Just International

Syria News on March 14th, 2012

Al-Jafari: Statements of the UNGA Head Affected by Qatar’s Stances

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative at the United Nations Bashar al-Jaafari on Tuesday sent a message to the UN Secretary-General and Heads of the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council on the hostile stances made by the Head of the Assembly, Qatar’s Ambassador Nasser Bin Abdulaziz Al-Nassr.

In the message, al-Jafari said that the statements of al-Nassr don’t accord with the role of the Assembly’s presidency, which should comply with the UN Charter and be neutral and objective.

The message stipulated that ” According to UNGA Rules of Procedures, the head shouldn’t be affected by the stances of his country as he is elected to be the head of the Assembly with all of its members. He shouldn’t use his position to pass his country’s political stances,”

Al-Jafari added that the statements of al-Nassr go along with the stances of some countries which are enemies to Syria, adding that al-Nassr’s statements ignored the stances of other countries which oppose foreign intervention in the Syrian internal affairs and stress the need to hold dialogue and preserve Syria’s interests.

The message included proofs on such violations, among them are the rejection of al-Nassr to had a legal assessment on holding a public official session in February, 13th and neglecting the information documented by Syria as official documents issued by the UN on the comprehensive reforms and the terrorist attacks committed by armed groups funded and supported by external sides.

The message stipulated that “The UNGA head should be totally independent from his country’s political stances. He should work on encouraging dialogue,”

“In a statement in February 24th, al-Nassr welcomed the so-called “Friends of Syria meeting” without the approval of the member states. This statement undermines the role of the UN as it supports only some member states’ stances paying no attention to the stances of other countries that refused to participate in the meeting,”

Al-Jafari pointed out that al-Nassr ignored the undergoing reforms in Syria and the acts of the armed terrorist groups against the civilians and soldiers in addition to the public and private properties, adding that al-Nassr also ignored the aspirations of the Syrian people in reforms, prosperity, stability and rejection of foreign intervention.

” Al-Nassr stance sends a wrong message to the armed terrorist groups and those who sponsor them to continue their acts against the Syrian state and people.” The message concluded.

President al-Assad Sets May 7 for People’s Assembly Elections

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued decree No. 113 for 2012 stipulating for setting May 7,2012 a date for People’s Assembly elections for the first legislative round for 2012.

The decree set Monday 7/5/2012 as the date for electing People’s Assembly members, with the number of members representing workers, farmers and the rest of societies in each electoral constituency being distributed as follows:

Electoral Constituency

No. of Members

Farmers & Workers

Other Sectors





Damascus Countryside




Aleppo City




Aleppo Areas




























Deir Ezzor

























In a statement to SANA, head of the Elections Higher Committee Khalaf al-Azzawi said that this decree constitutes the first step of implementing the articles of the new constitution, affirming that the elections will be held with utmost integrity, democracy and freedom so that voters can choose their representatives in the highest legislative authority in Syria.

He said that the Committee will discuss the steps to be taken to form subcommittees in governorates and ensure the integrity of the elections, noting that the Ministry of Interior will provide all the needs for holding the elections.

Terrorist groups perpetrate new massacre in Homs, killing 15 innocents, among them woman with four children

HOMS, (SANA)-Armed terrorist groups on Tuesday perpetrated a new massacre against innocents at Karm al-Louz neighborhood, killing 15 citizens, among them a woman with her 4 children after storming houses and looting them completely.

The competent authorities pursue those armed groups at al-Naziheen alley after they sabotaged, killed and mutilated bodies of civilians.

The authorities discovered one of the terrorists’ dens, a place for filming the fabricated reports broadcast by the channels of bloodshed, al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya.

Authorities Thwart Terrorist Infiltration Attempt

The competent authorities have foiled an attempt by an armed terrorist groups to infiltrate the borders into Syrian territories in the site of Jisr Qmar and al-Arida in Talkalakh, Homs Province.

SANA correspondent learned that the clash on Monday resulted in the injury of a number of terrorists who fled with the rest of the terrorist group members toward the Lebanese territories.

Two officers martyred by terrorist machine guns in Aleppo Countryside

A colonel and a Lieutenant Colonel  were martyred today after an armed terrorist group shot fire at their car on al-Mislmya School road in Aleppo.

An official source told SANA reporter that an armed terrorist group targeted with machine guns a military car near the Free Zone on al-Mislmya road in Aleppo countryside, leading to the martyrdom of Colonel Qais Tawfik Suleiman and Lieutenant Colonel  Ali Ibrahim Habib.

Authorities storm al-Dabaa Cave to the east of Khattab village in Hama countryside, killing one of the most dangerous terrorists

The competent authorities today stormed one of the caves known as al-Dabaa Cave to the east of Khattab village in Hama countryside, killing one of the most dangerous terrorists and arresting four others who perpetrated acts of killing, mutilating and kidnapping citizens.

The authorities confiscated a big quantity of weapons, explosives, bombs, Israeli-made defensive and attacking bombs, RPGs, several rifles, communication sets and Arab, Syrian and foreign fake currencies.

In a relevant context, one of the armed groups kidnapped the two men Yousef and Moneif Sleiman al-Hassan with their car while they were driving to bring bread for Arza village in Hama, demanding their family to pay 2 million SYP as a ransom.

“One of the terrorist groups kidnapped my two sons 8 days ago, asking for 2-million SYP ransom… we work in agriculture and we don’t have this amount of money,” Sleiman Mohsen Abo Mahna said.

He added that he collected this amount of money through relatives’ donations to give it to the armed group.

The two sons were later released while the authorities restored stability to Arza village after purifying the village from the armed terrorist groups.

Authorities Find Explosive Device inside Building in Idleb, Discover Two Field Hospitals

Authorities evacuated a two-story building in Idelb City as they found an explosive device planted by the armed terrorist groups to detonate it.

The authorities also discovered two field hospitals in al-Jalaa neighborhood and the other near Sa’ad Mosque.

The two hospitals were equipped with resuscitation and autoclave devices, medical instruments, medicine and beds.

The authorities also seized machineguns, cartridges and goggles.

Army Confronts Members of Armed Terrorist Group, Kill Number of Them

Members of an army outpost west of al-Lajat area in Daraa countryside on Monday night confronted an armed terrorist group which attacked the outpost.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that the ensuing skirmish and pursuit of the terrorist resulted in the death of a number of gunmen and the confiscation of weapons and ammo from the terrorist, in addition to retrieving two rifles stolen by the terrorists during their attack.

Authorities clash with terrorist armed group attacking citizens, looting private and public properties in Hama

The authorities today clashed with a terrorist armed group that was attacking citizens, looting private and public properties at al-Madiq Citadel in Hama countryside.

A source in Hams told SANA reporter that the clashes led to the killing of a number of the group members and seizing their weapons.

Meanwhile, a tank driver for al-Ghab Development Body was martyred by an armed terrorist group that shot him to death in al-Madiq Citadel area.

At al-Salamya area in Hama, the competent authorities foiled an attempt by terrorists to burglarize 110 tons of Urea fertilizers.

Seventeen Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES (SANA) – The bodies of 17 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital and Zahi Azraq Hospital  and Aleppo Military Hospital to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Hama, Daraa, Homs, Idleb and Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs are:

Colonel Sami Ali Deeb, from Tartous.

Chief Warrant Officer Yasin Saleh Mohammad, from Lattakia.

Chief warrant Officer Malek Ali Hassan, from Hama.

Chief Warrant Officer Zuhair Ali Shahin, from Hama.

Sergeant Major Ahmad Oweid al-Milhim, from Der Ezzor.

Sergeant Ramadan al-Abdullah, from Daraa.

Sergeant Mahmoud Ali Jouma, from Aleppo.

Corporal Mohammad Arifo, from Lattakia.

Corporal Mohammad Khaled al-Khatib, from Damascus Countryside.

Private Suleiman Saleh Malla Hamza, from al-Hasaka.

Conscript Basel Zuhair al-Weisi, from Aleppo.

Conscript Abdul-Rahman Marsh Mohammad Shahideh, from Aleppo.

Conscript Ahmad Obeid Khalif, from al-Hasaka.

Conscript Issa al-Omar, from al-Hasaka.

Conscript Mohammad Hafiz Suleiman, from Hama.

Conscript Haidar Badr Kanaan, from Lattakia.

Civilian Abdullah Mohammad Kheir Qadour, from Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs’ families denounced the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups, stressing adherence to the national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria.

They stressed that the terrorism and attempts to sow sedition among the Syrian people will not dissuade them from defending their homeland, hailing the sacrifices of the Syrian army in protecting Syria’s security and stability.

Syria Vehemently Condemns Israeli Aggression on Gaza Strip

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Syria on Tuesday vehemently condemned the continuous Israeli aggression against the Palestinian Arab people in the Gaza Strip since last Friday, which claimed the lives of over 25 unarmed civilians and caused tens of injuries.

A statement by the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry highlighted Syria’s stress on the importance of taking immediate action by the international community to halt these vicious aggressions, inflict punishment on those behind them and work on lifting the unjust siege imposed on this Strip since years.

“While stressing so,” the statement added, “Syria draws the attention of the Arab people to the gravity of the suspicious Arab moves led by some Gulf states at different international forums against Syria as they offer a service to the Israeli entity to cover what is taking place in the Gaza Strip.”

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that “Gaza, sinking in its blood since days, is absolutely certain that Damascus will keep supporting it despite the Arabs’ preoccupation in conspiring against Syria.”

The Ministry underscored in its statement that the steadfastness of Gaza people in the face of the Israeli aggression machine is further consolidated by the steadfastness of the Syrian people in confronting the conspiracy against Syria.

Lavrov: The Syrian Opposition Using Arms Must Be Convinced in Dialogue as Its Only Choice

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, on Tuesday stressed the necessity of getting the Syrian opposition that has been completely rejecting dialogue and includes armed groups using armed violence to be convinced that it has no choice but that of dialogue, and that this issue is in the power of the UN envoy Kofi Annan and his team.

“It is incomprehensible how to speak to the largely non-harmonious and inconsistent opposition groups that are using arms in various Syrian cities, especially when there are those who can speak to the leadership in Syria,” said Lavrov in a statement reported by Russia Today website.

The Russian Foreign Minister expressed hope that Annan will be able to present preliminary assessments on paper about the situation in Syria in the near future.

“We all agreed that on this basis we will be ready to talk about the means to support Annan’s efforts and cast an official character onto the ideas he will propose,” said Lavrov.

He affirmed that the first and top priority task is halting the violence and finding a monitoring mechanism acceptable to all parties that helps declaring a ceasefire in a way that it can not be used by either party for its benefit. The second task has to do with ensuring access of humanitarian aid into Syria, Lavrov added.

He continued that the third task is associated with Annan’s mission and lies in preparing the atmosphere to start the Syrian national dialogue.

Lavrov noted that the UN envoy had commanded one of its staff to urge the opposition to come together on the basis of getting ready for the dialogue, considering that Annan’s mission is accepted by all the parties concerned in the situation in Syria.

Lavrov Expresses Surprise at Qarari Prime Minister’s Calls for Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs

Later, in a press conference, the Russian Foreign Minister expressed surprise at Qatar’s calls for foreign interference in the Syrian affairs.

” We agreed on five principles that have to be fulfilled to settle the crisis in Syria, the most important of which provides for the inadmissibility of any foreign interference in the Syrian affair, said Lavrov.

He added that he was totally shocked when he knew that the Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani called in public to form Arab-international forces to be sent to Syria upon his arrival in New York.

He stressed that this stance completely contradicts what has been agreed upon and jointly announced with the Qatari Prime Minister.

Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism Condemns Massacre Committed against Civilian in Homs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Observatory for victims of Violence and Terrorism condemned the massacre committed against families in Karm al-Zaytoun in Homs by terrorist armed groups.

The Observatory stressed that the crime is clear evidence on the brutality of Istanbul Council gangs and doesn’t leave any doubt as to the kind of democracy and freedom in which those people believe in.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Observatory considered that the massacre came, as usual, before convening the Security Council’s meeting to discuss the situation in Syria with full conniving and planning by the Qatari-Saudi axis which has dedicated their channels to stir sedition in the country.

It pointed out that the crime was perpetrated after hectic the Saudi-Qatari efforts to arm Istanbul Council gangs.

The Observatory underlined the importance of mobilizing efforts of Syrian NGO’s to unmask the crimes of the Istanbul Council at all international circles and humanitarian organizations.

Al-Maliki Rejects Attempts to Bring Weapons into Syria

BAGHDAD, (SANA) – Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday rejected any attempt to bring weapons into Syria.

United Press International quoted al-Maliki as saying during a phone call with US Vice President Joe Biden that tightening measures and putting the Syrian-Iraqi joint borders under control come in light of Iraq’s commitment to find a peaceful solution to the situation in Syria as well as to stop the bloodshed.

He called for intensifying efforts in order to find peaceful resolutions to the crises in the Middle East.

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemn Terrorist Groups’ Execution of 45 People in Karm al-Zaytoun

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Observation and Follow-up Committee of the Syrian Human Rights Network on Tuesday condemned the execution of 45 people in Karm al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Homs province at the hands of armed terrorist groups after having been kidnapped, beaten and tortured.

In a statement which SANA got a copy of, the Committee made clear that the terrorist groups committed these atrocities against those innocent people, including slaughtering them, mutilating their bodies and then covering them with female clothes and sending photos of them to the tendentious satellite channels, to portray the Syrian army as if it was the one responsible for this horrible massacre.

The statement confirmed that a group of terrorist snipers in al-Eyadat region in Wadi al-Zahab Street committed acts of sniping and terrorizing against residents to accuse the army and law enforcement forces of these serious violations that are contrary to the principles of human rights.

The Syrian Human Right Network had earlier revealed that the terrorist groups have been perpetrating mass massacres in order to blame the army for them, considering that the illegitimate support and privileges given to these groups by countries such as the US, France, Britain, Turkey and the reactionary Arab countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia will lead to undermining fighting of terrorism and threatening human rights.

“Human rights principles can’t be observed as long as these groups are being provided with patronage and support from those countries in a flagrant and clear violation of these principles,” said the Network, adding that this support will give the terrorist groups the license to proceed with their crimes and violations and disregard of the moral values and human feelings.

International Figures Reject Interference in Syria’s Affairs

CAPITALS, (SANA)- Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi criticized the US and some Western countries double standard policies against Syria through concentrating on interfering in Syria’s internal affairs and ignoring the Israeli continued aggression against the unarmed Palestinian people.

Meeting Assistant Secretary of Russian Security Council Yevgeny Lukyanov in Tehran on Tuesday, Salehi pointed to Iran and Russia’s joint understanding and stances towards some regional and international issues, including Syria, asserting the possibility of adopting a balanced and constructive stance to help Syria overcome the current situation and continue the development process and the political and economic reforms it has launched.

For his part, Lukyanov slammed the accelerated trends and double policy of the Western countries in dealing with the latest regional developments, expressing his country’s readiness to enhance cooperation with Iran to the regional and international levels.

In the same context, Bolivian President Evo Morales said that his country voted a resolution on Syria last February at the UN General Assembly because it considered the Syrian crisis an internal affair, asserting that the call for military intervention in Syria hides commercial motives.

In a statement following a meeting with his Austrian counterpart, Heinz Fischer, in Vienna, Morales said that the crisis in Syria is fed for other goals, affirming that his country recognizes all the government elected democratically.

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