Just International

The third British Empire

London is considered the “capital of capitalism” allowing foreign billionaires to stash tax free income offshore.

London, United Kingdom – Historians tell us that there were two quite distinct British empires – the first an Atlantic empire built on North American colonies and Caribbean possessions and the second an Asian empire, built on control of India and coercive trade with China. These two empires were deeply criminal projects, in the specific sense that they relied heavily on profits from slavery and the sale of narcotics. Empire on the British model was a moneymaking venture, where moral considerations took second place to the lure of super profits.

“Having given up the appearance of empire, the British have sought to reclaim its substance.”

The first British Empire came to an end when the Americans fought a revolutionary war for independence in the 1770s. The second British Empire began to fall apart with Indian independence in 1947. Arab and African nationalism progressively undermined British influence in the years that followed. At some point, perhaps with defeat in Suez in 1956, or when Britain withdrew from its last significant overseas possession, Hong Kong, in 1997, the game was finally up.

Nowadays, if you believe what you’re told by respectable historians and broadcasters, Britain has turned its back on its imperial past and is trying as best it can to make its way as an ordinary nation. The reality is somewhat more complicated. One day, perhaps history will describe a third British Empire, organised around the country’s offshore financial infrastructure and its substantial diplomatic, intelligence and communications resources. Having given up the appearance of empire, the British have sought to reclaim its substance.

Banking on billionaries

Two news stories from last week help us sketch the outlines of this third, offshore empire. On Tuesday, March 20, a Russian banker was shot and seriously wounded outside his flat in Canary Wharf. On Sunday, March 25, the co-treasurer of the Conservative Party resigned after the Sunday Times claimed that he had been soliciting donations to his party from what he thought was a wealth fund based in Liechtenstein. These two apparently unrelated events together tell us quite a lot about contemporary Britain.

The United Kingdom allows foreign residents to hold their funds offshore and only taxes them on money they bring into the country. This approach, a relic from the days of openly declared empire, makes the country a popular place of residence for billionaires from all over the world, from Africa, mainland Europe and India.

Once in London, a sophisticated legal and financial apparatus arranges for foreign funds to be deposited in a network of offshore jurisdictions. In his groundbreaking book, Treasure Islands, Nicholas Shaxson describes London as the centre of a spider web that links to the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Caribbean. With impressive frugality, the British have reinvented the scattered remnants of formal empire as instruments for serving the needs of global capital.

When the Soviet Union broke up, those who secured control of the privatised Russian economy flocked to London. They had little in the way of a social base in their own country and their position was chronically insecure. They needed a way to channel profits overseas, and London offered them access to a world-class financial centre and favourable tax rates.

The city also gave some of them a public profile outside Russia. In buying Chelsea Football Club and the Evening Standard, Roman Abramovich and Alexander Lebedev respectively have made themselves international figures. Moves against them by opponents back home are thereby made that much more difficult.

The British state does more than provide a hospitable, low-tax jurisdiction and the means to acquire a higher profile abroad. It puts its diplomatic resources at the disposal of favoured foreign residents.

For example, in July 2001, Tony Blair wrote a letter to Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase to support Lakshmi Mittal’s efforts to buy up the state-owned steel company, Sidex. Though Mittal had offices in London, the company making the bid was registered offshore, in the Dutch Antilles. But while Mittal did not employ many people in Britain, or pay much tax there, he did make a significant contribution to the Labour Party.

In May 2001, two months before Blair wrote his letter, the Indian magnate had given them £125,000 ($199,750). It is hardly surprising that Peter Cruddas was happy to talk with financiers from Liechtenstein about donations to the Conservative Party. Donations from foreigners are illegal, but it is a relatively simple matter to set up a company registered in the UK to handle the transaction. Offshore blurs the distinction between domestic and foreign.

Capital of capitalism

All this is part of a much larger imperial project, whose full scale and significance is difficult to appreciate. This is not an empire that advertises itself widely. Indeed, it tries to hide the very fact of its existence. But there is no doubting the ambition. For decades now, Britain’s rulers have sought to make London the capital of global capitalism.

“The third British empire is not an industrial or military superpower. Indeed, it is intensely vulnerable.”

The state has reorganised itself to this end. Privatisation was tested in the UK and then exported around the world. Deregulation brought foreign banks to London. The financial sector, the intelligence establishment and the political parties are committed to a project that the major media can scarcely bring themselves to discuss. Elections become ever more hallucinatory exercises, in which shallow differences in tone and detail obscure a far deeper complicity.

Occasionally, the dynamics of the offshore empire become visible as scandals or sensational crimes. Power struggles cause ripples that can’t be missed. A foreign businessman is shot in the street. The sheer strangeness jolts us for a moment out of our obliviousness. A politician is caught soliciting donations and resigns.

Rupert Murdoch, a significant figure in Britain’s revived imperialism, owns the Sunday Times, the paper that broke the Peter Cruddas story. One faction in the empire is sending a message to another. For a moment what cannot be discussed is mentioned, obliquely, as is the way of empire.

The third British Empire is not an industrial or military superpower. Indeed, it is intensely vulnerable. The United States and the great powers of Europe could do a great deal to hamper it, if they chose to do so.

The empire is a standing temptation to betray the local or the national for the sake of membership of a far more exclusive and elusive entity – an entity whose allure is intimately linked to its tact, its capacity to avoid straightforward description. Empire prospers to the extent that it can exploit, and where possible foster, corruption elsewhere.

Much of the old bombast is gone. There are fewer flags and trumpets. But in other respects, the third empire closely resembles its predecessors. Like them, it must do all it can to prevent effective democracy from breaking out at home, as it profits from tyranny abroad.

The dedication to the needs of global capitalism benefits only a tiny minority of the population. The rest face a future of steepening inequality and shrinking prospects. Besides, as in previous centuries the people at home must pay up when adventures abroad turn expensive.

And like the first two British empires, the current one is a criminal enterprise. But having specialised in slavery and drug trafficking, perhaps the empire’s current, signature crime is tax evasion.

By Dan Hind

28 March 2012

@ Al Jazeera

Dan Hind is a journalist and publisher. He is the author of The Threat to Reason and The Return of the Public. His new ebook on the Occupy movement and deliberative politics, Common Sense: Occupation, Assembly and the Future of Liberty, was published online on March 20.

The Saga Of Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, And Wikileaks, To Be Put To Ballad And Film

“Defense lawyers say Manning was clearly a troubled young soldier whom the Army should never have deployed to Iraq or given access to classified material while he was stationed there … They say he was in emotional turmoil, partly because he was a gay soldier at a time when homosexuals were barred from serving openly in the U.S. armed forces.” (Associated Press, February 3)

It’s unfortunate and disturbing that Bradley Manning’s attorneys have chosen to consistently base his legal defense upon the premise that personal problems and shortcomings are what motivated the young man to turn over hundreds of thousands of classified government files to Wikileaks. They should not be presenting him that way any more than Bradley should be tried as a criminal or traitor. He should be hailed as a national hero. Yes, even when the lawyers are talking to the military mind. May as well try to penetrate that mind and find the freest and best person living there. Bradley also wears a military uniform.

Here are Manning’s own words from an online chat: “If you had free reign over classified networks … and you saw incredible things, awful things … things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC … what would you do? … God knows what happens now. Hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms. … I want people to see the truth … because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public.”

Is the world to believe that these are the words of a disturbed and irrational person? Do not the Nuremberg Tribunal and the Geneva Conventions speak of a higher duty than blind loyalty to one’s government, a duty to report the war crimes of that government?

Below is a listing of some of the things revealed in the State Department cables and Defense Department files and videos. For exposing such embarrassing and less-than-honorable behavior, Bradley Manning of the United States Army and Julian Assange of Wikileaks may spend most of their remaining days in a modern dungeon, much of it while undergoing that particular form of torture known as “solitary confinement”. Indeed, it has been suggested that the mistreatment of Manning has been for the purpose of making him testify against and implicating Assange. Dozens of members of the American media and public officials have called for Julian Assange’s execution or assassination. Under the new National Defense Authorization Act, Assange could well be kidnaped or assassinated. What century are we living in? What world?

It was after seeing American war crimes such as those depicted in the video “Collateral Murder” and documented in the “Iraq War Logs,” made public by Manning and Wikileaks, that the Iraqis refused to exempt US forces from prosecution for future crimes. The video depicts an American helicopter indiscriminately murdering several non-combatants in addition to two Reuters journalists, and the wounding of two little children, while the helicopter pilots cheer the attacks in a Baghdad suburb like it was the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia.

The insistence of the Iraqi government on legal jurisdiction over American soldiers for violations of Iraqi law — something the United States rarely, if ever, accepts in any of the many countries where its military is stationed — forced the Obama administration to pull the remaining American troops from the country.

If Manning had committed war crimes in Iraq instead of exposing them, he would be a free man today, as are the many hundreds/thousands of American soldiers guilty of truly loathsome crimes in cities like Haditha, Fallujah, and other places whose names will live in infamy in the land of ancient Mesopotamia.

Besides playing a role in writing finis to the awful Iraq war, the Wikileaks disclosures helped to spark the Arab Spring, beginning in Tunisia.

When people in Tunisia read or heard of US Embassy cables revealing the extensive corruption and decadence of the extended ruling family there — one long and detailed cable being titled: “CORRUPTION IN TUNISIA: WHAT’S YOURS IS MINE” — how Washington’s support of Tunisian President Ben Ali was not really strong, and that the US would not support the regime in the event of a popular uprising, they took to the streets.

Here is a sample of some of the other Wikileaks revelations that make the people of the world wiser:

>> In 2009 Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano became the new head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which plays the leading role in the investigation of whether Iran is developing nuclear weapons or is working only on peaceful civilian nuclear energy projects. A US embassy cable of October 2009 said Amano “took pains to emphasize his support for U.S. strategic objectives for the Agency. Amano reminded the [American] ambassador on several occasions that … he was solidly in the U.S. court on every key strategic decision, from high-level personnel appointments to the handling of Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program.”

>> Russia refuted US claims that Iran has missiles that could target Europe.

>> The British government’s official inquiry into how it got involved in the Iraq War was deeply compromised by the government’s pledge to protect the Bush administration in the course of the inquiry.

>> A discussion between Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and American Gen. David H. Petraeus in which Saleh indicated he would cover up the US role in missile strikes against al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen. “We’ll continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours,” Saleh told Petraeus.

>> The US embassy in Madrid has had serious points of friction with the Spanish government and civil society: a) trying to get the criminal case dropped against three US soldiers accused of killing a Spanish television cameraman in Baghdad during a 2003 unprovoked US tank shelling of the hotel where he and other journalists were staying; b )torture cases brought by a Spanish NGO against six senior Bush administration officials, including former attorney general Alberto Gonzales; c) a Spanish government investigation into the torture of Spanish subjects held at Guantánamo; d) a probe by a Spanish court into the use of Spanish bases and airfields for American extraordinary rendition (= torture) flights; e )continual criticism of the Iraq war by Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero, who eventually withdrew Spanish troops.

>> State Department officials at the United Nations, as well as US diplomats in various embassies, were assigned to gather as much of the following information as possible about UN officials, including Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, permanent security council representatives, senior UN staff, and foreign diplomats: e-mail and website addresses, internet user names and passwords, personal encryption keys, credit card numbers, frequent flyer account numbers, work schedules, and biometric data. US diplomats at the embassy in Asunción, Paraguay were asked to obtain dates, times and telephone numbers of calls received and placed by foreign diplomats from China, Iran and the Latin American leftist states of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia. US diplomats in Romania, Hungary and Slovenia were instructed to provide biometric information on “current and emerging leaders and advisers” as well as information about “corruption” and information about leaders’ health and “vulnerability”. The UN directive also specifically asked for “biometric information on ranking North Korean diplomats”. A similar cable to embassies in the Great Lakes region of Africa said biometric data included DNA, as well as iris scans and fingerprints.

>> A special “Iran observer” in the Azerbaijan capital of Baku reported on a dispute that played out during a meeting of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council. An enraged Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff, Mohammed Ali Jafari, allegedly got into a heated argument with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and slapped him in the face because the generally conservative president had, surprisingly, advocated freedom of the press.

>> The State Department, virtually alone in the Western Hemisphere, did not unequivocally condemn a June 28, 2009 military coup in Honduras, even though an embassy cable declared: “there is no doubt that the military, Supreme Court and National Congress conspired on June 28 in what constituted an illegal and unconstitutional coup against the Executive Branch”. US support of the coup government has been unwavering ever since.

>> The leadership of the Swedish Social Democratic Party — neutral, pacifist, and liberal Sweden, so the long-standing myth goes — visited the US embassy in Stockholm and asked for advice on how best to sell the war in Afghanistan to a skeptical Swedish public, asking if the US could arrange for a member of the Afghan government to come visit Sweden and talk up NATO’s humanitarian efforts on behalf of Afghan children, and so forth. [For some years now Sweden has been, in all but name, a member of NATO and the persecutor of Julian Assange, the latter to please a certain Western power.]

>> The US pushed to influence Swedish wiretapping laws so communication passing through the Scandinavian country could be intercepted. The American interest was clear: Eighty per cent of all the internet traffic from Russia travels through Sweden.

>> President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy told US embassy officials in Brussels in January 2010 that no one in Europe believed in Afghanistan anymore. He said Europe was going along in deference to the United States and that there must be results in 2010, or “Afghanistan is over for Europe.”

>> Iraqi officials saw Saudi Arabia, not Iran, as the biggest threat to the integrity and cohesion of their fledgling democratic state. The Iraqi leaders were keen to assure their American patrons that they could easily “manage” the Iranians, who wanted stability; but that the Saudis wanted a “weak and fractured” Iraq, and were even “fomenting terrorism that would destabilize the government”. The Saudi King, moreover, wanted a US military strike on Iran.

>> Saudi Arabia in 2007 threatened to pull out of a Texas oil refinery investment unless the US government intervened to stop Saudi Aramco from being sued in US courts for alleged oil price fixing. The deputy Saudi oil minister said that he wanted the US to grant Saudi Arabia sovereign immunity from lawsuits

>> Saudi donors were the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups like Al Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban, and Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Pfizer, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, hired investigators to unearth evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in order to persuade him to drop legal action over a controversial 1996 drug trial involving children with meningitis.

>> Oil giant Shell claimed to have “inserted staff” and fully infiltrated Nigeria’s government.

>> The Obama administration renewed military ties with Indonesia in spite of serious concerns expressed by American diplomats about the Indonesian military’s activities in the province of West Papua, expressing fears that the Indonesian government’s neglect, rampant corruption and human rights abuses were stoking unrest in the region.

US officials collaborated with Lebanon’s defense minister to spy on, and allow Israel to potentially attack, Hezbollah in the weeks that preceded a violent May 2008 military confrontation in Beirut.

>> Gabon president Omar Bongo allegedly pocketed millions in embezzled funds from central African states, channeling some of it to French political parties in support of Nicolas Sarkozy.

>> Cables from the US embassy in Caracas in 2006 asked the US Secretary of State to warn President Hugo Chávez against a Venezuelan military intervention to defend the Cuban revolution in the eventuality of an American invasion after Castro’s death.

>> The United States was concerned that the leftist Latin American television network, Telesur, headquartered in Venezuela, would collaborate with al Jazeera of Qatar, whose coverage of the Iraq War had gotten under the skin of the Bush administration.

>> The Vatican told the United States it wanted to undermine the influence of Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez in Latin America because of concerns about the deterioration of Catholic power there. It feared that Chávez was seriously damaging relations between the Catholic church and the state by identifying the church hierarchy in Venezuela as part of the privileged class.

>> The Holy See welcomed President Obama’s new outreach to Cuba and hoped for further steps soon, perhaps to include prison visits for the wives of the Cuban Five. Better US-Cuba ties would deprive Hugo Chávez of one of his favorite screeds and could help restrain him in the region.

>> The wonderful world of diplomats: In 2010, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown raised with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the question of visas for two wives of members of the “Cuban Five”. “Brown requested that the wives (who have previously been refused visas to visit the U.S.) be granted visas so that they could visit their husbands in prison. … Our subsequent queries to Number 10 indicate that Brown made this request as a result of a commitment that he had made to UK trade unionists, who form part of the Labour Party’s core constituency. Now that the request has been made, Brown does not intend to pursue this matter further. There is no USG action required.”

>> UK Officials concealed from Parliament how the US was allowed to bring cluster bombs onto British soil in defiance of a treaty banning the housing of such weapons.

>> A cable was sent by an official at the US Interests Section in Havana in July 2006, during the runup to the Non-Aligned Movement conference. He noted that he was actively looking for “human interest stories and other news that shatters the myth of Cuban medical prowess”. [Presumably to be used to weaken support for Cuba amongst the member nations at the conference.]

>> Most of the men sent to Guantánamo prison were innocent people or low-level operatives; many of the innocent individuals were sold to the US for bounty.

DynCorp, a powerful American defense contracting firm that claims almost $2 billion per year in revenue from US tax dollars, threw a “boy-play” party for Afghan police recruits. (Yes, it’s what you think.)

>> Even though the Bush and Obama Administrations repeatedly maintained publicly that there was no official count of civilian casualties, the Iraq and Afghanistan War Logs showed that this claim was untrue.

>> Known Egyptian torturers received training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.

>> The United States put great pressure on the Haitian government to not go ahead with various projects, with no regard for the welfare of the Haitian people. A 2005 cable stressed continued US insistence that all efforts must be made to keep former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, whom the United States had overthrown the previous year, from returning to Haiti or influencing the political process. In 2006, Washington’s target was President René Préval for his agreeing to a deal with Venezuela to join Caracas’s Caribbean oil alliance, PetroCaribe, under which Haiti would buy oil from Venezuela, paying only 60 percent up front with the remainder payable over twenty-five years at 1 percent interest. And in 2009, the State Department backed American corporate opposition to an increase in the minimum wage for Haitian workers, the poorest paid in the Western Hemisphere.


>> The United States used threats, spying, and more to try to get its way at the crucial 2009 climate conference in Copenhagen.

>> Mahmoud Abbas, president of The Palestinian National Authority, and head of the Fatah movement, turned to Israel for help in attacking Hamas in Gaza in 2007.

>> The British government trained a Bangladeshi paramilitary force condemned by human rights organisations as a “government death squad”.

>> A US military order directed American forces not to investigate cases of torture of detainees by Iraqis.

>> The US was involved in the Australian government’s 2006 campaign to oust Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare.

>> A 2009 US cable said that police brutality in Egypt against common criminals was routine and pervasive, the police using force to extract confessions from criminals on a daily basis.

>> US diplomats pressured the German government to stifle the prosecution of CIA operatives who abducted and tortured Khalid El-Masri, a German citizen. [El-Masri was kidnaped by the CIA while on vacation in Macedonia on December 31, 2003. He was flown to a torture center in Afghanistan, where he was beaten, starved, and sodomized. The US government released him on a hilltop in Albania five months later without money or the means to go home.]

>> 2005 cable re “widespread severe torture” by India, the widely-renowned “world’s largest democracy”: The International Committee of the Red Cross reported: “The continued ill-treatment of detainees, despite longstanding ICRC-GOI [Government of India] dialogue, have led the ICRC to conclude that New Delhi condones torture.” Washington was briefed on this matter by the ICRC years ago. What did the United States, one of the world’s leading practitioners and teachers of torture in the past century, do about it? American leaders, including the present ones, continued to speak warmly of “the world’s largest democracy”; as if torture and one of the worst rates of poverty and child malnutrition in the world do not contradict the very idea of democracy.

>> The United States overturned a ban on training the Indonesian Kopassus army special forces — despite the Kopassus’s long history of arbitrary detention, torture and murder — after the Indonesian President threatened to derail President Obama’s trip to the country in November 2010.

>> Since at least 2006 the United States has been funding political opposition groups in Syria, including a satellite TV channel that beams anti-government programming into the country.

By William Blum

6 March 2012

@ Killinghope.org

William Blum is the author of: Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War 2; Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower; West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Memoir; Freeing the World to Death: Essays on the American Empire


The ghost of Mao haunts China’s succession plans

It was not supposed to end this way. Until recently, the leadership succession of the Chinese Communist party was thought to be on track. Vice-President Xi Jinping and executive vice-premier Li Keqiang will become the general secretary of the CCP and the premier of the State Council (China’s cabinet), respectively. The Politburo standing committee, the party’s supreme policy-making body, will add seven other new members. One of them was to be Mr Bo Xilai, the party chief of Chongqing.

The surprising announcement last week of Mr Bo’s ousting upended his highly publicised quest for a seat on the Politburo standing committee. His ignominious exit from power drew loud cheers from many quarters. Liberals applauded Mr Bo’s demise because his “singing red” campaign, which featured mass singing of songs popular during Mao Zedong’s rule, brought back memories of ultra-leftist madness. Cautious and uptight officials heaved a sigh of relief. They abhorred Mr Bo because he was a cynical self-promoter who broke the party’s taboo against publicly campaigning for one of the highest offices in the land. Mr Bo frightened them because he was rather good at playing a different game: instead of quietly and humbly working the corridors of the party establishment, he built up a charismatic public image and forced the party’s hand. Private entrepreneurs celebrated Mr Bo’s downfall too, because they felt deeply threatened by his populist rhetoric and by the use of questionable legal methods in the seizure of the assets of businessmen during Chongqing’s high-profile crackdown on organised crime.

Given the controversy surrounding Mr Bo’s thinly disguised political ambition and unorthodox tactics, it is easy to treat his fall as political morality play. That would be a mistake. What this episode has revealed is far more important than the political folly of one individual, however unpleasant he might be.

For the party, Mr Bo the political entrepreneur may be gone, but the trouble caused by his rise and departure is far from over. For one thing, the Bo incident has revealed the deep rift within China’s top leadership over the distribution of power and the future direction of the party. By openly challenging the party’s long-established rules on personnel promotion, Mr Bo showed that he – and many others in the party’s hierarchy – will no longer abide by such rules, which they view as biased in favour of risk-averse and colourless bureaucrats. For the moment, the party establishment has won a decisive battle against such insurgents. But the existing system of distributing power among rival factions through an opaque arrangement is sure to antagonise ambitious and risk-taking players such as Mr Bo in the future when they feel they are short-changed by the system. Should such resentments intensify, the cherished elite unity, the glue that has held the party together since the Tiananmen crackdown in 1989, would be eroded, endangering the party’s survival.

That Mr Bo could easily galvanise public opinion with his leftist populist rhetoric and antics should give the party another cause for concern. Chinese leaders have long thought they had banished the ghost of Mao, the only communist leader capable of rallying the masses to terrorise the party. Mr Bo’s remarkably effective campaign to tap into popular resentment at inequality and corruption suggests that, as long as the party’s policies perpetuate crony capitalism, future political entrepreneurs in his mode will come along and exploit widespread social discontent to further their personal ambitions. If anything, the most important lesson to be learnt by the party is not how to prevent the rise of another Mao-like figure, but that it must address the underlying socioeconomic conditions that brew leftist-populist radicalism. In practice, this requires undertaking liberal economic and political reforms to make China a more just and democratic society.

The only silver lining in this whole drama is that Chinese society has shown its maturity and asserted its influence. If it could, the party would have kept its dirty linen safely hidden inside the closet. But in the age of the information revolution and of unprecedented public vigilance, it no longer can. Even before the attempted defection of Wang Lijun, Mr Bo’s police chief and right-hand man in Chongqing, in early February, the Chinese media were engaged in a spirited debate on Mr Bo’s much-hyped “Chongqing model”. Many liberal voices questioned its achievements, legitimacy, and sustainability. When Mr Wang briefly sought asylum in the American consulate in Chengdu a month ago, public sentiment against Mr Bo exploded in cyberspace. Ordinary Chinese citizens were justifiably indignant that one of their top officials (Mr Wang had vice-ministerial rank) could perpetrate such a treasonous act. They were even more outraged that, 35 years after the end of the Cultural Revolution, political intrigue reminiscent of the infamous Lin Biao affair (when Mao’s designated successor tried to flee to the Soviet Union in 1971) could again dominate the national conversation and that they had little say in choosing their rulers.

In this perfect political storm, Mr Bo’s fate was sealed. The question now is whether the party can turn this debacle into an opportunity for change.

By Minxin Pei

18 March 2012

@ Financial Times

The writer is a professor of government at Claremont McKenna College


Syria News on March 14th, 2012

Al-Jafari: Statements of the UNGA Head Affected by Qatar’s Stances

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative at the United Nations Bashar al-Jaafari on Tuesday sent a message to the UN Secretary-General and Heads of the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council on the hostile stances made by the Head of the Assembly, Qatar’s Ambassador Nasser Bin Abdulaziz Al-Nassr.

In the message, al-Jafari said that the statements of al-Nassr don’t accord with the role of the Assembly’s presidency, which should comply with the UN Charter and be neutral and objective.

The message stipulated that ” According to UNGA Rules of Procedures, the head shouldn’t be affected by the stances of his country as he is elected to be the head of the Assembly with all of its members. He shouldn’t use his position to pass his country’s political stances,”

Al-Jafari added that the statements of al-Nassr go along with the stances of some countries which are enemies to Syria, adding that al-Nassr’s statements ignored the stances of other countries which oppose foreign intervention in the Syrian internal affairs and stress the need to hold dialogue and preserve Syria’s interests.

The message included proofs on such violations, among them are the rejection of al-Nassr to had a legal assessment on holding a public official session in February, 13th and neglecting the information documented by Syria as official documents issued by the UN on the comprehensive reforms and the terrorist attacks committed by armed groups funded and supported by external sides.

The message stipulated that “The UNGA head should be totally independent from his country’s political stances. He should work on encouraging dialogue,”

“In a statement in February 24th, al-Nassr welcomed the so-called “Friends of Syria meeting” without the approval of the member states. This statement undermines the role of the UN as it supports only some member states’ stances paying no attention to the stances of other countries that refused to participate in the meeting,”

Al-Jafari pointed out that al-Nassr ignored the undergoing reforms in Syria and the acts of the armed terrorist groups against the civilians and soldiers in addition to the public and private properties, adding that al-Nassr also ignored the aspirations of the Syrian people in reforms, prosperity, stability and rejection of foreign intervention.

” Al-Nassr stance sends a wrong message to the armed terrorist groups and those who sponsor them to continue their acts against the Syrian state and people.” The message concluded.

President al-Assad Sets May 7 for People’s Assembly Elections

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued decree No. 113 for 2012 stipulating for setting May 7,2012 a date for People’s Assembly elections for the first legislative round for 2012.

The decree set Monday 7/5/2012 as the date for electing People’s Assembly members, with the number of members representing workers, farmers and the rest of societies in each electoral constituency being distributed as follows:

Electoral Constituency

No. of Members

Farmers & Workers

Other Sectors





Damascus Countryside




Aleppo City




Aleppo Areas




























Deir Ezzor

























In a statement to SANA, head of the Elections Higher Committee Khalaf al-Azzawi said that this decree constitutes the first step of implementing the articles of the new constitution, affirming that the elections will be held with utmost integrity, democracy and freedom so that voters can choose their representatives in the highest legislative authority in Syria.

He said that the Committee will discuss the steps to be taken to form subcommittees in governorates and ensure the integrity of the elections, noting that the Ministry of Interior will provide all the needs for holding the elections.

Terrorist groups perpetrate new massacre in Homs, killing 15 innocents, among them woman with four children

HOMS, (SANA)-Armed terrorist groups on Tuesday perpetrated a new massacre against innocents at Karm al-Louz neighborhood, killing 15 citizens, among them a woman with her 4 children after storming houses and looting them completely.

The competent authorities pursue those armed groups at al-Naziheen alley after they sabotaged, killed and mutilated bodies of civilians.

The authorities discovered one of the terrorists’ dens, a place for filming the fabricated reports broadcast by the channels of bloodshed, al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya.

Authorities Thwart Terrorist Infiltration Attempt

The competent authorities have foiled an attempt by an armed terrorist groups to infiltrate the borders into Syrian territories in the site of Jisr Qmar and al-Arida in Talkalakh, Homs Province.

SANA correspondent learned that the clash on Monday resulted in the injury of a number of terrorists who fled with the rest of the terrorist group members toward the Lebanese territories.

Two officers martyred by terrorist machine guns in Aleppo Countryside

A colonel and a Lieutenant Colonel  were martyred today after an armed terrorist group shot fire at their car on al-Mislmya School road in Aleppo.

An official source told SANA reporter that an armed terrorist group targeted with machine guns a military car near the Free Zone on al-Mislmya road in Aleppo countryside, leading to the martyrdom of Colonel Qais Tawfik Suleiman and Lieutenant Colonel  Ali Ibrahim Habib.

Authorities storm al-Dabaa Cave to the east of Khattab village in Hama countryside, killing one of the most dangerous terrorists

The competent authorities today stormed one of the caves known as al-Dabaa Cave to the east of Khattab village in Hama countryside, killing one of the most dangerous terrorists and arresting four others who perpetrated acts of killing, mutilating and kidnapping citizens.

The authorities confiscated a big quantity of weapons, explosives, bombs, Israeli-made defensive and attacking bombs, RPGs, several rifles, communication sets and Arab, Syrian and foreign fake currencies.

In a relevant context, one of the armed groups kidnapped the two men Yousef and Moneif Sleiman al-Hassan with their car while they were driving to bring bread for Arza village in Hama, demanding their family to pay 2 million SYP as a ransom.

“One of the terrorist groups kidnapped my two sons 8 days ago, asking for 2-million SYP ransom… we work in agriculture and we don’t have this amount of money,” Sleiman Mohsen Abo Mahna said.

He added that he collected this amount of money through relatives’ donations to give it to the armed group.

The two sons were later released while the authorities restored stability to Arza village after purifying the village from the armed terrorist groups.

Authorities Find Explosive Device inside Building in Idleb, Discover Two Field Hospitals

Authorities evacuated a two-story building in Idelb City as they found an explosive device planted by the armed terrorist groups to detonate it.

The authorities also discovered two field hospitals in al-Jalaa neighborhood and the other near Sa’ad Mosque.

The two hospitals were equipped with resuscitation and autoclave devices, medical instruments, medicine and beds.

The authorities also seized machineguns, cartridges and goggles.

Army Confronts Members of Armed Terrorist Group, Kill Number of Them

Members of an army outpost west of al-Lajat area in Daraa countryside on Monday night confronted an armed terrorist group which attacked the outpost.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that the ensuing skirmish and pursuit of the terrorist resulted in the death of a number of gunmen and the confiscation of weapons and ammo from the terrorist, in addition to retrieving two rifles stolen by the terrorists during their attack.

Authorities clash with terrorist armed group attacking citizens, looting private and public properties in Hama

The authorities today clashed with a terrorist armed group that was attacking citizens, looting private and public properties at al-Madiq Citadel in Hama countryside.

A source in Hams told SANA reporter that the clashes led to the killing of a number of the group members and seizing their weapons.

Meanwhile, a tank driver for al-Ghab Development Body was martyred by an armed terrorist group that shot him to death in al-Madiq Citadel area.

At al-Salamya area in Hama, the competent authorities foiled an attempt by terrorists to burglarize 110 tons of Urea fertilizers.

Seventeen Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES (SANA) – The bodies of 17 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital and Zahi Azraq Hospital  and Aleppo Military Hospital to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Hama, Daraa, Homs, Idleb and Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs are:

Colonel Sami Ali Deeb, from Tartous.

Chief Warrant Officer Yasin Saleh Mohammad, from Lattakia.

Chief warrant Officer Malek Ali Hassan, from Hama.

Chief Warrant Officer Zuhair Ali Shahin, from Hama.

Sergeant Major Ahmad Oweid al-Milhim, from Der Ezzor.

Sergeant Ramadan al-Abdullah, from Daraa.

Sergeant Mahmoud Ali Jouma, from Aleppo.

Corporal Mohammad Arifo, from Lattakia.

Corporal Mohammad Khaled al-Khatib, from Damascus Countryside.

Private Suleiman Saleh Malla Hamza, from al-Hasaka.

Conscript Basel Zuhair al-Weisi, from Aleppo.

Conscript Abdul-Rahman Marsh Mohammad Shahideh, from Aleppo.

Conscript Ahmad Obeid Khalif, from al-Hasaka.

Conscript Issa al-Omar, from al-Hasaka.

Conscript Mohammad Hafiz Suleiman, from Hama.

Conscript Haidar Badr Kanaan, from Lattakia.

Civilian Abdullah Mohammad Kheir Qadour, from Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs’ families denounced the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups, stressing adherence to the national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria.

They stressed that the terrorism and attempts to sow sedition among the Syrian people will not dissuade them from defending their homeland, hailing the sacrifices of the Syrian army in protecting Syria’s security and stability.

Syria Vehemently Condemns Israeli Aggression on Gaza Strip

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Syria on Tuesday vehemently condemned the continuous Israeli aggression against the Palestinian Arab people in the Gaza Strip since last Friday, which claimed the lives of over 25 unarmed civilians and caused tens of injuries.

A statement by the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry highlighted Syria’s stress on the importance of taking immediate action by the international community to halt these vicious aggressions, inflict punishment on those behind them and work on lifting the unjust siege imposed on this Strip since years.

“While stressing so,” the statement added, “Syria draws the attention of the Arab people to the gravity of the suspicious Arab moves led by some Gulf states at different international forums against Syria as they offer a service to the Israeli entity to cover what is taking place in the Gaza Strip.”

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that “Gaza, sinking in its blood since days, is absolutely certain that Damascus will keep supporting it despite the Arabs’ preoccupation in conspiring against Syria.”

The Ministry underscored in its statement that the steadfastness of Gaza people in the face of the Israeli aggression machine is further consolidated by the steadfastness of the Syrian people in confronting the conspiracy against Syria.

Lavrov: The Syrian Opposition Using Arms Must Be Convinced in Dialogue as Its Only Choice

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, on Tuesday stressed the necessity of getting the Syrian opposition that has been completely rejecting dialogue and includes armed groups using armed violence to be convinced that it has no choice but that of dialogue, and that this issue is in the power of the UN envoy Kofi Annan and his team.

“It is incomprehensible how to speak to the largely non-harmonious and inconsistent opposition groups that are using arms in various Syrian cities, especially when there are those who can speak to the leadership in Syria,” said Lavrov in a statement reported by Russia Today website.

The Russian Foreign Minister expressed hope that Annan will be able to present preliminary assessments on paper about the situation in Syria in the near future.

“We all agreed that on this basis we will be ready to talk about the means to support Annan’s efforts and cast an official character onto the ideas he will propose,” said Lavrov.

He affirmed that the first and top priority task is halting the violence and finding a monitoring mechanism acceptable to all parties that helps declaring a ceasefire in a way that it can not be used by either party for its benefit. The second task has to do with ensuring access of humanitarian aid into Syria, Lavrov added.

He continued that the third task is associated with Annan’s mission and lies in preparing the atmosphere to start the Syrian national dialogue.

Lavrov noted that the UN envoy had commanded one of its staff to urge the opposition to come together on the basis of getting ready for the dialogue, considering that Annan’s mission is accepted by all the parties concerned in the situation in Syria.

Lavrov Expresses Surprise at Qarari Prime Minister’s Calls for Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs

Later, in a press conference, the Russian Foreign Minister expressed surprise at Qatar’s calls for foreign interference in the Syrian affairs.

” We agreed on five principles that have to be fulfilled to settle the crisis in Syria, the most important of which provides for the inadmissibility of any foreign interference in the Syrian affair, said Lavrov.

He added that he was totally shocked when he knew that the Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani called in public to form Arab-international forces to be sent to Syria upon his arrival in New York.

He stressed that this stance completely contradicts what has been agreed upon and jointly announced with the Qatari Prime Minister.

Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism Condemns Massacre Committed against Civilian in Homs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Observatory for victims of Violence and Terrorism condemned the massacre committed against families in Karm al-Zaytoun in Homs by terrorist armed groups.

The Observatory stressed that the crime is clear evidence on the brutality of Istanbul Council gangs and doesn’t leave any doubt as to the kind of democracy and freedom in which those people believe in.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Observatory considered that the massacre came, as usual, before convening the Security Council’s meeting to discuss the situation in Syria with full conniving and planning by the Qatari-Saudi axis which has dedicated their channels to stir sedition in the country.

It pointed out that the crime was perpetrated after hectic the Saudi-Qatari efforts to arm Istanbul Council gangs.

The Observatory underlined the importance of mobilizing efforts of Syrian NGO’s to unmask the crimes of the Istanbul Council at all international circles and humanitarian organizations.

Al-Maliki Rejects Attempts to Bring Weapons into Syria

BAGHDAD, (SANA) – Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday rejected any attempt to bring weapons into Syria.

United Press International quoted al-Maliki as saying during a phone call with US Vice President Joe Biden that tightening measures and putting the Syrian-Iraqi joint borders under control come in light of Iraq’s commitment to find a peaceful solution to the situation in Syria as well as to stop the bloodshed.

He called for intensifying efforts in order to find peaceful resolutions to the crises in the Middle East.

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemn Terrorist Groups’ Execution of 45 People in Karm al-Zaytoun

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Observation and Follow-up Committee of the Syrian Human Rights Network on Tuesday condemned the execution of 45 people in Karm al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Homs province at the hands of armed terrorist groups after having been kidnapped, beaten and tortured.

In a statement which SANA got a copy of, the Committee made clear that the terrorist groups committed these atrocities against those innocent people, including slaughtering them, mutilating their bodies and then covering them with female clothes and sending photos of them to the tendentious satellite channels, to portray the Syrian army as if it was the one responsible for this horrible massacre.

The statement confirmed that a group of terrorist snipers in al-Eyadat region in Wadi al-Zahab Street committed acts of sniping and terrorizing against residents to accuse the army and law enforcement forces of these serious violations that are contrary to the principles of human rights.

The Syrian Human Right Network had earlier revealed that the terrorist groups have been perpetrating mass massacres in order to blame the army for them, considering that the illegitimate support and privileges given to these groups by countries such as the US, France, Britain, Turkey and the reactionary Arab countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia will lead to undermining fighting of terrorism and threatening human rights.

“Human rights principles can’t be observed as long as these groups are being provided with patronage and support from those countries in a flagrant and clear violation of these principles,” said the Network, adding that this support will give the terrorist groups the license to proceed with their crimes and violations and disregard of the moral values and human feelings.

International Figures Reject Interference in Syria’s Affairs

CAPITALS, (SANA)- Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi criticized the US and some Western countries double standard policies against Syria through concentrating on interfering in Syria’s internal affairs and ignoring the Israeli continued aggression against the unarmed Palestinian people.

Meeting Assistant Secretary of Russian Security Council Yevgeny Lukyanov in Tehran on Tuesday, Salehi pointed to Iran and Russia’s joint understanding and stances towards some regional and international issues, including Syria, asserting the possibility of adopting a balanced and constructive stance to help Syria overcome the current situation and continue the development process and the political and economic reforms it has launched.

For his part, Lukyanov slammed the accelerated trends and double policy of the Western countries in dealing with the latest regional developments, expressing his country’s readiness to enhance cooperation with Iran to the regional and international levels.

In the same context, Bolivian President Evo Morales said that his country voted a resolution on Syria last February at the UN General Assembly because it considered the Syrian crisis an internal affair, asserting that the call for military intervention in Syria hides commercial motives.

In a statement following a meeting with his Austrian counterpart, Heinz Fischer, in Vienna, Morales said that the crisis in Syria is fed for other goals, affirming that his country recognizes all the government elected democratically.

Syria Straining credulity?

The UN Secretary General was reported on March 3 saying that he had received “grisly reports” that Syrian government forces were arbitrarily executing, imprisoning and torturing people in Homs after retaking control of the Baba Amr district from insurgents. Did he really believe this; or was he just “saying it”? “One of the defining bifurcations of the future will be the conflict between information masters and information victims” the US officer assigned to the Deputy Chief of Staff (Intelligence), charged with defining the future of warfare, wrote in the US Army War College Quarterly in 1997.

“But fear not”, he writes later in the article, for “we are already masters of information warfare … Hollywood is ‘preparing the battlefield’ … Information destroys traditional jobs and traditional cultures; it seduces, betrays, yet remains invulnerable. How can you [possibly] counterattack the information [warfare] others have turned upon you? [1]

“Our sophistication in handling it will enable us to outlast and outperform all hierarchical cultures … Societies that fear or otherwise cannot manage the flow of information simply will not be competitive. They might master the technological wherewithal to watch the videos, but we will be writing the scripts, producing them, and collecting the royalties. Our creativity is devastating.”

This information warfare will not be couched in the rationale of geopolitics, the author suggests, but will be “spawned” – like any Hollywood drama – out of raw emotions. “Hatred, jealousy, and greed – emotions, rather than strategy – will set the terms of [information warfare] struggles”.

Not only the US army, but it seems mainstream Western media insist that the struggle in Syria must be scripted in emotional image and moralistic statements that always – as the War College article rightly asserts – trump rational analysis.

The UN Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry condemns the Syrian government of crimes against humanity, but only on the basis of what the opposition says, and without having investigated evidence of opposition “crimes”: and then proceeds to “charge” the Syrian government with this process based simply on “reasonable suspicion”: Do they really believe what they have written, or is it just a part of “writing the script”? [2]

Having quite forgotten what US Marines did to Falluja in 2004 (6,000 dead and 60% of the city destroyed) when armed insurgents there also sought to establish a Salafist “Emirate” – the Western media focus on Homs gives vent to the indignant cry that “something must be done” to save the people of Homs from “massacre”. The question of what effect exactly that something – whether external military intervention or providing heavier weapons for the insurgents – might be, and what its wider consequences might entail, meanwhile recedes entirely from view. Those with the temerity to get in the way of “this narrative” by arguing that external intervention would be disastrous, are roundly condemned as complicit in President Assad’s crimes against humanity.

This school of journalism – the Guardian and Channel Four are good examples of this “I-was-there” reporting – that emphasizes the reporter as participant, and indeed victim, a co-sufferer amid the charged, heart-tugging emotional sufferings of war, uses emotive images precisely to underline that “something must be done”. By focussing on mutilated bodies and weeping bereaved women they assert and determine that the conflict must be viewed as being of utmost moral simplicity – one of victims and aggressors.

 “In Baba Amr. Sickening. Cannot understand how the world can stand by. Watched a baby die today. Shrapnel: doctors could do nothing. His little tummy just heaved and heaved until he stopped. Feeling helpless”. [3]

Those who try to argue that Western intervention can only exacerbate the crisis, are confronted by this unanswerable riposte of dead babies – literally. As the War College article so rightly states: how can you counter attack this manner of “information warfare” unleashed against the Syrian government who are on the receiving end of those “writing the scripts, producing them, and collecting the royalties”?

I too, saw such terrible sights in Afghanistan in the 1980s: It does of course create an emotional abyss into which the helpless spectator slips; but do these reporters really believe that innocents and children are not always the victims of conflict? Do they believe their personal distress to be somehow so primary that it must set aside all complexities, and all potential possibilities? Is more conflict the answer to the awful death of an infant?

This reductionist, emotional ardor is but a form of concealed political advocacy – little different to that of an information “warrior” such as AVAAZ, who help write and produce those info-war videos. [4] And while nobody openly endorses such “journalism of participation”, this approach seems to have triumphed in certain journalistic quarters. And indeed it is creeping further: increasingly we see even certain Western diplomats acting as though they are “activists” and participants in the internal struggles of the states to which they are posted. What sort of reporting must their governments be getting?

Are we now to understand that the armed opposition, who originally brought Western journalists to Homs – and then insisted to exfiltrate them perilously, and at the cost of many lives, via Lebanon, rather than through the good offices of the Red Crescent to the nearest airport, were not motivated by a desire to advocate, and impel the argument for externally-imposed humanitarian corridors to be opened to Homs? In other words, were not witness to the construction of une piece de theatre in favor of a type of external intervention? Will a Kosovo-type solution will make things better in Syria?

What has become so striking is that, whilst this “information warfare” may have been almost irreversibly effective in demonizing President Assad in the West, it has also had the effect of “unanchoring” European and American foreign policy. It has become cast adrift from any real geo-strategic mooring. This has led to a situation in which European policy has become wholly suggestible to such “advocacy reporting”, and the need to respond to it, moment-by- moment, in emotive, moralistic blasts of sound-bites accusing President Assad of having “blood on its hands”.

In one sense the West inevitably has fallen hostage to its own information warfare: it has locked itself into a single understanding, stuck to a “singleness” of meaning: a simplistic victims-and-aggressor meme, which demands only the toppling of the aggressor. Europe, in this manner, effectively is cutting itself off from other options – precisely because the humanitarian theme, which policy-makers may have thought would suffice to see Assad easily deposed, now impedes any shift towards other options – such as a peaceful negotiated outcome.

But does anyone really believe American and European objectives in Syria were ever purely humanitarian? Is it not the case – given that the turnout of events in the Middle East are taking such an ominous and dangerous turn – that it has now becoming somewhat awkward openly to admit that their info-war was never primarily about reforming Syria, but about “regime change”, and that it was that even from before the first protest erupted in Dera’a?

In his recent interview with Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic, [5] given in advance of President Obama’s American Israel Public Affairs Committee speech, the president, inter alia, was questioned about Syria. His response was very clear:

GOLDBERG: Can you just talk about Syria as a strategic issue? Talk about it as a humanitarian issue, as well; but it would seem to me that one way to weaken and further isolate Iran is to remove or help remove Iran’s only Arab ally.


Do these Western interventionist proselytizers really believe that the onslaught on Syria is only about democracy and reform? Obama said it plainly. It was always about Iran. And, as Europe and America increasingly become bystanders to a Qatari and Saudi frenzy to overthrow a fellow Arab leader by any means it takes, do these “apostles” truly think that these absolute Arab monarchies simply share the Guardian’s or Channel Four’s nice humanitarian aspirations for Syria’s future? Do these reporters really believe that the armed insurgents that Gulf states are financing and arming are nothing more than well-intentioned reformists, who have simply been driven to violence through Assad’s incalcitrance? Some perhaps do, but others perhaps are simply “saying these things” to prepare the battlefield?

9 March  2012

By Alastair Crooke

@ Asian Times Online

Notes: 1. Constant Conflict, Parameters, Summer 1997, pp. 4-14.

2. The United Nations Accuses Syria of “Crimes against Humanity”,

3. The danger of reporters becoming ‘crusaders’, spiked-online.com, Feb 27, 2012.


4. See ‘How Avaaz Is Sponsoring Fake War Propaganda From Syria’, March 3, 2012.

5. Obama to Iran and Israel: ‘As President of the United States, I Don’t Bluff’

Alastair Crooke is founder and director of Conflicts Forum and is a former adviser to the former EU Foreign Policy Chief, Javier Solana, from 1997-2003. (Copyright 2011 Alastair Crooke.)

Syria’s Electronic Warriors Hit Al Jazeera

Emails said to reveal dismay among Al-Jazeera staff over its “biased and unprofessional” coverage of Syria have been leaked by pro-Assad hackers.

Damascus – On Wednesday, the entire staff of the Al Jazeera network allegedly received an email instructing them to change their computer and email passwords.

Earlier in the week, the network’s server had been hacked by the self-styled Syrian Electronic Army, and some of its secrets were released to the media.

The major find to be made public was an email exchange between anchorwoman Rula Ibrahim and Beirut-based reporter Ali Hashem. The emails seemed to indicate widespread disaffection within the channel, especially over its coverage of the crisis in Syria.

Ibrahim wrote to her colleague saying that she had “turned against the revolution” in Syria after realizing that the protests would “destroy the country and lead to a civil war.” She went on to deride the opposition Free Syrian Army, which she described as “a branch of al-Qaeda.”

Ibrahim also complained about the attitudes of various colleagues at the channel’s Doha headquarters, saying some of them “have refused to greet me ever since the outbreak of events in Syria because they hold a grudge against my sect.”

Al Jazeera staffers were relieved that the email exchange had been leaked, “because it exposed the station’s biased and unprofessional coverage Syria.”Hashem responded sympathetically, saying he had opted to sit on the fence after sending the channel footage of armed men clashing with the army which he had witnessed while reporting from northeastern Lebanon. He said that after he submitted the video, he was told to return to Beirut on the grounds that he was exhausted.

In her response, Ibrahim once again protested that she had “been utterly humiliated. They wiped the floor with me because I embarrassed Zuheir Salem, spokesperson for Syria’s Muslim Brothers. As a result, I was prevented from doing any Syrian interviews, and threatened with [a] transfer to the night shift on the pretext that I was making the channel imbalanced.”

Ibrahim also spoke of how Syrian activists invited onto Al Jazeera use terms of sectarian incitement on air, “which Syrians understand very well.”

Hashem wondered in response where the channel’s head of news, Ibrahim Hilal, stood in all this. Ibrahim answered that he was “stuck between a rock and a hard place: the agenda and professionalism…”

This conversation was broadcast in full on the state Syrian News Channel, which also interviewed the hackers who broke through Al Jazeera’s information system.

However, the scoop did not attract the attention that had been hoped for. Like other official Syrian media, the channel is not widely watched and has suffered a loss of viewer confidence.

Thus the report was barely noticed, and Al Jazeera itself completely disregarded it.

The media-electronic war between the two camps seems set to escalate.Sources in the channel confirmed that the administration had taken no action over the incident, not even approaching Hashem or Ibrahim about it. The sources said it was generally assumed that the pro-regime hackers had accomplices inside the channel, as they would not have otherwise been able to get round its system’s sophisticated security measures.

The same sources said some Al Jazeera staffers were relieved that the email exchange had been leaked, “because it exposed the station’s biased and unprofessional coverage Syria.”

They also confirmed an allegation Ibrahim had reportedly made in one of her emails: That Ahmad Ibrahim, who is in charge of the channel’s Syria coverage, is the brother of Anas al-Abdeh, a leading member of the opposition Syrian National Council. He allegedly stopped using his family name to avoid drawing attention to the connection.

The sources said that among the issues concerning Al Jazeera journalists was pressure to start employing the term “martyr” when referring to slain Syrian opposition supporters, but not regime loyalists or members of the security forces.

They said two camps had emerged within the newsroom: one, headed by Hilal, wanting professional coverage of the coverage, and another “who believe they are part of this war and do not hesitate to show that on air.”

Ethical standards and the violation of journalists’ privacy seem to be far from anyone’s considerations.The sources said that as part of this rivalry, Facebook groups had appeared which were devoted to targeting Al Jazeera journalists “who are guilty of trying to be objective.”

For example, a fierce campaign was launched on social media websites demanding the sacking of Lebanese anchorman Hasan Jammoul. He had challenged an opposition activist to explain in an interview why the shelling of the city Homs was focused on Baba Amr and not other neighborhoods.

Neither Ibrahim, Hashem, or Hilal were available for comment when contacted by Al-Akhbar.

Yet the media-electronic war between the two camps seems set to escalate. Syrian President Bashar Assad himself has praised the Syrian Electronic Army, both in his recent speech at Damascus University and in meetings with popular delegations.

In addition to hacking into Al Jazeera’s emails, the group got into the channel’s breaking news subscription service – and circulated a false story to subscribers that the Emir of Qatar had died of a stroke. This was supposedly a response to the earlier hacking of the messaging service of the pro-regime Syrian al-Dunya channel.

Following the Army’s latest “victory,” ethical standards and the violation of journalists’ privacy seem to be far from anyone’s considerations. It seems this war will spare no one.

This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

By: Wissam Kanaan

24 February 2012

@ Al Akhbar English

Syrian Ministry of Health Statement

Syrian Ministry of Health Statement

The Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic has the honour to convey a statement by the Ministry of Health of the Syrian Arab Republic on the seditious broadcasts on Syria by the Aljazeera Channel, together with other partner channels and the media.

The above mentioned media, in particular on 16th March, 2012, broadcasted false news that security forces broke into the national hospital in Al-Rakka, Syria and arrested a number of the wounded who were transferred there.

The Ministry of Health of the Syrian Arab Republic confirms that the news is not just false but it is falsification of the facts and a complete fabrication of the truth and the goal of the Aljazeera Channel in doing so, is to stir the feelings of the Syrian citizens and incite them against the service sectors in Syria, including the health sector and thus depriving them of their right to free medical services, in particular the utilisation of ambulances.

The Syrian Health Ministry is surprised by the persistence of the said media in spreading the lies, in spite of the ability to refute them and expose the truth to all. The Ministry calls on all health and humanitarian international organizations to condemn these immoral and cynical methods which a number of foreign media and misleading channels insist on using to deviate from the truth in all aspects of health issues, despite repeated appeals to leave the sector from the schemes of foreign policy without discrimination and interference whatsoever as it serves basic life-saving for all.

The Syrian Health Ministry also confirms that the said hospital, as with all hospitals in the provinces, is constant in providing its medical and ambulance services 24hours to all citizens.

On this particular occasion, the Health Ministry of the Syrian Arab Republic calls on all International Organizations working on health and humanitarian affairs in Syria to provide proof of the false news and slander which the regional inflammatory media channels have broadcasted.

For your information.

With best compliments.

Thank you.



Syrian News on February 28, 2012

Interior Ministry: 89.4% of the 8,376,447 Voters Agreed to New Constitution

DAMASCUS, (SANA) –The Interior Ministry on Monday announced the results of the referendum on the new Constitution of Syria, with 89.4% of voters agreeing to it.

In a press conference, Minister of Interior Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar said that that 8,376,447 citizens voted in the referendum on the new draft constitution, which constitutes 57.4% of the 14,589,954 eligible voters, with 7,490,319 (89.4% of voters) agreeing to it while 753,208 (9% of voters) didn’t agree.

He said that there were 132,920 invalid ballots, which makes up 1.6% of votes.

Al-Shaar said that there was a good turnout despite the threats and intimidation by armed terrorist groups in some areas and the accompanying distortion and instigation campaigns by media which attempted to prevent citizens from practicing their right to vote and harm the democratic process.

Answering questions raised by journalists, al-Shaar underlined that the armed terrorist groups in some areas obstructed the arrival of citizens in a number of referendum centers, but they didn’t affect the process in general.

He added that what has prevented Syrian Embassies from opening referendum centers abroad was the ban on the airlines by some Arab and western states which hindered delivering the documents and publications related to referendum process.

“Instead, Syria has opened new referendum centers along the border points with the neighboring countries which witnessed good turnout,” the Minister said.

Al-Shaar stressed that new laws will be issued regarding the articles of the new constitution, adding that what needs amendment would be amended.

He concluded by saying that the government is serious in tackling security situation and ending all armed phenomena and all forms of chaos.

Russian Foreign Ministry: New Constitution Referendum Results  Indicate that the Syrian People Support their Leadership

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Monday that the results of the referendum on the new constitution in Syria indicate that the Syrian people support their leadership.

In a statement, the Ministry said that Moscow considers the referendum as an important step on the way to making Syria a modern democratic state.

The Russian Ministry added that Russia views the results of the constitution as evident of the support the Syrian Government enjoys by its people, pointing out that the opposition groups which called for boycotting the referendum proved to be lacking popularity and they do not have the right to speak on behalf of the Syrian people.

The statement added that Russia calls on all sides to refrain from violence and get involved in dialogue with no preconditions.

Pushkov: Russia is Exerting Efforts to Evacuate Injured Foreign Journalists from Homs

Chairman of the Russian Duma’s International Affairs Committee Aleksey Pushkov said that Russia is exerting efforts to evacuate injured foreign journalists from Homs.

Pushkov was quoted as saying that according to his information, the Western countries are not trying to evacuate the injured, indicating that the gunmen haven’t consented to evacuating them, only allowing journalists to videotape them.

Earlier, the Foreign Ministry had underlined the importance that foreign journalists respect the laws regulating journalistic work and not enter the Syrian territories to get to restive areas. F.Allafi/al-Ibrahim/M. Ismael

Seize More than 40 Explosive Devices in Daraa, Cars Loaded with Weapons in al-Hasaka

PROVINCES, (SANA)_ An armed Terrorist Group on Monday shelled with mortars a military educational Complex in Homs, claiming the lives of two members and injuring 12 others.

More than 40 Explosive Devices Seized in Daraa

Authorities seized in the Basra al-Harir town in Daraa countryside a  warehouse that includes explosive devices set to be detonated by armed terrorist groups to attack law-enforcement personnel and terrorize citizens.

SANA reporter in Daraa was informed that over 40 explosive devices weighing from 5 kilograms to 20 kilograms.

Border Guard Personnel Foil Infiltration Attempt of Armed Terrorist Group Coming from Jordan

Meanwhile, Border Guard personnel foiled an infiltration attempt by an armed terrorist group coming from Jordan in Tal-Shihab area in Daraa countryside.

SANA reporter in Daraa was informed that the border guard personnel clashed with the terrorist group killing 5 terrorists and wounding two others and the  rest of them ran away to the Jordanian territories.

Authorities Seize 3 cars Loaded with Amounts of Weapons and Ammunition in al-Hasaka

In the same context, Authorities seized in al-Hasaka province two cars loaded with various weapons.

SANA reporter in al-Hasaka reported an official source as saying that the weapons seized in the two cars included 106 rifles, machine guns and 3 RPG launchers, two sniper rifles and large amounts of ammunition coming from Iraq.

The source pointed out that after fire exchange, the authorities managed to seize the two cars and arrest the people riding them.

The source added that the authorities seized another  car  loaded with 26 rifles coming from Turkey.

16 Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/LATTAKIA, (SANA) – Sixteen army and law-enforcement martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed in the line of duty by armed terrorist groups in Homs and Damascus Countryside.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs, as the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

Warrant Officer Sami Sleiman al-Abdullah, from Tartous.

Retired Warrant Officer Hussein Ibrahim Hasan, from Lattakia.

Warrant Officer Hussein Matar Hamadi, from Homs.

Sergeant Major Mahmoud Ahmad al-Khatib, from Hama.

Sergeant Major Hatem Jamil Ahmad, from Lattakia.

Sergeant Mahmoud Hasan Salloum, from Tartous.

Sergeant Hussam Ibrahim al-Ali, from Aleppo.

Sergeant Mahmoud Ahmad Shams, from Aleppo.

Conscript Yehea Dawoud al-Homsi, from Damascus Countryside.

Conscript Khedr Khaled Abdullah, from Aleppo.

Conscript Yasser Hasan al-Hamad, from Aleppo.

Conscript Tamer Mahmoud al-Khamis, from Hasaka.

Conscript Khalil Ismael Taher, from Aleppo.

Conscript Hisham Hussein al-Atiya, from Aleppo.

Conscript Thabet Sobhi al-Hussein, from Idleb.

Conscript Bassem Issa Abbas, from Lattakia.

The martyrs’ relatives affirmed that their sons’ blood will make Syria stronger and more capable of facing challenges, and that Syria proved its ability to confront difficult conditions concocted by malicious hands.

They denounced the crimes and armed terrorist groups, warning people not to believe the lies of satellite channels who are accomplices in the shedding of Syrian blood.

Putin Affirms Russia’s Adherence to Its Independent Foreign Policy, Rejection of Any Foreign Interference in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin affirmed Russia’s adherence to its rejection of any foreign interference in Syria or any attempt to repeat the Libyan scenario in Syria, stressing that the international community must exert efforts to achieve reconciliation among Syrians.

In an article under the title “Russia and the Changing World” published in the Russian newspaper Moskovskie Novosti on Monday, Putin underlined the need to end violence in Syria regardless of source and launch national dialogue without preconditions and without foreign interference in a manner respecting sovereignty, saying that this will compliment the steps announced by the Syrian leadership to promote democracy, and more importantly, will prevent the occurrence of a civil war.

He pointed out that after the bitter experience of Libya, Russia is against the Security Council issuing any resolutions that may be interpreted as permitting military intervention in Syria, noting that this is why Russia and China didn’t allow the resolution in February which could have been misinterpreted and urged one side to resort to violence.

Putin warned the west against creating a coalition or alliance to carry out an operation not sanctioned by the Security Council since such a behavior is very risky and does not help reach a settlement in a troubled country and will cause deterioration in international security, adding that the veto right is an integral part of the world order and the UN charter.

He expressed hope that the US and other countries will take the unfortunate experience of Libya into consideration, expressing wonder over the desire to use military force and the lack of patience to formulate a balanced unanimous stance, noting that such a stance could have been made by making the same demands from the armed opposition that were made from the government.

Putin said that rejecting this step was an impertinent act since all participants in armed conflict must come to their senses in order to guarantee the safety of innocent civilians, which is Russia’s primary goal.

Regarding the Arab region, Putin said that the “Arab Spring” resulted in the replacement of one force by another even more stern and oppressive one rather than establish democracy and protecting the rights of minorities, adding that foreign interference in favor of one side in an internal conflicts exasperated the situation, which is what happened in Libya, as countries worked to topple the Libyan regime under the guise of humanitarianism and resulted in the horrible scene of the killing of Muammar Gaddafi in a medieval manner.

He said that the tragic events in the Middle East aren’t motivated by protecting human rights, and that seeking to force democracy often leads to the opposite result as extremist religious forces emerge to subvert the development of countries.

Regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, Putin stressed that there’s no magical solution to this issue and that work must continue to seek a solution, which is what Russian diplomacy will do.

He expressed Russia’s adherence to providing security to all countries and avoid the excessive use of force, saying that some of the actions of the US and NATO undermine Russia’s security and destabilize the world, adding that there are concerns over the armed conflicts which are being justified by humanitarian purposes.

Putin said that the selective protection of human rights leads to empty demagogy, stressing the need for the UN to resist pressure and dictations as no-one may use force against sovereign countries under the pretense of acquiring UN approval.

On the Iranian issue, Putin warned against the catastrophic consequences of a military strike against Iran, calling for resolving the Iranian issue peacefully.

Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism Denounces Hamad Bin Jassim Calls for Arming Opposition

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_The Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism denounced the statements made by Qatar’s Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim in which he called for supporting the opposition and arming Istanbul Council terrorist groups.

In a statement on Monday, the Observatory said that the Qatari and Saudi stances converge with those of the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which amounts to conspiring and direct involvement in the Syrian events and is thus likely to raise the level of tension in Syria.

The Observatory saw that the so-called ”Friends of Syria” meeting came as part of endeavors by Western and Gulf states to conspire against Syria and rally as much support as possible to meet Istanbul Council’s demands.

The statement considered such US-Zionist initiatives as a direct involvement in the events taking place in Syria.

Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights: Illusory Organizations were Invented to Stoke Instigation against Syria

The Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights said that illusory organizations were invented under the pretext of protecting human rights with the aim to further stoke misleading campaigns against Syria, namely the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The center added that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights distributes false and uncorroborated statements on violations and victims intended for disorienting the Arab and world public opinion.

China Hopes Referendum on New Constitution will Push Reform Process in Syria and Start Political Dialogue

BEIJING, (SANA) – China hoped on Monday that the referendum on the new constitution would push the ongoing reform process in Syria forward and start political dialogue in response to the Syrian people’s aspirations for change and legitimate demands.

“We hope that all sides in Syria work together and exert coordinated efforts to ease the tension as soon as possible,” Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson, Hong Lei, told a news conference.

Lei pointed out that his country calls on the international community to fully respect Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and to respect the choice of the Syrian people.

He reiterated China’s stance which rejects any foreign interference or solutions, adding that China adheres to an objective and responsible stance based on protecting the interests of Syria and the Arab peoples.

Concerning the so-called “Friends of Syria Conference” held in Tunis recently, Lei pointed out that China decided not to attend this conference because the purpose of the conference and its mechanisms and role need more study and understanding.

Syrian youths launch activity of the longest letter in the world in loyalty to Homeland

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-A group of Syrian youths on Monday launched activity of the longest message in the world in loyalty to the Homeland, stressing that the aim of this message is to stress amity and solidarity among all Syrian people and reject the foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs.

Organizers of the activity said that the message bears signatures of Syrian citizens from different cities in order to boost solidarity among them in the face of plots and pressures to which the country is exposed.

Lavrov: Russia lauds Holding Referendum on Draft Constitution in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russia has welcomed holding a referendum on the new draft constitution in Syria as “a step toward achieving reform and  democracy”, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday.

“Holding referendum on a new draft constitution in Syria constitutes an important step towards reform and democracy… The end of a one-party system in the country should be welcomed,” Lavrov added in a press conference in Moscow.

Lavrov called on all international powers to give a unified and clear sign to all Syria sides on the necessity of sitting around the table of dialogue to find solution to the crisis, pointing to the necessity of halting violence in the country by all parties.

Lavrov described the so-called ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting held recently in Tunisia as “a meeting of unilateral support”, noting that “To this day, we do not know the legal status of the document adopted by the meeting. We have an impression that this meeting didn’t contributed in ensuring the circumstances to encourage all sides to hold political dialogue”.

Lavrov expressed confidence that referendum on the draft of the new constitution for Syria is not a response to statements, but rather it is an important reform step.

He added that Russia welcomes any initiative to unify the international community on the basis of supporting decisions made by the Syrians themselves.

Damage Caused by Armed Groups to Irrigation Sector Exceeds SYP 1 Billion and 600 Million

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Irrigation George Somi on Monday said the damage caused by armed terrorist groups to water facilities and vehicles affiliated to the Ministry exceeded SYP 1 billion and 600 million.

“In Hama governorate, the attacks targeted pumping stations in al-Ghab region which hindered providing water to the dams and irrigation networks,” said Minister Somi in a statement to the journalists.

He added that the armed terrorist groups also prevented the companies responsible for water projects execution from continuing their works.

The minister said these armed groups also prevented employees at the Water Resources Directorate in Idleb governorate from going to their workplace which made it difficult to continue maintenance works of irrigation networks or monitoring ground water, adding that the case in Daraa and Homs governorates is similar.

He added that the situation of water facilities throughout the Syrian governorates was better except for Deir Ezzor as the General Establishment for Land Reclamation in the lower Euphrates Basin has been attacked with a total loss of more than SYP 5 million.

Minister Somi stressed that the Ministry will exert great efforts to preserve the safety of water facilities and vital projects throughout the Syrian territories.

Tunisian Writers Criticize Their Government’s Stance towards Syria

TUNIS, (SANA) – Tunisian writers criticized the aggressive stance of their country towards Syria and hosting the so-called “Friends of Syria” meeting.

Writer Amin Abu Masood from the Tunisian Al-Shorouk newspaper apologized to Syria and wondered what kind of friend lies, misleads and instigates against Damascus, gives a hand to Israel and supports armed figures from the Syrian opposition who fight in the name of the Zionists.

Abu Masood considered that hosting the meeting in Tunisia stresses the commitment of the Tunisian government and presidency to the US “Great Middle East” project which aims at re-drawing the map of the Arab world through fragmenting the region and provoking sectarian and ethnic division.

“It is naive that the President al-Marzouki circulating the lie about keenness on helping the Syrian people to build democracy through a meeting whose Arab, Western and Turkish members support armed terrorist gangs which shed the Syrian blood using US, French, British, Gulf and Israeli weapons,” he said.

For his part, the Tunisian University Professor Mustafa al-Keilani said the Syrian intelligence was proved once again which helped the country survive the scheme against it, noting that this scheme is very similar to the one used against Libya.

He warned agaisnt intensifying economic sanctions on Syria to gain time to change the reality on the ground through increasing the internal conflict along with several attempts to influence regional and international powers that support Syria.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.




Syrian News on February 29, 2012

Presidential Decree on Syria’s New Constitution

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued decree No. 94 on publishing the Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic approved by referendum in the official gazette.

The new constitution comes into effect on February 27, 2012.

Syrian Delegation Walks out from UN Human Rights Council Session in Geneva Describing its Discussions as Futile

GENEVA, (SANA) – The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva held an emergency session on the situation in Syria on Tuesday, with Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Fayssal Al-Hamwi, beginning by voicing Syria’s denouncement of holding this session in a manner contradicting procedural rules and showing blatant manipulation of the Council.

Al-Hamwi wondered why the session ignored Article 4 of its agenda which is dedicated to discussing the state of human rights in Syria, asking if the purpose of this session is to slander and politicize the situation of human rights.

He also questioned the decision to work behind the scenes and avoiding a direct dialogue with Syria in the same manner the Red Cross did, which resulted in providing humanitarian aid to several areas and helped evacuate civilians from them.

“We’re convinced that the true goal of holding today’s session is covering up the violence and murder committed by armed terrorist groups against innocent civilians which were clearly mentioned by Agence France-Presse on February 25,” he said, acknowledging that the services provided by the government suffered setbacks due to the presence of armed groups in some areas, adding that armed groups attacked 18 hospitals, 48 health centers and 129 ambulances as of February 9th, 2012.

He also pointed out to the negative effects of unilateral and unjust economic sanctions imposed by some countries against the Syria people, hindering the procurement of medicine, vaccine, food and fuel and hindering banking transactions used to purchase these materials.

”Unilateral economic sanctions are the ugliest violations of human rights, because they target foremost civilian populations including children, women and the elderly,” said al-Hamwi.

He said that the concepts of humanitarian intervention and protecting civilians have been distorted recently, using them to justify military intervention, topple governments and destroy infrastructures.

Al-Hamwi asserted that the call to hold a session about humanitarian condition in Syria is but part of a premeditated scheme as to strike at the Syrian State and its institutions under the pretext of humanitarian needs.

Headded that those who called for the meeting didn’t even wait for discussions of the independent international investigations committee, which included no hint to the deterioration of humanitarian condition in Syria.

He also underscored that the report of the said committee acknowledged the painful and catastrophic consequences of the economic sanctions imposed on the Syria People and that he who claims to be a friend for People should never impose hard and illegitimate sanctions on the people.

Al-Hamwi said to those who claim to be friends of the Syrian people to help them by immediately ceasing mobilization, sectarian instigation, media lies, supplying weapons and funds to armed groups, and turning the Syrians against each other.

he pointed out that the Council has been transformed into a tool in the hands of some countries, asserting that the real objective of the council out-of-procedure session is to inflame the fire of terrorism and prolong the crisis through message of support by the Council to the armed groups in Syria.

“The delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic  announces non-acknowledgement of the legitimacy of this session,” said Al-Hamwi, declaring Syria’s rejection of whatever illegitimate biased and malicious  resolutions  to be taken.

Seven Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Seven army and law-enforcement martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed in the line of duty by armed terrorist groups in Homs and Damascus Countryside.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs, as the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

­          Second Lieutenant Fadi Samir Ahmad from Lattakia.

­          Conscript Fares Ammash al-Subaikhan from Deir Ezzor.

­          Conscript Omar Ahmad Abu Bakr from Aleppo.

­          Conscript Mohammed Khalil Qutaifani from Damascus.

­          Conscript Nor Fahmi al-Jibbeh from Idleb.

­          Conscript Khalid Mustafa Ibrahim from Aleppo.

­          Conscript Ali Mohammed Hammad from Idleb.

The martyrs’ relatives affirmed that their sons’ blood will make Syria stronger, expressing readiness to face the conspiracy hatched against their homeland and to defend its security and stability

Terrorist Hideout Uncovered, Authorities Prevent Terrorists from Entering Syria, Four Explosive Devices Dismantled

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ Syrian competent Authorities have discovered Tuesday a terrorist hideout used by terrorist at a farm in al-Shoufiniah, Douma, Damascus Countryside.

SANA reporter quoted the authorities as saying that huge amounts of weapons, field hospital and medical materials were uncovered during the operation.

Among the weapons confiscated were 6 Kalashnikov rifles, 2 RPG launchers, 3 snipers, a Turkish pump action shotgun, 2 Turkish guns, snipers’ silencers, explosive charges, and tens of RPG shells, fire cartridges, communication tools and cameras.

Authorities Prevent Terrorists from Entering Syria from Lebanon

The authorities prevented an armed terrorist group from entering Syria through the Oyoun al-Shara-Halat crossing point in Telkalakh countryside on the Syrian-Lebanese borders.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that three members of the terrorist group were killed and others were injured, while one member of law-enforcement forces was wounded and taken to al-Bassel Hospital in Tartous for treatment.

Earlier on Monday, the authorities prevented an armed terrorist group from entering Syria from Jordan in Tel Shihab area in Daraa countryside.

Four Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb Countryside

Engineering units dismantled four explosive devices planted by terrorists at the Maarshouren town crossroads east of al-Maara, Idleb countryside.

An informed source at Idleb governorate told SANA’s correspondent that each explosive device is rigged for remote detonation and has a yield of 50 kilograms.

Syrian Arab Red Crescent Refutes Allegations Pertaining to Its Impartiality

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) on Tuesday rejected allegations made by some media outlets throughout last week regarding its impartiality, refuting claims that the SARC is untrustworthy.

In a statement, the SARC voiced deep concern over these allegations which are not only untrue, but constitute insults to the workers and volunteers of the organization who are making sacrifices to reach vulnerable groups and provide humanitarian aid to whoever needs it regardless of nationality, religion or political beliefs.

The statement pointed out that volunteers from the Homs branch of the SARC have been working around the clock since Friday in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross to evacuate the injured form Baba Armo neighborhood, successfully evacuating 30 people.

The SARC added that it also provided humanitarian, medical and food aim to those who need them in areas including Daraa, Hama, Homs, Deir Ezzor, Madaya and al-Zabadani.

The statement said that the baseless allegations against the SARC not only undermine its efforts, but also endanger the lives of its workers and volunteers and hinders their humanitarian efforts, noting that the SARC lost two of its members already; volunteer al-Hakam Darrak al-Sibayi and secretary of the Idleb branch Dr. Abdelrazzaq Jbeiro.

The SARC concluded by voicing appreciation for the support it’s receiving from the associations of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and other organizations from across the world, saying “their support, along with the diligent efforts of our volunteers and workers, enabled us to provide humanitarian aid to thousands of people regardless of nationality, religion or political affiliation… it is of utmost necessity to those who need our humanitarian services that we continue to do our work.”

Head of the Syrian-Belgian Friendship Association: Constitutional Referendum, Historic Day for Syria and Syrians

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Head of the Syrian-Belgian Friendship Association Kriss Janssen said that February 26th marks a historic day for Syria and the Syrians as they participated in a national referendum to accept or reject the new constitution.

He added that the new constitution is the outcome of a year of consultations with all spectrums of the Syrian people to reach a clear viewpoint about the Syrians’ vision of their future.

Walking down to the Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus, he said that the whole atmosphere was different from stories broadcast by international media as there were no armored vehicles or snipers on rooftops, rather he saw families and students dancing and chanting national slogans as if they were in celebration.

He added that he met some of the participants and hailed their political awareness about this important day in Syria’s history.

Accompanying a friend to a polling center where he noted the large number of Syrian citizens, Janssen said that the gathering citizens told him that they are here to exercise their national duty and democratic right, unlike other people in the region whose governments criticized Syria and called for arming terrorist groups.

He refuted some western claims that only employees at state constitutions went to the polling centers by force and pressure.

Janssen added that a number of citizens asked him to convey a message to the foreign world which is “leave us alone and stop interfering in our affairs or telling us what to do… we Syrians don’t want the Americans, the French or the British to tell us how to arrange our life. We are able to do so by ourselves.”

He said that the majority of people are convinced that the new constitution represents the whole political scene in its plurality as they believe that their participation in the referendum is to confront terrorism, while terrorists and mercenaries kill innocent civilians and destroy infrastructures to create chaos and negatively influence the Syrian’s life in order to change Syria into Afghanistan.

Janssen said that he was moved by the sincere popular support to the political referendum and the wisdom of the Syrian people, expressing confidence that the Syrians, with their adherence to their principles and their belief in that only they can decide their future, will overcome all pressure.

Jordanian Youth Delegation Stresses Solidarity with Syria, Rejecting Foreign Interference in its Affairs

DARAA, (SANA) – A delegation from the Jordanian Youth Students Campaign to Support Syria and members of the Arab Students Union expressed solidarity with Syria and its independent decision, reiterating rejection of foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Head of the delegation Ahmad al-Seidawi said “our visit to Syria and our support to its leadership, people and government are stemmed from our belief in Syria’s role in defending the just Arab issues, particularly Palestine.”

Al-Seidawi said that the Jordanian students and youths will stand side by side with all Arab students across the Arab world to defend Syria and its people against the conspiracy which aims at fragmenting and undermining it.

Al-Seidawi expressed the Jordanian students’ confidence in that Syria will come out of the crisis victorious and strong thanks to the awareness of its people and its wise leadership.

Another delegation member, Abdel Majeed Abu Najm said that they are here to stress support to the comprehensive reform program launched by the Syrian leadership and represented in the new constitution which will transform Syria into an example of democracy.

He hailed the Syrian people’s awareness and unity in the face of the crisis.

For his part, Asef Ismael Naser said that he came to Syria to express gratitude to the Syrian leadership which supported the Palestinian cause and the Resistance.

People’s Assembly: New Constitution Marks New Stage, Heralds Pluralistic and Democratic Society

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Members of the People’s Assembly affirmed that the constitution referendum is a civilized achievement for the Syrian people, showing the people’s support for reforms led by President Bashar al-Assad and their adherence to national standards.

During a session chaired by Speaker Mahmoud al-Abrash on Tuesday, the Assembly members said the new constitution makes Syria stronger in the face of the plots against it, marking a new stage and heralding a pluralistic and democratic society.

They said that the new concepts and principles in the constitution require a new mentality to deal with their repercussions and amend current laws and legislations to match the modern constitution.

In turn, Speaker al-Abrash said that the citizens’ participation in the referendum on the constitution guaranteed that Syria will persist and that Syrians will be united by the new constitution, noting that  it’s possible to amend some of the constitution’s articles which raised some questions.

Members of an Egyptian media delegation visiting Syria attended a part of the session, affirming that Syria will remain the heart of Arabism and that the new Syrian constitution underlines Syria’s Arabism while some other countries are striking out Arabism from their constitutions.

During the session, the Assembly referred legislative decrees referred from the President to the appropriate committees for study, including a decree on establishing a center for agricultural research.

The Assembly also referred the new environment draft law to the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee for study.

The session was adjourned until 11 AM on Wednesday.

On a relevant note, Speaker al-Abrash held a meeting with the visiting Egyptian media delegation, briefing them on the truth regarding the conspiracy against Syria and the media, political and economic attacks against it.

Al-Abrash affirmed that Syria will continue to pursue the reforms announced by the leadership.

In turn, members of the delegation said that the Syrians’ approval of the new constitution was a true blow for the conspirators against Syria, lauding the new constitution as a model of reform and development.

Syria Wins ‘Best Print Promotional Material’ Award in Outbound Travel Mart in New Delhi

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Syria won the ‘Best Print Promotional Material’ award, during participation in Outbound Travel Mart (OTM) held in the Indian capital New Delhi from February 24 to 26.

Some 350 exhibitors from 27 countries and 28 Indian states took part in India’s leading travel show.

The Syrian Tourism Ministry’s delegation was granted a certificate of excellence and a medal in recognition of the distinction of the promotional materials, that were distributed in a party held by the fair’s administration for this purpose.

The Syrian participation drew the interest of the Indian visitors throughout the 3-day travel fair, who expressed admiration of the cultural and religious components of Syria, hailing the richness of the elements making up the Syrian tourism products.

Second Secretary and Counsel at the Syrian Embassy in India, Mustafa Dayoub, said the fair constituted an important gate to the Indian market and an appropriate opportunity to meet representatives of tourism companies from different countries so as to promote Syria as a diversified and unique tourist destination and introduce the investment opportunities it has.

Vice Chairman of Turkish Labor Party: Government of Erdogan is leader of Greater Middle East Project

ANKARA, (SANA)-Vice Chairman of the Turkish Labor Party Hasan Basri Ozbey said that the Turkish current government, headed by Recep Tayyib Erdogan, is the leader of the Greater Middle East Project on which the US-backed western courtiers are applying in the region.

In a speech to the Syrian TV broadcast Tuesday, Ozbey said that unfortunately Turkey has been without a government since 10 years, which means since the coming of the Development and Justice Party to the power, adding that he was not astonished at Turkey’s harboring for terrorists.

He described the Saudi-Qatari steps against Syria, particularly the calls for arming and funding the armed groups, as US orders to carry out satanic projects in order to divide the region and ignite hostility through arming terrorists, saying that this is unacceptable.



Syrian News on Mar 2nd, 2012

Corpses of US Journalist Marie Colvin, French Journalist Remi Ochlik, and Spanish Journalist Javier Espinosa uncovered at Baba Amro

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ The corpses of US Journalist Marie Colvin, French Journalist Remi Ochlik, and Spanish Journalist Javier Espinosa were uncovered by competent authorities at Baba Amro, Homs following humanitarian motivated strenuous efforts of search and follow up.

An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates declared , just after the Syrian Army cleansed Baba Amro from the foreign-backed armed groups of terrorists, that 3 previous bids by the Syrian Red Crescent in coordination with the International Red Cross failed to take these corpses out because the armed terrorist groups rejected to do so as to manipulate them along with the forces of provocations against Syria.

The corpses, added the source, are to be transferred into a Damascus hospital for Forensic DNA analysis, to be compared with the DNA to be received from their respective countries, before being handed over to the Embassies of Poland, on behalf of the US Embassy, France and Spain and in presence of representatives from the Syrian Red Crescent and International Red Cross.

”Syria offers condolences to the families of the three journalists, Syria, however, voices the hope that all foreigners would evade entering to the Syrian Territories in an illegal way and to evade going to the places where the terrorist armed groups are present,” concluded the source.

Foreign Ministry: Amos Asked to Come to Syria on Inappropriate Date for Us,   We Are Ready to Consult on Suitable Date

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Foreign and Expatriates Ministry Spokesman announced that the Ministry reviewed with regret the allegations which said that Syria rejected to welcome UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos or cooperate with her, which came in a press statement released by Amos.

“The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry would like to make clear that it had expressed welcome of Amos’ visit to Damascus and readiness to discuss her mission and cooperate with her and that an appropriate date for the visit for both sides was to be agreed on,” the Spokesman said in a statement on Thursday.

“However, we were surprised about her having arrived in the region and asking to come to Syria on a date not suitable for us,” added the statement.

“To put things in perspective,” it continued, “the Syrian side is ready to continue consultation with Amos on a date that is appropriate for both sides so that for Amos to start her visit to Damascus.”

Armed Group which Assassinated two Businessmen from Aleppo Caught, 8 Civil Workers Kidnapped in Hama

ALEPPO, HAMA(SANA)_The competent authorities arrested on Thursday the armed terrorist group which assassinated Mahmoud Ramadan and Mahmoud al-Sourani, two businessmen from Aleppo.

The terrorist group had also blown up public and private cars in Aleppo, intimidated locals there and vandalized public and private properties.

The armed group assassinated on February 20 the businessman Mahmoud Ramadan in front of his home in New Aleppo neighborhood.

Armed Terrorist Group Kidnaps 8 Civil Workers at the Defense Factories Establishment in Hama

An armed terrorist group seized a bus carrying 8 civil workers at the Defense Factories Establishment in Hama city.

SANA correspondent in the city said that the workers were kidnapped while they were heading to their workplace.

Syria has been exposed to a fierce unprecedented attack and plot

Palestinian Liberation Army Command asserted, in a statement received by SANA, that Syria has been exposed to a fierce unprecedented attack and plot, in which the ugliest kinds of misleading, falsifications and fabrication are being used.

The Command condemned the crimes perpetrated by armed terrorist groups, linked to foreign and Zionist agendas,  in Syria against civilians and army personnel, including that assassination of colonel Abul Naser Moqari at al-Yarmouk Camp in Damascus yesterday.

The Palestinian Liberation Army Command underscored that the crimes perpetrated by the terrorists would never deter the Palestinian People from pursuing the way of liberation and that Syria would emerge out from the crisis stronger, and more steadfast under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

Nine Army Martyrs Laid to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The bodies of 9 army martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed by the armed terrorist groups while performing their national duty in Damascus, Damascus Countryside, Homs and in Idleb.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried on shoulders while the music of the “Martyr” and “Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

  • Colonel: Abdel Nasser Mouqari from Damascus.
  • Sergeant: Razan Izz Eddin Mohammad from Raqqa.
  • Sergeant: Ahmed Mohammad al-Hashash from Deir Ezzor.
  • Sergeant: Hussein Mohamad al-Hussein from Aleppo.
  • Sergeant: Hussein Jaafar Dabjan from Homs.
  • Private: Serfan Nouri kilom from Aleppo.
  • Private: Mohammad Hassan Sheikho from Aleppo.
  • Private: Khalid Wahhab Saad from Deir Ezzor.
  • Private: Jum’aa Younis Buzu from Aleppo.

Families and relatives of the martyrs said that the blood of the martyrs will fortify Syria against all challenges and conspiracies and make it more stronger to defend the national principles which have become the title of the resistant Syrian identity.

Russia and China Oppose a UN Human Rights Council Resolution against Syria

GENEVA, (SANA)- Russia and China opposed a UN Human Rights Council resolution against Syria, Reuters reported.

It said that Russia, China and Cuba voted against the resolution, while three countries abstained from voting, which are Ecuador, India and the Philippines.

Russian and Chinese Foreign Ministers Reiterate Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi on Thursday reiterated their rejection of any encouragement from the outside to any of the conflict parties in Syria as to help it reach its goals by means of violence, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement pointed out that Lavrov and Jiechi discussed in a phone call the situation in Syria in detail and stressed their countries’ unified stances against any direct or indirect encouragement from the outside to any of the parties to the conflict to help it realize its goals by force.

It added that Moscow and Beijing call on all the foreign parties concerned in a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis to create favorable conditions for starting comprehensive internal dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the opposition.

“Such joint work is the only way to ensure the effectiveness of the efforts aimed at a cease-fire as soon as possible, relieving the suffering of civilian citizens and resolving the acute humanitarian issues,” the statement continued.

Both ministers expressed readiness to continue close contacts on the Syrian issue and coordinating their countries’ stances at the UN and other international organizations.

They voiced their satisfaction over the results of the referendum on the new Syrian constitution which gained the support of the majority of Syrian people, stressing the necessity of accurate implementation of the reform program, including the parliamentary elections.

Russia’s Stances Defend Justice and Options of Syrian People

The Russian Foreign Minister said that his country’ s stances towards Syria defend the justice and the options of the Syrian people.

In a statement to Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper, Lavrov said Russia’s stances don’t defend a regime, rather they defend the justice and the right of the Syrian people to elect the government in a peaceful and democratic way that complies fully with the UN Charter and the international law.

He stressed his country’s conviction that the way to achieve this goal is comprehensive dialogue with the participation of all Syrian political sides and parties, otherwise the substitute will be a destructive civil war.

Gatilov: Russia Voted against Human Rights Council Resolution on Syria because it is Unbalanced

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, stressed on Thursday that Russia voted against a Human Rights Council resolution on Syria because it is unbalanced.

In a statement to Itar Tass News Agency, Gatilov said that the Russian delegation to the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) session voted against a resolution on Syria because the attempts of the delegation to form a balanced resolution were rejected by the members who drafted the resolution.

Gatilov added that the Russian delegation suggested adding some amendments to the resolution most of them were based on proposals and recommendations of the latest report of the UNHRC committee tasked with investigating human rights violations in Syria, but these amendments were rejected.

He affirmed that the Russian amendments are aimed at balancing the resolution to include the call on the opposition which is continuing its military attacks against government institutions and law-enforcement forces, and it shoulders a part of the responsibility for the current events in Syria to stop violence.

He pointed out that the resolution considered the Syrian Government as responsible for the humanitarian situation and human rights, while Moscow considers that as untrue and that the situation is more complicated.

Gatilov called for dedicating the efforts exerted by the international community to stop violence and search for a diplomatic and political settlement.

Russian Foreign Ministry:  al-Qaeda Members Fight against Syrian National Forces

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Alexander Lukashevich, stressed on Thursday that al-Qaeda members are fighting against national forces in Syria.

Itar Tass News Agency reported   Lukashevich as saying that the Russian proposals regarding the crisis in Syria were rejected by the west or frozen by the extremist opposition without mentioning armed units including al-Qaeda members and other extremists fighting against national forces in Syria.