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Syrian News on Feb 21st, 2012

Pushkov: Stability and Security in Syria Fundamental for Mideast and World Stability

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ Aleksey Pushkov, the Chairman of the Russian Duma’s International Affairs Committee, reiterated Monday Russia’s support to the ongoing reforms in Syria and to the necessity of continued working as to reach to a political solution to the crisis based on dialogue among all concerned parties with no foreign interference.

During his talks with President Bashar al-Assad here today, Pushkov reiterated Russia’s rejection to foreign interference in Syria’s domestic affairs, asserting the importance of stability and security in Syria as the fundamental part of stability in the Middle East and the world.

Pushkov added that the stand of Russia stems from its keenness on commitment to the principles of international law and the realization of the interest of the Syrian people, asserting the importance that the UN Security Council should not be biased to any side when it comes to the Syrian subject.

Meanwhile, President al-Assad voiced the appreciation of the Syrian People and of his own to the stances of the friendly Russian People and Russian Leadership on Syria, lauding the Russian keenness to be directly informed about the reality of targeting the Syrian State and Society by armed terrorist groups, which receive financial support and weapons from foreign sides as to destabilize Syria and foil any effort for solution, especially after the accomplished reforms.

Speaker of People’s Assembly Mahmoud al-Abrash discussed with Pushkov the reality of what Syria faces including the media campaign and economic pressure with the aim of undermining its firm stances.

In the same context, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem met Pushkov and the accompanying delegation.

In a statement to the journalists following his meeting with al-Abrash, Pushkov said that “We held comprehensive and productive talks with President al-Assad and the Foreign and Expatriates Minister which helped us crystallize our viewpoint of the events in Syria and so that to better crystallize the Russian stance.”

He added that there are some powerful countries that seek foreign interference based on the principle of humanitarian intervention which transfers into inhuman interference at the end.

Pushkov stressed that the Duma Assembly rejects military intervention, calling for reducing the use of international organizations to achieve the interests of major and powerful countries through interfering in the affairs of other sovereign countries.

He indicated that the Duma Assembly has recently issued a statement that called for political solution to the crisis in Syria and rejected all forms of foreign interference.

Pushkov added that the statement has gained complete agreements from the Duma’s members who represent all spectrums of the Russian society regardless of their political or intellectual affiliations.

Officer, Sergeant Martyred in Clash with Terrorists in Hama, Businessman Assassinated in Aleppo, Officer Kidnapped in Deir Ezzor

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Border Guard Forces on Monday clashed with an armed terrorist group at Ethrya which is affiliated to al-Salamieh area in Hama, causing the death of an officer and a sergeant and the injury of a corporal.

An official source told SANA correspondent, that Lieutenant Colonel Yasser Khedur Abbas and Sergeant Hasan Kharfan Basha were martyred in the clash, while Corporal Abdul-Hakim Hasan was injured.

A number of the armed terrorist group members also were killed and injured during the clash.

Armed group assassinates businessman Mahmoud Ramadan in Aleppo

An armed terrorist group assassinated businessman Mahmoud Ramadan in front of his house at Jamea al-Saiadela neighborhood in New Aleppo.

SANA reporter in Aleppo learned that an armed group, driving a stolen car with a board owned by Idleb governorate, shot fires heavily at Martyr Ramadan while leaving his home.

Ramadan, born in 1969, married with three children, was the owner of Shahbaa Rose Co. for Hotels.

An Armed Terrorist Group Kidnaps Officer at Deir Ezzor Countryside

An armed terrorist group kidnapped First Lieutenant HumamTurky Ramadan at Deir Ezzor Countryside.

SANA correspondent said that an armed terrorist group kidnapped the aforementioned officer while he was heading for his unit at a civil car.

Authorities Clash with Armed Terrorist Group, Kill its Members and Seize their weapons in Homs

In another context, the authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group driving a stolen ambulance on Misyaf Bridge in Homs and killed all of its members.

SANA correspondent reported that 141 machineguns, RPGs launchers, night vision binoculars and 125 machinegun cartridges, empty machinegun cartridges, ammunition, five machine guns of different types and two sniper rifles were found inside the car.

Since the beginning of the events, the armed terrorist groups targeted hospitals, health centers, emergency system and medical and nursing cadres, causing the martyrdom of more than 15 members of the medical cadres and the injury of 27 others.

These armed terrorist groups also set 48 health centers on fire and targeted 16 hospitals including al-Qseir Hospital in Homs, in addition to sabotaging, stealing and burning 138 ambulances while on duty to provide medical and humanitarian help to the citizens.

Authorities in Idleb confront armed group trying to storm Heish police station, kill 5 terrorists

Competent authorities in Idleb confronted an armed terrorist group trying to storm Heish police station between Khan Sheikhoun and Maarat al-Numan areas.

Source told SANA reporter that the authorities killed 5 terrorists, arrested 12 others and seized their weapons including  machine guns and RPGs.

Authorities in Daraa dismantle a 25-KG explosive planted by terrorists

The authorities in Daraa dismantled a 25-KG explosive planted by an armed terrorist group near Bosra Square which witnesses crowd traffic movement and it is located next to a, elementary school.

After defusing the explosive, it was clear that the explosive filled with heavy-blowup material that will be bombed through remote control and use as anti-tanks.

Armed group targets al-Mansour and Abu Bakr al-Sidiq mosques in downtown Daraa

Meanwhile, another armed group targeted al-Mansour and Abu Bakr al-Sidiq mosques in downtown Daraa with RPGs in a flagrant continuation to the terrorists’ criminal mind in order to attribute these acts to the Syrian Army.

The armed group also hit with RPGs a school and medical center, causing grave damages to the school, fortunately there were no persons or students at the time of aggression.

Twelve Army, Law-Enforcement Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS / LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The bodies of 12 army and law enforcement martyrs were escorted on Monday from Tishreen, Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals and the Police Hospital in Damascus and Lattakia to their final resting place.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were killed by the gunfire of armed terrorist groups while on duty in Homs and Daraa, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

­           The martyrs are:

­           Captain Jabir Bade’e Ali, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Mohannad Izzat Saleh, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Suhail Mohammad Jdeid, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Basim al-Mous, from Homs.

­           Corporal Khalaf Mohammad al-Saleh, from Deir Ezzor.

­           Corporal Hassan Jamal Tutenji, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Bilal Joma’a al-Hussein, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Mostafa Mohammad Tahhan, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Mahmoud Abdul-Karim al-Tarh, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Omar Ibrahim Halbouni, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Najeeb Mohammad al-Daqs, from Idleb.

­           Conscript Ayman Ali Bilal, from al-Hasaka.

Relatives of the martyrs stressed their belief in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through adherence to national unity.

They added that the sacrifices made by the martyrs make Syria stronger in the face of challenges, adding that these sacrifices will foil all plots and conspiracies against Syria.

Syria and Iran sign the executive program of the Free trade agreement

TEHRAN, (SANA)-Syria and Iran on Monday signed the executive program of the Free trade agreement that will come into effect during one-month.

“Our estimation of the bilateral meetings with the Iranian side has been always good in the interests of the Syrian and Iranian peoples… agreement has been made to accelerate procedures in order to carry out the treaty,” Assistant Economy Minister Khaled Salouta, who signed on the Syrian side, said.

He added that the Free trade Zone agreement between Syria and Iran was signed during President Bashar al-Assad’s visit to Tehran in September 2010, and was endorsed in May 2011.

Deputy Ceonomy Minister and Head of Trade Promotion Department of Iran, Hamid Safdal who signed for Iran, said “After endorsing the treat by the Iranian Shura Council, we sign today the first steps to carry out this agreement.”

Chairman of the Syrian-Russian Friendship Association: Media War Launched by Foreign Sides to Aggravate Situation in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Chairman of the Syrian-Russian Friendship Association, Alexander Dzasokhov, stressed on Monday that a wide-range media war was launched against Syria a year ago, pointing out that foreign sides are destabilizing the situation in Syria.

In an interview with Russia 24 channel, Dzasokhov  said that the situation in Syria is complicated, but a solution to the crisis is possible,  considering the new constitution of Syria and the referendum on it on Feb 26,  2012 is ‘an important event’.


He added that the new constitution does not mention a one-party regime, and it includes other forms of parliamentary activities and several other articles consistent with the international standards of the democratic state.

Dzasokhov asserted Russia’s calls for solving the Syrian crisis without foreign interference, adding that Russia considers Syria a “pivotal country” in the Middle East, and it is committed to its sovereignty and stability.

He noted that millions of the Syrian people took to the streets to express their support to the Syrian leadership and commitment to the national unity, but Arab and European media are ignoring that and trying to fabricate the reality of the situation in Syria.

Russian Analysts: KSA, Qatar Are Funding, Arming Extremists in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian orientalist Said Gafourov on Monday said that the Syrians are able to solve their own problems without foreign meddling.

In an article published in ‘File Rf’ website, Gafourov added that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are paying huge amounts of money to fund and arm the extremists in Syria.

He stressed that the fierce media war waged against Syria aims at misguiding Arab and public opinion over the events in Syria, stressing that the Syrian authorities are not blocking access to foreign media channels.

For his part, Director of the Social and Political Studies Center at the Russian Science Academy, Vladimir Evseev, said that the main reason of the crisis is the strong support made by KSA and Qatar to the Syrian extremist opposition.

In an article on ‘Caucasus News’ website, Evseev added that there is moderate opposition in Syria that is ready to hold dialogue with the government.

He pointed out that Russia’s support to Syria and to President Bashar al-Assad is totally right because the majority of the Syrians support the Syrian Leadership and President al-Assad.

He refuted the reports talking about 15 thousand Iranian soldiers sent to Syria to help the government, adding that these reports are flagrant provocation aiming at undermining the stability in the country.

Ministry of Health, AKDN Review Enhancing Cooperation in Nursing Sector

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Health Wael al-Halqi and Representatives of Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) on Monday discussed means of boosting bilateral cooperation in the health and nursing sectors, particularly developing human resources.

The two sides reviewed steps taken to activate the nursing capacity building program, in addition to possibility of funding the program in Tartous.

Minister al-Halqi added that the Ministry, in cooperation with different organizations inside and outside Syria, worked hard to train qualified nursing cadres, indicating to the support provided by the AKND to achieve the Ministry’s goals.

For his part, AKDN Resident Representative in Syria Mohammad Saifo said that the AKDN will renew the five-year cooperation agreement signed with the Ministry of Health.

He said that the AKDN will fund al-Salamiyeh Hospital Project after the European Investment Bank stopped financing it and France retreated immediately after.

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