Just International

Syrian News on Feb 14, 2012

Syria Rejects Decisions of AL Ministerial Meeting as Flagrant Interference in Syria’s Affairs & Encroachment on its National Sovereignty

DAMASCUS, SANA _ An official source said Monday that Syria rejects what was issued by the Arab League (AL) Ministerial meetings on 12/ 02 / 2012 on the situation in Syria as a “blatant interference in its internal affairs and an encroachment on its national sovereignty,”

“This refusal is for the same reasons for which Syria has already rejected the previous decisions issued by this Council in its absence in a flagrant violation of the AL charter,” the source said, adding that the council decision included falsification and allegations that have no connection with the reality of what is going on the ground in Syria.

“The decision again unveils the conspiratorial scheme executed by some Arab countries through the abortion of the AL role in resolving the crisis with the aim of internationalizing the situation and bringing the foreign interference in Syria’s affairs,” the source said.

It added the evidence on that is the cancelation of the Arab observer mission’s task by the AL because their report didn’t harmonize with this conspiratorial scheme as it uncovered the reality of the situation on the ground and the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups backed by these countries.

The source said “Syrian people expected that the AL Secretary General and the ministers, who shed tears yesterday, to clearly condemn the terrorist operations which hit Damascus, Aleppo and other cities and caused hundreds of deaths and injuries, civilians and military, to stop their media mobilization and instigation and to halt all kinds of support to these terrorists including funding and arming,”

The source underlined that such decision will not dissuade the Syrian government from shouldering its responsibilities in protecting its citizens and achieving the security and stability of its people who proved during the crisis their adherence to the national unity, rallying around the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad and pursuing the implementation of the comprehensive reform program with its main bases which are the national dialogue, the new constitution and political pluralism to build renewable Syria.

Al-Jafari: Syria has Right to Protect its Citizen, Combat Terrorism and Armed Violence

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jafari said “Syria has the right to protect its citizens, combat terrorism and armed violence and put an end for them.”

“The Syrian leadership spared no effort in responding to legitimate reform demands and issued a reform program

based on political plurality,” added al-Jafari, stressing Syria’s commitment to the comprehensive reform process despite all attempts to thwart it through the ferocious campaign against Syria.

Al-Jafari, in his speech at the UN General Assembly today, said that the war launched by some international and regional powers against Syria aims at undermining Syria, and never for carrying out reforms in Syria.

Al-Jafari said that Syria will stand by Qatar, Saudi Arabia or any Arab country in case of an attack against them, in reply to the Qatari diplomat who chairs the UN General Assembly and who illegally called for the session to be convened.

Syria’s Permanent Representative underscored Syria’s delegation objection to the meeting of the UN General Assembly to discuss the report of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights about the situation of human rights in Syria, calling for cancelling the session as it constitutes “a substantial legal violation of the UN General Assembly’s regulative procedures in this regard.”

Syria’s Permanent Representative asked for an independent legal opinion by the UN legal adviser. The Qatari chairman of the session, motivated by some political backgrounds and interests, paid no heed to the Syrian demand.

Al-Jafari, however, expressed surprise at only calling upon Syria for making reform, and respecting human rights and peaceful protest.

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN said that the terrorists and those who support them seek to destroy the structure of Syria in order to spread the so-called creative chaos.

Al-Jafari addressed those involved in shedding the Syrian blood to stop conspiring against Syria and help Syria combat terrorism and carry out reforms.

“How can the UN combat terrorism while some of the UN member states fund and send terrorists to Syria,” said al-Jafari, adding the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council are part of the problem and not of the solution.

Al-Jafari added that Syria sacrificed thousands of innocent victims for the sake of restoring stability and security to its citizens.

He pointed out that the UN Human Rights Council based its report on unilateral misleading and fabricated media information, and not on ” the results on the ground, visits and discussions with the Syrian Government and the Syrian national Committee, created by the Syrian Government to investigate violations of human rights”.

Earlier, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, presented to the meeting what she said was information based on reports – much of which are based on fabricated news reports-, not to mention some of the opposition and armed groups’ members, whose numbers exceed no more than 7000, added the Syrian Permanent Representative.

Dr. al-Jafari underlined the importance for the full respect of UN Charter, international law, and for the principles of the sovereignty, integrity and political independence and non-interference in the domestic affairs of the States, blasting Commissioner Pillay disregard of the unjust economic sanctions imposed on Syria.

The Permanent Representative of Syria to UN explained in his landmark speech some examples of the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups in Syria, with particular focus at those perpetrated by al-Qaeda terrorism, citing some suicide attacks carried by al-Qaeda in Damascus and Aleppo, and some assassinations of Syrian intellectuals, scientists, and doctors by the armed terrorist groups.

“I say to all those involved in shedding the blood of the Syrian People: stop shedding the blood of the Syrian People, stop conspiring against Syria, help this People and the Syrian Government to combat terrorism and to meet the just demands of the Syrians for reforms,” added al-Jafari reminding all present in the hall of the 2006 UN comprehensive Strategy for combating terrorism.

”How can the UN combat the terrorism of al-Qaeda, while some UN members finance, patron al-Qaeda and send fighters from al-Qaeda to carry out terrorist operations in Syria?” wondered al-Jafari, lashing out at the UN General Assembly Chairman non-condemnation of the terrorist operations against the Syrians and at yesterday’s Arab League decision to support the Syrian opposition of which some carry weapons and terrorist attacks against the Syrians.

“Those who took yesterday’s decision in Cairo encourage terrorism in Syria, which is in contradiction with the UN Security Council resolution N. 1624 for the year 2005, prohibiting instigation for terrorism and terrorism financing,” declared Dr. al-Jafari.

Al-Jafari pointed out, for example, that some terrorist groups in the city of Homs, booby-trapped buildings and exploded them when security preservation personnel entered these buildings, not to mentions the tens of arbitrary killings, rape, kidnapping  and mutilations of the Syrians by members of the terrorist armed groups.

The Permanent Representative of Syria to the UN reiterated its adherence to the all-out national dialogue as the right and sole way to go forward in the ongoing reforms, pointing out that the new Constitution of Syria, handed over to H.E. President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday, is to been soon put into referendum.

Lavrov Reiterates Russia’s Refusal of  Foreign Interference in Syria, Regrets Decision of Stopping Observer Mission

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov regretted the Arab League’s decision to suspend the work of the Arab monitors’ mission, adding that sending a peacekeeping mission needs Syria’s approval in the first place.

In a joint press conference with his Emirati counterpart Abdullah Bin Zayed in Moscow, Lavrov stressed his country’s rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

He added that it is a must to seek solutions in Syria away from foreign interference in its internal affairs, in addition to supporting efforts to reach peaceful solutions.

He stressed the need to provide all support to conduct a comprehensive dialogue that satisfies all spectrums of the Syrian society.

Lavrov called for ceasing all forms of violence in Syria including the practices of the armed groups. Regarding the AL decision to send a peacekeeping mission to Syria, Lavrov said that Moscow requires the Arab countries to provide more clarifications in this regard.

Lavrov underlined the importance of reaching a cease-fire between the two sides but unfortunately the armed groups in Syria don’t have a united leadership to influence on it.

“We have supported the AL decision to send a monitoring mission to Syria and helped get the Syrian government’s approval as we believe that the mission was tasked to uncover objective and realistic facts about the situation in Syria,” said Lavrov, expressing regret over the AL decision to suspend the work of this mission.

In response to a question about Russia’s stance towards the call for holding ” Friends of Syria” meeting, Lavrov said that such a meeting will not stop violence or solve the problem if it was intended to bring friends of the Syrian opposition together.

He added that more clarification is required on such meeting. If all the Syrians will participate in this meeting then it is a good idea, adding that if it is limited to the group of the Syrian opposition’s friends, it won’t contribute to the main goal of the AL plan to launch a comprehensive national dialogue in Syria, which Russia supported.

Lavrov reiterates call for solving the crisis in Syria through national dialogue

Lavrov reiterated today the call for solving the crisis in Syria through national dialogue, showing Russia’s readiness to search for a solution at the UN.

A statement for the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that, during a phone call with Nabil al-Arabi, Secretary General of the Arab League, Lavrov underlined Russia’s firm stance that calls for halting bloodshed in Syria as soon as possible and resolving issues through a comprehensive national dialogue without preconditions.

Churken Regrets Arab League decision to end the Arab observer mission in Syria

Vitaly Churken, the Russian Permanent Representative to the UN regretted the decision taken by the Arab League to end the Arab observer mission in Syria.

“Farouk al-Shara, Syrian Vice-President,  has stressed that he enjoys all capacities to conduct and launch dialogue, so the opposition movements should get rid of all pressures exerted upon them  and follow this dialogue without preconditions,” Churkin said in a speech at  the UN General Assembly meeting.


Chinese Foreign Ministry Urges UN Organizations to Help Reduce Tension and Bolster Political Dialogue in Syria

BEIJING/CAIRO, (SANA) – Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin affirmed on Monday that stability in Syria is very crucial to the peace process in the Middle East and the security of the region.

In a press conference, Weimin called for an immediate cessation of all acts of violence, resolving differences through dialogue, and launching a comprehensive political process as soon as possible, voicing hope that the international community will offer constructive help in this regard.

“United Nations agencies and organizations working on the Syrian issue must meet the basic criteria of the intents and principles of the UN charter and international relations in their movements… they must help reduce tension and help bolster political dialogue to resolve differences and preserve peace and stability in the Middle East, not make matters more complicated,” he said.

Weimin said that China supports the political mediation of the Arab League and calls for playing a positive role and exerting efforts to reach a suitable and peaceful resolution to the Syrian crisis.

Chinese Special Envoy on Syria Meets al-Arabi, Affirms Need for International Community to Play Constructive Role to Resolve Syrian Issue Peacefully

Chinese Special Envoy on Syria, Ambassador Li Huaxin, affirmed the need for the international community to play a constructive role to resolve the Syrian issue in a peaceful and political manner and push for holding dialogue.

In statements to the press after meeting Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi, Huaxin said that China supports the League’s efforts to resolve the Syrian issue in a peaceful and political way.

He said that China’s stance is to call all sides in Syria to cease violence immediately, particularly violence against civilians, and initiating dialogue to reach an immediate political solution without delay, stressing the need to overcome differences and meeting the Syrian people’s demands.

Huaxin said that he and al-Arabi discussed the reason why China vetoed the Security Council draft resolution on Syria recently, adding that China’s decision was based on its policies and the UN principles and goals.

Regarding whether China will veto the recent Arab decision which calls for establishing an Arab-international peacekeeping force in Syria, Huaxin said that it’s too early to make a decision in this regard and that China will study it carefully.

He also stressed that China has no hidden personal motives regarding Syria, saying that his country isn’t intentionally opposing someone in particular or defending another, and that its considerations are purely for the interests of the Syrian people, the Arab people, and peace and stability and the region and the world.

Nineteen Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The bodies of 19 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Martyr Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia and the Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting places.

The martyrs were killed in the line of duty b armed terrorists groups Countryside, Homs, Aleppo and Idleb

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

The martyrs are:

­           Lieutenant Colonel Abdelsalam Kalim, from Hama.

­           First Lieutenant Yehea Ahmad al-Hussein, from Homs.

­           First Lieutenant Urwa Adnan Steiti, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Mohammad Ibrahim Ahmad, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Jabr Ali al-Khadouri, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Adel Mohammad Hasan, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Mousa Mashhour Murrei, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Adib Jamil Hammad, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Issa Ibrahim al-Zarouf, from Hama.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Abdelkarim Mahmoud, from Hama.

­           Sergeant Wa’ad Younes Sleiman, from Hama.

­           -Sergeant Bassam Ahmad Abbas, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Thaer Mohammad Hasan, from Homs.

­           Sergeant Saeed Nasreddin Safi Nasr, from Sweida.

­           Corporal Adnan Nasrallah Kaljino, from Lattakia.

­           Conscript Nael Ahmad Surour, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Imad Ismael Dia, from Daraa.

­           Policeman Mohammad Hani Abdelkafi, from Aleppo.

­           Policeman Jean Nu’meh, from Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs’ families voiced pride in their sons’ martyrdom and said that their blood will protect Syria and make it stronger in the face of challenges, stressing that the sacrifices of the army will foil the conspiracies, and that the support given by some Arab countries to terrorists is part of these conspiracies.

The martyrs’ relatives said that Syria’s independence and the rallying of its people around their leadership angers those who seek to fragment the nation, adding that it’s shameful that the Arab League has become a tool for striking at the Arab nation.

They lauded the role of the Syrian army in combating armed terrorist groups and protecting Syria’s freedom and dignity, saying that political and economic pressure will not dissuade Syrians from their principles.

They also lauded the stances of Russia and China and voiced confidence in the Syrians’ ability to overcome the crisis through adherence to national unity.

Al-Attar: What Syria Faces Aimed at Undermining the Whole Region

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Vice President Dr. Najah al-Attar stressed that what is taking place in Syria is a part of a plot drawn up by countries of colonialism to re-dominate the Middle East.

Meeting the Russian delegation of academics and writers on Monday, al-Attar regretted the involvement of subjugated Arab and regional powers in targeting Syria in order to implement a US scheme which aims at undermining Russia and its growing role in the international arena.

Al-Attar hailed the stances taken by Russia’s government and people to support Syria in the current crisis as they expressed support to the reforms and national dialogue and rejected foreign interference in its internal affairs, not to mention the use of veto to abort an Arab-western draft resolution against Syria.

She expressed hope to further enhance and expand bilateral relations between Syria and Russia on all levels.

For their part, members of the Russian delegation reiterated support to Syria in the face of economic pressure and political and media campaigns.

The delegation members stressed that they will convey the real image of what they saw on the ground in Syria to the Russian public opinion through holding dialogues and symposiums to expose all fabrications and fact falsification carried out by some satellite channels on the situation in Syria.

Information Minister: Russian-Chinese Stances Lay Foundations for New and Balanced World Order Based on Jusice

Minister of Information Dr. Adnan Mahmoud said that the Russian and Chinese stances lay the foundation for establishing a new world order based on justice and balance.

During his meeting with a delegation of Russian academics and writers, Minister Mahmoud expressed Syria’s appreciation for Russia’s stances over the latest events in Syria.

Dr. Mahmoud also hailed the objectivity of the Russian media channels in conveying the reality of Syria’s events, stressing the need for expanding the cooperation with the Russian media institutions.

He described the Arab League’s last decision against Syria as aggressive, stressing that the acts of Qatar and KSA unveil their coalition with terrorism and the armed terrorist groups which are committing the most heinous crimes against the Syria people.

For their parts, members of the delegation stressed the importance of such visits, expressing hope in expanding cooperation with the Syrian media channels to shed light on the reality of Syria’s events and their regional and international dimensions.

Armed groups abduct, Kill citizens, burglarize cars in different cities

Governorates, (SANA)-An armed terrorist group Monday burglarized a locomotive loaded with 34 ton of cottonseed oil for al-Ahlea Company for oil, taking it to unknown place.

SANA reporter quoted a source in Hama as saying that 9 armed men carrying rifles and driving two Toyota cars without panels looted the locomotive for its owner Abdul-Razak al-Jaja near al-Thuraya town in Hama countryside, unloading the 34 cottonseed oil, stealing money and a mobile phone.

In Idleb, an armed terrorist group assassinated jeweler Qaisar Saghir.

SANA reporter learned that the armed group shot the jeweler to death near Ibn al-Nafis Hospital in Idleb.

Meanwhile, another armed group abducted citizen Safi al-Sayyed, born in 1979, near Karmen Bridge in Aleppo, seizing his car which loads 35 ton of rice for al-Naerab Co. while he was going to his work.

A third group abducted citizen Ahmad al-Mohammad, born in 1964 who works in Tizine Communication center, holding up his car while he was returning from his work.

In Idleb, Citizen Mahmoud bin Hasani was found dead at al-Dana village in Idleb.

SANA reporter quoted a source in Idleb as saying that an armed terrorist group abducted martyr Hasani yesterday, taking his to unknown place.

Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister: Saudi Call on UN to Issue Resolution Against Syria Serves US Interests

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Monday said that the call of the Saudi Arabia on the UN General Assembly to issue a resolution against Syria contradicts the interests of the region in terms of security and stability.

In a statement to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Abdollahian described the call as ‘hasty’, adding that “Iran believes that such procedures come within the framework of serving the US and western interests in the region and they won’t help solve the region’s problems.”

He added that the reforms launched by President Bashar al-Assad were very welcomed by the Syrian people.

He stressed that the terrorist attacks committed lately in Aleppo are against the Syrian people and government and aim at undermining the resistance powers and hinder the implementation of the reforms.

Lebanese Foreign Minister: Lebanon rejects any foreign intervention in Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA)-Lebanese Foreign and Expatriates Minister Adnan Mansour on Monday reiterated rejection of any foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs, underlining “it destabilizes the situation in the region.”

“The resolutions issued by the Arab Ministerial Council on Sunday were very dangerous, particularly the article which calls for offering all forms of financial and political support to the Syrian opposition,” Mansour said in an interview with SANA correspondent in Beirut.

“That support involves a number of points, among them military, armament and money,” he added.

Mansour made clear that the Arab Ministers demand to deploy Arab-international forces in Syria to keep peace is not understood, underlining that resorting to the outside means international intervention in Syria’s internal affairs.

He rejected infiltration of persons and weapons into Syria, adding that the Lebanese army was deployed along the borders to preserve stability and security.

Al-Bouslama Tribes in Syria and Iraq hold Tent of Amity for Homeland

Al-HASAKA, (SANA)- Clans and Tribes of al-Bouslama in Syria and Iraq on Monday held a tent of peace and amity for the Homeland with participation of social, Islamic and Christian clergymen in al-Hasaka city.

“We held this activity to relay a message to the world countries that Syria was and still is the cradle of peace, science and amity… our love for the homeland is our way to foil the conspiracy and its tools who became confident that they couldn’t target us, so they spread kill and destruction in all places,” Sheikh Fayez al-Namis of Bouslama clan said.


Sheikh Nawaf al-Mihim, of al-Eniza tribe, said that the Syrian people are fully aware of what is being hatched against Syria, adding “the Syrian people reject all foreign intervention attempts under any motto and call on the national opposition to participate in the reform process.”

For his part, Sheikh Fawaz al-Bashir, of al-Bakara clan underlined that the people of Syria, throughout history, have lived under the heaven of homeland, and the history witnesses the national stances of the Arab tribes and their struggle against the occupation.

Mohammad Kheir Oso, official spokesman of the National Initiative for Syrian Kurds, stressed that the Kurds are a basic part of the Syrian society, adding “since the outbreak of events in the country, they adopted the policy of preserving civil peace and national unity.

The participants hailed the patriotic role of the Syrian Army in protecting security and stability of the country while fighting the armed terrorist groups who kill citizens and law enforcement members.

Syria categorically Rejects the Arab League’s Resolutions as hostile act

CAIRO, (SANA)-Syrian Arab Republic categorically rejects the Arab League resolution issued on Sunday, Syria’s Ambassador in Cairo Yousef Ahmed said today, reminding that, since the beginning, Syria was not concerned in any resolution issued within its absence.

“The Arab Ministerial Council’s decision has shamefully reflected the reality of abducing the Arab joint action, the League decisions and falsifying the Arab collective will by governments of Arab Countries led by Qatar and Saudi Arabia… it also showed a state of Hysteria and stumble that these governments are passing through after their failure in the UN Security council to call for foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs,” Ahmad, Syria’s permanent Representative to the Arab League added.

He considered that the dominance of some Arab governments , particularly Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the mechanism of the Arab work and resolutions regarding Syria is a flagrant violation of the Arab League convention and a hostile act that targets Syria’s security and stability.

Ambassador Ahmad said that such Arab governments are those who stand against any balanced, political solution to the crisis in Syria, reject calls for putting an end to terrorism and violence, impose sanctions on the Syrian people and destruct the infrastructure.

He underlined that the press show practiced by some Arab Ministers today during the Council’s meeting reflected the hostile and unbalanced stances of those countries against Syria.

Ambassador Ahmad called on the countries who have commitment to the independency of their national and pan-Arab decision to confront attempts of abducting the Arab decision, making it subject to Arab governments’ agenda and policies who seek, through money, Gas and oil, and in alliance with the US and west to impose hegemony on the Arab joint action and exploiting it in favor of foreign agendas.

Lebanon, Algeria Made Reservation on the Arab Ministerial Council Decisions

Lebanon reserved on all the decisions taken by the Arab Ministerial Council on Syria.

Algeria d also reserved on the 5th and 6th articles of the decisions, which call on the UN Security Council to issue a resolution on forming joint Arab and foreign peace-keeping forces to supervise a cease-fire in Syria.

The articles also call on the Arab group in the UN to submit a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) including the Arab work plan and the rest of the decisions taken by the Arab League in this regard.

Meeting of Arab Ministerial Committee on Syrian Crisis held

The Arab Ministerial Committee concerned with the Syrian crisis was held on Sunday to discuss the latest developments on the Syrian file.

The Committee will discuss the results of the ministerial meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s countries held earlier on the day regarding the stance towards the Syrian crisis.

The Committee is expected to refer its views to the resumed extraordinary session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level, which is to be held immediately after the Committee’s meeting.

Nabil al-Arabi, the Arab League Secretary General presented a proposal to the Arab Ministers to return to the UN Security Council in coordination with different sides concerned to issue an immediate resolution which reflects the AL determination to bring the foreign intervention into Syria.

He claimed that the Arab Observer mission “was shocked” since the beginning that the Syrian commitments were not fully implemented, ignoring the existence of armed terrorist groups that perpetrate crimes against civilians and law enforcement members.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal presented fallacies about what is really happening in the country, expressing support, along with Qatari counterpart to hold the so-called “Syria Friends Conference.”


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