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Syrian News on 24 Nov 2011

Syrian News on 24 Nov 2011

Sit-ins at Raqqa and Aleppo, Gathering in Deir Ezzor in Rejection of Arab League Resolution against Syria and Foreign Interference

RAQQA/ALEPPO/DEIR EZZOR, (SANA) – Thousands from Raqqa governorate on Wednesday participated in a sit-in in front of the Raqqa Governorate building to denounce the Arab League’s resolution against Syria and voice their rejection of all forms of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Participants lit candles and carried Syrian flags and banners denouncing the attack against Syria, expressing regret over the Arab League’s stances which express the west’s desires, interests and plots.

The participants affirmed their support for the comprehensive reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad, calling for standing together in the face of conspiracies and adhering to national unity.

In Aleppo city, thousands participated in a open sit-in at Saadallah al-Jaberi Square to denounce the Arab League resolutions and the mass media warfare waged against Syria.

Leader of the National Initiative of Syrian Kurds Omar Ossi, who participated in the sit-in, affirmed that the gatherings in squares across Syria prove that the entire Syrian people reject the Arab League’s resolutions against Syria and the media onslaught carried out by Arab and international sides.

He stressed that Syria’s Kurds will defend their country and protect it from chaos and division, adding that the Arab League’s resolution is part of the western plot to divide Syria being carried out using regional and Arab pawns.

Participants in the sit-in pointed out to the scale of the conspiracy against Syria and the media war carried out against it using local allies, affirming that the Syrian people made their voices heard and showed their unity and solidarity.

Meanwhile, thousands gathered in al-Sabe’a Bahrat Square in Deir Ezzor city to reiterate their rejection of the Arab League resolutions and foreign interference in Syrian affairs.

Participants raised Syrian flags and banners denouncing the transformation of the Arab League and some Arab countries into pawns of the west which uses them as a spearhead to turn the Syrian crisis into an international issue and summon foreign interference.

The gathering included artistic performances promoting adherence to national unity and expressing Syria’s ability to confront the conspiracies through its people’s unity, its army’s strength and its leadership’s wisdom.

Participants said that the Arab League was never the voice of the Arab conscience and will, and that the League’s resolution were made to match the preplanned project against Syria.

They also questioned the Arab League’s absence from the Palestinian cause and failure to confront the Israeli occupation of Lebanese lands and attacks on the Lebanese people for 22 years.

The participants added that the gathering aims to prove to the world that Syria is cohesive and strong and will not surrender to pressure and conspiracies.

By H. Sabbagh

Terrorist Confessing to Leading Terrorist Group in Homs Countryside, Committing Murder and Abduction

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorist Abdellatif Yehea al-Ukesh, a leader of a terrorist group that operated in al-Hula area in Homs countryside, confessed to committing vandalism, murder, armed theft, and abduction of citizens to extort ransoms from their families.

In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV on Wednesday evening, al-Ukesh said that he formed an armed group under his leadership armed with assault rifles, pump-action shotguns and handguns.

Al-Ukesh, born in 1982 in Teldo in al-Hula area, said that his group operated along with two others in the same area, and that they received food and drink and money from a man called Fayssal al-Daher, and that his group forced people to close their shops at gunpoint when a strike was announced, in addition to preventing cars from entering Homs city, all while one of their members made video recordings to show that there was a general strike in the area.

He said that on the first day of Ramadan, his group attacked the political security detachment along with a group led by Haitham al-Hallak, another group from Kaferlaha led by Taher al-Yousef, and a fourth group from Tel Zahab led by Abdeljabbar al-Umaish.

Al-Ukesh said that the groups besieged the detachment until the early hours of the morning, and that several of the detachment’s personnel were wounded, and in the following morning army vehicles came and evacuated the detachment’s personnel. After that, the terrorists broke into the empty building and stole a bike from it along with its furniture and gas cylinders before torching it.

He said that the groups used assault rifles and pump-action shotguns in the attack, and that he used an assault rifle purchased from Haitham al-Hallak, adding that he joined the latter and his group when they robbed a man in al-Ghour area after receiving a tip, laying in wait then ambushing the man while on his way back to his village.

“When he approached in his car, we drew our weapons and forced him to come out of the car… we hid him and his car near al-Burj area… afterwards, Saiid al-Abbas called his brother to blackmail him and threatened to kill his brother… he demanded one million pounds in exchange for his safety, and we gave him two hours to bring them money,” al-Ukesh confessed, adding that the brother delivered the money to al-Hallak and they released the abducted man.

He went on to confess to assaulting a grocery store owner from Tasnin area in the same manner, ambushing him then abducting him and negotiating with his family from which they took 250,000 pounds which they added to the previous sum and split among themselves, with some of the money being used to purchase rifles and ammo.

Al-Ukesh said that Haitham’s group gunned down a group of unarmed civilians from al-Sheikh Badr village, murdering them in cold blood without provocation.

He also confessed coordinating with another armed group in al-Rastan to cooperate, asking that group for weapons, ammo, communication equipment and funds which they pledged to provide under the condition that they formed a detachment under any name that assumes responsibility for any of their future acts in order to claim that army defectors were responsible for these acts.

Army uniforms were provided by a man called Taher al-Yousef which al-Ukesh and his group wore and began to wander in the streets of Kaferlaha, their faces covered in scarves as to not be identified, brandishing AK-47 rifles and claiming to be defectors.

Al-Ukesh said that they gathered people around them and marched to Kaferlaha’s town square where they recited a statement on behalf of the “Free Syrian Army” and announced that they formed a detachment, noting that there were actually no defectors in the group; only armed civilians.

He said that the statement was recorded using cellphones, and memory cards were given to a man named Munzer Harfoush who possessed a Thuraya satellite phone and a satellite broadcasting system, adding that Harfoush was known in the area as the man responsible for recording and sending footage.

Al-Ukesh said that Harfoush sent the clip to al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya which broadcast them as urgent news and replayed it for several days, presenting him and his group as army defectors.

“All of that was a lie… we’re armed, hooded civilians wearing army uniforms, killing each other and our countrymen… this will lead to chaos and the country’s destruction,” he lamented, urging the people who know him and were involved in criminal activities to stop and turn themselves and their weapons to the authorities.

Al-Ukesh is a student of petrochemical engineering. He is married and has three children.

By H. Sabbagh

Delegation from the Tunisian National Committee for Support of Arab Resistance Pays Solidarity Visit to Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_A delegation from the Tunisian National Committee for Support of Arab Resistance and Struggle against Normalization and Zionism started on Wednesday a 3-day solidarity visit to Syria to inspect the situation on the ground and convey facts to the Tunisian people.

Chairman of the Committee Ahmad al-Kahlawi told SANA ”We came to Syria to send a message that Syria is not alone in this crisis…Syria has always stood by the Arab nation and remained committed to the national and pan-Arab principles and embraced resistance.”

Nuri al-Sal, a journalist for the Tunisian Shuruq daily, stressed that the delegation came to express solidarity with the Syrian people, indicating that media is fabricating false news on the events Syria to sow sedition among the Syrians.

Dr. Muhammad al-Mathnati, secretary-general of the committee, said that the Syrians’ standing by their leadership against the US-Zionist campaign highlights Syria’s importance and determination to support Arab resistance, especially in Palestine.

By M. Ismael

Bulgarian Delegation in Lattakia: Security and Stability in Syria Belie Media Fabrication

LATTAKIA, (SANA)_Members of the Bulgarian delegation, who is on a visit to Syria and is comprised of academic figures, journalists and representatives of social and youth organizations, stressed that security and stability which they saw in Syria give the lies to the claims of Western media about the events, in an attempt to tarnish the image of the country.

During the delegation’s visit to Lattakia on Wednesday, Micho Demitrov, a journalist, said that who watches foreign media believes that there is a war raging in Syria, while the reality on the ground is totally different. He added that life unfolds as usual in Syria and the situation is normal in the governorate.

For his part, Professor Krasinir said that his visit to Syria enabled him to have a firsthand experience of the situation as contrary to news broadcast by media, adding that the delegation visited Tishreen Military Hospital and met injured army members , some of them with deep injuries.

Muhammad Shreitah, Secretary of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party branch in Lattakia, and Governor of Lattakia Abdul-Kader Muhammad al-Sheikh briefed the delegation on the concord among the Syrians and Syria’s tourist, natural and archeological sites.

By M. Ismael

Russia rejects any foreign intervention in the countries’ domestic affairs

MOSCOW, (SANA)-Russia on Wednesday underlined commitment to the basic principles of the international law, respect for the countries’ sovereignty and non-interference in their internal affairs.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement following talks in Moscow between Deputy Foreign Minister Michel Bogdanov and Turkish Assistant Advisor to the Foreign Ministry Hailt Cevit that the two sides discussed the situation in Syria, Libya and Egypt as well as the settlement in the Middle East.

The statement underlined the need for overcoming the crises through the peaceful political solution, based on dialogue.

Meanwhile, Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia at the UN Sergey Karev underlined his country’s rejection of exploiting the human rights’ issue as a pretext for intervening in the countries’ internal affairs.

“Russia has abstained from voting at the UN General Assembly meeting on a draft resolution about the human rights in Syria because it is not permissible to exploit the human rights to interfere in Syria,” Karev said in a statement to ITAR Tass News Agency.

He renewed his country’s rejection of any foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs, adding “Syria doesn’t need preaches, but it needs a constructive help and an immediate halt of violence.”

By Mazen

Ambassador Mustafa: Syria’s dealing with events depends on popular stance in the decision-making

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Syrian Ambassador in Washington Imad Mustafa underlined that Syria’s dealing with the current events depends on the popular stance as a real base in the decision-making, saying that the mass popular marches in rejection of the Arab League resolutions and the foreign intervention have overturned the accounts and disturbed conspirators.

“The popular marches in Syria have imposed themselves on the news’ agendas of the US media institutions which didn’t find an escape from conveying them to keep the minimum credibility, and this formed a new awareness at the American receiver,” Mustafa said at an open dialogue session in Tishreen University.

He added that the plots of targeting Syria military in light of this scene became nearly nonsexist, considering that the reason behind the essence of crisis and pressures on Syria were Syria’s firm stance towards the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Mustafa said that confronting pressures on Syria will be through strengthening the internal situation, referring to the stances of some countries’ circumstances in dealing with Syria that uncovered the attempt of swindling Syria and containing its role under the titles of friendships, economic and trade relations.

The Syrian Ambassador pointed out to the utmost domination of the Zionist Lobby in the decision-making centers in the US where those sides effectively share in formulating policies in favor of the groups that support Israel.

He said that sanctions against Syria are not new and didn’t stop, adding “we are witnessing today feverish attack to conspire against Syria through regimes that move as a tool to act as Washington orders.

On the sanctions’ effects on Syria, Mustafa underlined that President Bashar al-Assad gave directives to build economic relations with the Asian giants to ease those effects.

By Mazen

China’s Ambassador: National Dialogue the Only Solution for Crisis in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ China’s Ambassador to Damascus, H.E. Zhang Xun, reiterated here Wednesday that national dialogue is the only solution as to emerge out from the crisis in Syria, voicing his country’s desire to continue supporting Syria in all international forums.

Ambassador Xun underscored, during a meeting with Syria’s Minister of Economy and Trade Dr. Mohamad Nidal al-Shaa’r, that China supports the restoration of security and stability to Syria.

Minister al- al-Shaa’r and Ambassador Xun’ talks focused at expanding fields of industrial, economic, investment and trade cooperation between Syria and China.

By Al-Ibrahim

Mansour: Lebanon Will Not Take Part in Any Sanctions Imposed by Arab League on Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour on Wednesday said that that Lebanon will not take part in any sanctions imposed by the Arab League on Syria.

In an interview with al-Manar TV, Mansour said that economic sanctions against Syria aren’t in Lebanon’s interest due to the nature of relations between the two countries and the agreements they signed which include security and fraternity agreements, affirming that Lebanon honors these agreements and is committed to them.

In a similar interview with al-Manar TV, Lebanese Minister of Economy and Trade Nicola Nahhas said that Lebanon will never close its borders with Syria, stressing that Lebanon has direct and mutual interests with Syria, and that keeping the borders open benefits Lebanon.

By H. Sabbagh

Two Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb

IDLEB/HOMS, (SANA)– The military engineering units in the northern governorate of Idleb on Wednesday dismantled two explosive devices planted by armed terrorist groups near the railway in Bdama town in Jisr al-Shughour.

One of the explosive devices weighs 20 kg and the other weighs 15 kg. Both of them were set to explode by remote control.

A source at the Police Command in Idleb told SANA that a third explosive device exploded in the same place without injuries.

In Homs governorate, central Syria, an armed group on Wednesday attacked an ambulance which was ferrying a citizen to a hospital in al-Khalidiyeh neighborhood.

By H. Said

Heartily Welcomed in Aleppo, Russian Delegation Stresses Falseness of Some Media Reports on Syria

ALEPPO, (SANA)- On their visit to the northern governorate of Aleppo, members of the Russian delegation said that during their visit to Syria they have been able to confirm the falseness of the news broadcast by some satellite TV channels about the situation in various Syrian cities and areas.

The delegation, which includes parliament candidates, journalists and representatives of a number of civil, popular and student organizations, expressed solidarity with Syria against the foreign challenges facing it which aim at undermining its role and position in the region.

They stressed their rejection of all forms of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, which they said violates the international norms and conventions, highlighting the Syrians’ ability to solve their own problems by themselves.

“We have been to several areas in Damascus and we noticed the level of security and stability. What we saw on the ground is different from what is being reported by TV channels,” said journalist Kivork Merzian, member of the delegation which is continuing its visit to inspect the reality of events taking place in Syria away from media reports.

On her first visit to Syria, journalist Ouliana Malashenko underscored the state of calm, security and commercial activities witnessed in the Syrian cities, stressing that what some media and websites in the world broadcast on the bad situation in Syria is mere lies and fabrication.

She said she will convey the real image of the situation in Syria to the Russian people and the world’s public opinion.

Elena Jermov, a university student, said that throughout the visits to different places in Syria, she has felt the Syrian people’s love to President Bashar al-Assad, which she said makes Syria strong and able to overcome the crisis.

The Russian delegation met rector of Aleppo University Nidal Shahadeh and discussed with him various political and educational issues, with the focus placed on the pressures and challenges aimed at undermining Syria’s unity and its national and pan-Arab stances.

Shahadeh expressed the appreciation of the cadres and students at Aleppo University for the Russian role in the events in Syria which reflects an objective understanding of the situation and the Russian leadership’s stance and awareness of Syria’s pivotal role in supporting the just causes and confronting the western-U.S. plots in the region.

The delegation was received upon arrival in Aleppo on Tuesday evening by massive gathering of citizens. The visiting Russians participated in a rally of 500 cars, which headed towards Saadallah al-Jaberi Square, where they were heartily welcomed by a huge crowd of Aleppo people.

By H. Said

Delegation of the Syrian Community in Saudi Arabia: Syrians Reject AL Neglecting of People’s Will

CAIRO, (SANA) –A delegation of the Syrian community in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday handed a letter to Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi, on the absolute rejection of the Syrian people to the policy of the AL against Syria and its ignoring of their will, which rejects interference, calls for dialogue and abides by the reform process launched by President Bashar al-Assad.

Members of the delegation pointed out in the letter, SANA got a copy of which, that the AL decision against Syria is unjust and unbalanced and it overtly reflects deviation from the track and the objectives of the joint Arab action.

They added that the decision indicates the potential intentions to obliterate the Arab identity and abandon the crucial issues of the Arab nation under false pretexts.

“We call on the AL to play a genuine Arab role that seeks to launch national dialogue based on citizenship, patriotism, people’s unity, for security and stability in Syria, carrying out reforms according to what the Syrian leadership has started to implement.

The delegation called the AL for working on stopping media provocation and fabrication, as some channels have become a partner in bloodshed in Syria.

They underlined their rejection of the role played by the opposition abroad, particularly the so-called national council of Istanbul, as they deviated from the principles and objectives of the vast majority of the Syrians, rejected dialogue, overtly called for foreign intervention and sowed sedition as part of their fulfillment of foreign agendas that aim against Syria’s unity, stability, security and position.

In their letter, members of the delegation of the Syrian community in Saudi Arabia highlighted that Syria is among the main AL founders as it has maintained it and supported the joint Arab action with all strength, being the first to none in defending Arabs’ causes.

By R. Milhem / al-Ibrahim

Nine Army, Police and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ HOMS, (SANA) – Nine army, police and security forces martyrs on Wednesday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting place.

The martyrs were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while performing their national duty in the governorates of Homs, Damascus Countryside and Daraa.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried on shoulders and covered with the national flag while the Military Band was playing the “Martyr” and the “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

•             Chief Warrant Officer Amhad Abdel Aziz al-Helw, from Homs.

•             Warrant Officer Habib Rayyez al-Khallouf, from Hama.

•             Sergeant Major Mohannad Ahmad Abboud, from Lattakia.

•             Sergeant Alaa Fawwaz al-Ahmad, from Hama.

•             Sergeant Ali Ahmad Suleiman, from Hama.

•             Sergeant Issa Ibrahim Dawood, from Tartous.

•             Corporal Abdel Kareem Abdelullah Kanaan, from Idleb.

•             Policeman Abdel Kareem Amin Sattouf, from Hama.

•             Civilian Employee Feras Adnan al-Turk, from Hama.

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons who sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland.

They stressed that Syria will remain steadfast in the face of all conspiracies targeting its unity and stability.

The relatives of the martyrs expressed readiness to sacrifice their lives to preserve Syria’s dignity and sovereignty, calling for prosecuting the armed terrorist groups for their crimes.

By R. Raslan/ R. al-Jazaeri

Democratic Korean Workers Delegation, Brazilian Trade Union Confederation Stress Support to Syria against Conspiracy

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Delegation of workers unions from Democratic Korea, currently visiting Syria, on Wednesday expressed the Korean people’s solidarity with the people and workers of Syria in the face of the conspiracy which aims at destabilizing the country.

The delegation has paid a solidarity visit to the Syrian General Federation of Trade Unions to voice support to Syria in its struggle against the imperialist and Zionist forces and for restoring the occupied Golan.

Chairman of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Democratic Korea, Hong Sang-jung , said the Syrian people will overcome all the difficulties regardless of the pressures, sanctions and attempts at foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs and the media war launched by some Arab and western countries.

Sang-jung highlighted the deep and special relations between Syria and North Korea and their friendly people, hoping for boosting the bilateral cooperation and coordination between both countries’ workers unions at the international forums.

For his part, Shaaban Azzouz, chairman of the Syrian General Federation of Trade Unions, stressed the Syrian people’s solidarity with Democratic Korea and its just causes against the U.S. pressures and interferences in its internal affairs.

In another context, the 6th National Trade Union Confederation of Brazil stressed support to the peoples and workers of Syria in defending their national independent decision and rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian affairs.

The Confederation condemned in a statement, which SANA got a copy of, the sanctions imposed on Syria because of its national stances, its support to the Palestinian people in their resistance against Israel and its rejection of foreign hegemony on the region and its resources.

The Brazilian Confederation said the rallies of millions of the Syrian citizens witnessed in all the Syrian governorates have shown the Syrian people’s rejection of all forms of foreign interference and their commitment to national unity.

By H. Said


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