Just International

Syrian News on April 30th, 2012

  • 24 Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place in Lattakia

LATTAKIA, (SANA)- The bodies of 24 martyrs on Sunday were escorted to their final resting place in the Martyrs’ Cemetery of Besnada in Lattakia Province.

The martyrs were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while performing their national duty in Homs province.

Governor of Lattakia Abdel Qader Mohammad al-Sheikh said that the martyrs sacrificed their souls for the sake of the homeland.

Mufti of Lattakia, Sheikh Ghazal Ghazal, said that the Syrian Army will always be the defender of the homeland regardless of the conspiracies that aim at Syria’s steadfastness and national unity.

For his part, Christian Father Jihad Nassif expressed appreciation for the sacrifices of the martyrs to protect Syria’s security and stability.

  • Fourteen Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Fourteen army and law-enforcement martyrs were escorted on Sunday from Tishreen, Aleppo and Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals in Damascus, Aleppo and Lattakia and Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Lattakia, Homs, Damascus and its Countryside and in Idleb.

The martyrs are: -Lieutenant Colonel Saad Takla, from Lattakia.

-Retired Major Ali Ahmad Alloush, from Hama.

-First Lieutenant Muhannad Abdul-Karim al-Ali, from Tartous.

-Sergeant Major Osama Ja’far al-Shibli, from Daraa.

-Sergeant Ayman Wajieh Nadeh, from Tartous.

-Sergeant Mulham Riyad al-Hariri, from Daraa.

-Sergeant Mohammad Khalid Walid, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript Mahmoud Khalil Ezz-eddin, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript Mohammad Jaber al-Hakim, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript, Wesam Farid al-Halabi, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript Ibrahim Abdullah al-Suleiman, from Raqaa.

-Conscript Hajji Hussein al-Abdullah, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Ahmad Abdullah Hili, from Idleb.

-Conscript Ammar Alaa-eddin, from Damascus.

The families of the martyrs stressed that the blood of the martyrs is the guarantee to restore Syria’s security and stability, calling for dealing firmly with the armed terrorist groups for up-rooting errorism.

They called on the Syrian people to commit to their national unity, asserting that the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups will not persuade the Syrian people from defending and protecting their homeland.

  • Armed Groups Impersonate Security Officers to Commit Robberies, Attack Oil Pipeline, Murder and Abduct Citizens

PROVINCES, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group impersonated security officers to be allowed into the house of citizen Mayada Aref Bourazi from al-Sanamin town in Daraa. After their entry, the terrorist group introduced themselves as members of the so-called “Free Army” and threatened the woman and stole a large amount of jewelry and money.

Terrorist Groups Targets Oil Pipeline in Deir Ezzor with Explosive Device, Detonate Explosives on Ariha-Lattakia Highway

A terrorist group targeted an oil pipeline between the villages of Mahkan and al-Quriya in Deri Ezzor with an explosive device, damaging a valve and causing large amounts of oil to leak.

An official source at the Petroleum Ministry told SANA that the pipeline transports crude oil from al-Omar field to T2 station, and that pumping operations were halpted after the explosion, adding that production remains unaffected since there are alternative lines that can be used until repairs are carried out.

Another terrorist group detonated two explosive devices on the highway between Ariha  and Lattakia.

Terrorists Assassinate Employee at Idleb Post Office, Injure Citizen and Abduct His Son, Abduct Mayor of Deir Haffer

A terrorist group assassinated citizen Mohammad Sattouf al-Kasem, born in 1969, who works in Idleb Post Office.

A source at the governorate told SANA’s correspondent that al-Kasem was shot by the terrorist while on his way to work near his village of Ein Sheb, west of Idleb city.

The source said that on Saturday night, two terrorist broke into the house of nurse Haitham Yazaji who works in Idleb National Hospital, shooting him in the foot and abducting his 18 year-old son Ghazal.

Another terrorist group abducted Rajab al-Khamis, Mayor of Deir Haffer in Aleppo. A source at the governorate said that three terrorists using two cars forced al-Khamis out of his home and took him to an unknown destination.

Authorities Confiscate Weapons, Arrest Terrorists in Hama Countryside

A terrorist group attacked law-enforcement forces in Hama’s eastern countryside, and the authorities confronted them and chased them to their hideouts where they arrested many terrorists and confiscated large amounts of weapons.

A source at the governorate said that 16 assault rifles, 2 PKC machineguns, a Degtyarev machinegun, 3 sniper rifles, 2 RPG launchers with 7 rounds, 3 ENERGA missiles, and large amounts of ammo were confiscated, along with 14 explosive devices and stolen license plates.

Child Martyred, Another wounded by Armed Terrorist Group in Deir Ezzor

An armed terrorist group opened fire on civilians and law-enforcement personnel in al- Qurayyat city in Deir Ezzor, killing a child and wounding another and a law-enforcement member.

A source at the province said that child Ammar Mossa al-Daher was martyred while child Hiba al-Khidr and a law-enforcement member were wounded in the attack.

Armed Terrorist Group Loots Teachers’ Salaries in Daraa Countryside

An armed terrorist group attacked a vehicle that was taking salaries to teachers of al-Mizereeb area in Daraa Countryside.

SANA’s correspondent quoted a source at the province as saying that the group stopped by force the salaries car and stole SYP 9,3 million.

Four Members of Armament Department Died in Explosion of Ammunition Box

An ammunition box exploded while it was transferred into a warehouse owned by the Armament Department in Khan Touman area, 20km south of Aleppo, causing the martyrdom of four members who were transferring it, a military source told SANA reporter.

174 Persons Involved in Recent Events Turn Themselves In to the Authorities in Idleb and Damascus Countryside

174 persons who were involved in recent events but didn’t shed any blood turned themselves in to the authorities in Idleb and Damascus countryside.

129 persons from Idleb, 4 from al-Jarajer village, 6 from Harasta, 18 from Zabadani in Damascus countryside and 17 from other areas surrendered to the competent authorities along with their weapons.

The authorities immediately released them after they had pledged not to bear arms or participate in any acts of sabotage.

Gen. Mood in Damascus: We Will Work to Implement Annan’s Six-point Plan

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Head of the UN Observer Mission in Syria, the Norwegian General Robert Mood, said that the UN expanded mission will be based on what has been done by the UN advance team.

In a press statement upon his arrival in Damascus on Sunday, Gen. Mood added that the mission will work on implementing the UN envoy Kofi Annan’s six-point plan agreed on with Syria.

“We would’ like to have joint efforts to achieve a comfortable life for the Syrian people through implementing the halt of violence,” said Gen. Mood, adding that “We will work with all the sides of the Syrian crisis to realize that.”

He called upon everybody to halt the violence and to help the mission and cooperate with it to reach success and accomplish its tasks.

The Head of the UN observer mission pointed out that there are 30 observers on the ground in Syria till now, adding that the number will be increased in the coming days to reach 300 with the aim of working with all parties to implement Annan’s plan.

He added “the observers came from all nationalities… we are guests in Syria.. 10, 30, 300 or 1000 observers will not solve all problems.. so everyone has to help us achieve this mission.”

On the difficulties of the mission, Mood said “we call on everyone to stop violence, help us continue cease-fire… this doesn’t contradict with the fact that we will do our best.”

As for the benefit from deploying the observers in Syria, Mood underlined that this mission is very important… those monitors can’t solve the problems alone.. everyone who is involved in violence must decide to go to the political process to give the peaceful solution a chance.

Singh: International Observers Continue Tours in Homs, Daraa and Idleb

The International Observers’ team on Sunday visited al-Khaldiyeh neighborhood in Homs.

Spokesman of the UN observer mission in Syria, Niraj Singh, said that the mission’s members in Homs, Daraa and Idleb continue their tours in these cities, adding that the UN team in Damascus is preparing the ground for the expanded mission to come.

In a statement to the journalists, Singh added that the team send their notes about the situation to the UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

Russia Calls on Syria to Firmly Confront the Terrorists

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia and China have adopted ‘unified stance’ towards the crisis in Syria based on the need for consolidating the bases of the international relations in line wiht the principles of the UN charter and international law.

In an interview with the “Russia 24” TV channel aired on Friday, Lavrov added “It is impossible to find a compromise for the crisis in Syria without taking into account the stances of Russia and China in this regard.”

Russian Foreign Ministry Condemns Terrorist Acts in Syria, Calls for Confronting Terrorists

Russian Foreign Ministry condemned in a statement the series of terrorist acts in Syria and held the extremist Syrian opposition responsible for escalating violence in the country to thwart the implementation of the peace plan of UN special envoy, Kofi Annan.

“The attempts of the extremist Syrian opposition to inflame the situation in the country and fuel violence even at the expense of the lives of innocent people raise serious concerns,” said the statement .

It added that “the provocative goal behind these attempts is clear, which is to foil Annan’s plan-based peaceful settlement in Syria that is being implemented and was unanimously approved by the Security Council and supported by the entire international community.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed the necessity of firmly confronting the terrorists operating in Syria, calling on all internal and external sides to stop providing any kind of support to the terrorists as provided by the Security Council’s anti-terrorism resolutions.

“Moscow firmly condemns these brutal acts that have claimed many victims as a result of the bombings which took place in Damascus, Aleppo, Lattakia, Banias and Jableh and in three neighborhoods in Hama,” said the statement.

It expressed Russia’s deepest condolences to the victims’ families and relatives and wishes for speedy recovery to the injured, stressing the necessity of finding the plotters and perpetrators of these crimes and holding them to account.

Russia and Iran renews rejection of any foreign intervention in Syria

Russia and Iran today renewed rejection of any foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs, stressing the need for settling the crisis in Syria through a comprehensive national dialogue.

Russian foreign Ministry announced that the Russian President’s special representative to the Middle East, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, stressed during a meeting with the Iranian Ambassador in Moscow Mahmoud Riza Sajidi the need for supporting the efforts of the UN envoy Annan and the work of international monitors in the country.

  • Syrian Human Rights Network Calls for International Condemnation of Attempts at Escalating Violence in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Syrian Human Rights Network on Sunday called on the international community, the UN Secretary General and the human rights organizations to condemn attempts at escalating the violence in Syria through smuggling gunmen and arms to the armed terrorist groups.

The Network referred in a statement to the recently made attempts at escalating the violence in Syria through smuggling arms and gunmen from Lebanon, Turkey and Libya, citing the inflatable boats coming from Turkey to infiltrate terrorists offshore from Lattakia and Lufallah II ship that came from Libya through Egypt to deliver RPG’s, air and anti-tank missiles and communication devices to the terrorist groups in Syria.

The statement called on the international community, the human rights organizatiosn and the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon to condemn and expose these violations as are considered breaches of the peace plan of the UN envoy Kofi Annan and the UN Charter.

The Network also demanded that all those confirmed to be involved in or support the terrorist acts inside Syria be brought to the International Criminal Court.

  • Extremist Terrorist Group Claims Responsibility for al-Midan Bombing on Website Used by Al-Qaeda

DUBAI, (SANA) – An extremist terrorist group calling itself “Jabhet al-Nasra” claimed responsibility for the terrorist bombing which took place in al-Midan neighborhood in Damascus on Friday.

A statement posted on Shumoukh al-Islam website, a site used by Al-Qaeda, said that a man referred to as Abu Omar al-Shami carried out the bombing.

Jabhet al-Nasra has already claimed responsibility for several suicide bombings in Syria, including two that took place on February 12th in Aleppo and one on January 6th in Damascus.

  • Three Containers Loaded with Weapons in Lutfallah II Ship

BEIRUT, (SANA)- The Lebanese Army’s interrogation of the captain of Lutfallah II ship, which was seized last Friday by the Army and the UNIFIL forces in Lebanon’s territorial waters, showed that it contained three containers including huge amounts of heavy and light weapons.

The Lebanese national news agency reported that the ship’s 10-member crew of were arrested along with its agent, Ahmad Bernard, and were referred to the Lebanese judiciary.

The Lebanese al-Akhbar newspaper on Saturday revealed that the three containers onboard the ship were full of machineguns, RPG’s, air and anti-tank missiles and a huge amount of explosives, that were intended to be delivered to the armed groups of the Syrian opposition according to initial information.

The newspaper said that the ship was intercepted in the Lebanese territorial waters in coordination between the Lebanese maritime forces and the UNIFIL forces and was steered to Salata Port in the north after it was suspected of carrying smuggled weapons.

The Lebanese newspaper quoted reliable sources as saying that a Lebanese figure from Tripoli went last March to Egypt and held several meetings with leaders of one of the armed groups in Libya in the presence of members from the so-called ‘Istanbul Council’, at which they agreed to supply the armed groups in Syria with anti-tank missiles at half of the price available in the market.

Earlier, Télé Liban TV channel said that the ship came from Libya via Alexandria under the cover of transporting engines and oil and is owned by a Syrian named Mohammad Khafaja, who was arrested along with the ship’s commission agent, Ahmad Bernard, after finding the weapons.

  • UN Observers Team Visits Hama Province

HAMA, (SANA) – A team of the UN observers on Sunday visited Hama Province and toured areas which were targeted by the armed terrorist groups.

SANA’s correspondent quoted a source at the Interior Ministry as saying that the team visited al-Arba’een Roundabout, where five law-enforcement personnel were injured after terrorists attacked them with RPG rounds.

The team also visited al-Sahha Roundabout, where Chief Warrant Officer Wajeeh Suleiman was martyred after terrorists attacked a law-enforcement vehicle in the area. They also visited al-Assi Square and al-Baath Neighborhood.

  • Activities of 6th Women Economic Forum on Business Administration Start

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The 6th Women Economic Forum on Business Administration kicked off activities under the title “Risks of Hindering Development at Work” at al-Cham Hotel in Damascus.

The event is organized by al-Jawdah Group for Studies in cooperation with the Women’s General Union and the State Planning and International Cooperation Commission.

The two-day forum discusses the situation of women workers in Syria, the law of job and funding small enterprises.

Chairperson of Women’s General Union, Majida Kteit, indicated to the extraordinary circumstances in which the forum taking place as Syria is facing a conspiracy targeting its steadfastness and national stances, hailing the awareness of the Syrian people and their national unity in facing the conspiracy.

She underlined the positive influence of the reform announced by the political leadership on the citizen and the homeland.

Kteit added that the forum stresses the Syrian woman’s determination in building the homeland and preserving its stability and development.

She pointed out to the important role of such forums in shedding light on the women’s experiences , exchanging opinions and expertise, supporting small women’s enterprises and enhancing the role of women in economy and business management.

Kteit reviewed the development achieved by women through their participation in popular institution, the government, the People’s Assembly, councils of local administration, judiciary and education.

For his part, Mehi-Eddin Hamza, Assistant Chairman of the State Planning and International Cooperation Commission called for empowering women and enhancing their contribution to the development process.

In turn, Director General of al-Jawdah Group for Studies, Majed Sharaf, expressed the Group’s readiness to support the Syrian women in all fields through organizing events that increase the women’s ability to run their own businesses.

  • Chinese Foreign Ministry: Stances of Moscow and Beijing Regarding Syrian Crisis Are Identical

MOSCOW, (SANA) – The Chinese Foreign Ministry affirmed on Saturday that the stances of Moscow and Beijing regarding the crisis in Syria are identical, reiterating China’s rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

Russia Today channel quoted China’s Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping as saying that “the stances of Moscow and Beijing regarding the Syrian crisis are 100% identical,”

In a statement after the meetings of Executive Vice-Premier of the State Council of China Li Keqiang with Russian officials in Moscow,  Guoping affirmed that his country opposes resolving the Syrian crisis through force and is absolutely against foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, warning against repeating the Libyan scenario.

He voiced China’s conviction that Syria’s problems must be resolved by the Syrians themselves, and that the government should take the people’s demands for reforms into consideration, affirming that Beijing is committed to the cessation of violence in Syria and resolving the issue peacefully.


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