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Syrian News on April 18, 2012

Syrian Army Celebrates 66th Anniversary of Independence Day

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian armed forces on Tuesday celebrated the 66th anniversary of the Independence Day, the evacuation of the French colonization from Syria.

Athlete activities, oratorical festivals held on the occasion. Speeches made by the leaders of the military formations stressed that Syria’s enemies thought that, by arming and funding the armed terrorist groups and practicing misleading media campaigns, they can move forward in implementing the Western colonial scheme.

In their speeches, the leaders also stressed that Syria will not allow what had occurred during the presence of the Arab monitors, when the armed terrorist groups exploited the mission and reorganized and rearmed its terrorists who committed crimes against civilians and public and private properties.

They vowed to be always the loyal soldiers to the values of the Independence through confronting the schemes and plots made by Syria’s enemies.

Eight Army, Law-Enforcement, Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The bodies of eight army, law enforcement and civilian martyrs were escorted on Tuesday from Tishreen and Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals in Damascus and Lattakia to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs, Daraa, Aleppo  and Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs are:

•           Captain Ghandi Ali Omran, from Tartous.

•           Chief Warrant Officer Adnan Mohammad al-Nabulsi, from Damascus.

•           Conscript Nouri Ahmad Assaf, from al-Hasaka.

•           Conscript Rami Moussa Ahmad, from Aleppo.

•           Conscript Dia Mohammad Habbous, from Sweida.

•           Conscript Isam Mustafa al-Zoufi, from Damascus countryside.

•           Citizen Ahmad Abdul-Karim al-Nabhan, from Lattakia.

•           Citizen Samer Shaher Karoudi, from Damascus.

The martyrs’ families stressed confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity, condemning the criminal acts committed by the armed terrorist groups against the army, law-enforcement forces and innocent citizens.

They expressed readiness to sacrifice their lives to defend the homeland and protect its people.

Russian Foreign Ministry.. a Meeting with Syrian National Coordination Committee for the Democratic Change held in Moscow

MOSCOW, (SANA)-The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that on April 17th, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met a delegation of the Syrian National Coordination Committee for the Democratic Change who is on a visit to Moscow.

The two sides expressed support for the efforts of the UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan to reach a peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria and support the cease-fire which was achieved within this framework on April 12th.

Both sides were satisfied over the identical stances which reject any foreign intervention, particularly the military interference in the current events in Syria or instigating the religious problems in the country.

They underlined the necessity for conducting a national comprehensive dialogue and make democratic measures to meet the interests of all Syrians.

The Russian side stressed the importance for supporting the positive trend which was featured by the developments of events in Syria through launching an internal political dialogue process between the authorities and opposition.

Four Law Enforcement members, one civilian Martyred by an armed group’s Attack in Aleppo

Aleppo, (SANA)-Four Law enforcement members and one civilian were martyred Tuesday as an armed terrorist group threw a bomb at a bus transporting the members at al-Shaar circle in Aleppo.

The civilian was a private car driver who was in the place at the time of attack.

SANA reporter in Aleppo learned that 9 other law enforcement members and 7 civilians were injured by the aggression.

Citizen Killed in Daraa, a Judge and a Mayor Kidnapped in Idleb and Daraa

An armed terrorist group on Tuesday stormed into the house of Rami Sirani from the Army in Ghabaghib region in Daraa province and opened fire inside the house killing Sirani’s brother-in-law Ahmad Masoud al-Masoud.

Another terrorist group kidnapped the mayor of al-Mseifra town Hussein Shahada al-Zoubi and took him to an unknown place.

Meanwhile in Idleb province, a group of gunmen abducted judge Farouq Kamel Oubeid in the town of Qournini.

In another context, the authorities seized, with the help of the inhabitants of al-Ameriyeh village in Talkalakh in the countryside of Homs province, an amount of weapons hidden by an armed terrorist group in the village.

SANA reporter was informed that the weapons included 25 landmines and explosive devices, each weighs 10 kg, an RPG launcher and two Belgian sniper rifles.

National Activities in Syrian Provinces Marking Independence Day

PROVINCES, (SANA) – On occasion of the 66th anniversary of Independence Day and the evacuation of French Colonialism from Syria, a memorial monument dedicated to leader of the Greater Syrian Revolution, freedom fighter Sultan Basha al-Atrash, was unveiled in the town of al-Kuraya in Sweida.

Participants in the unveiling ceremony affirmed adherence to national unity and independent national decision, voicing rejection off all forms of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs and stressing support to reforms led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The participants held Syrian flags and banners bearing national slogans saluting independence and  supporting the Syrian Arab Army, affirming that Syrians stand united in the face of conspiracies targeting Syria and its dignity.

Sculptor Maaruf Shkeir, who worked on the monument, said that the monument is a basalt sculpture depicting Sultan Basha al-Atrash, weighing between 2 and 3 tons, and is 3 meters high and 75 centimeters wide.

A speech was delivered by Salim al-Hadi on behalf of the descendants of the freedom fighters of the Greater Syrian Revolution, stressing the need to preserve the legacy of the heroes of independence who, through their faith and adherence to national unity, prevailed in the face of aggression and colonialism.

Participants in the event lauded the heroic battles waged by freedom fighters against French colonialism, affirming that the creed of these freedom fighters managed to foil all the colonial plots aiming to divide Syria and pillage its resources.

They said that they came from across Syria to affirm the unity of the Syrian people and their adherence to security, safety and stability and stress that the plot against Syria which is funded by oil sheikhs was foiled by the resilience of the Syrians.

Popular Delegations Visit Tomb of Leader of Maysaloun Battle Yusuf al-Azmeh

Meanwhile, popular delegations visited the tomb of the hero Yusuf al-Azmeh in Maysaloun, who courageously faced the French at the battle of Maysaloun in July 1920, with the participants stressing that the sacrifices of the martyred hero in defense of Syria’s freedom and independence have taught the generations the concept of resistance against the colonialist.

Citizens Recall Sacrifices of Freedom Fighter Izz Eddin al-Qassam at His Tomb

Recalling the sacrifices of the freedom fighter Izz Eddin al-Qassam, the citizens in the city of Jableh in the coastal province of Lattakia, together with delegations from Syrian and Arab tribes, commemorated the anniversary of the 66th Independence Day by visiting the tomb of martyr al-Qassam, the city’s son who struggled against the French and British forces.

People of Occupied Golan Commemorate Independence Day

In the meantime, the citizens in the villages of Masada and Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan organized national activities marking the Independence Day.

The participants stressed adherence to the homeland Syria and rejection of all forms of occupation and its practices.

The activities included artistic shows at the national museum in Majdal Shams portraying the heroism of the Syrian freedom fighters against the French occupation and the continuous struggle to expel the Zionists from the Golan Heights.

People of Masada lit candles on the village’s main road in commemoration of Syria’s martyrs, civilian and military, who were targeted by the armed terrorist groups in the latest events in the country.

The citizens stressed adherence to the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, hailing the sublime meanings of the Evacuation Day and expressing confidence in achieving the ‘Great Evacuation Day’ by which the Golan will have been fully liberated.

China Supports Annan’s Efforts to Resolve Crisis in Syria, Confirms Respecting its Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity

BEIJING, (SANA)_ Spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry Hong Lie said China supports the international observers’ mission in Syria and will provide the required assistance to them.

“At the present time, we have to support reconciliation in Syria and work to resolve the crisis peacefully,” the Russian news agency Itar-Tass quoted Lie as saying during a press conference held in Beijing on Monday.

He added that discussions regarding that issue should aim to ease tension in Syria, stop the violence and make all parties concerned to involve in dialogue.

The Spokesman went on to say” We are against any intervention may lead to regime change and China has always called for realizing peace and stability in the Middle East and this is what the Syrian people are looking forward.

The Spokesman said “Some positive changes happened regarding the situation in Syrian due to the efforts of all parties of the conflict and the international community, clarifying that the current reconciliation shows that efforts of the UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan led to the beginning of the progress.

“We support Annan’s efforts and hope all parties of the conflict to stop the violence and begin the dialogue and the political process as soon as possible,” Lie said.

He affirmed that China has always stressed the necessity of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria, underlining that the international community should play a constructive role in this regard.

Head of al-Jazeera Office In Tehran Quits Because of Biased Coverage

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Chairman of al-Jazeera channel office in Tehran, Melhem Rayya, announced resignation in protest against the participation of the channel in a U.S.-Israeli scheme against the resistance.

Rayya told Fars News Agency that his resignation came because of the biased coverage made by al-Jazeera over important Islamic and Arab issues.

Answering a question on the indications of the resignations made by several al-Jazeera staff, Rayya said that these resignations indicate that the channel is carrying out political schemes at the interest of the USA and Israel against the interests of the region’s people.

He stressed that al-Jazeera is suffering major decrease in its viewers in the Arab world, as the latest surveys showed that the channel has lost over 13 million viewer in the last year.

Delegation of Syrian Communities in France and Belgium Visits Martyrs Graveyard in Najha

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The delegation representing the Syrian communities in France and Belgium currently visiting Syria on Tuesday took part in signing a document titled ‘I’ am Syrian and the Syrian Arab Army Protects Me’, an event organized by Damascus Voluntary Youth Team in support for the Aramy in defending the homeland’s security.

Writing on a 150 m long fabric document, the delegation members expressed support to The Syrian Army, with the delegation’s head, Omran al-Khateeb, noting that “this event comes in solidarity with our people who are undergoing tragic circumstances because of the conspiracy hatched against the Homeland.”

Basima Younan, one of the delegation’s members, said the aim of signing the document is “to declare rejection of the calls for withdrawing the Syrian Army from the cities and diminishing its key role in guarding the citizens and their properties, while nobody knows what will happen to those in the presence of armed terrorists that have not stopped their attacks against the innocents and the public and private facilities.”

Earlier, the delegation members paid a visit to the Martyrs Graveyard in Najha, where they laid flowers on the martyrs’ monument.

Participants recited the national anthem and chanted slogans lauding the sacrifices of martyrs, lauding the Syrian Arab Army’s heroics and sacrifices in the face of the conspiracies and armed terrorist groups.

Members of the delegation also participated in the funeral procession of Chief Warrant Officer Adnan Mohammad al-Nabelsi who has killed in the line of duty by terrorists in Daraa.

In statements to SANA, members of the delegation said that this visit is part of their national duty towards Syria’s martyrs, and that it also aims at showing solidarity with their brethren in Syria, their support for reform, and their rejection of interference in Syria’s affairs.

In turn, Mohammad al-Nabelsi, father of the martyr Adnan, voiced pride in his son’s martyrdom and thanked the delegation members for participating in the funeral, voicing hope that they will relay the reality of what is happening in Syria and refute the lies of mercenary channels that falsify facts and trade in the blood of Syrians.

The delegation consists of Syrian expatriates living in France and Belgium, in addition to French citizens of Arab origins.

Jordanian Salafi Jihadist Movement officials: We have Smuggled Gunmen to Syria to Fuel Violence

AMMAN, (SANA) – So-called ‘Jordanian Salafi Jihadist Movement’ official, Mohammad al-Shalabi, said on Tuesday that the movement has smuggled gunmen to Syria to ignite the situation and fail the efforts exerted to stop violence.

In an interview with al-Ghad newspaper, al-Shalabi revealed that Jordanian security forces have recently arrested seven  members of the movement near the borders between Jordan and Syria.

He added that the seven members were trying to infiltrate to Syria to launch military attacks in Syria.

Cabinet on Independence Day : Syria Stronger, Development and Reform process On

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Cabinet underlined that the Independence Day, achieved by the sacrifice of the Syrian people, will ever remain a bright day in the country’s history.

On the occasion of the 66th anniversary of Syria’s independence, the Cabinet pointed out in a statement issued on Tuesday that the national patriotic spirit sprang up in the face of the French occupation, which assumed that by arrogance, conspiratorial acts and stirring up sedition would guarantee the duration of occupying Syria, pointing out that the Syrians of all backgrounds rushed to defend their homeland.

It clarified that the occasion this year coincides with the risks and challenges encountering the stability, security and pan-Arab role of the country, underlining the importance of reminding all those who forgot, did not read or did not understand Syria’s history well, that the faith of the Syrians in their country and adherence to the national unity are the strongest weapon to foil the conspiracy.

The Cabinet congratulated the Syrians, underlining its commitment and determination to double up efforts to go on in the reform and development process.

Al-Mahabba Spring Festival Kicks off in Lattakia

LATTAKIA, (SANA) – Al-Mahabba Spring Festival kicked off on Tuesday in Lattakia, organized by Lattakia Governorate, City Council, and Ashtar Foundation in cooperation with several official, civil and popular activities.

The Festival includes several economic, cultural, social, artistic, sports and vocational activities.

The opening ceremony included performances by a chorus from the Handicapped and Their Friends Association, in addition to performances by singers Anas Arnaout and Fadia Hamdan, a ballet performance by the Damascus Ballet School and al-Safa Sports Institute, and a fashion show featuring designs by Nahed Muna.

Other activities include several food, consumers products, electronics and technology exhibitions, in addition to exhibitions of handicrafts and home-made products, a farmer’s market, and more.

The Festival also featured a freefall parachuting display by the Syrian Military Team, with the official parachuting competition set to be held on Wednesday along with other sports activities including football, basketball and swimming competitions.

Other upcoming activities include concerts, an open-air art exhibit, theatrical plays, seminars, and a poetry contest.


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