Just International

The Assassination Plot & Argentina

News wires are abuzz with the extraordinary allegation of an Iranian “plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the US ”.  In yet another bizarre twist,  according to Haaretz ,  a few months ago prior to the “plot”,  Saudi officials told Argentina about a possible plot against Saudi and Israeli embassies in Buenos Aires .  Curious as this seems, there is reason for this new rumor.

As many Iran experts dismiss the possibility of such an act,  the tried and tested method of rendering the most fantastic rumor credible is being applied.  For decades, the  British and later Americans knew well that the best way to give rumors credibility was to ensure that such rumors were repeated by various “friendly” countries.   Propaganda became ‘fact’ if repeated by different countries.   This  method of propaganda was a well-known and well played tactic of the Allies against Germany .

In dealing with Iran , the allegations of a plot take on a new life when repeated by various allies.    In this new scenario, there is an attempt to give these farfetched allegations credibility, not only are the Saudis and Israelis being involved, but also Argentina .    This reference to Argentina is particularly important.

In the past, Iran had been falsely (and without proof)  accused of the 1994 bombing of  the Jewish community center (AMIA) in Buenos Aires , Argentina .    What is revealing about the 1994 bombing and the accusations made against Iran , is the fact that the far more plausible leads were dismissed in order to promote the “ Iran guilty” narrative.

It has been a well-kept secret that an important project being carried out in the Argentine MIA building was a review of previously secret government  files that reportedly reveal how Nazis entered Argentina following World War  II helped by Argentine officials.  Hitler was not without long-term impact in Argentina .  The country’s military regime kept secret camps decorated with swastikas. [1] The review of the files had gone on for  two years, but had not been completed at the time of the bombing.

Speculation centered on the possibility that former Argentine government  and military officials, fearful of exposure, were responsible for the bomb attack.  In this regard, it is hard to dismiss the views of Rabbi Abraham Cooper,  associate director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles .   Cooper suggested that government and military figures may have sought to embarrass the Menem government because of its decision to release the files [2] .  This crucial lead was buried under the rubbles in order to promote the  foreign policy of Israel – demonize Iran .

Given the prior cooperation between the Israelis, the Argentines, and US to  promote a foreign policy agenda rather than establish the truth,  it is not surprising that once again the three players are involved with an additional, important new player – the Saudis.  Given the fact that the Saudis had previously agreement to allow Israel to use their airspace to attack Iran had met with condemnation,  this new “plot” would justify the Saudi decision to help Israel and the US wage yet another war on fellow Moslems.

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

16 October 2011


Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich has a Master’s degree in Public Diplomacy from USC Annenberg and USC School for International Studies, Los Angeles . She is an independent researcher, public speaker, radio commentator, political columnist, and peace activist living in California .

[1] Esther Schrader, President of Argentina Apologizes for Nation’s Role as Haven for Nazis . Los Angeles Times. : Jun 14, 2000.  pg. 16

[2] The Christian Century.  Chicago : Jul 27, 1994.  Vol. 111


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