Just International

Syrian News on 25 Nov 2011

DAMASCUS/ HOMS, (SANA) – With flowers and laurel wreathes, twelve army, police and security forces martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting place.

The martyrs were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in the governorates of Damascus Countryside, Homs and Hama.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried on shoulders and covered with the national flag while the Military Band was playing the “Martyr” and the “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

-Lieutenant Colonel, Salem Yunus al-Salem from Homs.

-First Lieutenant, Khaldoun Jamil Ghalieh from Lattakia.

-Corporal, Fadi Rajeh al-Salameh al-Naqri from Homs.

-Conscript, Abdul-Ghani Awayyed Ahmad from Deir Ezzour.

-Conscript, Fawzi Najemeddin Sheikh Mamo from Aleppo.

-Conscript, Ahmad Dahham Tirkawi from Homs.

-Conscript, Zafer Amir al-Hassan from Idleb.

-Conscript, Mohammad Abdul-Wahhab Khashan from Aleppo.

-Conscript, Jack Asaad Rustum from Hama.

-Policeman, Bilal Mohammad al-Mohammad from Idleb.

-Policeman, Ammar Assef Jabbour from Lattakia.

-Policeman, Yamen Shafiq Kirdeh from Lattakia.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed pride in their son’s martyrdom who sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland, stressing that Syria will remain steadfast in the face of the conspiracy which targets its unity and stability.

By R. al-Jazaeri

Syrian Women  Reject AL Decision against Syria, Pledge to Defend Homeland, Foil Conspiracy

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Thousands of Syrian women on Thursday gathered in Bab Touma Square in Damascus for a mass rally to express support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad, stressing Syria’s independent national decision.

The participants condemned the AL decision against Syria and rejected foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Meanwhile, a woman rally was also held in the President Square in the northeastern governorate of Hasaka to express rejection of the AL decision against Syria.

The participant women voiced their rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, stressing support to the independent national decision and the preservation of their homeland’s sovereignty.

The women condemned the Arab and international positions, which work by all means to internationalize the situation in Syria to target its positions and leading role in defending the Arab rights.

The women, in a statement read by Chairperson of the General Women’s Union of Syria Majida Ktait, denounced the Arab League’s decision, pledging to defend the homeland, foil conspiracy and all the attempts of sabotage and to participate in the making of a national epic that returns to the Arab history its brightness and preserves Syria’s role and position.

The statement emphasized that the Arabism flag will ever remain flaying high.

It underlined that conspirators against Syria use all cheap means to undermine its security and stability, exploiting the instigating media channels.

The women’s statement saluted the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the safety and security of the homeland.

Over the past few weeks, main squares and streets of several Syrian governorates crowded with millions of Syrian citizens to stress national unity, express support to the program process and denounce the AL decision against Syria.

By R. Raslan/ H. Said/ al-Ibrahim

Several Terrorists arrested, Amounts of Ammunition Seized in Daraa Countryside

DARAA, (SANA) – Competent authorities in Daraa on Thursday arrested a number of terrorists and confiscated amounts of weapons in the province’s countryside.

SANA correspondent in Daraa said that the seized weapons included RBG launchers, different sorts of rifles, grenades, explosive devices, pistols , shot stores, diverse ammunition, explosives and military uniforms.

Methods of training, following-up and monitoring, plans of preparing ambushes, detailed maps and plans to attack Daraa Province from different axes, sabotage public and private properties and to attack law enforcement forces’ centers in Daraa and its countryside were discovered. Small engines for generating electricity were also seized.

Armed Group Assassinates School Director in Ma’arrat al-Numan

An armed terrorist group assassinated teacher Samir Karkas, the director of al-Halhoul school in Ma’arrat al-Numan, Idleb Province.

SANA reporter quoted sources as saying that the martyr Karkas was in front of his school when two masked gunmen riding a motorcycle opened fire on him.

Terrorist Agha Confesses to Kidnapping, Killing Citizens, Shooting Demonstrators

The terrorist Adham Samir Hassan Agha confessed to taking part with a terrorist group in attacking law-enforcement members, kidnapping and killing citizens, as well as involvement in thefts and blackmail.

In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV on Thursday, the terrorist said that he took part in the protests at the instigation of Sheikh Abdul Bari al-Kunn, muezzin of Riyad al-Salihin Mosque, for SYP 500 for each protest.

”The group, comprised of Abdul Bari, Mohammad al-Hassan, Abdul-Mon’em Kolko and Khaled Zaarour, opened fire five times on security checkpoints. The first was on a security checkpoint in al-Naziheen neighborhood in which Zaarour used RPG launchers while the rest were holding automatic rifles,” said Hassan Agha.

He said that he took part in 3 abductions, the first and the second were near al-Fakhoura Roundabout while the third was at Bab Dreib Roundabout, abducting two taxi drivers and slaughtering them and torturing a citizen using sharp tools in the third.

The terrorist confessed to smuggling arms from al-Qseir, including 10 RPG launchers,13 automatic rifles and 3 pump action shotguns.

He also confessed to shooting protestors in al-Insha’at neighborhood in Homs, killing scores of them, to accuse the security and the army.

By R. Milhem / Ghossoun/ M. Ismael

In an Unprecedented Move…Arab League to Discuss Sanctions on Syria Unless it Signs Legal Protocol

CAIRO, (SANA)_The Arab League Council on the Foreign Ministers’ Level in Cairo called on the Syrian government on Thursday to sign on Friday the protocol on the legal status and the AL monitors’ mission adopted by the Council in its extraordinary session on November 16th.

In an unprecedented procedure, the Council decided to call on the AL Economic and Social Council to convene on Saturday to consider imposing economic sanctions on Syria in case the Syrian government doesn’t sign the protocol. The sanctions include stopping air flights, trade exchanges and monetary dealings with the Syrian government and freezing its assets, which harms the interests of the Syrian people.

The Council called on the Syrian government and the Syrian opposition to hold a dialogue conference as stipulated by the Arab plan to move to a national unity government in order to run the transitional stage, which the Syrian people considered a flagrant interference in their internal affairs.

The Council also decided to inform the UN Secretary General to take the necessary measures to support the Arab League efforts in case Syria doesn’t sign the protocol, which is a call for foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

The Syrian people express in daily rallies rejection of the AL decisions and harming national sovereignty, considering that the role of the Arab League has become a tool for foreign interference which serves the Western-Us agenda to fragmentize the region.

By M. Ismael

Media Delegation from British Channel 4…Life in Daraa Normal

DARAA, (SANA)_Johnson Miller, Head of the British media team who is on a visit to Syria, said that life in Daraa city is normal, adding that streets and markets are teeming with people and business proceeds as usual at shops.

During a tour in Daraa province on Thursday with a team from the British Channel 4 (ITN) and an editor at a Swedish newspaper, Miller said that situation in Daraa is quite normal, pledging to convey what he saw to the public opinion in his country.

The media team toured the Radio Center and the Justice Palace which were vandalized by armed terrorist groups.

Daraa Governor Muhammad Khaled al-Hannous briefed the media team on the latest developments in Daraa and the vandalism acts against private and public facilities, indicating that Syria is targeted by a conspiracy to undermine its security and stability.

He pointed to the misleading media campaigns against Syria which turn a blind eye to the security and army martyrs.

One of the citizens related to the team how he was attacked for refusing to take part in protests by armed men who hurled an explosive device at his house, smashing its glass and tearing out its gate.

By M. Ismael


BRICS Group of Countries  Reiterate  Call for Non-Interference in Syrian Affairs

MOSCOW, (SANA)_BRICS Group of Countries, comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have reiterated call for preventing any foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

Deputy foreign ministers of BRICS countries stressed in a joint statement in Moscow on Thursday the importance of preventing any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs unless it complies with the UN Charter, emphasizing that the sole form for solving the internal crisis is starting all-inclusive negotiations as to meet the aspirations of the Syrians.

The statement indicated to the international community’s experience in relation to the events in Libya, adding that it should be scrutinized as to illustrate whether these acts have complied with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

BRICS deputy foreign ministers called for settling Iran’s nuclear program through diplomacy , stressing that pressure and threats against Iran are futile.

By M. Ismael

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemns UN Human Rights Committee Decision against Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_The Syrian Human Rights Committee condemned the UN Human Rights Committee decision against Syria, stressing that it violates the international legitimacy, human rights, international and humanitarian law and the UN Charter.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Network described the decision as the most serious as it illustrates collapse of the human rights system, reminding that it has repeatedly warned of issuing false statements on the Syrian events, which serves to politicized the supposedly-objective human rights’ work.

The network alarmed to the serious decisions of the committee against Syria, indicating that these decisions lack a clear vision and credibility, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

The statement said the legal committee at the Network is preparing a memo to be submitted to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the International Criminal Court and the UN against whoever funded, funds or is involved in escalating violence in Syria.

By M. Ismael

Secretary General of CAEU  Refutes preparing  Sanction Memorandum against Syria

CAIRO, (SANA) – Secretary General of the Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU), Ambassador Mohammad al-Rabei, refuted what was published in Asharq al-Awsat Newspaper on Thursday about preparing sanction memorandum on Syria to be handed to the Arab League (AL) Secretary General.

Rabei told SANA that such memorandums is not part of the CAEU Arab Economic Unit’s tasks and Arab League Secretariat did not ask the Council to set such a memorandum, sheet or proposal on Syria.

Rabei pointed out that Syria is an AL founding state and an active member in the CAEU, as it is one of the most keenest Arab countries on the joint Arab action, underlining that dialogue is the only solution to overcome the current crisis in Syria.

He added that he does not prefer applying economic sanctions against Syria, particularly that they will be negatively reflected on the Syrian people.

Rabei warned that targeting the economic sector (whether the agricultural or industrial sides) will lead to stopping the exports and freezing the inter-trade, and thus that will leave negative impacts on the Syrian people in general.

As part of its provocative campaign, Asharq al-Awsat Newspaper on Thursday published an article on which it claimed that it inspected a memorandum of sanctions against Syria set by the Arab Economic Unit’s Council and handed to the AL Secretariat.

By R. Milhem / Ghossoun

Democratic Korean Workers Delegation Voices Support to Syria in Face of Pressures

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Dr. Mahmoud al-Abrash on Thursday reviewed the reality of the conspiracy facing Syria which seeks to divert it from its national and pan-Arab stances in support of the Arab rights and the resistance.

The remarks came during a meeting with a Delegation of workers unions from Democratic Korea.

Dr. al-Abrash indicated to the hugeness of the fierce media and political attack and the economic pressures led by some countries with the aim of destabilizing the security and stability in Syria, hailing the DPRK stances in support of the just causes of the nations and their right to live in peace.

He hailed the great role of the Syrian Arab Army who defends the security and safety of the innocent citizens and who confronts the acts of killing, sabotage and destruction of the public and private properties perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups in some areas.

He pointed out that the working class in Syria, which constitutes the future, stands in the face of the conspiratorial schemes which target this country and its national unity.

Chairman of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Democratic Korea, Hong Sang-Jung expressed the Korean people’s solidarity with Syria in face of the conspiracy and the economic and political pressures.

He stressed that the awareness of the Syrian people and their honorable history of struggle and the wisdom of their resistant leadership are able to overcome the crisis and to get out of it stronger and more immune.

He hailed Syria’s historical role in support of the nation’s issues and the world liberation movements and its stand in the face of the imperialistic and Zionist powers.

He highlighted the deep-rooted relations binding the two countries, underlining the necessity of enhancing them and coordinating the joint steps between the two sides at the international forums.

By R. al-Jazaeri /

Jordanian Government Spokesman Confirms Arms Smuggling Took Place into Syria

AMMAN, (SANA)- Jordanian Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications and Government’s spokesman, Rakan al-Majali, on Thursday said that arms smuggling operations took place from Jordan into Syria, noting that his country is working to stop this.

He added in press statements that the incident which happened in the Jordanian northern city of al-Ramtha is evidence that smuggling of arms into Syria took place, pointing out that this incident was not the only one.

“We, in the Jordanian government, are concerned to be conscious of this issue,” said al-Majali, stressing his country’s rejection of allowing smuggling arms into Syria.

By H. Said/al-Ibrahim

Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Calls Upon Foreign Sides to Help in Activating Dialogue, Stop Incitement to Violence

MOSCOW,(SANA)- Deputy Russian Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov stressed that the foreign sides should help in activating the dialogue and should stop the incitement to violence and their calls for ignoring the initiative of the Syrian leadership in the domain of reform.

In a press statement on Thursday in Moscow, Gatilov reiterated his country’s stance in rejection of any foreign interference in Syria, warning that any interference would lead to destabilizing the security in the region.

The Russian official indicated that his country constantly works with all the sides in Syria and it calls upon them to directly start a joint work based on the initiative of the Arab League (AL).

He added that the draft resolution proposed by Russia and China on Syria is still on the table of the UN Security Council, and it includes a call for a political diplomatic settlement of the situation on the basis of stopping violence by all the sides and of starting a dialogue on the agenda of the reforms adopted by the Syrian leadership.

He expressed confidence that this stance alone can prevent the internal crisis in Syria from aggravating.

By R. al-Jazaeri

Bulgarian Delegation: What Propagated by Mass Media about Reality of Events in Syria is Completely False

LATTAKIA,(SANA)-Members of a Bulgarian delegation including academic and media figures and representatives of social and youth organizations stressed that what is being propagated by mass media about the reality of the events in Syria is completely false, denouncing the misleading media campaign facing the country.

The remarks came during a visit to Tishreen University in Lattakia on Thursday.

Head of the delegation, Prof. Crasi Nekochenov said that the delegation’s visit to Syria aims at inspecting the reality of the situations away from what is being broadcast by the misleading media. He described Syria as the “Jewel of the Middle East”, wondering about the fierce hostility and media falsification against the country.

He asserted that the members of the delegation will convey a true image about what they saw of events and facts on the ground.

Members of the delegation expressed support to Syria and its independent decision and to the efforts it exerts to solve the crisis it is witnessing away from the attempts of foreign interference in its affairs.

For his part Secretary of al-Baath Party at Tishreen University, Dr. Ghaleb Shihada said that the foreign pressures and the criminal acts of the armed terrorist groups are part of a sinister conspiracy aiming at diverting Syria from its national and pan-Arab stances and from its resistant role in confronting the Zionist project.

Rector of Tishreen University, Dr. Mohammad Moalla presented a detailed explanation on the university since its inception, indicating that the education in Syria for free, and that the students of the University have ranked high in the competitions held on the level of the Arab countries.

He talked about the mechanism of students exchange and dispatch between Tishreen University and the Bulgarian universities, pointing out that Tishreen University receives 15 Bulgarian students and dispatch 15 Syrian students to the Bulgarian Academy every year.

By R. al-Jazaeri /

Ambassador Mustafa: Syria’s Dealing with Events Depends on Popular Stance in the Decision-Making

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Syrian Ambassador in Washington Imad Mustafa underlined that Syria’s dealing with the current events depends on the popular stance as a real base in the decision-making, saying that the mass popular marches in rejection of the Arab League resolutions and the foreign intervention have overturned the accounts and disturbed conspirators.

“The popular marches in Syria have imposed themselves on the news’ agendas of the US media institutions which didn’t find an escape from conveying them to keep the minimum credibility, and this formed a new awareness at the American receiver,” Mustafa said at an open dialogue session in Tishreen University.

He added that the plots of targeting Syria military in light of this scene became nearly nonsexist, considering that the reason behind the essence of crisis and pressures on Syria were Syria’s firm stance towards the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Mustafa said that confronting pressures on Syria will be through strengthening the internal situation, referring to the stances of some countries’ circumstances in dealing with Syria that uncovered the attempt of swindling Syria and containing its role under the titles of friendships, economic and trade relations.

The Syrian Ambassador pointed out to the utmost domination of the Zionist Lobby in the decision-making centers in the US where those sides effectively share in formulating policies in favor of the groups that support Israel.

He said that sanctions against Syria are not new and didn’t stop, adding “we are witnessing today feverish attack to conspire against Syria through regimes that move as a tool to act as Washington orders.

On the sanctions’ effects on Syria, Mustafa underlined that President Bashar al-Assad gave directives to build economic relations with the Asian giants to ease those effects.

By Mazen


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