and lasting peace and reconciliation in and for Israel and Palestine”

In his support for BDS, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, said: “surely we must recognize that people caged in, starved and stripped of their essential material and political rights must resist their Pharaoh? Surely resistance also makes us human? Palestinians have chosen, like we did, the nonviolent tools of boycott, divestment and sanctions.”

Just yesterday, 23 December 2011, BDS campaigners were celebrating after the West London Waste Authority excluded the multinational, Veolia, from a £485 million contract. Human rights workers across the globe have been campaigning against Veolia (as part of BDS) due to the company’s involvement, with the Israeli government, in violations of human rights and humanitarian law. To date Veolia has lost contracts up to $12 Billion due to its complicity.

Efforts to contact Santa were unsuccessful. A source close to him has said that he is very “distressed”.

In a related case, three wise men are arrested*

In a related case, three wise men were arrested today attempting to enter Jerusalem, en-route to Bethlehem. According to an Israeli official, the Iraqi nationals were carrying massive amounts of flammable substances known as “frankincense” and “myrrh.” While not explosives themselves, Israeli security experts revealed that these two substances could be used as a fuse to detonate a larger bomb. The three alleged terrorists were also carrying gold, presumably to finance the rest of their mission.

Also implicated in the plot were two Palestinians named Joseph and Mary. An anonymous source close to the family overheard Mary saying that her son would “bring down the mighty from their thrones and lift up the lowly.” In what appears to be a call to resistance, the couple claims their son will someday “help to unite and free the world.” “These people match, in word and deed, our terrorist profile perfectly,” an IDF spokesperson said.

All of the suspects claimed they heard angels singing of a new era of hope for the afflicted and poor. As one Israeli Settler put it, “These One State wackos are talking about overturning our entire Israeli Bantustan model. In fact the Israeli Separation Wall and Bantustan model are working perfectly well and the objections from the ICJ are ridiculous. I don’t care what some angel sang or for that matter the UN or ICJ say; God wants Israel to be king and He is on our side. And so is the USA.”

A member of Knesset (Israeli parliament) has announced that it might be prudent to cancel Christmas until others in the plot are rounded up. “I assure you that this measure will be temporary, like our Occupation of Palestine. Israelis love Christmas (and peace) as much as anyone but our security comes above everything. People can still shop and give gifts, but we’re asking them not to think about world peace until after we have rid the world of evil people. For Israelis to sing, ‘peace on earth, goodwill to all’, is just the wrong message to send to these Palestinians at this time.”

The strongest opponents of the Christmas “ban” were, surprisingly, representatives of American retail stores, movie chains and makers of porcelain Christmas figurines. “This is a tempest in a teapot,” fumed one unnamed American businessman. “No one thinks of the political meaning of Christmas any more. Christmas isn’t about a savior who will bring hope to the outcasts of the world; it’s about feasts, presents and bright lights. History has shown that mature people are perfectly capable of singing hymns about world peace while still supporting whatever war or occupation our leaders think necessary. People long ago stopped tying religion to the real events in the world”.

It is rare for America to be critical of Israel. In fact, America has used it veto power at the United Nations, to protect Israeli actions (often deemed illegal), over 40 times. Most recently, in February this year, the USA vetoed a resolution critical of Israeli settlement construction in the holy city of Jerusalem.

There has been no word on where the three suspects are being kept, or when their trial might take place. They are being held under the notorious “administrative detention order”, a law resembling Apartheid South Africa’s “detention without trial”. Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal for the immediate release of the three wise men or “trial in full conformity with international fair trial standards”.

Israeli authorities have not responded to the Amnesty International statement and are instead asking citizens who see other Arabs resembling nativity scene figures to contact the Israeli internal security agency, the Shin Bet.

By Ari Edwin

24 December 2012



* Based on Pastor Jim Rigby’s article, “Christmas Is No Time To Talk About War And Peace”.

Rethinking The Growth Imperative

Instead of focusing on increasing economic growth, shouldn’t the focus be on long-term sustainability and durability?

Cambridge, United Kingdom – Modern macroeconomics often seems to treat rapid and stable economic growth as the be-all and end-all of policy. That message is echoed in political debates, central-bank boardrooms and front-page headlines. But does it really make sense to take growth as the main social objective in perpetuity, as economics textbooks implicitly assume?

Certainly, many critiques of standard economic statistics have argued for broader measures of national welfare, such as life expectancy at birth, literacy, etc. Such appraisals include the United Nations Human Development Report, and, more recently, the French-sponsored Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, led by the economists Joseph Stiglitz, Amartya Sen and Jean-Paul Fitoussi.

But there might be a problem even deeper than statistical narrowness: the failure of modern growth theory to emphasise adequately that people are fundamentally social creatures. They evaluate their welfare based on what they see around them, not just on some absolute standard.

The economist Richard Easterlin famously observed that surveys of “happiness” show surprisingly little evolution in the decades after World War II, despite significant trend income growth. Needless to say, Easterlin’s result seems less plausible for very poor countries, where rapidly rising incomes often allow societies to enjoy large life improvements, which presumably strongly correlate with any reasonable measure of overall well-being.

In advanced economies, however, benchmarking behaviour is almost surely an important factor in how people assess their own well-being. If so, generalised income growth might well raise such assessments at a much slower pace than one might expect from looking at how a rise in an individual’s income relative to others affects their welfare.

And, on a related note, benchmarking behaviour may well imply a different calculus of the tradeoffs between growth and other economic challenges, such as environmental degradation, than conventional growth models suggest.

To be fair, a small but significant literature recognises that individuals draw heavily on historical or social benchmarks in their economic choices and thinking. Unfortunately, these models tend to be difficult to manipulate, estimate or interpret. As a result, they tend to be employed mainly in very specialised contexts, such as efforts to explain the so-called “equity premium puzzle” (the empirical observation that over long periods, equities yield a higher return than bonds).

Growth vs sustainability

There is a certain absurdity to the obsession with maximising long-term average income growth in perpetuity, to the neglect of other risks and considerations. Consider a simple thought experiment. Imagine that per capita national income (or some broader measure of welfare) is set to rise by one per cent per year over the next couple of centuries. This is roughly the trend per capita growth rate in the advanced world in recent years. With annual income growth of one per cent, a generation born 70 years from now will enjoy roughly double today’s average income. Over two centuries, income will grow eight-fold.

Now suppose that we lived in a much faster-growing economy, with per capita income rising at two per cent annually. In that case, per capita income would double after only 35 years, and an eight-fold increase would take only a century.

Finally, ask yourself how much you really care if it takes 100, 200 or even 1,000 years for welfare to increase eight-fold. Wouldn’t it make more sense to worry about the long-term sustainability and durability of global growth? Wouldn’t it make more sense to worry whether conflict or global warming might produce a catastrophe that derails society for centuries or more?

Even if one thinks narrowly about one’s own descendants, presumably one hopes that they will be thriving in, and making a positive contribution to, their future society. Assuming that they are significantly better off than one’s own generation, how important is their absolute level of income?

Perhaps a deeper rationale underlying the growth imperative in many countries stems from concerns about national prestige and national security. In his influential book, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (1989), the historian Paul Kennedy concluded that, over the long run, a country’s wealth and productive power, relative to that of its contemporaries, is the essential determinant of its global status.

Kennedy focused particularly on military power, but, in today’s world, successful economies enjoy status along many dimensions, and policymakers everywhere are legitimately concerned about national economic ranking. An economic race for global power is certainly an understandable rationale for focusing on long-term growth, but if such competition is really a central justification for this focus, then we need to re-examine standard macroeconomic models, which ignore this issue entirely.

Of course, in the real world, countries rightly consider long-term growth to be integral to their national security and global status. Highly indebted countries, a group that nowadays includes most of the advanced economies, need growth to help them to dig themselves out. But, as a long-term proposition, the case for focusing on trend growth is not as encompassing as many policymakers and economic theorists would have one believe.

In a period of great economic uncertainty, it may seem inappropriate to question the growth imperative. But, then again, perhaps a crisis is exactly the occasion to rethink the longer-term goals of global economic policy.

By Kenneth Rogoff

8 January 2012

@ Al Jazeera

Kenneth Rogoff is Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Harvard University, and was formerly chief economist at the IMF.

A version of this article was first published on Project Syndicate.

REFLECTIONS OF FIDEL: The fruit which did not fall

REFLECTIONS OF FIDEL: The fruit which did not fall

(Taken from CubaDebate)

CUBA was forced to fight for its existence facing an expansionist power, located a few miles from its coast, and which was proclaiming the annexation of our island, which was destined to fall into its lap like a ripe fruit. We were condemned not to exist as a nation.

Within the glorious legions of patriots who, during the second half of the 19th century, fought against the abhorrent colonial status imposed by Spain over 300 years, José Martí was the man who most clearly perceived such a dramatic destiny. He confirmed it in the last lines that he wrote, the night before the anticipated difficult combat against a battle-hardened and well equipped Spanish column, when he declared that the fundamental objective of his struggle was, “…to prevent the United States from spreading through the Antilles as Cuba gains its independence, and from overpowering with that additional strength our lands of America. Everything that I have done up until now, and everything that I will do, is to this end.”

Without understanding this profound truth one cannot today be either a patriot or a revolutionary.

Without any doubt, the mass media, the monopoly of many technical resources and the substantial funds directed at dehumanizing the masses constitute considerable but not invincible obstacles.

Cuba demonstrated – starting from its position as a colonial yankee trading post, together with the illiteracy and generalized poverty of its people – that it was possible to confront the country which was threatening the definitive absorption of the Cuban nation. Nobody can even affirm that there was a national bourgeoisie opposed to the empire; the bourgeoisie developed in such close proximity to it that, shortly after the triumph, it sent 14,000 totally unprotected children to the United States, although that act was associated with the perfidious lie that parental custody was to be suppressed. This is what history recorded as Operation Peter Pan, described as the largest maneuver of child manipulation for political ends recalled in the Western Hemisphere.

National territory was invaded, barely two years after the revolutionary triumph, by mercenary forces – comprising former Batista soldiers and the sons of landowners and the bourgeoisie – armed and escorted by the United States with warships from its naval fleet, including aircraft carriers with equipment ready to enter into action, and which accompanied the invaders to our island. The defeat and capture of virtually all the mercenaries in less than 72 hours and the destruction of their aircraft operating from bases in Nicaragua and their naval transportation, constituted a humiliating defeat for the empire and its Latin America allies, which had underestimated the Cuban people’s fighting capacity.

In the face of the termination of oil supplies on the part of the United States, the subsequent total suspension of the historic sugar quota in that country’s market, and the prohibition of trade established over more than 100 years, the USSR responded to each one of these measures by supplying fuel, buying our sugar, trading with our country and finally, supplying the weapons that Cuba could not acquire in other markets.

The idea of a systematic campaign of CIA-organized pirate attacks, sabotage and military actions by armed bands created and supplied by the United States before and after the mercenary attack, and which would culminate in a military invasion of Cuba by this country, gave rise to events which placed the world on the brink of a total nuclear war, which neither of the parties involved nor humanity itself could have survived.

Without any doubt, those events resulted in the removal from the presidency of Nikita Khrushchev, who underestimated his adversary, disregarded opinions presented to him and did not consult with those of us in the front line concerning his final decision. What could have been an important moral victory thus turned into a costly political setback for the USSR. For many years the worst of crimes against Cuba continued and more than a few of them, like the U.S. criminal blockade, are still being committed.

Khrushchev made exceptional gestures to our country. On that occasion, I unhesitatingly criticized the non-consulted agreement with the United States, but it would be ungrateful and unjust not to acknowledge his exceptional solidarity at difficult and decisive moments for our people in their historic battle for independence and revolution in the face of the powerful empire of the United States. I understand that the situation was extremely tense and he did not wish to lose any time when he made the decision to withdraw the missiles and the yankees, very secretly, agreed to give up the invasion.

Despite the decades gone by, already half a century, the Cuban fruit has not fallen into yankee hands.

News reports currently coming in from Spain, France, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, the United Kingdom, the Malvinas and countless other points on the planet are serious, and all of them augur a political and economic disaster as a result of the stupidity of the United States and its allies.

I will confine myself to a few subjects. I must note that, going by what everyone is saying, that the selection of a Republican candidate to aspire to the presidency of this globalized and far-reaching empire is, in its turn – I am serious – the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that I have ever heard. As I have things to do, I cannot devote any time to the subject. I already knew it would be like that.

Some news agency cables better illustrate what I wish to analyze, because they demonstrate the incredible cynicism generated by the decadence of the West. One of them, with amazing tranquility, talks of a Cuban political prisoner who, it states, died after a hunger strike lasting 50 days. A journalist with Granma, Juventud Rebelde, radio news or any other revolutionary organ might be mistaken in any interpretation of any subject, but would never fabricate an item of news or invent a lie.

A Granma informative note affirms that there was no hunger strike; the man was an ordinary prisoner sentenced to four years for attacking and injuring his wife in the face; that his own mother in law asked authorities to intervene; family members were kept fully abreast of all procedures used in his medical treatment and were grateful for the effort made by medical specialists who treated him. He received medical attention, as the note states, in the best hospital in the eastern region, as is the case with all citizens. He died from secondary multi-organic failure related to a severe respiratory infection.

The patient had received all the medical attention administered in a country which has one of the finest medical services in the world, provided free of charge in spite of the blockade imposed on our homeland by imperialism. It is simply a duty that is fulfilled in a country where the Revolution is proud of always having respected, for more than 50 years, the principles which give it its invincible strength.

It would be more worthwhile for the Spanish government, given its excellent relations with Washington, to travel to the United States and inform itself as to what is taking place in yankee jails, the ruthless conduct meted out to millions of prisoners, the policy of the electric chair and the horrors perpetrated on detainees in the country’s jails and those who are protesting in its streets.

Yesterday, January 23, a strong Granma editorial titled “Cuba’s truths,” which occupied an entire page of the newspaper, explained in detail the unprecedented shame of the campaign of lies unleashed against our Revolution by certain governments “traditionally committed to anti-Cuba subversion.”

Our people are well aware of the norms which have governed the impeccable conduct of our Revolution since the first battle and which has never been stained over more than half a century. They also know that it can never be pressured or coerced by enemies. Our laws and norms will be respected unfailingly.

It is worth noting this with clarity and frankness. The Spanish government and the shaky European Union, plunged into a profound economic crisis, must know what should guide them. It is pitiful to read news agency reports of the statements of both utilizing their barefaced lies to attack Cuba. First concern yourselves with saving the euro if you can, resolve the chronic unemployment from which young people are increasingly suffering, and respond to the indignados, constantly attacked and beaten by the police.

We are not ignorant of the fact that Spain is now being governed by admirers of Franco, who dispatched members of the Blue Division, together with the Nazi SS and SA, to kill Soviets. Close to 50,000 of them participated in the cruel aggression. In the most cruel and painful operation of that war: the siege of Leningrad, where one million Russian citizens died, the Blue Division was among the forces attempting to strangle the heroic city. The Russian people will never pardon that horrific crime.

The fascist right of Aznar, Rajoy and other servants of the empire, must know something about the 16,000 casualties of their predecessors in the Blue Division and the Iron Crosses which Hitler awarded to officers and soldiers from that division. There is nothing unusual about what the Gestapo police are doing now to the men and women demanding the right to work and bread in the country with the highest unemployment in Europe.

Why are the mass media of the empire lying so barefacedly?

Those who manipulate the media are striving to deceive and dehumanize the world with their crude lies, possibly thinking that it constitutes the principal resource for maintaining the global system of domination and plunder imposed, particularly upon victims in close proximity to the headquarters of the metropolis, the close to 600 million Latin American and Caribbean people living in this hemisphere.

The sister republic of Venezuela has become the fundamental objective of this policy. The reason is obvious. Without Venezuela, the empire would have imposed its Free Trade Treaty on all the peoples of the continent who inhabit it from the south of the United States, a region where the greatest reserves of land, fresh water and minerals of the planet are to be found, as well as large energy resources which, administered in a spirit of solidarity toward other peoples of the world, constitute resources which cannot and must not fall into the hands of transnationals imposing a suicidal and infamous system on them.

For example, it is enough to look at the map to comprehend the criminal dispossession signified by stripping Argentina of a little piece of its territory in the extreme south of the continent. There, the British deployed their decadent military apparatus to murder rookie Argentine recruits wearing summer clothing in the middle of winter. The United States, and its ally Augusto Pinochet, shamelessly supported them. Now, just before the London Olympics, its Prime Minister David Cameron is also proclaiming, as did Margaret Thatcher, his right to use nuclear submarines to kill Argentines. The government of this country is unaware of the fact that the world is changing, and the scorn of our hemisphere and that of the majority of the peoples for the oppressors is increasing every day.

The case of the Malvinas is not the only one. Does anyone know how the conflict in Afghanistan is going to end? Just a few days ago U.S. soldiers desecrated the corpses of Afghani combatants, killed by NATO drone bombings.

Three days ago a European agency reported, “Afghani President Hamid Karzai has given his backing to a negotiated peace with the Taliban, emphasizing that this issue must be resolved by the citizens of his country.” It went on to add, “…the process of peace and reconciliation belongs to the Afghani nation and no country or foreign organization can take away this right from the Afghanis.

For its part, a cable published by our press communicated from Paris, “France today suspended all its training and aid operations in Afghanistan and threatened to expedite the withdrawal of its troops, after an Afghani soldier shot four French soldiers in the Taghab valley, in Kapisa province… Sarkozy instructed Defense Minister Gérard Longuet to travel immediately to Kabul, and indicated the possibility of an early withdrawal of the contingent.”

After the disappearance of the USSR and the socialist bloc, the U.S. government imagined that Cuba would be unable to sustain itself. George W. Bush had already prepared a counterrevolutionary government to govern our country. On the very same day that Bush initiated his criminal war on Iraq, I asked our country’s authorities to end the tolerance afforded the counterrevolutionary capos who, in those days, were hysterically demanding the invasion of Cuba. In real terms, their attitude constituted an act of treason against the homeland.

Bush and his stupidities prevailed for eight years and the Cuban Revolution has already lasted for more than half a century. The ripe fruit has not fallen into the empire’s lap. Cuba will not be one more possession with which the empire spreads through the lands of America. Martí’s blood will not have been spilled in vain.

Tomorrow I will publish another Reflection to complement this one.

Fidel Castro Ruz

January 24, 2012

7:12 p.m.

Translated by Granma International