Just International

Time for NATO to face new realities

London, UK – As Chicago prepares for the first North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) leaders’ summit ever to be held on US soil, many will reflect on the organisation’s strength, durability, and the way in which it has adapted to a changing world.

Indeed, few international institutions have undergone such an extreme makeover as NATO. From its ostensible origins as a defensive alliance facing off against the Soviet Union in 1949, it has seamlessly morphed into an openly aggressive, globe-straddling operation, whipping recalcitrant states into line in its self-appointed capacity as the righter of international wrongs. Vigilante-style, it can ride roughshod over the qualms of the United Nations – and often the restrictions of international law – to assert or impose its own view of peace and freedom. Occasionally it presents a softer face, protecting aid or pursuing humanitarian goals, yet no one is in any real doubt that NATO is all about hard power.

But how long can it go on like this? While NATO may seem unstoppable and at the peak of its powers, this month’s summit will showcase differences of opinion as well as increased inside and outside opposition. This is not in the least surprising because although major global jamborees like to present a successful business-as-usual image, the reality is that the core NATO states are facing some pretty serious problems that will undoubtedly affect the agenda.

The United States and Europe are experiencing massive economic crises, and the US has been fundamentally weakened by its poor economic performance and lack of internal investment over decades. As dynamic economic rivals have emerged, it is clear that the US cannot maintain its status as the single global superpower in an increasingly multi-polar world, nor is it desirable that it should do so. The fact is that while the US has declined in many respects, it has increasingly used NATO to support and advance its global power projection. But one big question is whether NATO states will continue to foot the bill.

A cursory glance at NATO’s recent history shows that whatever its changing rationale, or the nature of its supposed enemies in the post-Cold War period, its core function has remained to advance US global interests and foreign policy goals. This became apparent at the end of the Cold War, when the Warsaw Pact was dissolved but NATO wasn’t. Rather than scaling back its military presence, the US moved to fill the positions vacated by its previous rival. As the countries of eastern Europe embraced free-market economics and multiparty democracy, the US moved rapidly to integrate them into its sphere of influence via NATO expansion – faster than western Europe embraced eastern Europe via the European Union.

This was an effective strategy – indicated by the “new Europe” issue at the time of the war on Iraq – with Poland vigorously backing the US, against the “old Europe” of Germany and France. At NATO’s 50th anniversary in Washington in April 1999, a new “Strategic Concept” was adopted. This moved beyond NATO’s previous defensive role to include “out of area” – in other words, offensive – operations. The geographical area for action was now defined as the entire Eurasian landmass and the war on Afghanistan started soon after.

NATO’s last leaders’ summit in Portugal in November 2010 took the NATO vision beyond Eurasia, releasing a new Strategic Concept entitled “Active Engagement, Modern Defence”. It recommitted to an expansive and interventionist military agenda with a projected global reach. This included an expansion of its area of work to “counter-terrorism, cyber-security, and the proliferation of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons” and, in the words of British Prime Minister David Cameron, “securing failed states on the other side of the world”.

It’s an open question whether Cameron was referring to Afghanistan or whether he had a vision of new interventions, but it is certainly the case that the US will face problems over the Afghanistan intervention at this summit. This has been a NATO-led war since 2003, when it assumed control of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) established in 2002. Currently, there are almost 130,000 troops from 50 countries in Afghanistan under the auspices of ISAF, with NATO members providing most of the force. Most of these – about 99,000 – are US troops, 22,000 of which are due to return home this year. Clearly there is a strong drive within Washington itself to get the whole thing wound up. Earlier this year US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said that the administration wanted to wind up combat operations before the withdrawal deadline.

But US allies are already opting out. Last month Australia announced that it would be withdrawing most of its force of about 1,550 troops before Australia’s 2013 elections, which is earlier than originally planned. Germany, which has 4,500 troops there, says it wants them home as soon as possible. But the biggest challenge on this front is likely to be newly-elected French President Francois Hollande. France already announced in February of this year that it wanted to bring home 1,000 of its 3,600 soldiers before the end of this year. Now President Hollande says he will bring them all of them home by then. Not surprisingly, the NATO wires are buzzing about how Hollande must be persuaded to reconsider, and one can only imagine the type of pressure he will be under. But the reality is that he will also be under pressure from the French people – and his standing as a new president. Sarkozy took France into an unprecedented level of cooperation with the US and NATO. It is hard to see how this will continue in the context of French political change and a shifting global political and economic balance.

The US is also going to face problems on the nuclear weapons front. It’s well-known that NATO is a nuclear-armed alliance, but not that up to 200 US B61 nuclear bombs are stationed in five countries across Europe: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey. There is increasingly strong opposition to these weapons, including from the governments of some of the “host” nations. This opposition is particularly strong from Germany, where Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has repeatedly called for their removal, which the US has refused.


There is no doubt that this issue will be discussed again and the US will be under increasing pressure to remove them. Of course there may be some desire from the administration to defer such a decision – which could be interpreted as weakness – until after the next US presidential election. But in reality, NATO’s nuclear policies conflict with the legal obligations of the signatories to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Articles 1 and 2 of the NPT forbid the transfer of nuclear weapons to non-nuclear weapon states, and US/NATO nuclear weapons in Europe are located in non-nuclear weapons states. In spite of a recent softening of language on nuclear issues, and gestures towards a nuclear-free vision – particularly from Obama – NATO continues to assert its need to retain nuclear weapons. As the new Strategic Concept states: “The supreme guarantee of the security of the Allies is provided by the strategic nuclear forces.” It rejects a policy of “no first use” of nuclear weapons. In other words, NATO would be prepared to use nuclear weapons in a first strike.

This position is not lost on the Russians, relations with whom will also doubtless be discussed at the summit. While the “hostile camp” tension that existed with the Soviet Union has vanished, at least in theory, Russia remains the chief military counter-weight and rival to the US and NATO on a global scale. The decision at the 2010 NATO summit to integrate the US missile defence system with a European theatre missile defence programme under the auspices of NATO has caused major problems in relations with Russia. Concerns remain that missile defence will enable the US to attack another country without fear of retaliation and US adherence to missile defence continues to threaten the survival of the new START Treaty on bilateral US/Russia nuclear reductions.

So the participants face some interesting and no doubt tough debates during their Chicago deliberations. They will also face noisy and significant protest from outside. NATO summits have been an increasing focus for anti-war and anti-nuclear protestors over the past few years – the demonstrations at the NATO summit in Strasbourg in 2009 were the largest in 30 years. Reports suggest that the tide of public opinion in the US is turning against NATO and particularly the war in Afghanistan. There is the cost issue of course, but also an increasing sentiment that war, with the death, mutilation and trauma it brings to those who actually fight it – let alone civilian victims – is just not the answer. This year, peace activists in the US will be joined not only by their European counterparts but also by US trade unionists and supporters of the Occupy movement which has made such an impact on US society over the past year.

The mood is clearly changing at many different levels. It’s time for the NATO leadership to face the new realities.

Dr Kate Hudson was chair of the UK-based Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament from 2003 to September 2010, when she became general secretary. She is a leading anti-nuclear and anti-war campaigner nationally and internationally.


The Palestinian Nakba: The Resolve Of Memory

Many Palestinians remember and reference al-Nakba, also known as the Catastrophe, on May 15 every year. The event marks the expulsion of nearly a million Palestinians, while their villages were destroyed. The destruction of Palestine in 1947-48 ushered in the birth of Israel. Older generations relay the harsh and oppressive memory of their collective experience to younger Palestinians, many of whom live their own Nakbas today.

In covering al-Nakba, sympathetic Arab and other media play sad music and show black and white footage of displaced, frightened refugees. They rightly emphasize the concept of Sumud, steadfastness, as they show Palestinian of all ages holding unto the rusty keys of their homes and insisting on their right of return. Other, less sympathetic media discuss al-Nakba, if at all, as a side note – a nuisance in the Israeli narrative of a nation’s supposedly miraculous birth and its progression to an idyllic oasis of democracy. What such reductionist representations often fail to show is that while al-Nakba started, it never truly finished.

Those who underwent the pain, harm and loss of al-Nakba are yet to receive the justice that was promised to them by the international community. UN Resolution 194 states that “the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date” (Article 11). Those who wrought this injustice are also yet to achieve their ultimate objectives in Palestine. After all, Israel doesn’t have defined boundaries by accident.

David Ben Gurion, first Prime Minister of Israel, once prophesized that “the old (refugees) will die and the young will forget.” He spoke with the harshness of a conqueror. Ben Gurion carried out his war plans to the furthest extent possible. Every region in Palestine that was meant to be taken was captured, its people were expelled or massacred in their homes and villages. Ben Guiron ‘cleansed’ the land, but he failed to cleanse Israel’s past. Memory persists.

Ben Gurion referenced my own family’s village – Beit Daras – which witnessed three battles and a massacre. In an entry in his diaries on May 12, 1948, he wrote: “Beit Daras was mortared. Fifty Arabs (were killed). The (villages of) Bashit and Sawafir were occupied. There is mass exodus from nearby areas (neighbors in Majdal). We sustained 5 dead and 15 wounded. ” (War Diaries, 1947-1949).

More than fifty people were killed in Beit Daras that day. An old Gaza woman, Um Mohammed – who I discussed in my last book, My Father was a Freedom Fighter – refers to what is likely the same event:

“The town was under bombardment, and it was surrounded from all directions. There was no way out. The armed men (the Beit Daras fighters) said they were going to check on the road to Isdud, to see if it was open. They moved forward and shot few shots to see if someone would return fire. No one did. But they (the Zionist forces) were hiding and waiting to ambush the people. The armed men returned and told the people to evacuate the women and children. The people went out (including) those who were gathered at my huge house, the family house. There were mostly children and kids in the house. The Jewish (soldiers) let the people get out, and then they whipped them with bombs and machine guns. More people fell than those who were able to run. My sister and I…started running through the fields; we’d fall and get up. My sister and I escaped together holding each other’s hands. The people who took the main road were either killed or injured. The firing was falling on the people like sand. The bombs from one side and the machine guns from the other.”

Ben Gurion would not necessarily doubt Um Mohammed’s account. He candidly stated: “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves…The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country” (as quoted in Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, pp. 91-2).

It is precisely for this reason that neither the old nor the young have forgotten. Every day is another manifestation of the same protracted al-Nakba that has lasted 64 years now. Young people’s hardships today are inextricably linked to the violent and horrific uprooting decades ago.

Al-Nakba has also remained an ongoing project through generations of Israeli Zionists. When Ben Gurion died in 1973, current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in his mid-twenties. He was then serving his last year in the Israeli army, and today he rules Israel with a coalition that includes almost three quarters of the Israeli parliament. Like most Israeli leaders, he continues to contribute to the very discourse by which Palestine was conquered. He speaks of peace, while his soldiers and armed settlers take over Palestinian homes and farms. He makes repeated offers to Palestinians for ‘unconditional’ talks, as he repeats his violent rejection of every Palestinian aspiration. His lobby in Washington is much stronger than ever before. He reigns supreme, as he continues to fulfill the ‘vision’ of early Zionists.

Old keys and deeds of stolen lands attest to the intergenerational experience that is Al-Nakba. Today Palestinians continue to be herded behind military checkpoints. They are denied the right to proper medical care, and their ancient olive trees are ruthlessly bulldozed. What Israel has not been able to control, however, is the resolve of Palestinians. The prison, the checkpoint and the gun reside in our collective memory in a way that cannot be held captive, controlled, or shot.

In fact, al-Nakba is not a specific date or an estimation of time, but the entirety of those 64 years and counting. The event must not be assigned to the shelves of history, not as long as refugees are still refugees and settlers continue to rob Palestinian land. As long as Netanyahu speaks the language of Ben Gurion, other ‘catastrophic’ episodes will follow. And as long as Palestinians hold on to their keys and deeds, the old may die but the young will never forget.

By Ramzy Baroud

18 May, 2012


– RamzyBaroud (www.ramzybaroud.net) is an internationally-syndicated columnist and the editor of PalestineChronicle.com. His latest book is My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story (Pluto Press, London).


The New Protest

RABIN SQUARE in Tel Aviv has seen many demonstrations, but none quite like last Saturday’s.

It has nothing to do with the event which gave the square its name: the huge rally for peace at the end of which Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. It was different in every respect.

It was a joyous occasion. Dozens of NGOs, many of them small, some of them slightly larger, each with a different agenda, came together in an effort to restart last year’s social protest. But it was not a continuation of last year’s Israeli Spring by any means.

Last year’s upheaval was quite unplanned. A young woman, Daphni Leef, could not pay her rent and so she put up a small tent in Rothschild Boulevard, five minutes’ walk from Rabin Square. She had obviously struck a chord, because within days hundreds of tents had sprung up in the boulevard and all over the country. It ended in a huge demonstration, called the “March of Half a Million”, which led to the setting up of a government commission, which made a list of suggestions to relieve social injustice. Only a small fraction of them were put into practice.

The whole effort called itself “apolitical”, rebuffed politicians of all stripes, and resolutely refused to deal with any national problem such as peace (what’s that?), occupation, settlements and such.

All decisions were made by an anonymous leadership grouped around Daphni. Some of the names became known, others did not. The masses who took part were quite content to accept their dictates.

NO MORE. This year’s new initiative has no obvious leadership at all. There was no central tribune, no central speakers. It resembled London’s Hyde Park Corner, where anyone can climb on a chair and preach his or her gospel. Each group had its own stand where its flyers were displayed, each had its own name, its own agenda, its own speakers and its own guides (since we should not call them leaders).

Since the square is big and the audience amounted to some thousands, it worked. Many different – and some contradictory – versions of social justice were advocated, from a group called “Revolution of Love” (everybody should love everybody) to a group of anarchists (all governments are bad, elections are bad too).

They all agreed only on one point: they were all “apolitical”, all shrank back from the taboo subjects (see above).

Gideon Levy called the scene “chaotic” and was immediately attacked by the protesters as lacking understanding (with a hint that he was too old to understand.) Chaos is wonderful. Chaos is real democracy. It gives the people their voice back. There are no leaders who steal and exploit the protest for their own careers and egos. It’s the way the New Generation expresses itself.

IT ALL reminded me of a happy period – the 60s of the last century, when almost none of this week’s protesters was yet born, or even “in the planning stage”’ (as Israelis like to put it).

At the time, Paris was seized by a passion for social and political protest. There was no common ideology, no unified vision of a new social order. At the Odeon theatre an endless and uninterrupted debate was going on, day after day, while outside, demonstrators threw cobblestones at the police, who beat them up with the leaden seams of their overcoats. Everyone was elated, it was clear that a new epoch in human history had begun.

Claude Lanzmann, the secretary of Jean-Paul Sartre and lover of Simone de Beauvoir, and who later directed the monumental film Shoah, described the atmosphere to me like this: “The students burnt the cars in the streets. In the evenings I parked my car at distant places. But one evening I told myself: What the hell, what do I need a car for? Let them burn it!”

But while the Left was talking, the Right gathered its forces under Charles de Gaulle, a million Rightists marched down the Champs Elisees. The protest petered out, leaving only a vague longing for a better world.

The protest was not limited to Paris. Its spirit infected many other cities and countries. In lower Manhattan, youth reigned supreme. Provocative posters were sold in the streets of the Village, young men and women wore humorous buttons on their chests.

On the whole, the vague movement had vague results. Without a concrete agenda, it had no concrete results. De Gaulle fell some time later for other reasons. In the US, the people elected Richard Nixon. In public consciousness, some things changed, but for all the revolutionary talk, there was no revolution.

ON SATURDAY’S rally, young Daphni Leef and her comrades wandered around in the crowd like a relic from the past, hardly noticed. After only one year, it seemed as if a new New Generation was taking over from yesteryear’s New Generation.

It was not that they were unable to unite around a common agenda – rather, they did not see the virtue, or even the necessity of having a common agenda, a common organization, common leadership. All these are, in their eyes, bad things, attributes of the old, corrupt, discredited regime. Away with them!

I am not quite sure what I think about it.

On the one hand, I like it very much. New energies are released. A young generation that seemed egoistic, apathetic and indifferent, suddenly shows that it cares.

For years now, I have expressed my hope that the young people would create something new, with a new vocabulary, new definitions, new slogans, new leaders, that are totally divorced from today’s party structures and government coalitions. A new beginning. The beginning of the Second Israeli Republic.

So I should be happy, watching a dream coming true.

And indeed, I am happy about this new development. Israel needs basic social reforms. The gap between very rich and very poor is intolerable. A broad new social movement, even with so much diversity, is a good thing.

Social Justice is a leftist demand and always has been. A demonstration shouting “The People Demand Social Justice” is leftist, even if it wants to avoid this stigma.

But the adamant refusal to enter the political arena and proclaim a political agenda is disturbing. This could mean that it will all peter out just like last year’s effort.

When the demonstrators insist that they are “apolitical” – what do they mean? If it means that they do not identify themselves with any existing political party, I can only applaud. If it is a tactical ploy, in order to attract people from all existing camps, ditto. But if it is a serious determination to leave the political arena to others, I must condemn it.

Social justice is a political aim par excellence. It means, among other things, to take away money from other uses and devote it to social purposes. In Israel, it inevitably means taking away money from the huge military budget, as well as from the settlement drive, from the subsidies paid as a bribe to the Orthodox and from the parasitic tycoons.

Where can this be done? Only in the Knesset. To get there, you need a political party. So you have to be political. Period.

An “apolitical” protest, avoiding the burning questions of our national existence, is something that is outrageously divorced from reality.

Last year I compared the social protest to a mutiny on board the Titanic. I could expand on this. Imagine the wonderful ship on its maiden voyage with all the lively activity on board. The band throws away the old-fashioned music of Mozart and Schubert, replacing it with hard rock. Anarchists dismiss the captain and elect a new captain every day. Others reject the Boat Drill – a ridiculous exercise on the “unsinkable” ship – and organize sport events instead. Also the scandalous difference between first class and the steering passengers is abolished. And so on. All deserving causes.

But somewhere along the route there lurks an iceberg.

Israel is heading towards an iceberg, bigger than any of those in the path of the Titanic. It is not hidden. All its parts are clearly visible from afar. Yet we are sailing straight towards it, full steam ahead. If we don’t change course, the State of Israel will destroy itself – turning first into an apartheid-state monster from the Mediterranean to the Jordan, and later, perhaps, into a bi-national Arab-majority state from the Jordan to the Mediterranean.

Does this mean that we must give up the struggle for social justice? Certainly not. The fight for social solidarity, for better education, for improved medical services, for the poor and the handicapped, must go on, every day, every hour. 

But to be successful this struggle must be a part – politically and ideologically – of the wider struggle for the future of Israel, for ending the occupation, for peace.

By  Uri Avnery


Syrian rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors’ money, U.S. coordination

Syrian rebels battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Persian Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States, according to opposition activists and U.S. and foreign officials.

Obama administration officials emphasized that the United States is neither supplying nor funding the lethal material, which includes antitank weaponry. Instead, they said, the administration has expanded contacts with opposition military forces to provide the gulf nations with assessments of rebel credibility and command-and-control infrastructure.

“We are increasing our nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition, and we continue to coordinate our efforts with friends and allies in the region and beyond in order to have the biggest impact on what we are collectively doing,” said a senior State Department official, one of several U.S. and foreign government officials who discussed the evolving effort on the condition of anonymity.

The U.S. contacts with the rebel military and the information-sharing with gulf nations mark a shift in Obama administration policy as hopes dim for a political solution to the Syrian crisis. Many officials now consider an expanding military confrontation to be inevitable.

Material is being stockpiled in Damascus, in Idlib near the Turkish border and in Zabadani on the Lebanese border. Opposition activists who two months ago said the rebels were running out of ammunition said this week that the flow of weapons — most still bought on the black market in neighboring countries or from elements of the Syrian military — has significantly increased after a decision by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other gulf states to provide millions of dollars in funding each month.

Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood also said it has opened its own supply channel to the rebels, using resources from wealthy private individuals and money from gulf states, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, said Mulham al-Drobi, a member of the Brotherhood’s executive committee.

The new supplies reversed months of setbacks for the rebels that forced them to withdraw from their stronghold in the Baba Amr neighborhood of Homs and many other areas in Idlib and elsewhere.

“Large shipments have got through,” another opposition figure said. “Some areas are loaded with weapons.”

The effect of the new arms appeared evident in Monday’s clash between opposition and government forces over control of the rebel-held city of Rastan, near Homs. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said rebel forces who overran a government base had killed 23 Syrian soldiers.

Administration officials also held talks in Washington this week with a delegation of Kurds from sparsely populated eastern Syria, where little violence has occurred. The talks included discussion of what one U.S. official said remained the “theoretical” possibility of opening a second front against Assad’s forces that would compel him to move resources from the west.


Syrian News on May 17th, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday issued Decree No. 169 for 2012 which includes the names of the elected members of the People’s Assembly for the first legislative term for 2012.

The Higher Committee for Elections on Tuesday announced in a press conference the final results of the parliamentary elections for the first legislative term for 2012.

Head of the Committee, judge Khalaf al-Azzawi, said that the results reflected broad representation of the Syrian people with its different parties and sectors and highlighted the special position and presence of women in the Syrian community as the number of elected women members in the People’s Assembly reached 30.

Eleven Army, Law-Enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA)- The bodies of 11 army, law-enforcement and civilian martyrs were escorted on Wednesday from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Aleppo Military Hospital, Deir Ezzor Military  Hospital, Homs Military Hospital and Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting place.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were killed in the line of duty in Damascus Countryside, Aleppo, Deir Ezzor and Daraa.

The martyrs are:

­        Brigadier General Nizar Abdo al-Hussein, from Homs.

­        Captain Hussein Ali Dawood, from Damascus Countryside.

­        Sergeant Major Walid Ahmad al-Abdullah, from Deir Ezzor.

­        Sergeant Ali Ibrahim al-Zeer, from Homs.

­        Conscript Mahmoud Saleh al-Khudr al-Mohammad, from Aleppo.

­        Conscript Shafe’ al-Sayyad, from Homs.

­        Conscript Ahmad Alaa Eddin Dukmak, from Aleppo.

­        Conscript Rami Ahmad Nashawi, from Aleppo.

­        Policeman Issa Suleiman Balloul, from Homs.

­        Civilian Issa Attiya al-Jassim, from al-Quneitera.

­        Civilian Raed Munir Suleiman, from Homs.


The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons who sacrificed their souls for the sake of defending Syria’s stability and pride.

They expressed confidence in Syria’s ability to overcome the crisis thanks to the sacrifices of the Syrian army. They called for dealing firmly with the armed terrorist groups and confront all those who try to tamper with the homeland’s security and stability.

Terrorist Groups kill and Injure Law-enforcement Members in Homs, Daraa

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)_Armed terrorist groups continued perpetrating massacres and targeting law-enforcement members and citizens, and vandalizing public and private properties.

A sniper shot dead Hussein Ibrahim Sharbo, a law-enforcement member, near the Old Clock in Homs city.

A source in the governorate told SANA correspondent that Ma’an Abboud, 39 years old, and his son Yaarub, 9 years old, and Muntajab Abdul-Latif, 35 years old, from al-Zahraa neighborhood were injured by shrapnel from two mortar shells shot by armed groups from al-Khalidiieh neighborhood, also causing material damage to house and shops.

In Daraa, an armed terrorist group attacked with RPG al-Nazihin neighborhood in the city, killing a child, Hala Muhammad Rashid, 3 years old, and injuring 16 citizens, some seriously.

An armed terrorist group also broke into the house of Sheikh Moussa Ahmad al-Awda in Zayzoun town and shot him dead.

An armed terrorist group assassinated on Wednesday Engineer Hassan al-Ali and injured his colleague Subhi Jweid while they were heading to their workplace in the Operating and Maintenance Directorate, affiliated to the General Establishment for Land Reclamation in Deir Hafer in Aleppo.

SANA correspondent quoted a source in the governorate as saying that 4 terrorists in a car targeted the two engineers’ car in Aleppo. Engineer al-Ali was martyred and his colleague Jweid injured.

The source indicated that the engineering units dismantled an explosive device that an armed terrorist group glued to the bottom of a car in front of the house of a law-enforcement member in al-Fardous neighborhood in Aleppo.

In Idleb, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device in a petrol station near Salqin city in Idleb countryside, causing great damage to the station.

SANA correspondent quoted a source in the governorate as saying that the station is owned by Mustafa Jalkhi from Salqin city. No human injuries were reported.

72  persons, from Aleppo, Idleb and Damascus give themselves up to the authorities

72persons, from Aleppo, Idleb and Damascus  who were involved in the latest events but didn’t commit crimes, gave themselves up with their weapons to the authorities Wednesday.

The authorities settled their cases and released them after they pledged not to bear any weapon or participate in acts of chaos.

Italy Sends 5 Observers to Syria, Observers Continue Tours in Homs and Deir Ezzor

ROME/SYRIAN PROVINCES, (SANA) – Italian military sources announced on Wednesday that five Italian observers arrived last night in Damascus including a woman to join the UN Observer Mission in Syria.

The Italian news agency, AKI, reported the source as saying that the Italian Cabinet had approved sending observers to join the UN Observer Mission in Syria within the framework of the plan of UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

International Observers Tour Hospitals and Neighborhoods in Different provinces

A team of international observers on Wednesday met the Governor of Homs and toured the hospitals of Charity and Social Services, al-Za’eem and the Red Crescent in the city accompanied by Director of the Health Department.

The team also visited al-Fruqlus town in the countryside of Homs province.

The international observers in Deir Ezzor province visited the Military Hospital and toured some of the city’s neighborhoods.

Another observers’ team visited Tartous where they met its governor and inspected the work in al-Basel Hospital.

In Aleppo, another team inspected the site where Engineer Hassan al-Ali was martyred at the hands of an armed terrorist group.

The tem also visited al-Hamadaniya police station and the Military Hospital.

In Lattakia, the observers met its Governor, Abdelkader Mohammad al-Sheikh.

A member of the delegation said that this visit is mainly about logistics and providing the needs of the office which they will set up in the province. For his part, al-Sheikh briefed the delegation on life in the province which is going on as normal despite some incidents caused by terrorists in some areas.

He pointed out to the weapon smuggling and infiltration of armed groups taking place in Lattakia province through the borders with Turkey or by sea.

Al-Sheikh also called for providing the delegation with everything it needs to carry out its tasks.

Three Terrorists, a Libyan and Two Tunisians, Confess to Infiltrating into Syria to Carry out Terrorist Attacks in Coordination with al-Qaeda

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Three terrorists, one of them Libyan and the two others are Tunisians confessed that they infiltrated into Syria through the Turkish borders in order to carry out terrorist attacks in coordination with al-Qaeda and militias of so-called the free army.

Libyan terrorist Fahd Abdul-Kareem Saleh al-Freitis said in confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV Tuesday that he took part in the latest events in Libya, then he went to Istanbul in Turkey where he contacted with a person called Abu Ahmad, from al-Qaeda, who asked him to come to Antakya near the Syrian borders.

Al-Freitis added that he infiltrated into Syria on foot, later a car for Abu Ahmad took him to the Syrian port of Lattakia. “When we arrived in Lattakia, we stayed there for several days. Then we met Abu Ahmad who works with the free army to take us to al-Mujahedin,” the Libyan terrorist said.

Tunisian terrorist Osama Mukhtar Hazli confessed that he also went to Libya to participates in the events there. “When I was staying in Libya, one of my friends called Ridaa told me that he will go to Syria.. I told him that I wish to travel with him.. Later Ridaa came along with Sami and Walid,” Hazli added.

“We all went to Turkey where we phoned Abu Ahmad who pledged to guarantee our entrance to Syria.. He asked us to come to Antakya, he had relation with a person called Abu Talha who possesses a Jihadist group affiliated to al-Qaeda in Syria,” the Tunisian terrorist said.

“After entering Syria, we went to Lattakia and met Abu Ahmad who would take us to Abu Talha or the free army in order to travel to Idleb,” he added.

For his part, terrorist Majdi bin al-Ayashi al-Ayari, from Tunisia, confessed that he also went to Libya to take part in the fighting… later he joined a camp for al-Qaeda where he trained who to use weapons.

“Later, I went to Turkey where I contacted Abu Ahmad who told me to travel to Antalya… After arriving there, one of the persons took me by car and help me infiltrate into Syria… I went to Lattakia where a taxi for Abu Ahmad was awaiting me to get there,” Al-Ayari said.

He added “when we arrived there, they took us to one of the houses where I found several persons, of Arab nationalities… Abu Ahmad welcomed us and told us that one of the smugglers will take us in the next day to join al-Mujahedin.”

Gen. Mood: Those Who Use Violence against the Syrian People and International Observers Should Reconsider Their Acts

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Head of the international observer mission to Syria, Gen. Robert Mood, on Wednesday said all those who are using violence against the Syrian people or against the international community represented by the observers should reconsider their acts as they will not contribute to realizing the aspirations of the Syrian people.

In a press statement reported by the United Press International, Gen. Mood praised the cooperation provided by the Syrian government to the international observers in this regard.

He talked about the incident which happened to one of his teams in Khan Sheikhoun town in the province of Idleb, in which two of their vehicles broke down.

“This is definitely not the kind of violence we want,” said Gen. Mood, expressing hope that this kind of violence would not be repeated.

He noted that the observer team have just left Khan Sheikhoun and were on their way back to Damascus.

Head of the international observer mission thanked the Syrian authorities for their cooperation, applauding the Syrian government’s role in facilitating and coordinating the transport of the two hit vehicles and the team’s departure from the town of Khan Sheikhoun.

On Tuesday, a team of the observers were hit in an explosive device blast targeting one of their vehicles in Khan Sheikhoun town in the Idleb, which caused damage to two vehicles, while no one was harmed.

Visiting Russian Delegation to Produce Documentaries about Events in Syria

TARTOUS/LATTAKIA, (SANA) – Members of the Russian delegation visiting Syria underlined on Wednesday that they have shaped a clear image about the situation in the country, examining the fierce campaign targeting the Syrians upon being compared to the reality.

The delegation members, who came to produce documentaries about the events in Syria, pledged to be committed to objectivity and impartiality in documenting the facts related to the crisis.

Head of the delegation, Viktor Barabash, clarified that the Russian people realize the specialty of the Syrians who are an example of amity, expressing hope that the Syrians will remain united in defending their homeland and rejecting the foreign agendas.

For his part, Tartous Governor, Atef Naddaf, stressed the importance of Russian delegation’s expected project in documenting the situation in Syria away from distortion which has been utterly adopted by anti-Syrian media campaigns seeking to spread hatred among the Syrians and disfigure their image before the Arab and international public opinion.

Naddaf hoped that these documentaries would be soon displayed on Arab and international TV channels to convey the reality to the world.

Russian Media Delegation Visits Lattakia

The Russian media delegation also visited the city of Lattakia, meeting its governor and the head of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party branch in the city.

During this meeting, the delegation members said that what they witnessed firsthand and the testimonies of wounded soldiers, families of martyrs and citizens made them more aware of the conspiracy against Syria, adding that they sensed the Syrians’ determination to supporting reforms and preserving the country.

They voiced commitment to portraying facts as they are and relay reality with transparency, objectivity and credibility.

For their part, Lattakia’s Governor Abdelkader Mohammad al-Sheikh and head of al-Baath Party branch Mohammad Shreiteh voiced the Syrians’ appreciation of Russia’s stances in support of the Syrians’ choices.

The delegation members toured Lattakia and visited families of martyrs, offering them condolences and listening to their testimonies.

The Russian delegation includes thirteen members of different specializations including directors, journalists, professors, photographers, reporters and others.

Iran Stresses Cooperation to Make Success of Annan’s Plan to Avoid Problems in the Region

TEHRAN, (SANA)- Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, on Wednesday stressed the importance of cooperation among the region’s countries to make a success of the plan of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan to avoid more problems in the region.

In a statement to the Iranian students news agency ISNA, Salehi expressed hope in the success of Annan’s plan to resolve the crisis in Syria, calling upon all countries interested in the Syrian issue not to take actions they would later regret.

He warned that the repercussions of not solving the Syrian crisis through dialogue would include the region entirely.

The Iranian Foreign Minister stressed the importance of giving the Syrian government the chance to implement Annan’s plan, lauding the good reform steps made by the Syrian leadership particularly those of the new constitution and the recently conducted parliamentary elections.

Salehi noted that the Syrian government has expressed complete readiness to conduct dialogue with the opposition, voicing hope that no measures will be taken that would cause problems to the region.

Washington Post: Influx of Arms to Armed Syrian Opposition with Gulf States’ Money and U.S. Coordination

WASHINGTON, (SANA)- The Washington Post newspaper said that the Syrian opposition have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States.

The newspaper added, according to opposition activists and U.S. and foreign officials, that the flow of weapons, most still bought on the black market in neighboring countries, has significantly increased after a decision by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other gulf states to provide millions of dollars in funding each month, after armed opposition figures warned two months ago that they were running out of ammunition.

The article titled ‘Syrian rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors’ money, U.S. coordination’ noted that Obama administration officials emphasized that the United States is neither supplying nor funding the lethal arms, which includes antitank weaponry. Instead, they said, the administration has expanded contacts with opposition military forces to provide the gulf nations with assessments of rebel credibility and command-and-control infrastructure.

“We are increasing our nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition, and we continue to coordinate our efforts with friends and allies in the region and beyond in order to have the biggest impact on what we are collectively doing,” the Washington Post quoted a senior State Department official as saying.

The newspaper said that “the U.S. contacts with the rebel military and the information-sharing with gulf nations mark a shift in Obama administration policy.”

It cited Mulham al-Drobi, a member of Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood’s executive committee, as saying that the Brotherhood also said it has opened its own supply channel to the rebels, using resources from wealthy private individuals and money from gulf states, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The newspaper added, according to another opposition figure that “large shipments have got through,” and that “Some areas are loaded with weapons.”

Other opposition figures were quoted as saying that they have been in direct contact with State Department officials to designate worthy rebel recipients of arms and pinpoint locations for stockpiles.

Mehmanparsat: Two of the Iranian Engineers Abducted by Terrorists in Syria Released

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparsat on Wednesday said that two of the Iranian engineers who were abducted by terrorists in Syria were released and that they will return to Iran soon.

In a statement, Mehmanparsat said that efforts have resulted in releasing these two engineers who were delivered to the Iranian Embassy in Ankara, voicing satisfaction over this and hoping that the rest of the Iranians abducted by terrorists in Syria will also be released soon, especially the engineers who were in Syria to help the Syrian people.

Israeli Occupation Authorities Violate Intl Pacts by Continuing to Build Settlements in Syrian Golan amidst World Silence

QUNEITRA, (SANA) – The Israeli occupation authorities in the occupied Syrian Golan started constructing the first Zionist settlement five Km to the west of Quneitra city right after a month of the beginning of June aggression of 1967.

Moshe Dayan, the Israeli War Minister in the late 60s of the last century, is the one who came up with the idea of constructing settlements in the occupied Golan, saying ” We are going to consolidate a new settlement reality on Golan territories which cannot be changed in the future.”

Dayan’s remarks came after displacing 153 thousand Golan people in the aggression of 1967, as most of the 37 Israeli settlements are spread in the middle and southern parts of Golan.

Mohammad al-Mahameed, a researcher in the affairs of the occupied Syrian Golan from the occupied al-Bteiha area, said the Israeli authorities concentrate on the middle and southern sectors of Golan for building the settlements since the northern part is a rough and mountainous area and not suitable for agriculture.

He clarified that the occupation authorities and the Israeli settlers invest 80,000 dunums in agriculture and 450,000 dunums in pastures, which annually need 30 million cubic meters of water supplied from Tabaria Lake in the southern sector of the occupied Golan.

He noted that more than 20, 000 Zionist settlers benefit from these seized areas where they plant different kinds of fruitful trees and build ranches and barns that include 6,000 cows and 20,000 sheep.

The Syrian librated prisoner Atta Farhat from the occupied village of Baqatha pointed out to the Zionist gang’s intentions behind building settlements in Golan in the course of fulfilling the dream of the Torah state and controlling Golan water sources and natural resources after displacing the original inhabitants, particularly after the Knesset’s unjust decision to annex the Golan to the artificial entity.

Hassan Fakher-Eddin from the occupied Majdal Shams village pointed out to the Israeli criminal acts including destroying the occupied Syrian villages and deporting the people by force in an attempt to change the features of the villages and eliminate the trace of the Arabs from them.

Popular Commission for Liberation of Golan: Israeli Decision on Oil Exploration in Golan Violates International Decisions

In another context, the Popular Commission for the Liberation of the Occupied Syrian Golan stressed that the Israeli entity’s decision on exploring oil and gas in the Golan is considered a flagrant violation of the international conventions and human rights in the occupied Arab territories.

The commission said in a statement on Wednesday that this decision comes in the framework of desperate attempts to exploit the current events in the region and the international silence on the Israeli violations that are aimed at changing the demographic situation in the occupied Arab lands, contrary to the international decisions which prevent changing the nature of occupied regions or the use of their natural resources, that are considered the property of the original inhabitants.

It highlighted the Zionist practices and violations in the occupied Syrian Golan, including the burial of nuclear waste, burning cultivated lands, providing farmers with harmful agricultural drugs, seizing vast areas for military purposes, stealing the Golan water and maltreating the Golan prisoners, in addition to the increasing danger of mines which claimed the lives of many and left several others maimed.


Syrian News on May 15th, 2012

Decrees on Granting Transitional Period for Real-Estate Assessment, Setting up Nursing Syndicate

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Monday issued the legislative decree No. 36 for 2012, on granting a transitional period until 31/12/2012 during which those who are assigned to carry out real-estate assessment are to continue their duties.

President al-Assad also issued a decree on setting up a syndicate for nursing and medical and health professions.

Al-Azzawi: Parliamentary Elections’ Results to be Announced Tuesday

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Chairman of Higher Committee for Elections, Judge Khalaf al-Azzawi said that the final results of the People’s Assembly elections, held on May 7th, will be announced on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. at the auditorium of the Palace of Justice in al-Mezzah.

In a statement to SANA on Monday, al-Azzawi added that the Committee received all the results of the constituencies after discussing and studying all the objections.

The parliamentary elections took place on May 7th as they were repeated at two electoral centers in Hasaka, two other centers in Damascus and in 14 centers in Damascus Countryside due to some violations of the rules of the elections general law.

Eleven Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ LATTAKIA, (SANA)- The bodies of eleven army and law-enforcement martyrs were escorted on Monday from Tishreen and Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals in Damascus and Lattakia and the Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting place.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were killed while in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Homs, Daraa and Lattakia.

The martyrs are:

­        Lieutenant Colonel Qais Nizhat al-Sarrout, from Hama.

­        Sergeant Major Ihab Muiassar al-Ali from Idleb.

­        Sergeant Major Mohammad Jaber Dawa, from Tartous.

­        Sergeant Major Ramadan Youssef Balloul, from Homs.

­        Sergeant Major Moussa Munir al-Shamali, from Homs.

­        Sergeant Fadi Anis Abbas, from Lattakia.

­        Sergeant Abdullah Mohammad al-Ahmad, from Deir Ezzor.

­        Sergeant Tarek Ibrahim Rojiea, from Lattakia.

­        Corporal Mohammad Abdul-Razzak Ezzat, from Aleppo.

­        Conscript Abdel-Hakim Abdel-Qader Ibrahim, from Raqqa.

­        Conscript Tarek al-Hussein, from Deir Ezzour.

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons who sacrificed their souls for the sake of defending Syria’s stability and pride.

They expressed confidence in Syria’s ability to overcome the crisis thanks to the sacrifices of the Syrian army.

They called for dealing firmly with the armed terrorist groups and confronting all those who try to tamper with the homeland’s security and stability.

Armed Terrorist Groups Assassinate Two Officers in Juober and Daraa, Clan Elder in Deir Ezzor

PROVINCES, (SANA)- In the framework of targeting the national intellectuals and expertise, an armed terrorist group on Monday assassinated Colonel Ahmad Salman Moalla in Jouber District in Damascus. A source told SANA reporter that an armed terrorist group, composed of 5 members, opened fire on Colonel Moalla near his home causing his immediate martyrdom, as the group escaped.

In Daraa, an armed terrorist group assassinated a Lieutenant Colonel at the Criminal Security Branch and his driver in Daraa.

SANA reporter quoted a source at the province as saying that gunmen riding Kia and Van cars opened fire on Lieutenant Colonel Qais Sarrout when he came out of a barber shop at al-Mahatta area in Daraa al-Balad, causing his immediate martyrdom. The body of his driver was found in al-Sweidan Street in the city.

In Idleb, an armed terrorist group assassinated Osama Baher Ghandour at Ezmarin town in Idleb countryside.

SANA reporter quoted a source at the province as saying that six terrorists broke into an agricultural pharmacy in which Ghandour was working and opened fire on him.

The terrorists shot randomly to intimidate the people before running away.

Terrorist Group Assassinates Elder of Al-Okaidat Clan, His Son and Driver and Deir Ezzor

An armed terrorist group assassinated sheikh Abdelaziz Rashid al-Hafal, one of the elders of al-Okaidat clan in Deir Ezzor, along with his son and his driver.

A source at the province told SANA’s correspondent that the terrorists opened fire on sheikh al-Hafal, his son Ra’ad, and his driver Jalal Hasan al-Mohammad, on the road to Deir Ezzor near al-Sour area, killing them instantly.

A team of UN observers visited the site where the incident took place.

Another terrorist group murdered sheikh Mahmoud Hasan al-Ghannash, another elder of al-Okaidat clan, last week, injuring his daughter who was with him in the car at the time of the attack.

Gatilov: Russia Will Foil Any UNSC Resolution on Military Intervention in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that Russia will foil any UN Security Council resolution that allows military intervention in Syria.

In a statement to journalists in Moscow, Gatilov said ” We will not allow the passage of any blurry resolution, particularly if related to using force…we generally hope that the military scenario would not be taken; we do prefer reaching a political solution.”

He added, ” I think there is no danger of a serious interference by force for the time being,” pointing out that the west has become more self-restraint.

Gatilov stressed that the Security Council is not considering any resolutions concerning Syria and there is no need for that, noting that the international community increasingly tends for the implementation of the plan of UN Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

Gatilov added that al-Qaeda and other allies stand behind the attacks which hit Syria in the past few days, considering that the conflict in Syria is being long-termed if compared to the former period.

He pointed out to the wide popular support to the Syrian Government by its people.

He added that Moscow does not see prospects for commencing direct talks between representatives of the Syrian Government and the opposition in the near future without ruling out the failure of the conference scheduled on May 16th in Cairo with the aim of unifying the Syrian opposition which is greatly scattered.

Concerning the Syrian-Russian military cooperation, Gatilov underlined that his country does not intend to stop its technical and military cooperation with Syria, pointing out that all weapon shipments are legal, asserting that Russia does not send offensive weapons but  merely defensive ones.

The Russian official concluded” It is not correct to leave the Syrian Government without defensive weapons in a time when the opposition is being supplied with arms.”

Russian Foreign Ministry.. reports about training Syrian armed men in Kosovo contract with efforts of  Annan

The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed concern today over reports about contacts between representatives of the Syrian opposition and the authorities in the so-called Kosovo, underlining that these plots contract with efforts of the UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

“Such intentions contract with the internationally-backed Annan’s plan… shifting Kosovo into an international training field to prepare fighters for different armed formations could become a dangerous factor to hinder stability which go beyond borders of al-Balkan area,” a statement for the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The statement called on the international sides  which work in Kosovo to take all necessary measures to prevent those intentions from being implemented.

EU to Continue Supporting Annan’s Mission in Syria

BRUSSLES, (SANA)_European Union Foreign Ministers announced that they will continue supporting the plan of the UN Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, indicating that the plan is not dead.

The Italian AKI News Agency quoted on Monday the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, as saying that the plan includes important points, vowing ”We will continue to back Annan’s plan so long as we are convinced of its effectiveness.”

In statements on the sidelines of the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels, Ashton said ”We are waiting for Annan’s next report on the mission and we are working to provide all necessary conditions for its success.”

She said that the EU is committed to providing necessary help for the UN Observer Mission, especially vehicles and cars offered by the member states to the observers. On the European assessment of the situation in Syria, Ashton said that the EU reiterates its rejection of violence.

The source said that Italy will send 12 monitors to Syria, 5 of whom are due to arrive today.

Saud al-Faisal Anticipates UN monitors’ report to declare that confidence in their work decreased

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal anticipated a report by the UN monitoring mission in Syria, considering that “confidence in the efforts of the UN began to decrease to a great degree.”

His remarks at a press s conference Monday came under the pretext of the continuation of violence perpetrated by the armed terrorist group, backed by his kingdom with money and weapon to foil the mission of the UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

The Syrian media which presents a real image of what is happening in Syria was also attacked by al-Faisal, considering the media comments about the gulf intervention in the Syrian affairs as “unfair accusation”, ignoring his clear call in Tunis to arm the Syrian opposition and provide it with weapons and money.

UN Observers Visit Douma, Neighborhoods in Homs, Deir Ezzor

PROVINCES, (SANA) – A team of UN observers on Monday visited the town of Douma in Damascus countryside, while another team of observers visited al-Qusour and al-Khaldieh neighborhoods in Homs.

A third team visited Deir Ezzor and met with its governor Samir Othman al-Sheiklh, who briefed them on life in the province and the crimes perpetrated by terrorists.

Observers also visited the site of the assassination of sheikh Abdelaziz Rashid al-Hafal, one of the elders of al-Okaidat clan in Deir Ezzor, who was killed by terrorists along with his son and his driver in Deir Ezzor.

On a relevant note, media officer of the UN observer mission Hasan Saqlawi said in a statement in front of the UNRWA headquarters in Damascus that the number of the observer mission’s members has reached 250, 189 of them military personnel.

Russian Academic and Media Delegation Stresses Support to Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Members of the Russian academic and media delegation visiting Syria stressed the support of the Russian leadership and people to Syria in the face of the crisis.

Meeting Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, the delegation members expressed confidence in Syria’s ability to get out of the crisis thanks to its people’s rallying around its leadership and their support for real reforms taking place in the country.

The members said that after inspecting the reality of the events in Syria, they will convey these facts to the Russian people, calling for increasing visits of foreign delegation to Syria to expose the reality and convey it to the outside world away from misdirection and instigation led by some Arab and western media.

They said that they witnessed the positive political, economic and constitutional changes taking place in the country, stressing dialogue as the only way out of the crisis.

The meeting focused on the situation in Syria, the US and western attack it faces, and Russia’s role in support of Syria against the conspiracy.

Mikdad said that the attack against Syria aims at implementing Israeli policies because of Syria’s stances in support of the Palestinian cause and its resistant role to liberate the occupied Arab lands.

He stressed that the comprehensive national dialogue is the only way to come out of the crisis.

Mikdad said that Syria’s people and leadership appreciate Russia’s support to Syria in international forums and its policy which isbased on the UN charter, international law and humanitarian law, hailing the role of China and developing countries.

He briefed the delegation on the events in Syria that have been taking place since one year and two months, indicating to the reforms carried out in political, economic and social life.

Mikdad said that “every reform step taken in Syria was confronted with more escalation in violence and terrorism which indicates that what has happened was plotted by the US and western intelligence, in cooperation with some Arab countries which announced their support to terrorism and bloodshed in Syria.

He added that Syria provided unprecedented facilitations to the UN observer mission to Syria and the plan of the UN Envoy, Kofi Annan, stressing its commitment to the relevant international resolutions as it wants this mission to be neutral and objective in revealing the truth.

Mikdad said that the army, law-enforcement members and civilians are the ones who suffer from the terrorist operations, the last of which are the twin terrorist bombings that took place in al-Qazzaz region in Damascus, claiming the lives of dozens and injured hundreds of children, elderly people and students who were on their way to their schools and universities unlike what was alleged by Artab and western media which serve foreign agendas.

He indicated to the strategic Syrian-Russian relations, which are based on the interests of the people of the two countries, and aspirations to enhance them in the political, economic, military and social domains.

Fakoush Appreciates Russian stance toward crisis in Syria

Member of the Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab socialist Party Shahnaz Fakoush appreciated the Russian stance towards Syria and its strategic vision of the current events as well as its backing to the national dialogue and the comprehensive reform program in the country.

Meeting members of the Russian delegation, Fakoush briefed  them on the crimes of the armed terrorist groups in Syria, backed by the US, western countries and their tools in the region.

For their part, the Russian journalists expressed their solidarity with Syrian in the face of the conspiracy, underlining that they will convey what they really saw in Syria to the Russian and world public opinion.

Later, the delegation visited the sites of al-Qazza twin blasts and al-Jamarek, inspecting the volume of destruction and damages because of the explosions. They condemned the terrorist acts Syria is exposed to, saying that these acts are unaccepted violation of the human rights and international laws.

Grand Mufti of Syria Underlines Importance of Media in Enlightening Society

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_Grand Mufti of Syria, Dr. Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, underlined the important role of media in enlightening society and educating people.

During his meeting on Sunday with the Russian media delegation currently visiting Syria to make documentaries on the events, Hassoun said that Syria is being targeted by a fierce campaign intended to sow sedition and undermine national unity in Syria to serve the interests of colonial countries.

Hassoun hailed the Russian stances which respect the principles of law, justice and human rights. Mufti Hassoun reviewed with the Russian delegation the situation and events in Syria and the media misleading campaigns against it, stressing that Syria won’t bow no matter the terrorism, violence and foreign interference.

He called upon Arab and foreign countries to stop backing the armed terrorist groups and interferences in the Syrian internal affairs.

The delegation members expressed support to the unity of Syria and following through with the reform steps, stressing the importance that media be used in serving the truth.

They also condemned the terrorist bombings in Damascus, pointing out to the role of clergymen in showcasing the true nature of the Syrian people.

Patriarch al-Khouri Underlines Role of Media in Relaying Reality of Events in Syria

During a similar meeting with the Russian media delegation, Greek Orthodox Patriarchal Assistant Bishop Luca al-Khouri underlined the role of honest media in relaying the true image of what is happening in Syria, especially in light of the immoral media war which distorts facts and seeks to sow discord among countrymen.

Patriarch al-Khouri pointed out to the role of youth and their unity in the face of the conspiracy against Syria and the media campaigns targeting its role, affirming that Syria will emerge from the crisis stronger and that its future is full of prosperity and development.

He underscored the state of national unity, love, fraternity and respect among the various spectrums of the Syrian people, which has always been a role model in the region.

He also lauded the unique relations between Syria and Russia.

Zionist Entity Steals Oil from Occupied Syrian Golan

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Zionist entity has decided to resume oil exploration operations in the occupied Syrian Golan. This act is a violation of the international law and conventions as the UN Security Council has repeatedly stressed through dozens of resolutions that all measures taken by Israel in the occupied Syrian Golan are null and void.

The Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth revealed a decision taken by the Israeli Energy Minister, Uzi Landau, and secretly approved by the Zionist Cabinet to resume oil exploration in the occupied Syrian Golan after about 20 years from halting it.

The decision highlights the Zionist entity’s disregard for the international law and the international consensus that it must abide by the international legitimacy, particularly the Security Council No. 497 which considers Israel’s decision to impose its laws and jurisdiction on the Syrian Golan as null and void.

The Newspaper said that Landau’s extremist right-wing ideas have contributed to taking such decision which aims at increasing oil production, while several Arab regimes are providing Israel with large amounts of oil and gas.

Rector of Damascus University Briefs Russian Media Delegation on the University’s Role

DAMASCUS,(SANA) – The meeting of Damascus University professors and a Russian media delegation visiting Syria on Sunday centered on the academic, developmental, scientific and cultural role of the University through its colleges, institutions and branches in Damascus, Daraa, Quneitra and Sweida.

Rector of Damascus University, Mohammad Amer al-Mardini, presented a review about the history of the University which was established more than a hundred years ago, its scientific and literary branches and higher institutes.

He underlined that the University provides scientific cadres for the development process in both the job market and the scientific research.

Mardini pointed out to the University’s readiness to receive students and staffs from the Russian side with the aim of exchanging expertise and qualifying students in the fields of media and science.

Head of the Russian delegation pointed out that he witnessed essential changes in the country since his visit to Syria last year including the new Constitution and several important laws in addition to holding the parliamentary elections.

Participants in ‘Syrian Family’ Meeting in Quneitra Stress Support to Reforms, Rejection of Foreign Interference

QUNEITRA, (SANA) – Participants in the Syrian Family meeting held on Sunday stressed the need to put an end to the terrorist acts committed by the armed terrorist groups, which are supported and funded by some international, regional and Arab countries.

The Meeting was held in Quneitra under the title ‘Religion is for God, Homeland is for All’.

The participants also stressed the need to enhance national unity and reject all forms of foreign interference attempts in the internal affairs.

They expressed rejection of the acts of sabotage and vandalism carried out by the armed terrorist groups, hailing the role of the Syrian army in defending the homeland and preserving law.

The participants highlighted that the plot against Syria aims at weakening its pan-Arab role, adding that the awareness of the Syrians and their adherence to national unity will foil the conspiracy.

They said that the Syrians, as one family, made the whole world hear its rejection of foreign interference attempts in the Syrian internal affairs and adherence to national sovereignty.





Syrian News on May 14th, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Huge masses of people and official figures escorted on Saturday the martyrs who were killed by the terrorist twin blasts which hit Damascus last Thursday from al-Othman Mosque in Damascus.

After prayers, the bodies of the martyrs were draped in Syrian flags and carried on shoulders amid the masses of people who expressed their condemnation of the terrorist acts committed by the armed terrorist groups.

Hassoun: Syria’s Martyrs Are All Our Children and Relatives

Presiding upon the prayers, Grand Mufti of the Republic, Dr. Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, said “the martyrs of Syria, who are in the thousands, both civilians and military personnel, are all our children and relatives… their blood is our blood.”

He called upon those who commit such terrorist acts to fear God and refrain from shedding blood. 

Mahmoud: Escalating Terrorism Against Syrians Dangerous Violation of Annan Plan & UNSC Resolutions on Counter-Terrorism

The escalation of terrorism through booby-trapped vehicles filled with tons of explosives to target the Syrian people, their properties and institutions of the state is a continuation of the bloody terrorist coalition approach between armed groups and al-Qaeda with the regional and western states which back them with money and weapons, Minister of Information Dr. Adnan Mahmoud said.

Participating in the funeral, Mahmoud said that this escalation is a dangerous breach of the UN Security Council resolutions on on counter-terrorism and of the UN envoy Kofi Annan’s plan to stop violence which requires concrete steps towards armed groups and the states which support them to thwart Annan’s mission.

Minister Mahmoud added that Western countries and the United States that led alliances to start wars on the pretext of fighting terrorism, have now created an alliance with terrorism experienced by Syria.

“The bloody terror inflicted on the Syrian people will strengthen their national will and make them more determined to go ahead in the comprehensive reform process, focus on national priorities, build a modern state based on the national partnership between the various spectra of society and its national trends and forces and to continue confronting the conspiracy hatched against Syria and its national resistant role.” The Minister concluded.

Al-Sayyed: Takfiri Fatwas and Murder Were Never Part of Islam

In turn, Minister of Religious Endowments (Awqaf) Mohammad Abdelsattar al-Sayed said that takfiri fatwas that justify the murder of innocents were never part of Islam which is a religion of mercy.

In statements to SANA, several relatives of martyrs denounced the terrorist crimes which claim the lives of innocents and destabilize Syria, stressing that terrorism is targeting Syria because it stood up to the conspiracies against the Arab nation.

They said that terrorists don’t belong to any religion nor to humanity, affirming that their crimes will not undermine the determination of the Syrian people.

They also called upon those who support the terrorists to refrain from doing so, in addition to inviting Syrians to maintain constant vigilance and remain united to foil the conspiracies of terrorists. 

President al-Assad Decrees on Formation of Supreme Constitutional Court

DAMASCUS, SANA_ President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday issued the legislative decree No. 35 for the year 2012 stipulating for the formation of the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC).

According to the decree , the court consists of seven members, one of them shall be named president in a decree passed by the President of the Republic. The duration of membership of the SCC shall be four years renewable.

The decree sets the conditions required of each member and the specializations of the court.

The Supreme Constitutional Court is an independent judicial body and based in Damascus. It issues its judgments on behalf of the Arab people in Syria.

The president of the Court and its members take an oath before the President in the presence of the People’s Assembly Speaker.

Grand Mufti of Syria Underlines Importance of Media in Enlightening Society

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_Grand Mufti of Syria, Dr. Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, underlined the important role of media in enlightening society and educating people.

During his meeting on Sunday with the Russian media delegation currently visiting Syria to make documentaries on the events, Hassoun said that Syria is being targeted by a fierce campaign intended to sow sedition and undermine national unity in Syria to serve the interests of colonial countries.

Hassoun hailed the Russian stances which respect the principles of law, justice and human rights. Mufti Hassoun reviewed with the Russian delegation the situation and events in Syria and the media misleading campaigns against it, stressing that Syria won’t bow no matter the terrorism, violence and foreign interference.

He called upon Arab and foreign countries to stop backing the armed terrorist groups and interferences in the Syrian internal affairs.

The delegation members expressed support to the unity of Syria and following through with the reform steps, stressing the importance that media be used in serving the truth.

They also condemned the terrorist bombings in Damascus, pointing out to the role of clergymen in showcasing the true nature of the Syrian people.

Patriarch al-Khouri Underlines Role of Media in Relaying Reality of Events in Syria

During a similar meeting with the Russian media delegation, Greek Orthodox Patriarchal Assistant Bishop Luca al-Khouri underlined the role of honest media in relaying the true image of what is happening in Syria, especially in light of the immoral media war which distorts facts and seeks to sow discord among countrymen.

Patriarch al-Khouri pointed out to the role of youth and their unity in the face of the conspiracy against Syria and the media campaigns targeting its role, affirming that Syria will emerge from the crisis stronger and that its future is full of prosperity and development.

He underscored the state of national unity, love, fraternity and respect among the various spectrums of the Syrian people, which has always been a role model in the region.

He also lauded the unique relations between Syria and Russia.

Zionist Entity Steals Oil from Occupied Syrian Golan

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Zionist entity has decided to resume oil exploration operations in the occupied Syrian Golan. This act is a violation of the international law and conventions as the UN Security Council has repeatedly stressed through dozens of resolutions that all measures taken by Israel in the occupied Syrian Golan are null and void.

The Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth revealed a decision taken by the Israeli Energy Minister, Uzi Landau, and secretly approved by the Zionist Cabinet to resume oil exploration in the occupied Syrian Golan after about 20 years from halting it.

The decision highlights the Zionist entity’s disregard for the international law and the international consensus that it must abide by the international legitimacy, particularly the Security Council No. 497 which considers Israel’s decision to impose its laws and jurisdiction on the Syrian Golan as null and void.

The Newspaper said that Landau’s extremist right-wing ideas have contributed to taking such decision which aims at increasing oil production, while several Arab regimes are providing Israel with large amounts of oil and gas.

Twelve Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA)- The bodies of twelve army and law-enforcement martyrs were escorted on Sunday from Tishreen and Aleppo Military Hospitals in Damascus and Aleppo and the National Hospital in Sweida to their final resting place.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were killed while in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Sweida and Idleb.

The martyrs are:

­        Colonel Mahdi Mohammad Ibrahim, from Homs.

­        First Lieutenant Mohammad Abdul-Salam Abu Assaf, from Damascus.

­        Chief Warrant Officer Saed Turki al-Sha’arani, from Sweida.

­        Chief Warrant Officer Liwa Issa Hasan, from Hama.

­        Chief Warrant Officer Mahmoud Mohammad al-Zeeb, from Daraa.

­        Sergeant Major Omar Mohammad Abdul-Hasan, from Deir Ezzor.

­        Sergeant Sultan Khalaf al-Mohammad, from Raqaa.

­        Corporal Mohammad Suhail Hamidi, from Lattakia.

­        Corporal Walid Hassan Ahmad from Lattakia.

­        Conscript Alaa-Eddin Khalid Talaa, from Damascus.

­        Conscript Hassan Khalil al-Awad, from Hama.

­        Conscript Mahmoud Ahmad Mohammad, from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons who sacrificed their souls for the sake of defending Syria’s stability and pride.

They expressed confidence in Syria’s ability to overcome the crisis thanks to the sacrifices of the Syrian army.

They called for dealing firmly with the armed terrorist groups and confront all those who try to tamper with the homeland’s security and stability.

Rector of Damascus Briefs Russian Media Delegation on the University’s Role

DAMASCUS,(SANA) – The meeting of Damascus University professors and a Russian media delegation visiting Syria on Sunday centered on the academic, developmental, scientific and cultural role of the University through its colleges, institutions and branches in Damascus, Daraa, Quneitra and Sweida.

Rector of Damascus University, Mohammad Amer al-Mardini, presented a review about the history of the University which was established more than a hundred years ago, its scientific and literary branches and higher institutes.

He underlined that the University provides scientific cadres for the development process in both the job market and the scientific research.

Mardini pointed out to the University’s readiness to receive students and staffs from the Russian side with the aim of exchanging expertise and qualifying students in the fields of media and science.

Head of the Russian delegation pointed out that he witnessed essential changes in the country since his visit to Syria last year including the new Constitution and several important laws in addition to holding the parliamentary elections.

Law-enforcement Member Martyred by Terrorists’ Gunfire in Deir Ezzor

DEIR EZZOR, (SANA) – The law-enforcement member Khaled al-Sakran was martyred by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group in Hawaij Ziban village in Deir Ezzor countryside.

A source in the governorate told SANA reporter that the armed terrorist group targeted the law-enforcement forces in the village and killed a law-enforcement member.

The source added that the authorities clashed with the terrorists and killed two of them.

In the same context, the military engineering units dismantled a 10-kg explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group near the vocational school in Hawaij bu Nas’a town.

Another armed terrorist group assassinated member of the executive bureau in Deir Ezzor governorate Jarad Suleiman al-Khleif and citizen Ahmad al-Mesh’ali, brother of Mohammad al-Mesh’ali, a member of Deir Ezzor executive bureau.

Terrorist Group Assassinates Engineer, Industrialist in Aleppo

An armed terrorist group assassinated on Sunday an engineer working at Aleppo Power Transfer Station. SANA correspondent quoted a source as saying that the terrorist group targeted the engineer AbdulRazzaq Boulad in front of his home in Aleppo.

The source added that an armed terrorist group assassinated Omar Shihabi, an industrialist, on Aleppo-AlBab road as he was on his way to his factory, indicating that four terrorists intercepted him and shot him dead.

Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb, Terrorists Seize Ambulance

An explosive device weighing 50 kg, planted by an armed terrorist group near al-Siddiq Mosque in Idleb, was dismantled, in addition to 3 explosives weighing between 20-50 kg planted by terrorists in Tlateen and al-Kournish neighborhoods.

A source in the governorate indicated that the engineering units also dismantled an explosive device planted near the railway in al-Younessieh town.

The source added that an armed terrorist group seized an ambulance while it was on its way back from Aleppo to Hama in Khan al-Sabil town, north of Maaret al-Nouman.

Two Terrorists Caught in Aleppo

Competent authorities arrested two terrorist members of armed groups and seized their weapons in Hanano neighborhood in Aleppo.

The seized weapons included automatic rifles, magazines, explosive devices and a quantity of ammunition.

Participants in ‘Syrian Family’ Meeting in Quneitra Stress Support to Reforms, Rejection of Foreign Interference

QUNEITRA, (SANA) – Participants in the Syrian Family meeting held on Sunday stressed the need to put an end to the terrorist acts committed by the armed terrorist groups, which are supported and funded by some international, regional and Arab countries.

The Meeting was held in Quneitra under the title ‘Religion is for God, Homeland is for All’.

The participants also stressed the need to enhance national unity and reject all forms of foreign interference attempts in the internal affairs.

They expressed rejection of the acts of sabotage and vandalism carried out by the armed terrorist groups, hailing the role of the Syrian army in defending the homeland and preserving law.

The participants highlighted that the plot against Syria aims at weakening its pan-Arab role, adding that the awareness of the Syrians and their adherence to national unity will foil the conspiracy.

They said that the Syrians, as one family, made the whole world hear its rejection of foreign interference attempts in the Syrian internal affairs and adherence to national sovereignty.

Mood: Situation in Syria Calm, We are Working to Help Syrian People

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_Head of the UN observer mission in Syria, Maj. Gen. Robert Mood, said that the situation in Syria is calm, adding that the mission has 157 civilian and military monitors distributed in the governorates of Daraa, Idleb, Hama and Homs.

In statements to journalists on Saturday, Mood said “There are more than 50 countries involved in the mission, and we are working to help the Syrian people who fully understand that we are working to help them, ” adding that the Syrians have shown remarkable hospitality, even the bereaved who lost loved ones.

Cargo Plane Loaded with 6 Armored Vehicles Arrives in Damascus Airport

A cargo plan, loaded with 6 armored Jeep cars sent to the UN observer mission in Syria, arrived in Damascus international airport on Saturday.

Administrative Director of the UN observer mission in Syria, Milan Troyanovic, told SANA “Two cargo planes are due to arrive later in the day, the first loaded with 6 jeep armored vehicles and the second with 13, bringing to 25 the number of vehicles to arrive on Saturday, offered by the EU to the observer mission.”

Premier Inspects Damage of Terrorist Blasts in al-Qazzaz, Instructs to Compensate Victims

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Prime Minister Adel Safar on Saturday inspected the acts of sabotage and the damage resulted by the two terrorist blasts that hit al-Qazzaz neighborhood last Thursday which claimed the lives of scores of martyrs and hundreds others wounded.

Safar was briefed on the acts of maintenance, removing debris and restoring the infrastructure. He instructed Ministry of Local Administration, Damascus governorate to record the damage of this coward act in order to compensate the affected people and victims as soon as possible.

Later, the Premier visited the National Hospital in al-Mujtahid, assuring the health of the wounded persons, wishing them quick recovery. Safar agreed to allocate150 million SYP to complete and equip the new emergency Unit at the Hospital.

“This coward heinous act has no relation to any human values.. It aims at striking Syria’s will and its people in life, security and stability,” Safar said in a statement.

He called on the Syrian people to boost the national unity in order to overcome this conspiracy backed by states that sponsor terrorism to obstruct the internal reform process and spread chaos in the country.

Salehi: Iran Rejects Any Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs

TEHRAN, (SANA)- Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, reiterated his country’s rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, asserting that solving the crisis in Syria does not come from abroad but through finding a compromising formula among all sides

Meeting with Foreign Minister of the Palestinian resigned Government, Mohammad Awad on Sunday, Salehi renewed his country’s stand towards the resistance in Palestine and in Lebanon.

He called on all Palestinian factions to be cautious of the Israeli conspiracies and the necessity of maintaining the Palestinian people’s unity.

Syria’s Statement to the Ministerial Meeting of Non-Aligned Movement

Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, (SANA) – Syria stressed, in the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement, its resolve to protect the Syrian people, disarm the terrorists and seek a political solution to the crisis.

Ambassador Tammam Sulaiman, Director of the International Organizations and Conferences Directorate at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry and head of the Syrian delegation delivered Syria’s statement to the meeting.

The statement pointed out the need to define terrorism, adding that “terrorism is governed by mysterious standards, sometimes we hesitate in supporting the just right of resisting foreign occupation as we could be accused of supporting terrorism and, at the same time, the terrorist groups are benefitting from this state of chaos.”

Sulaiman added that some countries are interfering in the region’s events and trying to ignite sedition and chaos under the pretext of ‘humanitarian intervention’ while Israel continue ignoring the resolutions of the international community by occupying Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and South Lebanon.

He pointed out that political reforms are needed in all countries, but there are some sides that try to exploit the calls of political reforms to topple regimes by exploiting innocent people.

Sulaiman underscored that some countries liked the principle of foreign interference and want to make it a new international tactic under the pretext of humanitarian intervention, adding that when they fail in this, they wage political and media escalation and fund terrorism through arming terrorist groups.

“Syria has been suffering a terrorist campaign since March 2011. It started with innocent mottos demanding peaceful demonstration, and the government undertook a set of reforms launched by President Bashar al-Assad. These reforms led to the start of a new stage in the history of the Syrian people,” he said.

Sulaiman stressed that what is happening in Syria isn’t a ‘revolution’ as some sides desperately try to call it, adding that what Syria is facing is the worst terrorist campaign backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, France and the USA.

He added that these sides are publically calling for supporting, arming and funding the armed terrorist groups in Syria, stressing that the unity and cohesion of the Syrian people after more than a year of the terrorist attacks and crimes clearly indicate that the Syrians reject the external plot.

“The armed terrorist groups continue their acts to undermine the country’s economy and institutions with the presence of a misleading and provocative media campaign and billions of dollars allocated by the aforementioned countries to spread terrorism,” the statement said.

Sulaiman said that Syria provided the UN institutions with accurate statistics on the number of victims of the terrorism in the current crisis, adding that the armed terrorist groups are mutilating the corpses of the victims before handing them over or discarding them.

He asked “Is this the freedom these terrorists are calling for while bragging and boasting over the support they have from KSA, Qatar, Turkey and Israel?”

He pointed out that the KSA, whose people don’t have the basic human rights and which doesn’t allow the media outlets to enter the country to see the massacres it is committing against its people, can’t talk about democracy and reforms.

He added that Qatar, whose officials visit Israel and which arrests figures of the Qatari opposition, can’t talk about supporting the rights of the peoples.

“Syria received the UN Special Envoy, Kofi Annan, and agreed to host a team of UN observers because it is keen on reaching a political solution to the crisis and stopping the crimes of the terrorist groups,” he highlighted.

He stressed that Syria will continue protecting the Syrian people and will fight terrorists and continue exerting efforts with the aim of reaching a political solution to the crisis via a political dialogue among all spectrums of the Syrian people.

He said that the reason for this media, terrorist and political war is Syria’s support to the causes of the Arab people and its firm stance in supporting the honest resistance movements against the Israeli occupation, stressing that Syria will not shift its policy.

Sulaiman concluded by thanking the members of the movement for supporting Syria’s right in resorting the occupied Syrian Golan.


Syrian News on May 10th, 2012

Higher Committee for Elections: There were No leaks by the Committee on the People’s Assembly Election Results

PROVINCES, (SANA) –Chief of the Higher Committee for Elections, Councilor Khalaf al-Azzawi, said that the Committee will announce the date of announcing the final results of the People Assembly elections one day prior to the date, and media will be called to attend the announcement of final results.

On reported leaks on the results in some electoral constituencies, al-Azzawi said that no results were leaked by the Committee.

On the rerun of elections in al-Zahiriyyeh and Amarat in al-Hasaka constituency, al-Azzawi said that the elections were rerun due to objections submitted to the judicial subcommittee in Hasaka.

Answering a question on the expected date of announcing the election results, al-Azzwi indicated that the Higher Committee for Elections have so far received results from 5 electoral constituencies in the governorates, adding that the date and place of announcing the results will be announced when the Committee receives the final results from all constituencies.

Judicial subcommittees in provinces of Daraa, Sweida, Quneitra, Raqqa, Tartuos and Idleb finished counting votes for the People’s Assembly elections while the process continues in the other provinces.

In Lattakia, Head of judicial subcommittee , Judge Mohammad Suleiman, said that counting was finished in 577 poll centers, while 240 ballots are due to be finished by the end of the day.

Head of the judicial subcommittee n Tartous, Judge Hassan Shash, said that the counting is done in the 720 poll centers, adding that the results were referred to the Central Judicial Committee to be announced officially.

In Aleppo, counting votes is finished, while 60 ballots out of 954 in Aleppo Countryside are being counted.

In Aleppo, counting votes is finished, while 60 ballots out of 954 in Aleppo Countryside are being counted.

Head of the judicial subcommittee in Aleppo Countryside, Turki Hamsho, said that the committee received candidates’ objections and referred them to the Higher Constitutional Court.

In Homs, counting continues in 35 polling centers , while 420 out of 561 ballots have been counted in Deir Ezzor.

In Hasaka, 460 out of 758 ballots were counted , while elections were rerun in al-Zaheriyeh and al-Amarat in al-Jawadiyeh region due to some infringements.

Supervisor of vote-counting in the province expected the process to be finished on Thursday.

Terrorists Target Law-Enforcement Forces with Explosive Device in Hama

HAMA, (SANA) – An explosive device planted by terrorists in al-Sabouniyeh neighborhood in Hama went off on Wednesday, injuring members of law enforcement forces.

A source at the governorate told SANA’s correspondent that the explosion injured four people, two of them are in critical condition.

Four Army, Law-enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, DEIR EZZOR (SANA) – The bodies of four army and law enforcement martyrs were escorted on Wednesday from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and the Military Hospital of Deir Ezzor to their final resting place.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were killed in line of duty in Damascus Countryside, Hama, Deir Ezzor and Aleppo.

The martyrs are:

­           Chief Warrant Officer, Ihsan Mohammad Ali, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Aiham Ali Ahmad, from Tartous.

­           Conscript Adnan Ahmad Milkash, from Damascus.

­           Conscript Seido Ibesh Mohammad, from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families stressed adherence to national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy against the homeland, expressing confidence in the Syrian people’s ability to overcome the crisis through their steadfastness and the sacrifices made by the Syrian army.

Al-Jafari: Syria Carries Out Annan’s Plan, Countries that Provide Terrorists with Money and Arms Should Stop this Support

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN , Bashar al-Jafari, said that the work of the observer mission is on the right path, yet the type of crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups became more worse.

Speaking at the UN headquarters in New York, al-Jafari said that Syria is implementing its pledges under the plan of the UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, but those sides which support terrorists with money and arms from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are not, adding that these countries should stop their support to the armed terrorist groups.

Al-Jafari added that the armed terrorist groups are committing crimes against civilians and military members, indicating that confessions of 26 Arab people who were arrested in Syria revealed that they came from Libya, Tunisia and other countries through Turkey and Lebanon to launch terrorist attacks in Syria.

He said that the Syrian security forces killed 15 members of those Takfiri and Salafi groups, adding that “Therefore, we are talking about facts that cannot be denied regarding the involvement of foreign fighters in the events in Syria which is a very serious issue.”

Al-Jafari added that the sheikhs who issued fatwas calling for murdering and committing crimes live in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Al-Jafari reiterated the Syrian government’s commitment to guarantee the utmost degrees of success for Annan’s mission, saying “but the Syrian government can’t do this alone.. we are in need for the participation of all to see the Qataris, Saudis and the Turkish government stop their support and instigation of violence, stop their money funding to cover the needs of the armed groups which attack civilian and military members.”

“There are committees at the UNSC meant to implement the resolutions 1272 and 1373 linked to the activities of al-Qaeda and Taliban… these committees should assume responsibilities in dealing with al-Qaeda activities in Syria.. otherwise this will be a double standard policy and language,” al-Jafari said.

In response to questions of journalists, al-Jafari underlined that Syria is interested and participates in the success of the international observers’ mission, adding “we think issues are going in a positive manner on the field, the volume of violence has remarkably retreated, but the quality of crimes perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups became worse.. we are witnessing now suicide acts, assassinations and explosive devices blasts.”

On the difference between Ban Ki-Moon’s statements yesterday from those of Annan’s today regarding Syria, al-Jafari said “I met the UN Chief 10 days ago and urged him to engage positively in supporting Annan’s mission.”

“Turkey sponsors and gives shelter to some army defectors and the armed terrorist groups… those armed groups are infiltrating through the Turkish borders.. they are perpetrating crimes against the Army forces and police, then infiltrating back to Turkey.. so the Turkish government should be responsible for halting the operations of infiltration through the Syrian-Turkish borders,” al-Jafari added.

He underlined that Syria has a bulk of facts, and everything will be announced on time, saying “what was announced today is a simple example of the facts Syria possesses.”

As for Annan’s intention to visit Syria during the next days, al-Jafari said “We always welcome him in Damascus.”

Popular Front: Elections would help launch national dialogue

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Popular Front for Liberation and change held a press conference on Wednesday to declare its stance on the parliamentary elections which were run last Monday.

“The Front has entered the electoral process with the aim of making this process a turning point and a serious completion for the political process in the country to help launch the hoped- for national dialogue,” Qadri Jamil, Head of the Front said at the press conference.

He considered that the elections have proved there was a popular support to the program proposed by the Front, saying “we will study how this support has been reflected by voting through collecting information from all candidates.”

“At principle, the Front was against this electoral system.. this system doesn’t put the candidates in a place of equality.. it gives preference to the candidates who are backed by the powers of money or the state bodies,” Jamil said.

He added that the Front was confident in the need for changing that electoral system and moving towards a new one that concords with the 8th Article of the new constitution.

Mood: Syria’s Exit from Crisis has to be Decided by the Syrians

DARAA, (SANA)_Maj. Gen. Robert Mood, Head of the UN observer mission in Syria, said that an explosive device went off as the UN observer mission team passed by, injuring one of the guards and a journalist.

In a press conference in Daraa on Wednesday, Mood said “The explosion is an indication that reflects the violence in Syria.”

Gen. Mood considered that Syria’s exit from the crisis has to be decided by the Syrians themselves, adding that all parties in Syria have to communicate for solving the crisis.

”We met the UN observers in Daraa who said they are welcomed by all, ”said Mood, adding that there are 70 observers in Syria to reach 100 in the next couple of days, vowing to convey the situation on the ground as it is.

On the report submitted by the UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, to the UN Security Council, Mood said “We cannot comment since it was we who submitted the report based on our on-the-ground observations..I believe that the international community had a balanced view on the report.”

165 Citizens Involved in Recent Events Turn Themselves In

ALEPPO, (SANA) – 165 citizens who were misled and got involved in the recent events in the country and whose hands are clear of the Syrian blood have handed themselves and their weapons in to the authorities in Aleppo and its countryside.

The citizens were released to go back to normal life after pledging not to take up arms again or take part in vandalizing public and private properties.

The released citizens expressed regret and promised not to participate in acts that affect Syria’s security in the future.

Humanitarian Aid Convoy Heading to Gaza Arrives in Lattakia

LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The humanitarian aid convoy “The Right to Return” heading to Gaza entered the Syrian territories through Kasab crossing point on Wednesday.

The convoy is organized by a group of Europeans who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and Syria and headed by the British MP George Galloway.

Receiving the convoy, Lattakia GovernoAbdel Qader Mohammad al-Sheikh and Secretary of al-Baath Party Branch in Lattakia, Mohammad Shreitah, expressed Syria’s gratitude to the convoy members’ stances in support of the Palestinian Cause which is the Arabs’ central cause.

Spokesman of the convoy members thanked the Syrian government and people for facilitating their mission in conveying aid to the Palestinians in Gaza and continuing efforts to lift the siege imposed on them.

He added that the convoy is scheduled to arrive in Gaza on May 15 which coincide the anniversary of Nakba Day to remind the world that the Palestinians who were forced to leave their homes should return.

“What is taking place in Syria is a Syrian affair and we are guests of the Syrian people and respect their right to determine their destiny without foreign interferences,” he said.

He criticized the pressure and sanctions imposed by the West and some other countries on Syria in the name of democracy, indicating to the difficulties hindering their passage on the Turkish side.

The convoy included 14 buses carrying 24 activists from different European countries, in addition to humanitarian, health and educational aid.

UN Monitoring Mission Delegation Visits Aleppo

ALEPPO, (SANA) – The UN monitoring mission delegation visited on Wednesday several suburbs of Aleppo city and met the Governor of Aleppo Mouaffaq Khallouf.

For his part, Governor of Aleppo, Mouaffaq Khallouf, briefed the UN mission delegation on the city of Aleppo and its economic and industrial importance. Governor Khallouf pointed out that the province has been calm since the crisis started in Syria until some armed terrorist groups entered the province and perpetrated several criminal acts.

Head of the delegation noted that the western media is presenting a different view  from reality on the ground, adding that the western media is exaggerating the events in Syria.

The delegation visited Bab al-Hadid, al-Qaterji, al-Maysar, Bab al-Nairab and al-Muhalaq suburbs in Aleppo.

Churkin: Situation in Syria Moving in Positive Direction

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin on Wednesday said that the situation in Syria is moving in a positive direction.

In a statement made after the UN Security Council’s meeting, Churkin underlined that “Things are moving in a positive direction, there are some obstacles, but we think they can be overcome.”

Syria’s Al-Shorta Qualifies for Second Round of AFC Cup

AMMAN, (SANA) – Syria’s Al-Shorta football team qualified to the second round of the Asianf Football Confederation Cup after defeating Lebanon’s Safa SC 3-2 in the final match for Group E.

Two of Al-Shorta’s goals were scored by Raja Rafe’a at the 18 and 51 minutes marks, while Kussai Habib scored the third at the 71 minutes mark, while Safa SC’s goals were scored by Ali al-Saadi at 21 minutes and Rami Kaddour at 91 minutes.

With this victory, al-Shorta stands at the top of group E with 15 points.

Meanwhile, Syria’s Al-Ittihad left the championship after losing to Kuwait’s Al-Qadsiya 5-2.

Al-Qadsiya’s goals were scored by al-Haj Issa at the 2 and 48 minutes marks, Nawaf al-Materi at 41 and 52 minutes, and Omar al-Soma at 45 minutes. Al-Ittihad’s goals were scored by Hussameddin Omar at 33 minutes and Mohammad al-Hasan during the extra time.

With this loss, Al-Ittihad ended up with 4 points, while Al-Qadsiya ended up at the top of Group A and qualified for the second round along with Oman’s Al-Suwaiq which beat Jordan’s Al-Faisaly earlier.


Syrian News on May 9th, 2012

Counting of Ballots of People’s Assembly Elections Continues, Counting Finished in Some Areas

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Judicial subcommittees in Syrian governorates continue the process of counting ballots for the People’s Assembly elections at voting centers.

Chairman of the Higher Committee for Elections Khalaf al-Azzawi said that after the counting, each candidate’s votes will be collected and listed in a report to be sent with each ballot to the governorate’s subcommittee.

He said that infringements must be reported to the Higher Committee, and that candidates’ objections are being accepted.

In Lattakia, counting was finished in 300 out of 817 election centers, while 668 out of 720 ballots were counted in Tartous were six candidates presented an objection.

In Hama, 500 out of 1000 ballots were counted, and the rest are due to be finished by 8 PM, while counting in Aleppo is almost finished, but the Aleppo Countryside ballots are being scrutinized due to the late arrival of some ballots.

300 out of the 604 ballots in Homs have been counted, and 280 out of 561 ballots have been counted in Deir Ezzor.

In Hasaka, 100 ballots have been counted so far, and counting is almost done in the 510 centers in Raqqa.

Counting of ballots was finished in Sweida, Quneitra, Idleb and Daraa.

Al-Jafari: Syria Carries Out Annan’s Plan, Countries that Provide Terrorists with Money and Arms Should Stop this Support

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN , Bashar al-Jafari, said that the work of the observer mission is on the right path, yet the type of crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups became more worse.

Speaking at the UN headquarters in New York, al-Jafari said that Syria is implementing its pledges under the plan of the UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, but those sides which support terrorists with money and arms from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are not, adding that these countries should stop their support to the armed terrorist groups.

Al-Jafari added that the armed terrorist groups are committing crimes against civilians and military members, indicating that confessions of 26 Arab people who were arrested in Syria revealed that they came from Libya, Tunisia and other countries through Turkey and Lebanon to launch terrorist attacks in Syria.

He said that the Syrian security forces killed 15 members of those Takfiri and Salafi groups, adding that “Therefore, we are talking about facts that cannot be denied regarding the involvement of foreign fighters in the events in Syria which is a very serious issue.”

Al-Jafari added that the sheikhs who issued fatwas calling for murdering and committing crimes live in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Al-Jafari reiterated the Syrian government’s commitment to guarantee the utmost degrees of success for Annan’s mission, saying “but the Syrian government can’t do this alone.. we are in need for the participation of all to see the Qataris, Saudis and the Turkish government stop their support and instigation of violence, stop their money funding to cover the needs of the armed groups which attack civilian and military members.”

“There are committees at the UNSC meant to implement the resolutions 1272 and 1373 linked to the activities of al-Qaeda and Taliban… these committees should assume responsibilities in dealing with al-Qaeda activities in Syria.. otherwise this will be a double standard policy and language,” al-Jafari said.

In response to questions of journalists, al-Jafari underlined that Syria is interested and participates in the success of the international observers’ mission, adding “we think issues are going in a positive manner on the field, the volume of violence has remarkably retreated, but the quality of crimes perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups became worse.. we are witnessing now suicide acts, assassinations and explosive devices blasts.”

On the difference between Ban Ki-Moon’s statements yesterday from those of Annan’s today regarding Syria, al-Jafari said “I met the UN Chief 10 days ago and urged him to engage positively in supporting Annan’s mission.”

“Turkey sponsors and gives shelter to some army defectors and the armed terrorist groups… those armed groups are infiltrating through the Turkish borders.. they are perpetrating crimes against the Army forces and police, then infiltrating back to Turkey.. so the Turkish government should be responsible for halting the operations of infiltration through the Syrian-Turkish borders,” al-Jafari added.

He underlined that Syria has a bulk of facts, and everything will be announced on time, saying “what was announced today is a simple example of the facts Syria possesses.”

As for Annan’s intention to visit Syria during the next days, al-Jafari said “We always welcome him in Damascus.”

Three Workers Martyred by Terrorists’ Gunfire in Homs, Officer Abducted in Daraa , 4 People Injured in Blast in Idleb, Citizen Killed in Hama

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Three workers were martyred while others were injured by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group which attacked a bus for kayton Shoes Company between Homs and Hama, near al-Sawda crossingroads.

Terrorists Abduct Lieutenant Colonel in Daraa Countryside

An armed terrorist group abducted Lieutenant Colonel Zouhir Mohammad al-Nabulsi from his home in al-Na’iymeh village in Daraa province.

An official source told SANA correspondent that the terrorists attacked the neighborhood and opened intense fire after which they stormed al-Nabulsi’s home and abducted him.

4 People Injured in an Explosive Device Blast, Two Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb

Four people who were in a truck were injured as an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group near meteorological service center in Idleb exploded.

A blast of an explosive device between Ihsem and Abdita towns near the crossingroads to al-Bara town in Idleb countryside caused damage to two electricity pylons and cut off electricity to these towns and the neighboring villages.

SANA correspondent said that the maintenance teams are working to repair the damage and restore electricity to the region.

The military engineering units dismantled two explosive devices planted by armed terrorist groups near meteorological service center on Idelb-Salqin road.

Terrorists Shot a Civilian, Explosive Device Dismantled in a Park in Hama

A source in Hama governorate told SANA correspondent that citizen Iyad Mohammad al-Karam was killed with a gunshot by terrorist while he was at his father’s home in Aleppo road neighborhood.

The source added that four gunmen burglarized a microbus for Hama Electricity Establishment in Hama.

In the same context, military engineering units in Hama dismantled an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group at al-Andalus Park in al-Ta’awniyeh neighborhood and no injuries were reported.

Armed Terrorist Group Assassinates Sheikh al-Ghannash from al-Akidat Tribe in Deir Ezzor

An armed terrorist group assassinated with gunfire Sheikh Mahmoud Hassan al-Ghannash, from Jadeid Akidat village , near Crossingroads to Jasem village in Deir Ezzor.

An official source told SANA reporter that the daughter of Sheikh al-Ghannash was injured in the attack which targeted his car while his brother was not hurt.

Three Army Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ LATTAKIA (SANA) – The bodies of  3 martyrs were escorted on Tuesday from Tishreen and Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals in Damascus and Lattakia to their final resting place.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were killed while in the line of duty in Damascus Countryside and Hama.

The Martyrs are:

­           First Lieutenant Bassam Ali Hammoud, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Dwreid Faddlallah Dergham, from Sweida.

­           Conscript Firas Faysal Idrees from Homs.

The martyrs’ families and relatives expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons and readiness to follow in their footsteps for the sake of defending Syria’s stability and pride.

They stressed the Syrian people’s commitment to national unity and resistance against the media calls for instigation and sedition, voicing their condemnation of the criminal acts of the armed terrorist groups and their steadfastness against them.

Al-Attar to Jordanian Delegation: Targeting Syria Bid to Strike Resistance, Dismember Arab Nation,  Obliterate the Palestinian Cause

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Vice-President Dr. Najah al-Attar underlined that what is targeting Syria aims at dismembering the Arab Nation in an attempt to obliterate the Palestinian cause, the Arabs ‘ central issue.

Dr. Attar’s remarks came during her meeting with the Jordanian Solidarity Delegation on Tuesday that includes intellectuals, politicians and lawyers.

Al-Attar added that targeting Syria is a bid to strike the resistance axis and what Syria represents for Arab resistance in confronting the western hegemonic attacks against the region, in addition to being an attempt to end Arabism through regional and Arab tools, stressing that Syria is able to overcome the crisis thanks to its national unity and the support of loyal Arab people.

She clarified that the parliamentary elections done yesterday constitute a step forwards in the reform process led by the leadership, but Syria’s enemies and the opposition abroad do not want reform, rather they are eager to fragment the state and damage the social fabric to weaken Syria and distract it from the main Arab issues.

The Vice-President voiced sorrow that the Arab League and some Arab countries have become a platform for targeting Syria and tools in the hand of the west and the USA to shed the Syrian blood and call for colonialism under cheap and frail pretexts.

Al-Attar lauded the popular stances in solidarity with Syria in Jordan and other Arab countries which are based on awareness of the reality of the scheme launched against Syria and the region, pointing out that these stances strengthen and fortify Syria.

For their part, members of the delegation stressed that coming to Syria means only moving from the southern part of Jordan to its north or moving from the south of Syria to its north as they are one people and one land despite of the borders.

They pointed out that supporting Syria is self-support considering that what harms Syria harms Jordan and all Arabs likewise.

They added that being in Syria is a continuation of their support to the reform process taking place in Syria and an emphasis that the scheme against Syria targets the whole nation, noting that the image propagated by some media outlets about Syria is false and deluding.

Mikdad: European Sanctions on Syria Directly Target Syrian Citizens

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad stressed on Tuesday Syria’s appreciation of the international humanitarian organizations which are neutral, credible and do not serve any political agendas.

Meeting Ann Mary Olsen, head of the International Department of the Danish Refugee Council, Dr. Mikdad pointed out that the inhumane European sanctions imposed on Syria are directly targeting the livlihood of the Syrian people, adding that the sanctions are aimed at undermining Syria’s policy and stances which reject the agendas of some western and regional states.

Dr. Mikdad reiterated Syria’s commitment to ensuring the success to the plan of UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, including the humanitarian side of it.

For her part, Olsen hoped that stability would be restored in Syria, hailing the standing cooperation between the Danish Council and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent organization.

Annan: Violence Should be Halted, A Political Process must be launched in Syria

GENEVA, (SANA) – The UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan said that violence should be halted and a credible political process serving the interests of the Syrian people should be launched.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Annan added that messages aren’t addressed only to the Syrian government, but also the armed groups who must discard their weapons.

He said that all sides should commit to the UN plan and guarantee the implementation of the six-point plan and engage into dialogue to get out of the crisis.

Annan stressed the priority is to halt violence, adding that “We are not talking about the Syrian government but also the governments which have influence on the opposition.”

He announced that he will visit Damascus in the few coming days.

“We started slowly, but later, we took guarantees that at the end of May, 300 monitors will be deployed completely on land,” Annan said.

He added “a decrease in the military activities was achieved, but there are violations of the halt of violence and they are not accepted… the governmental forces, armored vehicles are still there, even through with small numbers… but we also witnessed attacks against the public institutions and facilities and a spate of bombings that could frighten the inhabitants .”

The international mediator underlined that it was clear that the existence of observers in some places had an easing effect, saying “we will deploy the monitors who will guarantee that the six points of the plan aims at creating an atmosphere to shift to the political dialogue.”

He added that he doesn’t bear any ultimatums, but he seeks negotiations, appealing to those who bear arms, those who detain some prisoners to think about the people, Syria and the whole region.

Neeraj Singh:UN Observers Reached 70 and to be Notably Increased in the Few Coming Days

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ Neeraj Singh, spokesman for the UN monitoring team in Syria declared that the number of UN observers in Syria reached to 70 and it would be notably increased during the few coming days.

Singh added in press statements here Tuesday that 9 observers are now in Homs, 4 in each of Daraa, Hama and Idlib Governorates, asserting that the observers pay field visits to scores of towns, quarters, and villages in Syria interacting and communicating with the population as to form a real picture about the ongoing on the ground before sending their daily reports which give actual and real description of the reality on the ground.

Today’s UN Observers’ visits included the villages of Dir al-assafir, al-Miliha, Jaramana, Bizina, and the Southern bypass.

Another observer team visited the neighborhoods of Kazo and al-Taawuniye in Hama city and inspected an explosive device planted by terrorists in al-Taawuniye.

The delegation also visited the Trade Union headquarters which was attacked by terrorists using an RPG on Monday.

Afterwards, two teams from Idleb and Damascus joined the Hama team and held a meeting. A number of observers from the Hama team were replaced then each team returned to its assigned area.

On a relevant note, a plane carrying 14 vehicles, communication devices and office equipment for the UN observer mission arrived at Damascus International Airport.

The plane was provided by the German government to transport the cars and equipment from the UN logistics center in Brindisi, Italy.

Russian Academic and Media Delegation: Media Broadcasting Unreal Image of Events in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Members of the Russian academic and media delegation visiting Syria stressed that what media is broadcasting comes within the fabrications to draw an unreal and baseless image that contradicts the reality of events taking place in Syria.

The delegation members’ remarks came during a meeting with Grand Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badr Eddin Hassoun, on Tuesday.

For his part, Hassoun said that the West, the US and Israel are conspiring with some Arabs to protect Israel and exploiting religion and using plots to fragment the region.

He called upon journalists and academics to take their role in conveying the real image of events in Syria to the international public opinion and divulge the conspiracy.

Hassoun added that there is a conspiracy against Syria as it is the sole country in the region that is clean of US bases and that those who target Syria are targeting the peace and the stability of the whole region and its people.

Earlier, the delegation toured Damascus City and inspected the electoral process in a number of poll centers, saying that the process proceeded transparently without any obstacles.

Committee for Supporting Liberated and Detained Syrian Prisoners in the Israeli Jails Denounces Israel’s Barbaric Practices against Detainees

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Committee for Supporting Liberated and Detained Syrian Prisoners in the Israeli Jails on Tuesday called on the UN and its organizations to shoulder its responsibilities regarding the oppression and torture carried out by the Israeli occupation against Syrian detainees in solitary imprisonment.

In a statement, the Committee beseeched the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to intervene and assume its humanitarian role regarding Syrian detainees in Israeli prison, calling on it to visit these captives – particularly Sedki al-Maqt – and inspect their health and living conditions.

The Committee denounced the barbaric practices of the Israeli occupation authorities against detainees, saying that these practices aim at killing them.

It also lauded the steadfastness of Syrian and Arab detainees in Israeli jails, noting that captives have begun their 23td day of hunger strike and that their lives are now in danger.

Mehmanparast: Parliamentary Election in Syria Another Step for Reform

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Parliamentary election in Syria is another step in the way of reforms launched by the Syrian leadership and Government, Spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Ramin Mehmanparast said on Tuesday.

In a press conference in Tehran, Mehmanparast stressed that the participation of the Syrian people in the elections is the right decision because it contributes to solving the internal issues through dialogue.

Mehmanparast said that arming the armed terrorist groups in Syria would further increase clashes and aggravate the situation, calling on the regional and international states to work to give success to the plan of the UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

Mehmanparast: Israel Tries to Weaken, Destabilize Syria for its Pivotal Resistant Role

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said that Israel is trying to weaken and destabilize Syria because of its pivotal role in the Resistance movement.

In an interview on Russia Today Channel, Mehmanparast added that “All countries of the region should realize that weakening Syria is in the interest of Israel.”

He underscored that all the region’s countries should work to provide the appropriate circumstances to solve the crisis in Syria since repercussions of any deterioration in Syria will have impacts on all the region.

Concerning the Iranian nuclear file, Mehmanparast stressed that Iran is working within the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).

“All countries should recognize Iran’s right to acquire peaceful nuclear technology,” he concluded.

Libyan Researcher Witnesses Loading Lutfallah II with Weapons in Libya

BEIRUT, (SANA) – The US Counterpunch website cited a Libyan researcher, Hassan Diab, who has been working with a group of American and international lawyers preparing a case against NATO to be filed with the International Criminal Court that he and three of his friends actually saw the ship Lutfallah II being loaded with weapons in Benghazi, Libya.

The website correspondent Franklin Lamb quoted Hassan as saying that ” it is well known at the docks that Qatar and Saudi Arabia control a total of five warehouses in the area of Benghazi & Misrata and supplied the weapons and money to hire the Lutfallah II container vessel.”

Lamb added that Libyans and foreign dock workers at Benghazi Port, who observed the Lutfallah II being loaded, saw three containers filled with 150 tons of weapons put onboard, although the initial plan, according to the owner of the boat, was to ship as many as 15 containers whose shipment is estimated at more than 2000 tons of weapons.

The Lebanese Army seized Lutfallah II in the Lebanese territorial waters. The ship was loaded with weapons to be sent to gunmen in Syria, to stoke the crisis and shed more Syrian blood.

Cabinet Approves New Bill on Higher Constitutional Court

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A new bill on the Higher Constitutional Court was approved by the Syrian Cabinet during a session held on Tuesday.

In a press statement after the session, Minister of Justice, Tayseer Qalla Awad, stressed that the new bill comes within the framework of the constitutional vision to develop the performance of the judiciary of the Higher Constitutional Court in light of the wide authorities it was given according to the new constitution.

The Minister pointed out that the new bill stipulates that the Higher Constitutional Court is tasked with supervising and verifying the presidential elections.

The Court also is authorized to cancel any legislative decree or law that violates the constitution retroactively.

The Cabinet also approved a bill on establishing the Syrian Technical Center for Textile and another bill on establishing the Tourist Register at the Ministry of Tourism and its directorates.

Syrian News on May 8th, 2012

President Al-Assad Congratulates Russia’s New President

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad on Monday sent a congratulatory cable to Vladimir Putin on the occasion of assuming office as the President of Russia.

In his cable, President al-Assad expressed, on behalf of the Syrian people and on his own behalf, heartfelt congratulations to President Putin, wishing him success in his responsibilities.

President Putin was sworn in on Monday morning as the President of the Russian Federation.

Wide Turnout of Voters for Parliamentary Elections..Ballot boxes close at 10 p.m. local time

PROVINCES, (SANA)-Ballot boxes of the elections to the first Legislative term of the people’s Assembly 2012 were closed at 10 p.m. local time.

The elections are the first Syria witnesses in light of the new constitution which was approved last February.

The judicial sub-committees started to count votes in all Syria provinces.

The wide popular participation which was run within an atmosphere of democracy has reflected the Syrian people’s commitment to practice their electoral right with a free will to elect whom they see fit to represent them at the people’s Assembly.

Al-Izzawi : The final outcome of elections will be announced when the results of all electoral departments in  Syria would arrive here

Head of the Elections’ Higher Committee, Judge Khalaf al-Izzawi announced that the electoral process was closed at 10 p.m. today, adding “the sub-committees began counting votes in front of the candidates or who represent them, and the mass media.”

In a statement to SANA, al-Izzawi underlined that the final outcome of the elections will be announced by the higher committee when the results of all electoral departments in all Syria provinces would arrive here.

Earlier, the Syrians headed to the ballot boxes today morning at 7:00 a.m. local time (4:00 GMT) as to exercise their right in electing the People’s Assembly (Parliament) members according the New Constitution adopted last February.

The Syrian streets, press, websites and social media reflected the flurry of the electoral propaganda, stopped at 7:00 am yesterday, which helped introduce the candidates, their platforms and statements to the electorate.

The political parties, trends and powers and independent candidates are taking part in the elections with electoral rolls, alliances or independently under a judicial supervision that ensures fairness, freedom and democracy for the electorate in choosing their representatives.

The Syrians hope that the elections will chart the future of Syria as the ballot box will reveal the popular support for the candidates regardless of their political or party affiliations.

Interior Minister, Chairman of Elections Higher Committee: Elections Proceeding Normally and Quietly

Chairman of Higher Committee for Elections, Judge Khalaf al-Azzawi, said that voting is proceeding normally and quietly.

In a statement to SANA during a tour of voting centers in Damascus, al-Azzawi said that there were some minor remarks that were made in some centers and that heads of elections committees were informed of them, adding that they ensured the availability of secret ink and private voting booths.

On voting in other governorates, al-Azzawi said that the Committee hasn’t received any complaint, objection or remark from judicial subcommittees in governorates regarding the voting process.

In turn, Interior Minister Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar affirmed that voting is proceeding normally, with voting centers witnessing considerable turnout, adding that there are no problems so far with the exception of some minor things that usually occur in elections.

Al-Abrash: Elections of People’s Assemply Actual Implementation of Party and Political Pluralism

Speaker of People’s Assembly Mahomud al-Abrash said that the elections came as an actual implementation of party and political pluralism stated in the new constitution.

He added that the increasing turnout stresses the Syrians’ desire to continue the reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad to build a renewed Syria.

Safar: People’s Assembly Will Have Important Role in Monitoring Government’s Performance

In a statement to the journalists at the voting center at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister Adel Safar said that the legislative elections mark an important and historic stage in Syria which is moving forward with the announced comprehensive reform program despite all conspiracies to hinder the development process.

He added that the elections helped enhance the principles of parliamentary life in the country, indicating that the People’s Assembly will have a pivotal role in monitoring the government’s performance.

Ministers, Patriarch Lahham, al-Baath Party Officials Cast Their Votes

The Ministers of Information, Tourism, Interior, Education, Health and Electricity cast their votes the elections.

Minister of Information Dr. Adnan Mahmoud said that the media and psychological warfare against Syria and the attempts to undermine the elections only managed to make Syrians more determined to participate actively in the elections.

In turn, Tourism Minister Lamia Assi said that these elections represent a major national responsibility for every Syria as it will affect the future generations, while Education Minister Saleh al-Rashed said that the elections affirm Syria’s democratic choice which is set against the other choices that are harmful to Syria and its people.

For his part, Health Minister Wael al-Halqi stressed the need for the new People’s Assembly to represent all spectrums of the Syrian society to enrich discussions, while Electricity Minister Imad Khamis affirmed that these elections are a pioneering step towards making Syria a role model for the region’s countries.

After voting, Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, All the East, Alexandria and Jerusalem, Patriarch Gregorious III Laham, said that these elections are a major touchstone for Syria both on the local level in order to ensure the success of national dialogue and on the international level to show its true, positive image.

He stressed the need for the new People’s Assembly to live up to the responsibilities it bears in defending the dignity, rights, demands and aspirations of citizens, particularly youths, hoping that all Syrians will unite to guarantee the success of reforms.

Assistant Secretary General of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party Abdullah al-Ahmar also cast his vote, along with Assistant Regional Secretary Mohammad Saiid Bkheitan and members of the Party’s Regional Leadership Haitham Sattayhi and Shahnaz Fakoush.

In Damascus, voter Osama Dleiqan, a student, called upon the parliamentarians of the new session to work on combating corruption and to focus on upgrading the living standards of citizens.

Nour al-Koja, a student, stressed the importance of activating the authorities, pointing out to the need for providing the youth with job opportunities.

Ghaitha Abu Hassan, a student, said that the elections represent the Syrian people’s insistence on the national unity, as they new PMs should propose new laws that cope with the stage.

Since the early morning, People of Aleppo headed to the poll centers to practice their right to vote and elect the candidate who will help them achieve their aspirations.

Engineers Shaza Muslim and Ayman Subhi Aljoj said that the participation in elections reflects the popular will and the unity of the Syrian people and their adherence to the reform and development process led by President Bashar al-Assad.

In turn, Ilham Sheikh Issa said that the participation in the parliamentary elections is a national duty and an opportunity for all candidates and voters to build a democratic future that strengthens national principles and protect the national unity and the rule of the law.

Citizen Toni Na’meh said that practicing the right to vote is important to stress national options in support of reforms led by President al-Assad within a transparent and free atmosphere.

Mohammad Abdullah said that the participations in elections is a message to the whole world that Syria is leading a historic change in the Arab region that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people in progress and prosperity.

In Quneitra province, Judge Hassan al-Said indicated that no violations have been committed during the electoral process to the moment.

Some voters said that they voted for candidates whose electoral program met their aspirations and will convey their problems to the Assembly.

People in Hasaka province came in groups to elect 14 candidates who will represent them at the Assembly.

Hasaka Governor, Mu’zi Salloum, said that the centers witnessed remarkable turnout since the morning, adding that the elections is a national right that reflects the spirit of national unity in Syria and the political pluralism whose representatives will convene at the Assembly and discuss plans to develop Syria in all domains.

Engineer Hassoun Faris said that the elections are the starting point towards the biggest democratic change in Syria. University student Amer Khaleifeh called for paying attention to the youth and women, providing job opportunities, reducing unemployment and combating corruption.

In Sweida province, Secretary of al-Baath Party Branch, Shebli Jannoud, said that the parliamentary elections crowned the process of comprehensive reforms in Syria, calling upon all people to participate in supporting the reforms and fortifying the homeland in the face of all hostile schemes.

In turn, Governor of Sweida, Malek Ali, stressed the importance of this day to build a renewed Syria, adding that the citizens are practicing their right to vote in a democratic atmosphere.

The elections are due to last until 22:00 pm , and then vote-counting would start in attendance of the candidates.

7,195 candidates , including 710 women, representing the social spectrum, 2632 of whom with university degrees, are competing through 12, 152 electoral centers for 250 parliamentary seats, 127 of which are allocated to peasants and laborers, in 15 electoral constituencies.

According to the General Elections’ Law, the number of citizens who completed 18 years of age and have the right to participate in the elections reached 14,788,644 including the expatriates; military members of Army and police don’t have the right to elect as long as they are in military service.

Election centers were also set up at the air, marine and land border crossings as to enable citizens leaving or arriving in Syria to practice their right to elect.

The Syrian TV is broadcasting live the ongoing elections from over 50 locations all over Syria, in addition to media coverage by correspondents of more than 200 Arab and foreign media outlets, not to mention 100 personalities from Arab and foreign countries.

For his part, Governor of Damascus Countryside, Hussein Makhlouf, stressed that the governorate has taken all procedures to boost the electoral process, hoping that lections would bring members who can express the aspirations of the people.

In Homs Province, officials stressed that citizens started to come to the poll centers from early in the morning to choose their representatives, pointing out that the electoral process is going on in a comfortable atmosphere.

In Tartous, Governor Atef Naddaf stressed the importance of taking part in the elections, noting that citizens should choose their representatives who can shoulder the responsibility of conveying the demands of citizens to the People’s Assembly.

16 Army, Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ ALEPPO, (SANA) – The bodies of 16 army and civilian martyrs were escorted on Monday from Tishreen and Aleppo Military Hospitals to their final resting place.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were killed while in the line of duty in Damascus Countryside, Hama, Idleb, Homs and Aleppo.

The martyrs are:

­           Second Lieutenant Ziad Khalil al-Jarwan, from Daraa.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Nawras Kamel Nassour, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Omar Khalaf al-Hamad, from Daraa.

­           Sergeant Major Ahmad Issa Issa, from Hama.

­           Sergeant Major Fater Mohammad Ibrahim, from Homs.

­           Sergeant Major Firas Ali Ali, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Firas Na’san Bakeer, from Hama.

­           Sergeant Nidal Hassan Ghanem, from Tartous.

­           Sergeant Habib Mansour Ibrahim, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Hammam Selman Khaddour, from Tartous.

­           Conscript Hussein Matar al-Ghabra, from Deir Ezzor.

­           Conscript Madian Moustafa Damarji, from Homs.

­           Conscript Hani Mousa Zaytoun, from Quneitra.

­           Conscript Moustafa Ibrahim Bakko, from Aleppo.

­           Civil servant Yehia Mohammad Delkh, from Daraa.

­           Civilian Fedaa Mohammad Saqour, from Hama.


The martyrs’ families and relatives expressing pride in the martyrdom of their sons and readiness to follow in their footsteps for the sake of defending Syria’s stability and pride.

They stressed the Syrian people’s commitment to national unity and resistance against the media calls for instigation and sedition, voicing their condemnation of the criminal acts of the armed terrorist groups and their steadfastness against them.

Al-Moallem Stresses to Gen. Mood the Need for UN Observer Mission to Be Objective and Professional

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem on Monday met the leader of the UN observer mission, Gen. Robert Mood, affirming to him that Syria will continue to facilitate the mission’s task within the lines of the authority it was given.

Al-Moallem stressed the need for the mission’s work to be objective and professional to relay the reality of the situation in Syria to the international community away from the politicizing taking place at the Security Council regarding the Syrian issue.

For his part, Mood briefed al-Moallem on the mission’s work in Syria and its progress, lading the cooperation of the Syrian side in facilitating the mission’s work and guaranteeing its freedom of movement.

He also offered condolences over the Syrians who died in recent events.

Mikdad Stresses Syria’s Determination to Protect Independence and Sovereignty, Carry out Rerforms

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad on Monday stressed Syria’s determination to protect its independence and sovereignty and fight terrorism.

The remarks came during his meeting with a delegation from the Syrian community in Sweden and Swedish journalists.

Dr. Mikdad briefed the delegation on the developments in Syria and the fierce attack carried out by western and regional countries, stressing Syria’s keenness on continuing the reform program.

Mikdad criticized the stances of some western countries, which attack Syria under the pretext of human rights and violate the basic human rights of the Syrian people by supporting the armed terrorist groups in Syria and imposing unjust sanctions against the Syrians.

For their parts, members of the delegation expressed solidarity with Syria, stressing their resolve to convey the reality of Syria’s events to the public opinion.

They also expressed relief over the reforms taking place in the country, highlighting that the parliamentary elections day in Syria is a pivotal and important day in the process of building the future of Syria.

Singh: Observer Mission Continues Efforts to Halt Violence… More Observers Arrive in Syria Next Week

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Spokesman of the UN observer mission to Syria, Niraj Singh, said that the mission continues to carry out its tasks, mainly the halt of violence.

In a statement to the journalists in front of the UNRWA headquarters in Damascus, Singh added that more observers will arrive in Syria next week to join the 70 others already existing on the ground.

He said the existing observers are divided into teams and centered in a number of Syrian provinces, indicating that there are 4 observers in each of Homs, Hama, Daraa and Idleb provinces. In addition to three teams operating in Damascus and its countryside.

The first team operating in Damascus and its countryside toured the southern bypass area, al-Baytara roundabout region, al-Sena’a and al-Mezzeh, near Basatin al-Razi area, Ministry of Information, Umayyad Square, al-Jamarek roundabout, al-Mujtahed area, Khaled Bin al-Walid Street, al-Nasr Street, al-Marjeh, Victoria Street, Ateqa Tomb region.

Another team visited Douma and Harasta in Damascus Countryside while the third inspected the situation in Juber, Zamalka, Erbin, Barzeh and Rekn Eddin areas.

On the other hand, a delegation of international observers inspected the electoral process in the poll centers in the directorates of Services and Agriculture, the General Establishment for Cotton Fibers, the General Establishment for Carpets in Hama.

Another observer delegation visited the neighborhoods of Tariq al-Sham, al-Wa’r, al-Ghouta, Wadi al-Zahab, Ekrema, al-Inshaat and al-Hadara Street in Homs City.

People of Golan Commemorate Martyrs’ Day

QUNEITRA, (SANA) – In commemoration of the martyrs of the occupied Golan and the homeland, the people of Golan on Monday marked Martyrs’ Day in Buq’ata and Majdal Shams Squares.

The participants stressed their adherence to the Arabism of Golan, offering condolences to the relatives of the martyrs who died defending their homeland from armed terrorist groups which are trying to destabilize Syria.

The participants laid wreaths at the martyrs cemeteries in Buq’ata and Majdal Shams. The Syrian people in the occupied Golan issued a statement on the occasion, stressing adherence to their land regardless of the sacrifices.

They added that “Martyrdom is our national home, through it we protect our national family. Martyrdom is our fortress that unites our people.”

240 Citizens Involved in Recent Events Turn Themselves In

PROVINCES, (SANA) – 240 citizens who were misled and involved in the recent events in the country and whose hands are clear of the Syrian blood have handed themselves and their weapons in to the authorities in a number of Syrian provinces.

In Aleppo and Damascus Countryside, 124 people turned themselves in, as did 116 people from Idleb.

They were released to go back to normal life after pledging not to take up arms again or take part in vandalizing public and private properties.

The released citizens expressed regret and promised not to participate in acts that affect Syria’s security in the future.

Gatilov: Drop in Syria Violence Proves Efficiency of UN Observer Mission

MOSCOW, (SANA)_ Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that the drop in the level of violence in Syria proves the efficiency of the UN observer mission.

“Head of the UN observer team has said that violence in Syria has dropped significantly, which proves the efficiency of the UN observer mission, ” Gailov was quoted as saying on his Twitter page.

Earlier, Gatilov announced that Russia intends to send four persons to join the UN observer mission in Syria next month, bringing the number of the Russian observers to 5 unarmed officers.

Information Minister: People’s Assembly Elections Take Place in Democratic Atmosphere

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_Information Minister Dr. Adnan Mahmoud said that the People’s Assembly elections are to be held in an atmosphere of democracy and political pluralism, according to the elections’ law which tasked the independent judiciary with overseeing the elections through the Higher Committee of Elections.

In a statement on Sunday, Minister Mahmoud said that the atmosphere of political and media freedom that the state guaranteed under the constitution allowed the candidates and parties to express their platforms, and electoral campaigns were held in a competitive atmosphere.

He said that the Syrian national media applied the international democratic standards for electoral campaigns in its coverage of the electoral activities and festivals through embracing balance in the news coverage.

Minister Mahmoud added that the Syrian TV will be broadcasting live coverage of the event from over 50 locations all over Syria, in addition to media coverage by correspondents of more than 200 Arab and foreign media outlets , not to mention 100 personalities from Arab and foreign countries.

He added that the Syrian people have shown the highest degrees of awareness and resolve to move ahead with reforms, indicating that the Syrians’ participation is intended to challenge the terrorism waged by regional and international powers against Syria.

Terrorists Attack Garage of Private Transport Company in Damascus Countryside, Burn 32 Buses

PROVINCES, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group on Sunday attacked a garage belonging to a private transport company in Zabdin area in Damascus Countryside, setting fire to the buses parked in it and holding a guard, a driver and a mechanic hostage.

A police source told SANA that at 2 AM on Sunday, terrorists burned 32 busses belonging to Hasan Khalil’s interior transport company, stealing the car of the company’s accountant, bus license plates and spare parts, tools, fire extinguishers and a large amount of diesel fuel.

Authorities Liberate 14 People Abducted by Terrorists 4 Days Ago

With the help of locals from Madaya area in Damascus Countryside, the authorities liberated 14 people, 7 of them women, who had been abducted four days ago by terrorists impersonating security personnel.

The terrorists had intercepted a microbus heading to Madaya with seven women and three children on board along with an Iraqi family, forcing them to step out at gunpoint then took them to an unknown location where they remained blindfolded and tied up for four days.

Riman Mohammad, one of the liberated women, said that an armed group using three cars stopped the microbus and forced them out at gunpoint, claiming to be security personnel, then they took them to a house and placed them in a room, where they realized from conversations they overheard and the questions the gunmen posed that they’re actually an armed group.

211 People Involved in Recent Events Turn Themselves In

211 people who were misled into becoming involved in recent events yet didn’t shed any blood turned themselves in to the authorities in several governorates.

In Hama and its countryside, 185 people turned themselves in, as did 26 people from Damascus Countryside and Aleppo.

The authorities released them after they pledged to refrain from bearing arms or committing vandalism again.