By Dr Gideon Polya
On 5 July 2024 the leading medical journal The Lancet published a Letter estimating 186,000 Gazan deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in the ongoing Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide in the Gaza Concentration Camp. This news was widely reported by Alternative media but remains overwhelmingly ignored by the Western Mainstream. By way of proof of Orwellian Western lying a Letter detailing this carnage has been sent to Australian MPs. The Silence is Deafening.
In George Orwell’s famous novel “1984” Big Brother asserted that “slavery is freedom”, “war is peace”, “ignorance is strength” and “2 plus 2 does not equal 4”. These flagrant untruths have in effect now been adopted by Gaza Genocide-ignoring Western Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes who blindly dance to the tune of Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted, serial war criminal, egregiously mendacious, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid America.
However the mendacious Mainstream is not satisfied with this general semantic reinvention and normalizing of slavery, war, ignorance and arithmetic falsehood. In Australia the Labor Government, the Coalition Opposition and the Mainstream media are overwhelmingly united in demands for prohibiting access to Social Media by under-16 year old children. The morally degenerate, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Australian Labor Government dishonestly implies that those supporting Palestinian human rights (notably anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish activists, including the wonderful on-campus university student protesters currently being persecuted by pro-Apartheid Israel university bosses) are “anti-semitic” and “damaging social cohesion” in “multicultural Australia”.
In relation to Palestine, the 57-years of brutal military occupation, human rights denial and slavery are not freedom, the century of Zionist-imposed war, expulsion and genocide is not peace, ignorance of genocidal atrocities is not strength, and rejection of primary school arithmetic is simply lunacy and egregious falsehood.
Orwellian Australia? Yes: Anti-racist Jews and ethnically Semitic Arabs and Palestinians protesting Apartheid Israeli crimes are falsely defamed as asserted “anti-semites”. Zionists have formally complained to the Australian Human Rights Commission over unexceptional reportage by famed pro-human rights Australian journalist Mary Kostakidis. Many wonderful, truth-telling Australian journalists and writers have been threatened or “let go” for courageous reportage, the “honor roll” of those that I have publicly defended including Mike Carlton, Scott McIntyre, Dr Sandra Nasr, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Alan Seymour, Michelle Guthrie, Essam Al Ghalib, Emma Alberici, Stan Grant, Antoinette Lattouf and World hero and famed journalist Julian Assange (finally released from 12 years of imprisonment in London for reporting US war crimes after the spineless and US lackey but voter-conscious Australian Labor Government eventually concluded that “enough is enough”). The only Australian imprisoned over Australian war crimes in Afghanistan is the whistle-blower who reported them. And so on …
Mainstream lying is de rigeur for look-the-other-way White Australia. Lying by omission is far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission because the latter can at least admit public refutation and public debate (subject to media gate-keepers, of course). For the same reason genocide ignoring is far, far worse than repugnant genocide denial. Anti-racist Jewish South African Australian genocide scholar, Professor Colin Tatz , wrote of the Australian Aboriginal Genocide 3 decades ago but reporting this atrocity (2 million Indigenous deaths from violence, dispossession, deprivation and introduced disease) was dismissed by Australian Coalition PM John Howard as the “black arm band view of history”. The 1788 onwards Aboriginal Genocide was qualitatively the worst genocide and ethnocide in human history (of 350-700 unique Indigenous languages and dialects pre-1788 only 120 survive today with all but about 25 endangered). The 2-century British-imposed Indian Holocaust (1,800 million deaths from violence and violently imposed deprivation) was quantitatively the worst holocaust in human history. Yet Mainstream Australia ignores and most Australians are unaware of the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Odisha for strategic reasons by the British with food-denying Australian complicity; see my huge book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in global sustainability”).
I am a scientist and in science there is zero tolerance for lying. By way of proof (if further proof were needed) of Orwellian Australian Mainstream lying for genocidally racist Apartheid Israel I have composed the following Open Letter to Australian MPs. It has been sent to nearly all Federal Australian MPs and to nearly all Victorian State MPs (so far the Silence is Deafening):
Dear Senator (or Honorable Member as appropriate),
The Lancet: 186,000 Gaza deaths – Open Letter to Australian MPs re Gaza Genocide complicity
Whether a child is killed by bashing, bullets and bombs or is killed by deliberately-imposed deprivation, the death is just as final and the perpetrators are just as culpable.
Global avoidable deaths from deprivation have totalled 1,500 million since 1950 and in 2020 global avoidable deaths from deprivation totalled 7.4 million with 70% being of under-5 year old infants as set out in my huge book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”.
Of course those like the Mainstream Australian journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat genocide-ignorers remorselessly denying the reality of massive avoidable deaths from war-, occupation- and hegemony-imposed deprivation are simply lying and grossly violating the core messages from the WW2 Jewish Holocaust and indeed from all holocaust and genocide atrocities, to whit “zero tolerance for lying”, “zero tolerance for racism”, “bear witness” and “never again to anyone”. Indeed they are violating the core ethos of Humanity, namely Kindness and Truth.
Of course genocide ignoring and holocaust-ignoring is far, far worse than repugnant genocide denial and holocaust denial because the latter at least permit public refutation and public debate (subject to media gate-keepers, of course).
The leading medical journal The Lancet has estimated 186,000 killed so far in the ongoing Gaza Genocide, with this including (a) 37,000 killed violently (ignoring the circa 8,000 dead buried under rubble) and (b) 149,000 dying avoidably from imposed deprivation. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has estimated that by Day 250 of the Gaza Massacre (7 October 2023 – 12 June 2024 or about 8 months and including 8,000 killed in the rubble) 45,000 Gazans had been killed, including 16,000 children (35.6%), 10,000 women (22.2%), and 19,000 men (42.2%), 500 health professionals, and 152 courageous, truth-telling journalists.
Children killed in Gaza include (a) 0.356 x 37,000 = 13,172 (children killed violently) + (b) 0.356 x 8,000 = 2,848 (children killed under the rubble) + (c) 0.7 x 149,000 =104,300 (under-5 deaths from deprivation) + (d ) 0.356 x (149,000 – 104,300) = 15,913 (5 years and older child avoidable deaths) = 136,233 or about 136,000 children in total.
Children killed in Gaza from imposed deprivation = 104,300 (under-5 deaths from deprivation) + 15,913 (5 years and older avoidable deaths) = 120,213. Accordingly adults killed from deprivation = 149,000 – 120,213 = 28,787 of which one can estimate 0.222 x 28,787= 6,391 (women killed from deprivation) ) and 0.422 x 28,787 = 12,148 (men killed from deprivation).
Accordingly women killed = 6,391 (non-violently) + 10,000 (violently) = 16,391, and men killed = 12,148 (from deprivation) + 19,000 (violently) = 31,148.
Thus of 186,000 Gazans estimated in The Lancet to have been killed by violence and imposed deprivation over 136,000 have been children, 16,000 women and 31,000 men.
The 136,000 children killed by Jewish Israelis in Gaza is 136,000 x 100/ 1,500,000 = 9.1% of the 1,500,000 children killed by Nazi Germans in WW2.
The rate of killing of children by Jewish Israelis in Gaza over 8 months = 136,000 children / 8 months = 17,000 children killed per month, whereas the rate of Nazi German killing of Jewish children in WW2 (74 months) = 1,500,000 children/74 months = 20,270 children killed per month).
Indeed “People killed per day per million of relevant prisoner population” was 22.9 (Japanese killing of Australian prisoners of war in WW2 by violence and deprivation) versus for Jewish Israeli violent killing of Palestinians in the Gaza Concentration Camp 86.2 (total population), 132.3 (men), 66.7 (children), and 76.3 (women) [1].
On a per capita basis Apartheid Israel in Gaza leads the world for the rate of killing of children and of journalists.
In 2021 I published an analysis of 52 Zionist- and Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons [2]. The utterly unforgivable Jewish Israeli mass murder of 136,000 children in Gaza makes a 53rd shocking comparison.
In 1944 in response to the killing of 30 German soldiers in an Italian Partisan ambush, Nazi mass murderer Adolph Hitler ordered an Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio of 10 and this was immediately effected with the execution of 335 Italian men and boys in the Ardeatine Massacre near Rome. About 1,200 Israelis were killed in the 7 October 2023 Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp (with many likely killed by high explosive shells and missiles in the IDF response). Accordingly the Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio was greater than 186,000/1,200 = 155, 15.5 times greater than the Reprisals Death Ratio of 10 ordered by Hitler. Nazi is as Nazi does. Terrorist is as terrorist does.
Of course the killing continues with the war criminal US Joe Biden/ Kamala Harris Administration funding and supplying the bullets, shells and bombs. The US has supplied 69% of weapons imported by Apartheid Israel and an evidently unrepentant Germany has supplied 30%. Australia has a substantial 2-way arms trade with Apartheid Israel.
However there is a further horrible dimension to this appalling Zionist child abuse. Thus it has been expertly determined that 50% of Israeli children suffer physical, psychological or sexual abuse, with 18% suffering sexual abuse. Pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Australia is second only to the similarly pro-Apartheid US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel. 25% of Australian children and 18% of US children suffer child sexual abuse [3].
Children were about 47% of the pre-7 October 2023 Gaza population of 2.3 million (now about 2.1 million) and all must be horribly traumatized by the bombing, starvation, privation, and deaths from violence and deprivation totalling 8.1% of the pre-Gaza Massacre population. With an estimated 100,000 injured, the over 286,000 killed and injured so far is 12.4% of the pre-Gaza Massacre population. This is genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (“acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”). Noting that the Australian Labor Government is complicit in the Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [4], Article 3 of the Genocide Convention states: “The following acts shall be punishable… (e) Complicity in genocide”.
Of course the killing must stop immediately and permanently. The civilized World must insist on the immediate end to the highly abusive, 57-year Occupation to permit entry of life-preserving water, food, shelter, sanitation , medicine and medical care that has been substantially denied by the Jewish Israeli IDF in gross violation of Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War) that demand that an Occupier must provide the conquered Subjects with life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”. The Occupation must end immediately to also permit entry of forensic teams to determine exactly how many have died and how they were killed.
I am an anti-racist Jewish Australian with a sole allegiance to Australia and coming from a very famous Ashkenazi Jewish Hungarian family (ask any mathematician or surgeon). Zionism is a genocidally racist ideology and Zionist settler-colonialism is Nazism without gas chambers or mass executions of tens of thousands at a time (as at Babi Yar near Kiev), but with Apartheid Israel having 90 nuclear weapons (according to Nobel Prize-winning and Melbourne-founded ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) and one of the world’s largest high technology militaries.
Zionism has horribly trashed Jews, Judaism and the wonderful 3,000-year Jewish humanitarian tradition as exampled by the Ten Commandments, Jesus’ “love thy neighbour as thyself”), Baruch Spinoza (a Father of the Enlightenment who espoused observation and reason), and wonderful present era humanitarian Jewish scholars from Hannah Arendt to Howard Zinn.
There are 2 kinds of people in the World, those opposing the mass murder of children and the utterly unforgivable others. The Zionist- and US-beholden Australian Labor Government has betrayed Australia and Humanity by falsely defaming anti-racist Jews such as myself critical of Apartheid Israel (anti-Jewish anti-Semitism), anti-racist Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims critical of Zionist crimes (anti-Arab anti-Semitism) and a host of other decent, anti-racist Australians with a sole allegiance to Australia. Instead of taking advice from outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australians (e.g. Sir Isaac Isaacs, and Professors Peter Singer, Dennis Altman, and Eva Cox ), Zionist-subverted and craven US lackey Australia blindly follows the line of traitorous racist Zionists and Apartheid Israel that have an appalling record of damaging, subverting and perverting Australians, Australian institutions and Australia.
I have just published a huge book entitled “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide”. The subtitle summarizes what must be done immediately to end the century-long suffering of the Indigenous Palestinian people who despite a century-long Palestinian Genocide (2.3 million killed through violence, 0.1 million, and imposed deprivation, 2.2 million) and 3 mass population expulsion atrocities (1948, 1967 and 2023-2024) represent over 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel (yet 73% of them are excluded from human rights under highly abusive to genocidal military rule and from voting for the government ruling them i.e. they are subject to egregious Apartheid). Australians treating their pets or livestock in the ways Apartheid Israel treats its 5.6 million (now 5.4 million) Occupied Indigenous Palestinian hostages would be tried and jailed.
Variously as a Labor supporter (I door knocked for US-deposed Gough Whitlam), ALP member, unionist and branch union secretary I voted Labor for 40 years until like so many others was compelled to change to voting Greens 1 and Labor 2 for the last 15 years over the continuing failure of Labor to properly address Australia’s huge Domestic plus Exported Greenhouse Gas (GHG) pollution. However under a Labor Government Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel and hence of the vile crime of Apartheid. Those supporting Apartheid are utterly unfit for decent human company, public life and public office. It is impossible for decent, anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians to vote for Labor or for the even worse Coalition.
The Australian Labor Government is unforgivably complicit in the Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [4] and lies in the interests of Australia-violating Apartheid Israel in 15 ways [5]. Because Labor is actually in government and must be punished for its horrific Gaza Genocide complicity and for making Australia complicit in this unforgivable crime, decent, informed Australians will put Labor last in Australia’s preferential voting system. Those like Labor, the Coalition, most Independents and Mainstream media all supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the evil crime of Apartheid are unfit for public life in a one-person-one-vote and Domestic human rights-respecting country like Australia. Indeed out of 227 Federal MPs only 19 have supported Palestinian human rights and an immediate and permanent end to the killing (15 Greens plus ex-Green Senator Lidia Thorpe, Dr Helen Haines, Andrew Wilkie, and ex-Labor Senator Fatima Payman) that in the unequivocal judgement of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) must be effected by an immediate end to the 57 year illegal Occupation by Apartheid Israel.
[1]. Gideon Polya, “Comparing Mass Murder of Prisoners By Japanese (Australians, WW2) & By Jewish Israelis (Palestinians, Gaza)”, Countercurrents, 26 May 2024: .
[2]. Gideon Polya, “A shocking list of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons”, Countercurrents,7 August 2021: .
[3]. Gideon Polya , “Zionist-Perverted Western Mainstream Media Ignore Horrendous US Alliance And Apartheid Israeli Child Abuse”, Countercurrents, 29 April, 2014: .
[4]. Gideon Polya, “20 Ways Anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government Complicit In Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 5 March 2024: .
[5]. Gideon Polya, “Put Labor Last: Traitorous Australian Labor Government Deceives Australians For US & Genocidal Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 21 May 2024: .
Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya, Melbourne.
Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades.
31 July 2024