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Syrian News on 18 Nov 2011

Syrian News on 18 Nov 2011

Lavrov: Foreign Sides Aggravate Situation in Syria to Justify Interference

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, said Thursday that foreign sides are trying to aggravate the situation in Syria to justify interference in its internal affairs.

After talks in Moscow within the framework of the Permanent Council of Russia-EU Partnership conference, Lavrov said some foreign sides are escalating tension in Syria to justify their interference in the internal affairs of Syria.

Lavrov stressed that Russia supported the Arab League initiative’s call for ending violence by all sides and sending Arab observers to Syria as well as starting dialogue.

“If some opposition representatives, with support from some foreign countries, declare that dialogue can begin only after the regime goes, then the Arab League initiative becomes worthless and meaningless,” Lavrov said.

After talks with European Union Foreign Policy Chief, Catherine Ashton, Lavrov pointed out to the steps made by the Syrian Government to solve the internal crisis, including the parties law, local administration law, elections law and constitutional reforms, adding that the Syrian opposition should not ignore these steps.

Kosachev: some countries wrongfully approach Syrian crisis

Chairman of the Committee of International Affairs of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Konstantin Kosachev, said on Thursday that some countries are wrongfully approaching the Syrian crisis as they continue their wrong messages to the Syrian people which call for violence and averting dialogue.

In an interview with Russia Today TV channel, Kosachev added such messages would make the Syrian people believe that they can get their freedom and democracy through violence not dialogue.

By F.Allafi/M.Eyon

Seven Army and Police Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ HOMS, (SANA)- Seven army and police martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting place.

The martyrs were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while performing their national duty in the governorates of Homs, Damascus Countryside and Idleb.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried on shoulders and covered with the national flag while the Military Band was playing the “Martyr” and the “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

•           Chief Warrant Policeman, Imad Mustafa Mehrez, from Homs.

•           Sergeant, Hadi Ali Baladiyeh, from Hama.

•           Corporal, Youssef Abdul-Qader Arbou, from Aleppo.

•           Conscript, Abdullah Arafat Tu’meh, from Qamishli.

•           Conscript, Ibrahim Mekhlif Hamadeh, from Hasaka.

•           Conscript, Ammar Hussein al-Khudr from Raqqa.

•           Policeman, Ahmad Taleb Hamdan, from Homs

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons who sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland, stressing that Syria will remain steadfast in the face of all conspiracies aimed at undermining its unity and stability.

By H. Zain/ H. Said

Arresting 57 Wanted and Confiscating Weapons and Communication Devices in Qualitative Operation in Idleb

IDLEB, (SANA) – The competent authorities in Idleb province on Thursday implemented a qualitative operation in Kafr Roma to the west of Maart al-Noman, as they arrested 57 wanted and confiscated weapons and high-tech communication devices.

An official military source told SANA correspondent that the operation was carried out accurately after attacking a stronghold of a terrorist armed group in Kafr Roma according to army members’ investigations.

Army members attacked the terrorists and arrested 57 of them and confiscated weapons, high-tech communication devices and explosive materials.

In a similar context, the competent authorities clashed with a terrorist armed group in a pickup truck that tried to attack an army check point in Kansafra in al-Zawya Mountain.

An army member was injured in the attack while three gunmen were killed in the clash.

On the other hand, an official source in Maart al-Noman refuted what al-Arabia TV Channel broadcast on Thursday about armed attacks against security and al-Baath Party headquarters in the city and outside it.

The source indicated that this news is “false and it comes in the framework of the fierce misleading media campaign launched by some satellite channels to falsify facts.”

In Homs, the competent authorities arrested 8 of the most dangerous terrorists convicted of murder and confiscated cars they used in al-Sina’a area in Homs.

Armed Terrorist Groups Kill 3 Citizens in Idlib, Sabotage Public and Private Properties

The corpse of Veterinarian Haitham Azzouz, who works at Agricultural Guidance Directorate in Ma’saran town, Idleb Provuince, was found after he was kidnapped by an armed terrorist group. Asource at Idleb Police Command said Thursday that Azzouz corpse was found dead near his town with several gunshot.

In the same context, another armed terrorist grupo killd civilian Mohammad Youssef Jalloul from al-Hubit town, in Idleb, where his corpse was found near the junction of Kfar Zetta town.

Mohammed Azizi, the 62-year old, from Talmens town died after he was shot by an armed group. On the other hand, a terrorist group stormed in Ma’arrat al-Naman water unite, threatened employees, stole their mobile phones and hijacked pickup car, while another terrorist group stole the service car of Ariha electricity center.

The armed groups also burned two electric tools’ warehouse in Ariha city.

Armed Terrorist Group Storms Houses and Terrorizes People in Damascus Countryside

An armed terrorist group claiming to be security members caused chaos in some areas in Damascus, robbed citizens and terrorized them before falling in the hands of the security in Damascus countryside.

Hussein Khalaf Khalaf, from Kamishli who lives in Rukneddin, said that he and his friend Muhammad Mudar Jawdat and other men broke into houses in Jairoud, Damascus countryside, posing as security members claiming to be searching for secret documents against the state.

In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV, Khalaf confessed to storming homes in Jairoud, al-Nabk and Yabroud in Damascus countryside and stealing weapons, money and valuable possessions.

He added that his group stormed a house of a doctor in Jaramana in Damascus and stole SYP 125 thousand.

Ahmad al-Muhammad, a driver who lives in Rukneddin, said that he was engaged in burglary acts, taking advantage of the events in Syria. He admitted that they stole a sum of SYP 400 thousand.

Muhammad Mudar Jawdat confessed that he was the ‘mastermind’ of most of the group’s operations.

By R. Milhem / Ghossoun/M. Ismael

Five delegations visit Hama, inspect reality in the city

HAMA, (SANA)-Delegations from China, Russia, Spain, German and Cuba visited Hama on Thursday to inspect situation in a number of public and private utilities that witnessed acts of sabotage, fires and looting at the hands of armed terrorist groups including The Justice Palace and the Officers’ Club.

Members of the delegations also visited several private hospitals which some misleading channels claimed they were destroyed by the army.

During the tour, the delegations met the Attorney General Ismael Sharefa who asserted that the city still suffers from some spots that witness armed incidents activated by a number of instigating and fabricated channels to spread chaos and target officers and soldiers.

“The authorities do its best to tackle and confront acts of terror and overcome them,” Sharefa told the visitors, adding that during the acts of disorder, the terrorists looted big amounts of money and assets that belong to citizens.

He estimated the looted money and materials at one billion SYP.

Representative of the Chinese delegation said “we are following with big concern the development of situation in Syria… we came here to inspect the reality of events without counterfeit or fabrication.”

Later, Hama Governor Anas al-Na’em met the delegations and provided them with CDs that reveal the real events witnessed in Hama.

By Mazen

Adviser to Iranian Islamic Revolution Leader Critizes AL Decision against Syria

TEHRAN/ MOSCOW, (SANA)- Adviser to Supreme Leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, Ali Akbar Velayati, criticized the Arab League (AL) decision against Syria saying it was not subject to agreement as it was opposed by important countries.

“The AL through its stance stands by the Western countries and the Zionist entity,” said Velayati in a statement to the Iranian News Agency IRNA on Thursday, adding that it is necessery that the AL does not turn into a tool in the hand of the US and Israel.

“The AL opposition to a goverment which stands in the face of Israel will neither change Syria’s approach, nor will it weaken it,” Velayati pointed out, adding that the decision contradicts the demand of the Islamic Nation and the Arab people.

Russian Researcher: AL Decision Is a Huge Mistake

For his part, Russian political researcher at Moscow State University Alexei Pilco, said that suspending Syria’s membership in the Arab League is “a huge mistake” as it is so stupid and harmful to impose sanctions on Syria at the current circumstances while very complicated internal political operations are taking place inside it.

In a statement to SANA correspondent in Moscow, Pilco said “Syria is able to solve its problems by itself, and the attempts to exert foreign pressures on it and to incite the opposition not to engage in dialogue with the authority are invalid,” underlining the necessity of contributing to holding a comprehensive Syrian national dialogue to end the crisis in the country.

“Syria has always been an important player for Russia in the Middle East as it occupies an important position in the Russian strategy in the region,” Pilco said, expressing confidence that Russia’s stance regarding Syria is firm and will not change and that Russia will not yield to any pressures by the US and the Western countries.

He added that the Syrian opposition is not homogeneous as there are extremist opposition parties which were being exploited by foreign powers, highlighting the importance of neutralizing these parties and holding dialogue with the opposition components that are ready to hold such dialogue.

By H. Zain/ H. Said

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