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Syrian News on Feb 21st, 2012

Pushkov: Stability and Security in Syria Fundamental for Mideast and World Stability

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ Aleksey Pushkov, the Chairman of the Russian Duma’s International Affairs Committee, reiterated Monday Russia’s support to the ongoing reforms in Syria and to the necessity of continued working as to reach to a political solution to the crisis based on dialogue among all concerned parties with no foreign interference.

During his talks with President Bashar al-Assad here today, Pushkov reiterated Russia’s rejection to foreign interference in Syria’s domestic affairs, asserting the importance of stability and security in Syria as the fundamental part of stability in the Middle East and the world.

Pushkov added that the stand of Russia stems from its keenness on commitment to the principles of international law and the realization of the interest of the Syrian people, asserting the importance that the UN Security Council should not be biased to any side when it comes to the Syrian subject.

Meanwhile, President al-Assad voiced the appreciation of the Syrian People and of his own to the stances of the friendly Russian People and Russian Leadership on Syria, lauding the Russian keenness to be directly informed about the reality of targeting the Syrian State and Society by armed terrorist groups, which receive financial support and weapons from foreign sides as to destabilize Syria and foil any effort for solution, especially after the accomplished reforms.

Speaker of People’s Assembly Mahmoud al-Abrash discussed with Pushkov the reality of what Syria faces including the media campaign and economic pressure with the aim of undermining its firm stances.

In the same context, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem met Pushkov and the accompanying delegation.

In a statement to the journalists following his meeting with al-Abrash, Pushkov said that “We held comprehensive and productive talks with President al-Assad and the Foreign and Expatriates Minister which helped us crystallize our viewpoint of the events in Syria and so that to better crystallize the Russian stance.”

He added that there are some powerful countries that seek foreign interference based on the principle of humanitarian intervention which transfers into inhuman interference at the end.

Pushkov stressed that the Duma Assembly rejects military intervention, calling for reducing the use of international organizations to achieve the interests of major and powerful countries through interfering in the affairs of other sovereign countries.

He indicated that the Duma Assembly has recently issued a statement that called for political solution to the crisis in Syria and rejected all forms of foreign interference.

Pushkov added that the statement has gained complete agreements from the Duma’s members who represent all spectrums of the Russian society regardless of their political or intellectual affiliations.

Officer, Sergeant Martyred in Clash with Terrorists in Hama, Businessman Assassinated in Aleppo, Officer Kidnapped in Deir Ezzor

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Border Guard Forces on Monday clashed with an armed terrorist group at Ethrya which is affiliated to al-Salamieh area in Hama, causing the death of an officer and a sergeant and the injury of a corporal.

An official source told SANA correspondent, that Lieutenant Colonel Yasser Khedur Abbas and Sergeant Hasan Kharfan Basha were martyred in the clash, while Corporal Abdul-Hakim Hasan was injured.

A number of the armed terrorist group members also were killed and injured during the clash.

Armed group assassinates businessman Mahmoud Ramadan in Aleppo

An armed terrorist group assassinated businessman Mahmoud Ramadan in front of his house at Jamea al-Saiadela neighborhood in New Aleppo.

SANA reporter in Aleppo learned that an armed group, driving a stolen car with a board owned by Idleb governorate, shot fires heavily at Martyr Ramadan while leaving his home.

Ramadan, born in 1969, married with three children, was the owner of Shahbaa Rose Co. for Hotels.

An Armed Terrorist Group Kidnaps Officer at Deir Ezzor Countryside

An armed terrorist group kidnapped First Lieutenant HumamTurky Ramadan at Deir Ezzor Countryside.

SANA correspondent said that an armed terrorist group kidnapped the aforementioned officer while he was heading for his unit at a civil car.

Authorities Clash with Armed Terrorist Group, Kill its Members and Seize their weapons in Homs

In another context, the authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group driving a stolen ambulance on Misyaf Bridge in Homs and killed all of its members.

SANA correspondent reported that 141 machineguns, RPGs launchers, night vision binoculars and 125 machinegun cartridges, empty machinegun cartridges, ammunition, five machine guns of different types and two sniper rifles were found inside the car.

Since the beginning of the events, the armed terrorist groups targeted hospitals, health centers, emergency system and medical and nursing cadres, causing the martyrdom of more than 15 members of the medical cadres and the injury of 27 others.

These armed terrorist groups also set 48 health centers on fire and targeted 16 hospitals including al-Qseir Hospital in Homs, in addition to sabotaging, stealing and burning 138 ambulances while on duty to provide medical and humanitarian help to the citizens.

Authorities in Idleb confront armed group trying to storm Heish police station, kill 5 terrorists

Competent authorities in Idleb confronted an armed terrorist group trying to storm Heish police station between Khan Sheikhoun and Maarat al-Numan areas.

Source told SANA reporter that the authorities killed 5 terrorists, arrested 12 others and seized their weapons including  machine guns and RPGs.

Authorities in Daraa dismantle a 25-KG explosive planted by terrorists

The authorities in Daraa dismantled a 25-KG explosive planted by an armed terrorist group near Bosra Square which witnesses crowd traffic movement and it is located next to a, elementary school.

After defusing the explosive, it was clear that the explosive filled with heavy-blowup material that will be bombed through remote control and use as anti-tanks.

Armed group targets al-Mansour and Abu Bakr al-Sidiq mosques in downtown Daraa

Meanwhile, another armed group targeted al-Mansour and Abu Bakr al-Sidiq mosques in downtown Daraa with RPGs in a flagrant continuation to the terrorists’ criminal mind in order to attribute these acts to the Syrian Army.

The armed group also hit with RPGs a school and medical center, causing grave damages to the school, fortunately there were no persons or students at the time of aggression.

Twelve Army, Law-Enforcement Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS / LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The bodies of 12 army and law enforcement martyrs were escorted on Monday from Tishreen, Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals and the Police Hospital in Damascus and Lattakia to their final resting place.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were killed by the gunfire of armed terrorist groups while on duty in Homs and Daraa, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

­           The martyrs are:

­           Captain Jabir Bade’e Ali, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Mohannad Izzat Saleh, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Suhail Mohammad Jdeid, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Basim al-Mous, from Homs.

­           Corporal Khalaf Mohammad al-Saleh, from Deir Ezzor.

­           Corporal Hassan Jamal Tutenji, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Bilal Joma’a al-Hussein, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Mostafa Mohammad Tahhan, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Mahmoud Abdul-Karim al-Tarh, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Omar Ibrahim Halbouni, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Najeeb Mohammad al-Daqs, from Idleb.

­           Conscript Ayman Ali Bilal, from al-Hasaka.

Relatives of the martyrs stressed their belief in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through adherence to national unity.

They added that the sacrifices made by the martyrs make Syria stronger in the face of challenges, adding that these sacrifices will foil all plots and conspiracies against Syria.

Syria and Iran sign the executive program of the Free trade agreement

TEHRAN, (SANA)-Syria and Iran on Monday signed the executive program of the Free trade agreement that will come into effect during one-month.

“Our estimation of the bilateral meetings with the Iranian side has been always good in the interests of the Syrian and Iranian peoples… agreement has been made to accelerate procedures in order to carry out the treaty,” Assistant Economy Minister Khaled Salouta, who signed on the Syrian side, said.

He added that the Free trade Zone agreement between Syria and Iran was signed during President Bashar al-Assad’s visit to Tehran in September 2010, and was endorsed in May 2011.

Deputy Ceonomy Minister and Head of Trade Promotion Department of Iran, Hamid Safdal who signed for Iran, said “After endorsing the treat by the Iranian Shura Council, we sign today the first steps to carry out this agreement.”

Chairman of the Syrian-Russian Friendship Association: Media War Launched by Foreign Sides to Aggravate Situation in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Chairman of the Syrian-Russian Friendship Association, Alexander Dzasokhov, stressed on Monday that a wide-range media war was launched against Syria a year ago, pointing out that foreign sides are destabilizing the situation in Syria.

In an interview with Russia 24 channel, Dzasokhov  said that the situation in Syria is complicated, but a solution to the crisis is possible,  considering the new constitution of Syria and the referendum on it on Feb 26,  2012 is ‘an important event’.


He added that the new constitution does not mention a one-party regime, and it includes other forms of parliamentary activities and several other articles consistent with the international standards of the democratic state.

Dzasokhov asserted Russia’s calls for solving the Syrian crisis without foreign interference, adding that Russia considers Syria a “pivotal country” in the Middle East, and it is committed to its sovereignty and stability.

He noted that millions of the Syrian people took to the streets to express their support to the Syrian leadership and commitment to the national unity, but Arab and European media are ignoring that and trying to fabricate the reality of the situation in Syria.

Russian Analysts: KSA, Qatar Are Funding, Arming Extremists in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian orientalist Said Gafourov on Monday said that the Syrians are able to solve their own problems without foreign meddling.

In an article published in ‘File Rf’ website, Gafourov added that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are paying huge amounts of money to fund and arm the extremists in Syria.

He stressed that the fierce media war waged against Syria aims at misguiding Arab and public opinion over the events in Syria, stressing that the Syrian authorities are not blocking access to foreign media channels.

For his part, Director of the Social and Political Studies Center at the Russian Science Academy, Vladimir Evseev, said that the main reason of the crisis is the strong support made by KSA and Qatar to the Syrian extremist opposition.

In an article on ‘Caucasus News’ website, Evseev added that there is moderate opposition in Syria that is ready to hold dialogue with the government.

He pointed out that Russia’s support to Syria and to President Bashar al-Assad is totally right because the majority of the Syrians support the Syrian Leadership and President al-Assad.

He refuted the reports talking about 15 thousand Iranian soldiers sent to Syria to help the government, adding that these reports are flagrant provocation aiming at undermining the stability in the country.

Ministry of Health, AKDN Review Enhancing Cooperation in Nursing Sector

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Health Wael al-Halqi and Representatives of Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) on Monday discussed means of boosting bilateral cooperation in the health and nursing sectors, particularly developing human resources.

The two sides reviewed steps taken to activate the nursing capacity building program, in addition to possibility of funding the program in Tartous.

Minister al-Halqi added that the Ministry, in cooperation with different organizations inside and outside Syria, worked hard to train qualified nursing cadres, indicating to the support provided by the AKND to achieve the Ministry’s goals.

For his part, AKDN Resident Representative in Syria Mohammad Saifo said that the AKDN will renew the five-year cooperation agreement signed with the Ministry of Health.

He said that the AKDN will fund al-Salamiyeh Hospital Project after the European Investment Bank stopped financing it and France retreated immediately after.

Syrian News on Feb 20, 2012

Belkhadem: The Syrians Alone Decide Their Own Future, AL Stance towards Syria Needs Reconsideration

ALGIERS, (SANA) – The Algerian State Minister and the Secretary General of the National Liberation Front Party Abdelaziz Belkhadem on Sunday criticized the Arab League (AL) stance towards what is taking place in Syria, saying that it needs deep reconsideration.

“The Arab League is no longer a league and it is so far from being Arab as its name indicates since it asks the Security Council to interfere against one of its founding members and calls upon the NATO to destroy the resources of Arab countries,” Belkhadem, who is the personal representative of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, was quoted by the AFP as saying in an interview with an Algerian French-speaking radio station.

He stressed the need for putting an end to what is happening in Syria and for leaving the Syrians decide their future by themselves.

The Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci, during a meeting with his Spanish counterpart Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo last Wednesday, pointed out that Algeria reserved on the seven point of the Arab League’s decision issued on January 22nd, which calls for referring the Syrian file to the Security Council.

Medelci expressed hope that the Arab initiative will remain the main reference for resolving the crisis in Syria and the Arab League will stay a mediator between the Syrian authorities and the opposition.

Twelve Army, Customs, Law-enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The bodies of 12 army, customs and law enforcement martyrs were escorted from Tishreen and Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals in Damascus and Lattakia to their final resting place.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were killed by the gunfire of armed terrorist groups while on duty in Homs, Damascus Countryside and Daraa, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

The martyrs are:

Lieutenant Colonel Fayez Ali Taleb, from Lattakia.

Major Basel Abdullah Mansoura, from Lattakia.

Major Rafi Najdat Sha’abo, from Lattakia.

First Lieutenant Saleh Ali Hermez, from Tartous.

Chief Warrant Officer Aziz Ali Shamma, from Hama.

Segeant Major Majd Ali Asa’ad, from Hama.

Conscript Mohsen Suleiman Abdullah, from Deir Ezzor.

Conscript Bilal Jume’ al-Hussein, from Aleppo.

Conscript Abdullah Mustafa Ismael, from Aleppo.

Conscript Elias Nazeer Sino, from Homs.

Conscript Ammar Akram al-Ghoutani, from Sweida.

Customs Guard Rami Mohammad al-Hammoud, from Homs.

The martyrs’ families stressed their confidence in the Syrian people’s ability to overcome the crisis through adherence to national unity, affirming their belief that the martyrs’ blood that was shed while defending the homeland will fortify Syria and make it stronger and more steadfast against the challenges.

Terrorists Assassinate Attorney General and Judge in Idleb…4 Civilians, 2 Security Members Martyred in Hama

IDLEB/ HAMA,(SANA)- In the framework of targeting the national expertise, an armed terrorist group on Sunday assassinated General Attorney in Idleb Nidal Ghazal, Judge Mohammed Ziyadeh and their driver while they were heading for their job at the Palace of Justice in the city.

SANA correspondent said that the armed terrorist group opened fire at the car of the General Attorney and the Judge near Hussam Hijazi School at al-Dabeitt Neighborhood causing their martyrdom with their driver.

Earlier on Saturday, an armed terrorist group assassinated member of Council of Aleppo City Jamal al-Bish at As-Safirah District in Aleppo.

Four Civilians Martyred, Three Others Injured by Fire of Gunmen in Hama

In Hama, four civilians, including a student and three employees on Sunday were martyred and three others injured by the fire of an armed terrorist group after targeting a bus carrying passengers between Kafer At-Ton and Tal Sikkin villages in Hama countryside.

A source at Hama Governorate told SANA reporter that the armed terrorist group opened the fire on the bus while it was heading from Kafer At-Ton to Tal Sikkin, causing the martyrdom of student Ali Wannous and employees Ibrahim al-Na’am, Mohammed Diyab al-Na’am and Mohammed Ghanem al-Na’am.

Maher al-Na’am, Naser Ghanem al-Na’am and Ibrahim Alloush were injured and hospitalized, some in critical condition.

Authorities Kill 3 Terrorists, Injure 2 Others and Seize Weapons in Hama

Meanwhile, the authorities in Hama killed three terrorists, injured two others and seized their weapons while pursuing an armed terrorist group in Bab Qebli neighborhood in Hama City.

Four Explosive Devices Dismantled in Hama

In another context, the military engineering units in Hama dismantled 4 explosive devices planted by armed groups to target citizens and a railway.

SANA reporter said that one of the explosive devices was planted on a railway while the others were planted on Hama-Khattab road, noting that there were no injuries during the dismantling operation.

Two Law-enforcement Members Martyred in Hama on Saturday

On Saturday, two law-enforcement members were martyred by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group that targeted a passenger microbus in Mourk region in Hama.

SANA reporter said that the two martyrs are Sergeant Mouein Mahmoud Ibrahim and Hassan Hilal al-Saleh.

Gunmen Burglarize Three Grain Cars in Hama

An armed terrorist group burglarized three cars loaded with grain near Eqeirbat town in Hama.

An official source told SANA reporter that a group of masked gunmen in three Toyota cars without license plates blocked the first car which was carrying 32 tons of grain belonging to Tartous Cereals Establishment.

The armed terrorist group also stole two other cars, each laden with 33 tons of grain, belonging to al-Salamiyeh Cereals Branch in Hama.

The source said that the gunmen drove the cars to Eqeirbat town accompanied with a Hyundai car without a license plate.

Authorities Storm Hideouts of Armed Groups in Eastern Ghouta, Wanted Men Surrender

Authorities in Damascus Countryside arrested a number of wanted men with their weapons in the process of pursuing armed groups in Eastern Ghouta, mainly in the areas of Saqba, Hammouriyeh, Erbeen, Kafr-batna, Douma and Harasta.

The authorities also stormed one of the terrorist groups’ hideouts in Eastern Ghouta and seized large amounts of weapons of various types and explosive devices.

An official source told SANA reporter that a group of wanted men surrendered to authorities.

President Suleiman: Lebanon Doesn’t Agree on Measures to Isolate any Arab Country

BEIRUT, (SANA)- Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said Lebanon, as a country with peculiarity, does not agree on measures to isolate any Arab country, referring to Lebanon’s special situation with Syria.

In press statements on Sunday, President Suleiman added that the relationship with Syria as Lebanon’s only neighbor has reflected on the nature of social relations between the two countries and on the political stances in Lebanon.

“Therefore, when we objected a previous Arab League’s decision on suspending Syria’s membership, it was natural to reserve on the League’s next decision since it recalls the previous one and stresses on cutting off diplomatic cooperation with Syria,” said the Lebanese President.

“We are against isolating the Arab countries as this will lead to isolating the people, which is why we reserved,” President Suleiman reiterated, recalling his statements expressed recently in his speech at the Lebanese University in Tripoli in northern Lebanon.

He said “As long as the West looks differently at the cause of Palestine compared to its view of Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Libya, democracy will not be the one we are looking for.”

“Israel occupies, suppresses and prevents Palestine from joining the UN General Assembly…Can’t we ask why is this?” President Suleiman said.

He wondered at the recent resolution adopted against Syria at the UN General Assembly with 137 votes in favor , whereas Palestine has the votes of 131 countries supporting its bid to join the UN GA and is denied this.

“What is this democracy which allows the obliteration of Jerusalem’s identity, the killing and the shelling? What is this democracy which denies a citizen the right to his identity and land?” asked President Suleiman.

He called for ending violence in Syria, going for dialogue and moving ahead with the real reforms under appropriate circumstances. “Let’s leave the Syrians themselves decide their destiny,” said President Suleiman.

As for the deployment of the Lebanese army in some areas on the border with Syria, President Suleiman said it is the duty of the Lebanese army to provide border control when there is tension and in any place it finds necessary.

Iranian FM: UN General Assembly Resolution Shows Double Standards Policy

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Sunday criticized the resolution of the UN General Assembly on Syria, stressing that the resolution is contradictory and is a result of the double-standard policy adopted by some Arab and western countries.

In a press conference with his Nicaraguan counterpart Samuel Santos, Salehi stressed that the international hegemony countries haven’t yet learned how to deal rationally with other countries.

Turkish Popular and Civil Activities Organize March in Antioch to Support Syria

ANTIOCH, (SANA) – Turkish popular and civil activities on Sunday organized a march in the city of Antioch to show solidarity with Syria and support for President Bashar al-Assad, with around 10,000 people challenging the authorities who tried to prevent the march.

Participants voiced rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, denouncing the policies of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan which conspire with the west against Syria.

The participants marched in the city carrying Syrian flags and pictures of President al-Assad, voicing outrage over the Turkish government’s policies regarding Syria and decrying interferences in the region.

They called on their government to not participate in the plots against the region and Syria, lifting banners saying “Syria will not become like Iraq and Libya.”

The Turkish government attempted to prevent this march, demanding that leftist and opposition parties refrain from organizing such activities, but the participants were determined to send a message to their government that they will not allow Turkey to become a platform for conspiring against Syria.

Interior Ministry: 14,600,000 Citizens Eligible to Participate in Referendum on New Constitution

DAMASCUS, SANA_ About 14,600,000 throughout Syrian governorates are eligible to participate in the referendum on the new constitution in Syria, Deputy Minister of Interior for Civil Affairs, General Hassan Jalali said Saturday.

Gen. Jalali added that 13,835 offices were devoted to the referendum, including offices opened on land borders and at airports to enable all citizens to practice their right to referendum.

He said the referendum will be held under the supervision of a central committee chaired by the interior minister and two of his assistants.

Iraq Beefs up Security Measures on Borders with Syria

BAGHDAD, (SANA)_Iraq decided to beef up the security measures on its borders with Syria, in an attempt to prevent cross-border infiltration attempts and smuggling weapons.

An Iraqi official statement said that the decision was taken during a meeting of the ”crisis cell” on Saturday chaired by Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister.

The statement added that senior Iraqi officials and officers in the defense and interior ministries decided to set up a committee tasked with checking borders with Syria and coming up with a vision on the measures to be taken to prevent the smuggling of weapons.

The statement added that necessary measures were taken to tighten control on the borders with Syria where flare –ups take place, allowing infiltration and weapons-smuggling.

Al-Maliki urged the Iraqi security to take security information seriously as the security is a matter of precaution.

The statement said that the measures come in accordance with the government’s policy of preventing interference in the internal affairs of other countries.


Syrian News on Feb 14, 2012

Syria Rejects Decisions of AL Ministerial Meeting as Flagrant Interference in Syria’s Affairs & Encroachment on its National Sovereignty

DAMASCUS, SANA _ An official source said Monday that Syria rejects what was issued by the Arab League (AL) Ministerial meetings on 12/ 02 / 2012 on the situation in Syria as a “blatant interference in its internal affairs and an encroachment on its national sovereignty,”

“This refusal is for the same reasons for which Syria has already rejected the previous decisions issued by this Council in its absence in a flagrant violation of the AL charter,” the source said, adding that the council decision included falsification and allegations that have no connection with the reality of what is going on the ground in Syria.

“The decision again unveils the conspiratorial scheme executed by some Arab countries through the abortion of the AL role in resolving the crisis with the aim of internationalizing the situation and bringing the foreign interference in Syria’s affairs,” the source said.

It added the evidence on that is the cancelation of the Arab observer mission’s task by the AL because their report didn’t harmonize with this conspiratorial scheme as it uncovered the reality of the situation on the ground and the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups backed by these countries.

The source said “Syrian people expected that the AL Secretary General and the ministers, who shed tears yesterday, to clearly condemn the terrorist operations which hit Damascus, Aleppo and other cities and caused hundreds of deaths and injuries, civilians and military, to stop their media mobilization and instigation and to halt all kinds of support to these terrorists including funding and arming,”

The source underlined that such decision will not dissuade the Syrian government from shouldering its responsibilities in protecting its citizens and achieving the security and stability of its people who proved during the crisis their adherence to the national unity, rallying around the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad and pursuing the implementation of the comprehensive reform program with its main bases which are the national dialogue, the new constitution and political pluralism to build renewable Syria.

Al-Jafari: Syria has Right to Protect its Citizen, Combat Terrorism and Armed Violence

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jafari said “Syria has the right to protect its citizens, combat terrorism and armed violence and put an end for them.”

“The Syrian leadership spared no effort in responding to legitimate reform demands and issued a reform program

based on political plurality,” added al-Jafari, stressing Syria’s commitment to the comprehensive reform process despite all attempts to thwart it through the ferocious campaign against Syria.

Al-Jafari, in his speech at the UN General Assembly today, said that the war launched by some international and regional powers against Syria aims at undermining Syria, and never for carrying out reforms in Syria.

Al-Jafari said that Syria will stand by Qatar, Saudi Arabia or any Arab country in case of an attack against them, in reply to the Qatari diplomat who chairs the UN General Assembly and who illegally called for the session to be convened.

Syria’s Permanent Representative underscored Syria’s delegation objection to the meeting of the UN General Assembly to discuss the report of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights about the situation of human rights in Syria, calling for cancelling the session as it constitutes “a substantial legal violation of the UN General Assembly’s regulative procedures in this regard.”

Syria’s Permanent Representative asked for an independent legal opinion by the UN legal adviser. The Qatari chairman of the session, motivated by some political backgrounds and interests, paid no heed to the Syrian demand.

Al-Jafari, however, expressed surprise at only calling upon Syria for making reform, and respecting human rights and peaceful protest.

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN said that the terrorists and those who support them seek to destroy the structure of Syria in order to spread the so-called creative chaos.

Al-Jafari addressed those involved in shedding the Syrian blood to stop conspiring against Syria and help Syria combat terrorism and carry out reforms.

“How can the UN combat terrorism while some of the UN member states fund and send terrorists to Syria,” said al-Jafari, adding the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council are part of the problem and not of the solution.

Al-Jafari added that Syria sacrificed thousands of innocent victims for the sake of restoring stability and security to its citizens.

He pointed out that the UN Human Rights Council based its report on unilateral misleading and fabricated media information, and not on ” the results on the ground, visits and discussions with the Syrian Government and the Syrian national Committee, created by the Syrian Government to investigate violations of human rights”.

Earlier, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, presented to the meeting what she said was information based on reports – much of which are based on fabricated news reports-, not to mention some of the opposition and armed groups’ members, whose numbers exceed no more than 7000, added the Syrian Permanent Representative.

Dr. al-Jafari underlined the importance for the full respect of UN Charter, international law, and for the principles of the sovereignty, integrity and political independence and non-interference in the domestic affairs of the States, blasting Commissioner Pillay disregard of the unjust economic sanctions imposed on Syria.

The Permanent Representative of Syria to UN explained in his landmark speech some examples of the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups in Syria, with particular focus at those perpetrated by al-Qaeda terrorism, citing some suicide attacks carried by al-Qaeda in Damascus and Aleppo, and some assassinations of Syrian intellectuals, scientists, and doctors by the armed terrorist groups.

“I say to all those involved in shedding the blood of the Syrian People: stop shedding the blood of the Syrian People, stop conspiring against Syria, help this People and the Syrian Government to combat terrorism and to meet the just demands of the Syrians for reforms,” added al-Jafari reminding all present in the hall of the 2006 UN comprehensive Strategy for combating terrorism.

”How can the UN combat the terrorism of al-Qaeda, while some UN members finance, patron al-Qaeda and send fighters from al-Qaeda to carry out terrorist operations in Syria?” wondered al-Jafari, lashing out at the UN General Assembly Chairman non-condemnation of the terrorist operations against the Syrians and at yesterday’s Arab League decision to support the Syrian opposition of which some carry weapons and terrorist attacks against the Syrians.

“Those who took yesterday’s decision in Cairo encourage terrorism in Syria, which is in contradiction with the UN Security Council resolution N. 1624 for the year 2005, prohibiting instigation for terrorism and terrorism financing,” declared Dr. al-Jafari.

Al-Jafari pointed out, for example, that some terrorist groups in the city of Homs, booby-trapped buildings and exploded them when security preservation personnel entered these buildings, not to mentions the tens of arbitrary killings, rape, kidnapping  and mutilations of the Syrians by members of the terrorist armed groups.

The Permanent Representative of Syria to the UN reiterated its adherence to the all-out national dialogue as the right and sole way to go forward in the ongoing reforms, pointing out that the new Constitution of Syria, handed over to H.E. President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday, is to been soon put into referendum.

Lavrov Reiterates Russia’s Refusal of  Foreign Interference in Syria, Regrets Decision of Stopping Observer Mission

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov regretted the Arab League’s decision to suspend the work of the Arab monitors’ mission, adding that sending a peacekeeping mission needs Syria’s approval in the first place.

In a joint press conference with his Emirati counterpart Abdullah Bin Zayed in Moscow, Lavrov stressed his country’s rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

He added that it is a must to seek solutions in Syria away from foreign interference in its internal affairs, in addition to supporting efforts to reach peaceful solutions.

He stressed the need to provide all support to conduct a comprehensive dialogue that satisfies all spectrums of the Syrian society.

Lavrov called for ceasing all forms of violence in Syria including the practices of the armed groups. Regarding the AL decision to send a peacekeeping mission to Syria, Lavrov said that Moscow requires the Arab countries to provide more clarifications in this regard.

Lavrov underlined the importance of reaching a cease-fire between the two sides but unfortunately the armed groups in Syria don’t have a united leadership to influence on it.

“We have supported the AL decision to send a monitoring mission to Syria and helped get the Syrian government’s approval as we believe that the mission was tasked to uncover objective and realistic facts about the situation in Syria,” said Lavrov, expressing regret over the AL decision to suspend the work of this mission.

In response to a question about Russia’s stance towards the call for holding ” Friends of Syria” meeting, Lavrov said that such a meeting will not stop violence or solve the problem if it was intended to bring friends of the Syrian opposition together.

He added that more clarification is required on such meeting. If all the Syrians will participate in this meeting then it is a good idea, adding that if it is limited to the group of the Syrian opposition’s friends, it won’t contribute to the main goal of the AL plan to launch a comprehensive national dialogue in Syria, which Russia supported.

Lavrov reiterates call for solving the crisis in Syria through national dialogue

Lavrov reiterated today the call for solving the crisis in Syria through national dialogue, showing Russia’s readiness to search for a solution at the UN.

A statement for the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that, during a phone call with Nabil al-Arabi, Secretary General of the Arab League, Lavrov underlined Russia’s firm stance that calls for halting bloodshed in Syria as soon as possible and resolving issues through a comprehensive national dialogue without preconditions.

Churken Regrets Arab League decision to end the Arab observer mission in Syria

Vitaly Churken, the Russian Permanent Representative to the UN regretted the decision taken by the Arab League to end the Arab observer mission in Syria.

“Farouk al-Shara, Syrian Vice-President,  has stressed that he enjoys all capacities to conduct and launch dialogue, so the opposition movements should get rid of all pressures exerted upon them  and follow this dialogue without preconditions,” Churkin said in a speech at  the UN General Assembly meeting.


Chinese Foreign Ministry Urges UN Organizations to Help Reduce Tension and Bolster Political Dialogue in Syria

BEIJING/CAIRO, (SANA) – Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin affirmed on Monday that stability in Syria is very crucial to the peace process in the Middle East and the security of the region.

In a press conference, Weimin called for an immediate cessation of all acts of violence, resolving differences through dialogue, and launching a comprehensive political process as soon as possible, voicing hope that the international community will offer constructive help in this regard.

“United Nations agencies and organizations working on the Syrian issue must meet the basic criteria of the intents and principles of the UN charter and international relations in their movements… they must help reduce tension and help bolster political dialogue to resolve differences and preserve peace and stability in the Middle East, not make matters more complicated,” he said.

Weimin said that China supports the political mediation of the Arab League and calls for playing a positive role and exerting efforts to reach a suitable and peaceful resolution to the Syrian crisis.

Chinese Special Envoy on Syria Meets al-Arabi, Affirms Need for International Community to Play Constructive Role to Resolve Syrian Issue Peacefully

Chinese Special Envoy on Syria, Ambassador Li Huaxin, affirmed the need for the international community to play a constructive role to resolve the Syrian issue in a peaceful and political manner and push for holding dialogue.

In statements to the press after meeting Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi, Huaxin said that China supports the League’s efforts to resolve the Syrian issue in a peaceful and political way.

He said that China’s stance is to call all sides in Syria to cease violence immediately, particularly violence against civilians, and initiating dialogue to reach an immediate political solution without delay, stressing the need to overcome differences and meeting the Syrian people’s demands.

Huaxin said that he and al-Arabi discussed the reason why China vetoed the Security Council draft resolution on Syria recently, adding that China’s decision was based on its policies and the UN principles and goals.

Regarding whether China will veto the recent Arab decision which calls for establishing an Arab-international peacekeeping force in Syria, Huaxin said that it’s too early to make a decision in this regard and that China will study it carefully.

He also stressed that China has no hidden personal motives regarding Syria, saying that his country isn’t intentionally opposing someone in particular or defending another, and that its considerations are purely for the interests of the Syrian people, the Arab people, and peace and stability and the region and the world.

Nineteen Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The bodies of 19 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Martyr Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia and the Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting places.

The martyrs were killed in the line of duty b armed terrorists groups Countryside, Homs, Aleppo and Idleb

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

The martyrs are:

­           Lieutenant Colonel Abdelsalam Kalim, from Hama.

­           First Lieutenant Yehea Ahmad al-Hussein, from Homs.

­           First Lieutenant Urwa Adnan Steiti, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Mohammad Ibrahim Ahmad, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Jabr Ali al-Khadouri, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Adel Mohammad Hasan, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Mousa Mashhour Murrei, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Adib Jamil Hammad, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Issa Ibrahim al-Zarouf, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Abdelkarim Mahmoud, from Hama.

­           Sergeant Wa’ad Younes Sleiman, from Hama.

­           -Sergeant Bassam Ahmad Abbas, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Thaer Mohammad Hasan, from Homs.

­           Sergeant Saeed Nasreddin Safi Nasr, from Sweida.

­           Corporal Adnan Nasrallah Kaljino, from Lattakia.

­           Conscript Nael Ahmad Surour, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Imad Ismael Dia, from Daraa.

­           Policeman Mohammad Hani Abdelkafi, from Aleppo.

­           Policeman Jean Nu’meh, from Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs’ families voiced pride in their sons’ martyrdom and said that their blood will protect Syria and make it stronger in the face of challenges, stressing that the sacrifices of the army will foil the conspiracies, and that the support given by some Arab countries to terrorists is part of these conspiracies.

The martyrs’ relatives said that Syria’s independence and the rallying of its people around their leadership angers those who seek to fragment the nation, adding that it’s shameful that the Arab League has become a tool for striking at the Arab nation.

They lauded the role of the Syrian army in combating armed terrorist groups and protecting Syria’s freedom and dignity, saying that political and economic pressure will not dissuade Syrians from their principles.

They also lauded the stances of Russia and China and voiced confidence in the Syrians’ ability to overcome the crisis through adherence to national unity.

Al-Attar: What Syria Faces Aimed at Undermining the Whole Region

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Vice President Dr. Najah al-Attar stressed that what is taking place in Syria is a part of a plot drawn up by countries of colonialism to re-dominate the Middle East.

Meeting the Russian delegation of academics and writers on Monday, al-Attar regretted the involvement of subjugated Arab and regional powers in targeting Syria in order to implement a US scheme which aims at undermining Russia and its growing role in the international arena.

Al-Attar hailed the stances taken by Russia’s government and people to support Syria in the current crisis as they expressed support to the reforms and national dialogue and rejected foreign interference in its internal affairs, not to mention the use of veto to abort an Arab-western draft resolution against Syria.

She expressed hope to further enhance and expand bilateral relations between Syria and Russia on all levels.

For their part, members of the Russian delegation reiterated support to Syria in the face of economic pressure and political and media campaigns.

The delegation members stressed that they will convey the real image of what they saw on the ground in Syria to the Russian public opinion through holding dialogues and symposiums to expose all fabrications and fact falsification carried out by some satellite channels on the situation in Syria.

Information Minister: Russian-Chinese Stances Lay Foundations for New and Balanced World Order Based on Jusice

Minister of Information Dr. Adnan Mahmoud said that the Russian and Chinese stances lay the foundation for establishing a new world order based on justice and balance.

During his meeting with a delegation of Russian academics and writers, Minister Mahmoud expressed Syria’s appreciation for Russia’s stances over the latest events in Syria.

Dr. Mahmoud also hailed the objectivity of the Russian media channels in conveying the reality of Syria’s events, stressing the need for expanding the cooperation with the Russian media institutions.

He described the Arab League’s last decision against Syria as aggressive, stressing that the acts of Qatar and KSA unveil their coalition with terrorism and the armed terrorist groups which are committing the most heinous crimes against the Syria people.

For their parts, members of the delegation stressed the importance of such visits, expressing hope in expanding cooperation with the Syrian media channels to shed light on the reality of Syria’s events and their regional and international dimensions.

Armed groups abduct, Kill citizens, burglarize cars in different cities

Governorates, (SANA)-An armed terrorist group Monday burglarized a locomotive loaded with 34 ton of cottonseed oil for al-Ahlea Company for oil, taking it to unknown place.

SANA reporter quoted a source in Hama as saying that 9 armed men carrying rifles and driving two Toyota cars without panels looted the locomotive for its owner Abdul-Razak al-Jaja near al-Thuraya town in Hama countryside, unloading the 34 cottonseed oil, stealing money and a mobile phone.

In Idleb, an armed terrorist group assassinated jeweler Qaisar Saghir.

SANA reporter learned that the armed group shot the jeweler to death near Ibn al-Nafis Hospital in Idleb.

Meanwhile, another armed group abducted citizen Safi al-Sayyed, born in 1979, near Karmen Bridge in Aleppo, seizing his car which loads 35 ton of rice for al-Naerab Co. while he was going to his work.

A third group abducted citizen Ahmad al-Mohammad, born in 1964 who works in Tizine Communication center, holding up his car while he was returning from his work.

In Idleb, Citizen Mahmoud bin Hasani was found dead at al-Dana village in Idleb.

SANA reporter quoted a source in Idleb as saying that an armed terrorist group abducted martyr Hasani yesterday, taking his to unknown place.

Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister: Saudi Call on UN to Issue Resolution Against Syria Serves US Interests

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Monday said that the call of the Saudi Arabia on the UN General Assembly to issue a resolution against Syria contradicts the interests of the region in terms of security and stability.

In a statement to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Abdollahian described the call as ‘hasty’, adding that “Iran believes that such procedures come within the framework of serving the US and western interests in the region and they won’t help solve the region’s problems.”

He added that the reforms launched by President Bashar al-Assad were very welcomed by the Syrian people.

He stressed that the terrorist attacks committed lately in Aleppo are against the Syrian people and government and aim at undermining the resistance powers and hinder the implementation of the reforms.

Lebanese Foreign Minister: Lebanon rejects any foreign intervention in Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA)-Lebanese Foreign and Expatriates Minister Adnan Mansour on Monday reiterated rejection of any foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs, underlining “it destabilizes the situation in the region.”

“The resolutions issued by the Arab Ministerial Council on Sunday were very dangerous, particularly the article which calls for offering all forms of financial and political support to the Syrian opposition,” Mansour said in an interview with SANA correspondent in Beirut.

“That support involves a number of points, among them military, armament and money,” he added.

Mansour made clear that the Arab Ministers demand to deploy Arab-international forces in Syria to keep peace is not understood, underlining that resorting to the outside means international intervention in Syria’s internal affairs.

He rejected infiltration of persons and weapons into Syria, adding that the Lebanese army was deployed along the borders to preserve stability and security.

Al-Bouslama Tribes in Syria and Iraq hold Tent of Amity for Homeland

Al-HASAKA, (SANA)- Clans and Tribes of al-Bouslama in Syria and Iraq on Monday held a tent of peace and amity for the Homeland with participation of social, Islamic and Christian clergymen in al-Hasaka city.

“We held this activity to relay a message to the world countries that Syria was and still is the cradle of peace, science and amity… our love for the homeland is our way to foil the conspiracy and its tools who became confident that they couldn’t target us, so they spread kill and destruction in all places,” Sheikh Fayez al-Namis of Bouslama clan said.


Sheikh Nawaf al-Mihim, of al-Eniza tribe, said that the Syrian people are fully aware of what is being hatched against Syria, adding “the Syrian people reject all foreign intervention attempts under any motto and call on the national opposition to participate in the reform process.”

For his part, Sheikh Fawaz al-Bashir, of al-Bakara clan underlined that the people of Syria, throughout history, have lived under the heaven of homeland, and the history witnesses the national stances of the Arab tribes and their struggle against the occupation.

Mohammad Kheir Oso, official spokesman of the National Initiative for Syrian Kurds, stressed that the Kurds are a basic part of the Syrian society, adding “since the outbreak of events in the country, they adopted the policy of preserving civil peace and national unity.

The participants hailed the patriotic role of the Syrian Army in protecting security and stability of the country while fighting the armed terrorist groups who kill citizens and law enforcement members.

Syria categorically Rejects the Arab League’s Resolutions as hostile act

CAIRO, (SANA)-Syrian Arab Republic categorically rejects the Arab League resolution issued on Sunday, Syria’s Ambassador in Cairo Yousef Ahmed said today, reminding that, since the beginning, Syria was not concerned in any resolution issued within its absence.

“The Arab Ministerial Council’s decision has shamefully reflected the reality of abducing the Arab joint action, the League decisions and falsifying the Arab collective will by governments of Arab Countries led by Qatar and Saudi Arabia… it also showed a state of Hysteria and stumble that these governments are passing through after their failure in the UN Security council to call for foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs,” Ahmad, Syria’s permanent Representative to the Arab League added.

He considered that the dominance of some Arab governments , particularly Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the mechanism of the Arab work and resolutions regarding Syria is a flagrant violation of the Arab League convention and a hostile act that targets Syria’s security and stability.

Ambassador Ahmad said that such Arab governments are those who stand against any balanced, political solution to the crisis in Syria, reject calls for putting an end to terrorism and violence, impose sanctions on the Syrian people and destruct the infrastructure.

He underlined that the press show practiced by some Arab Ministers today during the Council’s meeting reflected the hostile and unbalanced stances of those countries against Syria.

Ambassador Ahmad called on the countries who have commitment to the independency of their national and pan-Arab decision to confront attempts of abducting the Arab decision, making it subject to Arab governments’ agenda and policies who seek, through money, Gas and oil, and in alliance with the US and west to impose hegemony on the Arab joint action and exploiting it in favor of foreign agendas.

Lebanon, Algeria Made Reservation on the Arab Ministerial Council Decisions

Lebanon reserved on all the decisions taken by the Arab Ministerial Council on Syria.

Algeria d also reserved on the 5th and 6th articles of the decisions, which call on the UN Security Council to issue a resolution on forming joint Arab and foreign peace-keeping forces to supervise a cease-fire in Syria.

The articles also call on the Arab group in the UN to submit a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) including the Arab work plan and the rest of the decisions taken by the Arab League in this regard.

Meeting of Arab Ministerial Committee on Syrian Crisis held

The Arab Ministerial Committee concerned with the Syrian crisis was held on Sunday to discuss the latest developments on the Syrian file.

The Committee will discuss the results of the ministerial meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s countries held earlier on the day regarding the stance towards the Syrian crisis.

The Committee is expected to refer its views to the resumed extraordinary session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level, which is to be held immediately after the Committee’s meeting.

Nabil al-Arabi, the Arab League Secretary General presented a proposal to the Arab Ministers to return to the UN Security Council in coordination with different sides concerned to issue an immediate resolution which reflects the AL determination to bring the foreign intervention into Syria.

He claimed that the Arab Observer mission “was shocked” since the beginning that the Syrian commitments were not fully implemented, ignoring the existence of armed terrorist groups that perpetrate crimes against civilians and law enforcement members.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal presented fallacies about what is really happening in the country, expressing support, along with Qatari counterpart to hold the so-called “Syria Friends Conference.”


Syrian News on Feb 3rd, 2012

3 Law-enforcement Members Martyred, Scores of Terrorists Killed, Caught in Daraa Countryside…19 Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – 3 law-enforcement members, among them First Lieutenant officer, were martyred and five others injured in a clash with an armed terrorist group in al-Jiza town in Daraa countryside.

SANA correspondent quoted an official source in the governorate as saying that many terrorists were killed and many others injured during the clash, adding that a number of convicted terrorists were caught.

The competent authorities also seized amounts of weapons and ammunition and stolen cars.

2 Officers, Law-enforcement Member Injured by Explosive Device in Idleb

2 officers and a law-enforcement member were injured by an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group in Idleb on Thursday.

SANA correspondent quoted an informed source as saying that an explosive device planted by a terrorist group on a road near the industrial area was remotely detonated as a car carrying law-enforcement members was passing by, injuring First Lieutenant Ziad Zuhdi and First Lieutenant Abdullah Abdulhadi.

Terrorist Group Burglarizes General Establishment of Seed Multiplication Branch in Idleb

An armed terrorist group burglarized on Thursday the General Establishment of Seed Multiplication branch in Idleb.

SANA correspondent quoted the branch’s director as saying the terrorist group broke into the branch’s storehouses and robbed 9 tons of sugar beet seeds and 350 kg of maize seeds.

The terrorist group also stole two cars, computers, cameras and office furniture.

Nineteen Army, Law-Enforcement Forces Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

The bodies of 19 army and law-enforcement forces martyrs on Monday were laid to rest from Tishreen and Homs military hospitals the Police Hospital in Harasta and Lattakia National Hospital.

The martyrs were killed at the hands of the armed terrorist groups while on duty in Damascus Countryside, Idleb, Homs, Hama and Daraa.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried on shoulders while the music of the “Martyr” and “Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

– Brigadier General Rajeh Mustafa Mahmoud from Homs.

– Retired Major Mohsen Ja’afar Ja’afar, from Homs.

– First Lieutenant Alaa Yousef Ibrahim, from Homs.

– Chief Warrant Officer Hamzeh Aziz Saleh, from Hama.

– Chief Warrant Officer Madian Ahmad Shawish, from Homs.

– Warrant Officer Mohammad Khaled al-Hussein, from Hama.

– Sergeant Muhanad Mohsen Ibrahim, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Marin Saleh Ahmad, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Alaa Eddin Marwan Sahloul, from Homs.

– Sergeant Osama Ahmad Ismael, from Idleb.

– Conscript Feras Hisham Troudi, from Hama.

– Conscript Ammar Mahmoud Darbo, from Homs.

– Conscript Mahmoud Said Rajab, from Damascus Countryside.

– Conscript Aras Sabri Yousef, from Hasaka.

– Conscript Raafat Mahmoud al-Hussein, from Hasaka.

– Conscript Abdel Aziz Ahmad al-Oweis, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Mahmoud Fahed Khundeh, from Damascus Countryside.

– Policeman Muhanad Abdel Kareem al-Khateeb, from Idleb.

– Policeman Conscript Abdallah al-Sheikh Bakkar, from Raqqa.

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that Syria will overcome the crisis through the Syrian people’s adherence to their national unity, adding that the blood of the martyrs will fortify Syria against all challenges.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their rallying around their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aiming at undermining their homeland.

The families condemned the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups, adding that they will not weaken the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy hatched against it.

Salehi: Syria is Targeted due to its Support to Resistance


TEHRAN, (SANA)_Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said that the campaign against Syria is due to its being the resistance ”strongest link” in the region.

In an interview with the Lebanese al-Akhbar daily published on Thursday, Salehi said that the Syrian government backs resistance, and that’s the reason behind this campaign against it, affirming Iran’s full support to Syria.

Salehi said it is strange that the Arab League officials turned to the Security Council for imposing sanctions in Syria, especially that this move comes following the balanced report of the AL monitoring mission.

He added that there is ambiguity in dealing with Syria, wondering why Syria is not given chance for implementing the reforms announced by the Syrian leadership.

The Iranian foreign minister underlined the importance of preserving security and stability in Syria, adding that some international powers, including Russia and China, have deep understanding of events on the world arena in general and in the region in particular.

Al-Dabi: We are Committed to AL Observers’ Report

KHARTOUM, (SANA)– Head of Arab League monitoring mission in Syria Lt. Gen. Mohammad Mustafa al-Dabi reiterated on Thursday his commitment to the Arab League monitoring mission’s report and the statements he made about it, stressing that some sides are interpreting the report in a way different from its content.

In a press conference held in the capital city of Sudan, Khartoum, al-Dabi pointed out that suspending the AL mission has worsened the situation on the ground.

Al-Dabi denounced the media campaign launched by some sides against the mission even before it started work , stressing that foreign media, not the Syrian media, fabricated a lot of news about the work of the mission.

Al-Dabi said that while the mission teams were touring in some provinces, some people threw stones at security members who were guarding the teams, but the security members did not react.

He added that at first the mission was welcomed by both the government and the opposition which resulted in positive developments, including the decrease of violence.

Al-Dabi affirmed that he verified the release of 5000 detainees, who were involved in the current events in Syria, due to the latest general amnesty.

The reality on the ground is that gunmen and the so-called “the Free Army” exist, adding that he saw a very large number of gunmen but he could not verify the identities of some of them.

He stressed that Anwar Malik did not participate in any tour in Syria but once, describing what Malik did as “immoral and impolite”, adding that officials in Algeria said that Malik escaped from Algeria to France 15 years ago.

Al-Dabi concluded by saying that all Syrians inside Syria want to find a solution and live in peace, stressing that he has things to say after he accomplishes his mission as head of the AL observer mission.

2 Workers from State Textile Company Injured by Terrorists’ Gunfire in Homs

HOMS, (SANA)- Two workers from the General Textile Company in Homs province on Thursday were wounded by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that an armed terrorist gang opened fire at a bus belonging to the General Textile Company near the National Hospital injuring two workers, who were taken to al-Ahli Hospital.

Antonov: Russia Will Continue Exporting Arms to Syria since No International Rules Violated

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said “Russia is committed to international rules on exporting arms and it doesn’t violate any international obligations.”

In a press conference in Moscow on Thursday, Antonov stressed that Russia will continue exporting arms to Syria within the framework of the international rules and norms.

He added that exporting arms to Syria is carried out in accordance with the Russian legislations on arms exports, stressing that Russia doesn’t export arms that contribute to undermining stability.

The Russian Deputy Defense Minister added that the Syrian side is comfortable about the military and technical cooperation with Russia, adding that there are no restrictions on sending arms to Syria and that Russia has to implement its obligations in this regard and that what it really does.

He added that Russia is monitoring the arms sent to the Syrian territories and no facts indicated that these arms have been used against the opposition.

Antonov pointed out that the Syrian-Russian agreement allows the Russian side to monitor the exported arms.

A Lebanese Confesses to Involvement in Smuggling Weapons from Wadi Khaled to Tal Kalakh

DAMASCUS, SANA_ Fadi Faisal Moussa, a Lebanese national, has confessed to his participation, along with a group, in smuggling weapons from Wadi Khaled area in Lebanon to Tal Kalakh in Syria in coordination with another Lebanese man in Wadi Khalid.

In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV on Thursday, Mousa said the smuggled weapons included machine guns, RPG launchers and ammunition in addition to drugs.

Moussa said that he, together with Muhammad al-Ridani, used to work as smugglers of TV sets across the Syrian-Lebanese borders.

”We were caught afterwards and put under arrest at the Central Prison until 2005 when we were sent to Lebanon…Next day I returned illegally to Syria and resumed my work in smuggling as a resident in Talkalakh…We used to smuggle heating fuel, tobacco, cement and hardware until March 2011 when smuggling was hit by events.”

He added that he was involved in smuggling weapons from Wadi Khaled, adding ”we smuggled automatic rifles, RPG launchers, ammunition, bullets and drugs, and I was responsible for enwrapping the smuggled stuff while the rest of the group carried them across the borders.”

Moussa added that someone called Mahmoud Khalaf was responsible for distributing the weapons inside Syria through a group coming from Talkalakh.

”I was arrested in the month of December, during which I managed to smuggle two shipments,” says Moussa.

Head of ICRC Regional Delegation: Sanctions against Syria Negatively Affect Citizens’ Life

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Regional Delegation, Juan Luis Coderque Galligo, expressed concern over the impact of the sanctions taken against Syria on the economic situation of the Syrian people and the citizens’ daily life.

In a statement on Thursday, he added that the concern over the consequences of the sanctions doesn’t fall within the political framework, but rather it embodies the reality.

He added that the ICRC cooperates closely with the Syrian Arad Red Crescent which does good work throughout Syria.

In Appreciation of China’s Support, Syrian-Chinese Friendship Forest Inaugurated

ALEPPO, (SANA) – In appreciation of China’s stances in support for Syria and the just Arab issues, the Syrian-Chinese Friendship Forest was inaugurated in Khan al-Asal region in Aleppo.

The forest covers an area of 12dunams planted with 1200 cypress and pine saplings.

Minister of State for Environment Affairs Kawkab Sabah al-Daya underlined the importance of this initiative to express gratitude to the friendly people of China, indicating to the deep Syrian-Chinese relations over the years.

Minister al-Daya added that Syrian-Russian Friendship Forest was inaugurated in Qudsaya area in Damascus last week as a a gesture of appreciation of Russia’s stances in support of Syria.

China’s Ambassador in Damascus Zhang Xun stressed that this gesture indicates the strong relations between Syria and China and reflects the Syrian people’s love and appreciation of the Chinese people.

He said that the Chinese stance towards the situation in Syria is firm, adding that his country rejects to solve problems in Syria through sanctions or pressures.

He added that China believes that the Syrian people are able to solve their problems by themselves through dialogue and the comprehensive political process.

The event was organized by the State Ministry for Environment Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform.

Western Colonial Powers Thank Arab Conspiring Tools for Their Efforts against Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-“Thank you.. you fulfilled the mission, and now it is our turn”, this is what  any observer could interpret from the speeches of the old-new colonial states’ foreign ministers at the UN Security Council on Tuesday when they offered thanks to their Arab conspiring tools.

The colonial states thanked the Arab tools for internationalizing the Syrian crisis and referring it to the UNSC. As of today, and in light of the vision of those countries, the Syrian file became reach in the UNSC where they have long exploited it to pass what would fit them against nations.

Observers see that the West, that won’t consider any evaluation to what the Arabs demand, rushed to attend this festival represented by foreign Ministers of superpowers that support Israel.

Although the role played by the two sponsors (Hamad and al-Arabi) of the Arab League was unveiled since the outbreak of events in Syria, but what was presented by the two yesterday- paving the way for countries that have killed millions of people to take revenge of Syria’s resistant role in the region- made the majority of Arabs and Syrians feel sorrow and pain of some Arabs who were involved in targeting Syria.

The speeches of Hamad and al-Arabi concentrated on demanding the foreign intervention in the Syrian domestic affairs, imposing economic sanctions, ignoring the acts of armed terrorist groups in Syria.


Syrian News on 10th Feb, 2012

Russian Foreign Ministry: What is Happening in Syria Not Revolution, US-Backed Friends of Syria Group Illegitimate

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia stressed that what is taking place in Syria is not a revolution and no one can consider the situation there as the beginning of a revolution.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich on Thursday expressed Russia’s concern about recent reports by Israeli media that British and Qatari troops had been sent to Syria.

In a press conference in Moscow, Lukashevich said that the Ministry will check about these news as they arouse concern if it was proved to be true.

He added that the idea proposed by the US to form an international friendship group to support the Syrian opposition is not legitimate in terms of international legal norms.

“Russia is very cautious about various formats which it doesn’t consider legitimate in terms of international legal norms,” stressed Lukashevich, reminding of the negative experience of setting up such formats in Libya.

He added that his country sharply opposed any formats aimed at boosting an outer interference to the country’s domestic affairs, adding that such formats cannot be considered strategic in a settlement process or has international legitimacy.

Lukashevich said that Russia has exerted great efforts over the last few weeks to find a solution to the Syrian crisis, adding that Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announces Russia’s plans and stances in this regard on a daily basis.

He added that Russia welcomes the resumption of the suspended Arab League monitoring mission in Syria.

Lukashevich considered that the reputation of the United Nations (UN) is high, but it is using its regional diplomatic tools including the Arab League.

The Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that Russia supports the role of the AL in terms of resuming its mission and increasing the number of its members upon which the Syrian leadership has already agreed.

He said that the AL monitoring mission work in Syria is very useful, adding that spreading monitors throughout Syria might be very important and encouraging for stability.

Lukashevich said the official Syrian authorities expressed readiness to conduct dialogue in Russia, adding that Russia is still waiting to have an answer from the Syrian opposition regarding its proposal to hold negotiations among all Syrian sides in Moscow.

He said that Russia continues its contacts with the Syrian opposition inside and outside Syria.

Lukashevich said that the latest statements made by the UN Secretary General and the AL Secretary General on the necessity of resuming the work of the AL monitoring mission in Syria are clear indication on the importance of the joint action as a way to resolve conflicts .

He added that Russia is fully implementing its obligations regarding arms exporting to Syria which is not subjected to any international sanctions, adding that Russia’s military cooperation with Syria and other countries carried out in accordance with international conventions and it doesn’t violate international rules or norms.

Lukashevich refuted news about sending a protest memo to Russia upon such military shipments to Syria by Canada, holding the mass media responsible for broadcasting such news.

AL Proposals to Expand its Mission in Syria Need Serious Discussion, Russia Ready to Consider them

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that Russia stressed support to all diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the crisis in Syria, a solution that can be accepted by all the Syrians.

Gatilov added said that Russia is ready to consider all initiatives, particularly those launched by the Arab League.

He said that the AL proposal to increase the number of the AL monitoring mission members and assigning a special representative of the UN Secretary General require serious discussion and Russia is ready to consider these proposals.

Gatilov stressed that the main issue for now is to cease fire, adding that if the submitted proposals help achieve this goal, Russia is ready to participate and consider them.

He said that these proposals suggested immediate stop of violence acts by all sides, changing the AL mission and increasing its members to halt all violence practices in the Syrian territories.

Regarding an expanded AL mission, he said it is very important to understand its tasks and the nature of its work as well as those who will be of its members, adding that “All these things should be accurately defined.”

Russian Defense Ministry: Foreign Interference in Syria Rejected

Russian Deputy Defense Minister, Anatoly Antonov, said foreign military intervention in Syria should not be allowed, pointing out to the firm military cooperation between Syria and Russia and that Russian experts are working in various military projects in Syria.

In an interview with Russia-24 TV channel, Antonov added that the Russian military command follows, with a great interest, the situation regarding Syria,” the situation is continuously deteriorating due to tensioning the situation surrounding this country and of course Russia cannot stand still towards that.”

Antonov clarified that the tense situation in the Middle East obliges command of the Russian military institution to consider every tangible step, adding that we consider the discussions at the Security Council in New York on Syria as we are cooperating, in this regard, with the officials at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Chinese Foreign Ministry: Beijing Ready to Push ahead with Efforts to Reach Peaceful Settlement to Syrian Crisis

BEIJING, (SANA)_China underlined willingness to push ahead with vigorous efforts to reach a peaceful settlement to the crisis in Syria, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin said.

In a press conference on Thursday, Weimin said that Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun met on Feb. 6-9 a delegation from the Syrian National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change, which came at the invitation of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs.

Weimin said that Zhijun called upon all sides to immediately halt violence and take practical measures to erase tension and spare civilian lives, adding that he stressed the importance of respecting the Syrian people’s demands and that the Syrian government fulfill its obligations in enacting reforms and launching a comprehensive political process to settle differences.

The spokesman said that China is a friend of the Syrian people and has no vested interest in the Syrian affairs, adding that China has maintained communication with all sides involved in the Syrian crisis, including the opposition, to push ahead with dialogue and exerted tangible efforts to calm the situation in Syria.

Terrorists Shell Homs Refinery, Detonate Explosive Device under Railway Bridge in Idleb Countryside…Weapons Seized in Daraa, Palmyra

PROVINCES, (SANA)–Lieutenant Colonel Ammar al-Jurf and Chief Warrant Officer Tarek Suleiman were martyred on Thursday while serving their duty in combating armed groups in al-Qassir town in Homs countryside.

Also two law-enforcement members were martyred while few others injured by the gunfire of armed terrorist groups in al-Qassir.

Armed terrorist groups booby-trapped few buildings, alleys and streets in the city and detonated a number of explosive devices.

Meanwhile, other armed terrorist groups set up barriers on some roads and streets and burned tires while other groups stormed into some shops and houses and stole their contents, in addition to burglarizing few cars.

Authorities Seize Stolen Archeological Pieces, Explosives, Detonators and Medical Equipments in Palmyra

In the same context, Authorities foiled an attempt to steal a car carrier truck in Daraa.

SANA correspondent said that the thieves attacked the car carrier truck near Um al-Mayadeen Bridge with the aim of stealing the cars it carries when the authorities interfered and arrested some of them.

On the other hand, three civilians were injured by explosive device blast near Mahjeh Bridge in Daraa Countryside, no victims were reported.

In Homs countryside, authorities raided some farms to the south of Palmyra City where they found 16 stolen archeological pieces, in addition to seizing things which were stolen from Dedeman Hotel which the groups attacked a few days ago.

SANA correspondent reported that the authorities recovered a number of stolen state and private vehicles and seized explosives detonators and medical equipment.

The authorities discovered trenches which the terrorists used in their attacks against the civilians and law-enforcement forces.

The armed terrorist groups continued its attack on Homs refinery shelling seven mortars since 1:00 am till 6:00 am and no damages were reported.

The competent authorities interfered in al-Qassir, chased and arrested a number of terrorists.

Competent Authorities Raid House of a Terrorist in Daraa, Seize Weapons

The competent authorities raided on Thursday the house of a terrorist in Taseel town in Daraa. SANA correspondent said that 14 boxes of mines, 6 boxes of TNT charges, 2000 meter-detonating fuse, 32 anti-tank mines, 7 boxes of ammunition, two boxes of MD detonators and a box of electrical detonators were seized from the house.

The competent authorities also seized explosive charges and a hand-made rocket, 20 explosive devices, some weighing 50 kg, cylinders primed for explosion, a stolen car and automatic weapons.

Armed Terrorist Group Blows up Explosive Device under Railway Bridge in Idleb Countryside

An armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device under a railway bridge west of Ma’ardes village in Idleb countryside.

SANA correspondent said that the bombing inflicted damage to the bridge, adding that no human losses were reported.

Explosive Device Planted in al-Shifa’ Mosque Minaret in Hama Dismantled

Competent authorities in Hama dismantled an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group in the minaret of al-Shifa’ Mosque in al-Hamidiyyeh neighborhood in the city.

The device weighs 15 kg and was primed to be detonated remotely.

The terrorist group planted the device to blow up the minaret and accuse the army and security forces of the incident so as to be exploited by instigative channels, as was the case with Othman Bin Affan Mosque Minaret in Deir Ezzor.

Eight Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The bodies of 7 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and Martyr Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed by the armed terrorist groups while performing their national duty in Damascus Countryside, Homs and Idleb.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried on shoulders while the music of the “Martyr” and “Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

Sergeant Major Ihsan Suleiman Jamal Eddin, from Sweida.

Sergeant Conscript Imad Mahmoud Abdel Rahman, from Aleppo.

Corporal Bassam Ali al-Faraj, from Raqqa.

Conscript Issa Mohammad al-Jasem, from Raqqa.

Conscript Dureid Kateiba al-Osman, from Deir Ezzor.

Conscript Ali Ahmad Obeid , from Deir Ezzor.

Policeman Khalil Samir Deib, from Lattakia.

Policeman Soumar Sohil Mansour, from Lattakia.

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that Syria will overcome the crisis through the Syrian people’s adherence to their national unity, adding that the blood of the martyrs will fortify Syria against all challenges.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their rallying around their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aiming at undermining their homeland’s stasbility.

Pakistan Foreign Minister Rejects Foreign Military Intervention in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)_Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar expressed rejection of foreign military intervention in Syria, stressing that problems can be solved through dialogue as the sole way to make progress.

In an interview with Russia Today TV, Rabbani Khar said ” We don’t support military intervention against any regime, because we consider that independence and territorial integrity are of great importance for any country.”

”Our responsibility as an international community is to stick by certain principles, especially preventing resort to violence by either side, ” Pakistan foreign minister said.

Salehi: Iran Considers Syria ”Red Line”

TEHRAN, (SANA)_Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi underlined the deep strategic relations between Syria and Iran, adding that Iran made it clear that it considers Syria a ”red line”.

During his meeting on Thursday with Grand Mufti of the Republic Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun who is participating in the 25th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, Salehi said that pressure on Syria is due to its support to resistance.

For his part, Mufti Hassoun emphasized the necessity of work to find a way out of the crisis in Syria based on national dialogue and comprehensive reform and rejecting foreign interference.

Iraqi Tribes Support Syria against foreign plots

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Members of Iraqi Clans and Tribes’ delegation, headed by Lawyer Mohammad Ali al-Saadi, underlined their support to Syria, as people and leadership, in the face of conspiracy to which the country is exposed.

“Our participation in the forum of tribes held lately in al-Raqqa comes in response to the national and pan-Arab principles in which the Syrian and Iraqi people believe… the comprehensive reform program led by the Syrian leadership is the only safe way out of the crisis in Syria,” members of the delegation said during a meeting with Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar Thursday.

The Minister referred to the attempts of some Arab and foreign sides to instigate sedition among the Syrian people under different names and titles , saying that the sources that target Syria and Iraq are one, mainly Israel and the US that lead campaigns against the Arab people to dominate their resources and wealth.

He briefed the Iraqi delegation on the bulk of reforms Syria is carrying out including lifting the state of emergency, issuing laws of parties, elections and media in addition to the coming referendum on the new constitution.

Information Minister Meets the Iraqi Tribes’ delegation

The Iraqi Tribes’ delegation also stressed their country’s standing by Syria, as leadership and citizens, in light of the foreign and internal coordinated attack to which the country is exposed.

During a meeting with Syrian Information Minister  Adnan Mahmoud, members of the delegation echoed support for conducting a national dialogue among all Syrian people and parties and fulfill the reforms as soon as possible in order to restore security and stability to the country.

Minister Mahmoud, for his part, stressed the importance of boosting contacts and cooperation between Syrian and Iraqi tribes in the interest of the two countries to confront terrorism that Iraq has experienced and Syria is encountering now.

He pointed out to the feverish media and political campaign against Syria synchronized with a terror escalation by the armed terrorist groups against civilians, infrastructure, private and public properties.

Huge Crowds in Tartous and Sweida in Appreciation of Russia and China’s Support of Syria

TARTOUS/ SWEIDA, (SANA) – People of Sheikh Badr City in Tartous governorate and the surrounding towns on Thursday gathered at the City’s square in support of the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The participants also expressed appreciation of Russia and China’s support to Syria, holding banners that stress the Syrian people’s rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

The gathering people hailed the sacrifices of the Syrian army for the sake of the homeland and defending Syria’s security and stability, calling for enhancing national unity in the face of all challenges.

The participants raised a 15-meter long Syrian flag with 5000 fingerprints, in addition to the photos and names of al-Sheikh Badr ‘s martyrs.

The citizens stressed that the Syrian people’s rallying around the wise leadership of President al-Assad represents Syria’s strength and steadfastness in the face of all conspiracies.

In Sweida governorate, students of the Banking Institute organized a gathering in appreciation of Russia and China’s stances and to support Syria’s independent national decision.

The participants stressed the Syrian people’s national unity against all schemes that aim to undermine Syria’s security, stability and national stances.

They hailed the stances taken by Russia and China to help the Syrian people come out of the crisis which stress their support to the just issues of all people.

The students condemned the false news broadcast by the instigative channels with the aim of shedding more Syrian blood.

Member of the National Union of Syrian Students, Sweida branch, Omran al-Jabaei expressed surprise at the stances of some Arab countries to refer the conspiracy on Syria to the Security Council despite of Syria’s sacrifices to defend the Arab rights.

Syria’s Agricultural Sector Losses due to Terrorists Attacks Estimated at SYP 450 Million

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The value of damages caused by the armed terrorist groups to the agricultural sector has been estimated at SYP 450 million.

Agricultural Ministry Official Eng. Omar Hajo said that the armed terrorist groups killed 6 people working in the agricultural sector, kidnapped three engineers and stole 103 vehicles, in addition to damaging 25 establishments and 100 vehicles in Damascus.

He added that the number of damaged and stolen buildings reached 25, in addition to, three telecommunication stations.

Regarding the damaged of the General Organization for Consumer Products, Director General of the Organization Mohsen Abdel Kareem said that the Organization’s branch in Homs was the most damaged as the armed terrorist groups stole the strategic storage of the branch at Baba Amr neighborhood which was estimated at SYP 250 million.


Syrian News on 8th Feb, 2012

President al-Assad to Lavrov: Syria Determined to Fulfill National Dialogue with Participation of Government, Opposition and Independent Figures

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday received Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

President al-Assad reviewed the current events in Syria and the timetables of the ongoing reforms as well as the nature of the terrorism practiced against the Syrian citizen and the state establishments by the armed terrorist groups which are backed by foreign sides.

President al-Assad: Syria is Determined to Carry Out National Dialogue with the Participation of the Government, the Opposition and Independent Figures

On behalf of the Syrian people, President al-Assad thanked Russia for its stances at the UN Security Council and its commitment to supporting dialogue and national solutions instead of escalation and dictations practiced by some countries which do not take into consideration the interests of the Syrian people and their vision for achieving the reforms internally and without foreign interference, stressing that Syria is determined to carry out national dialogue with the participation of representatives of the government, the opposition and independent figures.

President al-Assad said that Syria welcomed from the beginning any efforts exerted to support the Syrian solution to the crisis and was committed to the Arab League work plan which was approved on November 2, 2011, and that Syria cooperated fully with the Arab League observer mission in spite of the obstacles set by some Arab sides, reiterating Syria’s readiness to cooperate with any efforts exerted to support stability in Syria.

Lavrov: Russia’s Stance at Security Council Stems from Its Objective and Balanced Assessment of Events

For his part, Minister Lavrov  said that Russia’s stance at the Security Council stems from its objective and balanced assessment of the events witnessed in Syria , its respect of international law and the people’s right to decide their destiny, as well as Russia’s rejection of foreign interference and incitement instead of encouraging dialogue.

The Minister reiterated his country’s commitment to the stability of Syria and its independent decision, in addition to its commitment to the interests of the Syrian people and the ongoing democratic reforms in Syria.

He expressed Russia’s hope in speeding up the implementation of reforms and the participation of all Syrians in a national dialogue that protects the sovereignty, security and stability of their country.

The meeting was attended by Vice President Farouk al-Sharaa, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem, Presidential Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban, Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad, and Assistant Foreign Minister Abdul-Fattah Ammoura.

The delegation accompanying Minister Lavrov consists of Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Mikhail Fradkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mikhail Bogdanov, Deputy Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Vladimir Zimakov, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Department of Russia’s Foreign Ministry Sergey Vershinin, and Russia’s Ambassador to Damascus Azamat Kulmukhametov.

Lavrov: Russia is Prepared to Assist in Emerging from the Syrian Crisis as Soon as Possible on the Basis of Arab Work Plan

In a statement to the press after his meeting with President al-Assad, Minister Lavrov said that he conducted very important meetings with the Syrian leadership, primarily with President al-Assad, Vice President Farouk al-Shara, and Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, during which he affirmed Russia’s readiness to assist in emerging from the Syrian crisis as soon as possible on the basis of the Arab League plan dated November 2nd 2011.

“President al-Assad affirmed his commitment as per the Arab plan to the task of putting an end to violence regardless of its source. To this end, Syria affirms its interest in continuing work with the Arab League observer mission and increasing observer numbers to cover all points and verify any breaches or violations to the principle of not allowing violence regardless of source,” he said.

He added that he had told Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabia in a phone call on Monday that Russia believes it necessary to preserve and expand the observer mission.

Lavrov stressed the need to activate dialogue with the participation of all Syrians, the government and all groups with the help of the Arab League.

“President al-Assad affirmed today that the committee which was formed to carry out dialogue with all opposition group under the chairmanship of the Vice President still has all the necessary authority to carry out this dialogue… It must be assisted by those who can, including those who reject dialogue up until now,” he said.

The Russian Minister said that he mentioned the content of the letter sent by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev regarding the need to expedite political reforms and undertaking constitutional reform, adding that President al-Assad affirmed that he will meet the committee tasked with preparing a new constitution as soon as possible and that a referendum on it will be held after it’s official presentation, and afterwards general elections will be held with the participation of the parties formed as per the new political parties law.

Lavrov said that the results of his visit are very important and that it came just in time, adding that Russia believes that the message it sent on the need to move forward has been received.

“We believe in the necessity of continuing the efforts aiming at finding a solution and settlement to the Syrian crisis… the Russian side intends to work actively with the Syrian side and with Syria’s neighbors and the Arab League… naturally, we will continue work with opposition groups which, for one reason or another, haven’t agreed until now to participate in general national dialogue… we believe it’s necessary for the countries that have more influence on these groups to work with them,” he said.

Lavrov concluded by saying that Russia has simple and clear goals which can be summed up in not allowing the death of civilians, adding “we also believe that the region needs peace and that Syria needs peace… all external forces must assist in national dialogue and reaching national agreement and reconciliation away from interference in Syrian internal affairs.”

Earlier, Minister Lavrov arrived in Damascus amid a massive popular reception in appreciation of Russia’s support to Syria, people and its reform program.

Huge crowds flocked to south bypass in Mezzah to greet Lavrov and express appreciation of Russia’ stances.

Similar crowds streamed to Saadallah Al-Jabiri Square in Aleppo, highly lauding Russia’s positions, rejecting foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs and supporting combating terrorism.

Thirty Army and Law-Enforcement Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

Damascus, Lattakia (SANA) – The bodies of 30 army and law-enforcement forces martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen and Lattakia military hospitals to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed by the armed terrorist groups while on duty in Damascus Countryside, Daraa, Idleb, Hama and Homs.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried on shoulders while the music of the “Martyr” and “Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

-Colonel Ahmad Mohammad Hamdan, from Lattakia.

-Colonel Samir Youssef Ahmad, from Lattakia.

-Major Mohammad Ali Khudr, from Lattakia.

-First Lieutenant Kanaan Saeed Khaskih from Homs.

-First Lieutenant Moin Nadim Ismael, from Tartous.

-First Lieutenant Dibo Jamil Tahan, from Idleb.

-Second Lieutenant Ali Jawdat Ali, from Lattakia.

-Chief Warrant Officer Haitham Ibrahim Issa, from Lattakia.

-Chief Warrant Officer Hassan Munir Saleh, from Lattakia.

-Warrant Officer Muhannad Abdul-Halim Ghanem, from Tartous.

-Sergeant Major Ihsan Jamil Eddin, from Sweida.

-Sergeant Major Issa Nadim al-Atem, from Lattakia.

-Sergeant Hussein Akeel, from Homs.

-Sergeant Talal Ali Hilal, from Lattakia.

-Sergeant Ammar Nawar Taleb, from Lattakia.

-Sergeant Hazem Mohammad Hassan, from Tartous.

-Corporal Abdul-Nasser Abdul-Razzaq Qassem, from Aleppo.

-Private Ahmad Fawaz al-Shaaban, from Der Ezzor.

-Conscript Majed Mohammad Khankarli, from Aleppo. -Conscript Ibrahim Mustafa Qassem, from Idleb.

-Conscript Mahmoud Imad Eddin Nazee, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Fayssal Abdullah al-Othman, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Ahmad Thrar Ali, from Daraa.

-Conscript Hamad Youssef Kahil, from Sweida.

-Conscript Mohammad Rida Ghazi, from Daraa.

-Conscript Zak Amro Ibo, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Ali Omar Qari, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Abdul-Qader Abdul-Qader Habbo, from Aleppo.

-Policeman Rayan Mahmoud Subh, from Lattakia.

-Policeman Irwa Abdul-Rahman Hassan, from Lattakia.

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that Syria will overcome the crisis through the Syrian people’s adherence to their national unity, adding that the blood of the martyrs will fortify Syria against all challenges.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their rallying around their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aiming at undermining their homeland.

The families condemned the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups, adding that they will not weaken the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy hatched against it.

Armed Terrorist Groups Attack Civilians and Law-Enforcement Forces, Authorities Confront Terrorists and Dismantle Explosives

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – Armed terrorist groups on Tuesday continued their attacks against civilians in Daraa and Homs.

In Daraa, two brothers and another civilian were martyred while a school teacher was injured by the gunfire of armed terrorist groups.

A source at the governorate told SANA correspondent that an armed terrorist group opened fire on Mohammad Said Abu Nabout (36 years old) and his brother Mousa (22 years old) from Daraa City after which the terrorist group set fire to their car.

Another armed terrorist group shot and killed citizen Ahmad al-Rwaisi from Nasib village in Daraa and threw his body into a sewage manhole in Um al-Meizan village.

In the same context, an armed terrorist group opened fire on teacher Jawdat al-Wazani from al-Sheikh Miskeen city, causing severe injury in the leg.

Armed Terrorist Group Kidnaps an Ambulance Carrying Martyr’s Body

An armed terrorist group kidnapped an ambulance carrying the body of martyr Bilal Hassan who was found dead in Ma’aret al-Numan.

The martyr was killed by gunfire of an armed terrorist group which kidnapped him yesterday.

In Idleb City, an armed terrorist group opened fire near Idleb National Hospital, injuring pharmacist Abdel Raoof Milano.

Armed Terrorist Groups Attack Law-Enforcement Posts, Residential Neighborhoods in Homs

Meanwhile, armed terrorist groups attacked a number of law-enforcement posts in Homs Province.

The armed terrorists also attacked with mortar shells a number of residential neighborhoods in the city of Homs.

Earlier, an armed terrorist group attacked with 3 mortar shells the area of Homs Refinery.

Terrorists Attack Citizens and Law-Enforcement Forces in al-Bayyada, Homs

Armed terrorists groups attacked citizens and law-enforcement forces in al-Bayyada area in Homs, martyring a number of civilians and law-enforcement personnel.

SANA’s correspondent was informed that the authorities pursued these groups, killing a number of them and arresting others.

Meanwhile, in the town of Al-Hosn Citadel (Krak des Chevaliers), armed terrorist groups set up blockades, preventing citizens from moving around.

Armed terrorists groups are also holding up public transport and personal cars and stealing them at gunpoint in Homs and Idleb.

Four members of the authorities martyred during clashes with armed groups in al-Zabadani

Four members of the competent authorities were martyred today during clashes with the armed terrorist groups at al-Zabadani in Damascus Countryside.

An official source told SANA that clashes led to the killing of a number of terrorists.

The Army Engineering units also dismantled big explosives planted by the terrorists to kill innocents in the region.

Authorities Release a Number of Abducted Military Members in al-Rastan

Authorities clashed with armed terrorist groups in al-Rastan city in Homs Countryside and released a number of military members who were abducted in the last few days.

SANA correspondent said that few of these terrorists fled while others were killed or injured.

Military Engineering Units Dismantle Mines and Explosive Devices in Damascus Countryside

Military engineering units dismantled mines and explosive devices planted by armed terrorist groups in Madaya streets, allies and some buildings in Damascus Countryside.

SANA’s correspondent said the authorities seized automatic firearms, large amounts of ammunition and military uniforms in one of the houses.

In the same context, armed terrorist groups ransacked and trashed some buildings and villas in Bloudan area in Damascus Countryside.

Huge Crowds in Damascus and Aleppo Express Appreciation for Russia and China

DAMASCUS/ ALEPPO, (SANA) – In appreciation of Russia’s honorable stance at the UN Security Council to defend the people’s rights, huge crowds of Syrians gathered at the south bypass in Mezzah to greet the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who arrived in Damascus today afternoon.

The crowds wanted to express appreciation for Russia’s rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs and its support to Syria, the Syrian people and the announced reform program.

The participants raised the Syrian and Russian flags and chanted national slogans, expressing gratitude for Russia whose stances showed its care for protecting international security and peace, especially rejecting interference in the internal affairs of other states.

The crowds surrounded the Russian Minister’s car which passed through the gathering people slowly, chanting songs about their love of the homeland and their readiness to sacrifice their dearest for the sake of Syria.


Student Ali al-Jahni said that he came here with 300 other students from the Communication Faculty at Damascus University to express deep appreciation for Russia’s stances and efforts to achieve peace in the whole world.

The participants affirmed that the conspiracy aims at undermining Syria’s national unity, sovereignty and independence.

The gathering people stressed the Syrian people’s determination, side by side with the Syrian army, to foil all fragmentation schemes and sectarian sedition targeting Syria.

Citizen William Rassouq said the Syrian people came out to greet Russia’s Foreign Minister and to thank his country and send a clear message to the whole world that the Syrians chose national unity in the face of all foreign interference attempts.

He added that the Syrian people are the only ones who can solve their problems and implement the desired reforms to meet their aspirations for freedom and democracy.

The participants said that today the Syrian people proved that they are united, contrary to the news broadcast by misleading satellite channels, stressing the importance of the Syrian army in preserving security and stability and their sacrifices to eliminate armed terrorist groups that destroy the country.

The crowds stressed that the Russian and Chinese vetoes ended the Arab and Western conspiracy against Syria.

In Aleppo, masses of Syrians crowded at Saadallah al-Jaberi Square in appreciation of the Russian and the Chinese stances in support of Syria.

The participants expressed support to the reform program led by president Bashar al-Assad, rejecting foreign interference in their country’s internal affairs.

The crowds condemned the crimes and sabotage acts committed by armed terrorist groups, chanting national slogans that stress the Syrian people’s national unity and their rallying around their leadership in the face of all pressure and challenges.

Teacher Nadia Younes said the stances of Russia and China at the UN Security Council support the independence of people and preserve their sovereignty and right to live in peace, adding that this move enhanced bilateral relations between Syria and these two countries.

Sheikh Ahmad al-Salem from Al-Bou-Massareh tribe in Aleppo countryside said that the Syrian tribes reiterate commitment to the reform process led by President al-Assad, hailing the role of the Syrian army in defending Syria’s security and stability.

Syrian Draft Constitution Completed




DAMASCUS, (SANA – The national committee tasked with preparing the draft Constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic has finished its work.

The Committee, according to a statement received by SANA would submit the draft Constitution to President Bashar al-Assad to complete the reasons for its issuance according to the constitutional measures.

On October 15th, President Bashar al-Assad issued presidential decision No. 33 on forming the national committee for preparing a draft Constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic to be issued later according to the constitutional principles.

According to the decree, the Committee must complete its mission within a period not exceeding four months from the date of issuing the decree and it has the right to consult whoever it finds appropriate to accomplish the mission.

The committee chairman is Mazhar al-Anbari and the members are Abdel Karim Oudi, Dr. Kamal Sharaf, Muhram Tayyareh, Dr. Adel Jamous, Mumtaz Fawakheri, Dr. Aziz Shukri, Dr. Abboud al-Saraj, Dr. Fuad Deib, Dr. Sam Delleh, Dr. Said Nehayli, Dr. Mikhael Nacol, Dr. Farouk Basha, Qadri Jamil, Nizar Skeif, Ahmad Eido, Abdel Rahman al-Zakahi, Dr. Jasem Zakariya, Dr. Mohammad Kheir Akkam, Dr. Kinda al-Shammat, Dr. Abdel Hai al-Sayyed, Dr. Jamileh Sharbaji, Dr. Amal Yazji, Ahmad Saleh Ibrahim, Omran al-Zoubi, Nabih Jalahej, Ismat Anabri, Mahmoud Younes and Ahmad Kazbari.

China Stresses Veto against Draft Resolution on Syria Consistent with UN Charter

BEIJING, (SANA) – China stressed on Tuesday that it used the veto against a draft resolution on Syria at the Security Council in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter  and as to prevent the repercussions of such a draft resolution.

China’s Middle East Envoy, Wu Sike, said in an exclusive interview with the Chinese News Agency Xinhua that china has vetoed the draft resolution for two reasons: the first reason is because china is committed to the principles of the UN Charter; the second reason is because in case the draft resolution had been adopted, violence would have been escalated.

Xinhua added that China vetoed the Arab-Western-drafted resolution to express absolute rejection of paving the way for military intervention in Syria and change the regime by force which violate the charter of the United Nations and the principles of international relations.

Earlier, China’s Ambassador to the UN, Li Baodong, said after the UNSC vote that china believes that imposing unilateral pressures and prejudging the outcome of dialogue or imposing any settlement by force would further complicate the situation.

China Calls for Adopting Dialogue and Political Solutions in Syria and Ceasing Violence

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin affirmed that his country will continue to support a political resolution to the crisis in Syria and that China is considering sending diplomats to visit specific countries in the near future.

In a press conference on Tuesday, Weimin said that China has always believed that all sides in Syria must cease acts of violence and resolve their issues through dialogue and coordination to reduce tension in the region.

Gatilov: Western Undiplomatic Reactions on Russia’s Stances Affirm Correctness of Russia’s Approach

MOSCOW, (SANA) _ Undiplomatic response of the West to Russia’s stand on Syria proves Moscow’s strategy to be correct, Russia’s Vice Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said Tuesday.

“We’d better look for compromises,” Gatilov said in a statement, adding that Moscow is determined, as before, to look for a compromise regarding a possible Security Council’s resolution on Syria.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, affirmed Russia’s firm stance regarding the situation in Syria.

Russian Figures, Analysts: Russian Public Opinion Supports Moscow’s Stances Towards Syria

A number of Russian analysts and figures expressed their support to the Russian veto taken at the UN Security Council.

Dean of the Russian Diplomatic Academy Nikolay Tikhomirov said he is sure that there is a solution for Syria’s crisis.

He told SANA correspondent that Russia’s stance is very clear and calls for holding a dialogue to stop violence in Syria.

For his part, Chairman of the Association of Russian Diplomats (ARD) Pogos Akopov, said that the Russian stance reflects the attitude of the Russian public opinion.

He added that the Russian people believe that the Syrians are the only side responsible for reaching a solution for their crisis, hailing the efforts exerted by President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian leadership in this regard.

Nasrallah: There is Arab, US and Israeli decision, represented by so-called Moderate States to overthrow Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA)-Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasserallah on Tuesday said that there is an Arab, Israeli and US decision, represented by the so-called the Arab moderate states to overthrow the regime in Syria, adding that the aim is not democracy or reform, but it is the head of resistance in Lebanon and Palestine.

“The Syrian government has stressed it is ready to carry out the reforms, it formed a committee to study a new constitution that realizes political and party pluralism, run transparent elections and conduct national dialogue, but there are sides who don’t want neither dialogue nor reform,” Sheikh Nasserallah said in a speech celebrating the anniversary of Prophet Mohammad’s birthday, broadcast by al-Manar TV.

He considered that whom he claims commitment to Syria should go to the table of dialogue, but betting on the west, the US, money and weapons to overthrow Syria is a lost bet that will lead to more killing and destruction.

Sheikh Nasserallah added that a lot of what is broadcast on TV channels is not true and baseless, adding “it is an exploitation for mass media, facts, senses, feelings and blood.

He made clear that media depicted Homs as a flaming city before the session of the UN Security Council, they started reporting about 50 killed persons and ended by 350, hundreds of wounded and the demolishing of 39 houses, in a bid to affect the peoples’ stance.

“We contacted our friends in Homs who have no relation with the Syrian government, they stressed that there is nothing in Homs of what has been broadcast.. but there were some clashes and shootings ,” Nasserallah said.

“Without the Iranian material and moral support as well as the great Syrian role, the resistance in Lebanon wouldn’t achieve the biggest and most important Arab victory over Israel in May, 2000,”

He called for “coming out from the details into the biggest scene to see what is right and wrong in order to go in this direction to think in Syria and its people, Palestine and its sanctities.”

Sheikh Nasserallah added “there is still a leadership in Syria with a constitution and Army and the people support this leadership and take to streets to show this support… so the supposition that the regime is isolated is untrue.”

Mansour: Lebanon Will Not Be Weak Flank of Targeting Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA)_ Lebanese Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Adnan Mansour, stressed that Lebanon will not become the weak flank of targeting Syria as it will exert all efforts to stop any infiltration operation or smuggling weapons into Syria through its borders.

In a phone call with the Lebanese New TV on Tuesday, Mansour said ” There are historical, geographic, economic and security ties between Lebanon and Syria which we take into consideration”, asserting that Lebanon’s stance towards Syria emerges from Lebanon’s high interest in and its keenness on the agreements signed between the two countries on fraternity, security and defense.

Mansour pointed out that Lebanon doesn’t interfere in others’ internal affairs and is keen on Syria’s security and stability.

With wide participation of Syrian and Iraqi clans, Tent of Homeland held in Sweida

Sweida, (SANA)-With wide participation of sheikhs and notables of the Syrian and Iraqi clans, the religious, popular and civil activities at Salim village in Sweida held on Tuesday “the Tent of Homeland.”

The participates expressed their rejection of any foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs, stressing support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

They denounced the acts of killing, sabotage and terrifying citizens, perpetrated by the foreign-supported armed groups, calling for striking with an iron fist anyone who destabilizes the situation in Syria.

The participants underlined the importance of adhering to the national unity among all Syrian society spectrums, showing confidence in Syria’s ability to overcome the conspiracy to which the country is exposed.

Governor of Sweida Ali Malek underlined that the Syrian people are immune to all conspiracies and plots, saying “they will remain as one body and Syria will come out of the crisis stronger.”

Sheikh Saleh al-Naemi, Founder of the Syrian Clans’ Forum Initiative said that the history will record that the Syrian tribes had national and important role in protecting the Syrian blood and deepening the national unity.

Other Iraqi and Syrian participants stressed that Syria would come out of this crisis victorious due to the Syrian people’s awareness and their commitment to the national unity.

Syria News on 15th Feb, 2012

Syria News on 15th Feb, 2012

Thirteen Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of thirteen army and law-enforcement martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia and the Military Hospital in Homs to their final resting places.

The martyrs were killed in the line of duty by armed terrorists groups in Damascus Countryside, Homs and Idleb.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

The martyrs are:

-Sergeant Mohammad Shahoud al-Nabhan from Idleb.

-Sergeant Firas Abdul-Hamid Sheikh-Mous from al-Hasaka.

-Sergeant Saleh Suleiman Sakr from Tartous.

-Sergeant Hassan Hani al-Sheikh from Lattakia.

-Corporal Ahmad Khalaf al-Ali from al-Hasaka.

-Conscript Mohammad Ali Zarour from Aleppo.

-Conscript Fayez Taha al-Dairi from Idleb.

-Conscript Samo Hussein al-Shikh Taha from Aleppo.

-Conscript Majid Adel Jneid from Aleppo.

-Conscript Majd Hussein Hammoudi from Hama.

-Conscript Mohammad Ibrahim al-Hawamda from Daraa.

-Conscript Mohammad Fayez Katb from Damascus Countryside.

-Policeman Rafat Yahya Hassan from Homs.

The martyrs’ families stressed their confidence in their homeland and its capability to overcome the crisis through adherence to national unity.

They expressed their pride in the martyrdom of their sons, hoping that security and stability will prevail again in the country.

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: Human Rights High Commissioner Turned into a Tool for Targeting Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stressed in a letter to the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights Syria’s absolute rejection of the allegations made by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay regarding Syria which add up to the history of the Commissioner in dealing with Syria from the beginning of events.

The Ministry pointed out that the Commissioner has been turned into a tool in the hands of some countries targeting Syria and ignoring the terrorist crimes committed by the armed groups, while Syria provided all available information to clarify the situation, yet Pillay turned a blind eye to facts.

The letter said that Pillay chose this path despite having clear evidence of the non-credible nature of the information she receives from sources known to be working against Syria, trying to cover up the fake numbers and information she published.

The Ministry affirmed that the Commissioner’s duty entails denouncing the terrorism afflicting Syria, calling for dialogue and supporting reforms, demanding that Pillay deal with the events in Syria objectively and denounce strongly the two terrorist attacks which took place in Aleppo on February 10th, adding that this seems unlikely since she declined to denounce any of the terrorist attacks that took place and Damascus or the crimes committed by terrorists against civilians and law-enforcement personnel and the destruction of infrastructures.

The letters was concluded by stressing that Syria is the only one responsible for protecting the Syrian people, and that no-one has the right or the authority to demand foreign interference which would kill innocents and destroy public and private property, adding that terrorism will not dissuade the authorities from fulfilling their duties of keeping order and uprooting terrorism.

Masses Gather in Lattakia to Voice Support for Reform and Denounce Arab Role in Conspiracy against Syria

LATTAKIA, (SANA) – Large masses from Lattakia governorate gathered in an event organized by youth and popular group at the Governorate Square on Tuesday, voicing support for the reform process, rejecting foreign interference, denouncing of the Aleppo terrorist bombings and the Arab role in the conspiracy against Syria, and thanking Russia and China for their support of the Syrian people.

Participants carried Syrian, Russian and Chinese flags and banners denouncing the conspiracy targeting Syria and those who are part of this conspiracy, affirming that what took place in the Arab League Council recently is a continuation of the plot which reflects its failure in the face of the Syrians’ resilience.

They affirmed that Syria has always been and always will be immune to conspiracies thanks to the awareness of its people and their rallying around their leadership.

Participants decired the stances of the Arab Gulf countries and expressed sympathy for the people of Aleppo, saluting the martyrs of the terrorist bombings which reveal the truth of the democracy which the neo-colonialists are promoting.

They thanked Russia and China for their honorable stances, calling on the Syrian people to rise up to their responsibilities and support the army, adding that conspirators must realize that Syrians are prepared to protect their country no matter the cost.


The participants also called for striking firmly against those who dare to tamper with Syria’s security, stressing that the language of bloodshed and terrorist bombings will not faze the Syrians.

A blood donation campaign was announced during the gathering in appreciation of the sacrifices of the Syrian army.

Arms Smuggling Tunnels Discovered, Houses Detonated  by Terrorists in Homs… Colonel, Lieutenant and 3 Army members martyred in Aleppo

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Armed terrorist groups on Tuesday detonated some citizens’ houses in different neighborhoods of Homs City to spread panic, film the explosions and send the footage to some satellite channels to accuse the Syrian army and law-enforcement members of committing such crimes.

Authorities continue pursuing these groups’ members with firm determination to restore security and stability in Syria.

At Baba Amr neighborhood, the law-enforcement forces discovered tunnels used by the armed terrorist groups to smuggle arms and move from one place to another.

Another armed terrorist group attacked with shells and machineguns the University Housing in Homs City causing great damage to the building, spreading fear among students and forcing the students to leave their units.

Colonel, Lieutenant and 3 Army members martyred in Aleppo

Colonel Issam Ibrahim and First Lieutenant Luai Issa, three other army members were martyred today in Aleppo countryside.

SANA reporter quoted an official source in Aleppo as saying that an armed terrorist group attacked law-enforcement members at al-Atareb town in Aleppo Countryside.

Nine terrorists were killed and many others wounded during the clashes.The majority of terrorists came from Idleb city.

Authorities Storm a Den of Armed Terrorist Groups in Damascus Countryside, Confiscate Amounts of Explosive Devices

Authorities stormed a den of armed terrorist groups in Harasta district in Damascus countryside and confiscated large amounts of explosive devices set to be remotely detonated.

SANA reporter said that the authorities also confiscated tools for making explosive devices and materials to make explosives as well as 3 Kalashnikovs and a number of military suits.

Four Employees Wounded by Terrorists Gunfire, Terrorists Burglarize Truck Loaded with Flour in Hama

Four employees, working for Hama Lead Company, were wounded on Monday by an armed terrorist groups’ gunfire in Hama countryside.

An informed source told SANA reporter that an armed terrorist group attacked a bus coming from Kawkab village to the company, northern the city of Hama, as four employees were wounded some of them are in a grave situation.

The source added that an armed terrorist group burglarized a Pickup carrying mill workers and attacked them and stole the car.

In the same context, the informed source told SANA reporter that four terrorists robbed a double-cabin car belonging to Hama Electricity Station.

Another armed terrorist group burglarized a truck carrying 26 tons of flour in Hama countryside, the source added.

Authorities found yesterday the body of citizen Mulham Hassan al-Ahmad after an armed terrorist group abducted him three days ago.

Authorities Confiscate Weapons in Terrorist Hideout in al-Baroudiyeh Neighborhood in Hama

After receiving tips from the locals, the authorities in Hama city raided a terrorist hideout in al-Baroudiyeh neighborhood in the city, arresting a number of terrorists.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that the hideout contained various types of assault rifles, an RPG launcher and rounds, dynamite sticks, a walkie-talkie, military uniforms, ammo, fake license plates, and a field hospital.

The authorities also seized a stolen governmental Cham car which was fitted with fake license plates, arresting three wanted men who were in it.

The car contained 20 assault rifles, a PKC machinegun, an RPG launcher with rounds, 15 military pouches, two grenades, machinegun ammo, three ammo belts, 48 magazines and ammo, in addition to a military uniform, masks and a walkie-talkie.

Lavrov: Establishing the So-called ‘Friends of Syria’ Group Is Call for Siding with One of the Parties

AMSTERDAM, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday said that the idea of establishing the so-called ‘Friends of Syria’ group is considered a call for the international community to side with one of the parties in Syria.

“The international community has made quite a few efforts to incite the Syrian opposition not to enter into any dialogue with the government,” Lavrov was quoted by the site of Russia Today TV as saying to the press upon his arrival in the Netherlands.

He warned of an underway process to prepare files of libel about Syria that can be used to justify something like what happened in Libya.

Lavrov noted that the Arab League’s decision to halt the Arab monitoring mission, that worked with the Syrian government’s approval, and its proposition of an alternative initiative on forming a joint mission of the League and the United Nations raise questions for Russia and aim at provoking the Syrian government into rejecting this mission as it did announce its rejection.

Salehi: Support for Syria’s People and Government Priority for Iran

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Tuesday said “supporting Syria’s government and people is among Iran’s top Priorities,” stressing that Iran opposes any foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

Salehi’s remarks came during a meeting with Lebanese Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil who is visiting Tehran.

“Iran supports legitimate demands of the people and the Syrian government’s efforts to carry out reforms,” said Iranian Foreign Minister, underscoring the need for standing by the Syrian government and people in the face of the international pressure.

Salehi stressed that Iran’s comprehensive and main policy is based on supporting the Resistance in the region.

The Iranian foreign Minister indicated that the enemies cannot impose their plots and demands on the people who are able to shape their future in accordance with their aspirations.

Mehmanparast: Russian-Chinese Veto on Syria Prevented the West from Meddling in the Middle East

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast affirmed that the use of veto by Russia and China against the western-Arab resolution on Syria at the Security Council prevented the west from meddling in the Middle East.

During a meeting with a Chinese delegation, Mehmanparast said that the world expects China to play a vital role in the UN to prevent the United States from taking control of international decisions, underlining China’s important role in international economy and policy, and adding that Beijing is one of Iran’s primary economic and political partners.

Venezuela Strongly Condemns Terrorist Acts Committed by Armed Groups in Syria

NEW YORK, (SANA)- Venezuela strongly condemned the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups against the Syrian people, stressing its support to dialogue in order to get out of the crisis Syria is going through.

The Venezuelan Ambassador to the United Nations Jorge Valero said in a speech before the UN General Assembly that the imperialist powers and their allies have been arming and funding the terrorist groups in Syria to destabilize it, adding these powers do not want peace to prevail in Syria, nor do they care for human rights as they claim.

Valero rejected the media campaign against the Russia-China veto that is aimed at distorting the two countries’ stance which came in the interest of the Syrian people and the interest of stability in the Middle East, calling on all powers to stop these campaigns that lead to more violence in Syria.

World Peace Council: Arab League Resolutions Constitute Interference into Syria’s Internal Affairs, Violate Rules of Regional Entity and Discredit It

ATHENS, (SANA)_ The World Peace Council (WPC) voiced publicly its concern with the serious threats of imperialism to peace in the Middle East, which becomes once more theatre of its ambitions as well as its internal competitions.

In a statement issued in Athens, WPC added ”the United States of America and European Union, accompanied by Israel and the Gulf monarchies, plan moves, create pretexts, generate internal interference, set on de¬stabilizing the countries in the region that do not fit into their plans and interests. Their current targets are Syria and Iran. The general plan is NATO’s “Great Middle East” aiming at the control of energy resources and pipelines as well as markets for the multinational corporations and spheres of influence.”

”In Syria they repeat the methods used against Libya: sabotaging infrastructure, backing terrorist acts, infiltrating mercenaries and smuggling weapons into the country. The objective is to create instability and chaos, in order to justify foreign intervention,” said WPC in its statement.

The WPC underscored that the USA and EU use front men in the region, the Gulf monarchies, to impose sanctions through the Arab League along with the government of Turkey who harbors the so-called opposition in order to bring the matter of Syria to the Security Council, an antechamber for military action.

The WPC asserted that the Arab League resolutions constitute ‘interference into Syria’s internal affairs’ and ‘violate the rules of this regional entity and further discredit it,’ voicing concern over ”the deployment of large number of US troops’ into the Gulf region, and Israel’s provocation against Iran. The unilateral measures of embargoes and economical sanctions, put forth by the US and the EU violate repeatedly the UN Charter.

”We take note of the imperialist powers complicit silence towards the selective murder of Iranian scientists by Israel’s secret service, with evident US approval. Crimes against science are crimes against humanity. We express our support to the complex struggle of the Iranian people for peace, democracy and social justice and reject any interference in the internal affairs of Iran under any pretext. We state once more the inalienable right of every nation to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,” added the WPC in its statement.

”We defend the elimination of all existing nuclear weapons, starting with those of the big powers; the creation of a nuclear free zone in the Middle East, fulfilling the resolutions of the last Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review. However, it is upon the sovereign rights of the individual nations to develop nuclear energy for civilian purposes, more so the signatories of the NPT,” said the WPC in its statement.

”We call on the attention of the world, of the forces that defend peace, sovereignty and self determination to these serious events. In doing so we express our solidarity with the Syrian and Iranian peoples, victims of sordid actions of destabilization, and at the same time condemn this criminal aggressions,” the WPC pointed out.

Popular Gathering before China’s Embassy in Appreciation of Beijing Stances

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Mass popular crowds gathered on Tuesday in front of the Chinese Embassy in Damascus in appreciation of the Chinese stances in rejection of the foreign interference attempts in Syria’s internal affairs.

Members of Damascus Youths Voluntary Team handed over a 50-meter long and 2-meters width Chinese flag in appreciation of Beijing’s stances in support of the Syrian people in the face of the plot targeting Syria’s security and stability.

Head of the team, Mirzat Abboud, told SANA that the flag carried the signature of thousands of Syrian citizens, adding that the activity embodies the appreciation of the Syrians to the Russian and Chinese stances, particularly their last veto at the UN Security Council.

For his part, Ratib Barniah, said that Syria is immune to enemies because of the awareness of the Syrians and their support to the comprehensive reform program.

Mansour: AL Resolutions about Syria Included Dangerous Items Incompatible with Lebanon’s Stance

BEIRUT, (SANA)- Lebanese Foreign and Expatriates Minister Adnan Mansour reiterated that Lebanon reserved on the Arab League (AL) latest resolutions about Syria because they included dangerous items that are incompatible with Lebanon’s stance towards Syria as it has been for many years seeking to have diplomatic relations with Syria.

“Breaking ties with Syria and going along with the sanctions on it is something that can’t be pursued because it harms Lebanon before it harms Syria,” said Mansour in a press statement on Tuesday, wondering whether the Arab ministers “really” want reforms in Syria.

The Lebanese Foreign Minister pointed out that his country warned of the issue of internationalizing the crisis in Syria since months and questioned this openly at the latest meeting of the Arab Foreign Ministers in Cairo but it did not receive any positive or negative respond.

He continued that ten minutes after inquiring about the issue of internationalizing Syria’s crisis, a statement was circulated related to recognizing the so-called ‘Syrian National Council’, noting that this is planned to be announced in Tunisia on February 24.

“This is very dangerous because it will take things away from the political solution and will affect Lebanon’s security and stability,” said Mansour, highlighting the necessity of taking Lebanon’s interest into account as it has signed bilateral agreements with Syria that should be adhered to.

He made clear that when Lebanon dissociated itself from the Arab League’s resolutions on Syria it wanted to keep away from interfering in the Syrian affair or in any Arab affair, considering that any danger or any fire flame that might devour Syria would reach Lebanon, “therefore this should be averted.”

People of Occupied Syrian Golan Stress Adherence to Syrian Identity

QUNEITERA, (SANA) – People of the occupied Syrian Golan reiterated on Tuesday their adherence to their Syrian Arab identity and their belonging to the homeland, considering their affiliation to the homeland as “an order of pride and dignity” against the practices of the Israeli occupation aiming at Judaizing the occupied Golan.

During a rally staged on the occasion of the 30th anniversary for the Open Strike announced by the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan, the people stressed that the Israeli occupation will inevitably end, expressing their rejection of the attempts of the occupation to impose the Israeli identity on them.

The Golan people hailed the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab army to protect the security of the homeland, underlining the stances of Russia, China and Iran and other countries which supported Syria against the US and western dictations.

The Golan people staged the Open Strike on Feb 14, 1982 in rejection of the Israeli Knesset decision issued on Dec 14, 1981 stipulating for applying the Israeli laws on the occupied Syrian Golan.

The Open Strike lasted for more than 5 months and it was called later “the Grand Strike”. Israel was forced to abandon its decision on imposing the Israeli identity on the Syrian people in the Golan.

Cuba Condemns Misleading Campaigns and Media War against Syria

HAVANA, (SANA)_ Cuba has condemned the misleading campaigns and media war launched against Syria which aim at justifying the foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Cuba’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Pedro Nunez Mosquera on Monday denounced the role played by the US, the West and some Arab countries through interfering in Syria’s internal affairs instead of contributing to finding a peaceful solution through holding dialogue and negotiations among all the Syrian sides.

Mosquera said ” Cuba rejects all kinds of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs whether the direct interference or through supporting the armed terrorist groups or any attempt to undermine Syria’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

He expressed Cuba’ support to the peaceful solution through dialogue.

Mosquera also criticized the UN Security Council double standards in dealing with the international issues and its silence regarding issuing any resolution towards the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.

The Cuban Representative called on the international community to help maintaining peace and stability in Syria instead of the sanctions and pressures policy which help in fomenting violence.


Syria News on 13th Feb, 2012

Twenty-eight Martyrs, 235 Wounded in Twin Terrorist Bomb Blasts in Aleppo City

ALEPPO/DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Ministry of Interior issued a statement on Friday, in which it said that after the escalation of instigation campaigns and foreign logistic and media support  to armed terrorist groups, the city of Aleppo was the target of two terrorist bombings on Friday morning carried out by two suicide bombers in cars, martyring 28 and injuring 235 including military personnel, civilians and children, some of which are in critical conditions.

“At 9 AM on Friday morning, a terrorist bomber driving a whit microbus with a fake license plate carrying the number 475475-Syria broke through the security barrier at the entrance of a law-enforcement department in the crowded area of al-Arkoub, blowing himself up,” the statement said, adding that 11 were killed in the attack and 130 were wounded, both civilians and law-enforcement personnel.

The statement said that a few minutes later, another suicide bomber driving a white microbus blew himself up while trying to break into the military security branch in New Aleppo area, claiming 17 lives and wounding 105 people including military personnel, civilians and even children who were in the park near the branch.

Both bombings caused significant damage to nearby buildings and cars, and the first explosion left a crater two meters deep, the statement added.

The Ministry’s statement said that the authorities immediately arrived at the scene and collected evidence which are being analyzed to identify the terrorists and the owners of the human remains found at the site and identify the type of explosives used in this cowardly terrorist act.

Interior Ministry: Terrorist Acts Will Not Dissuade Authorities from Preserving Security and Order and Uprooting Terrorism

The Ministry affirmed that such terrorist acts will not dissuade the authorities from fulfilling their duty of preserving security and order, uprooting terrorism, and pursuing every criminal who dares to tamper with the security of the country and its citizens.

The Ministry also held the regional and international forces and countries which support terrorist groups and provide them with funds and weapons responsible for the Syrian blood which is being shed every day in several Syrian cities.

The Ministry called upon citizens to continue reporting any suspicious activities and provide any information on terrorist activities to the authorities.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health said in a statement that the death toll of the twin terrorist bomb blasts which hit Aleppo city on Friday rose to twenty-eight martyrs and 235 wounded, including soldiers, civilians and children.

The two terrorist bombings targeted Military Security Branch at the western bypass and headquarters of law-enforcement forces in al-Arkoub area in Aleppo city.

The bombings caused great damage to the two headquarters and the nearby residential buildings.

Medical teams are helping injured civilians and military members and pulling bodies from under the rubble.

Minister of Health Wael al-Halki said that the toll is poised to rise due to the critical condition of some of the injured and the ongoing rescue operations, hailing the people of Aleppo who rushed to donate blood.

He affirmed that all medical cadres at state and private medical hospitals joined their work so as to serve their national and humanitarian duty in saving the lives of the injured, adding that the Ministry has a strategic storage of medicine necessary for emergency cases.

Later, the Health Minister visited the injured and wounded victims of the terrorist bombings in al-Razi Hospital and checked on them, with the medical staff briefing him on their conditions.

During the visit, the Minister said that medical establishments in Aleppo governorate have been on alert since Friday morning and that all their resources, staff and emergency services were employed to help the victims of the bombing, lauding the people of Aleppo and residents in the city for rushing to donate blood for the victims.

Citizens Rush to Donate Blood to Victims of Aleppo Terrorist Bombings

Masses of citizens flocked to the Blood Bank in Aleppo to donate blood for the victims injured in the two terrorist bombings which took place on Friday in Aleppo.

The blood donors affirmed that they will not hesitate for a second to give all they can for the sake of Syria’s security and stability and for foiling the conspiracy against it, denouncing the terrorist attacks and affirming adherence to national unity.

The donors said that donating blood is the least they could do for their countrymen, stressing that those who committed these terrorist acts have nothing to do with religion, adding that the Syrians’ spontaneous rushing to donate blood shows their unity and solidarity in the face of conspiracies and plots.

Crowds gathered and marched in the streets of Aleppo towards Saadallah al-Jaberi Square as soon as the bombings took place, denouncing these crimes and foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

The masses, carrying Syrian flags and banners affirming adherence to national unity and resilience in the face of plots, affirmed that the events that took place in Aleppo on Friday are distant from religion and Islam, and that they will not dissuade Syrians from pursuing reforms and rallying around their leadership.

They said that there’s no reason to fear for Aleppo, because Syrians are aware of the conspiracies against their homeland, calling for dealing sternly with those who dare to tamper with Syria’s security and stability and spill Syrian blood.

President al-Assad Receives Copy of the New Draft Constitution

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday received a copy of the new draft constitution from the head of the National Committee charged with drafting a new constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic, during a meeting with the Committee’s members.

President al-Assad is to review the draft constitution before putting it to referendum.

The Committee’s members stressed their determination, since the Committee’s first meeting after the presidential decree on forming it, to prepare an integrated formula of a constitution that guarantees the dignity of the Syrian citizen and secures his basic rights.

They reiterated their keenness on a constitution that allows to turn Syria into an example to follow in terms of public freedoms and political plurality in a way to lay the foundation for a new stage that will enrich Syria’s cultural history.

The members briefed President al-Assad on the standards and mechanisms they have adopted to reach this end starting with the national principles, transparency and the peculiarity of the Syrian reality, along with preserving the achievements made over the past stage.

President al-Assad expressed appreciation of the Committee members’ efforts to carry out this national task, calling upon them to shoulder their responsibility as a Committee charged with preparing the draft constitution to explain its articles to the citizens with all possible means so that the citizen is the one to have the final decision to approve the constitution.

“When the new constitution is approved, Syria will have passed the most important stage of laying down the constitutional and legal structure through the reforms and laws that have already been issued to take the country to a new era in cooperation with all spectrums of the Syrian people to achieve what we all aspire for in terms of developing our country to draw a brilliant future for next generations,” said President al-Assad.

On October, 16th, 2011, President al-Assad issued a presidential decision to form a national committee to prepare a draft constitution for Syria within a period of four months starting of the date of issuing the decree

In Solemn Official & Popular Procession, Martyrs of Aleppo Two Terrorist Attacks Laid to Rest

ALEPPO, SANA_ The bodies of the martyrs of twin Aleppo terrorist blasts were escorted on Sunday from al-Iman Mosque to their final resting place.

Popular and official solemn procession were held for the martyrs amid massive popular and official crowds flocked to the mosque to participate in the procession.

Syria categorically Rejects the Arab League’s Resolutions as hostile act

CAIRO, (SANA)-Syrian Arab Republic categorically rejects the Arab League resolution issued on Sunday, Syria’s Ambassador in Cairo Yousef Ahmed said today, reminding that, since the beginning, Syria was not concerned in any resolution issued within its absence.

“The Arab Ministerial Council’s decision has shamefully reflected the reality of abducing the Arab joint action, the League decisions and falsifying the Arab collective will by governments of Arab Countries led by Qatar and Saudi Arabia.. it also showed a state of Hysteria and stumble that these governments are passing through after their failure in the UN Security council to call for foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs,” Ahmad, Syria’s permanent Representative to the Arab League added.

He considered that the dominance of some Arab governments , particularly Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the mechanism of the Arab work and resolutions regarding Syria is a flagrant violation of the Arab League convention and a hostile act that targets Syria’s security and stability.

Ambassador Ahmad said that such Arab governments are those who stand against any balanced, political solution to the crisis in Syria, reject calls for putting an end to terrorism and violence, impose sanctions on the Syrian people and destruct the infrastructure.

He underlined that the press show practiced by some Arab Ministers today during the Council’s meeting reflected the hostile and unbalanced stances of those countries against Syria.

Ambassador Ahmad called on the countries who have commitment to the independency of their national and pan-Arab decision to confront attempts of abducting the Arab decision, making it subject to Arab governments’ agenda and policies who seek, through money, Gas and oil, and in alliance with the US and west to impose hegemony on the Arab joint action and exploiting it in favor of foreign agendas.

Lebanon, Algeria Made Reservation on the Arab Ministerial Council Decisions

Lebanon reserved on all the decisions taken by the Arab Ministerial Council on Syria.

Algeria d also reserved on the 5th and 6th articles of the decisions, which call on the UN Security Council to issue a resolution on forming joint Arab and foreign peace-keeping forces to supervise a cease-fire in Syria.

The articles also call on the Arab group in the UN to submit a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) including the Arab work plan and the rest of the decisions taken by the Arab League in this regard.

Meeting of Arab Ministerial Committee on Syrian Crisis held

The Arab Ministerial Committee concerned with the Syrian crisis was held on Sunday to discuss the latest developments on the Syrian file.

The Committee will discuss the results of the ministerial meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s countries held earlier on the day regarding the stance towards the Syrian crisis.

The Committee is expected to refer its views to the resumed extraordinary session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level, which is to be held immediately after the Committee’s meeting.

Nabil al-Arabi, the Arab League Secretary General presented a proposal to the Arab Ministers to return to the UN Security Council in coordination with different sides concerned to issue an immediate resolution which reflects the AL determination to bring the foreign intervention into Syria.

He claimed that the Arab Observer mission “was shocked” since the beginning that the Syrian commitments were not fully implemented, ignoring the existence of armed terrorist groups that perpetrate crimes against civilians and law enforcement members.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal presented fallacies about what is really happening in the country, expressing support, along with Qatari counterpart to hold the so-called “Syria Friends Conference.”

Twenty-two Army, Law-enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 22 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Sunday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Martyr Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia and the Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting place.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were targeted while they were on duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Homs and Daraa, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

The martyrs are:

– Brigadier General, Doctor Issa Ahmad al-Kholi, from Lattakia.

– Major Ali Mahmoud Trabulsi, from Hama.

– Chief Warrant Officer Mohammad Ahmad Kousa, from Homs.

– Chief Warrant Officer Asef Hassan al-Hamoui, from Homs.

– Warrant Officer Ahed al-Mahmoud, from Homs.

– Sergeant Major Ali Ismael Ismael, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Major Salim al-Sheikh Suleiman Mohammad, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Major Abdel Kareem Ahmad al-Arjeh, from Hasaka.

– Sergeant Mohammad Hussein Azizi, from Aleppo.

– Sergeant Ghiath Ghazi Salloum, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Haidar Adnan Ghadir, from Lattakia.

– Corporal Feras Salman Mohammad, from Lattakia.

– Conscript Abdullah Mohammad al-Ahmad, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Mohammad Akleh al-Hussein, from Hasaka.

– Conscript Saleh Obeid al-Juma’, from Deir Ezzor.

– Conscript Basrawi Ali Hamad, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Ibrahim Khalil al-Wadi, from Daraa.

– Conscript Mohammad Yousef Hawamdeh, from Daraa.

– Conscript Majd Suleiman Barakat, from Hama.

– Conscript Salman Hassan al-A’klak, from Hasaka.

– Soldier Mustafa Nidal Qassab, from Idleb.

– Policeman Rawad Jadallah Dawara, from Sweida.

The martyrs’ families stressed their confidence in the Syrian people’s ability to overcome the crisis through adherence to national unity, affirming their belief that the martyrs’ blood that was shed while defending the homeland will fortify Syria and make it stronger and more steadfast against the challenges.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their rallying around their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aiming at undermining their homeland’s stability.

Foreign Ministry Vehemently Denounces Israeli Likud Officials’ Calls for Storming al-Aqsa Mosque

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry vehemently denounced reports by news agencies on statements made by officials from the Israeli Likud Party in which they called for storming al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied Palestinian territories on Sunday.

“The ministry considers such declaration as a very serious development and comes in the framework of the systematic provocation to attack a Mosque that enjoys a religious status and a referential value among all the Muslims in the world,” said a press statement issued by the Ministry’s official spokesman.

The Ministry called on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards this serious development.

The statement, which SANA got a copy of, said that the city of Jerusalem is still under the Israeli occupation and that it is the responsibility of the Israeli occupation authorities to protect the properties and sanctities that are under occupation.

“Israel will bear the consequences and implications of this uncalculated venture,” added the statement, saying that the holy al-Aqsa Mosque is “much more than a card to be used up in the elections of an entity that has been evading the requirements of the just and comprehensive peace.”

The statement considered the Israeli calls to storm al-Aqsa Mosque as “a direct threat and disregard for the feelings of the Arabs and the Muslims everywhere.”

Armed Terrorist Groups Burglarize Agricultural Bank, Abduct Colonel in Homs, Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Damascus Countryside

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group on Sunday burglarized the Agricultural Bank in al-Qseir city in Homs Countryside.

An official source told SANA reporter that the terrorist group wreaked havoc on the furniture and other contents and stole SYP 1 million, 4 computers and a television.

In al-Qarabees neighborhood in Homs, another armed terrorist group abducted Colonel Issam Fayyad al-Numan from a bus while he was on way to his workplace at al-Assad Academy of Military Engineering.

SANA reporter added that the terrorists got on the bus, searched the passengers and kidnapped Colonel al-Numan.

Authorities Clash with Armed Terrorist Group in Damascus Countryside, Kill Two Terrorists, Wound One and Arrest Six

The authorities raided a farm in Tel Kerdi area in Damascus Countryside and clashed with an armed terrorist group hiding in it, leading to the death of two terrorists.

One terrorist was wounded during the raid, and six were arrested. The authorities also confiscated a Kia car and a van, both of which were used for transporting weapons to other terrorist groups, and an amount of weapons and ammo.

Confiscated weapons include AK-47 rifles, a PKC machinegun, and large amounts of ammo.

Authorities Arrest Terrorists and Confiscate Weapons, Explosives and Night-Vision Goggles in Hama

During their pursuit of an armed terrorist group operating in Masha’a Wadi al-Jouz area in Hama, the authorities arrested a number of terrorists confiscated the weapons in their possession.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that confiscated weapons include RPG launchers and rounds, AK-47 rifles and pump-action shotguns, in addition to military uniforms, explosive devices weighing between 10 and 200 kg, offensive and defensive grenades, night-vision goggles, magazines and ammo, and computers.

The source added that the authorities raided a terrorist den in the fields of al-Hersh area on Saturday, arresting gunmen and confiscating their weapons which included assault rifles and RPG launchers.

Authorities Arrest Wanted Men, Confiscate Weapon and Ammo During Raid of Terrorist Den Containing Workshop for Manufacturing Explosives in Daraa Countryside

The authorities raided the den of an armed terrorist group in eastern Daraa countryside, arresting a number of wanted men.

A source told SANA’s correspondent that during the raid, the authorities found a workshop used for making handmade explosives containing materials such as fertilizer, iron fillings, detonators, batteries and remote controls.

Items confiscated during the raid include hand grenades, AK-47 rifles, handguns one of which is equipped with a silencer, two night-vision goggles, computers, welding equipment, advanced communication devices, ammo, military uniforms, four remote-activated explosive devices, a handmade anti-armor missile, TNT sticks, a machinegun, a hunting rifle, RPG rounds.

The den also contained a field hospital stocked with medical equipment and supplies.

In Daraa city, terrorists tossed an explosive at law-enforcement sources in Basra Square. Upon examination, the authorities saw that the device was cylindrical in form and had openings that launch explosive projectiles in all directions.

Mikdad: Syrian-Russian Views Regarding Most Issues Identical

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad on Sunday said that the Syrian-Russian views are identical in international forums in most of the issues.

In a meeting with a Russian delegation comprising researchers, journalists and writers, Dr. Mikdad added that the Syrian leadership and people highly appreciate the Russian stances towards Syria.

Mikdad pointed out to the latest Russian veto at the UN Security Council, saying that this stance foiled the unjust resolution which contradicts the UN Charter and calls upon foreign interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country.

He highlighted that the mass popular reception for the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov proves the gratitude of the Syrian people for Russia’s brave stance.

Mikdad added that the misleading media campaign escalated against Syria before the last UN Security Council’s session in an attempt to affect the public opinion and the international stances.

“This escalation started after the Arab League mission submitted its report to the Arab League. Despite the report being professional and objective, the Arab Ministerial Committee didn’t study the report because it didn’t please some countries in the region and at the UNSC.” He added.

He stressed that Syria provided all facilitation to the Arab League observers mission, provided protection to its members and didn’t interfere in its work.

He indicated that the USA has dominated all the region except for Syria which is standing against the colonialist schemes aimed at serving Israel interests, adding that the excellent Syrian-Russian relations confronted the US haughtiness.

Dr. Mikdad pointed out that the situation in Syria is improving, adding that President Bashar al-Assad met the members of the National Committee charged with drafting a new constitution and received a copy of it.

He said that the new constitution will be submitted to referendum before the end of this month and that the parliamentary elections will be held in May with the participation of all political powers in the country.

People’s Assembly Condemns Aleppo Terrorist Bombings as Targeting National Unity

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The People’s Assembly strongly condemned the two terrorist bombings which targeted Aleppo last Friday, considering that these bombings target the structure of national unity and Syria’s security and future.

In a statement on Sunday that SANA got a copy of, the Assembly placed the responsibility of those two terrorist acts fully on all the countries that have been supplying criminals and assassins with money and weapons and issuing “black fatwas” and inciting “blind sedition”.

It said that these criminal acts come at a time when the Syrians are close to implementing qualitative comprehensive reforms and conducting a promising national dialogue.

“The enemies, close or far, went crazy to target this time the city of Aleppo, the symbol of resistance, for being the capital of victory over the conspiracy,” added the statement.

“Now it’s more clear than ever that the barbarity of the armed terrorist groups that have been hitting the homeland and attacking the citizens, law enforcement forces and the state institutions only carries the ‘bloody chaos’ project which has nothing to do with the Syrians’ morals and values,” the statement pointed out.

It continued that this project is aimed at destroying the homeland backed by the flagrant U.S.-Israeli-Western-Arab support and carried out by terrorist means.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Warns Against Foreign Interference in Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour on Sunday warned against foreign interference in Syria which would spread chaos and destruction in it, affirming that dialogue is the only way to resolve the Syrian crisis.

During the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Council held in Cairo to discuss the situation in Syria, Mansour pointed out that the Arab League’s decisions have so far held one side responsible and overlooked the opposition groups that bear arms and carry out military operations that they acknowledge in public.

He said that each Ministerial Council meeting resulted in new decision which shows that the Arab League failed to carry out dialogue and achieve security which is unacceptable.

Mansour said that if the Arabs want a political solution, then how can they stand with one side against another, stressing that the decision issued on Sunday increases economic sanctions which will do no good and will affect the Syrian people.

He added that the decision calls for providing political and financial support for the opposition, wondering if such a thing would bring stability to Syria.

“If the Arab League couldn’t rely on itself to resolve the Syrian crisis, then how can it rely on international sides and authorize them to resolve it?” he wondered.

Mansour: Lebanon Won’t Be a False Witness at the Arab Foreign Ministers’ Meetings on Syria

Earlier, Mansour reiterated his country’s rejection of any form of interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

“Lebanon will never be a false witness at the meetings of the Arab foreign ministers in Cairo,” said Mansour in an interview with the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper, adding that if there were any comments on the decisions to be taken at the meetings, Lebanon would say them out loud courageously, especially if they would threaten Syria’s security and stability.

“What we want is to help Syria find a solution and come out of the crisis and not complicate the situation on the ground,” he added, considering that any solution outside the frame of dialogue will further complicate things.

The Lebanese Foreign Minister stressed Lebanon’s rejection of internationalizing the crisis in Syria as it will further complicate the situation and won’t ensure stability for Syria.

He said that there are some powers in the world that want to get even with Syria because of its rejection of the hegemony policies in the region and Israel’s expansionist plans.

Mansour added that Syria’s firm stance in refusing to subjugate the region to foreign policies that do not serve the interests of the Syrian people nor those of the region’s peoples pushed some powers to further escalate the situation in Syria.

He said Russia and China are familiar with the political equation in the region’s arenas and found in the draft Security Council resolution on Syria things that might disturb the balance because it takes into account the view of one party without the other, which is why they vetoed it.

“If the world really wants to get things back on the track and ensure stability, security and reform to Syria, it shouldn’t place the responsibility on one party against the other,” Mansour added.

He reminded of the US’s use of veto at the Security Council 14 times since 1994, 13 of which were on issues related to Israel’s settlement activities and its unfair practices, in addition to its aggression on Gaza.

Responding to a question on sharing Russia’s stance which holds the Syrian opposition responsible for the blood-shed in Syria, he said that there are two sides in any fight and that each country in the world has its dignity and position and it is the one responsible for protecting its sovereignty whenever there is a fight.

“No one can ignore the presence of armed groups in Syria, which is something undeniable,” said Mansour, adding that the Syrian opposition itself has declared in its statements its responsibility for carrying out armed operations.

He stressed the need for stopping the bloodshed in Syria and starting dialogue, pointing out that the Syrian state is ready for dialogue whereas the other side should help conduct it.

The Lebanese Foreign Minister said that Lebanon is concerned with what is taking place in Syria, stressing that Syria’s stability and security guarantee those of Lebanon, adding that Lebanon can’t isolate itself from the situation in Syria.

Asked about the request of the Syrian Ambassador in Beirut from the Lebanese government to take measures to stop smuggling of weapons and men, Mansour said what the Ambassador has asked for is not an interference in the Lebanese affair or an objection to Lebanon’s policy and it does not harm Lebanon given the security agreement signed between both countries.

He added that what is happening in Syria is very important as it is related to the national security of the country as well as its unity and stability.

Parties Affairs’ Committee Licenses New party

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Parties’ Affairs Committee on Sunday licensed a new party called “the Democratic Arab Solidarity Party”, with its HQs in al-Rakka, to raise the number of parties licensed to five.

“The Committee gave the license to the new party after verifying its papers submitted by its founders according to the new Parties’ Law,” Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar, Head of the Committee said in statement.

During recent meetings, The Committee approved four new parties to work, they are “the Solidarity”, “Syrian Democratic”, “al-Ansar” and “Democratic Taliaa.”

Lebanese Hezbollah Party Condemns Aleppo Terrorist Blasts

BEIRUT, (SANA)- Lebanese Hezbollah Party condemned the two terrorist blasts hit Aleppo on Friday claiming the lives of 28 martyrs and injuring more than two hundreds civilians and military members.

In a statement, Hezbollah said the blind criminal act transformed from the political capital of Syria into its economic capital, Aleppo to kill the innocent civilians, demolish the buildings and to threaten the safety of the civilians.

“The double terrorist crime targeted Aleppo is a copy of what the foreign sides and their allies are preparing to Aleppo and other Syrian cities,” the statement said.

It asserted that the Syrian people are aware of the volume of the scheme targeting their country and they reject to be dragged into projects which aim at undermining Syria’s security and stability to serve the US-Zionist agenda in Syria and the region.

“Condemning this heinous terrorist crime, Hezbollah expresses heartfelt condolences to the families of the martyrs, wishing quick recovery to the wounded,” The statement said.


Shocking News Of Human Sacrifice

Press Statement by Narabail Virodi Vedike

The human sacrifice that took place at Thirumaladevara Koppa in Ranebennuru taluk of Haveri district of Karnataka State, India on 26 November 2011 has already drawn the attention of the people allover the state. A 17 year old dalit boy by name Basavaraja Kadimani was sacrificed to set right Vastu Dosha (Inauspicious faults and shortcomings in a building) of the house of Basavanagowda of the same village. Basavaraja was working with Basavanagowda , a land lord. as a tractor driver. In fact almost all the members of his family had worked for the land lord at one time or the other in the past.

Nijalinga swamy, popularly known as Tatu Ajja of Niralagi near Gadag used to visit Basavanagowda very often . Under his guidance the land lord had already performed many rituals on various occasions. On 26th November, 2012 Basavaraja went to his master’s place at night and did not return. Next day early in the morning the members of his family, father, mother and elder brother were informed by the police of Haligeri police station that Basavaraja had been injured in a fight with Ninganagowda, the son of Basavanagowda and had been hospitalized. The police took them not the hospital, but to the police station where they told them that their boy had been killed and not just injured. They were brought to a spot near their village where they saw a gunny sack containing the dead body of Basavaraj. The body bore marks of vermilion and turmeric . It also had a hole on the forehead. An eye had been plucked out and a few teeth ere missing. The parents and others suspected that it was a case of sacrifice and complained to the police on those grounds. But the police did not register it as case of sacrifice but continued to maintain that it was only a murder . Later on the villagers also found traces of blood sprinkled all over around the house. When the police opened the doors of the house nearly 50 days after the incident blood marks were also found inside the building. Still the police were not ready to consider the angle of human sacrifice in this case. Ninganagowda , the son of Basavanagowda had surrendered to the police saying that he had killed Basavaraja.

Members of Peoples’ Democratic Forum and Swabhimani Dalita Shakti visited the village on 9th January 2012 met the villagers including the parents and relatives of Basavaraja and also the police officer(Dy S P of Ranebennuru) investigating the case. We found that in spite of the evidence and complaint by the parents the police are not ready to consider the angle of human sacrifice seriously. They have been insisting that it was only a murder committed by Ninganagowda suspecting illicit relationship between Basavaraja and his (Ninganagowda’s) wife which on verificatio does not sound credible. The people of the village and also various other progressive elements of the area held a protest rally and demonstration at Ranebennuru on 30th January 2012 to press the demand to consider it as not merely a murder but as human sacrifice. It is only then that the sorcerer, Tatu Ajja’s role will be exposed. It is essential not merely to find out the truth but also to prevent any recurrence of such superstitious practices in future. But some how the police of Ranebennuru are not prepared to move in that direction . This will only protect the sorcerer and the head of the family Basavanagowda.

Already an application has been made to the State Human Rights Commission and an appeal to the honourable governor of Karnataka has been submitted through the Tahasildar of Ranebennuru.


1)The police of Ranebennuru should take the complaint of the parents of Basavaraj seriously and treat it as a case of human sacrifice.

2)In case of the local police failing to do so the case should be handed over to the CBI by the state government.

3)The sorcerer Tatu Ajja and the head of the family Basavanagowda who was responsible for the murder/sacrifice should be arrested.

3)Compensation should be paid to the family according to rules existing in such cases.


(Swabhimani Dalita Shakti)

Nagari Babaiah

(People’s Democratic Forum)

Nagaragere Ramesh

(Peoples’ Democratic Form)

Kranti Govind

(Swabhimani Dalita Shakti)

Ramadas Rao

(P U C L)

By Narabail Virodi Vedike

16 February 2012

@ Countercurrents.org

Saving Khader Adnan’s Life Is Saving Our Own Soul

The world watches as tragedy unfolds beneath its gaze. Khader Asnan is entering his 61st day as a hunger striker in an Israeli prison, being held under an administrative detention order without trial, charges, or any indication of the evidence against him.

From the outset of his brutal arrest in the middle of the night – in the presence of his wife and young daughters – he has been subject to the sort of inhumane and degrading treatment that is totally unlawful and morally inexcusable. Its only justification is to intimidate, if not terrify, Palestinians who have lived for 45 years under the yoke of an oppressive occupation. This occupation continuously whittles away at Palestinians’ rights under international humanitarian law – especially their right to self-determination, which is encroached upon every time a new housing unit is added to the colonising settlements that dot the hilltops surrounding Jerusalem and the West Bank.

The case of Khader Adnan is a revealing microcosm of the unbearable cruelty of prolonged occupation. It draws a contrast in the West between the dignity of an Israeli prisoner and the steadfast refusal to heed the abuse of thousands of Palestinians languishing in Israeli jails through court sentence or administrative order.

Mr Adnan’s father poignantly highlighted this contrast a few days ago by referring to Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held by Hamas in captivity for several years and recently released in good health: “Where are the mother and father of Gilad Shalit? Do they not feel for me in this humanitarian case? Where are they?” He went further in drawing this comparison: “My son was arrested from his house, from among his wife and children, was taken prisoner. He was not carrying any weapon. Whereas Shalit was fighting against the people of Gaza, and destroying their homes, and firing upon, and Shalit was released.”

It is true that foreign authority figures, from the UN Secretary General on down, showed their empathy for the agony experienced by Israelis concerned for the wellbeing of Shalit, but these same personalities are notably silent in the much more compelling ordeal being experienced before our eyes in the form of Mr Adnan’s captivity, seemingly unto death. It should not be surprising that surviving family members of IRA hunger strikers should step forward expressing solidarity with Mr Adnan and compare the Irish experience of resistance to that of the Palesinians.

And who is Khader Adnan? We do not know very much about him except that he is a member of the Islamic Jihad Party. There are no accusations against him that implicate him in violence against civilians. His fellow prisoner from an earlier period of confinement in Ashkelon Prison, Abu Maria, recalls his normalcy and humanity while sharing a cell, emphasising his interest in informing other Palestinians: “Prison was like a university in those times and he was one of the professors.” Commenting on his hunger strike that has brought him extreme pain, Abu Maria says he is convinced that Khader Asnan wants to live, but will not live in humiliation: “He is showing his commitment and resistance in the only way he can right now, with his body.”

Adameer, the respected Palestinian NGO concerned with prisoners, “holds Israel accountable for the life of Khader Adnan, whose health has entered an alarmingly critical stage that will now have irreversible consequences and could lead to his fatal collapse at any moment”. Physicians who have observed his current condition conclude that, at most, he could live a few more days, saying that such a hunger strike cannot be sustained beyond 70 days in any event. Any attempt at forced feeding to keep a prisoner from dying is widely viewed as an additional abuse, a form of torture.

Finally, the reliance by Israel on administrative detention in cases of this sort is totally unacceptable from the perspective of the Geneva Convention, especially so when no disclosure of the exceptional circumstances that might warrant for reasons of imminent security the use of such an extra-legal form of imprisonment. There are currently at least 300 Palestinians being held in a manner similar to that of Mr Adnan, and so it is no wonder that sympathy hunger strikes among Palestinians are underway as expressions of solidarity.

Have we not reached a stage in our appreciation of human rights that we should outlaw such state barbarism? Let us hope that the awful experience of Khader Adnan does not end with his death, and let us hope further that it sparks a worldwide protest against both administrative detention and prisoner abuse. The Palestinian people have suffered more than enough already.

By Richard Falk

17 February 2012

@ Al Jazeera

Richard Falik is Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and Visiting Distinguished Professor in Global and International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has authored and edited numerous publications spanning a period of five decades, most recently editing the volume International Law and the Third World: Reshaping Justice (Routledge, 2008). He is currently serving his third year of a six-year term as a United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights. Follow him on Twitter: @rfalk13