Just International

President al-Assad to Rossiya 1 TV: Any Consideration of Aggression Against Syria Will Be More Costly than the World Could Afford

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – In an interview with Russia’s Rossiya 1 TV channel on Sunday, President Bashar al-Assad discussed developments in Syria and the region, Syria’s efforts to emerge from the crisis, the dangers and repercussions of any aggression against Syria or interference in its internal affairs, relations with Russia, and western sanctions.

Regarding the likelihood of the west waging an aggression against Syria and the idea that western military action against Syria is preplanned, President al-Assad said that the claims regarding the possibility of a western aggression against Syria is heard from time to time, particularly during crises between Syria and western countries within the past few decades, and that these claims aim at pressuring Syria to change its political stances.

President al-Assad said that Syria takes all possibilities into consideration even if this issue isn’t discussed in the media through leaks, noting that when the homeland is threatened in a military or security fashion, then the balance of power – who is stronger and who is weaker – has no value, adding “if you as a country represent a small and weak country and the enemy is big and strong, it’s natural to defend the homeland regardless of balance.”

He pointed out that others’ considerations regarding the scenario of aggression against Syria aren’t easy, and that Syria has a unique position in geographic, geopolitical, historic and other terms, as Syria is the meeting place of all or most the cultural, religious, sectarian and ethnic components of the Middle East.

President al-Assad elaborated by saying that Syria is the meeting place of two “tectonic plates” and that any attempt to destabilize these plates will lead to a massive earthquake that damages the entire region and affects the whole world, adding that any mention of such a scenario would be more costly than the world could afford, which is why it seems that the trend is moving towards political, political and economic pressure.

His Excellency said that there is no doubt that that Syria is counting on Russia, primarily because of the historic relations between the two countries and because Russia is a superpower and a permanent Security Council member, pointing out that Russia played an important role since the first days of the crisis and that the two governments were communicating directly, with the Syrian government explaining to Russia the details of the situation based on Syria’s importance and influence in terms of the situation in the Middle East and the region.

“Russia knew the dangers of the attempts at foreign interference in Syria, thus Russia played an important role in the international arena, with the most recent action in this regard being the Russian veto at the Security Council,” he said, adding that Syria is counting on the Russian stance and continuing support not just in defense of Syria, but also in defense of worldwide stability.

In response to a question on a Communist opposition figure thanking Russia for its veto while others burned Russian flags in Syrian cities, President al-Assad said regarding the first point that any Syrian citizen would have the same response as anyone with the least amount of patriotism would be grateful for Russia’s stance at the Security Council, adding that being in the opposition or a loyalist or somewhere in between doesn’t mean differing in political issues, as there is no difference in opinion with the opposition regarding Syria’s sovereignty and rejection of foreign interference and confronting terrorism; the differences lie in internal issues and political, economic, cultural and other issues.

“Regarding the burning of flags, I don’t believe we can put that in the frame of political work as it doesn’t represent opposition or anything else. It often represents individual cases that may be spurred from abroad to complete the media image of the big lie being promoted about Syria in foreign media, showing Russia as if it supports a state against the people… this is the supposed media game behind this action,” President al-Assad pointed out.

On the subject of who is represented by the opposition, President al-Assad said that such an issue would be more accurate after elections and the emergence of new parties, which would decide which sections of the society the opposition represents.

“We’re dealing with everyone; with all the forces on the Syrian arena because we believe that communication with these forces is very important, without specifying who has a popular base and who doesn’t,” President al-Assad said, stressing that a more accurate answer can be given after the elections which should take place in February 2012.

Answering a question on national dialogue, organizing elections and the establishment of a council in Istanbul by the opposition with their unwillingness to hold negotiations with the authorities, and whether there is a way to reach a peaceful agreement with them, President al-Assad said “The first thing is that in order to hold a dialogue you need more than one side, the other side should be able to hold dialogue… The other thing is that in order to hold political or formal dialogue with a side, there must be bases from which to start.”

President al-Assad asked “Are the forces we are willing to hold dialogue with accepted by the Syrian people? Are they manufactured abroad? Do they call for or accept foreign interference? Do they support terrorism? When we define all these bases, we can decide whether we hold dialogue or not.”

His Excellency stressed that the Syrian people reject foreign interference and oppose anything which come from outside the country, be it a political issue or stance.

“About the council that was formed in Istanbul, I don’t know a lot about it, but I can say that the accurate answer of this question comes from the Syrian people. When the Syrian people accept a council or a particular political structure, we as a state should hold dialogue with it,” President al-Assad indicated.

“As for the principle of accepting or rejecting dialogue or heading toward violence, I think the proper principle is adopting dialogue because it leads to solutions that stabilize any country. That is why we don’t comment a lot on that council, because the Syrian people didn’t care about it… When the Syrians consider a thing, the Syrian government will, subsequently, take it into consideration,” President al-Assad added.

On whether Syria will remain strong in the face of the economic sanctions imposed by the west and the US and regarding the Russian aid in this matter, President al-Assad pointed out that this siege, and particularly the economic and technical blockade, on Syria is decades old and isn’t new, saying “I don’t recall any period in which there weren’t under some sort of western blockade on Syria, but this blockade intensifies during crises, which is why we decided six years ago – in 2005 – to head towards the east.”

President al-Assad pointed out that the western sanctions and blockade primarily harm the Syrian people, not the state, but they will not smother Syria which relies on its own products and exports. “Syria has food and industrial production in addition to many other domains. As for the other materials that are not produced in Syria, we have neighboring countries. We are capable of overcoming this blockade by adjusting to the new status, which we’d already adjusted to in previous circumstances,” he elaborated.

About heading eastwards, President al-Assad said that Syria had always has relations with the west during recent decades despite the fact that the west, particularly France and the UK, was occupying a part of the east.

“Syria, Russia, India and China are east. There are many countries that have good relations with Syria whether in the east, in Latin America or in Asia. There are rising powers In Asia, such as, India, China and Russia which are playing an important worldwide role in the political, economic and technical fields. The west is not the only choice we have, and we must take advantage of our relations with these countries. Syrian-Russian relations, for example, were improved in rapid paces after 2005 when we decided to head eastwards. I think this crisis will further boost these relations, especially in the economic domain. We count on our relation with Russia and the Russian aid in the political aspects and the Russian-Syrian economic cooperation.”

On the attempt of Syria’s enemies to repeat the Libyan scenario in Syria and the Syrian plan to prevent that, President al-Assad said that Syria is different geographically, demographically, politically and historically from Libya, adding that such a scenario will be unviable and of exorbitant cost.

“First, a media was used to forge an external state against Syria, especially in the Security Council.  At that time, we were focusing on the internal aspect because it was not easy to show that there was an external plot, even to some Syrians. It was not easy to show that there were armed operations perpetrated against the state. Now, we have hundreds of army soldiers, policemen and security personnel killed,” President al-Assad said.

President al-Assad asked “Were they killed through peaceful protests? Were they killed by the shouting during the protests? Or were they killed by weapons? So, we’re are dealing with armed people, now the matter is clear and the Syrian people are now aware of the reality of the events in Syria.

“In the last two months, we’ve begun to focus on the external media, we’ve invited a large number of mass media establishments to come to Syria and inspect the reality of the events. The western media channels are biased in general not only during crises; they have a wrong preconceived notions and sometimes they express political agendas concerning the region,” President al-Assad said.

President al-Assad pointed out that “We are now trying to bring western media to inspect the reality but we are focusing on the friendly media to enable them to inspect and convey the image to their public in order for their governments to be able to take supportive stances regarding Syria. I think the basic direction now is towards media; we have to unmask the external plot against Syria and, and at the same time help these countries in aiding the local media.”

On whether there are sides assisting Syria’s enemies and the amount and sources of weapons at the disposal of these enemies, President al-Assad pointed out that during the first few months and particularly the first month of the crisis, it was difficult to find out the reality of what was happening and where the money or weapons was coming from, or even if there were actually money and weapons.

“After more than seven months since the crisis in Syria began, we gathered clean but incomplete information, but through recent investigations with terrorist it became irrefutably clear that weapons were being smuggled across the Syrian borders from neighboring countries and funds are being sent from people abroad… We have information about people leading these operations outside Syria and in several countries.

“We don’t have precise information about these people’s relations to countries, but it’s perfectly clear from the quality and scale of weapons and the amounts of money that the funding isn’t personal funding; rather there are countries behind this funding,” President al-Assad said, adding that specifying the countries responsible for this funding requires clearer information, at which point Syria’s won’t hesitate to uncover the facts.

Regarding the source of weapons and ammunition, particularly Israeli explosives, President al-Assad said that there are weapons from various countries including weapons of Israeli manufacture, but it’s impossible to pinpoint if their source is Israel or another country that possesses such weapons.

“There are bombs and mines placed in areas with civilians and may target civilians sometimes and they may target security forces or the police or the army… there are also-anti-tank weapons which is new and serious… so all things point to the fact that there are countries responsible for armament and not individuals who may actually be fronts for these countries.

“Where do the weapons come from… from neighboring countries… despite that fact we cannot accuse them of being involved in the smuggling as it’s difficult to control borders with surrounding countries, which applies in most countries around the world,” President al-Assad explained.

His Excellency concluded by thanking the Russian channel, saying that he believes that this program will play an important role in relaying the reality to the Russian viewer about what is happening in the world and the Middle East, and specifically what is happening in Syria.

M. Nassr / H. Sabbagh

Armed Terrorist Groups Attack Ambulances and Medical Crews

HOMS, (SANA) – Armed terrorist groups on Sunday attacked ambulances and assaulted medical crews in Homs to prevent them from transporting injured people.

Ambulance driver Raafat Mousa told the Syrian TV that while he was transporting injured people from Bab Amro area along with Chief Warrant Officer Mahmoud Qmeiro, they came under heavy gunfire from armed terrorist groups, martyring Qmeiro.

In turn, ambulance driver Ahed Nemra said that while carrying out his duties, gunmen opened fire on his ambulance before reaching the Health Directorate traffic light, adding that the attackers were in a Kia Rio that had been pursuing them since they were in al-Qusour area.

H. Sabbagh

Syrian Delegation’s Meeting with Arab Ministerial Committee Concluded

DOHA, (SANA) – The Syrian delegation’s meeting with the Arab Ministerial Committee which took place in Doha was concluded on Sunday evening, with honest dialogue prevailing while some points are left to be studied by the two sides and other points were agreed upon.

The Syrian delegation is headed by Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem and consists of Presidential Political and Media Advisor Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, and Syria’s Permanent Envoy to the Arab League Yousef Ahmad.

Qatar’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabr Al Thani, said that the meeting was serious and honest, and that the two sides formulated a work document dealing with all issues and the Syrian delegation asked to respond to the document on Monday.

Hamad said that a meeting will be held on Wednesday at the Arab League whether an agreement is reached over the document or not, hoping to receive an answer on Monday and to reach an agreement.

H. Sabbagh

Mass Rally in Sweida Voices Support to Reforms, Rejection of Foreign Interference

SWEIDA, (SANA)_The people of Sweida gathered in a mass rally on Sunday at the Martyrs’ Square in Sweida city, voicing support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The participants expressed adherence to the independent national decision, rejection of foreign interference and resolve to stand up to the conspiracy hatched by foreign powers and aided with internal tools, which target Syria’s support to resistance and pivotal role in the region.

The participants illustrated the Syrians’ awareness of the conspiracies against Syria, saluting the Syrian Arab army which offered sacrifices to safeguard the dignity of the homeland.

The banners raised at the rally thanked Russia and China and all friendly countries for their support to Syria in the face of pressure, underlining commitment to continue with struggle side by side with all Syrians to come out stronger from the crisis.

The People’s Assembly Member Abdullah al-Atrash said the Syrian citizens gathered here today to face the conspiracy and stress determination against any foreign interference in their internal affairs.

Al-Atrash called upon the Syrians to sacrifice all what they have to overcome the crisis and move forward with the reform process launched by President Bashar al-Assad to preserve Syria’s stability.

For his part, Father Philipe Mu’ammar thanked Russia and China for their noble stances, expressing gratitude for the martyrs who sacrificed their souls for their homeland out of their belief that reform can not be achieved through killing and sabotaging but with dialogue and hard work.

Sheikh Hamad Erar, 93 years old, condemned the acts of killing and chaos taking place in Syria, stressing that Syria will come out of the current crisis stronger.

The participants stressed that Syria will remain steadfast with the loyalty and firm will of its people, adding that the rally today is a message to the whole world that the homeland is most precious for all the Syrians.

They called upon the instigative TV channels to commit to the media code of ethics and stop fabricating news and stories about the events in Syria.

M. Ismael/ R. Raslan /H. Said

Economic Dialogue National Forum Kicks off

DAMASCUS, (SANA) _The Economic Dialogue National Forum kicked off on Sunday at Conferences Palace in Damascus, with the participation of 300 figures representing the social spectrums as well as social, economic and scientific bodies.

The forum comes as part of the reform process to enhance dialogue on national issues on the basis of partnership and collective responsibility to materialize a joint vision on the economic and social reform-related.

In a speech delivered during the Forum, Prime Minister, Dr. Adel Safar said that the Forum is the fruit of extensive dialogues with the participation of all the social and economic and scientific segments in all the provinces.

Safar underlined the importance of the popular participation in addressing national issues and crystallizing a common vision that would help adopting practical reform measures in implementation of President Bashar al-Assad’s directions.

He stressed that the reform is an integrated process in its political, media, judicial and administrative dimensions, adding that the economic reform is a part of a more comprehensive process.

He added “It is a natural result that the Syrian economy is affected by the international economic changes and developments, therefore, we must remove all the obstacles which hinder the growth of the national economy and its competitive and export capabilities.

He pointed out that the process of economic reform doesn’t start from zero point as Syria achieved a great progress during the 10th five-year plan and the Government has worked on achieving the gradual shift towards the social market economy in the framework of the partnership principle between the private and public sectors.

He affirmed that the principles and directions of the economic reform will continue and what is required in this stage is to review the economic and social policy in a way that would guarantee a harmony between the economic competence and the social justice, in addition to following up the effects of these policies on the life of the citizens in general and on the citizens who have low income in particular.

“If we want our economy to be strong and competitive on the international level, we must liberate it from some of the burdens which restrict it,” Safar said, calling for reconsidering the support mechanisms and the services within more accurate programs.

He added that the Government has worked over the past few months on achieving a huge package of reform measures in cooperation with national cadres from all the spectrums, stressing that the notes, suggestions and topics to be discussed during the Forum will enrich the reform programs and would support the Economic and Social Reform Committee in materializing a reform vision that would rebalance the economic approaches.

He affirmed that the Government works on overcoming all the legal, administrative and social obstacles facing the reform process, adding that the foreign conspiracies aim at destabilizing Syria and undermining its economic potential.

He affirmed that facing the challenges which have become noticeably limited entails from all the Syrians to shoulder their national responsibility, adding that the awareness of the Syrian people and their national unity are the best way to go forward in the process of building and reform.

Evening Session of Economic, Social Dialogue Forum Discusses Issues of Agriculture, Unemployment

The evening session of Forum discussed issues of agriculture, unemployment, administrational reform, supporting production sectors, providing job opportunities and reconsidering the economic tendency.

The session also tackled issues related to fees, housing, purchasing power and unemployment among youths.

Activities of the forum will continue until Tuesday with morning and evening sessions.

English Bulletin

Higher Elections Committee Discusses Local Council Candidacy Process

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Higher Elections Committee discussed on Sunday the candidacy process set to start on December 12, and the measures taken to guarantee honest, democratic elections according to the elections law issued by legislative decree No. 101 for 2011.

The committee decided to direct the sub-committees in the Syrian provinces to fully supervise candidacy applications, stressing the implementation of article No. 20 of the elections law which grants the right to run for the People’s Assembly and the local councils according to the standards provided by the new elections law.

The committee requested that the sub-committees should cooperate and coordinate with demonstrative apparatuses according to law to offer all facilitations for supervision to guarantee democratic and honest elections.

The Higher Committee also requested that authorities set up electronic screens in the squares of all provinces to display the counting of votes to preserve the transparency and honesty of elections.

The law provides that the elections campaign should not include any racial, sectarian ethnic or tribal indications and candidates should not use foreign media for their election campaigns, which should be halted twenty four hours before the elections date.

In a statement to SANA, Chairman of the Higher Elections Committee, Attorney General Khalaf al-Azzawi, said the committee would hold a meeting with the sub-committees before elections date to discuss the process of elections, the election propagandas, counting of votes and announcing the results.

The Higher Committee for Elections was formed under Law No. 374 for the year 2011, comprising 5 judges from the Court of Cassation whose responsibility is to fully supervise and conduct the election process.

The submission of candidacy applications started on October 28 and will last till November 3, 2011.

Lawyers and Academics: Local Council Elections Genuine Translation of Reforms

Several lawyers and academic figures stressed that the local council elections according to the new law is a genuine translation of the comprehensive reform program commenced by President Bashar al-Assad, adding that this is the first step on the way of enhancing democracy and reducing centrality in decision-making.

Member of the Bar Association –Daraa Branch, lawyer Imad Mansour, said the elections come in the framework of the reform steps which would make Syria emerge out of the crisis stronger and more immune.

For his part, lawyer Maher al-Mikdad said the local community in Daraa province believes the local council elections and the upcoming legislative elections are a new start in the political life of Syria, calling on citizens to participate in those elections.

Chairman of the Bar Association – Der-Ezzor Branch, Asaad al-Dandal, said the elections pave the way for honest and just competitions that meet the requirements of democratic life.


Seven Army and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ HOMS (SANA) – Seven army and security forces martyrs on Sunday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting place in their villages and cities after they were targeted by the armed terrorist groups in Homs and Damascus Countryside.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were covered with flowers and the national flag while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The martyrs are:

•           Chief Warrant Officer, Mahmoud Mohammad Qmayro from Hama.

•           Sergeant Major, Mahmoud Isam Aoun from Tartous.

•           Sergeant, Issa Eido al-Khazem from Hama.

•           Conscript, Hussein Ahmad al-Juma’a al-Hadad from Aleppo Countryside.

•           Conscript, Yusuf Ma’auf al-Abbad from Deir Ezzor.

•           Conscript, Hossam Ahmad Taha from Aleppo.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed pride in their sons’ martyrdom who sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland in face of all the conspiracies targeting its steadfastness, dignity and pride.

They also called for prosecuting the criminals who are trying to undermine Syria’s security and stability, stressing that these criminals will fail to achieve their goals of undermining Syria’s stability and security.

R. al-Jazaeri /

WFTU Delegation Stresses Support to Syria against Campaigns and Foreign Pressures

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), delegation on Sunday stressed standing by Syria in the face of the political campaigns and economic pressures aimed at undermining its national unity and independent decision.

General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), Mr. George Mavrikos, said their visit aimed at expressing solidarity with the Syrian people in the face of the conspiracy hatched against their country.

The remarks came during a meeting with Member of the Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party, Osama Oudai.

“What is taking place in Syria is not a protest for reform, democracy, freedom or human rights, but it is a wave of foreign pressures and interferences in Syria’s internal affairs that depends largely on an organized international propaganda with the aim of breaking Syria’s will and undermining its national stances in support of the Resistance and the legitimate Arab issues,” said Mavrikos.

He underlined that targeting Syria is part of a plan against the whole Arab region to eliminate its resistant approach in the face of the colonialist plots backed by the international imperialism led by the USA, citing what has been recently published about the US attempts to fragment the region into 45 small cantons serving Zionist schemes in the region.

“Should Syria decide to give up the issue of restoring the occupied Golan and defending the Arab rights with the Palestinian cause on the top, it would be pictured by the misleading TV channels as the most democratic country in the world,” added Mavrikos.

He pointed out that the economic sanctions imposed on Syria target the workers and farmers in the first place for their standing against the international imperialism.

The WFTU Secretary General stressed the need for coordination with the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) in Syria to come up with serious and practical initiatives to support Syria.

For his part, Oudai said that the Syrian people’s awareness and wisdom have proved to the whole world that the Syrians are able to overcome the crisis and foil all foreign attempts at interfering in their affairs.

He added that Syria has passed the most difficult stage of the crisis, considering the continuous American and Western pressures and economic sanctions as evidence on their failure.

Oudai indicated that the killing, sabotaging and terrifying acts committed by the armed terrorist groups against citizens, army and security forces contradict the reform and popular demands to which the Syrian government responded to through a comprehensive reform program to build a strong and modern Syria.

He called upon the WFTU for taking practical steps against the sanctions imposed on Syria and condemning them at the international forums.

The delegation also met the GFTU Executive Bureau where Deputy Chairman of Cyprus Workers Confederation expressed the Cypriot workers’ solidarity with the Syrian people.

The Syrian GFTU Chairman Mohammad Shaaban Azouz hailed the unions’ stances in solidarity with Syria, highlighting the importance of the delegation members’ visit in terms of inspecting the reality of events in Syria in order to refute the lies and false news broadcast by the misleading media.

R. Raslan/ H. Said

Syrian Communities Worldwide Continue to Express Support to Reform, Rejection of Foreign Interference

Capitals, (SANA)_ The Syrian students in Kuwait on Sunday organized a stand in solidarity with their homeland in front of the Syrian Embassy headquarters in Kuwait to express support to the reform program.

Head of the Syrian Students National Union’s Branch in Kuwait stressed the important role of every Syrian citizen to expose the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups against the Syrian people.

The students participating in the gathering expressed their rejection of any foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country. Syria’s Ambassador to Kuwait, Bassam Abdel Majeed said that the situation in Syria is becoming more stable, which will provide the appropriate atmosphere to implement the issued laws and decrees.

Syrian Students ans Expatriates in Lebanon Condemn Attack against Syria

In Lebanon, the Syrian students and members of the Syrian community reiterated rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, stressing support to the comprehensive reform program.

The participants who gathered in front of the Syrian Embassy in Beirut condemned the aggressive attack against their country to undermine its pan-Arab and national stances as well as its unity and stability.

They raised a 100-meter long Syrian flag from the top of a building under construction down toward the street and posted banners which said “No for Foreign Interference” and “Thanks to Russia and China” on the Embassy’s wall and the neighboring shops.

They held up the national flags and chanted several slogans expressing support to reform and appreciation of the sacrifices offered for the sake of preserving Syria’s dignity and security.

Syrian Students in Egypt Reject Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs

The Syrian Students Association in Egypt organized a march outside the Syrian Embassy in Cairo to express their rejection of foreign interference in Syria, support to the reform program and dialogue and commitment to independent national decision and national unity.

The Syrian students studying at the Egyptian universities underscored their confidence that Syria will get out of the crisis stronger and victorious thanks to the awareness of its people and their adherence to national unity and belief in the reform program led by President al-Assad.

Holding up the Syrian flag and posters of President al-Assad, the marchers stressed their ability to solve their problems on their own and that the propaganda launched against their country and people by some media will not influence their stances and love for their homeland and leader, but rather it will strengthen their determination to offer all sacrifices to preserve the homeland’s dignity.

Syrian Students and Community Members in Romania Stress Standing by Motherland

In a march held outside the Syrian Embassy in Bucharest, the Syrian students and members of the Syrian community in Romania expressed their standing by their motherland Syria against the campaign which aims at destabilizing it and undermining its unity.

The participants expressed their support to the comprehensive reform program and their total rejection of the conspiracies and plots hatched against their homeland.

They also voiced their rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, vowing to be best ambassadors of their country abroad to defend it against the misleading media campaigns targeting it.

Syrian Community in India Reiterates Commitment to Syria’s Independent National Decision

Members of the Syrian community in India on Sunday reiterated their standing by their homeland in the face of the ferocious campaign targeting its security, stability and national unity.

Gathered outside the Syrian Embassy in the Indian capital, New Delhi, the Syrian expatiates expressed commitment to the independence of Syria’s national decision and complete rejection of the attempts of foreign interference in their country’s internal affairs.

They voiced thanks to India and the all the other countries which supported Syria and its right in resolving its internal issues without external interference.

The participants in the gathering chanted slogans in support of the Syrian Arab Army and in appreciation of its sacrifices in defending Syria’s security and dignity, expressing support to the comprehensive reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Syria’s Ambassador to India, Riyad Abbas, received a number of the Syrian community members and stressed Syria’s keenness on protecting its entity against foreign interference, calling upon the Syrian students studying in India to stand side by side to build the homeland and preserve the model of peaceful co-existence it embodies.

Syrian Community in Belgium Renews Support for Reform Process

Syrian Community and students studying in Belgium also renewed support for the reform process led by President al-Assad, stressing the depth of their belonging to the motherland, Syria and adherence to the national independent decision in facing the policies of outside interference in the internal affairs of Syria.

That came during a rally organized by the Association of the Syrian community and Syrian students studying in Belgium with the participation of representatives of the Arab expatriate communities and students organizations in Belgium.

Syrians in Moscow Reiterate Support to Reform Program

Representatives of the Syrian community in Moscow stressed support to the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad to meet the aspirations of the Syrian people.

This came during the meeting of Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad with the Syrian community members, in which he gave a review of the latest developments on the internal, regional and international arenas.

Mikdad said that the Syrian people are past the major part of the crisis, thanks to their awareness of the schemes hatched against Syria carried out by groups with foreign affiliations which seek to weaken the Syrian role.

The members of the Syrian community voiced denunciation of any foreign interference attempt and the terrorist acts of the armed groups, hailing the Syrian-Russian relations and the importance of deepening them.

Syrian Community in the UK Reiterates Rejection of Foreign Interference

The Syrian students and members of the Syrian community in the UK stressed condemnation of the aggressive campaign against motherland Syria which is aimed at undermining its national unity.

In a mass rally outside the Syrian embassy in London, the Syrian community voiced support to the reform program under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

Rally for Syrian Students in Belgrade in Support of Reforms

The Serbian capital Belgrade witnessed on Saturday a rally organized by the Syrian students outside the Syrian embassy in Belgrade, in support of the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The participants raised the Syrian flags and banners denouncing the foreign conspiracy against Syria. They stressed rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs and support to the role of the Syrian Arab army.

Syrian Community in Czech Stresses Support to Reforms

The Syrian community in the Czech Brno city condemned the international campaign against Syria which is aimed at undermining its stability, national unity and weakening its national and pan-Arab role.

In a rally organized in cooperation with the National Union of Syrian Students- Czech branch, the Syrian community voiced utter rejection of all foreign interference attempts, denouncing the media campaign against Syria and the instigative calls for killings and vandalism by Arab and international media.

The Syrian community thanked the countries which stood by Syria in the face of foreign interference attempts, especially Russia and China.

Syrian Students in Jordan, Slovakia, Spain Voice Support to Reforms in Syria

The Syrian students in Jordan stressed their standing by motherland Syria against the fierce campaign which is aimed at destabilizing it.

The students stressed, in a solidarity event outside the Syrian embassy in the Jordanian capital Amman, their utter rejection of all forms of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs, and support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Also, the Syrian students in Slovakia reiterated support to the reforms program in Syria under the leadership of President al-Assad.

In a rally organized by the National Union of Syrian Students-Slovakia branch, the participants denounced the criminal acts of the armed terrorist groups and the misleading media campaign against Syria.

They also thanked Russia and China for their support to Syria at international forums, raising the Syrian flags and President al-Assad’s posters.

In Spain, the National Union of Syrian Students-Spain branch, organized a gathering outside the Spanish Foreign Ministry in Madrid, expressing support to the reform program in Syria and rejection of the unjust European sanctions against it

In a letter handed to the Spanish Foreign Ministry, the participants expressed regret over the European stance on the events in Syria, calling the Spanish government to take into consideration the support of the sweeping majority of the Syrian people to the reforms led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Russians, Syrians Voice Support to Syria

A number of figures from Russia and League of Independent States affirmed their support and standing by Syria in the face of the western campaign targeting it, voicing their categorical rejection of any external interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

During their participation in a solidarity rally held in Moscow by the Syrian community, they hailed Russia’s principled position that supports Syria and the use of the veto against western attempts to pass a resolution against it, expressing their support for President Bashar al-Assad and the comprehensive reform program.

Delegation of Syrian Community in US Pays Solidarity visit to Syria

A delegation of the Syrian community in the United States visited their homeland to express solidarity with it and to inspect the reality of the events.

Members of the delegation condemned the misleading campaign targeting Syria to undermine its stability and national unity, stressing their support to the reform program and rejection of attempts of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

Expatriate Shiam Hadeed said “We’ve come to Syria to reiterate our support for our people and to the reform process.”

Another expatriate, Nazih Mehriz, said that the expatriates side with Syria and support the reform process under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

For her part, the US citizen Britney Doffe said that the reason of her visit is to express support for Syria and its reform process.

Syrian Community in Hungary Stresses Rejection of Foreign Interference

The Syrian community in Hungary held a sit-in in the Syrian Embassy in Budapest in support of the comprehensive reform program under the leadership of President al-Assad.

The participants expressed their rejection of the attempts of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs, adding that Syria will emerge from the crisis stronger.

English Bulletin

Foreign Ministry Astonished at the Arab Ministerial Committee’s Reliance on Media Lies

Oct 30, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Saturday stated that Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem received a letter from Head of the Arab League Ministerial Committee late Friday including stances based on media lies broadcast by misleading instigation channels about what took place in Syria on Friday.

“It was supposed for the Head of the Ministerial Committee to contact Minister al-Moallem to verify the reality before announcing a stance by the Committee to be circulated by channels of instigation,” the Source said.

The source expressed the Syrian Foreign Ministry’s astonishment at adopting this way before one day of convening an agreed-upon meeting in Doha between the Syrian Government and the Ministerial Committee.

The source called on the Arab Ministerial Committee to benefit from the positive atmosphere that prevailed its meeting with President Bashar al-Assad, and to help ease the situation and reach a solution that contributes to realizing security and stability in Syria instead of string sedition.

The source underlined that Minister al-Moallem and the accompanying delegation will brief the Committee on the reality of the situation in Syria on Sunday.

By Mazen; Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republic in Kuala Lumpur.

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