Just International

Syria News on 13th Feb, 2012

Twenty-eight Martyrs, 235 Wounded in Twin Terrorist Bomb Blasts in Aleppo City

ALEPPO/DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Ministry of Interior issued a statement on Friday, in which it said that after the escalation of instigation campaigns and foreign logistic and media support  to armed terrorist groups, the city of Aleppo was the target of two terrorist bombings on Friday morning carried out by two suicide bombers in cars, martyring 28 and injuring 235 including military personnel, civilians and children, some of which are in critical conditions.

“At 9 AM on Friday morning, a terrorist bomber driving a whit microbus with a fake license plate carrying the number 475475-Syria broke through the security barrier at the entrance of a law-enforcement department in the crowded area of al-Arkoub, blowing himself up,” the statement said, adding that 11 were killed in the attack and 130 were wounded, both civilians and law-enforcement personnel.

The statement said that a few minutes later, another suicide bomber driving a white microbus blew himself up while trying to break into the military security branch in New Aleppo area, claiming 17 lives and wounding 105 people including military personnel, civilians and even children who were in the park near the branch.

Both bombings caused significant damage to nearby buildings and cars, and the first explosion left a crater two meters deep, the statement added.

The Ministry’s statement said that the authorities immediately arrived at the scene and collected evidence which are being analyzed to identify the terrorists and the owners of the human remains found at the site and identify the type of explosives used in this cowardly terrorist act.

Interior Ministry: Terrorist Acts Will Not Dissuade Authorities from Preserving Security and Order and Uprooting Terrorism

The Ministry affirmed that such terrorist acts will not dissuade the authorities from fulfilling their duty of preserving security and order, uprooting terrorism, and pursuing every criminal who dares to tamper with the security of the country and its citizens.

The Ministry also held the regional and international forces and countries which support terrorist groups and provide them with funds and weapons responsible for the Syrian blood which is being shed every day in several Syrian cities.

The Ministry called upon citizens to continue reporting any suspicious activities and provide any information on terrorist activities to the authorities.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health said in a statement that the death toll of the twin terrorist bomb blasts which hit Aleppo city on Friday rose to twenty-eight martyrs and 235 wounded, including soldiers, civilians and children.

The two terrorist bombings targeted Military Security Branch at the western bypass and headquarters of law-enforcement forces in al-Arkoub area in Aleppo city.

The bombings caused great damage to the two headquarters and the nearby residential buildings.

Medical teams are helping injured civilians and military members and pulling bodies from under the rubble.

Minister of Health Wael al-Halki said that the toll is poised to rise due to the critical condition of some of the injured and the ongoing rescue operations, hailing the people of Aleppo who rushed to donate blood.

He affirmed that all medical cadres at state and private medical hospitals joined their work so as to serve their national and humanitarian duty in saving the lives of the injured, adding that the Ministry has a strategic storage of medicine necessary for emergency cases.

Later, the Health Minister visited the injured and wounded victims of the terrorist bombings in al-Razi Hospital and checked on them, with the medical staff briefing him on their conditions.

During the visit, the Minister said that medical establishments in Aleppo governorate have been on alert since Friday morning and that all their resources, staff and emergency services were employed to help the victims of the bombing, lauding the people of Aleppo and residents in the city for rushing to donate blood for the victims.

Citizens Rush to Donate Blood to Victims of Aleppo Terrorist Bombings

Masses of citizens flocked to the Blood Bank in Aleppo to donate blood for the victims injured in the two terrorist bombings which took place on Friday in Aleppo.

The blood donors affirmed that they will not hesitate for a second to give all they can for the sake of Syria’s security and stability and for foiling the conspiracy against it, denouncing the terrorist attacks and affirming adherence to national unity.

The donors said that donating blood is the least they could do for their countrymen, stressing that those who committed these terrorist acts have nothing to do with religion, adding that the Syrians’ spontaneous rushing to donate blood shows their unity and solidarity in the face of conspiracies and plots.

Crowds gathered and marched in the streets of Aleppo towards Saadallah al-Jaberi Square as soon as the bombings took place, denouncing these crimes and foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

The masses, carrying Syrian flags and banners affirming adherence to national unity and resilience in the face of plots, affirmed that the events that took place in Aleppo on Friday are distant from religion and Islam, and that they will not dissuade Syrians from pursuing reforms and rallying around their leadership.

They said that there’s no reason to fear for Aleppo, because Syrians are aware of the conspiracies against their homeland, calling for dealing sternly with those who dare to tamper with Syria’s security and stability and spill Syrian blood.

President al-Assad Receives Copy of the New Draft Constitution

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday received a copy of the new draft constitution from the head of the National Committee charged with drafting a new constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic, during a meeting with the Committee’s members.

President al-Assad is to review the draft constitution before putting it to referendum.

The Committee’s members stressed their determination, since the Committee’s first meeting after the presidential decree on forming it, to prepare an integrated formula of a constitution that guarantees the dignity of the Syrian citizen and secures his basic rights.

They reiterated their keenness on a constitution that allows to turn Syria into an example to follow in terms of public freedoms and political plurality in a way to lay the foundation for a new stage that will enrich Syria’s cultural history.

The members briefed President al-Assad on the standards and mechanisms they have adopted to reach this end starting with the national principles, transparency and the peculiarity of the Syrian reality, along with preserving the achievements made over the past stage.

President al-Assad expressed appreciation of the Committee members’ efforts to carry out this national task, calling upon them to shoulder their responsibility as a Committee charged with preparing the draft constitution to explain its articles to the citizens with all possible means so that the citizen is the one to have the final decision to approve the constitution.

“When the new constitution is approved, Syria will have passed the most important stage of laying down the constitutional and legal structure through the reforms and laws that have already been issued to take the country to a new era in cooperation with all spectrums of the Syrian people to achieve what we all aspire for in terms of developing our country to draw a brilliant future for next generations,” said President al-Assad.

On October, 16th, 2011, President al-Assad issued a presidential decision to form a national committee to prepare a draft constitution for Syria within a period of four months starting of the date of issuing the decree

In Solemn Official & Popular Procession, Martyrs of Aleppo Two Terrorist Attacks Laid to Rest

ALEPPO, SANA_ The bodies of the martyrs of twin Aleppo terrorist blasts were escorted on Sunday from al-Iman Mosque to their final resting place.

Popular and official solemn procession were held for the martyrs amid massive popular and official crowds flocked to the mosque to participate in the procession.

Syria categorically Rejects the Arab League’s Resolutions as hostile act

CAIRO, (SANA)-Syrian Arab Republic categorically rejects the Arab League resolution issued on Sunday, Syria’s Ambassador in Cairo Yousef Ahmed said today, reminding that, since the beginning, Syria was not concerned in any resolution issued within its absence.

“The Arab Ministerial Council’s decision has shamefully reflected the reality of abducing the Arab joint action, the League decisions and falsifying the Arab collective will by governments of Arab Countries led by Qatar and Saudi Arabia.. it also showed a state of Hysteria and stumble that these governments are passing through after their failure in the UN Security council to call for foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs,” Ahmad, Syria’s permanent Representative to the Arab League added.

He considered that the dominance of some Arab governments , particularly Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the mechanism of the Arab work and resolutions regarding Syria is a flagrant violation of the Arab League convention and a hostile act that targets Syria’s security and stability.

Ambassador Ahmad said that such Arab governments are those who stand against any balanced, political solution to the crisis in Syria, reject calls for putting an end to terrorism and violence, impose sanctions on the Syrian people and destruct the infrastructure.

He underlined that the press show practiced by some Arab Ministers today during the Council’s meeting reflected the hostile and unbalanced stances of those countries against Syria.

Ambassador Ahmad called on the countries who have commitment to the independency of their national and pan-Arab decision to confront attempts of abducting the Arab decision, making it subject to Arab governments’ agenda and policies who seek, through money, Gas and oil, and in alliance with the US and west to impose hegemony on the Arab joint action and exploiting it in favor of foreign agendas.

Lebanon, Algeria Made Reservation on the Arab Ministerial Council Decisions

Lebanon reserved on all the decisions taken by the Arab Ministerial Council on Syria.

Algeria d also reserved on the 5th and 6th articles of the decisions, which call on the UN Security Council to issue a resolution on forming joint Arab and foreign peace-keeping forces to supervise a cease-fire in Syria.

The articles also call on the Arab group in the UN to submit a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) including the Arab work plan and the rest of the decisions taken by the Arab League in this regard.

Meeting of Arab Ministerial Committee on Syrian Crisis held

The Arab Ministerial Committee concerned with the Syrian crisis was held on Sunday to discuss the latest developments on the Syrian file.

The Committee will discuss the results of the ministerial meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s countries held earlier on the day regarding the stance towards the Syrian crisis.

The Committee is expected to refer its views to the resumed extraordinary session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level, which is to be held immediately after the Committee’s meeting.

Nabil al-Arabi, the Arab League Secretary General presented a proposal to the Arab Ministers to return to the UN Security Council in coordination with different sides concerned to issue an immediate resolution which reflects the AL determination to bring the foreign intervention into Syria.

He claimed that the Arab Observer mission “was shocked” since the beginning that the Syrian commitments were not fully implemented, ignoring the existence of armed terrorist groups that perpetrate crimes against civilians and law enforcement members.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal presented fallacies about what is really happening in the country, expressing support, along with Qatari counterpart to hold the so-called “Syria Friends Conference.”

Twenty-two Army, Law-enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 22 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Sunday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Martyr Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia and the Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting place.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were targeted while they were on duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Homs and Daraa, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

The martyrs are:

– Brigadier General, Doctor Issa Ahmad al-Kholi, from Lattakia.

– Major Ali Mahmoud Trabulsi, from Hama.

– Chief Warrant Officer Mohammad Ahmad Kousa, from Homs.

– Chief Warrant Officer Asef Hassan al-Hamoui, from Homs.

– Warrant Officer Ahed al-Mahmoud, from Homs.

– Sergeant Major Ali Ismael Ismael, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Major Salim al-Sheikh Suleiman Mohammad, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Major Abdel Kareem Ahmad al-Arjeh, from Hasaka.

– Sergeant Mohammad Hussein Azizi, from Aleppo.

– Sergeant Ghiath Ghazi Salloum, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Haidar Adnan Ghadir, from Lattakia.

– Corporal Feras Salman Mohammad, from Lattakia.

– Conscript Abdullah Mohammad al-Ahmad, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Mohammad Akleh al-Hussein, from Hasaka.

– Conscript Saleh Obeid al-Juma’, from Deir Ezzor.

– Conscript Basrawi Ali Hamad, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Ibrahim Khalil al-Wadi, from Daraa.

– Conscript Mohammad Yousef Hawamdeh, from Daraa.

– Conscript Majd Suleiman Barakat, from Hama.

– Conscript Salman Hassan al-A’klak, from Hasaka.

– Soldier Mustafa Nidal Qassab, from Idleb.

– Policeman Rawad Jadallah Dawara, from Sweida.

The martyrs’ families stressed their confidence in the Syrian people’s ability to overcome the crisis through adherence to national unity, affirming their belief that the martyrs’ blood that was shed while defending the homeland will fortify Syria and make it stronger and more steadfast against the challenges.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their rallying around their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aiming at undermining their homeland’s stability.

Foreign Ministry Vehemently Denounces Israeli Likud Officials’ Calls for Storming al-Aqsa Mosque

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry vehemently denounced reports by news agencies on statements made by officials from the Israeli Likud Party in which they called for storming al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied Palestinian territories on Sunday.

“The ministry considers such declaration as a very serious development and comes in the framework of the systematic provocation to attack a Mosque that enjoys a religious status and a referential value among all the Muslims in the world,” said a press statement issued by the Ministry’s official spokesman.

The Ministry called on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards this serious development.

The statement, which SANA got a copy of, said that the city of Jerusalem is still under the Israeli occupation and that it is the responsibility of the Israeli occupation authorities to protect the properties and sanctities that are under occupation.

“Israel will bear the consequences and implications of this uncalculated venture,” added the statement, saying that the holy al-Aqsa Mosque is “much more than a card to be used up in the elections of an entity that has been evading the requirements of the just and comprehensive peace.”

The statement considered the Israeli calls to storm al-Aqsa Mosque as “a direct threat and disregard for the feelings of the Arabs and the Muslims everywhere.”

Armed Terrorist Groups Burglarize Agricultural Bank, Abduct Colonel in Homs, Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Damascus Countryside

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group on Sunday burglarized the Agricultural Bank in al-Qseir city in Homs Countryside.

An official source told SANA reporter that the terrorist group wreaked havoc on the furniture and other contents and stole SYP 1 million, 4 computers and a television.

In al-Qarabees neighborhood in Homs, another armed terrorist group abducted Colonel Issam Fayyad al-Numan from a bus while he was on way to his workplace at al-Assad Academy of Military Engineering.

SANA reporter added that the terrorists got on the bus, searched the passengers and kidnapped Colonel al-Numan.

Authorities Clash with Armed Terrorist Group in Damascus Countryside, Kill Two Terrorists, Wound One and Arrest Six

The authorities raided a farm in Tel Kerdi area in Damascus Countryside and clashed with an armed terrorist group hiding in it, leading to the death of two terrorists.

One terrorist was wounded during the raid, and six were arrested. The authorities also confiscated a Kia car and a van, both of which were used for transporting weapons to other terrorist groups, and an amount of weapons and ammo.

Confiscated weapons include AK-47 rifles, a PKC machinegun, and large amounts of ammo.

Authorities Arrest Terrorists and Confiscate Weapons, Explosives and Night-Vision Goggles in Hama

During their pursuit of an armed terrorist group operating in Masha’a Wadi al-Jouz area in Hama, the authorities arrested a number of terrorists confiscated the weapons in their possession.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that confiscated weapons include RPG launchers and rounds, AK-47 rifles and pump-action shotguns, in addition to military uniforms, explosive devices weighing between 10 and 200 kg, offensive and defensive grenades, night-vision goggles, magazines and ammo, and computers.

The source added that the authorities raided a terrorist den in the fields of al-Hersh area on Saturday, arresting gunmen and confiscating their weapons which included assault rifles and RPG launchers.

Authorities Arrest Wanted Men, Confiscate Weapon and Ammo During Raid of Terrorist Den Containing Workshop for Manufacturing Explosives in Daraa Countryside

The authorities raided the den of an armed terrorist group in eastern Daraa countryside, arresting a number of wanted men.

A source told SANA’s correspondent that during the raid, the authorities found a workshop used for making handmade explosives containing materials such as fertilizer, iron fillings, detonators, batteries and remote controls.

Items confiscated during the raid include hand grenades, AK-47 rifles, handguns one of which is equipped with a silencer, two night-vision goggles, computers, welding equipment, advanced communication devices, ammo, military uniforms, four remote-activated explosive devices, a handmade anti-armor missile, TNT sticks, a machinegun, a hunting rifle, RPG rounds.

The den also contained a field hospital stocked with medical equipment and supplies.

In Daraa city, terrorists tossed an explosive at law-enforcement sources in Basra Square. Upon examination, the authorities saw that the device was cylindrical in form and had openings that launch explosive projectiles in all directions.

Mikdad: Syrian-Russian Views Regarding Most Issues Identical

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad on Sunday said that the Syrian-Russian views are identical in international forums in most of the issues.

In a meeting with a Russian delegation comprising researchers, journalists and writers, Dr. Mikdad added that the Syrian leadership and people highly appreciate the Russian stances towards Syria.

Mikdad pointed out to the latest Russian veto at the UN Security Council, saying that this stance foiled the unjust resolution which contradicts the UN Charter and calls upon foreign interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country.

He highlighted that the mass popular reception for the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov proves the gratitude of the Syrian people for Russia’s brave stance.

Mikdad added that the misleading media campaign escalated against Syria before the last UN Security Council’s session in an attempt to affect the public opinion and the international stances.

“This escalation started after the Arab League mission submitted its report to the Arab League. Despite the report being professional and objective, the Arab Ministerial Committee didn’t study the report because it didn’t please some countries in the region and at the UNSC.” He added.

He stressed that Syria provided all facilitation to the Arab League observers mission, provided protection to its members and didn’t interfere in its work.

He indicated that the USA has dominated all the region except for Syria which is standing against the colonialist schemes aimed at serving Israel interests, adding that the excellent Syrian-Russian relations confronted the US haughtiness.

Dr. Mikdad pointed out that the situation in Syria is improving, adding that President Bashar al-Assad met the members of the National Committee charged with drafting a new constitution and received a copy of it.

He said that the new constitution will be submitted to referendum before the end of this month and that the parliamentary elections will be held in May with the participation of all political powers in the country.

People’s Assembly Condemns Aleppo Terrorist Bombings as Targeting National Unity

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The People’s Assembly strongly condemned the two terrorist bombings which targeted Aleppo last Friday, considering that these bombings target the structure of national unity and Syria’s security and future.

In a statement on Sunday that SANA got a copy of, the Assembly placed the responsibility of those two terrorist acts fully on all the countries that have been supplying criminals and assassins with money and weapons and issuing “black fatwas” and inciting “blind sedition”.

It said that these criminal acts come at a time when the Syrians are close to implementing qualitative comprehensive reforms and conducting a promising national dialogue.

“The enemies, close or far, went crazy to target this time the city of Aleppo, the symbol of resistance, for being the capital of victory over the conspiracy,” added the statement.

“Now it’s more clear than ever that the barbarity of the armed terrorist groups that have been hitting the homeland and attacking the citizens, law enforcement forces and the state institutions only carries the ‘bloody chaos’ project which has nothing to do with the Syrians’ morals and values,” the statement pointed out.

It continued that this project is aimed at destroying the homeland backed by the flagrant U.S.-Israeli-Western-Arab support and carried out by terrorist means.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Warns Against Foreign Interference in Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour on Sunday warned against foreign interference in Syria which would spread chaos and destruction in it, affirming that dialogue is the only way to resolve the Syrian crisis.

During the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Council held in Cairo to discuss the situation in Syria, Mansour pointed out that the Arab League’s decisions have so far held one side responsible and overlooked the opposition groups that bear arms and carry out military operations that they acknowledge in public.

He said that each Ministerial Council meeting resulted in new decision which shows that the Arab League failed to carry out dialogue and achieve security which is unacceptable.

Mansour said that if the Arabs want a political solution, then how can they stand with one side against another, stressing that the decision issued on Sunday increases economic sanctions which will do no good and will affect the Syrian people.

He added that the decision calls for providing political and financial support for the opposition, wondering if such a thing would bring stability to Syria.

“If the Arab League couldn’t rely on itself to resolve the Syrian crisis, then how can it rely on international sides and authorize them to resolve it?” he wondered.

Mansour: Lebanon Won’t Be a False Witness at the Arab Foreign Ministers’ Meetings on Syria

Earlier, Mansour reiterated his country’s rejection of any form of interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

“Lebanon will never be a false witness at the meetings of the Arab foreign ministers in Cairo,” said Mansour in an interview with the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper, adding that if there were any comments on the decisions to be taken at the meetings, Lebanon would say them out loud courageously, especially if they would threaten Syria’s security and stability.

“What we want is to help Syria find a solution and come out of the crisis and not complicate the situation on the ground,” he added, considering that any solution outside the frame of dialogue will further complicate things.

The Lebanese Foreign Minister stressed Lebanon’s rejection of internationalizing the crisis in Syria as it will further complicate the situation and won’t ensure stability for Syria.

He said that there are some powers in the world that want to get even with Syria because of its rejection of the hegemony policies in the region and Israel’s expansionist plans.

Mansour added that Syria’s firm stance in refusing to subjugate the region to foreign policies that do not serve the interests of the Syrian people nor those of the region’s peoples pushed some powers to further escalate the situation in Syria.

He said Russia and China are familiar with the political equation in the region’s arenas and found in the draft Security Council resolution on Syria things that might disturb the balance because it takes into account the view of one party without the other, which is why they vetoed it.

“If the world really wants to get things back on the track and ensure stability, security and reform to Syria, it shouldn’t place the responsibility on one party against the other,” Mansour added.

He reminded of the US’s use of veto at the Security Council 14 times since 1994, 13 of which were on issues related to Israel’s settlement activities and its unfair practices, in addition to its aggression on Gaza.

Responding to a question on sharing Russia’s stance which holds the Syrian opposition responsible for the blood-shed in Syria, he said that there are two sides in any fight and that each country in the world has its dignity and position and it is the one responsible for protecting its sovereignty whenever there is a fight.

“No one can ignore the presence of armed groups in Syria, which is something undeniable,” said Mansour, adding that the Syrian opposition itself has declared in its statements its responsibility for carrying out armed operations.

He stressed the need for stopping the bloodshed in Syria and starting dialogue, pointing out that the Syrian state is ready for dialogue whereas the other side should help conduct it.

The Lebanese Foreign Minister said that Lebanon is concerned with what is taking place in Syria, stressing that Syria’s stability and security guarantee those of Lebanon, adding that Lebanon can’t isolate itself from the situation in Syria.

Asked about the request of the Syrian Ambassador in Beirut from the Lebanese government to take measures to stop smuggling of weapons and men, Mansour said what the Ambassador has asked for is not an interference in the Lebanese affair or an objection to Lebanon’s policy and it does not harm Lebanon given the security agreement signed between both countries.

He added that what is happening in Syria is very important as it is related to the national security of the country as well as its unity and stability.

Parties Affairs’ Committee Licenses New party

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Parties’ Affairs Committee on Sunday licensed a new party called “the Democratic Arab Solidarity Party”, with its HQs in al-Rakka, to raise the number of parties licensed to five.

“The Committee gave the license to the new party after verifying its papers submitted by its founders according to the new Parties’ Law,” Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar, Head of the Committee said in statement.

During recent meetings, The Committee approved four new parties to work, they are “the Solidarity”, “Syrian Democratic”, “al-Ansar” and “Democratic Taliaa.”

Lebanese Hezbollah Party Condemns Aleppo Terrorist Blasts

BEIRUT, (SANA)- Lebanese Hezbollah Party condemned the two terrorist blasts hit Aleppo on Friday claiming the lives of 28 martyrs and injuring more than two hundreds civilians and military members.

In a statement, Hezbollah said the blind criminal act transformed from the political capital of Syria into its economic capital, Aleppo to kill the innocent civilians, demolish the buildings and to threaten the safety of the civilians.

“The double terrorist crime targeted Aleppo is a copy of what the foreign sides and their allies are preparing to Aleppo and other Syrian cities,” the statement said.

It asserted that the Syrian people are aware of the volume of the scheme targeting their country and they reject to be dragged into projects which aim at undermining Syria’s security and stability to serve the US-Zionist agenda in Syria and the region.

“Condemning this heinous terrorist crime, Hezbollah expresses heartfelt condolences to the families of the martyrs, wishing quick recovery to the wounded,” The statement said.


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